Bathygobius_lateral_morphology.csv contains the body size and shape data analysed in Malard et al. Parameters in file are: Individual: a unique identifier for each individual in the dataset. Habitat: the shore level that an individual was captured from, coded numerically as 0 = low shore tide pool and 1 = high shore tide pool. Pool: the specific rock pool an individual was captured from, numbered as in Table 1 of Malard et al. Centroid_Size: body size as determined through Generalized Procrustes Alignment in MorphoJ. Total_Length: distance between LM1 and LM7 (refer to Figure 1 for landmark locations). Standard_Length: distance between LM1 and midpoint LMs 5 and 6 (refer to Figure 1 for landmark locations). PC1 to PC10: Principal Component Scores per individual, as generated from Principal Components Analysis of the covariance matrix of Generalized Procrustes Aligned landmarks in MorphoJ. ProcCoord1 to ProcCoord14: individuals coordinates (odd numbers x-axis and even number y-axis) for the seven landmarks following Generalized Procrustes Alignment in MorphoJ. RawCoord1 - RawCoord14: the x-y (odd-even) coordinates for the seven landmarks as recorded from the images in ImageJ.