library(multcomp) library(ggplot2) library(plyr) setwd("C:/Users/awvater/Desktop") qPCR_Tissue_161_343_Data <- read.csv("C:/Users/awvater/Desktop/Figure_4data.csv") View(qPCR_Tissue_161_343_Data) Mean_qPCR <- aggregate( + Day, qPCR_Tissue_161_343_Data, mean, na.rm=TRUE ) Mean_qPCR_DF <- data.frame(Mean_qPCR) Mean_qPCR_DF$norm_counts = 10^Mean_qPCR_DF$ Mean_qPCR_DF$norm_counts[Mean_qPCR_DF$norm_counts == 1] <- 0 View(Mean_qPCR_DF) #############161 Day161qPCR <- subset(qPCR_Tissue_161_343_Data, Day == 161) LMqPCR <- lm( C_T_S, data = Day161qPCR) hist(Day161qPCR$ qqnorm(resid(LMqPCR)) shapiro.test (resid(LMqPCR)) res = resid(LMqPCR) # get 1% and 99% for residual q <- quantile(res, probs=c(.15, .85), na.rm = TRUE) # perform windsorization for (i in 1:length(res)) { if (res[i] < q[1]) { Day161qPCR$[i] <- Day161qPCR$[i] - res[i] + q[1] } else if (res[i] > q[2]) { Day161qPCR$[i] <- Day161qPCR$[i] - res[i] + q[2] } } LMqPCR <- lm( C_T_S, data = Day161qPCR) qqnorm(resid(LMqPCR)) shapiro.test (resid(LMqPCR)) #------------------343----------------- Day343qPCR <- subset(qPCR_Tissue_161_343_Data, Day == 343) LMqPCR <- lm( C_T_S, data = Day343qPCR) hist(Day343qPCR$ qqnorm(resid(LMqPCR)) shapiro.test (resid(LMqPCR)) ComparisonsqPCR<- glht (LMqPCR, mcp(C_T_S = "Tukey")) summary(ComparisonsqPCR) #---Done # ------- construct data frame of the conditioned data ----- data <- rbind(Day161qPCR, Day343qPCR) datasum <- ddply(data, c("Day", "C_T_S"), summarise, N = length(, mean=mean(, sd=sd(, se=sd/sqrt(N) ) pd <- position_dodge(2) # move them .05 to the left and right ggplot(datasum, aes(x=Day, y=mean, fill=C_T_S, group=C_T_S)) + geom_bar(position=position_dodge(), stat="identity", colour="black", size=0.2) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean-se, ymax=mean+se), colour="black", width=20, position = position_dodge(175)) + xlab("Days") + ylab("Log ( Ca. XC gene copy number / ng input DNA) )") + scale_fill_hue(name=" Experimental Treatment Groups", labels = c("Ca. Xc - exposed, Ambient, Red", "Ca. Xc - exposed, Ambient, White", "Ca. Xc - exposed, Heated, Red", "Ca. Xc - exposed, Heated, White", "Naive, Heated, Red*", "Naive, Heated, White*"))