library(MuMIn) library(sjPlot) library(sjlabelled) library(sjmisc) library(ggplot2) library(snakecase) #load the appropriate workspace #check tigerVal tigerVal summary(diveDatSub$kAvg[which(diveDatSub$Species=="tiger")]) sink(paste("RVI tiger", tigerVal,".txt",sep="")) print(importance(Allk)) sink() varNames = c("Location: West Aristazabal Island", "Location: Smith Sound", "Location: McMullin Group","Location: Kitasu Bay", "Location: Goose Island","Parameter k","RCA treatment x Location: West Aristazabal Island", "RCA treatment x Location: Smith Sound", "RCA treatment x Location: McMullin Group", "RCA treatment x Location: Kitasu Bay","RCA treatment x Location: Goose Island","RCA treatment x Parameter k", "RCA treatment (control relative to protected)", "Depth","Complexity","Behavior x Depth","Behavior x Complexity", "Behavior (HM-B relative to LM-D)") jpeg(paste("20200630_variable plot tiger",tigerVal,"_highRes.jpeg",sep=""), width = 2040, height = 1360, pointsize = 12, res=300) set_theme(base = theme_classic(), axis.title.size = 0.9, axis.textsize.x = 0.9, axis.textsize.y = 0.9, title.align = "r") plot_model(Allk2_REML, axis.title = "Standardized Coefficient", title = "Predictor RVI", colors = c("black","black"), axis.labels = varNames, wrap.title = 150,wrap.labels = 50)