use "/Users/CarolineTangoren/Box Sync/Nica Quantitative Data -- Clean.dta" *Quantifying data *dropping extra activated cells when imported from excel drop in 237/913 *dropping unasnwered questions for paprequire drop if mi(paprequire) *dropping unanswered questions for vaccine7 drop if mi(vaccine7) *code urban vs. rural, gives rur1 = 1 when rural, rur2 = 1 when urban tabulate rural, gen(rur) *turn age from string to numerical data destring age, gen(age2) *recode education gen edu =. replace edu = 0 if education == "Sin estudios" replace edu = 0 if education == "Preescolar" replace edu = 1 if education == "La escuela primaria incompleta" replace edu = 1 if education == "La escuela primaria completa" replace edu = 2 if education == "La escuela secundaria incompleta" replace edu = 2 if education == "La escuela secundaria completa" replace edu = 3 if education == "La educaciÌ_n universitaria incompleta" replace edu = 3 if education == "La educaciÌ_n universitaria completa" replace edu = 4 if education == "TÌ_tulo de posgrado" *recode income gen inc =. replace inc = 1 if income == "Pobre" replace inc = 2 if income == "Solo lo suficiente" replace inc = 3 if income == "Viviendo con comodidad" replace inc = 4 if income == "Adinerado" *recode direct contact gen dircon =. replace dircon = 1 if directcontact == "SÌ_" replace dircon = 0 if directcontact == "No" replace dircon = 0 if directcontact == "No sabe" replace dircon = 0 if directcontact == "" *knowledge index recoding *recode paplocation gen paplocation2 =. replace paplocation2 = 1 if paplocation == "Muy en desacuerdo" replace paplocation2 = 1 if paplocation == "Algo en desacuerdo" replace paplocation2 = 0 if paplocation == "Muy de acuerdo" replace paplocation2 = 0 if paplocation == "Algo de acuerdo" *recode of paprequire gen paprequire2 =. *should be 18 observations with 0 replace paprequire2 = 0 if paprequire == "No hay requisitos" *should be 23 observations with .25 replace paprequire2 = .25 if paprequire == "No estar menstruando" replace paprequire2 = .25 if paprequire == "No hacerte lavado o ducha vaginal previo" replace paprequire2 = .25 if paprequire == "No haber tenido relaciones sexuales tres dÌ_as antes del examen" *should be 38 observations with .5 replace paprequire2 = .5 if paprequire == "No aplicarte ning̼n medicamento, jalea, pomadas, cremas, Ì_vulos etc. previo a realizarte la prueba,No haber tenido relaciones sexuales tres dÌ_as antes del examen" replace paprequire2 = .5 if paprequire == "No estar menstruando,No haber tenido relaciones sexuales tres dÌ_as antes del examen" replace paprequire2 = .5 if paprequire == "No hacerte lavado o ducha vaginal previo,No haber tenido relaciones sexuales tres dÌ_as antes del examen" replace paprequire2 = .5 if paprequire == "No estar menstruando,No hacerte lavado o ducha vaginal previo" replace paprequire2 = .5 if paprequire == "No estar menstruando,No aplicarte ning̼n medicamento, jalea, pomadas, cremas, Ì_vulos etc. previo a realizarte la prueba" *should be 30 observations with .75 replace paprequire2 = .75 if paprequire == "No hacerte lavado o ducha vaginal previo,No aplicarte ning̼n medicamento, jalea, pomadas, cremas, Ì_vulos etc. previo a realizarte la prueba,No haber tenido relaciones" replace paprequire2 = .75 if paprequire == "No estar menstruando,No hacerte lavado o ducha vaginal previo,No haber tenido relaciones sexuales tres dÌ_as antes del examen" replace paprequire2 = .75 if paprequire == "No estar menstruando,No hacerte lavado o ducha vaginal previo,No aplicarte ning̼n medicamento, jalea, pomadas, cremas, Ì_vulos etc. previo a realizarte la prueba" replace paprequire2 = .75 if paprequire == "No estar menstruando,No aplicarte ning̼n medicamento, jalea, pomadas, cremas, Ì_vulos etc. previo a realizarte la prueba,No haber tenido relaciones sexuales tres dÌ_as antes del examen" *should be 123 observations with 1.0 replace paprequire2 = 1 if paprequire == "No estar menstruando,No hacerte lavado o ducha vaginal previo,No aplicarte ning̼n medicamento, jalea, pomadas, cremas, Ì_vulos etc. previo a realizarte la prueba,No haber tenido relaciones sexuales tres dÌ_as antes del examen" *knowledge index recoding for y/n questions foreach var of varlist hpvcervical hpvstd hpvnotreat hpvdetectpap cervicalterminal cervicalriskreduce { gen `var'2=. replace `var'2 = 1 if `var' == "SÌ_" replace `var'2 = 0 if `var' == "No" replace `var'2 = 0 if `var' == "No sabe" } *knowledge index recoding of probhpv gen probhpv2 =. replace probhpv2 = 1 if probhpv == "Hay una probabilidad moderado (or moderadamente probable)" replace probhpv2 = 1 if probhpv == "Muy probable" replace probhpv2 = 0 if probhpv == "Un poco probable" replace probhpv2 = 0 if probhpv == "Nada probable" *creation of knowledge index score egen know = rowtotal(paplocation2 paprequire2 hpvcervical2 hpvstd2 hpvnotreat2 hpvdetectpap2 cervicalterminal2 cervicalriskreduce2 probhpv2), missing corr know dircon edu rur1 inc age2 *recode belief quesitons for factor analysis foreach var of varlist pappain shorttermpap longtermpap papcancerprobability papreligion paptimeinclinic paptimeresults partnerproblempap papinvasive papemotionintimacy papmaleprovider pappromiscuity papdifficulty teenpap2 { gen `var'2=. replace `var'2 = 0 if `var' == "Algo de acuerdo" replace `var'2 = 0 if `var' == "Muy de acuerdo" replace `var'2 = 1 if `var' == "Muy en desacuerdo" replace `var'2 = 1 if `var' == "Algo en desacuerdo" } *recode of papsafe for belief index gen papsafe2=. replace papsafe2 = 1 if papsafe == "Algo de acuerdo" replace papsafe2 = 1 if papsafe == "Muy de acuerdo" replace papsafe2 = 0 if papsafe == "Algo en desacuerdo" replace papsafe2 = 0 if papsafe == "Muy en desacuerdo" *recode of teenpap for belief index gen teenpap_=. replace teenpap_ = 1 if teenpap == "Algo de acuerdo" replace teenpap_ = 1 if teenpap == "Muy de acuerdo" replace teenpap_ = 0 if teenpap == "Algo en desacuerdo" replace teenpap_ = 0 if teenpap == "Muy en desacuerdo" *recode of probcerical for belief index gen probcervical2 =. replace probcervical2 = 0 if probcervical == "Muy poco probable" replace probcervical2 = 0 if probcervical == "Algo poco probable" replace probcervical2 = 1 if probcervical == "Algo probable" replace probcervical2 = 1 if probcervical == "Muy probable" *recode of futureeffect for belief index gen futureeff2 =. replace futureeff2 = 1 if futureeffect == "SÌ_" replace futureeff2 = 0 if futureeffect == "No" replace futureeff2 = 0 if futureeffect == "No sabe" *recode of affectonlife for belief index gen affectlife2 =. *replace affectlife2 = 0 if affectonlife == "" replace affectlife2 = 0 if affectonlife == "No sabe" replace affectlife2 = 0 if affectonlife == "Un poco" replace affectlife2 = 1 if affectonlife == "Mucho" replace affectlife2 = 1 if affectonlife == "Moderadamente" *recode papefficacy for belief index gen papeff2 =. replace papeff2 = 0 if papefficacy == "No lo sabe" replace papeff2 = 0 if papefficacy == "Muy poco" replace papeff2 = 0 if papefficacy == "Moderado" replace papeff2 = 1 if papefficacy == "Extremo" replace papeff2 = 1 if papefficacy == "Mucho" *recode frequency for belief index gen freq2 =. replace freq2 = 0 if frequency == "No lo sabe" replace freq2 = 0 if frequency == "Cada 10 a̱os" replace freq2 = 1 if frequency == "Menos de 3 meses" replace freq2 = 1 if frequency == "3 meses - 6 meses" replace freq2 = 1 if frequency == "6 meses - 1 a̱o" replace freq2 = 1 if frequency == "Cada a̱o" *recode firstsexpap for belief index gen firstsex2 =. replace firstsex2 = 1 if firstsexpap == "1 a̱o despues de iniciar el sexo" replace firstsex2 = 1 if firstsexpap == "Menos de uno a̱o despues de iniciar el sexo" replace firstsex2 = 0 if firstsexpap == "2 a̱os despues de iniciar el sexo" replace firstsex2 = 0 if firstsexpap == "No lo sabe" replace firstsex2 = 0 if firstsexpap == "3 a̱os despues de iniciar el sexo" *variables for factor analysis/belief index *pappain2 shorttermpap2 longtermpap2 papcancerprobability2 papreligion2 paptimeinclinic2 *paptimeresults2 partnerproblempap2 papinvasive2 papemotionintimacy2 papmaleprovider2 *pappromiscuity2 papdifficulty2 teenpap22 papsafe2 teenpap_ probcervical2 futureeff2 *affectlife2 papeff2 freq2 firstsex2 *factor pappain2 shorttermpap2 longtermpap2 papcancerprobability2 papreligion2 paptimeinclinic2 paptimeresults2 partnerproblempap2 papinvasive2 papemotionintimacy2 papmaleprovider2 pappromiscuity2 papdifficulty2 teenpap22 papsafe2 teenpap_ probcervical2 futureeff2 affectlife2 papeff2 freq2 firstsex2 *rotate egen belief = rowtotal(pappain2 shorttermpap2 longtermpap2 papcancerprobability2 papreligion2 paptimeinclinic2 paptimeresults2 partnerproblempap2 papinvasive2 papemotionintimacy2 papmaleprovider2 pappromiscuity2 papdifficulty2 teenpap22 papsafe2 teenpap_ probcervical2 futureeff2 affectlife2 papeff2 freq2 firstsex2), missing *generating dummy variables for education gen edu_noformal = 1 if edu == 0 replace edu_noformal = 0 if edu == 1 replace edu_noformal = 0 if edu == 2 replace edu_noformal = 0 if edu == 3 replace edu_noformal = 0 if edu == 4 gen edu_primary = 1 if edu == 1 replace edu_primary = 0 if edu == 0 replace edu_primary = 0 if edu == 2 replace edu_primary = 0 if edu == 3 replace edu_primary = 0 if edu == 4 gen edu_secondary = 1 if edu == 2 replace edu_secondary = 0 if edu == 0 replace edu_secondary = 0 if edu == 1 replace edu_secondary = 0 if edu == 3 replace edu_secondary = 0 if edu == 4 gen edu_uni = 1 if edu == 3 replace edu_uni = 0 if edu == 0 replace edu_uni = 0 if edu == 1 replace edu_uni = 0 if edu == 2 replace edu_uni = 0 if edu == 4 gen edu_postgrad = 1 if edu == 4 replace edu_postgrad = 0 if edu == 0 replace edu_postgrad = 0 if edu == 1 replace edu_postgrad = 0 if edu == 2 replace edu_postgrad = 0 if edu == 3 *generating dummy variables for income gen inc_poor = 1 if inc == 1 replace inc_poor = 0 if inc == 2 replace inc_poor = 0 if inc == 3 replace inc_poor = 0 if inc == 4 gen inc_suf = 1 if inc == 2 replace inc_suf = 0 if inc == 1 replace inc_suf = 0 if inc == 3 replace inc_suf = 0 if inc == 4 gen inc_comfort = 1 if inc == 3 replace inc_comfort = 0 if inc == 1 replace inc_comfort = 0 if inc == 2 replace inc_comfort = 0 if inc == 4 gen inc_rich = 1 if inc == 4 replace inc_rich = 0 if inc == 1 replace inc_rich = 0 if inc == 2 replace inc_rich = 0 if inc == 3 *unadjusted regressions *need to edit these unadjusted for edu and inc foreach var of varlist know rur1 dircon age2 edu inc { reg belief `var' } *regression reg belief rur1 dircon age2 know edu_noformal edu_primary edu_secondary edu_uni edu_postgrad inc_poor inc_suf inc_comfort inc_rich, robust *regression using class command reg belief rur1 dircon age2 know