library(gamlss) ZITNO = function ( = "identity", = "log", = "identity") { mstats = checklink("", "ZITNO", substitute(, c("inverse", "log", "identity", "own")) dstats = checklink("", "ZITNO", substitute(, c("inverse", "log", "identity", "own")) vstats = checklink("", "ZITNO", substitute(, c("logit", "probit", "cloglog", "log", "own")) structure(list(family = c("ZITNO", "Zero-Inflated Truncated Normal"), parameters = list(mu = TRUE, sigma = TRUE, nu = TRUE), nopar = 3, type = "Mixed", = as.character(substitute(, = as.character(substitute(, = as.character(substitute(, mu.linkfun = mstats$linkfun, sigma.linkfun = dstats$linkfun, nu.linkfun = vstats$linkfun, mu.linkinv = mstats$linkinv, sigma.linkinv = dstats$linkinv, nu.linkinv = vstats$linkinv, mu.dr = mstats$mu.eta, sigma.dr = dstats$mu.eta, nu.dr = vstats$mu.eta, = function(y, mu, sigma, nu, ...){ # Global deviance -2 * dZITNO(y, mu, sigma, nu, log = TRUE) }, rqres = expression({ # (Normalize quantile) residuals uval <- ifelse(y == 0, nu * runif(length(y), 0, 1), (1 - nu) * pZINO(y, mu, sigma, nu)) rqres <- qnorm(uval) }), mu.initial = expression(mu <- mean(y[y>0])), sigma.initial = expression(sigma <- rep(1, length(y))), nu.initial = expression(nu <- rep(0.3, length(y))), mu.valid = function(mu) TRUE, sigma.valid = function(sigma) all(sigma > 0), nu.valid = function(nu) all(nu > 0) && all(nu < 1), y.valid = function(y) all(y >= 0)), class = c("", "family")) } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ########## Density function of ZINO ########## dZITNO<-function(x, mu=1, sigma=1, nu=.1, log=FALSE) { if (any(mu < 0) || any( stop(paste("mu must be positive", "\n", "")) if (any(sigma < 0) || any( stop(paste("sigma must be positive", "\n", "")) if (any(x < 0)) stop(paste("x must be positive", "\n", "")) log.lik <- ifelse(x==0, log(nu), log(1-nu) + log(dnorm(x,mean=mu,sd=sigma))) if(log==FALSE) fy <- exp(log.lik) else fy <- log.lik fy } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ########## Acumulate function distribution of ZINO ########## pZITNO <- function(q, mu=1, sigma=1, nu=0.1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) { if (any(mu < 0)) stop(paste("mu must be positive", "\n", "")) if (any(sigma < 0)) stop(paste("sigma must be positive", "\n", "")) if (any(q < 0)) stop(paste("y must be positive", "\n", "")) a = sqrt(2/sigma) b = (mu*sigma)/(sigma+1) cdf1 <- pnorm((1/a)*(sqrt(q/b) - sqrt(b/q))) cdf <- cdf1 if (any( { index <- seq(along=q)[] for (i in index) { cdf[i] <- integrate(function(x) dbs(x, alpha = a[i], beta = b[i], log=FALSE), 0.001, q[i] )$value } } cdf <- ifelse((q==0), nu, nu+(1-nu)*cdf) if(lower.tail==TRUE) cdf <- cdf else cdf <- 1-cdf if(log.p==FALSE) cdf <- cdf else cdf <- log(cdf) cdf } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ########## Quantile function of ZINO ########## qZITNO = function (p, mu = 0.5, sigma = 1, nu = 0.1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) { if (any(mu <= 0)) stop(paste("mu must be positive ", "\n", "")) if (any(sigma < 0)) #In this parametrization sigma = delta stop(paste("sigma must be positive", "\n", "")) if (any(nu <= 0)|any(nu >= 1)) #In this parametrization nu = p stop(paste("nu must be beetwen 0 and 1 ", "\n", "")) if (log.p == TRUE) p <- exp(p) else p <- p if (lower.tail == TRUE) p <- p else p <- 1 - p if (any(p < 0) | any(p > 1)) stop(paste("p must be between 0 and 1", "\n", "")) #a = sqrt(2/sigma) #b = (mu*sigma)/(sigma+1) suppressWarnings(q <- ifelse((nu >= p),0, qnorm((p - nu)/(1-nu),mean = mu, sd = sigma, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE))) q } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ######## Random generation function of ZINO######## rZITNO = function (n, mu = 0.5, sigma = 1, nu = 0.1) { if (any(mu <= 0)) stop(paste("mu must be positive", "\n", "")) if (any(sigma < 0)) #In this parametrization sigma = delta stop(paste("sigma must be positive", "\n", "")) if (any(nu <= 0)|any(nu >= 1)) #In this parametrization nu = p stop(paste("nu must be beetwen 0 and 1 ", "\n", "")) if (any(n <= 0)) stop(paste("n must be a positive integer", "\n", "")) n <- ceiling(n) p <- runif(n) r <- qZITNO(p, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = nu) r } # plot the function density of ZINO ########## plotZITNO = function (mu = .5, sigma = 1, nu = 0.1, from = 0, to = 0.999, n = 101, title="title", ...) { y = seq(from = 0.001, to = to, length.out = n) pdf = dZITNO(y, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = nu) pr0 = c(dZITNO(0, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = nu)) po = c(0) plot(pdf ~ y, main=title, ylim = c(0, max(pdf,pr0)), type = "l",lwd=3) points(po, pr0, type = "h",lwd=3) points(po, pr0, type = "p", col = "red",lwd=3) }