#NEXUS [written Fri Feb 10 12:55:24 CET 2017 by Mesquite version 3.02 (build 681) at we13c507.ugent.be/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=31; TAXLABELS Enaliarctos_mealsi Pteronarctos_goedertae Thalassoleon_mexicanus Otaria_flavescens Allodesmus_kernensis Hadrokirus_martini Piscophoca_pacifica Leptonychotes_weddelli Lobodon_carcinophaga Hydrurga_leptonyx Ommatophoca_rossi Monachus_monachus Mirounga_leonina Devinophoca_claytoni Devinophoca_emryi Cystophora_cristata Erignathus_barbatus Histriophoca_fasciata Pagophilus_groenlandicus Halichoerus_grypus Pusa_hispida Pusa_caspica Pusa_sibirica Phoca_vitulina Nanophoca_vitulinoides Praepusa_vindobonensis Praepusa_magyaricus Praepusa_pannonica Leptophoca_proxima Kawas_benegasorum Praepusa_boeska ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE Character_Matrix; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=85; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Premaxilla-nasal suture: (0) extensive; (1) weakly reduced; (2) strongly reduced.', 2 'Premaxilla-maxilla suture: 0) entirely lateral to nasal cavity; 1) anterior portion partially included in nasal cavity; (2) entirely within nasal cavity.', 3 'Nasals, shape of posterior edge: (0) pointed; (1) rounded or square; (2) frontals insert between nasals.', 4 'Facial angle: (0) snout more anteriorly than dorsally (angle 45° or more); (1) snout opening more dorsally than anteriorly (angle 45° or less).', 5 'Lateral border of opening of nasal cavity in lateral view: (0) rectilinear or weakly concave; (1) strongly concave.', 6 'Position of posterior end of nasals: (0) anterior to maxilla-frontal suture; (1) posterior to maxilla-frontal suture but greatly anterior to the level of the jugal-squamosal suture; (2) almost reaches the level of the jugal-squamosal suture.', 7 'Maxilla swelling: (0) not present; (1) present.', 8 'Alveolar process of maxilla: (0) facing ventrally; (1) facing anteroventrally posterior to P1', 9 'Maxillary process of jugal (at level of the anteroventral border of the orbit) in lateral view: (0) thin and low and increasing progressively posteriorly; (1) thick and high and increasing abruptly posteriorly.', 10 'Position of anterior opening of infraorbital foramen in ventral view: (0) anterior to M1; (1) level or posterior to M1.', 11 'Jugal, anterior end in dorsal view: (0) lateral to infraorbital foramen; (1) above or medial to the lateral margin of the infraorbital foramen.', 12 'Jugal, direction of arch of anterior portion: (0) downwards; (1) flat, no distinct arch; (2) upwards.', 13 'Squamosal-jugal articulation: (0) splintlike; (1) mortised. (adapted from Berta & Wyss, 1994)', 14 'Ventral edge of the zygomatic arch, in anterior view: (0) higher than alveolar plane; (1) level with the alveolar plane (or very close to).', 15 'Supraorbital process of frontal: (0) absent or weakly developed; (1) strongly developed.', 16 'Orbital vacuities: (0) absent; (1) present. (Berta & Wyss, 1994)', 17 'Interorbital, least width: 0) in posteriormost portion of interorbital septum; 1) in anterior half of the interorbital septum.', 18 'Interorbital least width:braincase width ratio: (0) high (i.e., much more than 20% of width of skull); (1) moderate (i.e., approximately 20%); (2) low (i.e., much less than 20%); (3) very low (i.e., 5% or less).', 19 'Major axes of glenoid fossae: (0) sub-parallel; (1) slightly convergent posteriorly.', 20 'Orientation of medial margins of tympanic bullae: (0) diverging posteriorly; (1) parasagittal.', 21 'Lateral end of tympanic bulla: (0) medial to level of mid-width of glenoid fossa; (1) lateral to level of mid-width of glenoid fossa.', 22 'Inflation of tympanic bulla: (0) weak; (1) moderate; (2) strong.', 23 'Carotid canal, posterior opening: (0) visible in ventral view (i.e., at least partially facing ventrally); (1) not visible in ventral view (i.e., opening having very little ventral aspect).', 24 'Posterior opening of the carotid canal and posterior lacerate foramen: (0) clearly separated; (1) coalescent.', 25 'Mastoid: 0) not visible in dorsal view; 1) visible (Berta and Wyss 1994).', 26 'Heavily pachyosteosclerotic mastoid: (0) absent; (1) present.', 27 'Relation of paroccipital process to mastoid: (0) connected by a low and discontinuous ridge; (1) connected by a high and continuous ridge; (2) well separated.', 28 'Pterygoid process: (0) rounded with convex lateral margin; (1) flat with concave lateral margin.', 29 'Alisphenoid canal: (0) present; (1) absent.', 30 'Direction of occipital condyles in occipital view: (0) ventral; (1) diverging dorsally.', 31 'Tooth rows: (0) parallel; (1) diverging posteriorly.', 32 'Upper incisors: (0) three; (1) two; (2) one (ordered).', 33 'Lower incisors: (0) three; (1) two; (2) one (ordered).', 34 'Lateral incisor, relative size: (0) incisiform; (1) intermediate shape; (2) caniniform.', 35 'Upper incisor, roots: (0) strongly transversely compressed; (1) moderately transversely compressed.', 36 'P2-4, p2-4, roots: (0) at least one triple-rooted; (1) double-rooted; (2) single-rooted (according to Berta and Wyss, 1994).', 37 'Postcanine teeth, crowns: (0) prominently multi-cusped; (1) single-cusped or weakly multi-cusped.', 38 'Postcanine teeth, lingual cingulum: (0) well developed; (1) not or poorly developed', 39 'M1 and m1, roots: 0) double-rooted or triple-rooted; 1) single-rooted.', 40 'M2: (0) present; (1) absent.', 41 'p4, size comparison m1: (0) about equal in size; (1) p4 larger than m1.', 42 'Atlas, transverse foramen: (0) visible in posterior view; (1) at least partially visible in dorsal view.', 43 'Atlas, direction of transverse process in lateral view: (0) oblique; (1) sub-vertical.', 44 'Scapula: (0) two ridges on lateral side do not join near glenoid; (1) two ridges on lateral side join near glenoid.', 45 'Humerus, lesser tubercle and head: (0) head higher or at same level as lesser tubercle; (1) tubercle higher.', 46 'Humerus, greater tubercle height: (0) below level of head; (1) at level of head or slightly above; (2) above level of head.', 47 'Humerus, supinator: (0) strongly developed; (1) poorly developed.', 48 'Humerus, deltopectoral crest; (0) smooth distal termination; (1) sharp distal termination.', 49 'Humerus, deltoid crest proximal bifurcation: (0) present, either distinct or slight; (1) absent, crest has smooth edge.', 50 'Humerus, length of deltoid crest: (0) shorter than or subequal to one-half length of the bone, confined to the proximal half of the bone; (1) longer than one-half length of the bone.', 51 'Humerus, intertubercular groove: (0) narrow and deep; (1) intermediate state; (2) broad and shallow', 52 'Humerus, transverse bar in bicipital groove: (0) absent; (1) present.', 53 'Humerus, entepicondylar foramen: (0) absent; (1) present', 54 'Humerus, diameter of trochlea: (0) same as diameter of distal head; (1) considerably larger than distal head. (Berta & Wyss, 1994) ', 55 'Radius, location radial tuberosity: 0) medial side; 1) posteromedial side.', 56 'Radius, pronator teres process: 0) present, proximal; 1) present, distal (adopted from Berta and Wyss).', 57 'Ulna, distal end of styloid process: 0) distally pointed; 1) flattened.', 58 'Metacarpal I, length: (0) slightly longer than mcII; (1) much longer.', 59 'Metapodials, head: (0) keeled with trochleated phalangeal articulations; (1) smooth, with phalanges flat, articulations hingelike.', 60 'Sacrum, number of fused vertebrae: (0) three; (1) four.', 61 'Innominate, anterodorsal iliac spine: (0) dorsal to anteroventral iliac spine; (1) posterodorsal to the anteroventral iliac spine', 62 'Innominate, posteroventral iliac spine (=iliac tuberosity): (0) small or absent; (1) large and strongly protruding.', 63 'Innominate, iliopectineal eminence: (0) strongly developed; (1) moderately well developed; (2) small or absent.', 64 'Innominate, ilium: (0) shallow gluteal fossa; (1) deep gluteal fossa.', 65 'Innominate, ilium: (0) weakly everted wing; (1) moderately everted; (2) strongly everted wing.', 66 'Innominate, ilium: (0) long, compared to postacetabular region; (1) short.', 67 'Innominate, ischial spine: (0) unenlarged; (1) enlarged.', 68 'Femur, lesser trochanter: (0) present; (1) absent (Berta and Wyss 1994:54).', 69 'Femur, neck, relative size: (0) thick; (1) narrow.', 70 'Femur, collo-diaphyseal angle: (0) high, head oriented more medially than proximally; (1) low, head oriented more proximally than medially.', 71 'Femur, distal condyles: (0) roughly similar in size or slight size difference; (1) large size difference.', 72 'Femur, epiphyses: (0) distal epiphysis wider than proximal; (1) widths of proximal and distal epiphyses about equal; (2) proximal epiphysis wider than distal one.', 73 'Femur, diaphysis: (0) minimum width less than or about equal to two-thirds width of proximal epiphysis; (1) minimum width more than two-thirds width of proximal epiphysis.', 74 'Femur, head and greater trochanter: (0) head reaches higher than greater trochanter; (1) both reach same level; (2) greater trochanter reaches higher than head.', 75 'Femur, trochanteric fossa: (0) little reduced; (1) strongly reduced or absent.', 76 'Femur, intertrochanteric crest: (0) strongly reduced; (1) relatively pronounced.', 77 'Femur, suprapatellar fossa: (0) absent; (1) present.', 78 'Femur, orientation of fossa for m. peroneus longus: (0) lateral; (1) anterolateral', 79 'Tibia and fibula: (0) proximal epiphyses not fused; (1) proximal epiphyses fused.', 80 'Tibia, development post-tibial fossa: (0) weak; (1) strong', 81 'Astragalus, calcaneal process: (0) absent; (1) poorly developed; (2) well developed (ordered).', 82 'Sustentacular facet of the astragalus: (0) oval-shaped and narrowed at contact with cuboid facet; (1) long (at least twice longer than wide), slender and strongly bent medially; (2) short and tongue-like with no narrowing at contact with cuboid facet.', 83 'Calcaneum, articular surface for fibula: (0) absent or very reduced; (1) well developed.', 84 'Metatarsal I, articular surface for metatarsal II: (0) oriented laterally; (1) oriented dorsolaterally; (2) inconspicuous.', 85 'Metatarsal III, length: (0) less than 50% shorter than metatarsal I; (1) approximately 50% shorter (or more) than metatarsal I.' ; MATRIX Enaliarctos_mealsi 0010010010?00000001000000000001000100100100?0000112000100?0010200(0 1)00000200010?000?0?0 Pteronarctos_goedertae 001001001(0 1)0000000100100000100?10?1100?00000001??1?20??????????????????????????0?????? Thalassoleon_mexicanus 00210100001000110100000?00100?00101101000??00211001000000010100000001100001100000?0?? Otaria_flavescens 0020000000020011010000010010000012121110100002100110000100101000000011010011001000020 Allodesmus_kernensis 1101020001?0100(0 1)0200000?0021000010121010100000110120101000101000000111121011000010000 Hadrokirus_martini 110111011111100?020111000121111110111001010???????????????????????????????????1021??? Piscophoca_pacifica 21011101111010010201110001211111101110010110011011110001101?0000011100???000??102111? Leptonychotes_weddelli 2101120000001101020111000121111111111001011001101120001111100010011100000010011022111 Lobodon_carcinophaga 210112000000110100011100012111111111010100101010012100111110001001110100110(0 1)011022111 Hydrurga_leptonyx 2101120000001101010111000121111111110101011011100020001111100010011101000010011022111 Ommatophoca_rossi -201121100001101000111001121111111111101011010100101001111100010011101001010011022111 Monachus_monachus 2101110001101001010011000121111111111001001001100121000110100010011110000011011022011 Mirounga_leonina -201110001111001010011000121101121121011011000100120000111100010011101000010011022011 Devinophoca_claytoni 1?101100?1???00?021111000?2??110?1111?01????????????????????????????????????????????? Devinophoca_emryi ??????00?1????0?020111000?2??110?1?111011??0000001001?1?0???111?110110120101??11210?? Cystophora_cristata -211111001111001111012101121111122121011100011011010101000011020111100111100001121000 Erignathus_barbatus 2010111001011001011012101121111010110101100012010010111010011110111100110111001121000 Histriophoca_fasciata 20001110010(1 2)1001121012101121111011010101000012011000111000011111211100111110001121000 Pagophilus_groenlandicus 2001111001(0 1)21001121012101121111011010101100012011010111000011111211110111110001121000 Halichoerus_grypus 2001011011021001121012101121111012021111100110010000111000011111211100110100001121000 Pusa_hispida 1001111(0 1)01(0 1)21001131012101121111011010101100110010000111000011111211110100100001121000 Pusa_caspica 1001111(0 1)01(0 1)21001131012101121111011010101100111010000111000011111211110100200001121000 Pusa_sibirica 1001111001021001131012101121111011010101100111010000111000011111211110100200001121000 Phoca_vitulina 2000011001121001121012101121111010010101100110010000111000011111211100110100001121000 Nanophoca_vitulinoides ???????????????????????????????????????????10101000011100??(0 1)111111111010020110112?0?? Praepusa_vindobonensis ??0111101??(1 2)?00?131111001?1??11011?101011010010101101110000?11111111101101011011?20?? Praepusa_magyaricus ????????????????????????????????????????????010001001???????11?12?????1?????1???????? Praepusa_pannonica ???????????????????????????????????101011???????????????????????????????????????????? Leptophoca_proxima ?????????????????????????????????????????100010(0 1)01101110????11100110101001011011????? Kawas_benegasorum ??????????????????????????????????????????????00?1??11???00???11011101??02001???????? Praepusa_boeska ????????????????????????????????????????????0001011011??????????????????????????????? ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1 - 31 34 - 80 82 - 85, ord: 32 - 33 81; END; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1 - 85; END; BEGIN TREES; Title 'Trees from Mesquite''s heuristic search'; LINK Taxa = Taxa; TRANSLATE [0] 1 Enaliarctos_mealsi, [1] 2 Pteronarctos_goedertae, [2] 3 Thalassoleon_mexicanus, [3] 4 Otaria_flavescens, [4] 5 Allodesmus_kernensis, [5] 6 Hadrokirus_martini, [6] 7 Piscophoca_pacifica, [7] 8 Leptonychotes_weddelli, [8] 9 Lobodon_carcinophaga, [9] 10 Hydrurga_leptonyx, [10] 11 Ommatophoca_rossi, [11] 12 Monachus_monachus, [12] 13 Mirounga_leonina, [13] 14 Devinophoca_claytoni, [14] 15 Devinophoca_emryi, [15] 16 Cystophora_cristata, [16] 17 Erignathus_barbatus, [17] 18 Histriophoca_fasciata, [18] 19 Pagophilus_groenlandicus, [19] 20 Halichoerus_grypus, [20] 21 Pusa_hispida, [21] 22 Pusa_caspica, [22] 23 Pusa_sibirica, [23] 24 Phoca_vitulina, [24] 25 Nanophoca_vitulinoides, [25] 26 Praepusa_vindobonensis, [26] 27 Praepusa_magyaricus, [27] 28 Praepusa_pannonica, [28] 29 Leptophoca_proxima, [29] 30 Kawas_benegasorum, [30] 31 Praepusa_boeska; TREE 'Tree 1 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((((1,28),(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 2 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),((1,28),(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 3 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,(((1,28),(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 4 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((((28,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),1),4),5); TREE 'Tree 5 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((28,(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 6 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),28),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 7 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),28),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 8 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),28),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 9 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),28),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 10 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),28),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 11 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,((((((((26,27),28),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 12 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,((((((((26,28),27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 13 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,(28,27)),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 14 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(28,(((22,25),23),21))),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 15 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),((((22,25),23),28),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 16 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),((((22,25),28),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 17 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),((((22,28),25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 18 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,(28,25)),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 19 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),(28,23)),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 20 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),(28,21))),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 21 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(28,(19,18))),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 22 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),((19,28),18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 23 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,(28,18))),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 24 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(28,(20,24))),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 25 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),((20,28),24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 26 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,(28,24))),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 27 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),(28,17)),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 28 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),(28,16)),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 29 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(28,(12,9)))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 30 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((((1,28),(((((((26,27),(((25,23),22),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 31 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((((1,28),(((((((26,27),((25,(22,23)),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 32 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,28),(4,5)),(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))); TREE 'Tree 33 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,(4,5)),28),(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))); TREE 'Tree 34 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((1,((4,5),28)),(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))); TREE 'Tree 35 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((1,28),((4,5),(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 36 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((4,5),(28,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))),1); TREE 'Tree 37 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((4,5),1),(28,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 38 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(28,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))))); TREE 'Tree 39 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(28,(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))))); TREE 'Tree 40 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))),28); TREE 'Tree 41 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((4,5),28),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 42 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),28),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 43 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),28),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 44 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),28),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 45 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),28),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 46 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),28),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 47 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,((((((((26,27),28),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 48 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,((((((((26,28),27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 49 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,(28,27)),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 50 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(28,(((22,25),23),21))),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 51 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),((((22,25),23),28),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 52 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),((((22,25),28),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 53 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),((((22,28),25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 54 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,(28,25)),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 55 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),(28,23)),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 56 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),(28,21))),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 57 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(28,(19,18))),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 58 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),((19,28),18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 59 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,(28,18))),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 60 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(28,(20,24))),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 61 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),((20,28),24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 62 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,(28,24))),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 63 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),(28,17)),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 64 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),(28,16)),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 65 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(28,(12,9))))); TREE 'Tree 66 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),((1,28),(((((((26,27),(((25,23),22),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 67 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((4,5),((1,28),(((((((26,27),((25,(22,23)),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))); TREE 'Tree 68 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,(((28,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),1),5)); TREE 'Tree 69 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((28,(1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))),5)); TREE 'Tree 70 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),28),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 71 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),28),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 72 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),28),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 73 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),28),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 74 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,((((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),28),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 75 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,((((((((26,27),28),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 76 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,((((((((26,28),27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 77 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,(28,27)),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 78 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(28,(((22,25),23),21))),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 79 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),((((22,25),23),28),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 80 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),((((22,25),28),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 81 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),((((22,28),25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 82 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,(28,25)),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 83 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),(28,23)),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 84 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),(28,21))),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 85 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(28,(19,18))),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 86 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),((19,28),18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 87 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,(28,18))),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 88 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(28,(20,24))),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 89 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),((20,28),24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 90 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,(28,24))),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 91 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),(28,17)),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 92 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),(28,16)),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 93 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,((1,(((((((26,27),(((22,25),23),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(28,(12,9)))),5)); TREE 'Tree 94 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,(((1,28),(((((((26,27),(((25,23),22),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 95 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (4,(((1,28),(((((((26,27),((25,(22,23)),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),5)); TREE 'Tree 96 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((((28,(((((((26,27),(((25,23),22),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),1),4),5); TREE 'Tree 97 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = ((((28,(((((((26,27),((25,(22,23)),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9))),1),4),5); TREE 'Tree 98 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((28,(1,(((((((26,27),(((25,23),22),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 99 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((28,(1,(((((((26,27),((25,(22,23)),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),(12,9)))),4),5); TREE 'Tree 100 from search (criterion: minimize Tree value using character matrix)' = (((1,((((((((26,27),(((25,23),22),21)),(19,18)),(20,24)),17),16),28),(12,9))),4),5); END; BEGIN NOTES; TEXT TAXON = 21 CHARACTER = 8 TEXT = 'Somehow appears as "1"'; TEXT TAXON = 22 CHARACTER = 8 TEXT = 'Somehow appears as "1"'; TEXT TAXON = 1 CHARACTER = 11 TEXT = cut_away_from_illustrations_and_appears_to_be_fused_from_literature; TEXT TAXON = 14 CHARACTER = 14 TEXT = guestimated_from_illustration_by_Koretsky_&_Holec; TEXT TAXON = 6 CHARACTER = 16 TEXT = not_been_observed_in_illustration_and_description_by_Amson_&_Muizon.; TEXT TAXON = 4 CHARACTER = 20 TEXT = different_from_Amson_&_Muizon_for_Otaria_byronia; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 22 TEXT = 'based on description by Koretsky. appears ''1&2'' based on illustrations.'; TEXT TAXON = 3 CHARACTER = 24 TEXT = not_visible_from_literature_and_illustrations_in_Repenning_&_Tedford; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 27 TEXT = based_on_description_by_Koretsky.; TEXT TAXON = 3 CHARACTER = 30 TEXT = not_discernable_from_literature_or_illustrations; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 34 TEXT = 'State one in drawing of juvenile, but indet in adult. Scoring based on poor drawing.'; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 35 TEXT = 'only to be seen in juvenile; not preserved in adult skull. Despite already permanent dentition: not observable from current images in Koretsky (2001).'; TEXT TAXON = 24 CHARACTER = 36 TEXT = 'differs from other studies. In our opinion, the roots are definitely double-rooted.'; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 38 TEXT = 'Cannot observe this from current image quality in Koretsky (2001). No skulls and mandibles in Toula (1897).'; TEXT TAXON = 1 CHARACTER = 44 TEXT = 'Cannot be elucidated, based on small drawings and pictures in Berta & Ray'; TEXT TAXON = 17 CHARACTER = 51 TEXT = 'based on images Hodgetts (1999)'; TEXT TAXON = 15 CHARACTER = 54 TEXT = 'left blank because we are uncertain, basing ourselves on the description and illustrations of Koretsky & Rahmat'; TEXT TAXON = 1 CHARACTER = 58 TEXT = 'Not known, based on Berta & Ray'; TEXT TAXON = 9 CHARACTER = 58 TEXT = check_with_muizon_1982; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 58 TEXT = 'see Toula (1897)'; TEXT TAXON = 30 CHARACTER = 61 TEXT = not_visible_from_images; TEXT TAXON = 30 CHARACTER = 62 TEXT = not_visible_from_images; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 65 TEXT = 'based on drawing in Toula (1897). Not extremely clear, but appears to be so.'; TEXT TAXON = 16 CHARACTER = 68 TEXT = 'contra Koretsky; I followed B-E & Russell'; TEXT TAXON = 9 CHARACTER = 70 TEXT = contra_Amson_&_Muizon.; TEXT TAXON = 10 CHARACTER = 70 TEXT = contra_Amson_&_Muizon.; TEXT TAXON = 11 CHARACTER = 70 TEXT = contra_Amson_&_Muizon.; TEXT TAXON = 30 CHARACTER = 71 TEXT = not_visible_from_image; TEXT TAXON = 4 CHARACTER = 72 TEXT = distal_slightly_smaller; TEXT TAXON = 19 CHARACTER = 75 TEXT = cheat?; TEXT TAXON = 1 CHARACTER = 78 TEXT = cannot_be_observed_from_small_images_and_illustrations_by_Berta_&_Ray; TEXT TAXON = 20 CHARACTER = 80 TEXT = 'BE&R say (0) '; TEXT TAXON = 1 CHARACTER = 81 TEXT = 'score from Cozzuol (2001)'; TEXT TAXON = 1 CHARACTER = 82 TEXT = not_visible_from_literature; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 82 TEXT = 'based on description by Toula (Gelenkfläche gegen das Scaphoideum ist schmal).'; TEXT TAXON = 1 CHARACTER = 84 TEXT = 'not visible from literature, but should be observable'; END; Begin MESQUITE; 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