library(gamlss) library(topsis) library(forecast) library(plotrix) library(tsintermittent) library(sfsmisc) # For each scenario o <- runif(1, 17, 140) # order cost in each scenario s <- runif(1, 5, 50) # shortage cost in each scenario h <- runif(1, 0, 0.68) # holding cost in each scenario prop <- runif(1, 0.01, 0.99) # Proportion of zeros in the sample of each scenario l <- 2 # lead time period # ZINO Statistical Distribution muNO <- as.numeric( gamlss( subset(k, k > 0) ~ 1, sigma.formula = ~1, nu.formula = ~1, family = NO( = "identity", = "identity"), method = CG() )$mu.coefficients ) sigmaNO <- as.numeric( gamlss( subset(k, k > 0) ~ 1, sigma.formula = ~1, nu.formula = ~1, family = NO( = "identity", = "identity"), method = CG() )$sigma.coefficients ) muNODLTsc <- as.numeric( gamlss( subset(DLT, DLT > 0) ~ 1, sigma.formula = ~1, nu.formula = ~1, family = NO( = "identity", = "identity"), method = CG() )$mu.coefficients ) sigmaNODLTsc <- as.numeric( gamlss( subset(DLT, DLT > 0) ~ 1, sigma.formula = ~1, nu.formula = ~1, family = NO( = "identity", = "identity"), method = CG() )$sigma.coefficients ) muNO # estimate mu of subset of DPUT>0 sigmaNO # estimate sigmaof subset of DPUT>0 muNOZ <- muNO * (1 - prop) # estimate mean DPUT ZINO muNOZ muNODLT <- muNODLTsc * (1 - nudlt) # estimate mean LTD with ZINOsum muNODLT sigmaNODLT <- sigmaNODLTsc * (1 - nudlt) # estimate standard deviation of LTD with ZINOsum sigmaNODLT # Optimization with iterative process # Stop iterations when the variation of results is less than the threshold of 0.1 threshold <- 0.1 NNO <- sqrt(2 * o * muNOZ * 365 / h) # Initial quantity to order rNORMAL <- qNO((1 - NNO * h / (muNOZ * 365 * s)) * (1 - nudlt), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT) # Initial reorder point SrNORMAL <- sum( ( subset(DLT, DLT > rNORMAL) - rNORMAL ) * dNO( subset(DLT, DLT > rNORMAL), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT ) / sum( dNO(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT) ) ) # Initial expected shortage by cycle repeat { prevNNO <- NNO prevRNORMAL <- rNORMAL prevSrNORMAL <- SrNORMAL NNO <- sqrt(2 * o * muNOZ * 365 / h) # quantity to order rNORMAL <- qNO((1 - NNO * h / (muNOZ * 365 * s)) * (1 - nudlt), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT) # reorder point SrNORMAL <- sum( ( subset(DLT, DLT > rNORMAL) - rNORMAL ) * dNO( subset(DLT, DLT > rNORMAL), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT ) / sum( dNO(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT) ) ) # expected shortage by cycle if (abs(NNO - prevNNO) < threshold) { break } } NNO rNORMAL SrNORMAL # Total cost with ZINO statistical distribution TCNO <- (NNO / 2 + rNORMAL - muNOZ * l) * h + muNOZ * 365 * o / NNO + SrNORMAL * muNOZ * 365 * s / NNO # Fill-rate with ZINO statistical distribution FRNO <- ( sum( dNO(subset(k, k < NNO), muNO, sigmaNO) * subset(k, k < NNO) ) + sum( dNO(subset(k, k > NNO), muNO, sigmaNO) * NNO ) ) / sum( dNO(k, muNO, sigmaNO) * k ) # KL divergence of ZINOsum statistical distribution in LTD KLNOsumn <- sum( ( ( 1 - nudlt ) * density( subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)) )$y / sum( density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y ) ) * ( ifelse( log( ( (1 - nudlt) * density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y / sum(density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y) ) / ( (1 - nudlt) * dNO( qNO(runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT ) / sum( dNO(qNO(runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT) ) ) ) == -Inf, 0, log( ( (1 - nudlt) * density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y / sum(density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y) ) / ( (1 - nudlt) * dNO( qNO(runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT ) / sum( dNO(qNO(runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT), muNODLT, sigmaNODLT) ) ) ) ) ) ) ####### SES Approach muzeroSES <- mean(ets(c(remDLT[1, ], remDLT[2, ]), model = "AZZ", opt.crit = "sigma")$fitted) sigmaSES <- sqrt( sum( ( data.frame( c(remDLT[1, ], remDLT[2, ]) )[1:200 - 1, ] - data.frame( ets(c(remDLT[1, ], remDLT[2, ]), model = "AZZ", opt.crit = "sigma")$fitted )[2:200, ] )^2 ) / 199 ) muzeroSES # estimate mean DPUT SES sigmaSES # estimate standard deviation DPUT SES # Initial NSES <- sqrt(2 * o * muzeroSES * 365 / h) rSES <- qNO((1 - NSES * h / (muzeroSES * 365 * s)) * (1 - nudlt), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt)) SrSES <- sum( ( subset(DLT, DLT > rSES) - rSES ) * dNO( subset(DLT, DLT > rSES), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) ) / sum( dNO(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l)) ) ) # Iterations threshold <- 0.1 repeat { prevNSES <- NSES prevRSES <- rSES prevSrSES <- SrSES NSES <- sqrt(2 * muzeroSES * 365 * (o + s * SrSES) / h) rSES <- qNO((1 - NSES * h / (muzeroSES * 365 * s)) * (1 - nudlt), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt)) SrSES <- sum( ( subset(DLT, DLT > rSES) - rSES ) * dNO( subset(DLT, DLT > rSES), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) ) / sum( dNO(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l)) ) ) if (abs(NSES - prevNSES) < threshold) { break } } NSES rSES SrSES # Stop iterations when the variation of results is less than the threshold of 0.1 # TC SES method TCSES <- (NSES / 2 + rSES - muzeroSES * l) * h + muzeroSES * 365 * o / NSES + SrSES * muzeroSES * 365 * s / NSES # Fill-rate SES method FRSES <- matrix( ( sum( dNO(subset(k, k < NSES), muzeroSES, sigmaSES) * subset(k, k < NSES) ) + sum( dNO(subset(k, k > NSES), muzeroSES, sigmaSES) * NSES ) ) / sum(dNO(k, muzeroSES, sigmaSES) * k), 1, 1 ) # KL divergence of SESsum statistical distribution in LTD KLSESsumn <- sum( ( ( 1 - nudlt ) * density( subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)) )$y / sum( density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y ) ) * ( ifelse( log( ( (1 - nudlt) * density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y / sum(density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y) ) / ( (1 - nudlt) * dNO( qNO( runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ) / sum( dNO( qNO( runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ) ) ) ) == -Inf, 0, log( ( (1 - nudlt) * density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y / sum(density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y) ) / ( (1 - nudlt) * dNO( qNO(runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt)), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ) / sum( dNO(qNO(runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt)), muzeroSES * l, sigmaSES * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ####### CROSTON's Approach muCROST <- mean(data.frame(crost(c(remDLT[1, ], remDLT[2, ]), type = "sba")$[125:200, ]) sigmaCROST <- sqrt( sum( ( data.frame( c(remDLT[1, ], remDLT[2, ]) )[124:200 - 1, ] - data.frame( crost(c(remDLT[1, ], remDLT[2, ]), type = "sba")$ )[125:200, ] )^2 ) / 75 ) muCROST # estimate mean DPUT CROST sigmaCROST # estimate mean DPUT CROST # Initial NCROST <- sqrt(2 * o * muCROST * 365 / h) rCROST <- qNO((1 - NCROST * h / (muCROST * 365 * s)) * (1 - nudlt), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt)) SrCROST <- sum( ( subset(DLT, DLT > rCROST) - rCROST ) * dNO( subset(DLT, DLT > rCROST), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) ) / sum( dNO(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l)) ) ) # Iterations threshold <- 0.1 repeat { prevNCROST <- NCROST prevRCROST <- rCROST prevSrCROST <- SrCROST NCROST <- sqrt(2 * muCROST * 365 * (o + s * SrCROST) / h) rCROST <- qNO((1 - NCROST * h / (muCROST * 365 * s)) * (1 - nudlt), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt)) SrCROST <- sum( ( subset(DLT, DLT > rCROST) - rCROST ) * dNO( subset(DLT, DLT > rCROST), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) ) / sum( dNO(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l)) ) ) if (abs(NCROST - prevNCROST) < threshold) { break } } NCROST rCROST SrCROST # TC Chroston's method TCCROST <- (NCROST / 2 + rCROST - muCROST * l) * h + muCROST * 365 * o / NCROST + SrCROST * muCROST * 365 * s / NCROST # Fill-rate Chroston's method FRCROST <- ( sum( dNO(subset(k, k < NCROST), muCROST, sigmaCROST) * subset(k, k < NCROST) ) + sum( dNO(subset(k, k > NCROST), muCROST, sigmaCROST) * NCROST ) ) / sum( dNO(k, muCROST, sigmaCROST) * k ) # KL divergence of CROST sum statistical distribution in LTD KLCROSTsumn <- sum( ( ( 1 - nudlt ) * density( subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)) )$y / sum( density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y ) ) * ( ifelse( log( ( (1 - nudlt) * density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y / sum(density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y) ) / ( (1 - nudlt) * dNO( qNO( runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ) / sum( dNO( qNO( runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ) ) ) ) == -Inf, 0, log( ( (1 - nudlt) * density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y / sum(density(subset(DLT, DLT > 0), n = length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)))$y) ) / ( (1 - nudlt) * dNO( qNO( runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ) / sum( dNO( qNO( runif(length(subset(DLT, DLT > 0)), 0, 1), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ), muCROST * l, sigmaCROST * sqrt(l) * (1 - nudlt) ) ) ) ) ) )) # TOPSIS d <- array(c(TCNO, TCSES, TCCROST, FRNO, FRSES, FRCROST, SrNORMAL, SrSES, SrCROST, KLNOsumn, KLSESsumn, KLCROSTsumn), c(1, 3, 4)) top <- topsis(d[1, , ], c(1, 1, 1, 1), c("-", "+", "-", "-"))[, 3] # EXPORT RESULTS x <- data.frame( Proportion = prop, Order.C = o, Holding.C = h, Shotgage.C = s, TCzinormal = TCNO, TCses = TCSES, TCcroston = TCCROST, FRzinormal = FRNO, FRses = FRSES, FRcroston = FRCROST, Srzinormal = SrNORMAL, Srses = SrSES, Srcroston = SrCROST, Qzinormal = NNO, Qses = NSES, Qcroston = NCROST, rzinormal = rNORMAL, rses = rSES, rcroston = rCROST, KLzinormalDLT = KLNOsumn, KLsesDLT = KLSESsumn, KLcrostonDLT = KLCROSTsumn, TOPSIS = t(top) ) write.table(x, file = "result.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")