library(corrplot) library(ggboral) library(R2jags) library(rjags) library(mvabund) library(boral) library(pscl) library(devtools) library(classInt) library(car) library(limma) library(ggpubr) library(plyr) library(stringi) library(dplyr) library(rgdal) library(rgeos) library(maptools) library(BIEN) library(ROCR) library(performance) library(psych) library(ggplot2) library(ggpirate) library(devtools) library(colorRamps) library(bindrcpp) library(glue) library(pkgconfig) library(pkgbuild) library(tibble) library(grid) library(gridExtra) library(gamlss) library(vegan) library(ggplot2) library(devtools) library(GGally) library(fitdistrplus) library(multcomp) library(ggpirate) library(RankAbund) library(reshape2) library(ggboral) ###species accumulation curves ---------------------- # using default method "exact" sac <- specaccum(database2) plot(sac) fortify(sac) # using classical method "random" sac_ran <- specaccum(database2, method = "random") plot(sac_ran) # by LandUse, all on one plot sac.Forest <- specaccum(database2[LandUse=="Forest",], method = "random",permutations=999) sac.JR <- specaccum(database2[LandUse=="Jungle Rubber",], method = "random",permutations=999) sac.Rubber <- specaccum(database2[LandUse=="Rubber",], method = "random",permutations=999) sac.OP <- specaccum(database2[LandUse=="Oil Palm",], method = "random",permutations=999) sac.Forest <- specaccum(database2[LandUse=="Forest",], method = "rarefaction",permutations=999) sac.JR <- specaccum(database2[LandUse=="Jungle Rubber",], method = "rarefaction",permutations=999) sac.Rubber <- specaccum(database2[LandUse=="Rubber",], method = "rarefaction",permutations=999) sac.OP <- specaccum(database2[LandUse=="Oil Palm",], method = "rarefaction",permutations=999) plot(sac.Forest, col = "#15983DFF",ylab="Species",xlab="Sites") plot(sac.JR, add = T, col = "#0C5BB0FF") plot(sac.Rubber, add = T, col = "#FEC10BFF") plot(sac.OP, add = T, col = "#EE0011FF") ##################Set colours and adjust plot appearance###### system_col = c("#15983DFF", "#0C5BB0FF", "#FEC10BFF", "#EE0011FF") # green, blue, yellow, red, from the pirate plots basel palette system_col_double <- c(system_col, system_col) double_col <- rep(system_col, each = 2) system_names = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm") LU_abb = c("F", "J", "R", "O") # make a nicer looking ggplot, get rid of background grid, etc. cleanup <- theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(), axis.text = element_text(colour = "black"), #axis.line = element_line(color = "black"), panel.border = element_rect(fill = NA), plot.margin = unit(c(4,4,4,4), "pt") ) ####Rank Abundance curves-------- #####Forest### Forest<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished.csv") Forest<-Forest[,c("Land.use.system","Morpho","Abundance")]#land use level Forest<-reshape2::dcast(Forest,Land.use.system~Morpho,value.var="Abundance",sum) Forest<-tibble::column_to_rownames(Forest,"Land.use.system") Forest<-Forest[1,]#######Select only Forest Forest_rad<-radfit(Forest) Forest_rad #Mandelbrot-Model forest_plot<-radlattice(Forest_rad) forest_plot<-forest_plot$panel forest_plot plot() ####Jungle Rubber#### JungleRubber<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished.csv") JungleRubber<-JungleRubber[,c("Land.use.system","Morpho","Abundance")]#land use level JungleRubber<-reshape2::dcast(JungleRubber,Land.use.system~Morpho,value.var="Abundance",sum) JungleRubber<-tibble::column_to_rownames(JungleRubber,"Land.use.system") JungleRubber<-JungleRubber[2,]#######Select only Jungle Rubber JungleRubber_rad<-radfit(JungleRubber) JungleRubber_rad # Mandelbrot-Model jungle_plot<-radlattice(JungleRubber_rad) jungle_plot #######Oilpalm Oilpalm<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished.csv") Oilpalm<-Oilpalm[,c("Land.use.system","Morpho","Abundance")]#land use level Oilpalm<-reshape2::dcast(Oilpalm,Land.use.system~Morpho,value.var="Abundance",sum) Oilpalm<-tibble::column_to_rownames(Oilpalm,"Land.use.system") Oilpalm<-Oilpalm[3,]#######Select only Oilpalm Oilpalm_rad<-radfit(Oilpalm) #Preemption Oilpalm_rad oil_plot<-radlattice(Oilpalm_rad) oil_plot #####Rubber#### Rubber<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished.csv") Rubber<-Rubber[,c("Land.use.system","Morpho","Abundance")]#land use level Rubber<-reshape2::dcast(Rubber,Land.use.system~Morpho,value.var="Abundance",sum) Rubber<-tibble::column_to_rownames(Rubber,"Land.use.system") Rubber<-Rubber[4,]#######Select only Rubber Rubber_rad<-radfit(Rubber) Rubber_rad ## Zipf model rubber_plot<-radlattice(Rubber_rad) rubber_plot database<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished.csv") database<-reshape2::dcast(database, Core.Plot~Morpho, value.var = "Abundance",sum) head(database) colnames(database)[1] <- "Plot_name" # extracting land use systems and landscapes from plot names database$LU <- factor(substr(database$Plot_name, 2, 2), levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # extract land use systems from Plot Names LandUse <- database$LU # we also want this as a vector for later database$LS <- factor(substr(database$Plot_name, 1, 1), levels = c("B", "H"), labels = c("Bukit Duabelas", "Harapan")) # extract landscape names from Plot Names LandScape <- database$LS # we also want this as a vector for later LSLU <- factor(substr(database$Plot_name, 1, 2), levels = c("BF", "BJ", "BR", "BO", "HF", "HJ", "HR", "HO")) # factor combining land use and landscape LULS <- factor(stri_reverse(LSLU)) rownames(database) <- database$Plot_name #database<-tibble::column_to_rownames(database,"Plot_name") database2 <- database[,-c(1,72:73)] # ranks_all <- spec.ranks(database2,LandUse) ra_plot_all <- ra.plot(ranks_all,system_col) ra_plot_all ggsave(ra_plot_all, filename = "rank_abund_all.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 100, height = 100, units = "mm", dpi = 600) # ranks_summary <- rbind(cbind($Forest), system = "Forest"), cbind($`Jungle Rubber`), system = "Jungle Rubber"), cbind($Rubber), system = "Rubber"), cbind($`Oil Palm`), system = "Oil Palm") ) write.csv(ranks_summary, "rank_abundance.csv") # radfit abundance ## radfit fits the data from each plot to each of five different models. The model with the lowest AIC, best explains the data observed in that plot. rad <- radfit(database2) rad plot(rad) LSLU # make a dataframe to compare the best model between land use systems rad_dev <- sapply(rad, function(x) unlist(lapply(x$models, deviance))) rad_dev <- t(rad_dev) rad_dev_long <- melt(rad_dev) rad_dev_long$LandUse <- factor(substr(rad_dev_long$Var1, 2,2), # extract land use systems from Plot Names levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # differences in residual deviance between models by land use rad_aov <- lm(value ~ LandUse*Var2, data=rad_dev_long) # value = residual deviance, Var2 = each of the potential models summary(rad_aov) summary(rad_aov)$fstatistic anova(rad_aov,test="F") # set up the model with hypothesis for multiple comparisons rad_model <- glht(model = rad_aov, linfct = mcp(LandUse = "Tukey")) # pairwise t.test with holm correction rad_HSD <- summary(rad_model, adjusted(type = c(p.adjust.methods = c("holm")))) summary(rad_HSD) ### RESULT: # Significant differences in Rubber-Forest, Rubber-Jungle Rubber, Oil palm-jungle rubber write.csv(cbind(t_value = rad_HSD$test$tstat, p_value = rad_HSD$test$pvalues), "rad_HSD.csv") # save test values for manuscript racurve(database2,main="Rank Abundance Curves",nlab=0,ylog=FALSE,frequency=FALSE) ##################Pearson Correlations of environmental variables---------- library("ggboral") library("boral") library("rjags") library("boral") library("corpcor") library("mctest") library("olsrr") library("ppcor") Environment_comparison<- read.csv2(file ="20190829_Environmental Variables_AJ.csv") Environment_comparison$LU <- factor(substr(Environment_comparison$Core.Plot, 2, 2), levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # extract land use systems from Plot Names Environment_comparison$LS <- factor(substr(Environment_comparison$Core.Plot, 1, 1), levels = c("B", "H"), labels = c("Bukit Duabelas", "Harapan")) # extract landscape names from Plot Names rownames(Environment_comparison)<-Environment_comparison$Core.Plot Environment_comparison2<-Environment_comparison[,-c(1:2,9:10)] #delete metadata Environment_comparison2<-decostand(Environment_comparison2,method="range") #Transformation to compare variables my_custom_cor <- function(data, mapping, color = I("grey50"), sizeRange = c(1, 5), ...) { # get the x and y data to use the other code x <- GGally::eval_data_col(data, mapping$x) y <- GGally::eval_data_col(data, mapping$y) ct <- cor.test(x,y, method = "pearson") sig <- symnum( ct$p.value, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1), symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ") ) r <- unname(ct$estimate) rt <- format(r, digits=2)[1] # since we can't print it to get the strsize, just use the max size range cex <- max(sizeRange) # helper function to calculate a useable size percent_of_range <- function(percent, range) { percent * diff(range) + min(range, na.rm = TRUE) } # plot the cor value ggally_text( label = as.character(rt), mapping = aes(), xP = 0.5, yP = 0.5, size =6, color = color, ... ) + # add the sig stars geom_text( aes_string( x = 0.8, y = 0.8 ), label = sig, size = I(cex), color = color, ... ) + # remove all the background stuff and wrap it with a dashed line theme_classic() + theme( panel.background = element_rect( color = color, linetype = "longdash" ), axis.line = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank() ) } my_custom_smooth <- function(data, mapping, ...) { ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + geom_point(color = I("blue")) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", color = I("black"), ...) } ggpairs(data = Environment_comparison2, upper = list(continuous = wrap(my_custom_cor, sizeRange = c(1,3))), lower = list(continuous = my_custom_smooth), axisLabels = "external") Environment_comparison2<-Environment_comparison2[,-2] #Remove Humidity due to its correlation to temperature ordination.data2<-Environment_comparison2 ###BUILD CCA#### database<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished.csv") #reading in species data database<-reshape2::dcast(database, Core.Plot~Morpho, value.var = "Abundance",sum) colnames(database)[1] <- "Plot_name" database$LU <- factor(substr(database$Plot_name, 2, 2), levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # extract land use systems from Plot Names LandUse <- database$LU # we also want this as a vector for later database$LS <- factor(substr(database$Plot_name, 1, 1), levels = c("B", "H"), labels = c("Bukit Duabelas", "Harapan")) # extract landscape names from Plot Names LandScape <- database$LS # we also want this as a vector for later LSLU <- factor(substr(database$Plot_name, 1, 2), levels = c("BF", "BJ", "BR", "BO", "HF", "HJ", "HR", "HO")) # factor combining land use and landscape LULS <- factor(stri_reverse(LSLU)) rownames(database) <- database$Plot_name # change the row names to be the names of the plots database<-database[,-c(72:73)] database2 <- database[,-c(1,72:73)] #remove metadata <- read.csv2(file ="20190829_Environmental Variables_AJ.csv") summary($System <- factor($System, levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"))$LU <- factor(substr($Core.Plot, 2, 2), levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # extract land use systems from Plot Names$LS <- factor(substr($Core.Plot, 1, 1), levels = c("B", "H"), labels = c("Bukit Duabelas", "Harapan")) # extract landscape names from Plot Names rownames(<$Core.Plot ordination.data2<[,-c(1:2,9,10)] #remove Metadata ordination.data2<-ordination.data2[,-2] #remove humidity ordination.data2<-decostand(ordination.data2,method="range") set.seed(15) cca_raw<-cca(database2~.,ordination.data2) anova(cca_raw) vif.cca(cca_raw) r2adjust_raw<-RsquareAdj(cca_raw)$adj.r.squared anova(cca_raw,step=1000) anova(cca_raw,by="axis",step=1000) #CCA1:"***", CCA2:"." cca_0<-cca(database2~1,data=ordination.data2) # just species data #ordiR2step to build cca which uses the double criterion: p-value and the adjusted R² cca_stepforward<-ordiR2step(cca_0,scope=formula(cca_raw),R2scope =r2adjust_raw,direction="forward",permutations=999 ) vif.cca(cca_stepforward) anova_CCA<-cca_stepforward$anova anova_CCA #See results cat("anova_CCA\n", file = "anova_CCA", append = TRUE) capture.output(anova_CCA, file = "anova_CCA", append = TRUE) summary(cca_stepforward) cca_stepforward sink("cca.txt") print(summary(cca_stepforward)) library(tidyverse) ###Plotting CCA results##### species.scores <- data.frame(scores(cca_stepforward, display = "species", choices = c(1, 2))) site.scores <- data.frame(scores(cca_stepforward, display = "sites", choices = c(1, 2))) site.scores$system<-System location.centroids <- site.scores %>% group_by($System) %>% dplyr::select(CCA1, CCA2) %>% summarise_all(mean) ford<-fortify(cca_stepforward,axes=1:2) take<-c("CCA1","CCA2") arrows<-subset(ford,Score=="biplot") arrows<-fortify(arrows) autoplot(cca_stepforward) mycols<-c("green","blue","yellow","red") mul<-ggvegan:::arrowMul(arrows[,take],subset(ford,select=take,Score=="sites")) arrows[,take]<-arrows[,take]*mul arrows$Label <- c("LUI","AGB", "Canopy Openness") # nicer names arrow_Canopy<-arrows[-c(1:2),] arrow_AGB<-arrows[-c(1,3),] arrow_LUI<-arrows[-c(2:3),] System<$System library(ggpubr) cca_plot<-ggplot()+ scale_color_manual(values = system_col,aesthetics= c("colour","fill"))+ geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), linetype = "dashed") + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), linetype = "dashed")+ geom_segment(data=arrow_Canopy, mapping=aes(x=0,y=0,xend=CCA1*0.6,yend=CCA2*0.8), arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,"npc")) )+ geom_segment(data=arrow_AGB, mapping=aes(x=0,y=0,xend=CCA1*0.5,yend=CCA2*0.6), arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,"npc")))+ geom_segment(data=arrow_LUI, mapping=aes(x=0,y=0,xend=CCA1*0.5,yend=CCA2*0.8), arrow=arrow(length=unit(0.01,"npc")))+ geom_text(data=arrow_Canopy, mapping=aes(label=Label,fontface="bold",x=CCA1*0.80,y=CCA2*1.1),size=3)+ geom_text(data=arrow_AGB, mapping=aes(label=Label,fontface="bold",x=CCA1+0.6,y=CCA2+0.6),size=3)+ geom_text(data=arrow_LUI, mapping=aes(label=Label,fontface="bold",x=CCA1/1.8,y=CCA2*0.9),size=3)+ coord_fixed() + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(.1, .1)) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(.1, .1)) + annotate(geom = "text", # With names x = location.centroids$CCA1, y = location.centroids$CCA2, label = location.centroids$`$System`, fontface = "bold")+ labs(x = paste( "CCA1: Explained variation: 7,5 %"), y = paste("CCA2: Explained variation: 4,6 %")) + stat_chull(data = site.scores, mapping = aes(x = CCA1, y = CCA2, fill = System, colour = System), geom = "polygon", alpha = 0.25, size = 1) + geom_point(data=site.scores, mapping=aes(x=CCA1, y=CCA2, colour = System, shape = LandScape), # circle Bukit Duabelas, triangle Harapan size=3, ) + theme(legend.position = "none", text = element_text(size = 15), axis.text = element_text(size = 15, face = "bold"), panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill = NA), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(color = "black")) cca_plot ggsave(cca_plot, filename = "cca_figure.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 150, height = 150, units = "mm", dpi = 600) #######Analysis mvabund########------------ database_mv<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished.csv") #reading in species data database_mv<-reshape2::dcast(database_mv, Core.Plot~Morpho, value.var = "Abundance",sum) colnames(database_mv)[1] <- "Plot_name" database_mv$LU <- factor(substr(database_mv$Plot_name, 2, 2), levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # extract land use systems from Plot Names LandUse <- database_mv$LU # we also want this as a vector for later database_mv$LS <- factor(substr(database_mv$Plot_name, 1, 1), levels = c("B", "H"), labels = c("Bukit Duabelas", "Harapan")) # extract landscape names from Plot Names LandScape <- database_mv$LS # we also want this as a vector for later LSLU <- factor(substr(database_mv$Plot_name, 1, 2), levels = c("BF", "BJ", "BR", "BO", "HF", "HJ", "HR", "HO")) # factor combining land use and landscape LULS <- factor(stri_reverse(LSLU)) rownames(database_mv) <- database_mv$Plot_name # change the row names to be the names of the plots database2_mv <- database_mv[,-c(1,72:73)] #remove metadata Spiders_mv<-mvabund(database2_mv) par(mar=c(2,10,2,2)) # adjusts the margins boxplot(Spiders_mv,horizontal = TRUE,las=2, main="Abundance") meanvar.plot(Spiders_mv) plot(Spiders_mv~database_mv$LU,cex.axis=0.8,cex=0.8) model_poisson <- manyglm(Spiders_mv ~ LandUse, family="poisson") plot(model_poisson) #anova_model_pois<-anova(model_poisson) anova_model_pois model_poisson$AICsum summary.manyglm(model_poisson) model_interact<-manyglm(Spiders_mv~LandUse+LandUse*LandScape,data=database_mv,family="negative_binomial") plot.manyglm(model_interact) summary_interact<-summary.manyglm(model_interact) #interaction is not significant, LS is not significant, summary_interact anova_interact<-anova.manyglm(model_interact,cor.type="shrink",show.time="all") # Landuse significant, no significant interaction *cor.type = "shrink"* # estimates correlations between species, but in an efficient way, which is necessary when there are many more species than samples model_interact$AICsum# 2865 model_LSLU<-manyglm(Spiders_mv~LandUse+LandScape, data=database_mv,family="negative_binomial") plot.manyglm(model_LSLU) summary_LSLU<-summary.manyglm(model_LSLU) summary_LSLU model_LSLU$AICsum # 2538 anova_LSLU<-anova.manyglm(model_LSLU,cor.type="shrink",show.time="all",) anova_LSLU model_nbinom<- manyglm(Spiders_mv ~ LandUse, family="negative_binomial") # "composition FALSE (default) will model abundance, TRUE will model relative abundance, by adding a row effect to the model, and partition effects of environmental variables into main effects (alpha, total abundance/richness) and interactions with response (beta, relative abundance/turnover). See details. plot.manyglm(model_nbinom) ## Looks better than poisson model_nbinom$AICsum anova_LU<-anova.manyglm(model_nbinom,cor.type="shrink",show.time="all") anova_LU model_nbinom$AICsum #2501 , best model summary_LU<-summary.manyglm(model_nbinom) summary_LU model_binom_adjusted<-anova(model_nbinom,p.uni="adjusted") model_binom_adjusted#in which species are the effects #Pairwise comparisons land-use systems #manyglm(Spiders_mv ~ LandUse,family="negative_binomial") -> msolglm #anova(msolglm, pairwise.comp = LandUse, nBoot = 999,test="wald") # presabs<-Spiders_mv # presabs[presabs>0] =1 # presabs #model_binomial<-manyglm(presabs~LU,data=database_mv,family="binomial") #plot(model_binomial) #Fit is worse than for negative_binomial #anova_model_binomial<-anova(model_binomial,cor.type="shrink",show.time="all") ################Boral: Model II Purely latent but with site effect------------------------ fit.lvmp_random<-boral(y=database2,family="negative.binomial",lv.control=list(,row.eff="random",save.model=TRUE) lvsplot(fit.lvmp,ind.spp=25,est="mean") lvsplot(fit.lvmp,ind.spp=25,est="median") #Plotting with ggplot----- dat.gg_ggboral_random<-gg_lvsplot_data(fit.lvmp_random)<-fortify(dat.gg_ggboral_random) dat.ggn_site_random <-cbind(dat.gg_ggboral_random[(dat.gg_ggboral_random$var=="lv"),], LandUse) # divide the data frame into sites and species dat.ggn_region_random <- cbind(dat.gg_ggboral_random[(dat.gg_ggboral_random$var=="lv"),], LandScape) dat.ggn_species_random <- dat.gg_ggboral_random[(dat.gg_ggboral_random$var=="lvcoef"), ] dat.ordi_salts_random <- ggplot(data = dat.gg_ggboral_random, mapping = aes(x = lv1, y = lv2))+ labs(x="Latent variable 1",y ="Latent variable 2") + cleanup + scale_color_manual(values = system_col,aesthetics = c("colour", "fill"))+ geom_point( data = dat.ggn_species_random, size = 2.0, shape = 3, col = "black" ) + geom_point(data = dat.ggn_site_random, size = 1.5, shape = c(15, 16, 17, 19)[LandUse], aes(color = LandUse) ) + stat_ellipse( # 75% confidence interval data = dat.ggn_site_random, geom = "polygon", level = 0.75, alpha = 0.6, aes(fill = LandUse, color = LandUse) ) + geom_point( data = dat.ggn_site_random, size = 2.0, colour="black", shape = c(21,24)[LandScape], # circle Bukit Duabelas, triangle Harapan stroke = 0.5, fill = system_col[LandUse], show.legend = ) + theme(legend.position = "none")+ theme(text = element_text(size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 14)) dat.ordi_salts_random ggsave(dat.ordi_salts_random, filename = "boral.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 200, height = 150, units = "mm",dpi=600) database_abundance<-read.csv2("EFForTS.2017samples.OrderLevelAbundances_20190424_AJ.csv") database_abundance<-reshape2::dcast(database_abundance,Core_Plot~., value.var = "Salticidae",sum) head(database_abundance) colnames(database_abundance)[1]<-"Plot_name" colnames(database_abundance)[2]<-"Salticidae" # extracting land use systems and landscapes from plot names database_abundance$LU <- factor(substr(database_abundance$Plot_name, 2, 2), levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # extract land use systems from Plot Names LandUse <- database_abundance$LU # we also want this as a vector for later database_abundance$LS <- factor(substr(database_abundance$Plot_name, 1, 1), levels = c("B", "H"), labels = c("Bukit Duabelas", "Harapan")) # extract landscape names from Plot Names LandScape <- database_abundance$LS # we also want this as a vector for later LSLU <- factor(substr(database_abundance$Plot_name, 1, 2), levels = c("BF", "BJ", "BR", "BO", "HF", "HJ", "HR", "HO")) # factor combining land use and landscape LULS <- factor(stri_reverse(LSLU)) #Analaysis abundance(inividuals per m²) including juveniles--------------------- #database<-tibble::column_to_rownames(database,"Plot_name") rownames(database_abundance) <- database_abundance$Plot_name # change the row names to be the names of the plots rownames(database_abundance) <- database_abundance$Plot_name database_abundance2 <- database_abundance[,-c(1,3:4), FALSE] abundance_m2<-abundance*2 abundance_m2<-abundance_m2/24 # = Abundance per m² (Divided by 24 1m x 1m traps) mean_abund <- tapply(abundance_m2, LandUse, mean) med_abund<-tapply(abundance_m2, LandUse, median) sd_abund<-tapply(abundance_m2,LandUse,sd) descdist(abundance_m2, discrete = F) fit.norm_m2 <- fitdist(abundance_m2, "norm") fit.lnorm_m2 <- fitdist(abundance_m2, "lnorm") fit.gamma_m2 <- fitdist(abundance_m2, "gamma") plot(fit.norm_m2) plot(fit.lnorm_m2) plot(fit.gamma_m2) fit.norm <- fitdist(abundance_m2, "norm") fit.lnorm <- fitdist(abundance_m2, "lnorm") fit.pois <- fitdist(abundance, "pois") fit.gamma<-fitdist(abundance,"gamma") fit.nbin<-fitdist(abundance,"nbinom") fit.norm$aic fit.lnorm$aic #lowest aic fit.gamma$aic fit.pois$aic fit.nbin$aic #Poisson and Nbin do not fit Abundance shapiro.test(log(abundance_m2)) bartlett.test(log(abundance_m2) ~ LU_out) bartlett.test(log(abundance_m2) ~ LS_out) abund_lm_landuse<-glm(abundance_m2~LandUse,family=gaussian(link=log)) abund_lm2 <- glm(abundance_m2~LandUse + LandScape, family = gaussian(link = log)) anova(abund_lm2, test = "F") #Not signinifkant anova(abund_lm_landuse, abund_lm2, test = "F") #This model is better compare_performance(abund_lm_landuse,abund_lm2) cook_abund_out <- cooks.distance(abund_lm2) plot(cook_abund_out, pch="*", cex=2, main="Influential Obs by Cooks distance") # plot cook's distance abline(h = 4*mean(cook_abund_out, na.rm=T), col="red") # add cutoff line text(x=1:length(cook_abund_out)+1, y=cook_abund_out, labels=ifelse(cook_abund_out>4*mean(cook_abund_out, na.rm=T),names(cook_abund_out),""), col="red") # add labels scores(abu_out, type="chisq", prob = 0.90) scores(abu_out, type="chisq", prob = 0.95) abund_model <- glht(model = abund_lm2, linfct = mcp(LandUse = "Tukey")) # pairwise t.test with holm correction summary(abund_model) abund_HSD <- summary(abund_model, adjusted(type = c(p.adjust.methods = c("holm")))) summary(abund_HSD) write.csv(cbind(z_value = abund_HSD$test$tstat, p_value = abund_HSD$test$pvalues), "abund_out_HSD.csv") # save test values for manuscript abund_HSD$test$tstat # get the letters abund_lu_cld <- cld(abund_HSD, decreasing = T) abu_cld <- abund_lu_cld$mcletters$Letters abu.df <- abu.df$LandUse <- LandUse abu.df$LandScape <- LandScape abu_out.df <- # pirate plot dissected: horizontal line = means, boxes = 95% confidence intervals, violins = density # landscapes pooled abu_pirate_pooled <- ggplot(abu.df, aes(x = LandUse, y = abundance_m2)) + cleanup+ scale_color_manual(values = system_col, aesthetics = c("colour", "fill")) + geom_pirate(aes(colour = LandUse, fill = LandUse), bars = F, points_params = list(shape = 21, size = 1.5, colour = "black"), lines_params = list(size = 0.5, width = 0.5), cis_params = list(fill = system_col, size = 0.6, alpha = 0.5, width = 0.5), violins_params = list(fill = "white", size = 0.6, alpha = 1, width = 1, color = "black")) + labs(y = expression("Abundance, per "~m^2), x = NULL) + scale_x_discrete(labels = LU_abb) + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black")) + theme(text = element_text(size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 14))+ annotate( geom = "text", x = c(1:4), y = max(abu.df$abund)*1.02, label = abu_cld, size=5,vjust=0) plot(abu_pirate_pooled) ggsave(abu_pirate_pooled, filename = "abundance_pooled.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 100, height = 100, units = "mm", dpi = 600) # # use this block and leave out previous annotate() to plot with y-axis on log scale # abu_pirate<-scale_y_log10(abu.df, aes(x = LandUse, y = abund)) + # labs(y = expression("log abundance, per "~m^2)) + # annotate( # geom = "text", # x = c(1:4), # y = max(abu.df$abund)*1.1, # label = abu_cld) ggsave(abu_pirate_pooled, filename = "abundance_pooled.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 82, height = 82, units = "mm", dpi = 600) # # use this block and leave out previous annotate() to plot with y-axis on log scale # abu_pirate<-scale_y_log10(abu.df, aes(x = LandUse, y = abund)) + # labs(y = expression("log abundance, per "~m^2)) + # annotate( # geom = "text", # x = c(1:4), # y = max(abu.df$abund)*1.1, # label = abu_cld) # Richness ---------------------------------------------------------------- richness <- specnumber(database2) med_rich <- tapply(richness, LandUse, median) mean_rich <- tapply(richness, LandUse, mean) sd_rich <- tapply(richness, LandUse, sd) # data frame for plotting rich.df <- colnames(rich.df) <- c("rich") rich.df$LandUse <- LandUse rich.df$LandScape <- LandScape rich.df$LSLU <- LSLU ## check distribution of data: how does the shape of the data space compare to shape of theoretical probability distributions we might want to use? # kurtosis = = "tailedness"; does the data have long or short tails? # skewness = shift or assymetry of the data relative to the mean; is mode >, <, or = to mean? descdist(richness, discrete = T) # discrete = T means data is countable values, i.e. non-negative integers like we have (default is F!). This doesn't mean that a continuous distribution might not fit better, we just need to be aware of possible limitations. # negative binomial: count data, ideally with "large" sample sizes, often you know both how often something happened and did not happen. generally good for overdispersed count data. Poisson: "rare" events, you know how often they occured but it is not meaningful to ask how often did not occur #descdist(richness, discrete = F) # beta dist: only for proportion data from 0 to 1. gamma dist: data is positive and skewed fit.nbin <- fitdist(richness, "nbinom") fit.pois <- fitdist(richness, "pois") fit.norm <- fitdist(richness, "norm") fit.lnorm <- fitdist(richness, "lnorm") fit.gamma <- fitdist(richness, "gamma") # plot(fit.nbin) qqp(richness, "nbinom", size = fit.nbin$estimate[[1]], mu = fit.nbin$estimate[[2]]) plot(fit.pois) qqp(richness, "pois", lambda=fit.pois$estimate) plot(fit.norm) plot(fit.lnorm) plot(fit.gamma) #lowest aic indicates best fit fit.nbin$aic fit.pois$aic # lowest fit fit.norm$aic fit.lnorm$aic fit.gamma$aic shapiro.test(richness) # p = 0,2372, normally distributed ## equality of variance/homoscedasticity bartlett.test(richness ~ interaction(LandUse, LandScape)) bartlett.test(richness ~ LandScape) interaction.plot(LandScape, LandUse, (richness)) boxplot(log(richness)~LandUse*LandScape) boxplot(richness~LandUse*LandScape) mean_alpha <- tapply(richness, LandUse, mean) sd_alpha <- tapply(richness, LandUse, sd) rich_glm2<-glm(richness~LandUse*LandScape,family=poisson) summary(rich_glm2) rich_glm3<-glm(richness~LandUse+LandScape) #Final Model summary(rich_glm3) anova(rich_glm3, test = "F") compare_performance(rich_glm2, rich_glm3) #glm3 is better write.csv(anova(rich_glm3, test = "F"), "richness_glm.csv") # save for manuscript #richness plot# rich_HSD<-glht(model=rich_glm3,linfct=mcp(LandUse="Tukey")) rich_HSD_LU<-summary(rich_HSD, adjusted(type=c(p.adjust.methods=c("holm")))) summary(rich_HSD_LU) rich_HSD_LU$test$tstat # get the letters rich_lu_cld <- cld(rich_HSD_LU, decreasing=TRUE) rich_cld <- rich_lu_cld$mcletters$Letters rich_cld rich_pirate_pooled <- ggplot(rich.df, aes(x = LandUse, y = rich)) + cleanup + scale_color_manual(values = system_col,aesthetics = c("colour", "fill")) + geom_pirate(aes(colour = LandUse, fill = LandUse), bars = F, points_params = list(shape = 21, size = 1.5,colour="black"), lines_params = list(size = 0.5, width = 0.5), cis_params = list(fill = system_col, size = 0.6, alpha = 0.5, width = 0.5), violins_params = list(fill = "white", size = 0.6, alpha = 1, width = 1, color = "black")) + labs(y = "Species richness", x = NULL) + scale_x_discrete(labels = LU_abb) + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black")) + annotate( geom = "text", x = c(1:4), y = max(rich.df$rich) * 1.03, label = rich_cld, size=5)+ theme(text = element_text(size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 14)) rich_pirate_pooled ggsave(rich_pirate_pooled, filename = "rich.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 100, height = 100, units = "mm", dpi = 600) # Community composition: prep for nmds ------------------------------------------ # Important !!! Is the species response linear or unimodal? # Rule of thumb (Leps & Smilauer 2003) # SD < 3 -> linear -> PCA # or > 4 -> unimodal -> NMDS # inbetween -> you can choose # You check this with a DCA and take a look at the length of the first axis # DCA (detrended correspondence analysis) #### # Is the data unimodal? run a DCA with our species DCA <- decorana(database2, # our community data in vegan-friendly format iweigh = 0) # iweight = downweighting rare species (0 = no; 1 = yes), #DCA <- rda(database2) DCA # length of first axis = 4.49 -> unimodal response -> nmds # use summary(DCA) if you would like to see species scores #Axis Length scree_values <- function(x,max, dist_meas,binary=F) { xx <- as.matrix(database2) scree.points = NULL scree.temp = 1 for(i in 1:max) { sol.mds = NULL sol.mds <- replicate(10, metaMDS(xx, k = i, trymax = 30, distance = dist_meas, binary)$stress, simplify = TRUE) scree.points <- append(scree.points, sol.mds) } return(scree.points) } #NMDS ------------------------- dimcheckMDS(database2, distance = "bray", k = 5, trymax = 20, autotransform = TRUE) # IMPORTANT! We need to know how many dimensions to calculate. Stress indicates when the model is sufficient to explain the data #database_presabs<-ifelse(database2>0,1,0) # Calculate relationship between dimensions and stress scree.res <- scree_values(database2, max = 10, dist_meas = "bray",binary=FALSE) # Prerequisite for plotting replicated runs of NMDS plot_vec <- as.vector(sapply(1:(length(scree.res)/10), function(x) rep(x,10), simplify = "vector")) # Plot dimensions vs. stress plot(plot_vec, scree.res, ylab = "Stress", xlab = "Dimensions", main = "Stress vs. Dimensions") lines(1:(length(scree.res)/10), as.vector((by(scree.res, plot_vec, mean)))) abline(h = 0.1, col = "red", lty = "dashed") # Red line indicates threshold for "good" Stress value NMDS <- metaMDS(database2,distance="bray", k = 5) # Perform the actual NMDS stressplot(NMDS, main = paste("k = ", NMDS$ndim, ", NMDS/Bray-Curtis - Stress =", round(NMDS$stress, 3))) # take a look at the stressplot -- points should cluster around the NMDSline, stress should be less than 0.1 and approaching 0.05 is even better #plot(NMDS,type="t",main=paste("NMDS/HORN=",round(NMDS$stress,3))) # A quick glance #Check assumption of homogeneity of multivariate dispersion database2$Landuse<-LandUse Distances_data<-vegdist(database2) anova(betadisper(Distances_data, database2$Landuse)) #its fine database2<-database2[,-71] # NMDS plot ----------------------------------------------- ggnmds <- fortify(NMDS) # extract the scores ggn_site <- cbind(ggnmds[(ggnmds$Score=="sites"),], LandUse) # divide the data frame into sites and species ggn_region <- cbind(ggnmds[(ggnmds$Score=="sites"),], LandScape) ggn_species <- ggnmds[(ggnmds$Score=="species"), ] # for labeling r2 <- round(beta_ado$R2[1], 3) f_value <- round(beta_ado$`F`[1], 3) probF <- round(beta_ado$`Pr(>F)`[1], 3) write.table(cbind(r2, f_value, probF), "adonis_beta_LSLU.csv") # save test values for manuscript # centroids for annotation site.centroid <- %>% group_by(System = LandUse) %>% summarise( = mean(NMDS1), = mean(NMDS2)) # extract scores from nmds nmds_scores <- cbind(vegan::scores(NMDS)) nmds_spec <- vegan::scores(NMDS$species) comm.lda<-lda(nmds_scores, LandUse) comm.lda comm_man <- summary(manova(nmds_scores ~ LandUse+ LandScape), test = "Wilks") # multivariate anova; does the variable significantly predict variability in comm_man #Final Model ! # comm_man_lslu <- summary(manova(nmds_scores ~ LandUse * LandScape), test = "Wilks") # multivariate anova; does the variable significantly predict variability in nmds scores? # comm_man_lslu #No significant interaction #Plotting ordi_salts <- ggplot(data = ggnmds, mapping = aes(x = NMDS1, y = NMDS2)) + cleanup + scale_color_manual(values = system_col,aesthetics = c("colour", "fill"))+ geom_point( data = ggn_species, size = 2.0, shape = 3, col = "black" ) + # geom_point( # data = ggn_site, # size = 1.5, # shape = c(15, 16, 17, 19)[LandUse], # aes(color = LandUse) # ) + stat_ellipse( # 75% confidence interval, centroids are means of NMDS1 and NMDS2 for each LandUse data = ggn_site, geom = "polygon", level = 0.75, alpha = 0.6, aes(fill = LandUse, color = LandUse) ) + geom_point( data = ggn_region, size = 2.0, colour="black", shape = c(21,24)[LandScape], # circle Bukit Duabelas, triangle Harapan stroke = 0.5, fill = system_col[LandUse], show.legend = ) + annotate(geom = "text", x = -0.7, y = 0.6, label = paste("Wilks Lambda = ", round(comm_man$stats["LandUse", "Wilks"], 3), "\nF = ", round(comm_man$stats["LandUse", "approx F"], 3), "\np = <0.001"), fontface = "bold", size = 4)+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ theme(text = element_text(size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 14)) ordi_salts ggsave(ordi_salts, filename = "nmds.pdf",device = "pdf",width =200, height = 150, units = "mm", dpi = 600) ######Venn Diagrams-------- source("custom_venn.R") salt_sum<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished.csv") salt_sum<-reshape2::dcast(salt_sum, Core.Plot~Morpho, value.var = "Abundance",sum) colnames(salt_sum)[1] <- "Plot_name" salt_sum$LU <- factor(substr(salt_sum$Plot_name, 2, 2), levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # extract land use systems from Plot Names LandUse <- salt_sum$LU # we also want this as a vector for later salt_sum$LS <- factor(substr(salt_sum$Plot_name, 1, 1), levels = c("B", "H"), labels = c("Bukit Duabelas", "Harapan")) # extract landscape names from Plot Names LandScape <- salt_sum$LS # we also want this as a vector for later LSLU <- factor(substr(salt_sum$Plot_name, 1, 2), levels = c("BF", "BJ", "BR", "BO", "HF", "HJ", "HR", "HO")) # factor combining land use and landscape LULS <- factor(stri_reverse(LSLU)) salt_sum <- recast(salt_sum, LU~variable, sum) rownames(salt_sum) <- salt_sum$LU # change the row names to be the names of the Land Use systems salt_sum <- salt_sum[,-1] # drop the Group column salt_sum2 venn_counts <- vennCounts(salt_sum2) venn_diagram<-custom_venn(venn_counts, names = system_names, circle.col = system_col, cex=c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), mar=rep(0,4)) venn_diagram+title(main="b") ggsave(venn_diagram, filename = "venns_diagram.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 250, height = 150, units = "mm", dpi = 1000) #Over Landscapes salt_sum<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished.csv") salt_sum<-reshape2::dcast(salt_sum, Core.Plot~Morpho, value.var = "Abundance",sum) colnames(salt_sum)[1] <- "Plot_name" salt_sum$LU <- factor(substr(salt_sum$Plot_name, 2, 2), levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # extract land use systems from Plot Names LandUse <- salt_sum$LU # we also want this as a vector for later salt_sum$LS <- factor(substr(salt_sum$Plot_name, 1, 1), levels = c("B", "H"), labels = c("Bukit Duabelas", "Harapan")) # extract landscape names from Plot Names salt_sum_ls<- recast(salt_sum, LS~variable, sum) str(salt_sum_ls) rownames(salt_sum_ls) <- salt_sum_ls$LS # change the row names to be the names of the LandScapes salt_sum_ls <- salt_sum_ls[,-1] #drop the Region column venn_counts_ls <- vennCounts(salt_sum_ls2) venn_ls<-custom_venn(venn_counts_ls, names = levels(LandScape), circle.col = c("orange", "purple"), cex=c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5), mar=rep(0,4)) +title(main="a") #####Analyzing Molecular Data------ #Please restart R to unload all previously used packages otherwise the code might not run smoothly library(picante) library(ape) library(dplyr) library(pegas) library(phangorn) library(stringi) library(multcomp) library(ggplot2) library(ggpirate) set.seed(10) community<-read.csv2("Database_Salticids_AJ_finished_NRI.csv") community<-reshape2::dcast(community, Core.Plot~Morpho, value.var = "Abundance",sum) colnames(community)[1] <- "Plot_name" community$LU <- factor(substr(community$Plot_name, 2, 2), levels = c("F", "J", "R", "O"), labels = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm")) # extract land use systems from Plot Names community$LS <- factor(substr(community$Plot_name, 1, 1), levels = c("B", "H"), labels = c("Bukit Duabelas", "Harapan")) # extract landscape names from Plot Names LSLU <- factor(substr(community$Plot_name, 1, 2), levels = c("BF", "BJ", "BR", "BO", "HF", "HJ", "HR", "HO")) # factor combining land use and landscape LULS <- factor(stri_reverse(LSLU)) LandScape <- community$LS # we also want this as a vector for later Landuse <- community$LU rownames(community) <- community$Plot_name community<-community[,-c(1,68:69)] community<-select(community,-c(AraSalt066,AraSalt084,AraSalt095,AraSalt073,AraSalt098,AraSalt099,AraSalt106,AraSalt107,AraSalt108,AraSalt110,AraSalt111)) #Remove all Morphospecies we dont have 28S Sequences for head(community) mytree<"28S_Alignment_NRI.nex.con.tre") mytree.phylo<-as.phylo(mytree) mytree.phylo$tip.label names(community) <- substring(names(community),8,10) #Change Names to morphospecies number only e.g AraSalt001->001 prune.tree<-prune.sample(community, mytree) community<-community[,prune.tree$tip.label] #Morphospecies in the community matrix have to be in the same order as in the phylogenetic tree ! phy.dist<-cophenetic(mytree) plot(pd) hist(pd) NRI<-ses.mpd(community,cophenetic(mytree.phylo),null.model="independentswap",abundance.weighted= FALSE,runs=999, iterations=1000) #NRI_abund<-ses.mpd(community,cophenetic(mytree.phylo),null.model="independentswap",abundance.weighted= TRUE,runs=999, iterations=1000) NTI<-ses.mntd(community,cophenetic(mytree.phylo),null.model="independentswap",abundance.weighted= FALSE,runs=999,iterations=1000) #NTI_abund<-ses.mntd(community,cophenetic(mytree.phylo),null.model="independentswap",abundance.weighted= TRUE,runs=999, iterations=1000) #Get values for models NRI$NRI<-NRI$mpd.obs.z*-1 NRI_out<-NRI[,9, FALSE] #This command keeps the rownames which is mandatory to indicate significance for each plot. NRI_out$System<-Landuse #rownames(NRI_out) <- NRI_out$System NTI$NTI<-NTI$mntd.obs.z*-1 NTI_out<-NTI[,9,FALSE] NTI_out$System<-Landuse ######Plotting phylogenetic Diversity########### spiders.pd<-pd(community,mytree,include.root = FALSE) spiders.pd$Landuse<-Landuse spiders.pd$Landscape<-LandScape pd<-spiders.pd[,1,FALSE] pd<-unlist(pd,use.names=FALSE) mean.pd<-tapply(pd,Landuse,mean) sd.pd<-tapply(pd,Landuse,sd) pd.forest<-dplyr::filter(spiders.pd, Landuse=="Forest") pd.forest<-pd.forest[,1,FALSE] pd.forest<-unlist(pd.forest) pd.forest<-apply(pd.forest,mean) mean.forest<-mean(pd.forest) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) shapiro.test(spiders.pd$PD) PD_GLM<-glm(spiders.pd$PD~Landuse+LandScape)#Landuse signifikant summary(PD_GLM) anova_pd<-anova(PD_GLM,test="F") anova_pd PD_model<-glht(model=PD_GLM,linfct=mcp(Landuse="Tukey")) PD_HSD <- summary(PD_model, adjusted(type = c(p.adjust.methods = c("holm")))) summary(PD_HSD) PD_HSD_LU_cld <- cld(PD_HSD, decreasing = T) PD_cld <- PD_HSD_LU_cld$mcletters$Letters PD_cld write.csv(cbind(z_value = PD_HSD$test$tstat, p_value = PD_HSD$test$pvalues), "PD_HSD.csv") # save test values for manuscript write.csv(NRI,"NRI.csv") Spiders_pd_pooled<- ggplot(spiders.pd, aes(x = Landuse, y =spiders.pd$PD )) + cleanup+ scale_color_manual(values = system_col, aesthetics=(c("colour","fill"))) + geom_pirate(aes(colour = Landuse, fill = Landuse), bars = F, points_params = list(shape = 21, size = 1.5,colour="black"), lines_params = list(size = 0.5, width = 0.5), cis_params = list(fill = system_col, size = 0.6, alpha = 0.5, width = 0.5), violins_params = list(fill = "white", size = 0.6, alpha = 1, width = 1, color = "black")) + labs(y = expression("Faith's Phylogenetic Diversity"), x = NULL) + scale_x_discrete(labels = LU_abb) + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black")) + annotate( geom = "text", x = c(1:4), y = max(spiders.pd$PD)*1.02, label = PD_cld, size=5,vjust=0)+ theme(text = element_text(size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 14)) plot(Spiders_pd_pooled) ggsave(Spiders_pd_pooled, filename = "PD_pooled.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 100, height = 100, units = "mm", dpi = 600) ####Statistics and plots for NRI / NTI############# nri_interaction<-lm(NRI_out$NRI~Landuse*LandScape) summary(nri_interaction) anova(nri_interaction,test="F") NRI_GLM<-lm(NRI_out$NRI~Landuse+LandScape)#Landuse significant shapiro.test(NRI_out$NRI) shapiro.test(NTI_out$NTI) ANOVA_NRI<-anova(NRI_GLM,test="F") ANOVA_NRI cat("ANOVA_NRI\n", file = "ANOVA_NRI", append = TRUE) capture.output(ANOVA_NRI, file = "ANOVA_NRI", append = TRUE) NRI_GLM NRI_model<-glht(model=NRI_GLM,linfct=mcp(Landuse="Tukey")) summary(NRI_model) NRI_HSD <- summary(NRI_model, adjusted(type = c(p.adjust.methods = c("holm")))) #Oil Palm-Rubber* summary(NRI_HSD) NRI_HSD_LU_cld <- cld(NRI_HSD, decreasing = T) NRI_HSD_LU_cld NRI_cld <- NRI_HSD_LU_cld$mcletters$Letters ##T-Tests to test for random assembly, Phylogenetic clustering, Phylogenetic overdispersion NRI_oilpalm<-dplyr::filter(NRI_out, Landuse=="Oil Palm") sd_NRI_oil<-sd(NRI_oilpalm$NRI) t_oilpalm<-t.test(NRI_oilpalm$NRI) # t_oilpalm pvalue_oil<-t_oilpalm$p.value pvalue_oil< pvalue_oil<-round(pvalue_oil,digits=4) cat("t_oilpalm_NRI\n", file = "NRI_t_oilpalm", append = TRUE) capture.output(t_oilpalm, file = "NRI_t_oilpalm", append = TRUE) bartlett.test(NRI_out$NRI~Landuse) #all fine shapiro.test(NRI_oilpalm$NRI) shapiro.test(NRI_oilpalm$NRI) NRI_rubber<-dplyr::filter(NRI_out,System=="Rubber") sd_NRI_rubber<-sd(NRI_rubber$NRI) t_rubber<-t.test(NRI_rubber$NRI) #Signifikant t_rubber pvalue_rubber<-t_rubber$p.value pvalue_rubber< pvalue_rubber<-round(pvalue_rubber,digits=4) cat("t_rubber\n", file = "NRI_t_rubber", append = TRUE) capture.output(t_rubber, file = "NRI_t_rubber", append = TRUE) NRI_forest<-dplyr::filter(NRI_out,System=="Forest") sd_NRI_forest<-sd(NRI_forest$NRI) t_forest<-t.test(NRI_forest$NRI) pvalue_forest<-t_forest$p.value pvalue_forest<-round(pvalue_forest,digits=4) cat("t_forest\n", file = "NRI_t_forest", append = TRUE) capture.output(t_forest, file = "NRI_t_forest", append = TRUE) NRI_JungleRubber<-dplyr::filter(NRI_out,System=="Jungle Rubber") SD_JungleRubber<-sd(NRI_JungleRubber$NRI) t_junglerubber<-t.test(NRI_JungleRubber$NRI) pvalue_junglerubber<-t_junglerubber$p.value pvalue_junglerubber<-round(pvalue_junglerubber) cat("t_junglerubber\n", file = "NRI_t_junglerubber", append = TRUE) capture.output(t_junglerubber, file = "NRI_t_junglerubber", append = TRUE) #Plotting system_col = c("#15983DFF", "#0C5BB0FF", "#FEC10BFF", "#EE0011FF") # green, blue, yellow, red, from the pirate plots basel palette system_col_double <- c(system_col, system_col) double_col <- rep(system_col, each = 2) system_names = c("Forest", "Jungle Rubber", "Rubber", "Oil Palm") LU_abb = c("F", "J", "R", "O") nri_pirate_pooled <- ggplot(NRI_out, aes(x = Landuse, y =NRI_out$NRI )) + cleanup+ scale_color_manual(values = system_col,aesthetics=(c("colour","fill"))) + geom_pirate(aes(colour = Landuse, fill = Landuse), bars = F, points_params = list(shape = 21, size = 1.5,colour="black"), lines_params = list(size = 0.5, width = 0.5), cis_params = list(fill = system_col, size = 0.6, alpha = 0.5, width = 0.5), violins_params = list(fill = "white", size = 0.6, alpha = 1, width = 1, color = "black")) + labs(y = expression("Net Relatedness Index"), x = NULL) + scale_x_discrete(labels = LU_abb) + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black")) + annotate( geom = "text", x = c(1:4), y = max(NRI_out$NRI)*1.02, label = NRI_cld, size=5,vjust=0)+ annotate("text",x=3,y=-2.15,label=paste0('atop(bold("0.10

0.05"))'),cex=3,parse=TRUE)+ annotate("text",x=4,y=-2.15,label=paste0('atop(bold("0.10

0.05"))'),cex=3,parse=TRUE)+ annotate("text",x=1,y=-2.15,label=paste0('atop(bold("p>0.10"))'),cex=3,parse=TRUE)+ annotate("text",x=2,y=-2.15,label=paste0('atop(bold("p>0.10"))'),cex=3,parse=TRUE)+# theme(text = element_text(size = 14), axis.text = element_text(size = 14)) plot(nri_pirate_pooled) ggsave(nri_pirate_pooled, filename = "PD_pooled.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 100, height = 100, units = "mm", dpi = 600) #####NTI##### nti_interaction<-lm(NTI_out$NTI~Landuse*LandScape) #not significant summary(nti_interaction) anova(nti_interaction,test="F") NTI_GLM<-glm(NTI_out$NTI~Landuse+LandScape)#Landuse significant ANOVA_NTI<-anova(NTI_GLM,test="F") ANOVA_NTI cat("ANOVA_NTI\n", file = "ANOVA_NTI", append = TRUE) capture.output(ANOVA_NTI, file = "ANOVA_NTI", append = TRUE) NTI_model<-glht(model=NTI_GLM,linfct=mcp(Landuse="Tukey")) summary(NTI_model) NTI_HSD <- summary(NTI_model, adjusted(type = c(p.adjust.methods = c("holm")))) summary(NTI_HSD) NTI_HSD_LU_cld <- cld(NTI_HSD, decreasing = T) NTI_cld <- NTI_HSD_LU_cld$mcletters$Letters ##T-Tests to test for random assembly, Phylogenetic clustering, Phylogenetic overdispersion NTI_oilpalm<-dplyr::filter(NTI_out, System=="Oil Palm") sd_NTI_oil<-sd(NTI_oilpalm$NTI) t_oilpalm_NTI<-t.test(NTI_oilpalm$NTI) t_oilpalm_NTI p_NTI_oil<-t_oilpalm_NTI$p.value p_NTI_oil<-round(p_NTI_oil,digits=4) #0,045 cat("t_oilpalm_NTI\n", file = "nti_t.test_oil", append = TRUE) capture.output(t_oilpalm_NTI, file = "nti_t.test_oil", append = TRUE) NTI_forest<-dplyr::filter(NTI_out, System=="Forest") sd_NTI_forest<-sd(NTI_forest$NTI) t_forest_NTI<-t.test(NTI_forest$NTI) t_forest_NTI p_NTI_forest<-t_forest_NTI$p.value p_NTI_forest<-round(p_NTI_forest,digits=4) cat("t_forest_NTI\n", file = "nti_t.test_forest", append = TRUE) capture.output(t_forest_NTI, file = "nti_t.test_forest", append = TRUE) NTI_rubber<-dplyr::filter(NTI_out,System=="Rubber") sd_NTI_rubber<-sd(NTI_rubber$NTI) t_rubber_NTI<-t.test(NTI_rubber$NTI) t_rubber_NTI p_NTI_rubber<-t_rubber_NTI$p.value p_NTI_rubber<-round(p_NTI_rubber,digits=4) cat("t_rubber_NTI\n", file = "nti_t.test_rubber", append = TRUE) capture.output(t_rubber_NTI, file = "nti_t.test_rubber", append = TRUE) NTI_JungleRubber<-dplyr::filter(NTI_out,System=="Jungle Rubber") sd_NTI_JungleRubber<-sd(NTI_JungleRubber$NTI) t_junglerubber_NTI<-t.test(NTI_JungleRubber$NTI) t_junglerubber_NTI p_NTI_junglerubber<-t_junglerubber_NTI$p.value p_NTI_junglerubber<-round(p_NTI_junglerubber,digits=4) cat("t_junglerubber_NTI\n", file = "nti_t.test_junglerubber", append = TRUE) capture.output(t_junglerubber_NTI, file = "nti_t.test_junglerubber", append = TRUE) NTI_pirate_pooled <- ggplot(NTI_out, aes(x = System, y =NTI_out$NTI )) + cleanup+ scale_color_manual(values = system_col,aesthetics = c("colour","fill")) + geom_pirate(aes(colour = Landuse, fill = Landuse), bars = F, points_params = list(shape = 21, size = 1.5,colour="black"), lines_params = list(size = 0.5, width = 0.5), cis_params = list(fill = system_col, size = 0.6, alpha = 0.5, width = 0.5), violins_params = list(fill = "white", size = 0.6, alpha = 1, width = 1, color = "black")) + labs(y = expression("Nearest Taxon Index"), x = NULL) + scale_x_discrete(labels = LU_abb) + theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black")) + annotate( geom = "text", x = c(1:4), y = max(NTI_out$NTI)*1.02, label = NTI_cld,size=5,vjust=0)+ annotate("text",x=3,y=-2.8,label=paste0('atop(bold("p>0.10"))'),cex=3,parse=TRUE)+ annotate("text",x=4,y=-2.8,label=paste0('atop(bold("*p<0.05"))'),cex=3,parse=TRUE)+ annotate("text",x=1,y=-2.8,label=paste0('atop(bold("p>0.10 "))'),cex=3,parse=TRUE)+ annotate("text",x=2,y=-2.8,label=paste0('atop(bold("*p<0.05"))'),cex=3,parse=TRUE)+ theme(text=element_text(size=14), axis.text=element_text(size=14)) #ns: p>0.10, .: 0.10

0.05, * p<0.05 plot(NTI_pirate_pooled) ggsave(NTI_pirate_pooled, filename = "NTI_pooled.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 100, height = 100, units = "mm", dpi = 600) nti_nri<-grid.arrange(NTI_pirate_pooled,nri_pirate_pooled,nrow=1) plot(nti_nri) ggsave(nti_nri, filename = "nti_nri_plot.pdf", device = "pdf", width = 210, height = 100, units = "mm", dpi = 600) ggsave(nti_nri, filename = "nti_nri_plot.png", device = "png", width = 210, height = 100, units = "mm", dpi = 600) ###End of Code#######