#NEXUS [written Thu Jul 30 15:09:20 EDT 2020 by Mesquite version 3.04 (build 725) at Sterlings-MacBook-Pro.local/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=100; TAXLABELS Mesosuchus_browni Prolacerta_broomi Archosaurus_rossicus Proterosuchus Erythrosuchus_africanus Vancleavea_campi Chanaresuchus_bonapartei Tropidosuchus_romeri Euparkeria_capensis Parasuchus_hislopi Smilosuchus_gregorii Pseudopalatus_pristinus Gracilisuchus_stipanicicorum Turfanosuchus_dabanensis Yonghesuchus_sangbiensis Ornithosuchus_longidens Riojasuchus_tenuisceps Venaticosuchus_rusconii Revueltosaurus_callenderi Stagonolepis_robertsoni Aetosaurus_ferratus Longosuchus_meadei Ticinosuchus_ferox Qianosuchus_mixtus Xilousuchus_sapingensis Arizonasaurus_babbitti Poposaurus_gracilis_holotype Poposaurus_gracilis_yale Lotosaurus_adentus Sillosuchus_longicervix Effigia_okeeffeae Shuvosaurus_inexpectatus Presto._chiniquensis_lectotype Presto._chiniquensis_paralectotype Presto._chiniquensis_type_series Prestosuchus_chiniquensis_ALL UFRGS_PV_156_T UFRGS_PV_152_T CPEZ_239b '"P. loricatus" paralectotype' Luperosuchus_fractus Stagonosuchus_nyassicus Mandasuchus_tanyauchen Saurosuchus_galilei Batrachotomus_kuperferzellensis Fasolasuchus_tenax Rauisuchus_tiradentes Polonosuchus_silesiacus Postosuchus_kirkpatricki Postosuchus_alisonae CM_73372 Hesperosuchus_agilis Dromicosuchus_grallator Hesperosuchus_agilis_CM Dibothrosuchus_elaphros Terrestrisuchus_gracilis Sphenosuchus_acutus Litargosuchus_leptorhynchus Kayentasuchus_walkeri Orthosuchus_stormbergi Alligator_mississippiensis Protosuchus_haughtoni Protosuchus_richardsoni Eudimorphodon_ranzii Dimorphodon_macronyx Lagerpeton_chanarensis Dromomeron_gregorii Dromomeron_romeri Marasuchus_lilloensis Asilisaurus_kongwe Eucoelophysis_baldwini Sacisaurus_agudoensis Lewisuchus_admixtus Pseudolagosuchus_majori Lewisuchus_Pseudolagosuchus Eocursor_parvus Silesaurus_opolensis Pisanosaurus_mertii Heterodontosaurus_tucki Lesothosaurus_diagnosticus Scutellosaurus_lawleri Herrerasaurus_ischigualastensis Staurikosaurus_pricei Eoraptor_lunensis Saturnalia_tupiniquim Plateosaurus_engelhardti Efraasia_minor Tawa_hallae Coelophysis_bauri Dilophosaurus_wetherilli Allosaurus_fragilis Velociraptor_mongoliensis Parringtonia_gracilis_combined Erpetosuchus_granti Pagosvenator_candelariensis Teleocrater_rhadinus Dongusuchus_efremovi Yarasuchus_deccanensis Heptasuchus_clarki Nundasuchus_songeaensis ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE Character_Matrix; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=439; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4"; CHARSTATELABELS 413 'Maxilla with triangular posterodorsal process possessing clear dorsal apex and formed by ^n discrete expansion of posterior end of horizontal process of maxilla: (0) - absent; (1) - present, but weakly developed, extends dorsal to the dorsal margin of the horizontal process by a distance that is less than the height of the horizontal process of the maxilla immediately anterior to the posterodorsal process; (2) present and strongly developed, extends dorsal to the dorsal margin of the horizontal process by a distance that is almost equivalent to the height of the horizontal process of the maxilla immediately anterior to the posterodorsal process.^n ', 414 'Nasal, position of anterior portion in lateral view: (0) - below or at same level as skull roof; ^n (1) - elevated above skull roof, giving the skull a ?Roman nose? appearance. ', 415 'Premaxilla, posterodorsal (= maxillary, = subnarial) process, termination: (0) - anterior to or ^n at the posterior end of the external naris; (1) - posterior of the posterior extension of the external naris. ^n ', 416 'Dentary, ratio of length to basal height of ventral angular process: (0) - equal or more than ^n 1.5; (1) - less than 1.5. ^n ', 417 'Proximal ends of chevrons: (0) - with two separate articular heads; (1) - both articular facets ^n connected by a bony bar, so that a closed haemal canal is present. ^n ', 418 'Scapula-coracoid suture, posterior margin: (0) - entire margin; (1) - presence of an oval incision on the coracoid. ', 419 'Ischium, dorsolateral margin: (0) ? smooth; (1) - with longitudinal depression delimited ^n medially by a ridge. ^n ', 420 'Ischium, position of longitudinal depression: (0) ? dorsal; (1) - lateral. Inapplicable for ^n those without longitudinal depression. ^n ', 421 'Ischium, ventral margin: (0) - continuous; (1) - obturator plate separated from the ischial^n shaft by a small incision. ^n ', 422 'Fibula, ?lunate? fossa on posteromedial surface of the distal end: (0) ? absent; (1) - present.', 423 'Squamosal, position of posterior process: (0) - at same level or dorsal to anterior process; ^n (1) - below anterior process and set off by distinct step. ^n ', 424 'Skull roof (nasal and frontals), sculpturing: (0) - present, consisting of marked grooves and ^n ridges; (1) - absent, skull roof smooth. ^n ', 425 'Postorbital, ventral end, depression on the anterolateral surface: (0) - absent; (1) - present. ', 426 'Maxilla, medial side, ventral surface of palatal process: (0) flat; (1) - depression present. ', 427 'Jugal, lateral surface, anteroposteriorly trending ridge: (0) - symmetrical dorsoventrally; (1) ^n - asymmetrical dorsoventrally where the dorsal portion is more laterally expanded. ^n ', 428 'Squamosal - postorbital articulation: (0) - postorbital fits into a groove on the lateral side of ^n the squamosal; (1) - the postorbital lies on the dorsal surface of the squamosal; (2) - the ^n squamosal largely lies on the dorsal surface of the postorbital. ^n ', 429 'Jugal, posterior process, medial side, longitudinal groove: (0) ? absent; (1) - present. ', 430 'Nasal, posterodorsal corner of the naris: (0) - smooth or slight fossa; (1) - distinct fossa with ^n a rim present. ^n ', 431 'Maxilla, anteroventral corner: (0) - abuts premaxilla; (1) - extensively laterally overlaps the ^n posteroventral corner of the premaxilla. ^n ', 432 'Premaxilla, posterodorsal process (maxillary process): (0) - flat with the body of the ^n premaxilla; (1) - laterally expanded and bulging so that there is a narial fossa anterior to it. ', 433 'Jugal, lateral surface, anteroposteriorly trending ridge: (0) - symmetrical dorsoventrally; (1) ^n - asymmetrical dorsoventrally where the dorsal portion is more laterally expanded. ^n ', 434 'Ilium, ventral portion, ischial peduncle, lateral view: nearly straight or slightly concave (0), distinct notch (=dorsal expansion) between the posterior and anterior ends (1).', 435 'Fibula, anterior edge: gently rounded (0), distinct ridge paralleling the shaft (1).', 436 'Primordial sacral vertebra two, sacral rib: consist of a single body in one plane (could contain a lateral notch) (0), has a separate posterolateral process positioned dorsal and posterior to the main body of the sacral rib (1).', 437 'Femur, distal end, medial condyle in posterior view: smooth surface or a small depression (0), well defined proximodistally oriented scar extending from the posterior portion of the condyle well proximally (1).', 438 'Scapula, posterior edge of the blade just dorsal to the glenoid region: smoothly transversely convex (0), with a distinct, longitudinal sharp ridge (1).', 439 'Cervical vertebrae, anterior and middle postaxial cervical neural spines with an anterior overhang' ; MATRIX Mesosuchus_browni ?1000?0000000?1000000?0000?00?100000?00000000?000000000001000000000??0?000000000000000000?0000010000000000000000000???000?00010?0?0??000?000?000000???00000000000??000001??0?0010??00?000100000?000000000000000000000000000010?000000????0??0000?0000000?00????00?0000?00??0?00000000000000??00000000000000???00000000000?0??000000000000000000000??10001000??0??00000?0000000??0000000000?00000000000?0000?00000??????????0?000??????000?00?000-0000?0 Prolacerta_broomi 0000020000?00?0000000?0000?00?100000?000000000000000000000000000000??0?000000000000000000?0000000000000000000000000000000?00000??00??000?0000000010??100000?00000?000000000000000000101100000000000010000000000000000000000010?000000000000000000000000000000000000000?00??0?00000000000000??00000000000000???00000000000?0??000000000000000000000??100010000?????0000?0000000??0000000000?0000000000000000?10000??????????0?00???????010?00?000-000001 Archosaurus_rossicus ????03010??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0??????? Proterosuchus 000003010000000000000?0000200010000000000000000000000000000000100000?130000000000000000100010000000000000000000000000?00000001000000?00101001100000??100?00000000000000100000000000?00000000000000001000000000000000000?000010?000000??0?0?00000?000000??000?0?0??0000?00??0?00000000000000??00000000000000???00000000000?0??000000000000000000000?0100000000000000000?0000000??0000000000?0000000000000000?10000??????????0000???????0100000000-?000?0 Erythrosuchus_africanus 0100020000020000000000000020000000000000?0000000000000000000001000001101000000000000000100011100100000000000000000000000010000000000000111000100100??000000000000001000100000111000?00?00000000?00010000001000000000???0100100?0000001?0001001?00??0?00??01??0????0?00?00??1010000000000000??000000000000000100000000000010??0000000000000000000000010001100000?000000?000?0?0001000000000?010000?000000101?000?0???????????000?100-00000010?000-000000 Vancleavea_campi 1100020000100?100000000000?00?000000???0?00100000?00000?00000010?000?10000000100000????????1???????????0?00000???00??0???????10??????00??00100??110??10?0000?0?00??10011000001??1???00?001?00?000?0?0000???000000000???010010?????0??00001000000000000???00??0?0??010??00??0?00000000?000????00???0000000?0010000000000000???100?00000000000000000??1000110???????0000?0001000001000000000?01000000?0?00????00??1?1?100011?2?0000????000-?0-??00-00?00? Chanaresuchus_bonapartei 10000200000001000000000000(0 1)00000000000000001001100000010000000100000010000100000000000010?0?11011000000000000000000000000??0??0???00000111010000110??0000000000000010001000001011000000000000000000000000010000000?0???0100100?000000000010000000??????????????????????00??1000000000000000??0000000000000001000100000000110010000000000000000000100101011000????00000?00000100010000000?0?010000001000011000020100?0?0001??000??00-0000000?0-00-000000 Tropidosuchus_romeri 10??0?000000000000000?0000(0 1)0000?0000001??001001100000010000000100000?100001000000000?001??????011?00?0?0?00000??0?0?????0?????0??????0011101?000110??00??00??0??00?1?001000?010110001000000000000??0000000100000000?0??0100100?0000000000100???????????????????????????00??1?00000000000000??000000?000000001000100000000010010000?00000000000000100101011000???000000?0001010001000000010?0100000010000110?0020100?0??000??000??00-00000?0??-?0-?00001 Euparkeria_capensis 0100000000?000000000000000200010000000000000000100000000000000100000(0 1)100001000000000000100011101100000000000000000000000001001000000000111000000100??0000000001000010001000001010000000000000010000010000010000000000010100000?000000000010000000000000??010?0?00?0100?00??1000000000000000??000000000000000100010000000001001000000000000000000000000?001000000000000?1000010001000000110?0100000000000100?0000110100100000001??00-000100000000-000000 Parasuchus_hislopi ??00030001000110001000000020000000000000?000010100000?0000000010000001000000100000000001??0111121100000000000000000????000?00?????0??0011111?000110??100?00?00?100?1?011000001111?0000?00000001000011000001000000??00010001000?001000000000000000?00000??00????00?0?00?00??10?000?000000000??00?0000000000001000?00000000010010?00?0?00000??0000001000100100??0??00000??000010?110?0010111?11000000000001000?0011100?00000?00--???????000?00?-0--000000 Smilosuchus_gregorii ??00030001000110001000000020000000000000000001010000000000000010000001000000100000000001??011?1211000001?0000000000???000??0?10???0??00111210000110??100?0000011000100110000?1111???00?0000000100001?0000010000001000010100000?001000000000000000??????????????????????00??1000000000000000??000000000000000100000000000001001000000000000?00000001100100???????000000?1000010011010010111?1100001????00????00?21100??0000?00--0??????100?00?-0--00?000 Pseudopalatus_pristinus ??0003000100011000100000002000000000000000000101000000000000001000000101000010000000000?0?011112110000010000000000000000001001000000000111210000110??100?000001100?100110000?111100000000000001000011000001000000??00010100000?00100000000000000???000???00000?0???100?00??1000000000000000??0000000000000001000000000000010010000000000000000000011001001000001000000?1000010011?10010111?1100001000000100?0002110010000010?--0??????100?0-?-0--00000? Gracilisuchus_stipanicicorum 01030100000000(0 1)0000000000010000100001000001010011000001-010000100110111100100100000??001????1?(1 2)21101?010??0(0 1)000???(0 1)????????0?10????0?001210000001(0 1)0??000100000?000?10001000001111?001000000000100001100000100000000?????1??????????????????????????????????????????????00??1000000000000010???2000010000?000100010000000?01001?100?0000????000001000???001?00001100000?1000011111020011221?1100000000000100?00001111000?010?100-0?0-0000001000000?00??1 Turfanosuchus_dabanensis 00030200000?00?000000?000000000?00001000?110?00100020100000000100010110000100000000?0???0???100211010000000?000002?????001100?00?00??0012100?0001?0??00??000?0?000?1000100000101??0??0????000?1000??10?0001000000?00??????1??????????0000?001??????????????????????????00??1000000000000??0?????00????????0??000100000000010010000?000000000000010??101??????????00000??001010?110(1 2)0011221?1????????0???????00??1111??00?1??2000??????010?10?00000?0001 Yonghesuchus_sangbiensis ??030200?001000000?00?000000000?????1000????100????0???-???????001101101000?0?00?00?????????1?(1 2)21?01?010???????????????????0???????????1210??00???????0???01101000?1?00100000101???????????????????1????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2??0????????0?0??0?0-?????? Ornithosuchus_longidens ??00000100001000000000000000?001100?0000?000000100000?0000000110000001000000000000001001000???????????????0000????????????????0??????00121000200110??00?000000?1000?0001000001111??????0??0001100???10100?10?0?0?1?000101001010010000000??00???0?0?0100???0??0???????0?00??1000000000100010??00?0001000000?11000?00100000110010?00?0?0?0?1000000??1????0???????????0?????????1?21010010120???000?????????????1?2110000100010000??00-0?000?00??000000000 Riojasuchus_tenuisceps 00000001000010000000000000001101100000000000000100000000000001100000010000000000000010010?011?2211010000?000000??00?????0??0??0??????00121000200110??00?0000001100010001000001111000000000000111000?101000?010010???????100101011?00000001001100?0001000?00??0????0?0??00??10000000001000?0??0?000????0?0?011000100100000010010100?0000001?000001011001001000000100000?1000011021010010120?1100000000000100?000211000020001?0100?0???00100000000-00?000 Venaticosuchus_rusconii ??0????1??00100?00?00?000000010?????0???????????????????????????????0????00?????00?010010?0?0??21101?0???0?????????????????0???????????121???2???????00??200000?002??00100000111????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0??0???????????????0-?????? Revueltosaurus_callenderi 00030200000300110000001001001001000000000110000100000100000000100110112000100000000000010?01112211010010000000100100000002100??1???0?0012100000011???00000000010000100120000?111100000000100002000011010001000000000?0101001110010000000001011011000?0???000????0??????00??1000000000000000??0000000000000011000100000000010010000000000010000001000001001?00000100000?1000111011011010221?1101000000?00000?00?0110011211012001??0????0000001000000000? Stagonolepis_robertsoni 00000210000?00110000000111001001000??0?1000010010000010000001110011??1?001?0000001000001?101??221101000000?0001002?011000??00???1020?0012100001011???000?21101?000?101000010?1111???????0?000010001110100010000000??001?1011???0100000000000?????00010???01000000?0100?00??101000000000000???00?0000000000?11000?00000000010010?00?00000????0000??11001001????????00????????11???0?1????????10?00000?0??10?0000?11001121101?100?(0 1)0??0000000??000000?000 Aetosaurus_ferratus 0000011000000011?0000?011000100?000?100??00010010?0001000??011110110112000100010?100000???????221?01?000?00000??????????0??0?1???????001210000101110000??21??1?000?101010010?1111??????????????????????0?0100000???000101?01010010000000000011011000?00??00000????0100?0(0 1)??10?000000000000???00?00000000000110001000000000100100?0?00000?10?000010???0??0??????????????????????????1?1?2?1????????????????0????21?00112110121001?0???0000?00?000000???? Longosuchus_meadei ??001?????0?001?000000011000100?000000010000??01?0??01??0000?11???1?1????11000?00??0?00?0001?12211010000000000100200?10002100?01?02000012100001011???0?002110100000101000010?11110?00000??00001000??101000?000000??0???01011?10010000000000011011000100000000000?00100?00??1010000000000000??00?000?000?0001100010000000001001000000000001000000101100?0010?00???00000?1000111011021010221?110000000000010??00021100112110121000???????0?0??0000000000? Ticinosuchus_ferox ?????????????000?000000?0000010??????0?0???0?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????001210???0?????0?0??00?????00????01000001??1???0?0000?000?0?01110000??0000001000??010???100?00??0000?0011??0000100??000?0?00?0100?????10?0?0?000000?00??0??0?10?100?1011??0?0??00??0?1001?????0???00?0?0000?000??100100?????000?0?1000011?11011010221?110000?000000100????21110000001000????00-0?????????0??00?000 Qianosuchus_mixtus 1000130000010100000100011010000100000000?000000100000000000000?000001100001000000000000??10???02??01?00????000?????????????0?????????0012100?000110??00??00??0??0001?001?00?01111?0?1?1000000000?010000?01??0010?10?001010010????0??00000?00???????????????????????????010?10?0020000000001000110010?10?010??000?00000000?1001?????000?00???0??0??00??00110????????000??00??1??11011010221?110000?00?000101?0002111?000001001101?0????010?00?0000100001 Xilousuchus_sapingensis ?0001200000?00000001000110000001??0??0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????1100110100000000?000000001?001100?00000?00?12100??????????000001101000??0001000001??1000?010010000000110???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2????????????000??????????0???000??????0 Arizonasaurus_babbitti ???01???0?0??0000001000110000001?00??????000?00100?00000000000100000?100001000000000?0010???110011010000000000000000110001100?00000100012100?000?1????000001101000?1000100000111100010?0000000001110010?111000100???00??1001?10010000??????????????????????????????????01001010020000?00011100211010110001?10000100000000110011000100?0?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0???????????0?????????0100100?0?01?0?0? Poposaurus_gracilis_holotype ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1???0???1???1?0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????11111??0120000?????????????1011?????10000?00000000?1001????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1000???????????-????? Poposaurus_gracilis_yale ?????200??0?0???00??00????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0???????????????????????????010?0001??1??????0???00?00101000011110111?00110??0?00??1001?000010000011000000100??0000000020100?1111110012?00010001110021101011000?01000010000000011001??0010000001?00000?0001010?1001001?00001?1000111011011011121?11000000?00?0101000(0 1)10???????0??0??????1000????????00?-0000? Lotosaurus_adentus ?00004?0000200?0?1001?0011000010000000000000000000000001000000100000110001100000000?????0??111021111000000000000000????001100?00000??00121001000110???0??0110110000102??????????1000000000?00000?11?0101?11?0010???0???0100000?0101000000000110?0?00100??0000000000100?11101?0002?01?????????01???2?10000?0???00?000000001100111???0000001?000?0??0000101????????00000?100001??11011010121?11000000000?0101?10010???????????000???????01000000000100001 Sillosuchus_longicervix ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1???10?0???1100000??0001111011110???????0????10000100??????1???????????????????????????11111?00121?101000111002?102?1?000??10??0??00?00?0?1001??0??0????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?????????????????0-0????????????-?0?0? Effigia_okeeffeae 100014?000?200?0?1001??111000000000000000011???0000000010020?01?0010????000000?01100?0010?01012211010010000?0?????1011000??00??0??0?00012100?000110??000?0100100011102????????111???00?01?0?1100?01?001111111011?0110??0000??10000110??0?101?1?00000100??00?00?0???????11111200021010?0001111021212010000??30100??00000011???1110110000001?01000100010101100100110000??1000011011011?1?121?1100000000110101?00?10??????????00001??0-0001000?0000--00000 Shuvosaurus_inexpectatus 100014?000?20????1?0????????????0?0??000?0110001000000010020?0100010??00000000?01100?0010??101221101001000000100001011000??00100??0000012100?000110???0000100100011??2????????111000000000011100????00?111111011??11???0??0??1000?1100000101110????????????????????????1111120002101010001111021212010000?030100100000001112?1110110000001?000001000101011001001100001?1000011011011010121?1100000000110101?00?10?????????????0???0-00010?0?0???--0000? Presto._chiniquensis_lectotype ?????1000???0????0?????????????1??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0??1????????????00000????000?10001?00001??1???00?0?00000?00???1??0?11000000???001?1?110100100010000??0???????????????????????????00--??100000001000010001??010110101011000100000000110010000000000010000001011001001000000?0000001000011?11021010221-1100000000000101?10?2???????????0???1111011????????????0000? Presto._chiniquensis_paralectotype ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00110?0000??????????????????????????????????????????????????????00--?0100??000???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????11100000010????????????????????????0??? 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Teleocrater_rhadinus ???????????000?000?000000010?001?????????0??????????????????????????????????0?000?0?????????????????????0000?????10?????0?????0????????12??????1???????????????????????1?00001??1?00101101000030101???000?100?????0?????1001??????0??1?000101000???????????????????????02001000000000?00??????0???1010010?00100010010000011001000001000000000000000010100??????????????????????110000100?001????????????????????????????????1?????100??1?0????0??111111 Dongusuchus_efremovi ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????010001001000001100100000100??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1?? Yarasuchus_deccanensis ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1??010?0010000301000210000100?00000????01?0??10???0??1?00010100????????????????????????020010?0000000000?00---0100?010??000010001001000001100100000100000000000000?????????????????????????????1100001001001????????????????????????????????0????????????????????1?1??1 Heptasuchus_clarki ?1000?00000100000000000?101???01?1101??????0?????????????0?000??1000????00200???0???????10??11221101000000010010020011000?110??0?0(1 2)?00?12?00010?1????0????????????????01000001??00????????????2?????1?????????????????????1???????0??0?00??01100????????????????????????????????01????00??10000110??????0??1?000?0000?0?01???1?10????0?00100000000??00000??????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?????????????10????????0111111111?????? 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tell It; setID 0 7867013794727773376; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 424 425 426 427 429 430 431 432 442 443 433 434 435 436 437 438; attachments ; endTell; mqVersion 304; checksumv 0 3 408858631 null getNumChars 439 numChars 439 getNumTaxa 100 numTaxa 100 short true bits 31 states 31 sumSquaresStatesOnly 55342.0 sumSquares 55342.0 longCompressibleToShort false usingShortMatrix true NumFiles 1 NumMatrices 1; mqVersion; endTell; getWindow; tell It; suppress; setResourcesState false false 129; setPopoutState 300; setExplanationSize 0; setAnnotationSize 0; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1071 931; setLocation 230 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; desuppress; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.trees.BasicTreeWindowCoord.BasicTreeWindowCoord; tell It; makeTreeWindow #6524544019809359740 #mesquite.trees.BasicTreeWindowMaker.BasicTreeWindowMaker; tell It; suppressEPCResponse; setTreeSourceEditMode #mesquite.trees.StoredTrees.StoredTrees; tell It; laxMode; setTreeBlock -2147483647; toggleUseWeights off; endTell; setAssignedID 985.1563378984729.6631595169909405080; getTreeWindow; tell It; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 942 859; setLocation 230 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.trees.BasicTreeWindowMaker.BasicTreeWindow.arrow; endTell; getTreeDrawCoordinator #mesquite.trees.BasicTreeDrawCoordinator.BasicTreeDrawCoordinator; tell It; suppress; setTreeDrawer #mesquite.trees.SquareLineTree.SquareLineTree; tell It; setNodeLocs #mesquite.trees.NodeLocsStandard.NodeLocsStandard; tell It; branchLengthsToggle off; toggleScale on; toggleBroadScale off; toggleCenter on; toggleEven on; setFixedTaxonDistance 0; endTell; setEdgeWidth 4; showEdgeLines on; orientUp; endTell; setBackground White; setBranchColor Black; showNodeNumbers off; showBranchColors on; labelBranchLengths off; centerBrLenLabels on; showBrLensUnspecified on; showBrLenLabelsOnTerminals on; setBrLenLabelColor 0 0 255; setNumBrLenDecimals 6; desuppress; getEmployee #mesquite.trees.BasicDrawTaxonNames.BasicDrawTaxonNames; tell It; setColor Black; toggleColorPartition off; toggleColorAssigned on; toggleShadePartition off; toggleShowFootnotes on; toggleNodeLabels on; toggleCenterNodeNames off; toggleShowNames on; namesAngle ?; endTell; endTell; setTreeNumber 1; setTree '(9,((10,(11,12)),((96,97,98),(((64,65),(69,(66,(68,67)))),(((17,18),16),((19,((20,22),21)),(((13,15),14),(23,((((25,26),((28,27),(29,((31,32),30)))),24),43,(((38,42,37,39),44),95,(45,(46,((54,52,53,(57,(56,(58,((60,(63,62),61),59),55)))),(47,(48,49)))))))))))))));'; setDrawingSizeMode 0; toggleLegendFloat on; scale 0; toggleTextOnTree off; togglePrintName off; showWindow; newAssistant #mesquite.ancstates.TraceCharacterHistory.TraceCharacterHistory; tell It; suspend ; setDisplayMode #mesquite.ancstates.ShadeStatesOnTree.ShadeStatesOnTree; tell It; toggleLabels off; togglePredictions off; toggleGray off; endTell; setHistorySource #mesquite.ancstates.RecAncestralStates.RecAncestralStates; tell It; getCharacterSource #mesquite.charMatrices.CharSrcCoordObed.CharSrcCoordObed; tell It; setCharacterSource #mesquite.charMatrices.StoredCharacters.StoredCharacters; tell It; setDataSet #7867013794727773376; endTell; endTell; setMethod #mesquite.parsimony.ParsAncestralStates.ParsAncestralStates; tell It; setModelSource #mesquite.parsimony.CurrentParsModels.CurrentParsModels; toggleMPRsMode off; endTell; toggleShowSelectedOnly off; endTell; setCharacter 191; setMapping 1; toggleShowLegend on; setColorMode 0; toggleWeights on; setInitialOffsetX 3; setInitialOffsetY -541; setLegendWidth 142; setLegendHeight 129; resume ; endTell; endTell; setEditMode 'Edited, based on Edited, based on Edited, based on Edited, based on Untitled Tree++ [Stored Trees]++ [Stored Trees] [Stored Trees] [Stored Trees] [Stored Trees] [Stored Trees] [Stored Trees]'; desuppressEPCResponseNORESET; getEmployee #mesquite.trees.ColorBranches.ColorBranches; tell It; setColor Red; removeColor off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.BranchNotes.BranchNotes; tell It; setAlwaysOn off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.ColorTreeByPartition.ColorTreeByPartition; tell It; colorByPartition off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.DrawTreeAssocDoubles.DrawTreeAssocDoubles; tell It; setOn on; setDigits 4; writeAsPercentage off; toggleCentred off; toggleHorizontal on; toggleWhiteEdges on; setFontSize 10; setOffset 0 0; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.ornamental.DrawTreeAssocStrings.DrawTreeAssocStrings; tell It; setOn on; toggleCentred on; toggleHorizontal on; setFontSize 10; setOffset 0 0; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.trees.TreeInfoValues.TreeInfoValues; tell It; panelOpen false; endTell; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowCoord.BasicDataWindowCoord; tell It; showDataWindow #7867013794727773376 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker; tell It; getWindow; tell It; getTable; tell It; rowNamesWidth 191; endTell; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 942 859; setLocation 230 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; endTell; setActive; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; colorCells #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells; tell It; setColor White; removeColor off; endTell; colorRowNames #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells; tell It; setColor White; removeColor off; endTell; colorColumnNames #mesquite.charMatrices.CharGroupColor.CharGroupColor; colorText #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor; setBackground White; toggleShowNames on; toggleShowTaxonNames on; toggleTight off; toggleThinRows off; toggleShowChanges on; toggleSeparateLines off; toggleShowStates on; toggleAutoWCharNames on; toggleAutoTaxonNames off; toggleShowDefaultCharNames off; toggleConstrainCW on; toggleBirdsEye off; toggleShowPaleGrid off; toggleShowPaleCellColors off; toggleShowPaleExcluded off; togglePaleInapplicable on; toggleShowBoldCellText off; toggleAllowAutosize on; toggleColorsPanel off; toggleDiagonal on; setDiagonalHeight 80; toggleLinkedScrolling on; toggleScrollLinkedTables off; endTell; showWindow; getWindow; tell It; forceAutosize; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorByState.ColorByState; tell It; setStateLimit 9; toggleUniformMaximum on; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector; tell It; autotabOff; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.SelSummaryStrip.SelSummaryStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor; tell It; panelOpen true; endTell; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; showCharacters #7867013794727773376 #mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterList; tell It; setData 0; getWindow; tell It; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.DefaultCharOrder.DefaultCharOrder; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListInclusion.CharListInclusion; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListPartition.CharListPartition; newAssistant #mesquite.parsimony.CharListParsModels.CharListParsModels; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 942 859; setLocation 230 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; endTell; showWindow; getEmployee #mesquite.lists.CharListAnnotPanel.CharListAnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; endTell; endTell; endTell; end;