Seq-submit ::= { sub { contact { contact { name name { last "Zhang" , first "Jiayong" , initials "J." } , affil std { affil "College of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University" , city "Jinhua" , sub "Zhejiang Province" , country "China" , email "" , fax "086-0579-82281314" , phone "086-0579-82281314" , postal-code "321004" } } } , cit { authors { names std { { name name { last "Zhang" , first "Jiayong" , initials "J." } } , { name name { last "Ma" , first "Yue" , initials "Y." } } , { name name { last "Zhang" , first "Leping" , initials "L." } } } , affil std { affil "College of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University" , city "Jinhua" , sub "Zhejiang Province" , country "China" , postal-code "321004" } } , date std { year 2016 , month 5 , day 29 } } , hup TRUE , reldate std { year 2021 , month 5 , day 31 } , subtype new , tool "Sequin 15.10 - MS WINDOWS VISTA" } , data entrys { set { class nuc-prot , descr { source { genome mitochondrion , org { taxname "Toxodera hauseri" , orgname { lineage "Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Metazoa; Eumetazoa; Bilateria; Protostomia; Ecdysozoa; Panarthropoda; Arthropoda; Mandibulata; Pancrustacea; Hexapoda; Insecta; Dicondylia; Pterygota; Neoptera; Orthopteroidea; Dictyoptera; Mantodea; Toxodera" , mgcode 5 } } } , pub { pub { gen { cit "Unpublished" , authors { names std { { name name { last "Zhang" , first "Jiayong" , initials "J." } } , { name name { last "Ma" , first "Yue" , initials "Y." } } , { name name { last "Zhang" , first "Leping" , initials "L." } } } , affil std { affil "College of Chemistry and Life Science, Zhejiang Normal University" , city "Jinhua" , sub "Zhejiang Province" , country "China" , postal-code "321004" } } , title "complete mitochondrial genome of Toxodera hauseri" } } } , user { type str "NcbiCleanup" , data { { label str "method" , data str "SequinCleanup" } , { label str "version" , data int 8 } , { label str "month" , data int 12 } , { label str "day" , data int 14 } , { label str "year" , data int 2017 } } } } , seq-set { seq { id { local str "66-HSJT" } , descr { molinfo { biomol genomic , completeness complete } , user { type str "StructuredComment" , data { { label str "StructuredCommentPrefix" , data str "##Assembly-Data-START##" } , { label str "StructuredCommentSuffix" , data str "##Assembly-Data-END##" } , { label str "Assembly Method" , data str "seqMan v. v.5.0" } , { label str "Sequencing Technology" , data str "Sanger dideoxy sequencing; IonTorrent" } } } , create-date std { year 2016 , month 5 , day 29 } } , inst { repr raw , mol dna , length 15616 , topology circular , strand ds , seq-data ncbi4na '44811118422841181114448818248418144181118118481188881 881288881281188822488221141188881888281219881121411884112842118222111181821111 188888484282288121221111848128141111481142811811818811428188444882181222211881 814141811182828288882811842221181188211211111822828888811841218811881414481288 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811818811818181818111881888188118181818281228811284188118414118118844118121228 2148184C8881181881111222888888882812221818144881881112288182111182428488141821 812411811841111811182882288818114128881818181811114481418118811818818482288188 1818818414288114282112881124881228288111281188881184118884412882221482211244C8 88111181828881114118184118212111188441141'H } , annot { { data ftable { { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 73 } } , location int { from 0 , to 64 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 81 } } , location int { from 89 , to 158 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 77 } } , location int { from 161 , to 231 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 87 } } , location int { from 1262 , to 1329 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 67 } } , location int { from 1337 , to 1401 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 89 } } , location int { from 1403 , to 1469 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 76 } } , location int { from 3034 , to 3101 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 71 } } , location int { from 5615 , to 5679 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 65 } } , location int { from 6039 , to 6103 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 82 } } , location int { from 6108 , to 6174 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 78 } } , location int { from 6193 , to 6258 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 83 } } , location int { from 6260 , to 6324 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 69 } } , location int { from 6326 , to 6396 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 70 } } , location int { from 6401 , to 6464 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 72 } } , location int { from 8191 , to 8254 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 84 } } , location int { from 9877 , to 9940 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 80 } } , location int { from 9941 , to 10003 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 83 } } , location int { from 11659 , to 11728 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 76 } } , location int { from 12679 , to 12749 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 86 } } , location int { from 14072 , to 14141 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_1" , location int { from 232 , to 1263 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "COX1" } , location int { from 1494 , to 3029 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_2" , location int { from 1494 , to 3029 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "ATP8" } , location int { from 3996 , to 4154 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_3" , location int { from 3996 , to 4154 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "ATP6" } , location int { from 4151 , to 4828 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_4" , location int { from 4151 , to 4828 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "ND3" } , location int { from 5680 , to 6033 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_5" , location int { from 5680 , to 6033 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "ND5" } , location int { from 6465 , to 8190 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , comment "TAA stop codon is completed by the addition of 3' A residues to the mRNA" , product whole local str "66-HSJT_6" , location int { from 6465 , to 8190 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "ND4" } , location int { from 8262 , to 9599 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_7" , location int { from 8262 , to 9599 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "ND4L" } , location int { from 9593 , to 9874 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_8" , location int { from 9593 , to 9874 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "Cyt b" } , location int { from 10509 , to 11645 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_9" , location int { from 10509 , to 11645 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "ND1" } , location int { from 11747 , to 12676 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_10" , location int { from 11747 , to 12676 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type rRNA , ext name "12S ribosomal RNA" } , location int { from 14142 , to 14928 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data imp { key "D-loop" } , location int { from 14929 , to 15615 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } , qual { { qual "allele" , val "control region" } } } , { data gene { locus "ND2" } , location int { from 232 , to 1263 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "COX2" } , location int { from 3105 , to 3788 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_11" , location int { from 3105 , to 3788 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 75 } } , location int { from 3856 , to 3927 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type tRNA , ext tRNA { aa ncbieaa 68 } } , location int { from 3929 , to 3995 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "ND6" } , location int { from 10006 , to 10509 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , product whole local str "66-HSJT_12" , location int { from 10006 , to 10509 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data rna { type rRNA , ext name "16S ribosomal RNA" } , location int { from 12750 , to 14071 , strand minus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data gene { locus "COX3" } , location int { from 4828 , to 5615 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } , { data cdregion { code { id 5 } } , comment "TAA stop codon is completed by the addition of 3' A residues to the mRNA" , product whole local str "66-HSJT_13" , location int { from 4828 , to 5615 , strand plus , id local str "66-HSJT" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_1" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 343 , seq-data ncbieaa "MPNNSTKILFLMTLISGTLISLSANSWMGAWMGLEINLLSFIPLLSSNKNMFS TESSLKYFLIQAVASSTILFMILMKINMQELFHFTSNNFWNNIIMLPLLMKMAVAPFHWWLPPVVEGSSWTNCFIILS IQKIAPFTLISYLLSNNLIIQMMIILSALIGAIGGLNQISLRKILAFSSINHIGWMMIMMIMGSNMWILYFTIYTINV SIIILMASILNISFITQTFNPLNNKKLVKFTLLTSMLSLGGLPPFLGFFPKWIAIHFMMQNLLVLSCFILVLSSLLTL YYYLRFMYSTLMITNSENLWFTLIYPKKIIYSNIIMFNLSIILLGMMASTLLLLTY" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2" } , desc "ND2" } , location int { from 0 , to 342 , id local str "66-HSJT_1" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_2" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 511 , seq-data ncbieaa "MQRWLFSTNHKDIGTLYFVFGAWSGMLGTSLSILIRTELGQPGSLIGDDQIYN VIVTAHAFIMIFFMVMPIMIGGFGNWLVPLMLGAPDMAFPRMNNMSFWLLPPSILLLLISSMVESGAGTGWTVYPPLS ASIAHAGPAVDLAIFSLHLAGMSSIMGAVNFITTMINMKPIYMNQTQMPLFIWSVGITALLLLLSLPVLAGAITMLLT DRNLNTSFFDPAGGGDPILYQHLFWFFGHPEVYILILPGFGMISHVISHESGKKEAFGNYGMIWAMSAIGFLGFVVWA HHMFTVGMDVDTRAYFTGATMIIAVPTGIKIFSWLATMYGTKVIYTPASLWALGFIFLFTVGGLTGVILANSAIDIIL HDTYYVVAHFHYVLSMGAVFAIMAGFIHWYPLFTGLTLNPNWLKSQFLTMFIGVNLTFFPQHFLGLAGMPRRYSDYPD AYTCWNIVSSMGSMISFIAVIMFIFILWESMSANRPVMFSSQMNSSIEWALNLPPAEHTYNELTLITK" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "cytochrome c oxidase subunit I" } , desc "COX1" } , location int { from 0 , to 510 , id local str "66-HSJT_2" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_3" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 52 , seq-data ncbieaa "MPQMMPLNWLMLFAFFVMFLFLLNILNYYTVFNKSTSKISQKPGYKTLNWKW" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "ATP synthase F0 subunit 8" } , desc "ATP8" } , location int { from 0 , to 51 , id local str "66-HSJT_3" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_4" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 225 , seq-data ncbieaa "MTNLFSVFDPSSNIMNLSMNWVSISIGLLLIPMSMWLIPSRNLTLWNLIINKL HEEFKLLIGKKKINKGSTFMFISVLYYILHNNFMGLFPYIFTSTSHMTMTLSLALPLWLSFMIFGWINNTKHMFAHLV PQGTPGPLMPFMVCIETISNMIRPGTLAIRLAANMIAGHLLMTLLGNTGNSMALMIVPFLIFTQILLLTLESAVAMIQ SYVFAVLSTLYSSEVN" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "ATP synthase F0 subunit 6" } , desc "ATP6" } , location int { from 0 , to 224 , id local str "66-HSJT_4" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_5" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 117 , seq-data ncbieaa "MISLTMTALIITLISFIVMMLSHFLSKKLIESREKSSPFECGFDPMSSSRLPF SLRFFLIAIIFLIFDVEIALLLPISIIPWNSNIMAWSITSITFILILLIGLYHEWNQGSLNWAK" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3" } , desc "ND3" } , location int { from 0 , to 116 , id local str "66-HSJT_5" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_6" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 575 , seq-data ncbieaa "MMYLSLCFISFFFFMFLSLLSFVLSLYCIMNNMIYFVEWEIVSMNSSSIVMTL LFDWMSLLFMSLVMLISSLVILYSEDYMEGDISLNRFIFLVLLFVLSMMFLVISPNLISILLGWDGLGLISYCLVIYY QNVKSYNAGMLTALSNRIGDVALLMAIAWMVNFGSWNYVNYLNCLFNSIELCVISFLVVLAAMTKSAQIPFSAWLPAA MAAPTPVSALVHSSTLVTAGVYLLIRFSNIFPDWLMKFLLVISVMTMFMSGLGANFEYDLKKIIALSTLSQLGLMMSI LSLGYADLAFFHLLTHALFKALLFMCAGMVIHSVKNFQDIRFMGNLSIFMPLTSSCFMISNFALCGMPFLAGFYSKDM ILEVVSLSNLNMFMFMLYFFSTGLTVCYSFRLFYYVLWGDFNLIPMFKLSEENWMMIYGMLGLMIFAVFGGSFLNWMI FLTPYFICLPLFMKLFPILVSLLGLWLGSILFKYSLSYYFTNFSYYHLVIFFGSMWFMPFIFTKGVSKSFLLLGFNSI KYMDLGWSEYFGPQNLYLLNMKLSSVNQWFQINDFKSYLVIFFISLSLIFLFIV" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5" } , desc "ND5" } , location int { from 0 , to 574 , id local str "66-HSJT_6" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_7" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 445 , seq-data ncbieaa "MLMCMFYVIFMIPLCFLKNGWWLLQNLMFLISFMYILKVDFFVWSNLSYVFGN DYLSYGLIILSFWICVLMIMASYSVVRYKFYNHLFLFMILLLLLMLYCTFCSSNMIAFYIFFEGSLIPTLFLIYGWGY QPERLQAGMYLLFYTLFASLPLLMGLLYMYNYSYYMFFPLMNMTDYFNLYLYMSMVMAFLVKMPMYLLHLWLPKAHVE APVSGSMILAGVLLKLGGYGLLRVFECLMSIGMNMNVIWMAISLVGGFLVSLMCLRQVDMKALIAYSSVAHMGLVIGG LMTLNSWGMYMSFVLMIAHGLCSSGLFCLANICYERLGSRSLLINKGLLNLMPSMALWWFLLSSSNMAAPPSLNLLGE IGLFNSMIGWMWVVMLFLVLISFFSAAYTLYMYSYSQHGLYYSGMYSSINGYCREYLLLMLHWLPLNLLILKSDFVLI WM" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4" } , desc "ND4" } , location int { from 0 , to 444 , id local str "66-HSJT_7" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_8" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 93 , seq-data ncbieaa "MLMIFCLMFFCGLWVFCSKRKHLLMTLLSLEFIVLVLFIVLYYYVLMMSGELY VTMVFLSFAVCEGALGLSILVSMIRSHGNDYLNSFGLLQC" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L" } , desc "ND4L" } , location int { from 0 , to 92 , id local str "66-HSJT_8" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_9" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 378 , seq-data ncbieaa "MNKPSRKNHPLIKIPNNALVDLPTPSNISSWWNFGSLLGICLLIQILTGLFLA MHYSAHIDLAFSSVAHICRDVNYGWLLRTLHANGASLFFICIYLHIGRGLYYGSYKFYYTWMIGVMILFLVMATAFMG YVLPWGQMSFWGATVITNLLSAIPYLGMELVQWVWGGFAVDNATLNRFFAFHFVLPFIVMAVVMIHLLFLHQTGSNNP LGLNSNIDKIPFHPYFTFKDIFGFIMLLMILCLLSLKEPYILGDPDNFIPANPLITPVHIQPEWYFLFAYAILRSIPN KLGGVIALVMSIAILFFLPLSESNSRGLQYYPINQVMFWMMVMIIILLTWIGARPVEDPYILTGQILTVTYFLYYIFN PLMSKTWDYILYK" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "cytochrome b" } , desc "Cyt b" } , location int { from 0 , to 377 , id local str "66-HSJT_9" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_10" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 309 , seq-data ncbieaa "MMNFIVLILVSLILIIFVLVGVAFFTLLERKVLGYIHLRKGPNKVGFMGILQP FSDAIKLFCKEHVNPLVSNYLLYYVCPIFSLFLSLLLWMLIPYVSGMFNFNLGLFFFLLCTSMGVYTVMLAGWSSNSN YALLGGLRAVAQTISYEVSLALILLSFVFLISSYSLLDFFYYQVGIWFIFFLFPLCNIWFVSCLAETNRSPFDFAEGE SELVSGFNVEYGSGGFALIFLSEYSSILFMSMMMSIIFMGSDLNSLFFYMKLIFISFLYIWVRGTLPRYRYDKLMFLA WKSFLPISLNFLIFYLGLKIFF" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1" } , desc "ND1" } , location int { from 0 , to 308 , id local str "66-HSJT_10" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_11" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 227 , seq-data ncbieaa "MATFMSFGLQDSASPLMEQLMYFHDHSMFIITMIVTTVSYMMLSLMTNKFTDR HVMDGQYLEILWTILPAIVLIFIALPSLQILYLIDENSNPTLTLKTIGHQWYWSYEYSDFTDIEFDSYMTPQNEMNNG IRLLEVDNRTTLPMNTLTRILITSEDVIHSWTIPSIGVKADATPGRLNQATFWFNRPGVFYGQCSEICGANHSFMPIV IESVYTNDFLNWILSLSQ" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "COX2" } , desc "cytochrome c oxidase subunit II" } , location int { from 0 , to 226 , id local str "66-HSJT_11" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_12" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 167 , seq-data ncbieaa "MMYILISMSMALSITFLFLNHPLSMGLILFLQAILMCLISGSMSLSFWFSYIL LLIYLGGMLVLFMYVTSLASNEMFIYSNKMLMTLFFLPMIFITIHYMNMYYPINFYENMENNLIFTTMSNNFLLKMYN QPINLITIMIASYLFLTLIGVVKIIYIYKGPLRQMN" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6" } , desc "ND6" } , location int { from 0 , to 166 , id local str "66-HSJT_12" } } } } } } , seq { id { local str "66-HSJT_13" } , descr { molinfo { biomol peptide , tech concept-trans-a } } , inst { repr raw , mol aa , length 262 , seq-data ncbieaa "MTMNTNHPYHLVSYSPWPIVAAMSIMMTMLGYIKYSYEYNEKLMFMGMLMLIL TTIQWWRDVVRESTFQGYHTKEVMTGLRWGMILFIVSEVFFFISFFWTFYHSSLAPAVDLGSSWPPLGIIPFNALQIP LLNTTVLLASGITITWSHHSLMENNYNQAKQGLMLTILLGIYFTSLQLYEYYEAPFTITDSIFGSTFFVATGFHGLHV IIGSTFLFTCLTRMMSMHFTSNHHFGFEAAAWYWHFVDVVWLFLYVSIYWWGG" } , annot { { data ftable { { data prot { name { "cytochrome c oxidase subunit III" } , desc "COX3" } , location int { from 0 , to 261 , id local str "66-HSJT_13" } } } } } } } } } }