Temporal and spatial variability of terrestrial diatoms at the catchment scale: controls on productivity and relation to other soil algae This data is linked to: Foets, Jasper (2020), “Temporal and spatial variability of terrestrial diatoms at the catchment scale”, Mendeley Data, v1, http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/9s28gvnr53.1 Sampling dates --------------- 05/12/2017 09/01/2018 20/02/2018 19/03/2018 18/04/2018 15/05/2018 12/06/2018 17/07/2018 16/08/2018 18/09/2018 09/10/2018 21/11/2018 Explanation of the numbers in the dataset for habitat type, shading, disturbance and soil type --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Habitat type - 1 = Agricultural field - 2 = Grazed grassland - 3 = Agricultural grassland - 4 = Undisturbed grassland - 5 = Forest Shading - 1 = no - 2 = partly - 3 = yes Disturbance - 1 = no - 2 = yes Soil type - 1 = Sandstone - 2 = Marls - 3 = Schists - 4 = Luxembourg red sandstone - 5 = Alluvial Remarks on meteorological data ------------------------------- All data has been retrieved from https://www.am.rlp.de/Internet/AM/inetcntrLUX.nsf/cuhome.xsp?src=L941ES4AB8&p1=K1M7X321X6&p3=343GO6H65M The data shown,is the Average of seven days prior to the sampling day. Air temperature 5 cm above the soil surface, measured at the weather station in Useldange (280m), was used. The air temperature was then adapted according to the altitude and the habitat type. - We used the general equation: -0.65°C*100m (Altitude) for that. - Also, an additional 2°C were deducted for forested sites. Calculation storage deficit (SD): water balance (WB) = previous WB + precipitation - discharge - evpotranspiration with WB(0) = 50 mm SD = previous SD - WB with SD(0) = 440 mm Calculation potential evapotransration (Epot_PM) following FAO Penman-Monteith: Gr #global radiation in W m-2 Rn <- 0.70 * Gr * 0.0036 #net radiation in MJ m-2 d-1 RH #Relative humidity G <- 0 #soil heat flux. Assumption Ta # Mean daily air temperature Delta <- 4098 * ( 0.6108 * exp((12.27 * Ta) / (Ta + 237.3))) / ((Ta + 237.3)^2) #slope vapour pressure curve upsilon <- 0.065 #psychrometric constant, value taken for 300 m asl e_s <- 0.61078 * exp(17.27 * Ta / (237.3 + Ta)) #saturation vapour pressure e_a <- RH / 100 * e_s #actual vapour pressure u #average wind speed at 2m Epot_PM <- ( 0.408 * Delta * (Rn - G) + upsilon * 900 / (Ta + 273) * u * (e_s - e_a) ) / ( Delta + upsilon * (1 + 0.34 * u ) ) Remarks on physico-chemical data -------------------------------- TN = Total Nitrogen DOC = Dissolved organic carbon Remarks on pigment analysis ---------------------------- Wet weight = weight of the sample after centrifugation and removal supernatants Dry weight = weight of the sample after freeze-drying Remarks on Biovolume calculations --------------------------------- Diatom size estimations were collected from OMNIDIA, after we used the excel file provided by Rimet and Bouchez (2012). If two datasets gave a different result, we checked the sizes of the species and took the value that was most related to our measurements The missing volumes were calculated (valve thickness was derived from Rimet and Bouchez (2012)) or the same biovolume was used for morphologically similar species.