Column Title,Refers to,Coding ,, Site_Code,Unique code referring to site measured ,Number Community_No,Unique code referring to community in question (anonymised) ,Number Water_System_No,Unique code referring to water system in question (anonymised) ,Number Category_Site_Intake_Tap,Type of site measured,A = Intake; B = Tap Data_Present_2010,Data exist for site in question in 2010,0 = No; 1 = Yes Data_Present_2015,Data exist for site in question in 2015,0 = No; 1 = Yes Same_Site_2010_15,"Is the intake, and the associated tap(s), the same in 2010 as in 2015 (consistent water source)? ",0 = No; 1 = Yes Data_Complete_2015,Data complete for 2015 (including full set of environmental predictors),0 = No; 1 = Yes Data_Include_2015,"Data to be included in model selection process for 2015 (all sites other than Torrecillas, as discussed in article)",0 = No; 1 = Yes Data_Include_RCT_2015,Data to be included in model selection process for 2015 including aspects relating to RCT (some sites are not attributed to either treatment or control groups as discussed in article),0 = No; 1 = Yes In_RCT,"Is the intake, and the associated tap(s), associated unambiguously with a community included in the RCT?",0 = No; 1 = Yes Treatment_Control_Site,"Is the intake, and the associated tap(s), associated with a control or treatment community?","0 = Control; 1 = Treatment; ""Not attributable"" = Not attributable to one group or other in the RCT as intake supplies both treatment and control communities; ""Excluded before randomisation"" = Not included in RCT from the beginning" E_coli_2010,Number of Escherichia coli colony forming units per 5ml water sample,Number Other_coliforms_2010,Number of other coliform (non-E. coli) colony forming units per 5ml water sample,Number Offset,Offset relating to difference in sampling quantity between 2010 and 2015,Number Stream_Spring_2015,Type of intake feeding tap,0 = Stream intake; 1 = Spring intake Disturbance_2015,Disturbance of sediment in intake when taking water sample,1 = Disturbance; 2 = No disturbance Black_Mud_2015,Presence of black anoxic mud in intake,0 = Absent; 1 = Present Faeces_Presence_2015,Presence of faeces up to 10m upstream of intake,0 = Absent; 1 = Present in forest; 2 = Present in water body or on stream banks Cattle_2015,Evidence of cattle upstream of intake,0 = Absent; 1 = Present Agriculture_2015,Evidence of agriculture upstream of intake,0 = Absent; 1 = Present Substrate_2015,Type of substrate present in intake water body,0 = Rock only; 1 = Presence of sand but no mud; 2 = Presence of mud Cattle_Access_2015,Access of cattle to area surrounding intake,0 = Cattle access; 1 = Protection against cattle access Compliant_ARA_2015,Intake located within a compliant level 1 Watershared contracted area,0 = No; 1 = Yes Temp_2015,Water temperature (?C),Number pH_2015,Water pH,Number Turbidity_2015,Turbidity in formazin attenuation units,Number Turbidity_2015_100,Turbidity in formazin attenuation units divided by 100 (rescaling),Number Salinity_2015,Salinity (‰),Number Total_E_coli_2015,Total number of Escherichia coli colony forming units in 4x5ml water samples (equivalent to 20ml sample),Number E_coli_2015_5ml,Mean number of Escherichia coli colony forming units per 5ml water sample,Number Total_Other_coliforms_2015,Total number of other coliform (non-E. coli) colony forming units in 4x5ml water samples (equivalent to 20ml sample),Number