IQ-TREE 1.5.4 built Apr 2 2017 Input file name: concatenated.phy Type of analysis: ModelFinder + tree reconstruction + ultrafast bootstrap (1000 replicates) Random seed number: 532489 REFERENCES ---------- To cite ModelFinder please use: Subha Kalyaanamoorthy, Bui Quang Minh, Thomas KF Wong, Arndt von Haeseler, and Lars S Jermiin (2017) ModelFinder: Fast model selection for accurate phylogenetic estimates. Nature Methods, in press. To cite IQ-TREE please use: Lam-Tung Nguyen, Heiko A. Schmidt, Arndt von Haeseler, and Bui Quang Minh (2015) IQ-TREE: A fast and effective stochastic algorithm for estimating maximum likelihood phylogenies. Mol Biol Evol, 32:268-274. Since you used ultrafast bootstrap (UFBoot) please also cite: Bui Quang Minh, Minh Anh Thi Nguyen, and Arndt von Haeseler (2013) Ultrafast approximation for phylogenetic bootstrap. Mol Biol Evol, 30:1188-95. SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT ------------------ Input data: 34 sequences with 1642 nucleotide sites Number of constant sites: 1323 (= 80.5725% of all sites) Number of invariant (constant or ambiguous constant) sites: 1323 (= 80.5725% of all sites) Number of distinct site patterns: 356 ModelFinder ----------- Best-fit model according to BIC: TIM2+R3 List of models sorted by BIC scores: Model LogL AIC w-AIC AICc w-AICc BIC w-BIC TIM2+R3 -5503.4860 11156.9721 + 0.7407 11164.2518 + 0.7702 11562.2474 + 0.9681 TIM2+I+G4 -5514.7528 11175.5055 - 0.0001 11182.3958 - 0.0001 11569.9734 - 0.0203 TIM2+R2 -5515.8561 11177.7122 - 0.0000 11184.6025 - 0.0000 11572.1801 - 0.0067 TN+R3 -5513.1193 11174.2387 - 0.0001 11181.3223 - 0.0002 11574.1103 - 0.0026 GTR+R3 -5503.1488 11160.2975 + 0.1405 11167.9778 + 0.1195 11576.3801 - 0.0008 TIM2+R4 -5503.4948 11160.9896 + 0.0994 11168.6699 + 0.0846 11577.0722 - 0.0006 TPM2u+R2 -5523.2991 11190.5981 - 0.0000 11197.2979 - 0.0000 11579.6624 - 0.0002 TPM2+R2 -5523.3009 11190.6019 - 0.0000 11197.3017 - 0.0000 11579.6661 - 0.0002 TIM+R3 -5512.7136 11175.4272 - 0.0001 11182.7069 - 0.0001 11580.7025 - 0.0001 TIM3+R3 -5512.7824 11175.5648 - 0.0001 11182.8445 - 0.0001 11580.8400 - 0.0001 TPM2u+R3 -5516.5100 11181.0200 - 0.0000 11188.1036 - 0.0000 11580.8916 - 0.0001 TPM2+R3 -5516.5104 11181.0208 - 0.0000 11188.1044 - 0.0000 11580.8924 - 0.0001 TN+I+G4 -5524.3492 11192.6983 - 0.0000 11199.3981 - 0.0000 11581.7626 - 0.0001 TPM2u+I+G4 -5524.7331 11193.4662 - 0.0000 11200.1660 - 0.0000 11582.5305 - 0.0000 TPM2+I+G4 -5524.7443 11193.4886 - 0.0000 11200.1884 - 0.0000 11582.5529 - 0.0000 TN+R2 -5525.3817 11194.7634 - 0.0000 11201.4632 - 0.0000 11583.8276 - 0.0000 GTR+I+G4 -5514.6237 11179.2475 - 0.0000 11186.5271 - 0.0000 11584.5227 - 0.0000 GTR+R2 -5515.6419 11181.2838 - 0.0000 11188.5635 - 0.0000 11586.5591 - 0.0000 TIM+I+G4 -5523.9688 11193.9377 - 0.0000 11200.8280 - 0.0000 11588.4056 - 0.0000 TIM3+I+G4 -5524.0755 11194.1509 - 0.0000 11201.0412 - 0.0000 11588.6189 - 0.0000 TN+R4 -5513.0297 11178.0595 - 0.0000 11185.5381 - 0.0000 11588.7384 - 0.0000 HKY+R2 -5531.9006 11205.8011 - 0.0000 11212.3132 - 0.0000 11589.4617 - 0.0000 TIM+R2 -5524.9211 11195.8423 - 0.0000 11202.7326 - 0.0000 11590.3102 - 0.0000 TIM3+R2 -5525.2461 11196.4923 - 0.0000 11203.3826 - 0.0000 11590.9602 - 0.0000 HKY+I+G4 -5532.6746 11207.3492 - 0.0000 11213.8613 - 0.0000 11591.0098 - 0.0000 GTR+R4 -5503.1483 11164.2966 - 0.0190 11172.3888 - 0.0132 11591.1866 - 0.0000 TVM+R2 -5523.1374 11194.2749 - 0.0000 11201.3585 - 0.0000 11594.1465 - 0.0000 K3Pu+R3 -5523.4716 11194.9432 - 0.0000 11202.0268 - 0.0000 11594.8148 - 0.0000 TIM+R4 -5512.4834 11178.9668 - 0.0000 11186.6471 - 0.0000 11595.0494 - 0.0000 TPM3u+R3 -5523.6306 11195.2612 - 0.0000 11202.3447 - 0.0000 11595.1328 - 0.0000 TPM3+R3 -5523.6310 11195.2619 - 0.0000 11202.3455 - 0.0000 11595.1335 - 0.0000 TIM3+R4 -5512.7785 11179.5570 - 0.0000 11187.2373 - 0.0000 11595.6396 - 0.0000 K3Pu+R2 -5531.4362 11206.8723 - 0.0000 11213.5721 - 0.0000 11595.9366 - 0.0000 TVM+R3 -5516.7158 11185.4316 - 0.0000 11192.9102 - 0.0000 11596.1105 - 0.0000 TPM3u+R2 -5531.6938 11207.3877 - 0.0000 11214.0875 - 0.0000 11596.4520 - 0.0000 TPM3+R2 -5531.6943 11207.3885 - 0.0000 11214.0883 - 0.0000 11596.4528 - 0.0000 TVM+I+G4 -5524.4607 11196.9214 - 0.0000 11204.0050 - 0.0000 11596.7930 - 0.0000 K3Pu+I+G4 -5532.1589 11208.3177 - 0.0000 11215.0176 - 0.0000 11597.3820 - 0.0000 TPM3u+I+G4 -5532.3295 11208.6591 - 0.0000 11215.3589 - 0.0000 11597.7234 - 0.0000 TPM3+I+G4 -5532.3318 11208.6636 - 0.0000 11215.3634 - 0.0000 11597.7279 - 0.0000 HKY+R3 -5528.7117 11203.4234 - 0.0000 11210.3137 - 0.0000 11597.8913 - 0.0000 K3Pu+R4 -5523.3631 11198.7263 - 0.0000 11206.2048 - 0.0000 11609.4052 - 0.0000 TPM3u+R4 -5523.5081 11199.0162 - 0.0000 11206.4948 - 0.0000 11609.6951 - 0.0000 TPM3+R4 -5523.5255 11199.0511 - 0.0000 11206.5296 - 0.0000 11609.7300 - 0.0000 TIM2+G4 -5538.4224 11220.8447 - 0.0000 11227.5445 - 0.0000 11609.9090 - 0.0000 TIM2+I -5543.1441 11230.2883 - 0.0000 11236.9881 - 0.0000 11619.3526 - 0.0000 TN+G4 -5548.7617 11239.5233 - 0.0000 11246.0354 - 0.0000 11623.1839 - 0.0000 GTR+G4 -5538.2201 11224.4402 - 0.0000 11231.5238 - 0.0000 11624.3118 - 0.0000 TIM+G4 -5548.1998 11240.3996 - 0.0000 11247.0994 - 0.0000 11629.4638 - 0.0000 TPM2u+G4 -5552.1150 11246.2301 - 0.0000 11252.7422 - 0.0000 11629.8907 - 0.0000 TPM2+G4 -5552.2261 11246.4522 - 0.0000 11252.9643 - 0.0000 11630.1128 - 0.0000 TIM3+G4 -5548.5381 11241.0762 - 0.0000 11247.7760 - 0.0000 11630.1404 - 0.0000 TPM2u+I -5553.4756 11248.9512 - 0.0000 11255.4633 - 0.0000 11632.6118 - 0.0000 TPM2+I -5553.4776 11248.9553 - 0.0000 11255.4674 - 0.0000 11632.6158 - 0.0000 GTR+I -5542.7018 11233.4037 - 0.0000 11240.4873 - 0.0000 11633.2753 - 0.0000 TN+I -5553.8360 11249.6721 - 0.0000 11256.1842 - 0.0000 11633.3327 - 0.0000 TIM2e+R3 -5552.7745 11249.5490 - 0.0000 11256.2488 - 0.0000 11638.6132 - 0.0000 TIM+I -5553.1314 11250.2629 - 0.0000 11256.9627 - 0.0000 11639.3272 - 0.0000 HKY+G4 -5560.8677 11261.7353 - 0.0000 11268.0625 - 0.0000 11639.9923 - 0.0000 TIM3+I -5553.5898 11251.1796 - 0.0000 11257.8794 - 0.0000 11640.2439 - 0.0000 TIM2e+R2 -5562.5518 11265.1036 - 0.0000 11271.4308 - 0.0000 11643.3605 - 0.0000 TVM+G4 -5551.7376 11249.4751 - 0.0000 11256.3654 - 0.0000 11643.9430 - 0.0000 TIM2e+I+G4 -5562.9662 11265.9324 - 0.0000 11272.2595 - 0.0000 11644.1893 - 0.0000 HKY+I -5563.1526 11266.3052 - 0.0000 11272.6323 - 0.0000 11644.5621 - 0.0000 K3Pu+G4 -5560.3070 11262.6141 - 0.0000 11269.1262 - 0.0000 11646.2747 - 0.0000 TVM+I -5553.0083 11252.0166 - 0.0000 11258.9069 - 0.0000 11646.4845 - 0.0000 TPM3+G4 -5560.5141 11263.0283 - 0.0000 11269.5404 - 0.0000 11646.6889 - 0.0000 TPM3u+G4 -5560.5155 11263.0309 - 0.0000 11269.5430 - 0.0000 11646.6915 - 0.0000 SYM+R3 -5550.9338 11249.8675 - 0.0000 11256.9511 - 0.0000 11649.7391 - 0.0000 K3Pu+I -5562.5468 11267.0936 - 0.0000 11273.6057 - 0.0000 11650.7542 - 0.0000 TPM3+I -5562.8061 11267.6121 - 0.0000 11274.1242 - 0.0000 11651.2727 - 0.0000 TPM3u+I -5562.8141 11267.6281 - 0.0000 11274.1402 - 0.0000 11651.2887 - 0.0000 TIM2e+R4 -5552.7481 11253.4963 - 0.0000 11260.5799 - 0.0000 11653.3679 - 0.0000 SYM+R2 -5560.8063 11265.6126 - 0.0000 11272.3124 - 0.0000 11654.6768 - 0.0000 SYM+I+G4 -5560.9572 11265.9144 - 0.0000 11272.6142 - 0.0000 11654.9787 - 0.0000 SYM+R4 -5550.9004 11253.8008 - 0.0000 11261.2794 - 0.0000 11664.4798 - 0.0000 TVMe+R2 -5569.7968 11281.5936 - 0.0000 11288.1057 - 0.0000 11665.2542 - 0.0000 TNe+R3 -5572.6510 11287.3021 - 0.0000 11293.8142 - 0.0000 11670.9627 - 0.0000 TVMe+R3 -5565.8064 11277.6128 - 0.0000 11284.5031 - 0.0000 11672.0807 - 0.0000 TVMe+I+G4 -5573.7927 11289.5853 - 0.0000 11296.0974 - 0.0000 11673.2459 - 0.0000 TIM3e+R3 -5571.3926 11286.7852 - 0.0000 11293.4850 - 0.0000 11675.8494 - 0.0000 TIMe+R3 -5571.4959 11286.9918 - 0.0000 11293.6916 - 0.0000 11676.0560 - 0.0000 TNe+I+G4 -5583.9164 11305.8328 - 0.0000 11311.9779 - 0.0000 11678.6861 - 0.0000 TNe+R2 -5584.1943 11306.3885 - 0.0000 11312.5335 - 0.0000 11679.2418 - 0.0000 TIM2e+G4 -5585.3575 11308.7150 - 0.0000 11314.8601 - 0.0000 11681.5683 - 0.0000 TIMe+I+G4 -5582.3121 11304.6241 - 0.0000 11310.9513 - 0.0000 11682.8810 - 0.0000 TIM3e+I+G4 -5582.4471 11304.8942 - 0.0000 11311.2214 - 0.0000 11683.1511 - 0.0000 TIMe+R2 -5582.8028 11305.6055 - 0.0000 11311.9327 - 0.0000 11683.8624 - 0.0000 TIM3e+R2 -5583.0742 11306.1484 - 0.0000 11312.4755 - 0.0000 11684.4053 - 0.0000 TNe+R4 -5572.6554 11291.3108 - 0.0000 11298.2011 - 0.0000 11685.7788 - 0.0000 K2P+R2 -5593.3020 11322.6040 - 0.0000 11328.5697 - 0.0000 11690.0536 - 0.0000 TIMe+R4 -5571.3804 11290.7609 - 0.0000 11297.8445 - 0.0000 11690.6325 - 0.0000 TIM3e+R4 -5571.3980 11290.7959 - 0.0000 11297.8795 - 0.0000 11690.6675 - 0.0000 TIM2e+I -5589.9137 11317.8274 - 0.0000 11323.9724 - 0.0000 11690.6806 - 0.0000 SYM+G4 -5583.3999 11308.7998 - 0.0000 11315.3119 - 0.0000 11692.4604 - 0.0000 K3P+R2 -5592.2005 11322.4009 - 0.0000 11328.5460 - 0.0000 11695.2542 - 0.0000 K2P+I+G4 -5597.0983 11330.1966 - 0.0000 11336.1623 - 0.0000 11697.6462 - 0.0000 K3P+R3 -5586.4650 11314.9301 - 0.0000 11321.4422 - 0.0000 11698.5907 - 0.0000 SYM+I -5588.0048 11318.0095 - 0.0000 11324.5216 - 0.0000 11701.6701 - 0.0000 K3P+I+G4 -5595.7119 11329.4238 - 0.0000 11335.5688 - 0.0000 11702.2770 - 0.0000 K2P+R3 -5593.0848 11326.1696 - 0.0000 11332.4967 - 0.0000 11704.4265 - 0.0000 TNe+G4 -5606.5047 11349.0093 - 0.0000 11354.9750 - 0.0000 11716.4589 - 0.0000 TVMe+G4 -5600.8245 11341.6491 - 0.0000 11347.9762 - 0.0000 11719.9060 - 0.0000 TIMe+G4 -5605.0099 11348.0199 - 0.0000 11354.1649 - 0.0000 11720.8731 - 0.0000 TIM3e+G4 -5605.0796 11348.1592 - 0.0000 11354.3043 - 0.0000 11721.0125 - 0.0000 TVMe+I -5602.2554 11344.5109 - 0.0000 11350.8380 - 0.0000 11722.7678 - 0.0000 TNe+I -5611.2274 11358.4548 - 0.0000 11364.4204 - 0.0000 11725.9044 - 0.0000 TIMe+I -5609.7060 11357.4119 - 0.0000 11363.5569 - 0.0000 11730.2652 - 0.0000 TIM3e+I -5610.0124 11358.0247 - 0.0000 11364.1698 - 0.0000 11730.8780 - 0.0000 K2P+G4 -5624.2736 11382.5472 - 0.0000 11388.3363 - 0.0000 11744.5931 - 0.0000 K2P+I -5625.2808 11384.5615 - 0.0000 11390.3506 - 0.0000 11746.6075 - 0.0000 K3P+G4 -5622.7996 11381.5992 - 0.0000 11387.5649 - 0.0000 11749.0488 - 0.0000 K3P+I -5623.8177 11383.6354 - 0.0000 11389.6011 - 0.0000 11751.0850 - 0.0000 TIM2 -5850.7628 11843.5257 - 0.0000 11850.0378 - 0.0000 12227.1863 - 0.0000 GTR -5850.1666 11846.3331 - 0.0000 11853.2234 - 0.0000 12240.8011 - 0.0000 TN -5865.8195 11871.6390 - 0.0000 11877.9662 - 0.0000 12249.8959 - 0.0000 TIM -5864.6931 11871.3861 - 0.0000 11877.8983 - 0.0000 12255.0467 - 0.0000 TIM3 -5865.6516 11873.3033 - 0.0000 11879.8154 - 0.0000 12256.9639 - 0.0000 TPM2u -5882.6012 11905.2023 - 0.0000 11911.5295 - 0.0000 12283.4592 - 0.0000 TIM2e -5891.5156 11919.0312 - 0.0000 11924.9969 - 0.0000 12286.4808 - 0.0000 TPM2 -5884.2202 11908.4404 - 0.0000 11914.7676 - 0.0000 12286.6973 - 0.0000 F81+R2 -5885.2396 11910.4793 - 0.0000 11916.8064 - 0.0000 12288.7362 - 0.0000 F81+I+G4 -5887.5709 11915.1417 - 0.0000 11921.4689 - 0.0000 12293.3987 - 0.0000 TVM -5881.7695 11907.5389 - 0.0000 11914.2387 - 0.0000 12296.6032 - 0.0000 SYM -5889.5725 11919.1450 - 0.0000 11925.4721 - 0.0000 12297.4019 - 0.0000 F81+R3 -5885.0388 11914.0776 - 0.0000 11920.7775 - 0.0000 12303.1419 - 0.0000 HKY -5897.0415 11932.0829 - 0.0000 11938.2279 - 0.0000 12304.9362 - 0.0000 K3Pu -5895.9380 11931.8760 - 0.0000 11938.2032 - 0.0000 12310.1329 - 0.0000 TPM3 -5896.2585 11932.5170 - 0.0000 11938.8441 - 0.0000 12310.7739 - 0.0000 TPM3u -5896.2592 11932.5184 - 0.0000 11938.8456 - 0.0000 12310.7753 - 0.0000 TNe -5913.8166 11961.6333 - 0.0000 11967.4224 - 0.0000 12323.6792 - 0.0000 TIMe -5912.1134 11960.2267 - 0.0000 11966.1924 - 0.0000 12327.6763 - 0.0000 TIM3e -5912.7955 11961.5910 - 0.0000 11967.5567 - 0.0000 12329.0406 - 0.0000 F81+G4 -5909.8139 11957.6278 - 0.0000 11963.7728 - 0.0000 12330.4810 - 0.0000 F81+I -5911.1010 11960.2021 - 0.0000 11966.3471 - 0.0000 12333.0553 - 0.0000 JC+R2 -5927.6114 11989.2228 - 0.0000 11995.0118 - 0.0000 12351.2687 - 0.0000 JC+I+G4 -5930.2486 11994.4971 - 0.0000 12000.2862 - 0.0000 12356.5430 - 0.0000 TVMe -5927.2620 11992.5240 - 0.0000 11998.6690 - 0.0000 12365.3772 - 0.0000 JC+R3 -5927.4674 11992.9349 - 0.0000 11999.0799 - 0.0000 12365.7881 - 0.0000 K2P -5949.8718 12031.7437 - 0.0000 12037.3589 - 0.0000 12388.3859 - 0.0000 JC+G4 -5951.8380 12035.6761 - 0.0000 12041.2913 - 0.0000 12392.3183 - 0.0000 K3P -5948.2530 12030.5059 - 0.0000 12036.2950 - 0.0000 12392.5519 - 0.0000 JC+I -5953.2592 12038.5184 - 0.0000 12044.1336 - 0.0000 12395.1606 - 0.0000 F81 -6223.7719 12583.5439 - 0.0000 12589.5096 - 0.0000 12950.9935 - 0.0000 JC -6261.9884 12653.9769 - 0.0000 12659.4210 - 0.0000 13005.2154 - 0.0000 AIC, w-AIC : Akaike information criterion scores and weights. AICc, w-AICc : Corrected AIC scores and weights. BIC, w-BIC : Bayesian information criterion scores and weights. Plus signs denote the 95% confidence sets. Minus signs denote significant exclusion. SUBSTITUTION PROCESS -------------------- Model of substitution: TIM2+F+R3 Rate parameter R: A-C: 3.4718 A-G: 20.4860 A-T: 3.4718 C-G: 1.0000 C-T: 45.9940 G-T: 1.0000 State frequencies: (empirical counts from alignment) pi(A) = 0.3311 pi(C) = 0.2684 pi(G) = 0.1932 pi(T) = 0.2073 Rate matrix Q: A -0.6221 0.1034 0.4389 0.07981 C 0.1275 -1.206 0.02143 1.057 G 0.7524 0.02977 -0.8052 0.02299 T 0.1275 1.369 0.02143 -1.518 Model of rate heterogeneity: FreeRate with 3 categories Site proportion and rates: (0.7188,0.01163) (0.2429,2.208) (0.03829,11.89) Category Relative_rate Proportion 1 0.01163 0.7188 2 2.208 0.2429 3 11.89 0.03829 MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD TREE ----------------------- Log-likelihood of the tree: -5507.1719 (s.e. 168.5316) Unconstrained log-likelihood (without tree): -6718.9425 Number of free parameters (#branches + #model parameters): 75 Akaike information criterion (AIC) score: 11164.3437 Corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) score: 11171.6234 Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score: 11569.6190 Total tree length (sum of branch lengths): 0.5266 Sum of internal branch lengths: 0.2350 (44.6205% of tree length) WARNING: 4 near-zero internal branches (<0.0006) should be treated with caution Such branches are denoted by '**' in the figure below NOTE: Tree is UNROOTED although outgroup taxon 'Centrolene_aff_buckleyi_MAR_371' is drawn at root Numbers in parentheses are ultrafast bootstrap support (%) +--Centrolene_aff_buckleyi_MAR_371 | | +**Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25744 | +**| (82) | | +**Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25746 | +--| (97) | | +--Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25745 +**| (79) | | +**Centrolene_sabini | | +--| (87) | | | +**Centrolene_sabini_MUSM_28018 | | +--| (84) | | | | +**Centrolene_sp_MRy_547 | | | +--| (95) | | | +**Centrolene_sp_MRy_548 | | +--| (77) | | | | +---Centrolene_muelleri_PV | | | +**| (45) | | | +----Centrolene_lynchi | | +--| (36) | | | | +**Centrolene_buckleyi_KU_178031 | | | | +--| (99) | | | | | +--Centrolene_buckleyi_MZUTI_763 | | | | +--| (99) | | | | | +---Centrolene_ballux | | | | +--| (98) | | | | | | +**Centrolene_altitudinale | | | | | | +--| (99) | | | | | | | +**Centrolene_altitudinale_MHNLS_17194 | | | | | +--| (98) | | | | | +--Centrolene_notostictum_MAR_510 | | | +--| (85) | | | | +--Centrolene_heloderma_Q_40200 | | | +--| (90) | | | | +----Centrolene_bacatum | | | | +--| (70) | | | | | | +----Centrolene_hybrida_MAR_347 | | | | | +---| (100) | | | | | +--Centrolene_pipilatum_KU_178154 | | | +--| (99) | | | | +--------Centrolene_condor_Q_44896 | | | +--| (78) | | | | +---------Centrolene_aff_savagei_MAR_1152 | | | | +----------------| (100) | | | | | | +--Centrolene_antioquiense_NRPS_014 | | | | | | +------| (99) | | | | | | | +----Centrolene_peristictum | | | | | +--| (74) | | | | | | +---------Centrolene_daidaleum | | | | | +--| (80) | | | | | +-----------------Centrolene_savagei_MHUA_4094 | | | +--------| (99) | | | | +-------------------Centrolene_geckoideum | | | +--| (79) | | | | +--Centrolene_charapita_AJC2732 | | | +---------------------------------| (100) | | | +--Centrolene_charapita_MHNC_13933 | | +**| (33) | | | | +---Centrolene_huilense_Q_37230 | | | +---| (99) | | | +---Centrolene_muelleri | +--| (96) | +-----Centrolene_hesperium_MHNSM_25802 | | +**Centrolene_venezuelense +--| (99) +**Centrolene_venezuelense_EBRG_5244 Tree in newick format: (Centrolene_aff_buckleyi_MAR_371:0.0045761034,(((Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25744:0.0000006928,Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25746:0.0000006928)82:0.000001,Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25745:0.0006175556)97:0.002967,((((((Centrolene_sabini:0.0000006928,Centrolene_sabini_MUSM_28018:0.0000006928)87:0.001868,(Centrolene_sp_MRy_547:0.0000006928,Centrolene_sp_MRy_548:0.0000006928)95:0.003852)84:0.003867,(Centrolene_muelleri_PV:0.0103730871,Centrolene_lynchi:0.0123845583)45:0.000001)77:0.002356,((((Centrolene_buckleyi_KU_178031:0.0000006928,Centrolene_buckleyi_MZUTI_763:0.0006726729)99:0.006757,Centrolene_ballux:0.0099866232)99:0.006217,((Centrolene_altitudinale:0.0000006928,Centrolene_altitudinale_MHNLS_17194:0.0000006928)99:0.003316,Centrolene_notostictum_MAR_510:0.0043844627)98:0.002824)98:0.005543,(Centrolene_heloderma_Q_40200:0.0081760662,((Centrolene_bacatum:0.0115596967,(Centrolene_hybrida_MAR_347:0.0112350205,Centrolene_pipilatum_KU_178154:0.0073334807)100:0.010185)70:0.002372,(Centrolene_condor_Q_44896:0.0205446253,((Centrolene_aff_savagei_MAR_1152:0.0219144447,((Centrolene_antioquiense_NRPS_014:0.0050753189,Centrolene_peristictum:0.0106337989)99:0.016787,(Centrolene_daidaleum:0.0228228707,Centrolene_savagei_MHUA_4094:0.0399337125)80:0.003451)74:0.004348)100:0.035887,(Centrolene_geckoideum:0.0438967155,(Centrolene_charapita_AJC2732:0.0007013569,Centrolene_charapita_MHNC_13933:0.0015558905)100:0.072952)79:0.005455)99:0.020368)78:0.001963)99:0.008301)90:0.002796)85:0.004084)36:0.000771,(Centrolene_huilense_Q_37230:0.0084801256,Centrolene_muelleri:0.0096887950)99:0.010002)33:0.000323,Centrolene_hesperium_MHNSM_25802:0.0139767059)96:0.004288)79:0.000106,(Centrolene_venezuelense:0.0000006928,Centrolene_venezuelense_EBRG_5244:0.0000006928)99:0.002056); CONSENSUS TREE -------------- Consensus tree is constructed from 1000 bootstrap trees Log-likelihood of consensus tree: -5507.191185 Robinson-Foulds distance between ML tree and consensus tree: 0 Branches with bootstrap support >0.000000% are kept (extended consensus) Branch lengths are optimized by maximum likelihood on original alignment Numbers in parentheses are bootstrap supports (%) +--Centrolene_aff_buckleyi_MAR_371 | | +--Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25744 | +**| (82) | | +--Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25746 | +--| (97) | | +--Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25745 +--| (79) | | +--Centrolene_sabini | | +--| (87) | | | +--Centrolene_sabini_MUSM_28018 | | +--| (84) | | | | +--Centrolene_sp_MRy_547 | | | +--| (95) | | | +--Centrolene_sp_MRy_548 | | +--| (77) | | | | +---Centrolene_muelleri_PV | | | +--| (45) | | | +----Centrolene_lynchi | | +--| (36) | | | | +--Centrolene_buckleyi_KU_178031 | | | | +--| (99) | | | | | +--Centrolene_buckleyi_MZUTI_763 | | | | +--| (99) | | | | | +---Centrolene_ballux | | | | +--| (98) | | | | | | +--Centrolene_altitudinale | | | | | | +--| (99) | | | | | | | +--Centrolene_altitudinale_MHNLS_17194 | | | | | +--| (98) | | | | | +--Centrolene_notostictum_MAR_510 | | | +--| (85) | | | | +--Centrolene_heloderma_Q_40200 | | | +--| (90) | | | | +----Centrolene_bacatum | | | | +--| (70) | | | | | | +----Centrolene_hybrida_MAR_347 | | | | | +---| (100) | | | | | +--Centrolene_pipilatum_KU_178154 | | | +--| (99) | | | | +--------Centrolene_condor_Q_44896 | | | +--| (78) | | | | +---------Centrolene_aff_savagei_MAR_1152 | | | | +----------------| (100) | | | | | | +--Centrolene_antioquiense_NRPS_014 | | | | | | +------| (99) | | | | | | | +----Centrolene_peristictum | | | | | +--| (74) | | | | | | +---------Centrolene_daidaleum | | | | | +--| (80) | | | | | +-----------------Centrolene_savagei_MHUA_4094 | | | +--------| (99) | | | | +-------------------Centrolene_geckoideum | | | +--| (79) | | | | +--Centrolene_charapita_AJC2732 | | | +---------------------------------| (100) | | | +--Centrolene_charapita_MHNC_13933 | | +--| (33) | | | | +---Centrolene_huilense_Q_37230 | | | +---| (99) | | | +---Centrolene_muelleri | +--| (96) | +-----Centrolene_hesperium_MHNSM_25802 | | +--Centrolene_venezuelense +--| (99) +--Centrolene_venezuelense_EBRG_5244 Consensus tree in newick format: (Centrolene_aff_buckleyi_MAR_371:0.0045925093,(((Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25744:0.0000021880,Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25746:0.0000021880)82:0.0000020000,Centrolene_sp_Yanayacu_Q_25745:0.0006188350)97:0.0029740000,((((((Centrolene_sabini:0.0000021880,Centrolene_sabini_MUSM_28018:0.0000021880)87:0.0018740000,(Centrolene_sp_MRy_547:0.0000021880,Centrolene_sp_MRy_548:0.0000021880)95:0.0038730000)84:0.0038680000,(Centrolene_muelleri_PV:0.0104134760,Centrolene_lynchi:0.0124293681)45:0.0000030000)77:0.0023620000,((((Centrolene_buckleyi_KU_178031:0.0000021880,Centrolene_buckleyi_MZUTI_763:0.0006745534)99:0.0067840000,Centrolene_ballux:0.0100266087)99:0.0062400000,((Centrolene_altitudinale:0.0000021895,Centrolene_altitudinale_MHNLS_17194:0.0000021880)99:0.0033290000,Centrolene_notostictum_MAR_510:0.0044005724)98:0.0028350000)98:0.0055590000,(Centrolene_heloderma_Q_40200:0.0082095090,((Centrolene_bacatum:0.0116066644,(Centrolene_hybrida_MAR_347:0.0112817615,Centrolene_pipilatum_KU_178154:0.0073627409)100:0.0102270000)70:0.0023790000,(Centrolene_condor_Q_44896:0.0206367127,((Centrolene_aff_savagei_MAR_1152:0.0220257594,((Centrolene_antioquiense_NRPS_014:0.0050988557,Centrolene_peristictum:0.0106812092)99:0.0168600000,(Centrolene_daidaleum:0.0229412362,Centrolene_savagei_MHUA_4094:0.0401325351)80:0.0034720000)74:0.0043610000)100:0.0360730000,(Centrolene_geckoideum:0.0441198522,(Centrolene_charapita_AJC2732:0.0007027839,Centrolene_charapita_MHNC_13933:0.0015623157)100:0.0733580000)79:0.0054760000)99:0.0204670000)78:0.0019670000)99:0.0083390000)90:0.0028030000)85:0.0041010000)36:0.0007730000,(Centrolene_huilense_Q_37230:0.0085090529,Centrolene_muelleri:0.0097276087)99:0.0100440000)33:0.0003230000,Centrolene_hesperium_MHNSM_25802:0.0140271066)96:0.0043010000)79:0.0001070000,(Centrolene_venezuelense:0.0000021880,Centrolene_venezuelense_EBRG_5244:0.0000021880)99:0.0020610000); TIME STAMP ---------- Date and time: Thu Jun 7 16:11:53 2018 Total CPU time used: 67.581781 seconds (0h:1m:7s) Total wall-clock time used: 35.5859139 seconds (0h:0m:35s)