setwd("/mnt/Files_1/sprosser/R_Working_Directory") library(Biostrings) #Compare BLAST results to BOLD taxonomy and filter out reads that don't match #initialize some variables Order <- read.table("samples.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t") results <- list() #consolidate and reformat BLAST results for(f in list.files(pattern = "*assignments.txt")){ sample <- gsub("_READS_tax_assignments.txt","",f) df <- read.csv(file=f, sep="\t", col.names=c("Read","Identification","E-value","Percent_ID","Coverage","Reference_Process_ID"), header=TRUE) if(nrow(df) == 0){ df <- data.frame("Sample" = sample, "Read" = "failed", "BLAST.Order" = "failed") results <- rbind(results,df) } else{ df$Sample <- rep(sample,times=length(df[,1])) df$Identification <- gsub("No blast hit", "no match;no match;no match;no match;no match;no match",df$Identification) df <- data.frame(df,, strsplit(as.character(df$Identification),";",fixed=TRUE))) if(length(df) < 10){ df$temp <- "" } df <- df[,c(7,1,10)] colnames(df) <- c("Sample","Read","BLAST.Order") results <- rbind(results,df) } } #compare BLAST results to BOLD ID at ordinal level, output table of results results$BOLD.Order <- Order[match(results$Sample, Order$ProcessID),3] results$Red.Flag <- ifelse(as.character(results$BLAST.Order) != as.character(results$BOLD.Order),"Yes","No") write.table(x = results, file = "BLAST_Filtering_Summary.txt", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t") #read in FASTA files and filter out reads that don't match at order level targets <- results[results$Red.Flag=="Yes",c(1,2,5)] for(i in list.files(pattern = "*.fasta")){ sample <- gsub("_READS.fasta","",i) seqs <- readDNAStringSet(i) targets.sample <- targets[targets$Sample==sample,] target.indices <- which(!(names(seqs) %in% as.character(targets.sample$Read))) nontarget.indices <- which((names(seqs) %in% as.character(targets.sample$Read))) output.fasta <- seqs[target.indices] output.filtered <- seqs[nontarget.indices] writeXStringSet(output.fasta,paste(sample,"_TARGETS.fasta",sep = "")) writeXStringSet(output.filtered,paste(sample,"_NONTARGETS.fasta",sep = "")) }