#NEXUS [ File output by Morphobank v3.0 (http://www.morphobank.org); 2013-07-24 10.16.06 ] BEGIN TAXA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=86; TAXLABELS 'Mesosuchus browni' 'Prolacerta broomi' 'Archosaurus rossicus' 'Proterosuchus fergusi' 'Erythrosuchus africanus' 'Vancleavea campi' 'Chanaresuchus bonapartei' 'Tropidosuchus romeri' 'Euparkeria capensis' 'Parasuchus hislopi' 'Smilosuchus gregorii' 'Pseudopalatus pristinus' 'Gracilisuchus stipanicicorum' 'Turfanosuchus dabanensis' 'Yonghesuchus sangbiensis' 'Turfanosuchus shageduensis' 'Halazhaisuchus qiaoensis' 'Combined Halazhaisuchus qiaoensis and Turfanosuchus shageduensis' 'Ornithosuchus longidens' 'Riojasuchus tenuisceps' 'Revueltosaurus callenderi' 'Stagonolepis robertsoni' 'Aetosaurus ferratus' 'Longosuchus meadei' 'Ticinosuchus ferox' 'Qianosuchus mixtus' 'Xilousuchus sapingensis' 'Arizonasaurus babbitti' 'Poposaurus gracilis holotype' 'Poposaurus gracilis yale' 'Lotosaurus adentus' 'Sillosuchus longicervix' 'Effigia okeeffeae' 'Shuvosaurus inexpectatus' 'Prestosuchus chiniquensis' 'UFRGS 0156 t' 'UFRGS 152 t' 'Combined prestosuchus' 'Saurosuchus galilei' 'Batrachotomus kuperferzellensis' 'Fasolasuchus tenax' 'Rauisuchus triradentes' 'Polonosuchus silesiacus' 'Postosuchus kirkpatricki' 'Postosuchus alisonae' 'CM 73372' 'Hesperosuchus agilis' 'Dromicosuchus grallator' 'Dibothrosuchus elaphros' 'Terrestrisuchus gracilis' 'Sphenosuchus acutus' 'Litargosuchus leptorhynchus' 'Kayentasuchus walkeri' 'Orthosuchus stormbergi' 'Alligator mississippiensis' 'Protosuchus haughtoni' 'Protosuchus richardsoni' 'Eudimorphodon ranzii' 'Dimorphodon macronyx' 'Lagerpeton chanarensis' 'Dromomeron gregorii' 'Dromomeron romeri' 'Marasuchus lilloensis' 'Asilisaurus kongwe' 'Eucoelophysis baldwini' 'Sacisaurus agudoensis' 'Lewisuchus admixtus' 'Pseudolagosuchus majori' 'Lewisuchus pseudolagosuchus' 'Eocursor parvus' 'Silesaurus opolensis' 'Pisanosaurus mertii' 'Heterodontosaurus tucki' 'Lesothosaurus diagnosticus' 'Scutellosaurus lawleri' 'Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis' 'Staurikosaurus pricei' 'Eoraptor lunensis' 'Saturnalia tupiniquim' 'Plateosaurus engelhardti' 'Efraasia minor' 'Tawa hallae' 'Coelophysis bauri' 'Dilophosaurus wetherelli' 'Allosaurus fragilis' 'Velociraptor mongoliensis' ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN CHARACTERS; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=413; FORMAT DATATYPE=STANDARD MISSING=? GAP=- SYMBOLS="0123456789"; CHARLABELS [1] 'Premaxilla, anterodorsal process (=nasal process), length:' [2] 'Premaxilla, posterodorsal process (=maxillary process, = subnarial process), length:' [3] 'Premaxilla, posterodorsal process (=maxillary process, = subnarial process) 1:' [4] 'Premaxilla, posterodorsal process (=maxillary process, = subnarial process) 2:' [5] 'Premaxilla, posterodorsal process (=maxillary process, = subnarial process) 3:' [6] 'Premaxillary teeth, number:' [7] 'Premaxilla, teeth:' [8] 'Premaxilla:' [9] 'Premaxilla, narial fossa:' [10] 'Premaxilla, length:' [11] 'Premaxilla-maxilla, subnarial gap between the elements in lateral view:' [12] 'Premaxilla-maxilla, subnarial foramen between the elements:' [13] 'Premaxilla-maxilla, two-tooth diastema between the posterior premaxillary teeth and the anterior maxillary teeth:' [14] 'Maxilla, facial portion anterior to anterior edge of antorbital fenestra:' [15] 'Maxillary teeth, posterior edge of posterior maxillary teeth:' [16] 'Maxilla, posterior process:' [17] 'Maxilla, dentiton in posterior portion:' [18] 'Maxilla, dentition:' [19] 'Maxilla, anterior extent:' [20] 'Maxilla, anterolateral surface:' [21] 'Maxilla, ventral portion (ventral to the lacrimal):' [22] 'Maxilla, interdental plates:' [23] 'Maxilla, buccal emargination separated from the ventral margin of the antorbital fossa:' [24] 'Maxilla, anterodorsal margin:' [25] 'Maxilla, anterodorsal margin at the base of the dorsal process:' [26] 'Lateral surface of the maxilla:' [27] 'Maxilla, posterior portion ventral to the antorbital fenestra:' [28] 'Maxilla, promaxillary foramen:' [29] 'Maxilla, dorsal (=ascending) process:' [30] 'Antorbital fenestra, anterior margin:' [31] 'Maxilla, anterolateral surface, large anteriorly opening foramen:' [32] 'Maxilla, palatal processes:' [33] 'Nasal-prefrontal, contact:' [34] 'Nasals, posterior portion at the midline:' [35] 'Nasal, dorsolateral margin of the anterior portion (just posterodorsal to the external naris):' [36] 'Nasal 1:' [37] 'Nasal 2:' [38] 'Lacrimal:' [39] 'Lacrimal, height:' [40] 'Prefrontal, ventromedial process:' [41] 'Prefrontal:' [42] 'Frontal, dorsal surface:' [43] 'Frontal, anterior portion:' [44] 'Postfrontal:' [45] 'Quadratojugal:' [46] 'Quadratojugal, shape:' [47] 'Quadratojugal, lateral surface:' [48] 'Squamosal, posterior end:' [49] 'Squamosal 1:' [50] 'Squamosal, transverse length of the dorsal exposure:' [51] 'Squamosal 2:' [52] 'Squamosal, anteroventral process:' [53] 'Squamosal, dorsolateral edge:' [54] 'Squamosal, facet for the paroccipital process on the medial side of the posterior process:' [55] 'Squamosal, posterodorsal portion:' [56] 'Squamosal, ventral process:' [57] 'Squamosal, deep pit on the posterodorsal corner of the lateral surface:' [58] 'Parietals, in presumed adults:' [59] 'Parietals, upper temporal fenestrae separated by:' [60] 'Parietals, posteroventral edge:' [61] 'Parietals, occipital margin shape:' [62] 'Parietal, posterolateral (=occipital) process:' [63] 'Parietal foramen:' [64] 'Quadratojugal/postorbital, contact:' [65] 'Postorbital, ventral termination of the ventral process:' [66] 'Postorbital-squamosal, contact:' [67] 'Postorbital bar:' [68] 'Jugal, anterior extent of the slot for the quadratojugal:' [69] 'Jugal, anterior process:' [70] 'Jugal-quadratojugal, contact:' [71] 'Jugal, posterior process:' [72] 'Jugal, posterior termination:' [73] 'Jugal, posterior border of the postorbital process:' [74] 'Jugal, long axis of the body:' [75] 'Jugal, longitudinal ridge on the lateral surface of the body:' [76] 'Quadrate:' [77] 'Quadrate, dorsal head:' [78] 'Quadrate, head:' [79] 'Quadratojugal and quadrate, suture between the elements, foramen:' [80] 'Quadrate, body:' [81] 'Quadrate, distal articular margin:' [82] 'Quadrate, angled:' [83] 'Quadrate, dorsoventrally oriented crest located on the posterior side:' [84] 'Pterygoid-ectopterygoid, articulation:' [85] 'Palatine-pterygoid, fenestra:' [86] 'Ectopterygoid, ventral recess:' [87] 'Ectopterygoid, body:' [88] 'Ectopterygoid 1:' [89] 'Ectopterygoid 2:' [90] 'Palatine, fossa on the dorsal surface:' [91] 'Palatine, posterior margin of the choana:' [92] 'Laterosphenoid:' [93] 'Basipterygoid, processes directed:' [94] 'Prootic, ridge on lateral surface of inferior anterior process ventral to the trigeminal foramen:' [95] 'Parabasisphenoid, foramina for entrance of cerebral branches of internal carotid artery into the braincase positioned on the surface:' [96] 'Parabasisphenoid, plate:' [97] 'Parabasisphenoid, orientation:' [98] 'Parabaisphenoid, semilunar depression on the lateral surface of the basal tubera:' [99] 'Parabaisphenoid, basipterygoid processes:' [100] 'Parabasisphenoid, recess (=median pharyngeal recess of some authors = hemispherical sulcus = hemispherical fontanelle):' [101] 'Parabisisphenoid, anterior tympanic recess on the lateral side of the braincase:' [102] 'Parabasisphenoid:' [103] 'Parabasisphenoid, between basal tubera and basipterygoid processes:' [104] 'Basitubera, ventral margin:' [105] 'Prootic-opisthotic contact:' [106] 'Basioccipital, portion of the basal tubera:' [107] 'Basiocciptial, deep recess on the ventral surface:' [108] 'Opisthotic, paroccipital processes 1:' [109] 'Opisthotic, extent of the lateral margin of the paroccipital:' [110] 'Opisthotic, paroccipital processes 2:' [111] 'Opisthotic, ventral ramus:' [112] 'Opisthotic, distal end of the ventral ramus:' [113] 'Exoccipital, relative positions of the exits of the hypoglossal nerve (XII):' [114] 'Exoccipital, lateral surface:' [115] 'Exocciptials:' [116] 'Pneumatization of bony elements of the middle ear cavity:' [117] 'Vestibule, medial wall:' [118] 'Lagena/cochlea recess:' [119] 'Crista vestibuli:' [120] 'Lagenar/cochlear prominence:' [121] 'Eustachian tubes:' [122] 'External foramen for abducen nerves:' [123] 'Parabasisphenoid, external foramina for passage of abducens nerves:' [124] 'Basipterygoid processes:' [125] 'Exit of cranial nerve VII:' [126] 'Supraoccipital:' [127] 'Supraoccipital, rugose ridge on the anterolateral edges:' [128] 'Pila antotica:' [129] 'Perilymphatic foramen 1:' [130] 'Perilymphatic foramen 2:' [131] 'Foramen for trigeminal nerve and middle cerebral vein:' [132] 'Foramen or groove passing above and into the dorsal end of the metotic foramen:' [133] 'Auricular recess:' [134] 'Skull length 1:' [135] 'Skull length 2:' [136] 'Antorbital fenestra:' [137] 'Antorbital fossa:' [138] 'Lateral mandibular fenestra:' [139] 'External nares, position:' [140] 'External naris, directed:' [141] 'Post-temporal opening, mediolateral width:' [142] 'Orbit, shape:' [143] 'Supratemporal fenestra, position:' [144] 'Supratemporal fossa:' [145] 'Supratemporals:' [146] 'Postparietal(s):' [147] 'Palpebral(s) 1:' [148] 'Palpebral(s), size:' [149] 'Palpebral(s) 2:' [150] 'Separate ossification anterior to the nasals surrounded by the premaxilla:' [151] 'Predentary:' [152] 'Anterior half of the dentary, position of the Meckelian groove:' [153] 'Dentary, anterior extent of the Meckelian groove:' [154] 'Dentary, dorsal margin of the anterior portion compared to the dorsal margin of the posterior portion of the dentary:' [155] 'Dentary, anterior extent:' [156] 'Articular:' [157] 'Articular, ventromedially directed process:' [158] 'Articular, glenoid of the mandible located:' [159] 'Articular, foramen on the medial side:' [160] 'Dentary-splenial mandibular symphysis, length:' [161] 'Coronoid process, dorsally expanded:' [162] 'Mandibular fenestra:' [163] 'Surangular foramen:' [164] 'Dentary, posteroventral portion:' [165] 'Splenial, foramen in the ventral part:' [166] 'Dentary teeth:' [167] 'Dentition:' [168] 'Tooth, serrations:' [169] 'Extensive planar wear facets across multiple maxillary/dentary teeth:' [170] 'Medial or lateral overlap of adjacent crowns in maxillary and dentary teeth:' [171] 'Tooth, crown:' [172] 'Moderately developed lingual expansion of crown (=cingulum) on maxillary/dentary teeth:' [173] 'Maxillary and dentary crowns, shape:' [174] 'Tooth, implantation:' [175] 'Pterygoid, teeth, on palatal process:' [176] 'Pterygoid, teeth, on transverse process:' [177] 'Postaxial intercentra:' [178] 'Atlantal articulation facet in axial intercentrum, shape:' [179] 'Axis, dorsal margin of the neural spine:' [180] 'Axis, ventral surface:' [181] 'Cervical vertebrae, 3-5 centrum length:' [182] 'Cervical vertebrae, deep recesses on the anterior face of the neural arch, lateral to the neural canal (=prechonos of Welles 1984):' [183] 'Third cervical vertebra, centrum length:' [184] 'Anterior to middle cervical vertebrae, diapophysis and parapophysis:' [185] 'Anterior cervical vertebrae, neural spine, posterior portion ventral to the postzygapophysis:' [186] 'Epipophyses 1:' [187] 'Epipophyses 2:' [188] 'Cervical vertebrae, pneumatic features (=pleurocoels) in the anterior portion of the centrum:' [189] 'Cervical vertebrae, rimmed depression on the posterior part of the centrum:' [190] 'Cervical vertebrae, middle portion of the ventral keel:' [191] 'Cervical vertebrae, distal end of neural spines:' [192] 'Middle cervical vertebrae, hypapophyses:' [193] 'Posterior cervical vertebrae, divided parapophyses:' [194] 'Posterior cervical vertebrae, neural spines:' [195] 'Posterior cervical and/or dorsal vertebrae, hyposphene-hypantrum accessory intervertebral articulations:' [196] 'Cervical ribs:' [197] 'Dorsal vertebrae, neural spine distal expansion:' [198] 'Dorsal vertebrae, neural spines:' [199] 'Middle dorsal vertebrae, diapophyses and parapophyses:' [200] 'Sacral centra:' [201] 'Sacral vertebrae, prezygapophyses and postzygapophyses:' [202] 'Primordial sacral one, sacral rib:' [203] 'Second primordial sacral, rib:' [204] 'Sacral vertebrae, centra articular rims:' [205] 'Primordial trunk vertebrae:' [206] 'Primordial caudal vertebrae:' [207] 'Insertion of a sacral vertebra between the first and second primordial sacral vertebrae:' [208] 'Sacral ribs:' [209] 'First primordial sacral, articular surface of sacral rib:' [210] 'Middle caudal vertebrae, accessory laminar process on anterior face of neural spine:' [211] 'Distal caudal vertebrae, prezygapophyses:' [212] 'Forelimb-hindlimb length ratio:' [213] 'Clavicles:' [214] 'Interclavicle 1:' [215] 'Interclavicle 2:' [216] 'Scapula, length:' [217] 'Scapula, entire anterior margin:' [218] 'Scapula, blade height versus distal width:' [219] 'Scapula, tear-drop shaped tuber on the posterior edge, just dorsal of the glenoid fossa of the scapula (possible attachment site of the scapular head of M. triceps):' [220] 'Scapula, acromion process:' [221] 'Scapulocoracoid, anterior margin:' [222] 'Coracoid:' [223] 'Coracoid, post-glenoid process:' [224] 'Coracoid, posteroventral edge, deep groove:' [225] 'Coracoid, posteroventral portion:' [226] 'Coracoid, anterior portion:' [227] 'Glenoid, orientation:' [228] 'Coracoid, deep fossa on the posterodorsal edge:' [229] 'Coracoid, sharp ridge leading from the glenoid to anteroventral corner:' [230] 'Humerus, apex of deltopectoral crest situated at a point corresponding to:' [231] 'Humerus, length:' [232] 'Humerus, proximal head:' [233] 'Humerus, proximal articular surface:' [234] 'Humerus, ectepicondylar flange:' [235] 'Humerus, distal end width:' [236] 'Humerus, proximal portion:' [237] 'Ulna, lateral tuber (=radius tuber) on the proximal portion:' [238] 'Ulna, distal end in posterolateral view:' [239] 'Ulna, distal end:' [240] 'Radius, distal end:' [241] 'Radius, length:' [242] 'Proximal carpals (radiale, ulnare):' [243] 'Ulnare, length:' [244] 'Pteroid bone:' [245] 'Longest metacarpal: Longest metatarsal' [246] 'Metacarpals, proximal ends:' [247] 'Manual length (measured as the average length of digits I"' [248] 'Medialmost distal carpal:' [249] 'Distal carpal V:' [250] 'Extensor pits on the proximodorsal portion of metacarpals I-III:' [251] 'Metacarpal I, width at the middle of the shaft accounts for:' [252] 'Digit I with metacarpal:' [253] 'Manual digit I, first phalanx:' [254] 'Metacarpal I, distal condyles:' [255] 'Manual digit II, second phalanx (=2.2):' [256] 'Metacarpal II:' [257] 'Manual digits I-III:' [258] 'Manual digit IV:' [259] 'Metacarpal IV:' [260] 'Metacarpal IV, length:' [261] 'Metacarpal IV, shaft width:' [262] 'Manual digit IV length:' [263] 'Manual digit V:' [264] 'Ilium, supra-acetabular crest (=supra-acetabular rim):' [265] 'Ilium, crest dorsal to the supra-acetabular crest/rim 1:' [266] 'Ilium, crest dorsal to the supra-acetabular crest/rim 2:' [267] 'Ilium, crest dorsal to the supra-acetabular crest:' [268] 'Ilium, anterior (=preacetabular, =cranial) process on the dorsal margin:' [269] 'Ilium, anterior (=preacetabular, =cranial) process:' [270] 'Ilium, orientation:' [271] 'Ilium, distinct fossa present for the attachment of the m caudifemoralis brevis:' [272] 'Ilium, ridge connecting the posterior portion of the supra-acetabular rim to the posterior portion of the ilium:' [273] 'Ilium, ventral margin of the acetabulum:' [274] 'Ilium, acetabular antitrochanter:' [275] 'Ilium, dorsal margin dorsal to the supra-acetabular rim:' [276] 'Ilium, dorsal portion:' [277] 'Ilium, ischiadic peduncle orientation:' [278] 'Pubis, length 1:' [279] 'Pubis, orientation:' [280] 'Pubis, prepubic process:' [281] 'Pubis, obturator foramen:' [282] 'Pubis, length 2:' [283] 'Pubis, distal end:' [284] 'Pubis, expanded distal margin 1:' [285] 'Pubis, expanded distal margin 2:' [286] 'Proximal portion of the pubis:' [287] 'Ischio-pubis contact:' [288] 'Pubis, pubic apron, proximal portion:' [289] 'Pubis, distal pubis mediolateral width:' [290] 'Pubis, lateral side of the shaft:' [291] 'Ischium, medial contact with antimere:' [292] 'Ischia, distal margin in dorsal view:' [293] 'Ischium, outline of the distal portion:' [294] 'Ischium, distal portion:' [295] 'Ischium, obtrator process:' [296] 'Ischium, ventral margin:' [297] 'Ischium, proximal articular surfaces:' [298] 'Ischium length:' [299] 'Tibia (or fibula)-femur length:' [300] 'Femur, proximal portion, anteromedial tuber:' [301] 'Femur, proximal portion, posteromedial tuber:' [302] 'Femur, proximal portion, anterolateral tuber:' [303] 'Femur, medial articular surface of the head in dorsal view:' [304] 'Femur, ventral to the proximal head:' [305] 'Femur, femoral head orientation (angle with respect to the transverse axis through the femoral condyles Parrish, 1986):' [306] 'Femur, femoral head in medial and lateral views:' [307] 'Femur, dorsolateral margin of the proximal portion:' [308] 'Femur, anterior trochanter (=M. iliofemoralis cranialis insertion):' [309] 'Femur, medial articular facet of the proximal portion:' [310] 'Femur, anterolateral side of the femoral head:' [311] 'Femur, anterior trochanter shelf proximal to the fourth trochanter (insertion site for the M. iliofemoralis externus):' [312] 'Femur, proximal condylar fold:' [313] 'Femur, posterolateral portion (= fossa trochanterica, = posterolateral depression, facies articularis antitrochanterica) of the head:' [314] 'Femur, proximal surface:' [315] 'Femur, ridge of attachment of the m. caudifemoralis:' [316] 'Femur, fourth trochanter shape:' [317] 'Femur, fourth trochanter:' [318] 'Femur, distal condyles:' [319] 'Femur, angle between the lateral condyle and the crista tibiofibularis in distal view:' [320] 'Femur, medial condyle of the distal portion:' [321] 'Femur, distal surface between the lateral and medial condyles:' [322] 'Femur, surface between the lateral condyle and crista tibiofibularis on the distal surface:' [323] 'Femur, bone wall thickness at or near mid-shaft:' [324] 'Femur, distal condyles of the femur divided posteriorly:' [325] 'Femur, anterior surface of the distal portion:' [326] 'Femur, crista tibiofibularis (fibular condyle of Sereno & Arcucci 1994):' [327] 'Femur, anteromedial corner of the distal end:' [328] 'Tibia, proximal portion, cnemial crest:' [329] 'Tibia, proximal surface:' [330] 'Tibia, proximal surface of the lateral condyle:' [331] 'Tibia, lateral (fibular) condyle of the proximal portion:' [332] 'Tibia, lateral margin of the lateral condyle of the proximal portion:' [333] 'Tibia, lateral side of the proximal portion:' [334] 'Tibia, posterolateral flange of the distal portion:' [335] 'Tibia, posterolateral margin of the distal end:' [336] 'Tibia, posterior face of the distal end:' [337] 'Tibia, posterior side of the distal portion:' [338] 'Tibia, lateral side of the distal portion:' [339] 'Fibula, attachment site for the M. iliofibularis, form:' [340] 'Fibula, attachment site for the M. iliofibularis, location:' [341] 'Fibula, proximal end in proximal view:' [342] 'Fibula, anterior edge of the proximal portion:' [343] 'Fibula, proximal portion in lateral view:' [344] 'Fibula, medial face of the distal portion:' [345] 'Fibula, distal end in lateral view:' [346] 'Tarsals, 1 and 2:' [347] 'Distal tarsal 4, transverse width:' [348] 'Distal tarsal 4, size of articular facet for metatarsal V:' [349] 'Distal tarsal 4, posteroventral portion:' [350] 'Distal tarsal 4, posterior prong:' [351] 'Distal tarsal 4, medial side 1:' [352] 'Distal tarsal 4, medial side 2:' [353] 'Distal tarsal 4, proximal surface:' [354] 'Astragalus, ridge separating the tibial facet from the posterior edge (=astragalar ridge):' [355] 'Astragalus, dorsally expanded process on the posterolateral portion of the tibial facet:' [356] 'Astragalus, anterior ascending flange (anterior process):' [357] 'Astragalus, anterior hollow:' [358] 'Articular facet for the astragalus of the calcaneum lies:' [359] 'Astragalus, proximal surface:' [360] 'Astragalus, dorsolateral margin:' [361] 'Astragalus, anteromedial corner shape:' [362] 'Astragalus, proximal articular facet for fibula occupies:' [363] 'Astragalus, posterior groove:' [364] 'Astragalus, tibial articular surface:' [365] 'Astragalus, tibial and fibular articulations:' [366] 'Astragalus, tibial facet:' [367] 'Astragalus, articular surface for the calcaneum:' [368] 'Astragalus-calcaneum, ventral articular surface:' [369] 'Astragalus-calcaneum, ossified astragalo-calaneal canal:' [370] 'Astragalus-calcaneum, articulation:' [371] 'Calcaneum, ventral articular surface for distal tarsal 4 and the distal end of the tuber:' [372] 'Calcaneum, articular facets for the fibula and astragalus:' [373] 'Calcaneum, calcaneal tuber:' [374] 'Calcaneum, calcaneal tuber, distal end 1:' [375] 'Calcaneum, calcaneal tuber, distal end 2:' [376] 'Calcaneum, calcaneal tuber, shaft proportions at the mid-shaft of the tuber:' [377] 'Calcaneum, calcaneal tuber, orientation relative to the transverse plane:' [378] 'Calcaneum, articular surface for the fibula:' [379] 'Calcaneum, shape:' [380] 'Calcaneum, articular surfaces for fibula and distal tarsal IV:' [381] 'Centrale:' [382] 'Metatarsus, configuration:' [383] 'Longest metatarsal:' [384] 'Metatarsals, midshaft diameters:' [385] 'Metatarsal I:' [386] 'Metatarsal I, anteromedial portion of the shaft:' [387] 'Metatarsal I, length, relative to length of metatarsal III:' [388] 'Metatarsal II mid-shaft diameter:' [389] 'Metatarsal III, proximal end:' [390] 'Metatarsal III:' [391] 'Metatarsal IV, distal articulation surface:' [392] 'Metatarsal IV, proximal portion, possesses an elongated lateral expansion that overlaps the anterior surface of metatarsal V' [393] 'Metatarsal IV 1:' [394] 'Metatarsal IV 2:' [395] 'Metatarsal IV length:' [396] 'Pedal digit IV, number of phalanges:' [397] 'Metatarsal V, dorsal prominence separated from the proximal surface by a concave gap:' [398] 'Metatarsal V, ''hooked'' proximal end:' [399] 'Metatarsal V, phalanges:' [400] 'Pedal unguals:' [401] 'Osteoderms, dorsal to the vertebral column:' [402] 'Postaxial osteoderms, arrangement dorsal to the vertebral column:' [403] 'Osteoderms, presacral, dorsal, anterior edge:' [404] 'Osteoderms, presacral, paramedian:' [405] 'Osteoderms, covering the appendages (=appendicular osteoderms), at least in part:' [406] 'Osteoderms, number of paramedian rows:' [407] 'Presacral osteoderms, dimensions:' [408] 'Anterior bar located on the anterior edge of an osteoderm:' [409] 'Ventral carapace in the trunk area:' [410] 'Dorsal osteoderms relation to presacral vertebrae:' [411] 'Dorsal osteoderm alignment dorsal to the dorsals (presacrals 10~24):' [412] 'Gastralia:' [413] 'Triangular dorsal process with clear dorsal apex formed by discrete expansion of posterior end of horizontal process of maxilla' ; STATELABELS 1 'less than the anteroposterior length of the premaxilla' 'greater than the anteroposterior length of the premaxilla' , 2 'less than or about the same as the anteroposterior length of the premaxilla' 'greater than the anteroposterior length of the premaxilla' , 3 'wide, plate-like' 'thin' , 4 'fits between the nasal and the maxilla or lies on the anterodorsal surface of the maxilla' 'overlaps anterodorsal surface of nasal' 'vertical, strongly sutured to maxilla' 'fits into a slot in the nasal' , 5 'extends posteriorly to the external naris' 'State 1' 'restricted to the ventral border of the external naris' , 6 '3' '4' '5' '6+' 'State 4' , 7 'present along entire length of the premaxilla' 'absent in the anterior portion of the premaxilla' , 8 'not downturned' 'downturned' , 9 'absent or shallow' 'expanded in the anteroventral corner of the naris' , 10 'shorter than the maxilla' 'longer than the maxilla' , 11 'absent' 'present' , 12 'absent' 'present and the border of the foramen is present on both the maxilla and the premaxilla' 'present and the border of the foramen is present on the maxilla but not on the premaxilla' 'present and the border of the foramen is present on the premaxilla but not on the maxilla' , 13 'absent' 'present' , 14 'shorter than posterior portion' 'equal in length or longer than portion posterior to anterior edge of fenestra' , 15 'concave or straight' 'convex' , 16 'articulates ventral to the jugal' 'articulates into a slot on the lateral side of the jugal' , 17 'present' 'absent' , 18 'present' 'absent' , 19 'posterior to the anterior extent of the nasals' 'anterior to the nasals' , 20 'smooth' 'slot for the premaxillary process' , 21 'dorsoventrally length greater than mediolateral height' 'mediolateral height greater than dorsoventrally length' , 22 'separate' 'fused' , 23 'absent' 'present' , 24 'separated from the external naris by the premaxilla' 'borders the external naris' , 25 'convex or straight' 'concave' , 26 'smooth' 'sharp longitudinal ridge present' 'bulbous longitudinal ridge present' , 27 'tapers posteriorly' 'has a similar dorsoventral depth as the anterior portion ventral to the antorbital fenestra' 'expands dorsoventrally at the posterior margin of the maxilla' , 28 'absent' 'present' , 29 'tapers posterodorsally' 'remains the same width' , 30 'gently rounded' 'nearly pointed' , 31 'absent' 'present' , 32 'do not meet at the midline' 'meet at the midline' 'meet at the midline and expand anteriorly and posteriorly' , 33 'present' 'absent' , 34 'convex or flat' 'concave' , 35 'smoothly rounded' 'distinct anteroposteriorly ridge on the lateral edge' , 36 'does not possess a posterolateral process that envelops part of the anterior ramus of the lacrimal' 'possesses a posterolateral process that envelops part of the anterior ramus of the lacrimal' , 37 'does not form part of the dorsal border of the antorbital fossa' 'forms part of the dorsal border of the antorbital fossa' , 38 'does not fold over (=overhang) the posterior/posterodorsal part of the antorbital fenestra' 'folds over (=overhangs) the posterior/posterodorsal part of the antorbital fenestra' , 39 'significantly less than the height of the orbit, and usually fails to reach the ventral margin of the orbit' 'as high as the orbit, and contacts the jugal at the level of the ventral margin of the orbit' , 40 'absent' 'present' , 41 'does not contact the palate' 'contacts the palate' , 42 'flat' 'with longitudinal ridge along midline' , 43 'about as wide as the orbital margin or has a transversely aligned suture with the nasal' 'tapers anteriorly along the midline' , 44 'present' 'absent' , 45 'forms less than 80% of the posterior border of the lower temporal fenestra' 'more than 80% of the posterior border of the lower temporal fenestra' , 46 'L-shaped' 'subtriangular' , 47 'without a ridge marking the posteroventral corner of the lower temporal fossa' 'with a ridge marking the posteroventral corner of the lower temporal fossa' , 48 'does not extend posterior to the head of the quadrate' 'extends posterior to the head of the quadrate' , 49 'without distinct ridge on dorsal surface along edge of supratemporal fossa' 'with distinct ridge on dorsal surface along edge of supratemporal fossa' , 50 'less than the mediolateral width of the upper temporal fenestra' 'equal to or greater than the mediolateral width of the upper temporal fenestra' , 51 'without ridge on lateral side of the ventral process' 'with ridge on lateral side of the ventral process' , 52 'absent' 'present and perforates the lower temporal fenestra' 'present and contacts the postorbital bisecting the lower temporal fenestra' , 53 'without longitudinal groove' 'with longitudinal groove' , 54 'mediolaterally thin' 'rounded and thick' , 55 'without upper temporal fossa' 'with upper temporal fossa' , 56 'wider than one quarter of its length' 'narrower than one quarter of its length' , 57 'absent' 'present' , 58 'separate' 'interparietal suture partially or completely absent' , 59 'broad, flat area' 'supratemporal fossa separated by a mediolaterally thin strip of flat bone' 'has supratemporal fossa separated by a "sagittal crest" (which may be divided by interparietal suture)' , 60 'extending more than half the width of the occiput' 'less than half the width of the occiput' , 61 'V-shaped in dorsal view' 'straight in dorsal view' , 62 'nearly vertical' 'anteriorly inclined greater than 45o' , 63 'present' 'absent' , 64 'absent' 'present' , 65 'tapered' 'blunt' , 66 'restricted to the dorsal margin of the elements' 'continues ventrally for much or most of the ventral length of the squamosal' , 67 'composed both of the jugal and postorbital in nearly equal proportions' 'composed by mostly the postorbital' , 68 'well posterior of the posterior edge of the dorsal process of the jugal' 'anterior to the posterior edge of the dorsal process of the jugal' , 69 'participates in posterior edge of antorbital fenestra' 'excluded from the antorbital fenestra by the lacrimal or maxilla' , 70 'absent' 'present' , 71 'lies dorsal to the anterior process of the quadratojugal' 'ventral to the anterior process of the quadratojugal' 'splits the anterior process of the quadratojugal' 'is split by the anterior process of the quadratojugal' , 72 'anterior to or at the posterior extent of the lower temporal fenestra' 'posterior to the lower temporal fenestra' , 73 'concave' 'convex' , 74 'nearly horizontal' 'anterodorsally inclined' , 75 'absent' 'present and sharp' 'rounded and broad' 'rounded and restricted to a bulbous ridge' , 76 'does not contact prootic' 'contacts prootic' , 77 'does not have sutural contact with the paroccipital process of the opithotic' 'has a sutural contact with the paroccipital process of the opithotic' , 78 'partially exposed laterally' 'completely covered by the squamosal' , 79 'present' 'absent' , 80 'without fenestrae' 'with fenestrae' , 81 'largely convex and corresponding concave articular surface of the articular' 'largely concave and corresponding convex articular surface of the articular' , 82 'posteroventrally or vertical' 'anteroventrally' , 83 'absent' 'present' , 84 'ectopterygoid ventral to pterygoid' 'ectopterygoid dorsal to pterygoid' , 85 'absent' 'present' , 86 'absent' 'present' , 87 'simply arcs anteriorly' 'arcs anterodorsally' , 88 'does not form or forms some of the lateral edge of the lateral pterygoid flange' 'forms all of the lateral edge of the lateral pterygoid flange' , 89 'single-headed' 'double-headed' , 90 'extends far anteriorly, near the pila postchoanalis' 'does not extend very far anteriorly along the upper surface of the palatine' , 91 'smooth, no raised rim on ventral surface' 'raised rim defining a fossa around the choana on the ventral surface (=spout of Walker 1990)' , 92 'unossified' 'ossified' , 93 'anteriorly or ventrally at their distal tips' 'posteriorly at their distal tips' , 94 'present' 'absent' , 95 'ventral' 'posterolateral' 'anterolateral' , 96 'present and straight' 'present and arched anteriorly' 'absent' , 97 'horizontal' 'more vertical' , 98 'present' 'absent' , 99 'present' 'absent' , 100 'absent' 'present' , 101 'absent' 'present' , 102 'relatively short dorsoventrally' 'substantially elongated in the region between the basal tubera and the basipterygoid processes, such that the median pharyngeal recess is dorsoventrally extended and trough-like' , 103 'approximately as wide as long or wider' 'significantly elongated at least 1.5 times longer than wide' , 104 'clearly separated' 'medially expanded and nearly or completely connected' , 105 'broad overlap' 'reduced to a small contact' , 106 'rounded and anteroposteriorly elongated' 'blade-like and anteroposteriorly shortened' , 107 'absent' 'present' , 108 'no or slight dorsal and ventral expansion distally' 'markedly expanded dorsally at the distal ends' , 109 'lateral to the upper temporal fenestra' 'at the margin or medial to the lateral extent of the upper temporal fenestra' , 110 'directed laterally or dorsolaterally' 'directed ventrolaterally' , 111 'extends further laterally or about the same as lateralmost edge of exoccipital in posterior view' 'covered by the lateralmost edge of exoccipital in posterior view' , 112 'does not or barely makes contact with prootic anteroventral to fenestra ovalis' 'has extended contact with prootic' , 113 'aligned in a near anteroposteriorly plane' 'aligned sub vertically' , 114 'without subvertical crest (= metotic strut)' 'with clear crest (= metotic strut) lying anterior to both external foramina for hypoglossal nerve (XII)' 'with clear crest (= metotic strut) present anterior to the more posterior external foramina for hypoglossal nerve (XII)' , 115 'meet along the midline on the floor of the endocranial cavity' 'do not meet along the midline on the floor of the endocranial cavity' , 116 'absent or restricted' 'well developed' , 117 'incompletely ossified' 'almost completely ossified' , 118 'absent or short and strongly tapered' 'present and elongated and tubular' , 119 'absent' 'present' , 120 'absent' 'present' , 121 'not enclosed by bone' 'partially enclosed' 'fully enclosed' , 122 'between parabasisphenoid and prootic' 'within prootic only' 'within parabasisphenoid only' , 123 'on underside of a horizontal surface' 'on the anterior of a more vertical, upturned process' , 124 'of moderate size' 'markedly enlarged' , 125 'small, only slightly larger than cranial nerve XII' 'large' , 126 'excluded from dorsal border of foramen magnum by mediodorsal midline contact between opposite exoccipitals' 'contributes to border of foramen magnum' , 127 'absent' 'present' , 128 'ossified mainly by prootic and laterosphenoid, such that laterosphenoid-parabasisphenoid contact is absent' 'ossified largely by laterosphenoid and parabasisphenoid, with contact occurring between these two elements anterior to the trigeminal foramen in the adult braincase' , 129 'with an incompletely ossified border' 'border entirely ossified such that the ventral ramus of the opisthotic forms a perilymphatic loop incorporating a loop closure suture with itself' , 130 'in a medial position and orientated so as to transmit the perilymphatic duct out of the otic capsule in a posteromedial or posterior direction' 'foramen positioned more laterally so that duct is transmitted posterolaterally/laterally and the foramen is at least partly visible in lateral view' , 131 'combined and undivided' 'at least partially subdivided by prootic' 'fully divided' , 132 'absent' 'present' , 133 'largely restricted to prootic' 'extends onto internal surface of epiotic/supraoccipital' , 134 'less than 50% of length of the presacral vertebral column' 'more than 50% of length of the presacral vertebral column' , 135 'longer than two-thirds of the femoral length' 'shorter than two-thirds of the femoral length' , 136 'absent' 'present' , 137 'restricted to the lacrimal' 'restricted to the lacrimal and dorsal process of the maxilla' 'present on the lacrimal, dorsal process of the maxilla and the dorsolateral margin of the posterior process of the maxilla (the ventral border of the antorbital fenestra)' , 138 'absent' 'present' , 139 'terminal' 'non-terminal, posterior rim of nares in front of anterior rim of antorbital fenestra' 'non-terminal, posterior rim of nares behind anterior rim of antorbital fenestra' , 140 'laterally' 'dorsally' , 141 'equal or greater than half the diameter of the foramen magnum' 'less than half the diameter of the foramen magnum or absent' , 142 'circular or elliptical' 'tall and narrow (the "''keyhole-shaped orbit"''; maximum width is less than half the maximum height)' 'with distinct ventral point surrounded by V-shaped dorsal processes of jugal' , 143 'dorsally exposed' 'lateral exposed' , 144 'absent anterior to the supratemporal fenestra' 'present anterior to the supratemporal fenestra' , 145 'present' 'absent' , 146 'present' 'absent' , 147 'absent' 'present' , 148 'roughly the same' 'one dominant palpebral that is at least twice the size of the other' , 149 'separated from the lateral edge of the frontals' 'extensively sutured to each other and to the lateral margin of the frontals' , 150 'absent' 'present' , 151 'absent' 'present' , 152 'dorsoventral center of the dentary' 'restricted to the ventral border' , 153 'ends well short of the dentary symphasis' 'present through the dentary symphasis' , 154 'horizontal (about in the same plane)' 'ventrally deflected' 'dorsally expanded' , 155 'rounded' 'tapers to a sharp point' , 156 'without dorsomedial projection posterior to the glenoid fossa' 'with dorsomedial projection separated from glenoid fossa by a clear concave surface' 'with dorsomedial projection continuous with the glenoid fossa' , 157 'absent' 'present' , 158 'at the dorsal margin of the dentary' 'well ventral of the dorsal margin of the dentary' , 159 'absent' 'present and medial to the glenoid' , 160 'distally positioned' 'present along one-third of lower jaw' , 161 'absent' 'present' , 162 'anteroposterior length more than maximum depth of dentary ramus but' 'less' 'than' 'half' 'the' 'length' 'of' 'the[state 7]' 'mandible' , 163 'present and small' 'present and large' 'absent' , 164 'just meets the surangular' 'laterally overlaps the anteroventral portion of the surangular' , 165 'absent' 'present' , 166 'present along entire length of the dentary' 'absent in the anterior portion' 'completely absent' , 167 'generally homodont' 'markedly heterodont' , 168 'absent' 'present as small fine knife-like serrations' 'present and enlarged and coarser (lower density) = denticles' , 169 'absent' 'present' , 170 'absent' 'present' , 171 'not mesiodistally expanded' 'mesiodistally expanded above root in cheek teeth' , 172 'absent' 'present' , 173 'apicobasally tall and blade-like' 'apicobasally short and subtriangular' , 174 'teeth fused to the bone of attachment at the base' 'free at the base of the tooth' , 175 'present' 'absent' , 176 'present' 'absent' , 177 'present' 'absent' , 178 'saddle-shaped' 'concave with upturned lateral borders' , 179 'expanded posterodorsally' 'arcs dorsally, where the anterior portion height is equivalent to the posterior height' , 180 'possesses a mid-line keel' 'possesses two paramedian keels' , 181 'shorter or the same length as the mid-dorsal' 'longer than mid-dorsal' , 182 'absent' 'present' , 183 'subequal to the axis centrum' 'longer than the axis centrum' , 184 'well separated' 'nearly touching' , 185 'smooth posteriorly or has a shallow fossa' 'with a deep excavation with a thin lamina covering the anterior extent on the posterolateral surface' , 186 'absent in post-axial anterior cervical vertebrae' 'present in post-axial anterior cervical vertebrae' , 187 'absent in posterior cervical vertebrae (cervicals 6-9)' 'present in posterior cervical vertebrae (cervicals 6-9)' , 188 'absent' 'present as deep fossae' 'present as foramina' , 189 'absent' 'present' , 190 'dorsal to the ventralmost extent of the centrum rim' 'extends ventral to the centrum rims' , 191 'unexpanded' 'laterally expanded in the middle of the anteroposterior length' 'expanded anteriorly so that the spine table is triangular or heart-shaped in dorsal view' , 192 'absent' 'present' , 193 'absent' 'present' , 194 'directed dorsally, straight' 'arc anteriorly' , 195 'absent' 'present' , 196 'slender and elongated' 'short and stout' , 197 'absent' 'present with a flat dorsal margin' 'present with a rounded dorsal margin' , 198 'about the same height as the posterior cervical vertebrae neural spines' '2-5 times taller as the posterior cervical vertebrae neural spines' , 199 'close to the midline' 'expand laterally where both diapophyses and parapophyses originate on a transverse process' , 200 'separate' 'co-ossified at the ventral edge' , 201 'separate' 'co-ossified' , 202 'doesn''t or weakly articulates with anteriorly directed process (=preacetabular process) of the ilium' 'articulates with the anteriorly directed process of the ilium' , 203 'bifurcated' 'a single unit' , 204 'present in sacrum' 'nearly obliterated' , 205 'free from the sacrum' 'incorporated into the sacrum, with their ribs/transverse processes articulating with the pelvis' , 206 'free from the sacrum' 'incorporated into the sacrum, with their ribs/transverse processes articulating with the pelvis' , 207 'absent' 'present' , 208 'almost entirely restricted to a single sacral vertebra' 'shared between two sacral vertebrae' , 209 'circular' 'C- shaped in lateral view' , 210 'absent' 'present' , 211 'not elongated' 'elongated more than a quarter of the adjacent centrum' , 212 'more than 0.55' 'less than 0.55' , 213 'present and unfused' 'fused into a furcula' 'clavicles absent' , 214 'present' 'absent' , 215 'T-shaped' 'anterolateral processes reduced or absent' , 216 'more than 75 percent of humerus length' 'less than 75 percent of humerus length' , 217 'straight/convex or partially concave' 'markedly concave' , 218 'less than 3 times distal width' 'more than 3 times distal width' , 219 'absent' 'present' , 220 'in the about the same plane as ventral edge of the scapula' 'distinctly raised above the ventral edge of the scapula' , 221 'distinct notch between the two elements' 'uninterrupted edge between the two elements' , 222 'subcircular in lateral view' 'with post-glenoid process (notch ventral to glenoid)' , 223 'short' 'elongate and expanded posteriorly only' 'elongate and expanded posteriorly and anteriorly' , 224 'absent' 'present' , 225 'smooth' 'possesses a "swollen" tuber' , 226 'rounded' 'distinctly hooked' , 227 'posterolaterally' 'directed posteroventrally' , 228 'absent' 'present' , 229 'absent' 'present' , 230 'less than 30% down the length of the humerus' 'more than 30% down the length of the humerus' , 231 'longer than or subequal to 0.6 of the length of the femur' 'shorter than 0.6 of the length of the femur' , 232 'confined to the proximal surface' 'posteriorly expanded and hooked' , 233 'continuous with the deltopectoral crest' 'separated by a gap from the deltopectoral crest' , 234 'present' 'absent' , 235 'narrower or equal to 30% of humerus length' 'greater than 30% of humerus length' , 236 'expanded more than twice the width of the midshaft of the humerus' 'expanded less than twice the width of the midshaft of the humerus' , 237 'absent' 'present' , 238 'rounded and convex' 'squared off where the distal surface is nearly flat' , 239 'anteroposteriorly compressed or oval-shaped' 'with anterior expansion' , 240 'simply convex' 'shallow longitudinal groove on the posterior side' , 241 'longer than 80% of humerus length' 'shorter than 80% of humerus length' , 242 'equi-dimensional' 'elongate' , 243 'shorter than the longest metacarpal' 'longer than the longest metacarpal' , 244 'absent' 'present' , 245 '>.5' '<.5' , 246 'overlap' 'abut one another without overlapping' , 247 'accounts for less than 0.3 of the total length of humerus plus radius' 'more than 0.3 but less than 0.4 of the total length of humerus plus radius' 'more than 0.4 of the total length of humerus plus radius' , 248 'subequal other distal carpals' 'significantly larger than other distal carpals' , 249 'present' 'absent' , 250 'absent or shallow and symmetrical' 'deep and asymmetrical' , 251 'less than 0.35 of the total length of the bone' 'more than 0.35 of the total length of the bone' , 252 'longer than the ungual' 'subequal or shorter than the ungual' , 253 'is not the longest non-ungual phalanx of the manus' 'is the longest non-ungual phalanx of the manus' , 254 'approximately aligned or slightly offset' 'lateral condyle strongly distally expanded relative to medial condyle' , 255 'shorter than first phalanx' 'longer than first phalanx' , 256 'shorter than metacarpal III' 'equal to or longer than metacarpal III' , 257 'blunt unguals on at least digits II and III' 'trenchant unguals on digits I-III' , 258 'five phalanges' 'four phalanges' 'three or two phalanges' 'one phalanx' , 259 'present' 'reduced to a nubin or absent' , 260 'longest of the metacarpals' 'about the same length or shorter than metacarpal III' , 261 'about the same width as that of metacarpals I-III' 'significantly narrower than that of metacarpals I-III' , 262 'less than or equal to 50% of total forelimb length' 'more than 50% of total forelimb length' , 263 'possesses one or more phalanges' 'absent or reduced to a tiny nubbin' , 264 'projects laterally or ventrolaterally' 'projects ventrally' , 265 'absent' 'present and divides the anterior (=preacetabular) process from the posterior (=postacetabular) process' 'confluent with anterior extent of the anterior (=preacetabular) process of the ilium' , 266 'vertical' 'anterodorsally inclined' , 267 'thick' 'thin ridge' , 268 'absent' 'present' , 269 'short and does not extend anterior to the acetabulum' 'long and extends anterior to the acetabulum but shorter than the posterior process of the ilium' 'sub-equal or longer than the posterior process of the ilium' , 270 'mainly vertically orientated (0-20o)' 'ventrolaterally deflected about 45o' , 271 'absent' 'present as a embankment on the lateral side of the posterior portion of the ilium' 'present as a deep fossa on the ventral surface of postacetabular part of the ilium' , 272 'absent' 'present' , 273 'convex' 'straight' 'concave' , 274 'absent' 'present' , 275 'rounded, or blade-like' 'flat' , 276 'height about the same or shorter than the distance from the dorsal portion of the supra-acetabular rim to the pubis-ischium contact' 'expanded dorsally, height markedly taller than the dorsal portion of the supra-acetabular rim to the pubis-ischium contact' , 277 'mainly vertical in lateral aspect' 'well expanded posteriorly to the anterior margin of the postacetabular embayment' , 278 'less than 70% of femoral length' 'more than 70% or more of femoral length' , 279 'anteroventral' 'rotated posteroventrally to lie alongside the ischium (opisthopubic)' , 280 'absent, anterior margin unexpanded' 'present, anterior margin expanded into a process' , 281 'small' 'enlarged' , 282 'shorter or subequal to the ischium' 'longer than ischium' , 283 'unexpanded' 'expanded relative to the shaft (=pubis boot)' , 284 'mediolaterally thick and rounded' 'mediolaterally thin' , 285 'shorter than 33% of the length of the shaft of the pubis' 'greater than 33% of the length of the shaft of the pubis' , 286 'articular surfaces with the ilium and the ischium continuous' 'articular surfaces with the ilium and the ischium separated by a groove or gap' , 287 'present and extended ventrally' 'present and reduced to a thin proximal contact' 'absent' , 288 'similar anteroposterior thickness as the rest of the pubic apron' 'thickened process' , 289 'nearly as broad as proximal width' 'significantly narrower than proximal width' 'mediolaterally compressed and not broader than anteroposteriorly deep' , 290 'smooth' 'elongated ridge' , 291 'restricted to the medial edge' 'extensive contact but the dorsal margins are separated' 'extensive contact and the dorsal margins contact each other' , 292 'midline contact to the distal end' 'midline gap between the distal ends' , 293 'thin, plate-like' 'rounded or elliptical' 'sub-triangular' , 294 'unexpanded' 'expanded relative to the ischial shaft (=ischial boot)' , 295 'confluent with the pubic peduncle' 'offset from the pubic peduncle by a notch' , 296 'continuous ventral margin' 'notch present' 'abrupt change in angle between the proximal end and the shaft' , 297 'articular surfaces with the ilium and the pubis continuous' 'articular surfaces with the ilium and the pubis continuous but separated by a fossa' 'articular surfaces with the ilium and the pubis separated by a large concave surface' , 298 'about the same length or shorter than the dorsal margin of the iliac blade (minus the anterior process)' 'markedly longer than the dorsal margin of iliac blade (minus the anterior process)' , 299 'femur longer or about the same length as the tibia/fibula' 'tibia longer' , 300 'absent' 'small and rounded' 'offset medially (or posteriorly) relative to the posteromedial tuber' 'large and "hooked" posteriorly' , 301 'present and small' 'present and largest of the proximal tubera' 'absent' , 302 'present as an expansion' 'absent, the anterolateral face is flat' , 303 'rounded' 'flat/straight' , 304 'smooth transition from the femoral shaft to the head' 'notch' 'concave emargination' , 305 'anterior (60 - 90 degrees)' 'anteromedial (20 - 60 degrees)' 'medial (0 - 20 degrees)' , 306 'rounded' 'hook-shaped' , 307 'smooth' 'sharp ridge (=dorsolateral trochanter of some)' 'rounded ridge (=dorsolateral trochanter of some)' , 308 'absent' 'present and forms a steep margin with the shaft but is completely connected to the shaft' 'present and forms a steep margin with the shaft and separated from the shaft by a marked cleft' , 309 'rounded' 'straight' , 310 'smooth, featureless' 'ventral emargination present' , 311 'absent' 'present' , 312 'absent' 'present' , 313 'level with the greater trochanter' 'ventrally descended' , 314 'rounded and smooth' 'transverse groove that is straight' 'transverse groove that is curved' , 315 'blade-like with a distinct asymmetric apex located medially' 'low on the proximal portion of the femur and without a distinct medial asymmetrical apex (=fourth trochanter)' , 316 'mound-like and rounded' 'a sharp flange' 'absent, no distinct ridge for the attachment of the M. caudifemoralis' , 317 'symmetrical, with distal and proximal margins forming similar low-angle slopes to the shaft' 'asymmetrical, with distal margin forming a steeper angle to the shaft' , 318 'prominent' 'not projecting markedly beyond shaft' , 319 'obtuse' 'about a right angle' , 320 'tapers to a point on the medial portion in distal view' 'smoothly rounded in distal view' , 321 'nearly flat or flat' 'groove separating the medial condyle from the lateral condyle' , 322 'smooth' 'deep groove' , 323 'thickness/diameter >0.3' 'thin; thickness/diameter 0.2"' 'very thin; thickness/diameter <0.2' , 324 'less than 1/4 the length of the shaft' 'between ¼ and 1/3 the length of the shaft' , 325 'smooth' 'distinct scar orientated mediolaterally' , 326 'smaller or equal in size to the medial condyle' 'larger than the medial condyle' , 327 'rounded' 'squared off near 90o or acute >90o' , 328 'absent or just a slight bump' 'present and straight' 'present arcs anterolaterally' , 329 'flat or convex' 'concave, the posterior condyles of the tibia are separated from the cnemial crest by a concave surface' , 330 'simply convex or flat' 'depressed' , 331 'offset anteriorly from the medial condyle' 'level with the medial condyle at its posterior border' , 332 'rounded' 'squared-off' , 333 'smooth' 'dorsoventrally oriented crest present (=fibular crest)' , 334 'absent' 'present and nearly contacts or contacts fibula' 'present and extends well posterior to the fibula' , 335 'straight or convex' 'concave' , 336 'rounded surface' 'distinct proximodistally oriented ridge present' , 337 'smooth and featureless' 'dorsoventrally oriented groove or gap' , 338 'smooth/rounded' 'proximodistally oriented groove' , 339 'crest-shaped, low' 'knob-shaped or tab-like, robust' , 340 'near the proximal portion' 'near the mid point between the proximal and distal ends' , 341 'rounded or slightly elliptical' 'mediolaterally compressed' , 342 'rounded' 'tapers to a point and arched anteromedially' , 343 'symmetrical or nearly symmetrical' 'posterior part expanded posteriorly' , 344 'smooth' 'banked with an articular facet that articulates with the astragalus' , 345 'angled anterodorsally (asymmetrical)' 'rounded or flat (symmetrical)' , 346 'ossified' 'absent' , 347 'broader than distal tarsal 3' 'subequal to distal tarsal 3' , 348 'more than half of lateral surface of distal tarsal 4' 'less than half of lateral surface of distal tarsal 4' , 349 'tapers to point or poorly ventrally expanded' 'ventrally expanded into a small process' , 350 'blunt' 'pointed' , 351 'without a distinct medial process present in the anteroposterior middle of the element' 'with a distinct medial process present in the anteroposterior middle of the element' , 352 'without foramen/foramina' 'with foramen/foramina' , 353 'flat' 'distinct, proximally raised region on the posterior portion (=heel of Sereno and Arcucci 1993; 1994)' , 354 'thick' 'thin lamina' , 355 'absent or poorly expanded' 'expanded into a distinct, raised process (=posterior ascending process of Sereno and Arcucci 1994)' , 356 'absent' 'present and less than the height of the dorsoventral height of the posterior side of the astragalus' 'present and greater than the height of the dorsoventral height of the posterior side astragalus' , 357 'shallow depression' 'reduced to a foramen or absent' , 358 'completely medial to the fibular facet' 'partially ventral to the fibular facet' , 359 'lacks a marked rimmed and elliptical fossa posterior to the anterior ascending process' 'possesses a marked rimmed and elliptical fossa posterior to the anterior ascending process' , 360 'overlaps the anterior and posterior portions of the calcaneum equally' 'the posterior corner of the dorsolateral margin of the astragalus dorsally overlaps the calcaneum much more than the anterior portion' , 361 'obtuse' 'acute' , 362 'more than 0.3 of the transverse width' 'less than 0.3 of the transverse width' , 363 'present' 'absent' , 364 'continuous articular surface' 'non-articular fossa present on the posterior portion' , 365 'separated by a gap (or notch of Gower 1996)' 'continuous' , 366 'concave or flat' 'divided into posteromedial and anterolateral basins' , 367 'stretches from fibular facet of the astragalus to the ventral margin' 'restricted to the ventral surface of the fibular facet, clearly separated from the ventral margin' , 368 'flat or slightly convex' 'concavoconvex with concavity on calcaneum' 'concavoconvex with concavity on astragalus' , 369 'present' 'absent' , 370 'free' 'co-ossified' , 371 'continuous' 'simply separated by a clear gap' 'separated by a gap with a ventral fossa' , 372 'connected by a continuous surface' 'separated' , 373 'present' 'absent' , 374 'rounded and unexpanded' 'flared, dorsally and ventrally' , 375 'without dorsoventrally aligned median depression' 'with dorsoventrally aligned median depression' , 376 'taller than broad' 'about the same or broader than tall' 'just short of twice the mediolateral width of the fibular facet' , 377 'lateral less than 20 degrees posteriorly' 'deflected between 21 and 49 degrees posteriorly' 'between 50 and 90 degrees posteriorly' , 378 'convex' 'convex and hemicylindrical shaped' 'concave' , 379 'proximodistally compressed with a short posterior projection and medial process' 'transversely compressed, with the reduction of these projections' , 380 'separated by a non-articular surface' 'continuous' , 381 'present' 'absent (completely fused to the astragalus)' , 382 'metatarsals diverging from ankle' 'compact metatarsus, with metatarsals II-IV tightly bunched (at least half of the length)' , 383 'shorter than 50% of tibial length' 'longer than 50% of tibial length' , 384 'I and V subequal or greater than II-IV' 'I and V less than II-IV' , 385 'reaches the proximal surface of metatarsal II' 'does not reach the proximal surface of metatarsal II and attaches onto the medial side of metatarsal II' , 386 'smooth or slight ridge' 'distinct, rugose ridge present' , 387 '0-84%' '85% or more' , 388 'less than or equal to the average of mid-shaft diameter of metatarsal I-IV' 'more than the average mid-shaft diameter of metatarsal I-IV' , 389 'does not back to the ventral side of metatarsals II and IV' 'backs metatarsals II and IV posteroventrally, resulting in a T-shaped proximal profile' , 390 'longer than metatarsal II' 'subequal to metatarsal II' , 391 'broader than deep to as broad as deep' 'deeper than broad' , 392 'absent' 'present' , 393 'longer than metatarsal III' 'about the same length or shorter than metatarsal III' , 394 'nearly the same mid-shaft diameter as metatarsal III' 'reduced where the mid-shaft diameter is less than metatarsal III' , 395 'longer than metatarsal II' 'subequal or shorter than to metatarsal II' , 396 'five' 'four or fewer' , 397 'absent' 'present' , 398 'present' 'absent, and articular face for distal tarsal 4 subparallel to shaft axis' , 399 'present and "fully" developed first phalanx' 'present and "poorly" developed first phalanx' 'without phalangies and metatarsal tapers to a point' , 400 'weakly mediolaterally compressed, rounded or triangular in cross-section' 'dorsolaterally compressed' 'strongly mediolaterally compressed, with a sharp dorsal keel' , 401 'absent' 'present' , 402 'a single median row' 'in paramedian row(s)' , 403 'straight or rounded' 'with distinct anterior process' , 404 'flat' 'with distinct longitudinal bend near lateral edge' , 405 'absent' 'present' , 406 '1 paramedian pair (2 osteoderms per segment)' '2 paramedian pairs (4 osteoderms per segment)' , 407 'square shaped, about equal dimensions' 'longer than wide' 'wider than long' , 408 'absent' 'present' , 409 'absent' 'present' , 410 'one-to-one (includes pairs)' 'more than one osteoderm' , 411 'staggered' 'one-to-one' , 412 'forming extensive ventral basket with closely packed elements' 'well separated' 'absent' , 413 'absent' 'present, but weakly developed, substantially lower than the height of the horizontal process below the posterior end of the maxilla below the antorbital fenestra' 'present and strongly developed, height approaches that of the posterior end of the maxilla. Y. and T. both display state' , ; MATRIX 'Mesosuchus browni' ?1000?0000000?1000000?0000?00?100000?00000000?000000000001000000000??0?000000000000000000?0000010000000000000000000???000?00010?0?0??000?000?000000???00000000000??000001??0?0010??00?000100000?000000000000000000000000000010?000000????0??0000?0000000?00????00?0000?00??0?00000000000000??00000000000000???00000000000?0??000000000000000000000??10001000??0??00000?0000000??0000000000?00000000000?0000?00000??????????0? 'Prolacerta broomi' 0000020000?00?0000000?0000?00?100000?000000000000000000000000000000??0?000000000000000000?0000000000000000000000000000000?00000??00??000?0000000010??100000?00000?000000000000000000101100000000000010000000000000000000000010?000000000000000000000000000000000000000?00??0?00000000000000??00000000000000???00000000000?0??000000000000000000000??100010000?????0000?0000000??0000000000?0000000000000000?10000??????????0? 'Archosaurus rossicus' ????03010???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Proterosuchus fergusi' 000003010000000000000?0000200010000000000000000000000000000000100000?130000000000000000100010000000000000000000000000?00000001000000?00101001100000??100?00000000000000100000000000?00000000000000001000000000000000000?000010?000000??0?0?00000?000000??000?0?0??0000?00??0?00000000000000??00000000000000???00000000000?0??000000000000000000000?0100000000000000000?0000000??0000000000?0000000000000000?10000??????????00 'Erythrosuchus africanus' 0100020000020000000000000020000000000000?0000000000000000000001000001101000000000000000100011100100000000000000000000000010000000000000111000100100??000000000000001000100000111000?00?00000000?00010000001000000000???0100100?0000001?0001001?00??0?00??01??0????0?00?00??1010000000000000??000000000000000100000000000010??0000000000000000000000010001100000?000000?000?0?0001000000000?010000?000000101?000?0???????????0 'Vancleavea campi' 1100020000100?100000000000?00?000000???0?00100000?00000?00000010?000?10000000100000????????1???????????0?00000???00??0???????10??????00??00100??110??10?0000?0?00??10011000001??1???00?001?00?000?0?0000???000000000???010010?????0??00001000000000000???00??0?0??010??00??0?00000000?000????00???0000000?0010000000000000???100?00000000000000000??1000110???????0000?0001000001000000000?01000000?0?00????00??1?1?100011?2? 'Chanaresuchus bonapartei' 10000200000001000000000000{0,1}00000000000000001001100000010000000100000010000100000000000010?0?11011000000000000000000000000??0??0???00000111010000110??0000000000000010001000001011000000000000000000000000010000000?0???0100100?000000000010000000??????????????????????00??1000000000000000??0000000000000001000100000000110010000000000000000000100101011000????00000?00000100010000000?0?010000001000011000020100?0?0001??0 'Tropidosuchus romeri' 10??0?000000000000000?0000{0,1}0000?0000001??001001100000010000000100000?100001000000000?001??????011?00?0?0?00000??0?0?????0?????0??????0011101?000110??00??00??0??00?1?001000?010110001000000000000??0000000100000000?0??0100100?0000000000100???????????????????????????00??1?00000000000000??000000?000000001000100000000010010000?00000000000000100101011000???000000?0001010001000000010?0100000010000110?0020100?0??000??0 'Euparkeria capensis' 0100000000?000000000000000200010000000000000000100000000000000100000{0,1}100001000000000000100011101100000000000000000000000001001000000000111000000100??0000000001000010001000001010000000000000010000010000010000000000010100000?000000000010000000000000??010?0?00?0100?00??1000000000000000??000000000000000100010000000001001000000000000000000000000?001000000000000?1000010001000000110?0100000000000100?00001101001000000 'Parasuchus hislopi' ??00030001000110001000000020000000000000?000010100000?0000000010000001000000100000000001??0111121100000000000000000????000?00?????0??0011111?000110??100?00?00?100?1?011000001111?0000?00000001000011000001000000??00010001000?001000000000000000?00000??00????00?0?00?00??10?000?000000000??00?0000000000001000?00000000010010?00?0?00000??0000001000100100??0??00000??000010?110?0010111?11000000000001000?0011100?00000?00 'Smilosuchus gregorii' ??00030001000110001000000020000000000000000001010000000000000010000001000000100000000001??011?1211000001?0000000000???000??0?10???0??00111210000110??100?0000011000100110000?1111???00?0000000100001?0000010000001000010100000?001000000000000000??????????????????????00??1000000000000000??000000000000000100000000000001001000000000000?00000001100100???????000000?1000010011010010111?1100001????00????00?21100??0000?00 'Pseudopalatus pristinus' ??0003000100011000100000002000000000000000000101000000000000001000000101000010000000000?0?011112110000010000000000000000001001000000000111210000110??100?000001100?100110000?111100000000000001000011000001000000??00010100000?00100000000000000???000???00000?0???100?00??1000000000000000??0000000000000001000000000000010010000000000000000000011001001000001000000?1000010011?10010111?1100001000000100?0002110010000010? 'Gracilisuchus stipanicicorum' 01030100000000{0,1}0000000000010000100001000001010011000001-010000100110111100100100000??001????1?{1,2}21101?010??0{0,1}000???{0,1}????????0?10????0?001210000001{0,1}0??000100000?000?10001000001111?001000000000100001100000100000000?????1??????????????????????????????????????????????00??1000000000000010???2000010000?000100010000000?01001?100?0000????000001000???001?00001100000?1000011111020011221?1100000000000100?00001111000?010?1 'Turfanosuchus dabanensis' 00030200000?00?000000?000000000?00001000?110?00100020100000000100010110000100000000?0???0???100211010000000?000002?????001100?00?00??0012100?0001?0??00??000?0?000?1000100000101??0??0????000?1000??10?0001000000?00??????1??????????0000?001??????????????????????????00??1000000000000??0?????00????????0??000100000000010010000?000000000000010??101??????????00000??001010?110{1,2}0011221?1????????0???????00??1111??00?1??2 'Yonghesuchus sangbiensis' ??030200?001000000?00?000000000?????1000????100????0???-???????001101101000?0?00?00?????????1?{1,2}21?01?010???????????????????0???????????1210??00???????0???01101000?1?00100000101???????????????????1????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2 'Turfanosuchus shageduensis' ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?????00????0???00001?????????0???000?00??????????????????????01?10?0?0000000000?0000000?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00100010000000001001?????00?00000000000000???00???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Halazhaisuchus qiaoensis' ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0????100010000?100????????????????01010?0?0???000?00?00?0000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1111?010001?? 'Combined Halazhaisuchus qiaoensis and Turfanosuchus shageduensis' ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?????00????0???00001???????0?0??100010000?100????????????????01010?0?0000000000?0000000?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00100010000000001001?????00?00000000000000???00???????????????????????????????????????????????????????1111?010001?? 'Ornithosuchus longidens' ??00000100001000000000000000?001100?0000?000000100000?0000000110000001000000000000001001000???????????????0000????????????????0??????00121000200110??00?000000?1000?0001000001111??????0??0001100???10100?10?0?0?1?000101001010010000000??00???0?0?0100???0??0???????0?00??1000000000100010??00?0001000000?11000?00100000110010?00?0?0?0?1000000??1????0???????????0?????????1?21010010120???000?????????????1?21100001000100 'Riojasuchus tenuisceps' 00000001000010000000000000001101100000000000000100000000000001100000010000000000000010010?011?2211010000?000000??00?????0??0??0??????00121000200110??00?0000001100010001000001111000000000000111000?101000?010010???????100101011?00000001001100?0001000?00??0????0?0??00??10000000001000?0??0?000????000?011000100100000010010100?0000001?000001011001001000000100000?1000011021010010120?1100000000000100?000211000020001?0 'Revueltosaurus callenderi' 00030200000300110000001001201001000000000010000100000100000000100110112000100000000000010?01112211010000000000?00200??0002100??????0?0012100?00011???00000000010000100120000?111100000000100002000011010001000000000?0101001010010000000000011011000?0???000????0??????00???000000000000000??0000000000000011000100000000010010000000000010000001000001001?00000100000?10000110110110102210110?000000?00??0?00??11001?2110120 'Stagonolepis robertsoni' 00000210000?00110000000111001001000??0?1000010010000010000001110011??1?001?0000001000001?101??221101000000?0001002?011000??00??01020?0012100001011???000?21101?000?101000010?1111???????0?000010001110100010000000??001?1011???0100000000000?????00010???01000000?0100?00??101000000000000???00?0000000000?11000?00000000010010?00?00000????0000??11001001????????00????????11???0?1????????10?00000?0??10?0000?11001121101?1 'Aetosaurus ferratus' 0000011000000011?0000?011000100?000?100??00010010?0001000??011110110112000100010?100000???????221?01?000?00000??????????0??0?1???????001210000101110000??21??1?000?101010010?1111??????????????????????0?0100000???000101?01010010000000000011011000?00??00000????0100?0{0,1}??10?000000000000???00?00000000000110001000000000100100?0?00000?10?000010???0??0??????????????????????????1?1?2?1????????????????0????21?00112110121 'Longosuchus meadei' ??001?????0?001?000000011000100?000000010000??01?0??01??0000?11???1?1????11000?00??0?00?0001?12211010000000000100200?10002100?00?02000012100001011???0?002110100000101000010?11110?00000??00001000??101000?000000??0???01011?10010000000000011011000100000000000?00100?00??1010000000000000??00?000?00000001100010000000001001000000000001000000101100?0010?00???00000?1000111011021010221?110000000000010??00021100112110121 'Ticinosuchus ferox' ?????????????000?000000?0000010??????0?0???0?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????001210???0?????0?0??00?????00????01000001??1???0?0000?000?0?01110000??0000001000??010???100?00??0000?0011??0000100??000?0?00?0100?????10?0?0?000000?00??0??0?101100?1011??0?0??00??0?1001?????0???00?0?0000?000??100100?????000?0?1000011?11011010221?110000?000000100????21110000001000 'Qianosuchus mixtus' 1000130000010100000100011010000100000000?000000100000000000000?000001100001000000000000??10???02??01?00????000?????????????0?????????0012100?000110??00??00??0??0001?001?00?01111?0?1?1000000000?010000?01??0010?10?001010010????0??00000?00???????????????????????????010?10?00200000000010001100100100010??000?00000000?1001?????000?00???0??0??00??00110????????000??00??1??11011010221?110000?00?000101?0002111?000001001 'Xilousuchus sapingensis' ?0001200000?00000001000110000001??0??0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????1100110100000000?000000001?001100?00000?00?12100??????????000001101000??0001000001??1000?010010000000110???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2????????????0 'Arizonasaurus babbitti' ???01???0?0??0000001000110000001?00??????000?00100?00000000000100000?100001000000000?0010???110011010000000000000000110001100?00000100012100?000?1????000001101000?1000100000111100010?0000000001110010?111000100???00??1001?10010000??????????????????????????????????01001010020000?00011100211010110001?10000100000000110011000100?0?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0???????????0 'Poposaurus gracilis holotype' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1???0???1???1?0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????11111??0120000?????????????1011?????10000?00000000?1001??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Poposaurus gracilis yale' ?????200??0?0???00??00????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0???????????????????????????010?0001??1??????0???00?00101000011110111?00110??0?00??1001?000010000011000000100??0000000020100?1111110012?00010001110021101011000?01000010000000011001??0010000001?00000?0001010?1001001?00001?1000111011011011121?11000000?00?0101000{0,1}10???????0??0? 'Lotosaurus adentus' ?00004?0000200?0?1001?0011000010000000000000000000000001000000100000110001100000000?????0??111021111000000000000000????001100?00000??00121001000110???0??0110110000102??????????1000000000?00000?11?0101?11?0010???0???0100000?0101000000000110?0?00100??0000000000100?11101?0002?01?????????01???2?10000?0???00?000000001100111???0000001?000?0??0000101????????00000?100001??11011010121?11000000000?0101?10010???????????0 'Sillosuchus longicervix' ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1???10?0???1100000??0001111011110???????0????10000100??????1???????????????????????????11111?00121?101000111002?102?1?000??10??0??00?00?0?1001??0??0????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0???????????? 'Effigia okeeffeae' 100014?000?200?0?1001??111000000000000000011???0000000010020?01?0010????000000?01100?0010?01012211010010000?0?????1011000??00??0??0?00012100?000110??000?0100100011102????????111???00?01?0?1100?01?001111111011?0110??0000??10000110??0?101?1?00000100??00?00?0???????11111200021010?0001111021212010000??30100??00000011???1110110000001?01000100010101100100110000??1000011011011?1?121?1100000000110101?00?10??????????00 'Shuvosaurus inexpectatus' 100014?000?20????1?0????????????0?0??000?0110001000000010020?0100010??00000000?01100?0010??101221101001000000100001011000??00100??0000012100?000110???0000100100011??2????????111000000000011100????00?111111011??11???0??0??1000?1100000101110????????????????????????1111120002101010001111021212010000?030100100000001112?1110110000001?000001000101011001001100001?1000011011011010121?1100000000110101?00?10???????????? 'Prestosuchus chiniquensis' ?????????????????0?????????????1??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0??1????????????00?00????00??10001?00001??1????0?0?00000?00??????0??10?000????001?1?11010010001??00??????????????????????????????0?????10000000?00??100?1???10110?0?0110001000000001100100000000000?0000001011001001000000?0000??1000011?11021010221?1100000000000101?10?2???????????0? 'UFRGS 0156 t' 0100010000000000?0000?000010110?0?000000?00000010?11000?000?00100000?100000000?00000?00?0??1??2211010000?00100000?0?????0??0??0??????0?12100?100110??00?000010??000100010000011110000000000000?0001?100?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1110?000?10?0 'UFRGS 152 t' ??0???????0??0?0?0000?0000101101000?0?????0?00010?1?00000????0???0?0???0001000000000?0010??111221101000000010000020???0001100000?00??00121000?0?11???00000001010000??0?1000001111????????????????01?100000?0000001?????010?????0100??0000?00???????????????????????????00??10100000001000110001010101102010110001000000001100100?000000001000000?01100100????????????0?????????11021010221?1?000000000??????100?11?0?000?1??? 'Combined prestosuchus' 0100010000000000?0000?000010110100000000?00000010?110000000?00100000?10000?000000000?0010??111221101000000010000020???0001100000?00??00121000100110??00000001010000100010000011110000000000000?0001?10000010000001??0010101101001000100?0?00???????????????????????????00??1010000000100011000101010110201011000100000000110010000000000010000001011001001000000?00000?1000011?11021010221?1100000000000101?10021110?000?1000 'Saurosuchus galilei' 0100010000?00000000000?00010010100000000010100010011000?00000010000011??001000000000000100011122110100000100000002001??00?100100?00????12?0001001111100??0???????????00??00001111000000000000020001?1000?01000000??????????????????????????????????????????????????????010010100000001000?100010001011000??1?0001000000?0110010100?000000?000000101100?00100000??00001?100001??1102101?121?110?000000000101?10021110?000010?0 'Batrachotomus kuperferzellensis' ??0001001001000100000001100001010110100?01100001101?0000001000101000?10000100000000000011001112211010000010100000?00110001100100001110012100110111??000000011010000100010000011110000000000000200011100001100010010000?01011?1001?000000000011110??????????????????????01001010000000100011000100010010001010000100000000110011100000000010000001001001001?????????0?1???????1?110?1010221?1?0000000??00????10?21111?010?0100 'Fasolasuchus tenax' 01000100000101??0000010000100101?10?1?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????012?00??????????0000011?1???0??001000001??1?00000000000010001?100?????????????????????????????????????1110??????????????????????????????????????001????010?01???000?010000?00000010010011100?0000???????????0100110??01001110001?1000111111021011121?11???????????????????1??1?0??????? 'Rauisuchus triradentes' 010?01000?010????????????????????11?????0??????1101200000?????????00?1??002?01?????0?0011???????????????????0????????????????????????????100??0????????????1?010??0?0??10000?11110?100?0010000?0001?000??0??000?010?????101?????1?1?0??????????????????????????????????010010?0000000?00???????????????????????????????????????????????0????0000?00??01????????????00???0?0?1?1110??????????1???????????????????1111?011001?? 'Polonosuchus silesiacus' 01000100000100?000000100021011010110100?????10011?0200001??????0?100?111002?01000010???1111???????0????????????????????????????????????12?00?10???111?0012011?1??????001000001111001?0?000?000???????????????????1??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????111??0?0????? 'Postosuchus kirkpatricki' 010001000001001000000100021011010110100?011010?1100200001010001011001111002001000010?0011??1112211010??011010010020011001??01??0???1?00121001101111110000201101000010001000001111??????????000?1?01?0000001000000??0???01001110?101000010000111?0?00100??00????0??0100?01001?10000000?????????1???1011000?0100001000000?0010011100?0000001000000100110110????????10001?1000111111021011121?1100000000110101?10?01111?01000??0 'Postosuchus alisonae' ??????????????????????????????????1?????????????1????????????????????????????????????????????1??????????1??1?0??????1???????1?0?????1?????????????111??????11?1???????010?0001??100100000?0000210011000???????????0?0???1???1101101000?100001111?00?100000000?000?0100????????????????????100??????????????????????????????????????????0?10?00001001101101001001110001?1000111111021011121?1100000000100101010101111?0100010? 'CM 73372' ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1???0??0??0000?000?10000??100000?1??????1????????????0?????0?????0001000?00??0????0????010011?002?000100?11000??10101000?1010?00?000000100???1????00???0010000001001101101?01001110001?1000111111021011121?110000000011010?01010111100?000?0? 'Hesperosuchus agilis' 0001020{0,0}0{0,0}1101{1,1}0{0,0}{0,0}0{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}00{0,0}1001{0,0}{2,2}01{0,0}00011?{1,1}{1,1}{1,1}100{1,1}10?00{0,0}1?00{1,1}000100100111100{1,1}1{0,0}{1,1}{1,1}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}0?00111?1???????1???{0,0}110{1,1}0{0,0}??01{1,1}1?1??1????????????00{1,1}{2,2}10{0,0}?0{0,0}{1,1}111100{0,0}{0,0}0{2,2}{0,0}210??00?10{0,0}{0,0}{1,1}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{1,1}11{1,1}{0,0}0{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}00{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}10{0,0}0?{1,1}?00??0??000?0??0201{0,0}{1,1}{0,0}{0,0}{1,1}111110100{0,0}0{1,1}1{1,1}{0,0}{0,0}{1,1}{1,1}{1,1}{1,1}{0,0}{1,1}0{0,0}?{0,0}{0,0}?1{0,0}0000000?0100?010?111?0011001{0,0}{0,0}1?{1,1}{0,0}{0,0}010{1,1}{0,0}????????{0,0}{1,1}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{1,1}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{1,1}{0,0}{0,0}100{1,1}111?0{0,0}0?0{0,0}010{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}0{0,0}{1,1}000{1,1}{0,0}{1,1}{1,1}{0,0}{1,1}{0,0}{0,0}{1,1}{0,0}01{1,1}1{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}{1,1}?100011{1,1}1{1,1}1{0,0}2{1,1}{0,0}111{2,2}{1,1}?{1,1}{1,1}{0,0}0{0,0}{0,0}{0,0}0{0,0}{0,0}1?{0,0}1{0,0}1?{0,0}{0,0}2?{1,1}{1,1}{1,1}{1,1}0{0,0}{1,1}{0,0}0{0,0}{1,1}{0,0}? 'Dromicosuchus grallator' 0001020000110110000000000010010?0100001??11110011000001?00100010?1001111001?0110000????????????????????????100???????????????????????0012100?00111??00000?02101?00010001000001??1???????0??000000??10000?01000000?00201010011111101000011100011?0100100?10?????????????010?1110000100?00?????01???????????010000100000110010011100?0000001000000100010110?????????00?1???????1?11021011?21?1?1?000??????????????1111001000100 'Dibothrosuchus elaphros' ?0010200001?011000000000?0000002010000111111???11000001?0120101??1?01??????1011000000001??1111221101??10111100110111?1?11211010111???0?12100100111???00??002?0?0000100010000011110000000000000100001??0?????????????????10011111101000?1010011110110?00?100000?0??0100?00??1100021100??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1????????1 'Terrestrisuchus gracilis' ?????????????1100000000?00000002???000????111001110000????20?01??1001111000??1100000?00??0???????????????11??0??0?1?????????0?0??????001210??00111????000002?0?00001?001000001111??00?000000000000?1000000100000010020111001111110100001010011110100100?100??0000?0100?010?1100021100100110??010001000002001000010100001001001010010000001000000100010?111001001110001?1000111111021011121?111000010?1001011011011??001000100 'Sphenosuchus acutus' ?1010?00001?0110000000000010??020100?011011110011000001?01201010010011111011011000000001111111221101???011110011011111111211010111111??12100100111???00002021010000?0001000001111?000???000000??00?1????????????????201010011111101000?1?100???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00100000010???????????????????????????1???????????????100??????0???1?????1????0?????00 'Litargosuchus leptorhynchus' 00010100001?011000000?00?000010?0000001??011???111??001??1010?1?0?001111101?01?0?0?0?0??????????1??????????110???????????????10??????00121001000111?000????2?0?0?0?10?0?000?01?11???00?00000000000?1000??????????0002??11001?120101000010100?1?101?0???????????????????????11?????????????????????0?00????1??????????????????1??1??0?0?00?????????001???11?0????????????????1??1?0??0??121?1?1??000?????????012?1?1?000?001?0 'Kayentasuchus walkeri' ?10101000011011000000??000100102??0??01????????11110101?0?011?1????01??????101???????????011????????????1???1??????11???????0?0?????1?0121001?0?11???000101????1?0???00??000?1?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?????0??21?????????????????????????10?001?11000110100???1?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1?????????0 'Orthosuchus stormbergi' 00020100001?01?0100000000010??020?00?011?01110011100101??1011011?10??11100110111000000011?01???21?10???0?11110???11?????2?????0??????0012100100011110000?202?0?000?1000?0010?11110?00000000000?000?10010?0100000???02??01001112010000001010011110110?10??00000000?0100?010?1100020100000?10??01??000000020010000000000010010010110?000000100000010???0?1110010???10001?1000?11111021011121?11??00???0??0????002?1110?021?01?? 'Alligator mississippiensis' 0?02020000000?10000?010000?0??020000???11011100110?010??01011011010??1110001011110000001???1?1221110?0?01100001101111111221?00011101?000?1011001111?000010000000000100000010?1111000000000000?110001001000100000010020101011012010000000110010111100100??000?000020100??0????00021000000?00??01???0000002101000010?00011001001011000000001000000100010111{0,1}001001110001?1000111111011011111?110100000010011110020110011{0,1}?1011? 'Protosuchus haughtoni' 000201000011001000000?000010010?00000011?011100111??101?0101101?01001111101??111000000?1??????221?10?0?0?11110????1?????2?????0??????0?1210010001111000??002101102?10?01000?011110?10?000??00000???1001?????????????????????1???????????????????????????1???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1110?021101?0 'Protosuchus richardsoni' 000201000011001000000??000100102000000111011100111?0101?0101101101001?11?0110111000000011001??221110?0?01111101101111?1?2???0001??1??001210010001111000??002101102?1000??00001111??10000000000?0?0?10010?0100000???0?011000111201000000?010011111110100???0?0000??0100?010?1100021100000?10??010?000000020010?001000000100100111100000000100?0001000101111?0100?010001?1000111111021011121?1110000000100101100201110102110100 'Eudimorphodon ranzii' 10?0?100000?00?000000?011000000?0?0??0??????0??????????????????00?0001000?0?0??0010??????????????????????????????????????????????????101?000?00?110??00?000000?00?0?001?0000?1011???1???00000000???100?00??????0?0100010??????1?1?0??0001100?0?00001??????0000101101?1?00??11???0?00?000000??00??00??000001????????0?00????2?1??0??0?0??????0????????????11?00?????01???1???1???11?01??????111?00010?1?0101010000??????????10 'Dimorphodon macronyx' 10??1200000000??00000?011000000??????00?????0??10??0???0???????0000001??000??????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????1012100?200??0??00??00??0??0??1?01?0000?1??1???1?1??????000???1000??????????010???0??????101?0??0001100?????001?0???00000??1101?1?00??11?000100?000?00??00??0???00000110000?000000000???1010020000000?00?000?00??1??111000?0??01???101?1???11??1??????111000010?01?10??1?000???????????0 'Lagerpeton chanarensis' ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0001000000??????????????????????????????????????????????????????00??1000000000000000??000000000000011110011000100?011010100?0010100?00000000010101111000?1?1010011010110?11?01????201111000000000000001200???????????? 'Dromomeron gregorii' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1111001?01010010100101011011110000000000????????????????1??????????10?????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Dromomeron romeri' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1111001100010010?2?101?1101111000000000000101???????????1010011010110?1??01????2?1????????????????????0???????????? 'Marasuchus lilloensis' ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????012211000000000??01?01000???0??00?00????0???????????????????????????????????????????10100?0000000000000?0000001000000000???01?0????0??1??000?1001???0??????????????????????00??1000001000000010??1100000000011110000100100101010010?00?000010000000001001010011100001?0110011000110?101000012001111000000000100?012?0???????????? 'Asilisaurus kongwe' ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?00000??????????????????????????????????????????????????0????????????????000110000???0??1010?1?10??11?01010000000000010000000?00001000?????1?01?1001?100000?100??00???????????????????????02??1000010000?00??0??110?01001001??1000110111010111001010?1100010000010001??1110??????????0110011000100?10100001?00111????????1?10?????10???????????? 'Eucoelophysis baldwini' ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????10?????????????????????????12001??11100001???1????1100010?100???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Sacisaurus agudoensis' ?????????????010?0?0??000000000????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????121????????????0?101??????????102001110??1???????????????????????????????????????1?01?????0100??????????????????????????????????02????010?00001000?0??1???0?0???????10011101110000110010????100010010110001??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0 'Lewisuchus admixtus' ?????????????01000?00?0?0000?00?????????????0001?0??000????????0001??1??000000?00001?011????012211001000000001??110????00?10??10??0??0?12??0?00?1?????01000??????????00100000?1111101?1?0000000000?0000?????????????????11010100101000?00??0????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0???????????0 'Pseudolagosuchus majori' ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0001000000??????????????????????????????????????????????????????02????0?0100001000?0???1010??????1?1100011?110010111?01010??000010000010001001?10??????????0110011000100?10?00001?0011???????????????????0???????????? 'Lewisuchus pseudolagosuchus' ?????????????01000?00?0?0000?00?????????????0001?0??000????????0001??1??000000?00001?011????012211001000000001??110????00?10??10??0??0?12??0?00?1?????01000??????????00100000?1111101?1?0000000000?00000001000000???????11010100101000?00??0???????????????????????????02????0?0100001000?0???1010??????1?1100011?110010111?01010??000010000010001001?10??????????0110011000100?10?00001?0011???????????????????0???????????0 'Eocursor parvus' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00001?????????????????????????????0?2211001000?0?????????????????0??0??????????1????0??1?????100?001??1001?0?2011?11??1???????0?0001????0??010?0?01?1?0??????01101??????1??1?0?1001??????????????????????????02??1101020000?110????01??0100?002?110002101200001111110100?000020000?20101001?101??????????1?????????????????????????11?????00??????????0???????????? 'Silesaurus opolensis' ??00020000000010?0000?0000000001??000?0??00?00010?0000?1000?00100000?1100010000?0001???10???0102110010000000?0101100010001100?100000100121?0?000110??00112100100000101010010101111101000000000000010000000?000110000???01101010010100000010010?00??0?00??0?????????????02??1001010000100010??1101010000011012011101110{0,1}001100101?0110001001011000100111011?10?????0110011010100?10?01????20111110??00010101001210???????????0 'Pisanosaurus mertii' ??????????????1?00??0?1??0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0???1??????????????000001?012??00?2111111??1????0?0???0000??????0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0????????000???????????????2????????????????????1010??0000?00000100010011101?????????0110??111?1?0?10?01????211111?????0?1?10??????0???????????? 'Heterodontosaurus tucki' 010000001010011000000110000000010000000010110001000000000020001000000130001000000001?011???1012211001110000000100110??000??00?0???0??001210010011111001?0{0,2}00010012010{0,2}12100111111100000001000000000?2011?0?011100001?1?01101?0?0101?01001100100010001100010000111201000?2??1100021000111010??01??0100000211?0??????20?0?1011110100?0000200001101??00110?1111000?0??110??1?1?1???11?01??????111110000?0101010?1200??????????20 'Lesothosaurus diagnosticus' 0100030000000110000000100000000100000000?0110001000000000{0,1}00001000000130000000100001001?0001012211001000000000?00?10???00??00100?00??00121001001111100110000010012010002011011111??000000100000???0?001??0??111?0??1???011010?????1??100?10000?0100010???000?0?0??0100002??1101021000111010??01??01000002111000210120000101111?1000000020000020101??111??1??????0?01100?11101?0?10?01????211111100000010101????00???????????0 'Scutellosaurus lawleri' ??????????????1??0??0?1??00???0??????????00????10???0????12???1??????????0000???0?0?????0????????????????0????????1??????????????????0?12?????????????110{0,2}0???????????02011011??10??00?00??0?0000?0??000???0???00?00?1??1?0??0?00?00000011001000?????????0?????????????02??110102?1001110?????1??00??????111000?1?120000?0111101?0000002000002010?001?1011????????01100111101?0?1??01????211?10????????????????01?????000???? 'Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis' 01000100100100000000?0000000000?0000010000?10001000000000000001000000130001000000001??1??0?10?22?1011000?0000000??1????00??0?100?????00121001001110??00??00000?00001?001000001111100?01001100100001?2000001000001011?1??1?01??????1??110110010000000112011001110130110102??1000021000100011101101010200021010102102100101011110101?0000200100101010011101111011?0?01101111101?0?10?01????201111100000011101?01100???????????0 'Staurikosaurus pricei' ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1????????????00000?00?000?1?001000001??1???????01?00??0????000000100?00101????????????????????????????????????????????????????02??1000021000100?1110110101?1?00?11?000210110010111111010??0000200100100010011101???????????????????????????????????????????????????????0???????????? 'Eoraptor lunensis' 010001001012000000000?000100000??001111000?100010?00000?0?0??01000001130001000000001?01?????0??21?01?000???0?0??????????0????????????0012100?001110??000?00000????0??001?00?01011???0??001?0??0000?020000010?000?0?1?1?01001?0??10100110110010001000111??10011110??110102??100112?001100011???1000101000?11??0??1?110?00????110?0???000{1,2}0010?10001001?1011110110???1?0???1?01?0?10?0?????2?111110000001?1010?1?00??????????10 'Saturnalia tupiniquim' ?????????????????0??0????????????????11????????????????1??????????????????????????????????????????????????0????????????????0??????????1??????????????????0???????????002001001??1??????0??100000?01?000000?000001001???0100100?01010010001101??01??0???????????????????02??10010110001000110011000102100210100021021001011111101?1?000020000111101001110111101100?01101111101?0?10?01????201111100000011101001?00???????????? 'Plateosaurus engelhardti' 10101200100100100000000010100001000111100001000100000001000000100000013001000000000100110001012211001000000000000110010001100?00?020?01121001?01110??00101000110000110020110011111100010011000000010000000100100100001?0100100?010100100111010001000101010111111120100?02??10000210001000110011000102100210100021021000011111101010000020000011101001110111101100?01101111101?0?10?01????201110100000011101001100???????????0 'Efraasia minor' ?01011001001001000000000?0000001?00??110?001???10?0000?10???0??????00????1?00000000?????????012211001000000000000110???00?100100?0???0112100?001?????0000000?1?000?1?002001001??11??10?001100?0?00100000001000001001?1?01001?0?01010010011101000100010?01011?1?11?0100?02??1000021000100010??110001021002101000210210000111111010100000200000111010011101111011?0?0110??111?1?0?10?01????201110100000011101001100??????????1? 'Tawa hallae' 10000000101?00000000010?00000001000??1100001000100000000000???100001?130000000?00001??110??101221101?000000000000?1?1?0001100100000010012100?001110??000000000?000?1?001000001??1110111111110100001000000010?000?011?1?01101??????1??11011001000000011200?001110120110102??1001120001100??110?1010??1???2?1200022011000012110101011000020011010001001110111101100?01101?11101?0?10?01????211111100000010101?01200??????????1? 'Coelophysis bauri' 10101100101?0000?0000?01010000010?010110000100010?000001000?001000011130001000??0001001100010122110110100000?0100110??000?10??00?000?00121?01001110??000?00000?00001?0010000011111101111111110000010000100?01110101111?01101?0?010100110110010001000112111001111130?10112??11021211111000111011?10101110211200021021001012110101?11000021011111101001110111100100?01100111101?0?11?01????211111110001010??10012?0??????0????0 'Dilophosaurus wetherelli' 10101100?01?0000?00001??000100010?0??110???100010?0000000??????0?0011?300000000?000?0????00?0122110110000000?11001100?0?01100?00102??00121?01101??0??00000001000?00110010000011111000111111200000010000000?011101??1?1?11101?100101001100100100010?0112??10011?1120?10112??11021210111000?110?1010101111210200021?12000012110101?110?0021011121101001110111100100?01100111101?0?10?01????2111111100010101?1001200??????????10 'Allosaurus fragilis' 101012001001010?000001001021000100111110000100010000000000000010000011300000000000010111000101221101100000000110011????00??00000??2??00121001101110??00000001000000110010000011111001010111200000010000000101111111111?001010100101001101100100010001121111011111?1???102??1102021011100?1101110201011112102000220020000101101010110000210111211010011101111001?0?02100?11101?0?10?01????211110110000010101001200??????????11 'Velociraptor mongoliensis' 101011001000010100000?0000010001?001111?00010001000000010000?01000000131000000000001011100010122110?10000001011?01111???0??0{0,1}?00?????00121001001110??000000000?000011001000001111???????????????0010?0010011111110?111?00101?110101001001100100000000121110000111?1???102??11020210111100111011?200001002102010220?200001011010101100002101?12110?001?00?111??????0210??111?1?0?11?01?????11110110000010101001200??????????10 ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1 - 31 33 - 51 53 - 74 76 - 120 122 - 136 138 140 - 155 157 - 167 169 - 187 189 - 222 224 - 246 248 - 257 259 - 268 270 272 - 290 292 - 296 298 - 327 329 - 355 357 - 398 400 - 412 , ord: 32 52 75 121 137 139 156 168 188 223 247 258 269 271 291 297 328 356 399 413 ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN MESQUITE; MESQUITESCRIPTVERSION 2 ; TITLE AUTO ; tell ProjectCoordinator ; timeSaved 1374607340728 ; getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa ; tell It ; setID 0 3418548790091870589 ; tell It ; setDefaultOrder 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 83 85 84 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ; attachments ; endTell ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters ; tell It ; setID 0 7520334002316429356 ; tell It ; setSelected 406 ; attachments ; endTell ; mqVersion 275 ; checksumv 0 3 3997792291 null getNumChars 413 numChars 413 getNumTaxa 86 numTaxa 86 short true bits 2305843009213693983 states 31 sumSquaresStatesOnly 49142.0 sumSquares -5.9951918239556035E19 longCompressibleToShort false usingShortMatrix true NumFiles 1 NumMatrices 1 ; mqVersion ; endTell ; getWindow ; tell It ; suppress ; setResourcesState false false 100 ; setPopoutState 400 ; setExplanationSize 0 ; setAnnotationSize 0 ; setFontIncAnnot 0 ; setFontIncExp 0 ; setSize 1648 926 ; setLocation 76 24 ; setFont SanSerif ; setFontSize 10 ; getToolPalette ; tell It ; endTell ; desuppress ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowCoord.BasicDataWindowCoord ; tell It ; showDataWindow #7520334002316429356 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker ; tell It ; getWindow ; tell It ; getTable ; tell It ; rowNamesWidth 110 ; endTell ; setExplanationSize 30 ; setAnnotationSize 20 ; setFontIncAnnot 0 ; setFontIncExp 0 ; setSize 1548 859 ; setLocation 76 24 ; setFont SanSerif ; setFontSize 10 ; getToolPalette ; tell It ; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam ; endTell ; setActive ; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam ; colorCells #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorByState.ColorByState ; tell It ; setStateLimit 9 ; toggleUniformMaximum on ; endTell ; colorRowNames #mesquite.charMatrices.TaxonGroupColor.TaxonGroupColor ; colorColumnNames #mesquite.charMatrices.CharGroupColor.CharGroupColor ; colorText #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor ; setBackground White ; toggleShowNames on ; toggleShowTaxonNames on ; toggleTight off ; toggleThinRows off ; toggleShowChanges on ; toggleSeparateLines off ; toggleShowStates on ; toggleAutoWCharNames on ; toggleAutoTaxonNames off ; toggleShowDefaultCharNames off ; toggleConstrainCW on ; toggleBirdsEye off ; toggleShowPaleGrid off ; toggleShowPaleCellColors off ; togglePaleInapplicable on ; toggleShowBoldCellText off ; toggleAllowAutosize on ; toggleColorsPanel off ; toggleDiagonal on ; setDiagonalHeight 80 ; toggleLinkedScrolling on ; toggleScrollLinkedTables off ; endTell ; showWindow ; getWindow ; tell It ; forceAutosize ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells ; tell It ; setColor Red ; removeColor off ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesEditor.StateNamesEditor ; tell It ; makeWindow ; tell It ; getTable ; tell It ; rowNamesWidth 306 ; endTell ; setExplanationSize 30 ; setAnnotationSize 20 ; setFontIncAnnot 0 ; setFontIncExp 0 ; setSize 1548 859 ; setLocation 76 24 ; setFont SanSerif ; setFontSize 10 ; getToolPalette ; tell It ; setTool mesquite.categ.StateNamesEditor.StateNamesWindow.ibeam ; endTell ; rowsAreCharacters on ; toggleConstrainChar on ; toggleConstrainCharNum 3 ; togglePanel off ; toggleSummaryPanel off ; endTell ; showWindow ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip ; tell It ; showStrip off ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel ; tell It ; togglePanel off ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip ; tell It ; showStrip off ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector ; tell It ; autotabOff ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.SelSummaryStrip.SelSummaryStrip ; tell It ; showStrip off ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor ; tell It ; panelOpen true ; endTell ; endTell ; endTell ; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters ; tell It ; showCharacters #7520334002316429356 #mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterList ; tell It ; setData 0 ; getWindow ; tell It ; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.DefaultCharOrder.DefaultCharOrder ; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListInclusion.CharListInclusion ; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListPartition.CharListPartition ; newAssistant #mesquite.stochchar.CharListProbModels.CharListProbModels ; newAssistant #mesquite.parsimony.CharListParsModels.CharListParsModels ; getTable ; tell It ; columnWidth 1 105 ; endTell ; setExplanationSize 30 ; setAnnotationSize 20 ; setFontIncAnnot 0 ; setFontIncExp 0 ; setSize 1548 859 ; setLocation 76 24 ; setFont SanSerif ; setFontSize 10 ; getToolPalette ; tell It ; endTell ; endTell ; showWindow ; getEmployee #mesquite.lists.CharListAnnotPanel.CharListAnnotPanel ; tell It ; togglePanel off ; endTell ; endTell ; endTell ; endTell ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = Mk1 (est.) : 1 - 413 ; ENDBLOCK;