#NEXUS [written Wed Jul 28 09:41:43 PDT 2021 by Mesquite version 3.6 (build 917) at bryans-mbp.lan/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=29; TAXLABELS Dendrysekos_helogenes Sclerocephalus_haeuseri Micromelerpeton_credneri Platyrhinops_lyelli Doleserpeton_annectens Acheloma_dunni Phonerpeton_pricei Anconastes_vesperus Fedexia_striegeli Tambachia_trogallas Ecolsonia_cutlerensis Aspidosaurus_binasser Platyhystrix_rugosus Dissorophus_multicinctus Broiliellus_texensis Broiliellus_brevis Broiliellus_olsoni Brevidorsum_profundum Conjunctio_multidens Scapanops_neglecta Cacops_morrisi Cacops_aspidephorus Cacops_woehri Kamacops_acervalis Zygosaurus_lucius Broiliellus_reiszi Diploseira_angusta Reiszerpeton_renascentis Anakamacops_petrolicus ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE Character_Matrix; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=77; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD RESPECTCASE GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Character 1. Laterally exposed palatine (LEP). Palatine overplated by jugal and lacrimal with no lateral exposure (0); palatine wedging between lacrimal and jugal to make contribution to skull roof and orbital margin (1). ', 2 'Character 2. Shape of lateral exposure of the palatine (LEP). Elongate exposure along dorsal edge of maxilla (0); enlarged LEP with lateral depression and extends deeply into dorsal border of maxilla (1).', 3 'Character 3. Maxilla contribution to orbital margin. Maxilla excluded from orbital margin (0); maxilla contributes to orbital margin by separating jugal and lacrimal in absence of lateral exposure of palatine (1). ', 4 'Character 4. Dorsal quadrate process (DQP). Quadrate having smooth posterodorsal side (0); quadrate with prominent dorsoposterior outgrowth, the quadrate process (1).', 5 'Character 5. Vomerine depression. Ventral surface of vomers flat and element divided into anterior and posterior portion by transverse ridges that may or may not bear transverse tooth row (0); single unpaired depression in anterior portion of vomers that may or may not house an opening (1).', 6 'Character 6. Parasphenoid dentition. Basal plate of parasphenoid bearing shagreen of small teeth (denticles) anteromedially (0); plate entirely smooth (1). ', 7 'Character 7. Parasphenoid denticle field. Well established, with triangular outline and with apex reaching onto base of cultriform process (0); denticle field greatly expanded anteriorly to cover most of the cultriform process (1).', 8 'Character 8. Parasphenoid basal plate. Roughly quadrangular dimensions, as long as wide (0); basal plate much shorter than wide, reaching about half the width (1).', 9 'Character 9. Vomerine denticle field. Vomer covered with a more or less dense shagreen of teeth in addition to obligatory fang pair (0); shagreen confined to juvenile stages and/or absent throughout ontogeny (1).', 10 'Character 10. Vomerine fangs. Vomer lacking fangs in its medial portion, outside lateral tooth arcade, but having smaller accessory teeth in that region (0); vomer with additional fang pairs posterior to mid-vomerine depression (1).', 11 'Character 11. Pterygoid-vomer contact. Suture between pterygoid (palatine ramus) and vomer (0); pterygoid contacting only palatine (or ectopterygoid) and lacking suture with vomer (1).', 12 'Character 12. Pterygoid flange. Palatine ramus of pterygoid merging continuously into basipterygoid ramus (0); palatine ramus broadening abruptly to form a pronounced transverse flange, giving the lateral margin a rectangular shape (1).', 13 'Character 13. Palatine, ectopterygoid. Palatine and ectopterygoid much wider than maxilla (0); palatine and ectopterygoid reduced to narrow struts not wider than adjoining maxilla (1).', 14 'Character 14. Interpterygoid vacuity. Roundish or oval in outline (0); greatly expanded laterally at mid-level (1).', 15 'Character 15. Narial flange. Ventral (inner) side of prefrontal, lacrimal, and nasal smooth (0); inner side of these bones forming complicated bar-like structure (narial flange), permitting contact with antorbital bar (1).', 16 'Character 16. Prefrontal process. Prefrontal forming simple suture with lacrimal laterally (0); prefrontal underplating lacrimal widely by means of ventral prefrontal process contacting palatine (1).', 17 'Character 17. Tabular size. Tabular narrower than postparietal, but reaching almost same size as latter (0); tabular minute and laterally constricted by unique enlargement of otic notch (1).', 18 'Character 18. Tabular-squamosal contact. Tabular and squamosal widely separated by supratemporal (0); squamosal meeting tabular, excluding supratemporal from otic notch (1).', 19 'Character 19. Squamosal-supratemporal suture. Nearly as long as supratemporal itself (0); or shorter, reaching only one third or less of length of supratemporal (1).', 20 'Character 20. Supratympanic flange. Squamosal continuously ornamented around margin of otic notch (0); squamosal having dorsally exposed and ornamented area (supratympanic flange) stepping abruptly into steeply aligned, poorly ornamented portion (1).', 21 'Character 21. Semilunar flange. Supratemporal without ventral projection into otic notch (0); supratemporal forming marked ventral flange participating in medial bordering of otic notch (1).', 22 'Character 22. Prefrontal-postfrontal. Firmly sutured on the dorsal side, excluding the frontal from the orbital margin (0); both elements separated by frontal, at least dorsally (1).', 23 'Character 23. Interorbital width. Narrow to moderately wide interorbital region in the 0.2?0.24 range (interorbital width/skull length) (0); or substantially wider (0.27?0.33) (1).', 24 'Character 24. Palpebral ossifications. No ossifications other than sclerotic ring (0); numerous palpebral ossicles at medial margin of sclerotic ring (1).', 25 'Character 25. Stapes. Stapes with pronounced dorsodistal curvature directed towards dorsally located otic notch (0); or abbreviated without dorsodistal curvature, directed mostly laterally towards vertically aligned otic notch (1).', 26 'Character 26. Prefrontal-jugal contact. Absent (0); present (1).', 27 'Character 27. Maxilla dentition. Extending posterior to the level of the posterior margin of the orbit (0); terminating at the level of such margin or anterior to it (1).', 28 'Character 28. Skull outline. Absence (0) or presence (1) of inward inflection of skull outline in dorsal view at the level of the maxilla-premaxilla suture. ', 29 'Character 29. Septomaxilla. At posterior rim of naris (0); at mid-level of naris, pointing inside (1).', 30 'Character 30. Parietal width. More (0) or less (1) than two and a half times as long as wide.', 31 'Character 31. Postparietal length. Postparietals less (0) or more than (1) three times wider than long.', 32 'Character 32. Postorbital. Narrowing to an acute posterior point (0); not narrowing, ending blunt (1).', 33 'Character 33. Vomer (posterior projection). Absent (0) or present (1).', 34 'Character 34. Vomer (tooth row). Vomer with (0) or without (1) a toothed, raised crest running anteroposteriorly and lying mesial to the choana.', 35 'Character 35. Palatine and interpterygoid vacuity. Palatine partially or fully excluded from vacuity by pterygoid (0); bordering vacuity along its entire medial margin (1).', 36 'Character 36. Cultriform process. Moderately wide and flat on ventral side (0); throughout thin and round in cross-section (1).', 37 'Character 37. Exoccipital-tabular contact. Absent (0); present (1).', 38 'Character 38. Exoccipital-postparietal contact. Present (0); absent (1).', 39 'Character 39. Position of jaw articulation. Posterior to (0), level with (1), or anterior to (2) the posterior facets of the exoccipitals. ', 40 'Character 40. External narial opening. Uniform, oval shaped margin (0); posteriorly expanded at the expense of lacrimal, with distinct anterior and posterior regions giving external naris an overall ?key-hole? shape (1).', 41 'Character 41. Internarial fenestra. Absent (0); present (1). ', 42 'Character 42. Marginal teeth of upper jaw. Uniform in size (0); caniniform teeth on premaxilla and maxilla (1).', 43 'Character 43. Prearticular. Inflection of the prearticular along the medial rim of the adductor fossa: absent (0); present (1).', 44 'Character 44. Ventral border of otic notch. Slopes posteroventrally (0); nearly horizontal (1).', 45 'Character 45. Median vomerine septum. Absent (0); present (1). ', 46 'Character 46. Tabular process. Any state between short and absent (0); curves gradually to meet robust quadrate process (1); bent down sharply at approximately a right angle to the dorsal edge of the skull table and fused to the quadrate process (2).', 47 'Character 47. Stapedial foramen. Present (0); absent (1).', 48 'Character 48. Raised cranial regions of tubercular ornamentation. Absent (0); present (1).', 49 'Character 49. Contribution of lacrimal to external naris. Forms posterior border of external naris (0); subnarial process with length less than 50% of the length of the external naris (1); subnarial process with length equal to or greater than 50% of the length of the external naris (2).', 50 'Character 50. Squamosal. Semilunar curvature of along ventral border of the supratympanic flange: absent (0); present (1).', 51 'Character 51. Dorsal rim of occiput. Gently ornamented (0); ornament forming marked transverse ridge along postparietal and tabular (1).', 52 'Character 52. Ratio of preorbital length to postorbital length. Preorbital length greater than postorbital length by more than 10% (0); preorbital and postorbital lengths approximately equal (1); postorbital length greater than preorbital length by greater than 10% (2).', 53 'Character 53. Suborbital bar height. Greater than 10% of the total midline skull length (0); less than 10% of the total midline skull length (1).', 54 'Character 54. Minimum distance otic notch-posterior orbital margin. Greater than 25% of the total midline skull length (0); between 10 and 25 % of the total midline skull length (1); less than 10% of the total midline skull length (2).', 55 'Character 55. Basipterygoid articulation. Discrete facet for ball-and-socket joint or overlap (0); firmly sutured at mid-level of widened basipterygoid process (1).', 56 'Character 56. Postorbital-supratemporal. Sutured (0); separated by postfrontal (1).', 57 'Character 57. Intertemporal. Present (0); absent (1).', 58 'Character 58. Osteoderms. Median unpaired osteoderms (one per vertebra) absent (0); or present. (1).', 59 'Character 59. Osteoderm width. Narrow (0), wide (1).', 60 'Character 60. Cranial ridges. Dorsal surface of skull roof flush or with gentle ridges on prefrontal, orbital margin, and in the temporal region (0); or with pronounced ridges especially in the snout (1). ', 61 'Character 61. Ilium (dorsal process). High and slender, distally not wider than shaft (0); or short and stout, not higher than base is wide, with broadened dorsal end (1).', 62 'Character 62. Parasphenoid plate. Lateral margin with or without moderate posterolateral projection (0); posterolateral wing expanded well beyond the level of the basipterygoid suture (1).', 63 'Character 63. Carotid artery. Exit foramina for carotid artery located on the parasphenoid plate (0); or at the base of cultriform process (1). ', 64 'Character 64. Tabular horn: posterior extension. Round or pointed but short (0); or elongated, forming main portion of tabular (1).', 65 'Character 65. Jugal. Dorsal surface of jugal regularly ornamented (0); or with large eminence bearing knobby ornament (1).', 66 'Character 66. Parasphenoid: muscle scars. The posterior and posterolateral parts of the parasphenoid plate bear gentle depressions or other types of muscle attachments (0); or they house deep pockets for such attachments (1).', 67 'Character 67. Pointed snout. The tip of the snout is of various width but parabolic to square-shaped (0); or it is pointed (1).', 68 'Character 68. Interclavicle. Rhomboidal (0); quadrangular to pentagonal (1); bears a posterior stylus (2). ', 69 'Character 69. Supinator process. Anterodistal region of humerus with supinator process (0); or lacking such process (1).', 70 'Character 70. Entepicondylar foramen. Distal end of humerus pierced by an entepicondylar foramen (0); or lacking such opening (1).', 71 'Character 71. Dorsal eminences. Skull table without major raised areas other than ornamenting ridges (0); or with elevated eminences on the frontal, parietal, postfrontal, and postparietal (1).', 72 'Character 72. Ventral edge of angular in lateral view. Dermal sculpturing similar to remainder of angular (0); dermal sculpturing enlarged to form a keel-like projection at the posterior corner (1).', 73 'Character 73. Osteoderm series. Single series throughout (0); double series associated with at least anterior vertebrae (1).', 74 'Character 74. Internal osteoderms. Fused to vertebrae (0); unfused with ventral flange (1).', 75 'Character 75. External osteoderms. Absence of ventral flange (0); presence of ventral flange (1).', 76 'Character 76. Association of flange with neural spines. All flanges between neural spines (0); flanges of anterior internal osteoderms extend along anterior and posterior sides of neural spine (1).', 77 'Character 77. Inframeckelian fossa. Bordered only by prearticular and angular (0); bordered by prearticular, angular, and postsplenial (1).' ; MATRIX Dendrysekos_helogenes 0?00000000000000000000100000000000000010000000000000000000?0000000000000????1 Sclerocephalus_haeuseri 0?0000000000000000000000010100000000100000000000?000000010?0000000000100????0 Micromelerpeton_credneri 100?1000011010?100000101100000000000??00100000000001100010?0000000000100????? Platyrhinops_lyelli ??01001000101111101000111000?11101000?000000?0000000110010?0000000011100????0 Doleserpeton_annectens 1001101100101111101001011000011001100000100010000001110010?0000000011100????0 Acheloma_dunni 1001100000000011011111001001110110010001111111001000020010?0100000010100????? Phonerpeton_pricei 100111?000000011111111001001110111010001(0 1)11010?02100110(0 1)10?0?000000?0100????1 Anconastes_vesperus 0?1??000??0?0011??111??0100011001?0?000101101?001001110010?0?00?000???00????? Fedexia_striegeli 1001?00?000?001?01111101100011000?0?00?101?010002101110010?0?0?0000???0?????? Tambachia_trogallas 0?1??000?000001101011100?0001?010101???1011010?01001110010?01000000???00????1 Ecolsonia_cutlerensis 10011000?0000011011111001000110111010011000002?02101110010?0100000010100????1 Aspidosaurus_binasser 100??1?000??00?1??11?1???0?01??1?1??00?010???0?00?0???1?1100?000?00???0?00??? Platyhystrix_rugosus ?????1?0??1000?10111110??010?1000?0?00???0?0?0?0??00111010?0?000000?????????? Dissorophus_multicinctus 1101?1?00?110111011111111010110(0 1)0?010010?000020001011110111111001111110111010 Broiliellus_texensis 1101?1?00?1101110111111110?011010?010?10000000?00002111011111101111?11110???? Broiliellus_brevis 1?0111?000110111011111111010?10101010?0000?000?00011111011011101111?11110???1 Broiliellus_olsoni 1101??????????11??11111?10?01??1???????000?0???0010????01??1????0?1???1?????? Brevidorsum_profundum 1?01???????????1011111?1101??101??????1????0?0?0?10????01??1?0?00?0?110?????? Conjunctio_multidens 1?01?1?0?01100?1011111(0 1)1101011010?01??2010?0?(0 1)?0011(1 2)11111101?00(0 1)000???0?01??? Scapanops_neglecta 1001???????????111111111?0101101???????010?0?0??0?1012?011?1???0001?110?01??? Cacops_morrisi 110111?00011001101111101100011010101000010100201001012111101?01000021100????? Cacops_aspidephorus 1101100000?100110011110?100011?1?1010000?0?0?2?100101211110110?0000211001110? Cacops_woehri 110??1?0001100?10111110??00011010101???010?0?2?0011012101??1?010000???0?????? Kamacops_acervalis ???111?00011001????11?0?1??01???0?01010000?0?201??10011????1?010000???00????? Zygosaurus_lucius ???1???????????????1?????0?0??????????00???0?2?1???001????????????????0?????? Broiliellus_reiszi 110111?100110111011101111010?1010111000000001000010001101101?0?11???111110??0 Diploseira_angusta ?????1?0???10???01111???1?1??101????00????10?000?11???1?11011101?1????0011110 Reiszerpeton_renascentis 1(0 1)0?1????01100?0?01111???0101??0010????0?0?????001?????01??1??1?0?0???0?????? Anakamacops_petrolicus 100111?01?1100?1011111???010????010100000?1002?1011???1?11?1?0?0000???0010000 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1- 38 40- 48 50- 51 53 55- 77, ord: 39 49-52\3 54; END; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1- 77; END; Begin MESQUITE; MESQUITESCRIPTVERSION 2; TITLE AUTO; tell ProjectCoordinator; timeSaved 1627490503391; getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa; tell It; setID 0 1934250428998223514; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 29 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28; attachments ; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; setID 0 3427637206484733363; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 85 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 73 72 74 80 75; attachments ; endTell; mqVersion 360; checksumv 0 3 4065538844 null getNumChars 77 numChars 77 getNumTaxa 29 numTaxa 29 short true bits 7 states 7 sumSquaresStatesOnly 4037.0 sumSquares 4037.0 longCompressibleToShort false usingShortMatrix true NumFiles 1 NumMatrices 1; mqVersion; endTell; getWindow; tell It; suppress; setResourcesState false false 100; setPopoutState 300; setExplanationSize 0; setAnnotationSize 0; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1920 755; setLocation 0 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; desuppress; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowCoord.BasicDataWindowCoord; tell It; showDataWindow #3427637206484733363 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker; tell It; getWindow; tell It; getTable; tell It; rowNamesWidth 143; endTell; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1820 683; setLocation 0 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; endTell; setActive; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; colorCells #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorByState.ColorByState; tell It; setStateLimit 9; toggleUniformMaximum on; endTell; colorRowNames #mesquite.charMatrices.TaxonGroupColor.TaxonGroupColor; colorColumnNames #mesquite.charMatrices.CharGroupColor.CharGroupColor; colorText #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor; setBackground White; toggleShowNames on; toggleShowTaxonNames on; toggleTight off; toggleThinRows off; toggleShowChanges on; toggleSeparateLines off; toggleShowStates on; toggleAutoWCharNames on; toggleAutoTaxonNames off; toggleShowDefaultCharNames off; toggleConstrainCW on; toggleBirdsEye off; toggleShowPaleGrid off; toggleShowPaleCellColors off; toggleShowPaleExcluded off; togglePaleInapplicable on; togglePaleMissing off; toggleShowBoldCellText off; toggleAllowAutosize on; toggleColorsPanel off; toggleDiagonal on; setDiagonalHeight 80; toggleLinkedScrolling on; toggleScrollLinkedTables off; endTell; showWindow; getWindow; tell It; forceAutosize; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AlterData.AlterData; tell It; toggleBySubmenus off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells; tell It; setColor Red; removeColor off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector; tell It; autotabOff; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.SelSummaryStrip.SelSummaryStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor; tell It; panelOpen true; endTell; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; showCharacters #3427637206484733363 #mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterList; tell It; setData 0; getWindow; tell It; useTargetValue off; setTargetValue ; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.DefaultCharOrder.DefaultCharOrder; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListInclusion.CharListInclusion; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListPartition.CharListPartition; newAssistant #mesquite.parsimony.CharListParsModels.CharListParsModels; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1820 683; setLocation 0 23; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; endTell; showWindow; getEmployee #mesquite.lists.CharListAnnotPanel.CharListAnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; endTell; endTell; endTell; end;