Seasonal temperature acclimatization in a semi-fossorial mammal and the role of burrows as thermal refugia Milling CR, Rachlow JL, Chappell MA, Camp MJ, Johnson TR, Shipley LA, Paul DR, Forbey JS Peer J Abbreviations and descriptions of data: Milling_etal_EnviroTemps.csv DateTime Observation timestamp Season winter or summer Tbrw Mean burrow temperature (degrees C) Tbrw_Cost Predicted RMR (mL O2/min) for ave. size animal at rest in burrow (predicted from nlme regression) Mean_Te Mean above-ground operative temperature (degrees C) Te1_Cost Predicted RMR (mL O2/min) for ave. size animal at rest above ground at Mean_Te (predicted from nlme regression for Mean_Te =<35 degrees C; When Mean_Te>35, Te1_Cost = 0.209286Te - 2.54501 -- see manuscript for justification) Min_Te Minimum above-ground operative temperature (degrees C) Te2_Cost Predicted RMR (mL O2/min) for ave. size animal at rest above ground, assuming animal is capable of behavioral thermoregulation. When Mean_Te > 35, RMR recalculated using TeMin (predicted from nlme regression for Min_Te =< 35 degrees C; when Min_Te>35, Te2_Cost = 0.209286Te - 2.54501) BurrowIsRefuge TRUE if the burrow satisfies the definition of thermal refuge (winter: Te < Tbrw; summer: Te > 35) Opt_Cost Predicted RMR (mL O2/min) for ave. size animal that uses a burrow according to definition of refuge (if BurrowIsRefuge == TRUE, cost = Tbrw_Cost; If BurrowIsRefuge == blank, cost = Te1_Cost [ winter] or Te2_cost [summer]) mass Mass of average size animal used in this study (462 g) Milling_etal_Temps_ABBR.csv Abbreviated file of the same information contained in Milling_etal_EnviroTemps.csv for calculating SE of predicted RMR Using methods outlined in Mandel (2013). season winter or summer Microhabitat Burrow, Above ground, or both (refuge according to riles in Milling_etal_EnviroTemps.csv) Tc Mean temperature (degrees C) of the microhabitat for the observation mass Mass of average size animal used in this study (462 g) Milling_etal_nlmePYRA.R Data and R-code for performing non-linear mixed effects segmented regression on respirometry data. Annotated code appears below and can be copied/pasted into R. rabbits <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = " animal season mass Ta Tc VO2 eya summer 479 5 6.43 6.36 eya summer 481 10 12.86 8.52 eya summer 480 15 17.06 7.41 eya summer 481 20 22.27 4.95 eya summer 479 25 25 5.05 eya summer 485 30 30.47 5.68 olive summer 447 20 21.48 5.03 olive summer 453 5 5.79 9.34 olive summer 448 10 12.24 7.67 olive summer 448 15 16.93 5.62 olive summer 444 25 24.59 3.61 olive summer 461 30 30.43 6.13 scout summer 450 5 7.06 9.86 scout summer 469 10 12.15 5.74 scout summer 476 15 17 8.66 scout summer 446 20 21.14 7.06 scout summer 466 25 24.78 6.16 scout summer 468 30 30.14 5.73 taylor summer 501 5 6.43 NA taylor summer 504 10 12.54 8.23 taylor summer 494 15 17.25 7.02 taylor summer 506 20 21.49 5.22 taylor summer 525 25 24.75 4.8 taylor summer 496 30 30.26 4.76 wicket summer 495 5 6.43 8.05 wicket summer 493 10 12.86 9.56 wicket summer 490 15 17.06 7.58 wicket summer 496 20 21.73 5.33 wicket summer 495 25 25.5 3.83 wicket summer 495 30 29.99 3.34 winston summer 430 5 6.43 6.58 winston summer 425 10 12.88 8.37 winston summer 420 15 17.06 5.23 winston summer 433 20 21.47 4.1 winston summer 424 25 24.76 2.54 winston summer 419 30 29.94 4.2 bella winter 437 -5 -3.04 10.18 bella winter 430 0 3.37 9.37 bella winter 437 5 6.88 7.17 bella winter 447 10 10.87 8.35 bella winter 440 15 15.73 8.24 bella winter 436 20 19.66 8.03 bella winter 437 25 25 7.14 cinna winter 384 0 1.86 5.97 cinna winter 382 5 6.55 6.03 cinna winter 391 15 15.61 5.36 cinna winter 392 20 19.5 4.6 cinna winter 384 25 24.35 4.31 prim winter 404 -5 -4.77 7.73 prim winter 407 0 2.25 8.01 prim winter 420 5 7.9 8.14 prim winter 402 10 10.95 4.58 prim winter 420 15 15.61 8.17 prim winter 415 20 19.61 7.61 prim winter 421 25 25.73 5.18 Scout winter 519 -5 -5.02 7 Scout winter 513 0 1.37 9.55 Scout winter 559 5 6.71 8.36 Scout winter 558 10 11.07 7.62 Scout winter 567 15 15.39 8.37 Scout winter 567 20 18.5 7.05 Scout winter 514 25 24.67 4.96 taylor winter 485 -5 -4.52 9.5 taylor winter 468 0 0.92 6.82 taylor winter 466 5 5.55 7.12 taylor winter 485 10 10.06 4.34 taylor winter 481 15 15.27 4.51 taylor winter 485 20 19.1 4.14 taylor winter 477 25 24.87 6.65 winston winter 459 -5 -4.32 9.12 winston winter 457 0 2.62 8.89 winston winter 465 5 5.73 NA winston winter 454 10 10.87 7.91 winston winter 475 15 15.84 7.19 winston winter 455 20 18.56 4.91 winston winter 462 25 24.78 3.92 ") library(ggplot2) library(nlme) rabbits <- subset(rabbits, ! # remove the two cases with missing values # Model allowing mass to affect the function height (b0) and season to affect height and slope, but not knot. # The model has three parameters: the height of the flat part after the knot (b0), the slope of the part before the knot (b1), # and the knot itself (knot). These parameters could vary over other variables like season, mass, and/or animal. mymodel <- nlme(VO2 ~ b0 + b1*(Tc < knot)*(Tc - knot), data = rabbits, fixed = list(b0 ~ mass + season, b1 ~ season, knot ~ 1), # b0 varies by mass & season, and b1 by season random = b0 ~ 1, groups = ~ animal, start = c(5, 0, 0, -0.4, 0, 25)) # Note that if you look at summary(mymodel) you'll see inferences for b1.seasonwinter, which represents the # effect of season on the line slope (which is the b1 parameter). So, for example, b1.(Intercept) is the slope for summer # and b1.(Intercept) + b1.seasonwinter is the slope for winter. #To obtain inferences for the slope during winter we # reparameterize the model by changing the reference category for season as shown below. rabbits$season <- relevel(rabbits$season, ref = "winter") mymodel <- nlme(VO2 ~ b0 + b1*(Tc < knot)*(Tc - knot), data = rabbits, fixed = list(b0 ~ mass + season, b1 ~ season, knot ~ 1), # b0 varies by mass & season, and b1 by season random = b0 ~ 1, groups = ~ animal, start = c(5, 0, 0, -0.4, 0, 25)) summary(mymodel) # Here inferences concerning the slope during winter are listed by b1.(Intercept). # To get the height of the line for summer past the knot (i.e., the flat line) for a given but arbitrary value of mass, #we can center mass at that value (here 462g which was the mean mass of the animals used). #Note switching back to original parameterization. rabbits$season <- relevel(rabbits$season, ref = "summer") mymodel <- nlme(VO2 ~ b0 + b1*(Tc < knot)*(Tc - knot), data = rabbits, fixed = list(b0 ~ I(mass - 462) + season, b1 ~ season, knot ~ 1), # b0 varies by mass & season, and b1 by season random = b0 ~ 1, groups = ~ animal, start = c(5, 0, 0, -0.4, 0, 25)) summary(mymodel) # Here b0.(Intercept) is the estimated height of the line for summer past the knot for an average animal of 462g. ### To evaluate model fit:### # The following gives standardized residuals. resid(mymodel, level = 0:1, type = "pearson") # As a rough assessment of fit, examining the proportion of residuals at each level that are greater than two in absolute value. apply(resid(mymodel, level = 0:1, type = "pearson"), 2, function(x) mean(abs(x) > 2)) # Assuming these residuals have approximately standard normal distributions, only about 5% should exceed 2 in absolute value #(this is only a rough approximation, in part due to the dependence of the residuals. ### ANCOVA with random effect of individual to evaluate effect of season on minimum thermal conductance ### conductance<- read.table(header = TRUE, text = " animal mass season C eya 479 summer 11.9736429 olive 453 summer 17.23777302 scout 450 summer 18.93725994 wicket 495 summer 15.15531846 winston 430 summer 12.38782554 bella 437 winter 14.7750363 prim 404 winter 10.76851638 scout 519 winter 9.69529086 taylor 485 winter 13.31153664 winston 459 winter 12.8390427 ") library(lme4) mymod<- lmer(C~ mass + season + (1|animal), data = conductance) # Linear form of ANCOVA, with random effect for individual (repeated obs on 2 animals) summary(mymod) confint(mymod, level =0.95) #lmer does not compute p-values -- use 95% CI overlapping 0 ### To estimate thermoregulatory costs above ground, in burrows, both (refuge) ### # Bootstrapping to obtain standard errors. d <- read.csv("Milling_etal_Temps_ABBR.csv", header = TRUE) # set path or working directory as needed library(MASS) B <- 1000 # number of bootstrap samples mb <- mymodel$coefficients$fixed # mean vector for bootstrap samples sb <- vcov(mymodel) # covariance matrix for bootstrap samples m <- mymodel # copy model for changing parameter values for prediction y <- rep(NA, B) # hold simulated predicted values # create data frame to hold results out <- expand.grid(season = c("summer","winter"), habitat = c("Above","Burrow","Refuge"), estimate = NA, se = NA) for (i in c("summer","winter")) { for (j in c("Above","Burrow","Refuge")) { estimate <- sum(1.206 * predict(mymodel, newdata = subset(d, season == i & Microhabitat == j), level = 0)) for (b in 1:B) { beta <- mvrnorm(1, mb, sb) # generate bootstrap sample m$coefficients$fixed <- beta # replace parameter estimates y[b] <- sum(1.206 * predict(m, newdata = subset(d, season == i & Microhabitat == j), level = 0)) # predicted cost } out$estimate[out$season == i & out$habitat == j] <- estimate # point estimate out$se[out$season == i & out$habitat == j]<- sqrt(sum((y - estimate)^2)/B) # estimated standard error } } print(out)