Data is from the growing season of 2011 "ACH MIL, ERI LAN, PRU VUL, were collected on June 16th in southern oregon, June 14th in central oregon, and June 30th in washington." "PLE CON was collected on May 1st in southern oregon, May 5th in Central oregon, and May 20th in washington." "matric and temperature data was taken from spread sheets made by the larger project (Final_Daily_Water_Content_9_24_2012.xlsx, and Final_soil_temp.xlsx)" soil nutrient data was taken from nutrient data from resin probes in the ground during April-July(Soil_resin_analysis.xlsx) "Transformations performed were arcsine square-root on proportion data, and Log10 on all other data, when the data did not fit a normal distribution." "Site: DC = Deer Creek/Southern Oregon, WC= Willow Creek/Central Oregon, TQ= Tenalquot/Washington" Plot: plot number assignment (1-60) "Plant: the number of plot, with corresponding plant individual (2.3 = plant 3 from plot 2)" "Treatment: C= control plot, H= heating plot" "Species: focal plants, ACH MIL = Achillea millifolium, ERI LAN = Eriophyllum lanatum, PRU VUL = Prunella vulgaris, PLE CON = Plectritis congesta" "BG_NPP: Belowground Net Primary Productivity, at plot level" Forb_NPP: Forb Net Primary Productivity at plot level Grass_NPP: Grass Net Primary Productivity at plot level AG_NPP: Aboveground Net Primary Productivity at plot level Total_NPP: Total(above +belowground) Net Primary Productivity at plot level ForbGrass_Ratio: Ratio of Forb:Grass NPP Abground_Ratio: Ratio of Above:Belowground NPP TEMP_AVG: Average of the average daily soil temperature in degrees C of plot one month prior to harvesting TEMP_MAX: Average of the maximum daily soil temperature in degrees C of plot one month prior to harvesting TEMP_MIN: Average of the minimum daily soil temperature in degrees C of plot one month prior to harvesting Matric_AVG: Average of the average daily matric potential of plot one month prior to harvesting Matric_MAX: Average of the maximum daily matric potential of plot one month prior to harvesting Matric_MIN: Average of the minimum daily matric potential of plot one month prior to harvesting "Simpsons_D: plot diversity, average of two 1-m2 transect using simpsons diversity (1/D)" "Total_col: proportion of root colonized by Arbuscules, hyphae, and/or vesicles of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, grid intersect method" Total_ves: proportion of root colonized by vesicles Height_cm: height of the plant from base of stem in cm Flwr_num: number of flowers on plant Weight: dry aboveground biomass in grams "plant_P: total phosphorus content of aboveground biomass, wt%" "plant_N: total nitrogen content of aboveground biomass, wt%" "plant_C: total carbon content of aboveground biomass, wt%" ratio_NC: nitrogen to carbon ratio of plant material ratio_NP: nitrogen to phosphorus ratio of plant material "Soil_Ntotal: total nitrogen (NO2- + NH4+) availability in soil, measured with soil resin probes" Soil_NO2: Soil nitrite availability separately Soil_NH4: Soil ammonium availability separately "Soil_P: PO4- availability in soil, measured with soil resin probes" Soil_NP_ratio: ratio of soil total soil nitrogen to soil phosphorus availability