Year,Site,Nest Id,# of Eggs Layed,# of Eggs Hatched,Percent Hatched,"Nest Fate (Hatch, Partial Hatch, Abandoned, Depredated, Unknown)",Date Hatch (1st chick),Time in nesting area (hrs),Notes 2019,Waiawa,WA01,4,2,0.5,Partial Hatch,N/A,,"Found hatched on 3/25, ON 03/26 Mynas come and move 1 of the last 2 eggs. Since the adult was not incubating I did not count this visit." 2019,Waiawa,WA02,4,4,1,Hatched,19-Apr,45.42,"Parents banded. Male = L: Alum only, R: Black over blue (Male has transmitter). Female = L: Yellow over Alum, Yellow over Green; Unusually long incubation period, fourth chick hatched on 4/21" 2019,Waiawa,WA03,4,2,0.5,Partial Hatch,16-May,57.17, Incubation is intermittent from the night of the 18th through the 19th. Last two eggs were abandoned. 2019,Waiawa,WA04,3,2,0.67,Partial Hatch,20-May,53,Last egg was unsuccessful. On and off incubation (skipping most nights 2019,Waiawa,WA05,3,0,0,Predated (Rat),N/A,,Predated by what looks like a rat (visible in frames v1 ) Before the hatch date but very little parenal involvement beforehand 2019,Waiawa,WA06,4,3,0.75,Partial Hatch,16-May,27.6," 2nd and 3rd chick hatched 5/17/2019, Marked as having 0 eggs on the 20th of May, chicks visible in v4 frame 375" 2019,Waiawa,WA07,4,3,0.75,Partial Hatch,26-May,44, 2019,Waiawa,WA08,3,0,0,Predated (Rat),N/A,,Predated by rats before hatching 2019,Waiawa,WA10,4,0,0,Predated (Cat),N/A,,Predated before hatching by a cat ~05/31 2019,Waiawa,WA11,4,0,0,Unknown,N/A,,"Parents of the season goes to WA11. Incubation continued but eggs expected to be not viable, Camera data captured 45 days of this incubation. Some photos from WA12 were marked as the first 16 volumes of WA11. They were moved to the correct folders." 2019,Waiawa,WA12,4,0,0,Unknown,N/A,,"incomplete data. >>> Some data accidently put in WA11. The true data set spans May 2-31 and the adults are still incubating with no successful hatching., On 05/08 the banded individual is fighting with other unbanded stilt(s). Family of three incubating the nest" 2019,Waiawa,WA16,3,3,1,Hatched,20-May,118.66,3 chicks by 1207 05/20. Two chicks had hatched before the cam was set. Family left the nest and chicks were last seen in the nesting area at 0802 on 05/25 2019,Waiawa,WA21,4,0,0,Predated (Cat),N/A,,Predated before hatching by cat on 06/04 21:19 2019,Waiawa,WA24,3,0,0,Predated (Cat),N/A,,"Abadoned before predated by cat, abandoned after cam set up; could be due to active nest nearby; cat first seen 05/26 2:53:38,but does not predate eggs; returns 06/03 and predates eggs" 2019,Waiawa,WA25,4,4,1,Hatched,3-Jun,33.21, 2019,Waiawa,WA26,4,0,0,Abandoned,N/A,,Nest slowly abandoned on the night of 07/16. Nest is taken care of and the nest looses an egg frame 942-943 2019,Waiawa,WA29,4,0,0,Predated (Unknown),N/A,,predated before hatching 2019,Waiawa,WA31,3,0,0,Abandoned,N/A,,One egg abandoned and removed from nest by Adult on 07/02 @14:44 in frame 811-813. The other two eggs continued to be incubated intermittently until the other adult removes a second egg on 07/04 13:13 that appears to be mortally damaged. The nest is fully abandoned on 07/04 . 2019,Waiawa,WA33,3,0,0,Flooded,N/A,,Nest flooded the night of the 06/25. The parents do well to salvage the two remaining eggs. On 06/27 the camera is shifted and the nest is now out of view. WA33 adults were not banded but Adult W/Alu:R/W from WA11 is resighted on 07/03 foraging. The nest appeared to be abandoned between the camera shift and decomission. 2019,Waiawa,WA34,4,2,0.5,Partial Hatch,8-Jul,67.13,Nest is barely out of the frame and only two chicks were confirmed to have hatched. It is suspected at least one egg did not hatch. 2019,Waiawa,WA35,4,2,0.5,Partial Hatch,26-Jul,39,"The 1st egg goes missing on 07/15 at 1029 and the 4th egg disappears 07/29 around 1130, both without the detection of predators. Eggs 2 &3 Hatch." 2019,Honouliuli,HN01,4,2,0.5,Partial Hatch,24-Apr,24.5,Camera taken down prematurely. Chicks both resighted multiple times on 04/27 @ 07:09 onward. 2019,Honouliuli,HN02,4,4,1,Hatched,16-Apr,100.33,Photograph of third chick freshly hatched and wet taken 8am 4/14. Family does not seem to be hanging around much past the evening of 04/20. All 4 chicks last seen together at 5am 0420. 2019,Honouliuli,HN04,4,4,1,Hatched,10-Apr,, 2019,Honouliuli,HN05,4,3,0.75,Partial Hatch,7-Apr,,At 1459 on the 04/13 after all 3 eggs have hatched. It appears as if an egg is dropped mid flight by a stilt. The egg goes missing between 1534 and 1539 the same day. No predator is detected. 2019,Honouliuli,HN06,4,4,1,Hatched,2-May,50,4 chicks still alive on 05/09 0809am. 2019,Honouliuli,HN08,4,4,1,Hatched,16-May,56.5, 2019,Honouliuli,HN11,4,4,1,Hatched,22-May,69.5,Mother continued to incubate last egg while other three chicks left the frame. 2019,Honouliuli,HN13,4,2,0.5,Partial Hatch,16-May,61, Last two eggs are unsuccessful 2019,Honouliuli,HN15,4,3,0.75,Partial Hatch,9-May,67.5,