library( BMA ) library( lattice ) library( latticeExtra ) setwd( "~/Egyetem/Kutatas/SulyokHIVFibrosis/" ) SI <- read.csv( "SI.csv", sep = ";" ) Labels <- c( "CD4%", "CD8%", "Age (years)", "Liver Stiffness (kPa)", "BMI (kg/m^2)", "CD4/8 ratio", "Triglyceride (mmol/L)", "Cholesterol (mmol/L)", "Sex", "Diabetes", "Hypertension", "Lipodystrophy", "Kaletra", "Known HIV positivity (years)", "Darunavir", "Atanazavir", "Raltegravir", "Etravirine", "Nevirapin", "Efavirenz", "Tenofovir", "Abacavir", "Zidovudine", "Lamivudine", "Lopinavir", "ART ever taken", "CAP (dB/m)" ) range( SI$Liver.Stiffness ) median( SI$Liver.Stiffness ) IQR( SI$Liver.Stiffness ) table( cut( SI$Liver.Stiffness, c( -Inf, 7.2, 14.6, Inf ), right = FALSE ) ) table( cut( SI$Liver.Stiffness, c( -Inf, 5.3, Inf ), right = FALSE ) ) categstat <- function( var, ref ) { varnotna <- var[ ! var ) ] return( c( length( varnotna ), table( varnotna )[ ref ], prop.table( table( varnotna ) )[ ref ] ) ) } categosszefuzo <- function( data ) { return( paste0( "n=", data[ 1 ], ", ", round( data[ 2 ], 0 ), " (", round( data[ 3 ]*100, 1 ), "%)" ) ) } contstat <- function( var, IQR = TRUE ) { varnotna <- var[ ! var ) ] if ( IQR ) return( c( length( varnotna ), round( c( mean( varnotna ), median( varnotna ), sd( varnotna ), IQR( varnotna ), range( varnotna ) ), 1 ) ) ) else return( c( length( varnotna ), round( c( mean( varnotna ), median( varnotna ), sd( varnotna ), quantile( varnotna ), range( varnotna ) ), 1 ) ) ) } contosszefuzo <- function( data, IQR = TRUE ) { if ( is.vector( data ) ) data <- matrix( data, nr = 1 ) if( IQR ) return( paste0( "n=", data[ , 1 ], ", ", round( data[ , 2 ], 1 ), " (", round( data[ , 3 ], 1 ), ") ± ", round( data[ , 4 ], 1 ), " (", round( data[ , 5 ], 1 ), ") [", round( data[ , 6 ], 1 ), "-", round( data[ , 7 ], 1 ), "]" ) ) else return( paste0( "n=", data[ , 1 ], ", ", round( data[ , 2 ], 1 ), " (", round( data[ , 3 ], 1 ), ") ± ", round( data[ , 4 ], 1 ), " (", round( data[ , 5 ], 1 ), "-", round( data[ , 6 ], 1 ), ") [", round( data[ , 7 ], 1 ), "-", round( data[ , 8 ], 1 ), "]" ) ) } categstatossze <- function( a, b, ref ) { data.frame( lapply( tapply( a, b, categstat, ref = ref ), function( x ) if(!is.null(x)) categosszefuzo(x) ), p = fisher.test( table( a, b ) )$p.value ) } contstatossze <- function( a, b ) { data.frame( lapply( tapply( a, b, contstat ), function( x ) if(!is.null(x)) contosszefuzo(x) ), p = wilcox.test( a~b )$p.value ) } ContVars <- c( "cd4", "cd8", "cd48", "age", "BMI", "triglicerid", "cholesterin", "betegsegfennalla", "Liver.Stiffness", "cap" ) CatVars <- c( names( SI )[ 15:26 ], "sex", "Diabetes", "Hypertension", "Lipodystrophy") write.csv2( rbind( data.frame( Var = ContVars, Stat = sapply( ContVars, function( x ) contosszefuzo( contstat( SI[[ x ]] ) ) ) ), data.frame( Var = CatVars, Stat = sapply( CatVars, function( x ) categosszefuzo( categstat( SI[[ x ]], ref = 2 ) ) ) ) ), "Table1.csv", row.names = FALSE ) cairo_pdf( "Fig2.pdf" ) xyplot( Liver.Stiffness ~ cap + cd4 + cd8 + age + BMI + cd48 + triglicerid + cholesterin + betegsegfennalla, outer = TRUE, data = SI, scales = list( relation = "free" ), ylab= "Liver Stiffness (kPa)", xlab = "", strip = strip.custom( factor.levels = Labels[ c( 27, 1:3, 5:8, 14 )], par.strip.text=list(cex=0.8) ), #par.settings = standard.theme( "pdf", color = FALSE ), panel = function( x, y, ... ) { panel.xyplot( x, y, ... ) panel.abline( lm( y ~ x ), lwd = 1.5 ) panel.smoother( x, y, se = FALSE, col = "red" ) } ) UnivariateCors <- data.frame( Var = ContVars[ -9 ], rbind, lapply( ContVars[ -9 ], function( x ) { return( c( corPearson = cor.test( SI[[ x ]], SI$Liver.Stiffness )$estimate, pPearson = cor.test( SI[[ x ]], SI$Liver.Stiffness )$p.value, corKendall = cor.test( SI[[ x ]], SI$Liver.Stiffness, method = "kendall" )$estimate, pKendall = cor.test( SI[[ x ]], SI$Liver.Stiffness, method = "kendall")$p.value ) ) } ) ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) write.csv2( UnivariateCors, "Table2.csv" ) UnivariateMixed <- data.frame( Var = CatVars, rbind, lapply( CatVars, function( x ) contstatossze( SI$Liver.Stiffness, SI[[ x ]] ) ) ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) write.csv2( UnivariateMixed, "Table3.csv", row.names = FALSE ) data.frame( Var = c( rep( UnivariateCors$Var, 2 ), UnivariateMixed$Var ), p.adj = p.adjust( c( UnivariateCors$pPearson, UnivariateCors$pKendall, UnivariateMixed$p ), "holm" ) ) SI <- na.omit( SI ) y <- SI$Liver.Stiffness x <- data.frame( SI[,-c(4,13,26) ] ) #col 13 is a duplicated of col "lopinavir"; col 26 was only intended to be used in the descriptive part colnames( x ) <- Labels[ -c( 4, 13, 26 ) ] fit <- bicreg( x, y ) fit$namesx <- Labels[ -c( 4, 13, 26 ) ] fit summary( fit ) write.csv2( temp[1:(nrow(temp)-4),1:3], "Table4.csv" ) summary( fit, n.models = 10 ) plot( fit ) cairo_pdf( "Fig3.pdf", width = 15, height = 13 ) imageplot.bma( fit, ylab = "" ) fit <- lm( Liver.Stiffness ~ age + cd48, data = SI ) summary( fit ) confint( fit ) library("rms", lib.loc="D:/R/R-3.3.1/library") fit<-ols( as.formula(paste0("y ~",paste(colnames(x),collapse="+"))),data=x,x=T,y=T ) fit validate(fit) # one may have to run it more than one times given the small sample size p<-pentrace(fit,seq(0,500,0.1)) plot(p) fit<-update(fit,penalty=p$penalty) fit