require(vegan) require(sads) require(fields) require(dplyr) require(visreg) require(ggplot2) se <- function(x) {sd(x, na.rm=T)/sqrt(length(x[!]))} #function for standard error ##run same code for each of five datasets with some exceptions (see annotation) #get data setwd("...") ##for by-sample (unpooled) Safaga datasets ta<-read.csv("Safaga_all.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names=1) #includes entire dataset # ta<-read.csv("Safaga_top10.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names=1) #includes only top 10 species env<-read.csv("Safaga_environments.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names=1) #for by-sample Safaga dataset (unpooled) ##for by-site (pooled) Safaga datasets # ta<-read.csv("Safaga_pooled_top10.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names=1) #includes only top 10 species ## ta<-read.csv("Safaga_pooled_all.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names=1) #includes entire dataset # env<-read.csv("Safaga_depth_pooled_new.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names=1) #for by-site Safaga dataset (pooled) ##for Cassian dataset # Cas_dat<-read.csv("Cassian_top10.csv", header=T, sep=",") # ta <- tapply(Cas_dat$Specimens, list(Cas_dat$Sample, Cas_dat$Species), sum) #only for Cassian dataset # env<-read.csv("paleodepth.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names=1) #for each of the five datasets ta.0 <- ta ta.0[] <- 0 #alpha diversity #Tables 1,2 bp <- apply(ta.0, 1, max)/apply(ta.0, 1, sum) # berger-parker index specs <- rowSums(ta.0) #number of specimens #plot rank abundance distributions for Cassian dataset #Fig. S12 #only Cassian rank <- list() for (j in 1:nrow(ta)){ rank[[j]] <- rad(ta.0[j,]) rank <- as.matrix(rank) rank[[j]][,2]<-log10(rank[[j]][,2]) #use logarithm } op <- par(mfrow=c(2,4), mar = c(15,5,5,5) + 1.5) for (k in 1: nrow(ta)){ num <- 1:nrow(rank[[k]]) barplot(rank[[k]][,2], main = rownames(ta)[k], xlim=c(0,10), ylim=c(0,2.5),las=2, names = rownames(rank[[k]]), cex.names=1.4) } #evenness #Tables 1,2 s <- length(which(colSums(ta.0)!=0)) #number of species J <- diversity(ta.0) / log(s) #beta diversity ta.0 <- as.matrix(ta.0) ta.prop <-prop.table(ta.0, margin=1) #change to proportions ppd <- vegdist(ta.prop, method="bray") #distance matrix range(ppd) #range mean(ppd) #mean beta diversity se(ppd) #standard error #to calculate mean beta diversity of each site dppd <- as.matrix(ppd) dppd[dppd==0] <- NA #replace zeros with NA to calculate means and standard error locs <- apply(dppd, 2, FUN=mean, na.rm=T) #mean beta diversity per site with regard to other sites #Tables 1,2 locses <- apply(dppd, 2, FUN=se) #standard error for each mean beta #Tables 1,2 ###correlate beta diversity with depth cor.test(env$Depth,locs, method="spearman") #beta diversity and depth cor.test(env$Depth, locs, method="pearson") #beta diversity and depth #correlate alpha diversity with depth cor.test(env$Depth,bp, method="spearman") #Berger-Parker index cor.test(env$Depth,bp, method="pearson") #Berger-Parker index cor.test(env$Depth,J, method="spearman") #evenness cor.test(env$Depth,J, method="pearson") #evenness ###NMDS mds <- metaMDS(ta.prop, distance = "bray") #NMDS with bathymetry mds_b <- envfit(mds, env$Depth, display="sites") #NMDS with bathymetry for by-sample (unpooled) Safaga only (Fig. S7) col3 <- c("deepskyblue","deepskyblue","deepskyblue","deepskyblue","dodgerblue3","dodgerblue3","blue4","blue4","dodgerblue3","deepskyblue","deepskyblue","deepskyblue","blue4") #deepskyblue is very shallow, dodgerblue3 is shallow, blue4 is deeper plot(mds, display="sites", type="n", xlim = c(-3.5,3.5)) points(mds,pch=15,cex=1.5,col=col3) posvector <- c(3,1,4,2,1,4,1,3,1,1,3,1,1) text(mds, display="sites", col=col3, cex=1.3, pos=posvector) mds_b <- envfit(mds, env$Depth, display="sites", p.max=0.05) plot(mds_b, labels="Depth",cex=1.5, col="black") legend("bottomright",fill=c("deepskyblue","dodgerblue3","blue4"),legend=c("very shallow", "shallow", "deeper")) #NMDS with bathymetry for by-site (pooled) Safaga only (Fig. 8) col2 <- c("deepskyblue","dodgerblue3","blue4","dodgerblue3","deepskyblue","deepskyblue","deepskyblue","blue4") #deepskyblue is very shallow, dodgerblue3 is shallow, blue4 is deeper plot(mds, display="sites", type="n", ylim = c(0.35, -0.25), xlim = c(-0.6, 0.5)) points(mds,pch=15,cex=1.5,col=col2) posvector <- c(1,1,2,1,1,4,1,1) text(mds, display="sites", col=col2, cex=1.3, pos=posvector) mds_b <- envfit(mds, env$Depth, display="sites", p.max=0.05) plot(mds_b, labels="Depth",cex=1.5, col="black") legend("topright",fill=c("deepskyblue","dodgerblue3","blue4"),legend=c("very shallow", "shallow", "deeper")) #NMDS with bathymetry for Cassian only (Fig. 6) col1 <- c("dodgerblue3","deepskyblue","dodgerblue3","blue4","deepskyblue","deepskyblue","blue4","deepskyblue" ) #deepskyblue is very shallow, dodgerblue3 is shallow, blue4 is deeper plot(mds, display="sites", type="n") points(mds,pch=15,cex=1.5,col=col1) posvector <- c(4,3,3,4,2,2,4,2) text(mds, display="sites", col=col1, cex=1.3, pos=posvector) plot(mds_b, labels="Depth",cex=1.5, col="black") legend("bottomright",fill=c("deepskyblue","dodgerblue3","blue4"),legend=c("very shallow", "shallow", "deeper")) mds_b <- envfit(mds, env$Depth, display="sites", p.max=0.05) plot(mds_b, labels="Depth",cex=1.5, col="black") ###beta diversity among depth ranges ##test significance of depth clusters ad <- adonis(ppd ~ Depth_groups3, data = env) #for three groups (as in figures) # ad <- adonis(ppd ~ Depth_groups2, data = env) #for two depth groups ad ##two groups med<-median(env$Depth) #calculate median depth samp_shal <- rownames(env[which(env$Depth=med),]) #names of samples from deeper water depths shal <- ta.0[samp_shal,] #create species composition matrix with samples from shallower water depths deep <- ta.0[samp_deep,] #create species composition matrix with samples from deeper water depths prop.shal <-prop.table(shal, margin=1) #calculate proportions shallow ppd.shal <- vegdist(prop.shal, method="bray") #calculate dissimilarities shallow mean(ppd.shal) #mean dissimilarity shallow se(ppd.shal) #standard error shallow prop.deep <-prop.table(deep, margin=1) #calculate proportions deep ppd.deep <- vegdist(prop.deep, method="bray") #calculate dissimilarities deep mean(ppd.deep) #mean dissimilarity deep se(ppd.deep) #standard error deep ##three groups env #Safaga by-site (pooled) mean(ppd.shal) #mean dissimilarity shallow se(ppd.shal) #standard error shallow int <- ta.0[c(2,4),] #create species composition matrix with samples from intermediate water depths <-prop.table(int, margin=1) #calculate proportions shallow <- vegdist(, method="bray") #calculate dissimilarity intermediate deepest <- ta.0[c(3,8),] #create species composition matrix with samples from deepest water depths prop.deepest <-prop.table(deepest, margin=1) #calculate proportions deepest ppd.deepest <- vegdist(prop.deepest, method="bray") #calculate dissimilarity deepest # #Cassian # mean(ppd.shal) #mean dissimilarity shallow # se(ppd.shal) #standard error shallow # int <- ta.0[c(1,3),] #create species composition matrix with samples from intermediate water depths # <-prop.table(int, margin=1) #calculate proportions shallow # <- vegdist(, method="bray") #calculate dissimilarity intermediate # deepest <- ta.0[c(4,7),] #create species composition matrix with samples from deepest water depths # prop.deepest <-prop.table(deepest, margin=1) #calculate proportions deepest # ppd.deepest <- vegdist(prop.deepest, method="bray") #calculate dissimilarity deepest ### beta diversity between depth ranges ##beta diversity between two depth ranges shal_group <- colSums(shal) #group all shallow samples deep_group <- colSums(deep) #group all deeper samples depth2 <- rbind(shal_group, deep_group) #create dataframe from the 2 groups depth2.prop <-prop.table(depth2, margin=1) #calculate proportions ppd.depth2 <- vegdist(depth2.prop, method="bray") #calculate dissimilarity between shallow and deep samples ##beta diversity between 3 depth ranges deepest_group <- colSums(deepest) #group deeepest samples int_group <- colSums(int) #group intermediate samples depth3 <- rbind(shal_group, int_group, deepest_group) #create dataframe from the 3 groups depth3.prop <-prop.table(depth3, margin=1) #calculate proportions ppd.depth3 <- vegdist(depth3.prop, method="bray") #calculate dissimilarity between samples ##Compare depth groups #Kruskal-Wallis test kruskal.test(shal_group ~ deep_group) #comparison between two groups, shallow and deeper kruskal.test(shal_group ~ int_group) #comparison between shallow and intermediate kruskal.test(int_group ~ deepest_group) #comparison between intermediate and deep kruskal.test(shal_group ~ deepest_group) #comparison between shallow and deep ##distance decay #Figs. 5,S5 # #Cassian # env <- read.csv("gps_cas.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names=1) #get coordinates Cassian dist <- env[,c("latdec","lngdec" )] rdist <-, miles=FALSE) #compute great circle distance matrix among all pairings mdist <- as.dist(rdist, diag = F) #create distance matrix vec_ppd<- as.vector(ppd) #create vector for pairwise dissimilarities mdistvec <- as.vector(mdist) #create vector for pairwise distances fit <- lm(vec_ppd~mdistvec) #linear regression for plot theme=theme_set(theme_bw()+theme(panel.grid=element_blank())) #adjust plot theme visreg(fit, xlab="Distance (km)", gg=T, ylab = "PPD", points=list(size=2, pch=15)) #plot #plot(mdist,ppd, xlab="Distance (km)", ylab = "Mean PPD") #abline(lm(ppd~mdist)) cor.test(mdist, ppd, method="spearman") #correlation between distance and dissimilarity cor.test(mdist, ppd, method="pearson") #correlation between distance and dissimilarity ###NULL MODEL FOR BETA DIVERSITY dat <- colSums(ta.0) #create vector from ta.0 dat <- #create dataframe for further analyses #create vector with number of specimens to be sampled spe <- rowSums(ta.0) dat[,2] <- dat[,1]/sum(dat[,1]) #abundance abu <- dat[,2] #create abundance vector abu <- as.vector(abu) #create abundance vector ppd_null <- list() ppd_vec <- list() for (p in 1:1000){ #sample from dataframe all <- numeric() vec <- list() for (m in 1:nrow(ta.0)){ vec[[m]] <- sample(rownames(dat), spe[m], prob=abu, replace=T) } tab <- list() for (n in 1:nrow(ta.0)){ tab[[n]] <- table(vec[n]) tab[[n]] <-[[n]]) } ##merge tables by species ta.n <- tab[[1]] for (o in 1:(nrow(ta.0)-1)){ ta.n <- full_join(ta.n, tab[[o+1]], by="Var1") } ta.n[] <- 0 ta.n <- rownames(ta.n) <- ta.n[,1] ta.n <- ta.n[,-1] ta.n <- t(ta.n) ta.prop <-prop.table(ta.n, margin=1) veg <- vegdist(ta.prop, method="bray") ppd_null[[p]] <- mean(veg) ppd_vec[[p]] <- as.vector(veg) } ppd_null <- unlist(ppd_null) #unlist to create vector with all mean PPDs ppd_vec <- unlist(ppd_vec) #unlist to create vector with all pairwise dissimilarites vec_ppd <- as.vector(ppd) #values of true dataset #plot null model box plot and boxplot with true values #Fig. 4 #first combine datasets lmts <- c(0,1) #range of values par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) boxplot(vec_ppd, ylim=lmts, xlab="", ylab="PPD") #true dataset boxplot(ppd_vec, ylim=lmts, xlab="") #null model #histograms #Fig. S13 true <- hist(vec_ppd) null <- hist(ppd_vec) par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.3) plot(true, col="gray82", xlab="", main="",xlim=c(0,1)) par(new=T) plot(null, col="gray46", xlim=c(0,1), axes=F, main="", xlab = "PPD", ylab = "") axis(side=4) ############## #HOMOGENEITY OF DISPERSION #Figs. S10,S11 #code can be run from here require(vegan) se <- function(x) {sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))}#function for standard error mdist <- function(x){ x[] <- 0 y<-prop.table(x, margin=1) #create proportions out of raw abundances z <- vegdist(y) #Bray-Curtis dissimilarity lt = list(PPD=mean(z),SE=se(z)) # mean pairwise dissimilarity, standard error return(lt) } #get cassian data setwd("...") cas <- read.csv(file="Cassian_top10.csv", sep=",", header=T) #View(cas) ta <- tapply(cas$Specimens, list(cas$Sample, cas$Species), sum) #View(ta) ta.0 <- ta ta.0[] <- 0 prop <- prop.table(ta.0, margin=1) d <- vegdist(prop.table(ta.0, margin=1)) rownames(ta.0) g <- factor(c("deep","shallow","deep","deep", "shallow","shallow","deep","shallow")) disp <- betadisper(d,g, type="median") #dispersion of hopmogeneity scores(disp, display="sites") plot(disp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity", sub="", ellipse=F) plot(disp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity", sub="", ellipse=T, ylim=c(-0.4,0.5)) #use modified Gower (Anderson et al 2006) gow <- vegdist(ta.0,method="altGower") gowdisp <- betadisper(gow,g,type="median") plot(gowdisp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using modified Gower", ylim=c(-30,30), xlim=c(-40,50), sub="", ellipse=T) # # #repeat for 5 shallow and 3 deep # g2 <- factor(c("deep","shallow","shallow","deep", "shallow","shallow","deep","shallow")) # disp2 <- betadisper(d,g2) #dispersion of hopmogeneity # # scores(disp3) # plot(disp2,main = "Dispersion of homogeneity", sub="", ellipse=T) #repeat without classes #bray g5 <- factor(rep("centroid",8)) disp5 <- betadisper(d,g5) #dispersion of homogeneity # scores(disp5) plot(disp5,main = "Dispersion of homogeneity", sub="", ellipse=T) #altGower #gow <- vegdist(ta.0,method="altGower") gowdisp5 <- betadisper(gow,g5,type="median") plot(gowdisp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using modified Gower", ylim=c(-30,30), xlim=c(-40,50), sub="", ellipse=T) #figure with bray and gower and grouped and not grouped op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(disp5,main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using PPD", sub="", ellipse=T) plot(gowdisp5, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using modified Gower", ylim=c(-30,30), xlim=c(-40,50), sub="", ellipse=T) plot(disp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using PPD", sub="", ellipse=T, ylim=c(-0.4,0.5)) plot(gowdisp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using modified Gower", ylim=c(-30,30), xlim=c(-40,50), sub="", ellipse=T) ######################### #repeat for SAFAGA #get safaga data setwd("...") ta.0<-read.csv("Safaga_pooled_top10.csv", header=T, sep=",", row.names=1) #for by-site (pooled) Safaga dataset ta.0<-as.matrix(ta.0) #prop <- prop.table(ta.0, margin=1) d <- vegdist(prop.table(ta.0, margin=1)) rownames(ta.0) g <- factor(c("shallow","deep","deep", "deep","shallow","shallow","shallow","deep")) disp <- betadisper(d,g, type="median") #dispersion of hopmogeneity scores(disp, display="sites") #windows(h=8, w=10) #plotting in a large window will reduce label size #plot(disp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity", sub="", ellipse=F) plot(disp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity", sub="", ellipse=T, ylim=c(-0.5,0.4), xlim=c(-0.7,0.5)) #use modified Gower (Anderson et al 2006) gow <- vegdist(ta.0,method="altGower") gowdisp <- betadisper(gow,g,type="median") #windows(h=8, w=10) #plotting in a large window will reduce label size plot(gowdisp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using modified Gower", ylim=c(-130,200), xlim=c(-220,220), sub="", ellipse=T) # # #repeat for 5 shallow and 3 deep # g2 <- factor(c("deep","shallow","shallow","deep", "shallow","shallow","deep","shallow")) # disp2 <- betadisper(d,g2) #dispersion of hopmogeneity # # scores(disp3) # plot(disp2,main = "Dispersion of homogeneity", sub="", ellipse=T) #repeat without classes #bray g5 <- factor(rep("centroid",8)) disp5 <- betadisper(d,g5) #dispersion of homogeneity # scores(disp5) plot(disp5,main = "Dispersion of homogeneity", sub="", ellipse=T) #altGower #gow <- vegdist(ta.0,method="altGower") gowdisp5 <- betadisper(gow,g5,type="median") plot(gowdisp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using modified Gower", sub="", ellipse=T) #figure with bray and gower and grouped and not grouped #windows(h=8, w=10) #plotting in a large window will reduce label size op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(disp5,main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using PPD", sub="", ellipse=T) plot(gowdisp5, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using modified Gower", sub="", ellipse=T) plot(disp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using PPD", sub="", ellipse=T) plot(gowdisp, main = "Dispersion of homogeneity using modified Gower", sub="", ellipse=T)