library(timeSeries) # to be able to use this function : colProds (the product of column elements library(plyr) library(reshape) library(lubridate) library(zoo) rm(list=ls(all=T)) HART <- read.csv("surv.table.CARIBOU.20170220_pj.csv") #CARIBOU SURVIVAL DATA FILE # assign starting dates MONTHS <- data.frame() HART$s_dd <- as.Date(HART$start, origin="1899-12-30") HART$end2 <- HART$end HART$end2[$end2)] <- 41429 # assign deaths from disparate data bases. HART$e_dd <- as.Date(HART$end2, origin="1899-12-30") HART$dead <- 0 HART$dead [HART$DEATH..0.OR.1. == "Mortality"] <- 1 HART$dead [HART$DEATH..0.OR.1. == "dead"] <- 1 HART$dead [HART$DEATH..0.OR.1. == "Dead"] <- 1 HART$dead [HART$DEATH..0.OR.1. == "Dropped/dead not recovered"] <- 1 HART$dead [HART$DEATH..0.OR.1. == "MORT"] <- 1 HART$dead [HART$DEATH..0.OR.1. == "Lost"] <- 1 HART$dead [HART$DEATH..0.OR.1. == 1] <- 1 # CORRECT MINOR DATA BASE ERRORS HART2 <- subset(HART, !(CARIBOU_ID %in% c(66) & SUBPOPULATION == 'ColNorth')) # dbase error HART2 <- subset(HART2, !(CARIBOU_ID %in% c(67) & SUBPOPULATION == 'ColNorth')) # dbase error HART2 <- subset(HART2, !(CARIBOU_ID %in% c(67) & SUBPOPULATION == 'ColSouth')) # dbase error HART2 <- subset(HART2 , select = -c( ) ) # remove this column from dataframe ####AGE CLASS HART3 <- subset(HART2, AGE != "C") # remove calves from survival analyses ### SELECT APPROPRIATE SUBPOPULATION HART5 <- subset (HART3, SUBPOPULATION== "ColNorth" )# |"WellsGrey" SUBPOPULATION== "ColSouth" | SUBPOPULATION== "PurcellsSouth" | SUBPOPULATION== "Nakusp" | SUBPOPULATION== "Kennedy Siding" | SUBPOPULATION== "Moberly" | SUBPOPULATION== "Quintette") #Nakusp PurcellsSouth Kennedy Siding ## NOTE FOR MOOSE SURVIVAL, SUPOPULATIONS ARE "Columbia" and "Headwaters" ## NOTE FOR MOOSE SURVIVAL, CHANGE CARIBOU_ID TO MOOSE_ID THROUGHOUT # select dates to bound the survival analysis. SEE PAPER FOR APPROPRIATE YEAR BOUNDARIES search_start <- '2004-04-01' #CN Before TP (time period) 1 search_end <- '2006-03-31' #add days_intersect column - NUMBER OF DAYS IN RISK PERIOD HART5$days_intersect <- 0 #add died_in_range column NUMBER OF DEATHS IN RISK PERIOD HART5$died_in_range <- 0 # #march 2015, add 4 columns as per: # the columns "days_intersect" and "died_in_range" - # Subdivided into months 5 to 10, and months 11 to 4. # So the days_intersect and died_in_range columns should stay the same, # but the subdivided data (days_intersect_5_10 and days_intersect_11_4) should sum exactly to days_intersect (similar logic for "died_in_range" # HART5$days_intersect_5_10 <- 0 HART5$days_intersect_11_4 <- 0 HART5$died_in_range_5_10 <- 0 HART5$died_in_range_11_4 <- 0 #LOOP THROUGH EACH CARIBOU TO SEE IF IT DIED IN RISK PERIOD for (i in 1:length(HART5$CARIBOU_ID)) { if (HART5[i,]$s_dd <= search_end && HART5[i,]$e_dd >= search_start) { #we have calculate max_start <- as.Date(HART5[i,]$s_dd) if (search_start > max_start) { max_start <- as.Date(search_start) } min_end <- as.Date(HART5[i,]$e_dd) if (search_end < min_end) { min_end <- as.Date(search_end) } days <- (min_end - max_start) + 1 HART5[i, ]$days_intersect <- days # if (days >= 0) #the seq function will throw an error for these strange cases. { tmp_intersect_5_10 <- 0 tmp_intersect_11_4 <- 0 my_day_seq <- as.yearmon(seq(max_start, min_end, "day")) for (j in 1:length(my_day_seq)) { #print (format(my_day_seq[j], format="%m")) if (format(my_day_seq[j], format="%m") %in% c("05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10")) { tmp_intersect_5_10 <- tmp_intersect_5_10 + 1 } else if (format(my_day_seq[j], format="%m") %in% c("11", "12", "01", "02", "03", "04")) { tmp_intersect_11_4 <- tmp_intersect_11_4 + 1 } } HART5[i,]$days_intersect_5_10 <- tmp_intersect_5_10 HART5[i,]$days_intersect_11_4 <- tmp_intersect_11_4 } # #check if died in range #if there is a 1 for death and the e_dd is contained in the search span if (HART5[i,]$dead == 1) { if (HART5[i,]$e_dd >= search_start && HART5[i,]$e_dd <= search_end) { HART5[i, ]$died_in_range <- 1 # #we know it's dead, thus it must have died in one of two ranges. if (format(HART5[i,]$e_dd, format="%m") %in% c("05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10")) { HART5[i,]$died_in_range_5_10 <- 1 } else if (format(HART5[i,]$e_dd, format="%m") %in% c("11", "12", "01", "02", "03", "04")) { #strictly speaking, this could be just an else, but may as well check. HART5[i,]$died_in_range_11_4 <- 1 } # } } } } HART5 HART6 <- HART5# days_surv_rate <- 1- sum(HART6$died_in_range)/sum(HART6$days_intersect) sum(HART6$days_intersect) sum(HART6$died_in_range) annual <- days_surv_rate ^ 364.25 annual nobou <- length(HART6$days_intersect[HART6$days_intersect>=1]) # no. bou collared nobou # split by the 2 RISK periods days_surv_rateS <- 1- sum(HART6$died_in_range_5_10)/sum(HART6$days_intersect_5_10) # S means summer sum(HART6$days_intersect_5_10) sum(HART6$died_in_range_5_10) S <- days_surv_rateS ^ 184 # SUMMER SURVIVAL RATE; 184 IS NUMBER OF DAYS IN SUMMER RISK PERIOD S nobou <- length(HART6$days_intersect[HART6$days_intersect>=1]) # no. bou collared nobou # W means winter days_surv_rateW <- 1- sum(HART6$died_in_range_11_4)/sum(HART6$days_intersect_11_4) # W means winter sum(HART6$days_intersect_11_4) sum(HART6$died_in_range_11_4) W <- days_surv_rateW ^ 181.25 # WINTER SURVIVAL RATE ; 181.25 IS NUMBER OF DAYS IN WINTER RISK PERIOD W annual_2per <- W*S # WINTER SURVIVAL RATE X SUMMER SURVIVAL RATE annual_2per # final annual suvival value for 2 risk periods annual ########################################################### ########################################################### ###########################