setwd("D:/Work/Travail_Postdoc/Manuscript d'article/Gojelly/Catostylus tagi/Life cycle draft/Figures and data raw/Submission") #### Packages #### # Packages stat library(car) library(lme4) library(Matrix) library(nlme) library(MASS) library(pscl) library(lmtest) library(AER) # to calcultate overdispertion in GLM # graphes library(ggplot2) library(ggpubr) ################################### ### 1. Planula plankton time #### ################################### # Data # { Planula = read.csv("Planula plankton time.csv", header = TRUE) Planula$Temperature <- as.factor(Planula$Temperature) Planula$Salinity <- as.factor(Planula$Salinity) } ### 1.1. two-ways ANOVA non transformed data #### # -> not validated because of the non homogeneity of the variance { # ANOVA aov1 <- aov(Planktonic ~ Temperature * Salinity, data = Planula) # Normal distribution test aov_residuals1 <- residuals(object = aov1) hist(aov_residuals1) shapiro.test(x = aov_residuals1) # Variance Homogeneity test leveneTest(Planktonic ~ Temperature * Salinity, data = Planula) } ### 1.2. two-ways ANOVA on sqrt transformed data #### # -> Validated { # ANOVA aov2 <- aov(PlankSQRT ~ Temperature * Salinity, data = Planula) # Normal distribution test aov_residuals2 <- residuals(object = aov2) hist(aov_residuals2) shapiro.test(x = aov_residuals2) # Variance Homogeneity test leveneTest(PlankSQRT ~ Temperature * Salinity, data = Planula) # ANOVA output summary(aov2) # TukeyHSD test TukeyHSD(aov2) tukey.plot.aov<-aov(PlankSQRT ~ Temperature : Salinity, data=Planula) tukey.plot.test<-TukeyHSD(tukey.plot.aov) plot(tukey.plot.test, las = 1) } ############################## ### 2. Pre-strobilation #### ############################## # Data # { Strobilation = read.csv("Strobilation_Prestr.csv", header = TRUE) Strobilation$Temperature <- as.factor(Strobilation$Temperature) Strobilation$Feed <- as.factor(Strobilation$Feed) #plot the data ggplot(Strobilation, aes(x=Prestr)) + geom_histogram() # -> poisson distribution } ### 2.1. two-ways ANOVA on non transformed data #### { # ANOVA aov3 <- aov(Prestr ~ Temperature * Feed, data = Strobilation) # Normal distribution test aov_residuals3 <- residuals(object = aov3) hist(aov_residuals3) shapiro.test(x = aov_residuals3) # Variance Homogeneity test leveneTest(Prestr ~ Temperature * Feed, data = Strobilation) } ### 2.2. GLM Poisson distribution #### # -> the model ended with an overdispertion. So we moved to a GLM negative binomial distribution { Strobilation$Temperature <- as.numeric(Strobilation$Temperature) Strobilation$Feed <- as.numeric(Strobilation$Feed) # GLM model fit.p <- glm(Prestr ~ Temperature + Feed, data=Strobilation, family=poisson()) summary(fit.p) # Check for over/underdispersion in the model dispersiontest(fit.p,trafo=1) } ### 2.3. GLM Negative binomial distribution #### # -> the model ended with an underdispersion. { # GLM model fit.nb <- glm.nb(Prestr ~ Temperature + Feed, data=Strobilation) summary(fit.nb) # Check for over/underdispersion in the model E1 <- resid(fit.nb, type = "pearson") N1 <- nrow(Strobilation) p1 <- length(coef(fit.nb)) + 1 sum(E1^2) / (N1 - p1) } # --> Both GLMS showed a high overdispertion with migth be explained by the high proportion of zero: 72.2% of the data are zeros 100*sum(Strobilation$Prestr == 0)/nrow(Strobilation) # Therefore, we moved to Zero-inlfated models ### 2.3. Zero-inflated Poisson distribution #### { # Model fit.zp <- zeroinfl(Prestr ~ Temperature + Feed |Temperature + Feed, dist = 'poisson', data=Strobilation) summary (fit.zp) # Dispersion statistic E2 <- resid(fit.zp, type = "pearson") N2 <- nrow(Strobilation) p2 <- length(coef(fit.zp)) sum(E2^2) / (N2 - p2) } ### 2.4. Zero-inflated Negative Binomial distribution #### { # Model fit.znb <- zeroinfl(Prestr ~ Temperature + Feed |Temperature + Feed, dist = 'negbin', data=Strobilation) summary (fit.znb) # Dispersion statistic E3 <- resid(fit.znb, type = "pearson") N3 <- nrow(Strobilation) p3 <- length(coef(fit.znb)) + 1 sum(E2^2) / (N3 - p3) } # compare between ZINP,ZINB,GML Poisson & GLM Negative Binomial { lrtest(fit.p, fit.nb, fit.zp, fit.znb) vuong(fit.zp,fit.znb) } ################################################################ ### 3. Podocysts: Temperature & feed ##### ################################################################ # Data { Podocysts = read.csv("Podocyst.csv", header = TRUE) Podocysts$Temperature <- as.factor(Podocysts$Temperature) Podocysts$Feed <- as.factor(Podocysts$Feed) } ### 3.1. two-ways ANOVA non transformed data #### # -> { # ANOVA aov4 = aov(Podocyst ~ Temperature * Feed, data = Podocysts) # Normal distribution test aov_residuals4 <- residuals(object = aov4) hist(aov_residuals4) shapiro.test(x = aov_residuals4) # Variance Homogeneity test leveneTest(Podocyst ~ Temperature * Feed, data = Podocysts) # ANOVA output summary(aov4) } ############################### ### 4. Strobilation_bet ##### ############################### #-> no significant difference { # Data = read.csv("Strobilation_bet&str.csv", header = TRUE) ## Shapiro-Wilk normality test with(, tapply(betstr, Feed, shapiro.test)) # F-test to test for homogeneity in variances bet.ftest <- var.test(betstr ~ Feed, data = bet.ftest # wilcox test bet.test <- wilcox.test(betstr ~ Feed, data =, exact =FALSE) bet.test } ############################### ### 5. Strobilation_str ##### ############################### #-> significant difference { ## Shapiro-Wilk normality test with(, tapply(str, Feed, shapiro.test)) # F-test to test for homogeneity in variances str.ftest <- var.test(str ~ Feed, data = str.ftest # t-test str.test <- t.test(str ~ Feed, data =, alternative = "two.sided", var.equal = TRUE) str.test } ############################### ### 6. Ephyrae released ##### ############################### #-> no significant difference { # Data Ephyrae = read.csv("Ephyrae.csv", header = TRUE) ## Shapiro-Wilk normality test with(Ephyrae, tapply(Ephyra, Feed, shapiro.test)) # F-test to test for homogeneity in variances eph.ftest <- var.test(Ephyra ~ Feed, data = Ephyrae) eph.ftest # t-test eph.test <- t.test(Ephyra ~ Feed, data = Ephyrae, alternative = "two.sided", var.equal = TRUE) eph.test }