Data files for Koury and Cahill, Measuring larval settlement rates in a marine gastropod using a standardized bioassay 1. raw_data.csv contains the raw data for the experiment. Column titles include the 3 experimental factors (PMG, ACW, KCl), which are either present (1) or absent (0) in each glass. Block is one of 3 values, corresponding to the 3 blocks of the experiment. The columns 0h-48h are the number of larvae settled at each of these timepoints. Numbers are not cumulative, i.e. represent settlement since the previous timepoint. r = the total number of larvae settled n = the total number of larvae T = the duration of the trial in hours sum_t = [(total number of larvae settled at timepoint i) * i] summed over all timepoints lambda = lambda as calculated in the main text of the manuscript Lambda is the value that was used in the analysis of variance and subsequent post-hoc tests. We have also included the data we used to make each of the figures in the paper. 2. Data-fig2A contains the data used to make Fig. 2A, from the first block of the first experiment. Column titles include Glass_ID (from 1 to 24) and the 3 experimental factors (PMG, ACW, KCl), which are either present (1) or absent (0) in each glass. Only four treatment values were used to make this figure, so only those treatments are represented here (ACW, ACW*PMG, FSW, PMG) Lambda is the lambda value for each replicate. Each glass has an observed proportion of settlement and a predicted proportion of settlement at each timepoint. Predicted values are calculated using the lambda for each replicate. 3. Data-fig2B contains the data used to make Fig. 2B, from the first block of the first experiment. Column titles include Glass_ID (from 1 to 24) and the 3 experimental factors (PMG, ACW, KCl), which are either present (1) or absent (0) in each glass. All treatments were used for this figure, so all 8 treatments are represented here. Lambda is the lambda value for each replicate. Each glass has an observed proportion of settlement and a predicted proportion of settlement at each timepoint. Predicted values are calculated using the lambda for each replicate. 4. Data-fig3 contains the data used to make Fig. 3. Column titles include Block (one of three values, which correspond to the starting date of the experiment), and the 3 experimental factors (PMG, ACW, KCl), which are either present (1) or absent (0) in each glass, as well as each timepoint in the analysis. Each replicate has a proportion of larvae settled at each of five timepoints. 5. Data-fig4 contains the data used to make Fig. 4. Column titles include the 3 experimental factors (PMG, ACW, KCl), which are either present (1) or absent (0) in each glass. Lambda is the lambda value for each replicate.