Seq-submit ::= { sub { contact { contact { name name { last "Koch" , first "Claudia" , initials "C." } , affil std { affil "Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig" , div "Herpetology" , city "Bonn" , sub "NRW" , country "Germany" , street "Adenauerallee 160" , email "" , fax "+492289122212" , phone "+492289122234" , postal-code "53113" } } } , cit { authors { names std { { name name { last "Koch" , first "Claudia" , initials "C." } } , { name name { last "Venegas" , first "Pablo" , initials "P.J." } } } , affil std { affil "Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig" , div "Herpetology" , city "Bonn" , sub "NRW" , country "Germany" , street "Adenauerallee 160" , postal-code "53113" } } , date std { year 2016 , month 10 , day 14 } } , subtype new , tool "Sequin 15.10 - MS WINDOWS VISTA" } , data entrys { set { class genbank , seq-set { seq { id { local str "9523816S" } , descr { title "Tantilla tjiasmantoi voucher ZFMK 95238 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; mitochondrial" , source { genome mitochondrion , org { taxname "Tantilla tjiasmantoi" , orgname { mgcode 2 } } } , molinfo { biomol genomic } , pub { pub { gen { cit "Unpublished" , authors { names std { { name name { last "Koch" , first "Claudia" , initials "C." } } , { name name { last "Venegas" , first "Pablo" , initials "P.J." } } } , affil std { affil "Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig" , div "Herpetology" , city "Bonn" , sub "NRW" , country "Germany" , street "Adenauerallee 160" , postal-code "53113" } } , title "A large and unusually colored new snake species of the genus Tantilla (Squamata; Colubridae) from the Peruvian Andes" } } } , user { type str "StructuredComment" , data { { label str "StructuredCommentPrefix" , data str "##Assembly-Data-START##" } , { label str "StructuredCommentSuffix" , data str "##Assembly-Data-END##" } , { label str "Sequencing Technology" , data str "Sanger dideoxy sequencing" } } } , user { type str "NcbiCleanup" , data { { label str "method" , data str "SequinCleanup" } , { label str "version" , data int 8 } , { label str "month" , data int 10 } , { label str "day" , data int 14 } , { label str "year" , data int 2016 } } } , create-date std { year 2016 , month 10 , day 14 } } , inst { repr raw , mol dna , length 531 , seq-data ncbi2na '001305FC94040CF029865E54B810F01A59AC5705B902B24C34FED C70F3217B380A4038AB507B77CC3C343C078DD72C002720F70442148215EE09F01C073C05130C9 C3F6BEA985FA0000207D4310C17DC0C5045529C1094D438549C31E1038042F1D4A8C126437DFC2 254CD0020AFC61763BE8D284D70EB9219CF0ABDBFBD063C32D71B8DE0'H } , annot { { data ftable { { data rna { type rRNA , ext name "16S" } , location int { from 0 , to 530 , strand plus , id local str "9523816S" } } , { data gene { locus "16S" } , location int { from 0 , to 530 , strand plus , id local str "9523816S" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "772616S" } , descr { title "Tantilla tjiasmantoi voucher CORBIDI 7726 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence; mitochondrial" , source { genome mitochondrion , org { taxname "Tantilla tjiasmantoi" , orgname { mgcode 2 } } } , molinfo { biomol genomic } , pub { pub { gen { cit "Unpublished" , authors { names std { { name name { last "Koch" , first "Claudia" , initials "C." } } , { name name { last "Venegas" , first "Pablo" , initials "P.J." } } } , affil std { affil "Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig" , div "Herpetology" , city "Bonn" , sub "NRW" , country "Germany" , street "Adenauerallee 160" , postal-code "53113" } } , title "A large and unusually colored new snake species of the genus Tantilla (Squamata; Colubridae) from the Peruvian Andes" } } } , user { type str "StructuredComment" , data { { label str "StructuredCommentPrefix" , data str "##Assembly-Data-START##" } , { label str "StructuredCommentSuffix" , data str "##Assembly-Data-END##" } , { label str "Sequencing Technology" , data str "Sanger dideoxy sequencing" } } } , user { type str "NcbiCleanup" , data { { label str "method" , data str "SequinCleanup" } , { label str "version" , data int 8 } , { label str "month" , data int 10 } , { label str "day" , data int 14 } , { label str "year" , data int 2016 } } } , create-date std { year 2016 , month 10 , day 14 } } , inst { repr raw , mol dna , length 526 , seq-data ncbi2na '01305FC94040CF029865E54B810F01A59AC5705B902B24C34FEDC 70F3217B380A4038AB507B77CC3C343C078DD72C002720F70442148215EE09F01C073C05130C9C 3F6BEA985FA0000207D4310C17DC0C5045529C1094D438549C31E1038042F1D4A8C126437DFC22 54CD0020AFC61763BE8D284D70EB9219CF0ABDBFBD063C32D71B8D0'H } , annot { { data ftable { { data rna { type rRNA , ext name "16S" } , location int { from 0 , to 525 , strand plus , id local str "772616S" } } , { data gene { locus "16S" } , location int { from 0 , to 525 , strand plus , id local str "772616S" } } } } } } } } } }