library(reshape2) library(plyr) library(lme4) library(lmerTest) library(ggplot2) library(ggpubr) library(emmeans) # Read csv as data frame into environment - Note: change FILENAME Data_long <- read.csv("C:/Users/jamessteele/Dropbox/Research Toolbox/Current R Data Files/All Data - long form.csv") Data_long$Load <- as.character(Data_long$Load) Data_long$Load <- revalue(Data_long$Load, c("1"="30% MVC", "2"="70% MVC")) Data_long$Load <- as.factor(Data_long$Load) Data_long$Condition <- as.character(Data_long$Condition) Data_long$Condition <- revalue(Data_long$Condition, c("1"="Placebo", "2"="Caffeine")) Data_long$Condition <- as.factor(Data_long$Condition) Data_long$Participant <- as.factor(Data_long$Participant) Data_long$effort <- as.integer(Data_long$effort) Data_long$disc <- as.integer(Data_long$disc) Data_long$Load.Condition <- paste(Data_long$Load, Data_long$Condition) str(Data_long) Data30 <- subset(Data_long, Load =="30% MVC") Data70 <- subset(Data_long, Load =="70% MVC") #Peak Torque # Run lmm with random intercepts - lmer(dependent variable ~ Condition + Load + Condition:Load + (1|Participant), data = Data_long) LMMPF <- lmer(PF ~ Condition + (1|Participant), data = Data_long, REML = TRUE) # Calculate estimated marginal means - emmeans(LMMPF, "factor") EMMEANSPF <- emmeans(LMMPF, "Condition") EMMEANSPFdf <- CONTRASTSPF <- emmeans(LMMPF, "Condition", contr = "pairwise") CONTRASTSPFdf <- # Plot elements TITLES <- element_text(size = 16) AXIS <- element_text(size = 12) BACKGROUND <- element_rect(fill = "White", colour = "Black") THEME <- theme(axis.text = AXIS, axis.title = TITLES, panel.background = BACKGROUND, legend.position = "top", legend.title = element_blank()) # Paired data plot p <- plot(EMMEANSPF) + THEME + labs(x = "Peak Torque (Nm)", y = "Condition") + geom_line(aes(x = PF, y = Condition, group = Participant), size = 0.5, colour = "indianred1", data = Data30) + geom_line(aes(x = PF, y = Condition, group = Participant), size = 0.5, colour = "skyblue", data = Data70) + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(limit = c(40, 200), breaks = c(40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200)) pairedplot <- p + geom_point(size = 1) + geom_path(aes(x = emmean, y = Condition, group = 1), size = 1, colour = "grey20", data = EMMEANSPFdf) #Paired contrasts plot #Paired contrasts with 90%CIs for equivalence CONTRASTSPFequiv <- confint(CONTRASTSPF, level = .90) CONTRASTSPFequivdf <- p <- plot(CONTRASTSPF$contrasts) + THEME + labs(x = "Difference in Peak Torque (Nm)", y = "Condition") + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(limit = c(-10, 25), breaks = c(-10,-5,0,5,10,15,20,25)) + geom_errorbarh(height=.05, size = 1, aes(xmin=CONTRASTSPFequiv$contrasts$lower.CL, xmax=CONTRASTSPFequiv$contrasts$upper.CL), colour="grey20") contrastplot <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "Black", size = 1) # Add bands for SESOI - NOTE: 6.98% is halfwidth of minimal detectable change from reliability data in our lab for the IKD. # This determined the %contrast difference relative to the intercept from LMM # Then what 6.98% is in the raw units and add's these lines to the graph CONTRASTSPFdf <- CONTRASTSPFdf[-c(1),] LMMdf <-[ , "Estimate"]) CONTRASTSPFdf$percent <- (CONTRASTSPFdf$contrasts.estimate/LMMdf$`coef(summary(LMMPF))[, "Estimate"]`[1])*100 CONTRASTSPFdf$onepercent <- (CONTRASTSPFdf$contrasts.estimate/CONTRASTSPFdf$percent) contrastplot <- contrastplot + geom_vline(xintercept = (CONTRASTSPFdf$onepercent * 6.98), linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) contrastplot <- contrastplot + geom_vline(xintercept = (CONTRASTSPFdf$onepercent * -6.98), linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) #Combine into one plot ggarrange(pairedplot,contrastplot, ncol=2, nrow=1, labels = c("(A)","(B)"), font.label = list(size = 10),common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom") #Time to Task Failure # Run lmm with random intercepts - lmer(dependent variable ~ Condition + Load + Condition:Load + (1|Participant), data = Data_long) LMMTF <- lmer(TF ~ Condition + Load + Condition:Load + (1|Participant), data = Data_long, REML = TRUE) # Calculate estimated marginal means - emmeans(LMMTF, "factor") EMMEANSTF <- emmeans(LMMTF, "Condition", by = "Load") EMMEANSTFdf <- CONTRASTSTF <- emmeans(LMMTF, "Condition", by = "Load", contr = "pairwise") CONTRASTSTFdf <- # Paired data plot #Paired contrasts with 90%CIs for equivalence CONTRASTSTFequiv <- confint(CONTRASTSTF, level = .90) CONTRASTSTFequivdf <- p <- plot(EMMEANSTF) + THEME + labs(x = "Time to Task Failure (seconds)", y = "Condition") + geom_line(aes(x = TF, y = Condition, group = Participant), size = 0.5, colour = "indianred1", data = Data30) + geom_line(aes(x = TF, y = Condition, group = Participant), size = 0.5, colour = "skyblue", data = Data70) + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(limit = c(0, 450), breaks = c(0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450)) pairedplot <- p + geom_point(size = 1) + geom_path(aes(x = emmean, y = Condition, group = 1), size = 1, colour = "grey20", data = EMMEANSTFdf) #Paired contrasts plot p <- plot(CONTRASTSTF$contrasts) + THEME + labs(x = "Difference in Time to Task Failure (seconds)", y = "Condition") + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(limit = c(-40, 70), breaks = c(-40,-30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70)) + geom_errorbarh(height=.05, size = 1, aes(xmin=CONTRASTSTFequiv$contrasts$lower.CL, xmax=CONTRASTSTFequiv$contrasts$upper.CL), colour="grey20") contrastplot <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "Black", size = 1) # Add bands for SESOI - NOTE: 6.98% is halfwidth of minimal detectable change from reliability data in our lab for the IKD. # This determined the %contrast difference relative to the intercept from LMM # Then what 6.98% is in the raw units and add's these lines to the graph CONTRASTSTFdf <- CONTRASTSTFdf[-c(2,3),] LMMdf <-[ , "Estimate"]) CONTRASTSTFdf$percent <- (CONTRASTSTFdf$contrasts.estimate/LMMdf$`coef(summary(LMMTF))[, "Estimate"]`[1])*100 CONTRASTSTFdf$onepercent <- (CONTRASTSTFdf$contrasts.estimate/CONTRASTSTFdf$percent) contrastplot <- contrastplot + geom_vline(xintercept = (CONTRASTSTFdf$onepercent * 6.98), linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) contrastplot <- contrastplot + geom_vline(xintercept = (CONTRASTSTFdf$onepercent * -6.98), linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) #Combine into one plot ggarrange(pairedplot,contrastplot, ncol=2, nrow=1, labels = c("(A)","(B)"), font.label = list(size = 10),common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom") # Effort # Run lmm with random intercepts - lmer(dependent variable ~ Condition + Load + Condition:Load + (1|Participant), data = Data_long) LMMeffort <- lmer(effort ~ Condition + Load + Condition:Load + (1|Participant), data = Data_long, REML = TRUE) # Calculate estimated marginal means - emmeans(LMMeffort, "factor") EMMEANSeffort <- emmeans(LMMeffort, "Condition", by = "Load") EMMEANSeffortdf <- CONTRASTSeffort <- emmeans(LMMeffort, "Condition", by = "Load", contr = "pairwise") CONTRASTSeffortdf <- # Paired data plot #Paired contrasts with 90%CIs for equivalence CONTRASTSeffortequiv <- confint(CONTRASTSeffort, level = .90) CONTRASTSeffortequivdf <- p <- plot(EMMEANSeffort) + THEME + labs(x = "Rating of Perceived Effort", y = "Condition") + geom_line(aes(x = effort, y = Condition, group = Participant), size = 0.5, colour = "indianred1", data = Data30) + geom_line(aes(x = effort, y = Condition, group = Participant), size = 0.5, colour = "skyblue", data = Data70) + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(limit = c(-0.5, 10.5), breaks = c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) pairedplot <- p + geom_point(size = 1) + geom_path(aes(x = emmean, y = Condition, group = 1), size = 1, colour = "grey20", data = EMMEANSeffortdf) #Paired contrasts plot p <- plot(CONTRASTSeffort$contrasts) + THEME + labs(x = "Difference in Rating of Perceived Effort", y = "Condition") + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(limit = c(-2,2), breaks = c(-2,-1,0,1,2)) + geom_errorbarh(height=.05, size = 1, aes(xmin=CONTRASTSeffortequiv$contrasts$lower.CL, xmax=CONTRASTSeffortequiv$contrasts$upper.CL), colour="grey20") contrastplot <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "Black", size = 1) # Add bands for SESOI - NOTE: Based on conservative of 0.85 TEM from # Halfwidth of minimal detecable change contrastplot <- contrastplot + geom_vline(xintercept = ((0.85 * 1.96 * sqrt(2))/2), linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) contrastplot <- contrastplot + geom_vline(xintercept = ((-0.85 * 1.96 * sqrt(2))/2), linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) #Combine into one plot ggarrange(pairedplot,contrastplot, ncol=2, nrow=1, labels = c("(A)","(B)"), font.label = list(size = 10),common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom") # Discomfort # Run lmm with random intercepts - lmer(dependent variable ~ Condition + Load + Condition:Load + (1|Participant), data = Data_long) LMMdisc <- lmer(disc ~ Condition + Load + Condition:Load + (1|Participant), data = Data_long, REML = TRUE) # Calculate estimated marginal means - emmeans(LMMdisc, "factor") EMMEANSdisc <- emmeans(LMMdisc, "Condition", by = "Load") EMMEANSdiscdf <- CONTRASTSdisc <- emmeans(LMMdisc, "Condition", by = "Load", contr = "pairwise") CONTRASTSdiscdf <- # Paired data plot #Paired contrasts with 90%CIs for equivalence CONTRASTSdiscequiv <- confint(CONTRASTSdisc, level = .90) CONTRASTSdiscequivdf <- p <- plot(EMMEANSdisc) + THEME + labs(x = "Rating of Perceived Discomfort", y = "Condition") + geom_line(aes(x = disc, y = Condition, group = Participant), size = 0.5, colour = "indianred1", data = Data30) + geom_line(aes(x = disc, y = Condition, group = Participant), size = 0.5, colour = "skyblue", data = Data70) + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(limit = c(-0.5, 10.5), breaks = c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) pairedplot <- p + geom_point(size = 1) + geom_path(aes(x = emmean, y = Condition, group = 1), size = 1, colour = "grey20", data = EMMEANSdiscdf) #Paired contrasts plot p <- plot(CONTRASTSdisc$contrasts) + THEME + labs(x = "Difference in Rating of Perceived Discomfort", y = "Condition") + coord_flip() + scale_x_continuous(limit = c(-2,2), breaks = c(-2,-1,0,1,2)) + geom_errorbarh(height=.05, size = 1, aes(xmin=CONTRASTSdiscequiv$contrasts$lower.CL, xmax=CONTRASTSdiscequiv$contrasts$upper.CL), colour="grey20") contrastplot <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "Black", size = 1) # Add bands for SESOI - NOTE: Based on conservative of 1.01 TEM from # Halfwidth of minimal detecable change contrastplot <- contrastplot + geom_vline(xintercept = ((1.01 * 1.96 * sqrt(2))/2), linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) contrastplot <- contrastplot + geom_vline(xintercept = ((-1.01 * 1.96 * sqrt(2))/2), linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) #Combine into one plot ggarrange(pairedplot,contrastplot, ncol=2, nrow=1, labels = c("(A)","(B)"), font.label = list(size = 10),common.legend = TRUE, legend = "bottom") # Test Results and emmeans print(LMMPF) summary(LMMPF) anova(LMMPF) emmeans(LMMPF, "Condition", contr = "pairwise") test(CONTRASTSPF) deltaPF <- (CONTRASTSPFdf$onepercent * 6.98) test(CONTRASTSPF, delta = deltaPF[1], side = "equivalence") eff_size(CONTRASTSPF$emmeans, sigma = sigma(LMMPF), edf = 71) print(LMMTF) summary(LMMTF) anova(LMMTF) emmeans(LMMTF, "Condition", by = "Load", contr = "pairwise") test(CONTRASTSTF) deltaTF <- (CONTRASTSTFdf$onepercent * 6.98) test(CONTRASTSTF, delta = deltaTF[1], side = "equivalence") eff_size(CONTRASTSTF$emmeans, sigma = sigma(LMMTF), edf = 71) print(LMMeffort) summary(LMMeffort) anova(LMMeffort) emmeans(LMMeffort, "Condition", by = "Load", contr = "pairwise") test(CONTRASTSeffort) deltaeffort <- ((0.85 * 1.96 * sqrt(2))/2) test(CONTRASTSeffort, delta = deltaeffort[1], side = "equivalence") eff_size(CONTRASTSeffort$emmeans, sigma = sigma(LMMeffort), edf = 71) print(LMMdisc) summary(LMMdisc) anova(LMMdisc) emmeans(LMMdisc, "Condition", by = "Load", contr = "pairwise") test(CONTRASTSdisc) deltadisc <- ((1.01 * 1.96 * sqrt(2))/2) test(CONTRASTSdisc, delta = deltadisc[1], side = "equivalence") eff_size(CONTRASTSdisc$emmeans, sigma = sigma(LMMdisc), edf = 71) # Q-Q plots for models qqPF <- ggplot(LMMPF, aes(sample=PF))+stat_qq() + THEME + stat_qq_line(linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) qqTF <- ggplot(LMMTF, aes(sample=TF))+stat_qq() + THEME + stat_qq_line(linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) qqeffort <- ggplot(LMMeffort, aes(sample=effort))+stat_qq() + THEME + stat_qq_line(linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) qqdisc <- ggplot(LMMdisc, aes(sample=disc))+stat_qq() + THEME + stat_qq_line(linetype = "dashed", color = "Red", size = 1) #Combine into one plot ggarrange(qqPF,qqTF,qqeffort,qqdisc, ncol=2, nrow=2, labels = c("(A)","(B)","(C)","(D)"), font.label = list(size = 10))