"Table S3. Summary statistics from state-space model of sea otter population dyncamics in Elkhorn Slough. Fitted parameters include process error (sp), observer error (expressed as CV), intrinsic growth rate (r) and carrying capacity of Elkhornb Slough (K). Bayesian diagnostic statistics include Monte Carlo error and ""R-hat"". Summary statistics for derived parameters, including projected equilibrium densities (Kdh) and K values for San Francosco Bay (assuming habitat-specific equilibrium densities correspond to the lower 95% CI for Elkhorn Slough, and that offshore open water densities are 10% of nearhsore open water densities).",,,,,,, Model Parameter,Mean,SD,Lower95,Median,Upper95,MCerr,R-hat sp,0.31,0.08,0.16,0.3,0.48,0.002,1.003 CVO,0.1,0.08,0,0.09,0.26,0.001,1.002 r,0.22,0.07,0.1,0.21,0.34,0.001,1.001 K_Elkhorn,160.37,88.09,49.45,132.65,367.45,0.893,1.001 Derived parameters,,,,,,, Kdnearshore ,8.9,otters*km-2,,,,, Kdeelgrass,19.2,otters*km-2,,,,, Kdsaltmarsh ,4.5,otters*km-2,,,,, Kdoffshore ,0.9,otters*km-2,,,,, San Francisco Bay,,,,,,, Knearshore ,4228,,,,,, Keelgrass,1598,,,,,, Ksaltmarsh ,425,,,,,, Koffshore ,355,,,,,, Total K,6607,,,,,,