#NEXUS [ File saved by NDE version 0.5.0, Fri Jul 09 09:54:55 2021 ] BEGIN TAXA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=158; TAXLABELS 'Petrolacosaurus kansensis' 'Acerosodontosaurus piveteaui' 'Youngina capensis' 'Paliguana whitei' 'Planocephalosaurus robinsonae' 'Gephyrosaurus bridensis' 'Cteniogenys sp' 'Simoedosaurus lemoinei' 'Aenigmastropheus parringtoni' 'Protorosaurus speneri' 'Amotosaurus rotfeldensis' 'Macrocnemus bassanii' 'Macrocnemus obristi' 'Macrocnemus fuyuanensis' 'Augustaburiania vatagini' 'Tanystropheus longobardicus' 'Langobadisaurus pandolfii' 'Tanytrachelos ahynis' 'Jesairosaurus lehmani' 'Pamelaria dolichotrachela' 'Azendohsaurus madagaskarensis' 'Azendohsaurus laaroussi' 'Shringasaurus indicus' 'Trilophosaurus buettneri' 'Spinosuchus caseanus' 'Teraterpeton hrynewichorum' 'Noteosuchus colletti' 'Mesosuchus browni' 'Howesia browni' 'Eohyosaurus wolvaardti' 'Rhynchosaurus articeps' 'Bentonyx sidensis' 'Mesodapedon kuttyi' 'Ammorhynchus navajoi' 'Stenaulorhynchus stockleyi' 'Brasinorhynchus mariantensis' 'Langeronyx brodiei' 'Fodonyx spenceri' 'Isalorhynchus genovefae' 'Hyperodapedon gordoni' 'Hyperodapedon huxleyi' 'Teyumbaita sulcognathus' 'Prolacerta broomi' 'K australiensis combined' 'Boreopricea funerea' 'Teyujagua paradoxa' 'Antarctanax shackletoni' 'Archosaurus rossicus holotype' 'Proterosuchus fergusi' 'Proterosuchus goweri' 'Proterosuchus alexanderi' 'Chasmatosaurus yuani' 'Tasmaniosaurus triassicus' 'Fugusuchus hejiapanensis' 'Sarmatosuchus otschevi' 'Guchengosuchus shiguaiensis' 'Cuyosuchus huenei' 'Garjainia prima' 'Garjainia madiba combined' 'Erythrosuchus africanus' 'Shansisuchus shansisuchus' 'Chalishevia cothurnata' 'Youngosuchus sinensis' 'Vancleavea campi' 'Litorosuchus somnii' 'Asperoris mnyama' 'Euparkeria capensis' 'Dorosuchus neoetus' 'Halazhaisuchus qiaoensis' 'Yarasuchus deccanensis' 'Dongusuchus efremovi' 'Teleocrater rhadinus' 'Spondylosoma absconditum' 'Proterochampsa barrionuevoi' 'Proterochampsa nodosa' 'Tropidosuchus romeri' 'Cerritosaurus binsfeldi' 'Gualosuchus reigi' 'Chanaresuchus bonapartei' 'Pseudochampsa ischigualastensis' 'Rhadinosuchus gracilis' 'Archeopelta arborensis' 'Tarjadia ruthae' 'Pagosvenator candelariensis' 'Erpetosuchus granti' 'Erpetosuchus sp' 'Dyoplax arenaceus' 'Jaxtasuchus salomoni' 'Doswellia kaltenbachi' 'Parasuchus angustifrons' 'Parasuchus hislopi' 'Nicrosaurus kapffi' 'Smilosuchus spp.' 'Diandongosuchus fuyuanensis' 'Wannia scurriensis' 'Ebrachosuchus neukami' 'Paleorhinus sawini' 'Mystriosuchus planirostris' 'Machaeroprosopus pristinus' 'Redondasaurus spp' 'Ornithosuchus woodwardi' 'Riojasuchus tenuisceps' 'Venaticosuchus rusconii' 'Dynamosuchus collisensis' 'Nundasuchus songeaensis' 'Turfanosuchus dabanensis' 'Gracilisuchus stipanicicorum' 'Yonghesuchus sangbiensis' 'Parringtonia gracilis' 'Aetosauroides scagliai' 'Aetosaurus ferratus' 'Stagonolepis robertsoni' 'Ticinosuchus ferox' 'Prestosuchus nyassicus' 'Qianosuchus mixtus' 'Arizonasaurus babbitti' 'Lotosaurus adentus' 'Ctenosauriscus koeneni' 'Xilousuchus sapingensis' 'Mandasuchus tanyauchen' 'Luperosuchus fractus' 'Decuriasuchus quartacolonia' 'Batrachotomus kupferzellensis' 'Prestosuchus chiniquensis' 'Austriadraco dallavecchiai' 'Preondactylus buffarinii' 'Austriadactylus cristatus' 'Seazzadactylus venieri' 'Raeticodactylus filisurensis' 'Carniadactylus rosenfeldi' 'Peteinosaurus zambellii' 'Caelestiventus hanseni' 'Dimorphodon macronyx' 'Eudimorphodon ranzii' 'Rhamphorhynchus muensteri' 'Cacibupteryx caribensis' 'Allkaruen koi' 'Lagerpeton chanarensis' 'Ixalerpeton polesinensis' 'Kongonaphon kely' 'PVSJ 883' 'Dromomeron romeri' 'Dromomeron gregorii' 'Dromomeron gigas' 'Lagosuchus talampayensis' 'Asilisaurus kongwe' 'Lewisuchus admixtus' 'Silesaurus opolensis' 'Heterodontosaurus tucki' 'Lesothosaurus diagnosticus' 'Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis' 'Eoraptor lunensis' 'Buriolestes schultzi' 'Saturnalia tupiniquim' 'Tawa hallae' 'Coelophysis bauri' 'Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis' 'Heteropelta boboi' ; ENDBLOCK; BEGIN CHARACTERS; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=822; FORMAT DATATYPE=STANDARD MISSING=? GAP=- SYMBOLS="0123456789ABCD"; CHARLABELS [1] 'Skull and lower jaws, interdental plates' [2] 'Skull, total length versus length of the presacral vertebral column' [3] 'Skull, strongly dorsoventrally compressed skull with mainly dorsally facing antorbital fenestrae and orbits' [4] 'Skull, well developed nodular prominences on the lateral surface of maxilla, jugal, quadratojugal, squamosal and angular' [5] 'Skull, dermal sculpturing on the dorsal surface of the skull roof' [6] 'Skull, dorsal surface of nasals and/or frontals ornamented by ridges radiating from centres of growth' [7] 'Skull, dorsal orbital margin' [8] 'Skull, dorsal surface of the temporal region' [9] 'External naris, confluent with each other' [10] 'External naris, anteroposterior position in the rostrum' [11] 'External naris, facing' [12] 'External naris, shape' [13] 'Antorbital fenestra' [14] 'Antorbital fenestra, anterior margin in lateral view' [15] 'Secondary antorbital fenestra, immediately anterior to the antorbital fenestra' [16] 'Orbit, shape' [17] 'Orbit, laterally thickened orbital rim along the jugal, postorbital, frontal, prefrontal and lacrimal' [18] 'Infratemporal fenestra' [19] 'Posttemporal fenestra, size' [20] 'Rostrum, rostrum length (anterior tip of the skull to anterior margin of the orbit) versus total length of the skull' [21] 'Rostrum, dorsoventral height at the level of the anterior tip of the maxilla versus dorsoventral height at the level of the anterior border of the orbit' [22] 'Rostrum, proportions at the level of the anterior border of the orbit' [23] 'Rostrum, lateral margin of the snout anterior to the prefrontal' [24] 'Premaxilla-maxilla, suture' [25] 'Premaxilla-maxilla, subnarial foramen between the elements' [26] 'Premaxilla, alveolar margin does not reach the contact with the maxilla and forms a diastema (' [27] 'Premaxilla, main body size' [28] 'Premaxilla, anteroposterior length of the main body versus its maximum dorsoventral height' [29] 'Premaxilla, downturned main body' [30] 'Premaxilla, angle formed between the alveolar margin and the anterior margin of the premaxillary body in lateral view' [31] 'Premaxilla, longitudinal groove placed approximately at mid-height and extending along most of the length of the lateral surface of the main body of the bone' [32] 'Premaxilla, narial fossa' [33] 'Premaxilla, peg on the posterior edge of the premaxillary body' [34] 'Premaxilla, prenarial process (' [35] 'Premaxilla, base of the prenarial process (' [36] 'Premaxilla, postnarial process (' [37] 'Premaxilla, postnarial process' [38] 'Premaxilla, sharp dorsal flange at the base of the postnarial process delimiting the posteroventral border of the external naris' [39] 'Premaxilla, postnarial process - 2' [40] 'Premaxilla, contact with prefrontal' [41] 'Premaxilla, palatal process on the medial surface' [42] 'Premaxilla, number of tooth positions' [43] 'Premaxilla, orientation of the tooth series or the occlusal surface of premaxilla in ventral view' [44] 'Premaxilla, lateroventrally opened anterior alveoli in mature individuals' [45] Septomaxilla [46] 'Maxilla-nasal, maxillo-nasal tuberosity, delimiting anteriorly the antorbital fenestra or fossa if it is present' [47] 'Maxilla-jugal, anguli oris crest' [48] 'Maxilla-jugal, anterior extension of the anguli oris crest' [49] 'Maxilla, anterior extent' [50] 'Maxilla, length of the portion of the bone anterior to the antorbital fenestra versus the total length of the bone' [51] 'Maxilla, posterior border of the subnarial foramen extending posteriorly as a groove on the lateral surface of the anterior process' [52] 'Maxilla, anterior maxillary foramen' [53] 'Maxilla, shape of the neurovascular foramina on the lateral surface of the anterior and horizontal processes' [54] 'Maxilla, antorbital fossa on the lateral surface of the bone' [55] 'Maxilla, anteroposterior length of the antorbital fossa anterior to the antorbital fenestra versus length of the antorbital fenestra' [56] 'Maxilla, secondary antorbital fossa anteriorly to the antorbital fossa and adjacent to the dorsal margin of the anterior process' [57] 'Maxilla, ascending process' [58] 'Maxilla, ascending process shape' [59] 'Maxilla, anterior margin of the base of the ascending process' [60] 'Maxilla, ascending process remains the same width for its length' [61] 'Maxilla, contact with prefrontal' [62] 'Maxilla, ventral margin of the antorbital fossa or fenestra (if the antorbital fossa is absent from the horizontal process of the maxilla) in the horizontal process' [63] 'Maxilla, shape of the posterior portion of the bone (ventral to the antorbital fenestra if it is present)' [64] 'Maxilla, posterior end of the horizontal process distinctly ventrally deflected from the maxin axis of the alveolar margin' [65] 'Maxilla, triangular dorsal process with clear dorsal apex formed by discrete expansion of the posterior end of the horizontal process in lateral view' [66] 'Maxilla, palatal process on the anteromedial surface of the bone' [67] 'Maxilla, position of the palatal process' [68] 'Maxilla, alveolar margin in lateral view' [69] 'Maxilla, edentulous anterior portion of the ventral margin of the bone' [70] 'Maxilla, alveolar margin on the anterior third of the bone (anterior to the level of the anterior border of the antorbital fenestra if present)' [71] 'Maxilla, posterior extension in mature individuals in lateral view' [72] 'Maxilla, tooth plate' [73] 'Maxilla, number of tooth rows' [74] 'Maxilla, lingual teeth' [75] 'Maxilla, number of tooth positions (if the maxillary tooth count is not available the character can be scored using the dentary tooth count)' [76] 'Nasal, total length versus total length of the frontal' [77] 'Nasal, exposure (excluding descending process if present)' [78] 'Nasal, shape of anterior margin at midline' [79] 'Nasal, anterior portion in lateral view' [80] 'Nasal, dorsal surface around posterior margin of external naris' [81] 'Nasal, descending process, which results from the articulation of the postnarial process (' [82] 'Nasal, dorsolateral margin of the anterior portion' [83] 'Nasal, participation in the dorsal border of the antorbital fossa' [84] 'Lacrimal-postorbital, contact between bones' [85] 'Lacrimal, facial contribution' [86] 'Lacrimal, exposure on the skull roof in dorsal view' [87] 'Lacrimal, anterior process forming the entire or almost the entire dorsal border of the antorbital fenestra' [88] 'Lacrimal, antorbital fossa forming a distinct inset margin to the antorbital fenestra on the lateral surface of the bone' [89] 'Lacrimal, naso-lacrimal duct' [90] 'Lacrimal, naso-lacrimal duct position' [91] 'Jugal-quadratojugal, ventral margin in lateral view' [92] 'Jugal, anterior process shape in lateral view' [93] 'Jugal, anterior process continuously dorsally curved' [94] 'Jugal, ventral border of the orbit' [95] 'Jugal, anterior extension of the anterior process' [96] 'Jugal, participation of the anterior process in the border of the antorbital fenestra' [97] 'Jugal, longitudinal ridge or bump(s) on the lateral surface of the main body' [98] 'Jugal with multiple pits on the lateral surface of its main body' [99] 'Jugal, ascending process forming the entire anterior border of the infratemporal fenestra' [100] 'Jugal, length of the posterior process versus the height of its base' [101] 'Jugal posterior process with a distinct lateroventral orientation with respect to the sagittal axis of the rostrum' [102] 'Jugal, distal half of the posterior process' [103] 'Jugal, posterior process forms entirely or almost entirely the ventral border of the infratemporal fenestra (it also applies in the lower temporal bar is incomplete)' [104] 'Jugal, base of the posterior process with a semi-elliptical, ventral expansion in lateral view' [105] 'Jugal, posterior process' [106] 'Jugal, posterior termination of the posterior process' [107] 'Prefrontal, contact its counterpart in the median-line of the skull roof' [108] 'Prefrontal, suture with the nasal' [109] 'Prefrontal, subtriangular medial process' [110] 'Prefrontal, groove on the lateral surface of the main body opening into the orbital border' [111] 'Prefrontal, lateral surface of the orbital margin' [112] 'Frontal, frontals fused to one another in skeletally mature individuals' [113] 'Frontal, suture with the nasal' [114] 'Frontal, orbital border' [115] 'Frontal, dorsal surface' [116] 'Frontal, suture with parietal' [117] 'Frontal, participates on the anteromedial corner of the supratemporal fossa' [118] 'Frontal, dorsal surface adjacent to sutures with the postfrontal (if present) and parietal' [119] 'Frontal, ventral surface' [120] 'Frontal, olfactory tract on the ventral surface of the frontal' [121] Postfrontal [122] 'Postfrontal, participation in the border of the supratemporal fenestra' [123] 'Postfrontal, shape of dorsal surface' [124] 'Postorbital-jugal, postorbital bar' [125] 'Postorbital-squamosal, upper temporal bar' [126] 'Postorbital-squamosal, contact' [127] 'Postorbital, lateral boss adjacent to orbital margin' [128] 'Postorbital, supratemporal fossa extending onto the ascending process' [129] 'Postorbital, posterior process extends close to or beyond the level of the posterior margin of the supratemporal fenestrae' [130] 'Postorbital, extension of the ventral process' [131] 'Postorbital, ventral process in lateral view' [132] 'Postorbital, depression on the lateral surface of the ventral process' [133] 'Postorbital, anteriorly projected, rounded suborbital process on the ventral process delimiting the eye-ball' [134] 'Squamosal, completely covering the quadrate in lateral view' [135] 'Squamosal, overhanging quadrate laterally' [136] 'Squamosal, anterior process forms most of the lateral border of the supratemporal fenestra' [137] 'Squamosal, anteroventral process' [138] 'Squamosal, transition between the anterior and ventral processes' [139] 'Squamosal medial process' [140] 'Squamosal, posterior process' [141] 'Squamosal, posterior process shape' [142] 'Squamosal, ventral process' [143] 'Squamosal, ventral process shape' [144] 'Squamosal, ventral process orientation' [145] 'Squamosal, contribution of the ventral process to the posterior border of the infratemporal fenestra' [146] 'Squamosal, posterodorsally-to-anteroventrally oriented tuck on the lateral surface of the ventral process' [147] 'Squamosal, longitudinal ridge on the lateral surface of the ventral process' [148] 'Squamosal, posterodorsal portion with a supratemporal fossa' [149] Quadratojugal [150] 'Quadratojugal, shape' [151] 'Quadratojugal, infratemporal fossa marked by a sharp edge' [152] 'Quadratojugal, anterior process' [153] 'Quadratojugal, widely concave notch on the anterior margin of the ascending process' [154] 'Quadratojugal, depression along the posterior half of the ascending process up to the exposed lateral surface of its distal tip' [155] 'Quadratojugal, posterior process' [156] Supratemporal [157] 'Supratemporal, bifurcated medial border, in which a ventromedial process extends underneath the posterolateral process of the parietal' [158] 'Parietal, median contact between both parietals in skeletally mature individuals' [159] 'Parietal, extension over interorbital region' [160] 'Parietal, supratemporal fossa medial to the supratemporal fenestra' [161] 'Parietal, pineal fossa on the median line of the dorsal surface' [162] 'Parietal, position of the pineal fossa' [163] 'Parietal, pineal foramen' [164] 'Parietal, position of the pineal foramen in dorsal view' [165] 'Parietal, distinct transverse emargination adjacent to the posterior margin of the bone in late ontogeny' [166] 'Parietal, posterolateral process' [167] 'Parietal, posterolateral process height' [168] 'Parietal, posterolateral process with a strongly transversely convex dorsal margin elevated from the median line of the posterior margin of the skull roof' [169] 'Parietal, tuberosity on the posterior surface of the base of the posterolateral process' [170] 'Postparietal, size' [171] 'Postparietal, fusion between counterparts' [172] Tabular [173] 'Palpebral/s' [174] 'Neomorphic bone (' [175] 'Quadrate, shape' [176] 'Quadrate, angle between the posterior margins of the proximal and distal ends' [177] 'Quadrate, proximal head' [178] 'Quadrate, proximal head - 2' [179] 'Quadrate, proximal end hooked posteriorly in lateral view' [180] 'Quadrate, foramen on the medial wall of the quadrate foramen' [181] 'Quadrate, posterior margin of the distal half in lateral view' [182] 'Quadrate, distal condyles' [183] 'Neomorph ossification, present between the pterygoid, quadrate and skull roof' [184] 'Vomer, shape' [185] 'Vomer, contact with maxilla' [186] 'Vomer, teeth' [187] 'Palatine-pterygoid, teeth on the palatine and/or ventral surface of the anterior ramus of the pterygoid' [188] 'Palatine-pterygoid, height and dimatre of teeth on the palatine, ventral surface of the anterior ramus of the pterygoid and vomer' [189] 'Palatine, transverse extension' [190] 'Palatine, anterior processes forming the posterior border of the choana' [191] 'Pterygoids, contact with each other' [192] 'Pterygoid, anterior ramus (' [193] 'Pterygoid, anterior ramus ( - 2' [194] 'Pterygoid, teeth on the ventral surface of the anterior ramus (' [195] 'Pterygoid, number of rows on palatal tooth series T2' [196] 'Pterygoid, number of rows on palatal tooth series T3' [197] 'Pterygoid, most lateral row of teeth on the ventral surface of the anterior ramus (' [198] 'Pterygoid, a row of fang-like teeth on the medial edge of the anterior ramus (' [199] 'Pterygoid, orientation of the lateral ramus' [200] 'Pterygoid, lateral margin of the lateral ramus' [201] 'Pterygoid, teeth on lateral ramus' [202] 'Ectopterygoid, body' [203] 'Ectopterygoid, articulation with pterygoid' [204] 'Ectopterygoid, shape along suture with pterygoid' [205] 'Ectopterygoid, contact with maxilla' [206] 'Ectopterigoid, posterior expansion in contact with jugal' [207] 'Supraoccipital, shape in occipital view' [208] 'Supraoccipital, participation in the dorsal border of the foramen magnum' [209] 'Supraoccipital, posterior surface' [210] 'Otoccipital, fusion between opisthotic and exoccipital' [211] 'Opisthotic, contact between paraoccipital process and parietal immediately lateral to supraoccipital' [212] 'Opisthotic, paraoccipital processes orientation' [213] 'Opisthotic, paraoccipital process attachment' [214] 'Opisthotic, paraoccipital process morphology' [215] 'Opisthotic, fossa immediately lateral to the foramen magnum' [216] 'Opisthotic, ventral ramus shape' [217] 'Opisthotic, ventral ramus' [218] 'Exoccipital, morphology of the dorsal end' [219] 'Exoccipital, lateral surface' [220] 'Exoccipital, medial margin of their distal ends' [221] 'Exoccipital, number of foramina for the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)' [222] 'Pseudolagenar recess, between the ventral surface of the ventral ramus of the opisthotic and the basal tubera' [223] 'Lagenar/cochlea recess' [224] 'Basioccipital-parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, contact with each other in mature individuals' [225] 'Basioccipital-parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, basal tubera' [226] 'Basioccipital-parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, basal tubera shape' [227] 'Basioccipital, position of the posterior margin of the occipital condyle' [228] 'Basioccipital, articular surface of the occipital condyle' [229] 'Basioccipital, notochordal scar on the occipital surface of the occipital condyle' [230] 'Basioccipital, occipital neck' [231] 'Basioccipital, shape of the basal tubera' [232] 'Basioccipital, orientation of the basal tubera' [233] 'Parasphenoid-basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid, exposure on the median line of the endocranial cavity floor' [234] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, orientation' [235] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, posterodorsal portion' [236] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, intertuberal plate' [237] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, semilunar depression on the posterolateral surface of the bone' [238] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, recess (' [239] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, position of the foramina for entrance of the cerebral branches of the internal carotid artery leading to the pituitary fossa' [240] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, position of the foramina for the entrance of the cerebral branches of the internal carotids on the ventral surface of the bone' [241] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, shape of the cultriform process in lateral view' [242] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, base of the cultriform process' [243] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, dentition on cultriform process' [244] 'Basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid, anterior tympanic recess on the lateral side of the braincase' [245] 'Basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid, parasphenoid crests' [246] 'Basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid, basipterygoid processes' [247] 'Basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid, orientation of basipterygoid processes' [248] 'Prootic-supraoccipital, auricular recess' [249] 'Prootic-basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid, position of the external foramina for passage of the abducens nerves (CN VI)' [250] 'Prootic-basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid, orientation of the external foramina for passage of the abducens nerves (CN VI)' [251] 'Prootic, extensive contact with parietal' [252] 'Prootic, contact with its counterpart on the median line of the floor of the endocranial cavity' [253] 'Prootic, lateral surface' [254] 'Prootic, anterior inferior process' [255] 'Prootic, ridge on the lateral surface of the inferior anterior process ventral to the trigeminal foramen' [256] 'Prootic, vestibule on the medial surface' [257] 'Laterosphenoid, ossification' [258] 'Laterosphenoid, anterodorsal channel' [259] 'Lower jaw, symphysis' [260] 'Lower jaw, distinct dorsal process behind the alveolar margin' [261] 'Lower jaw, external mandibular fenestra' [262] 'Lower jaw, anteroposterior length of the external mandibular fenestra versus anteroposterior length of the dentary anterior to the fenestra' [263] 'Lower jaw, Meckelian fossa orientation' [264] 'Dentary-splenial, mandibular symphysis length' [265] 'Dentary, minimum height of the bone (excluding the downturning anterodorsal margin) versus length of the alveolar margin (including edentulous anterior end if present)' [266] 'Dentary, shape of the anterior region of the tooth bearing portion' [267] 'Dentary, large foramina aligned in two distinct rows starting on the anteroventral corner of the bone' [268] 'Dentary, longitudinal groove approximately centered on the lateral surface' [269] 'Dentary, position of the Meckelian groove on the anterior half of the bone' [270] 'Dentary, dorsal margin of the anterior portion compared to the dorsal margin of the posterior portion' [271] 'Dentary, posterodorsal process, in which its dorsal margin is confluent with the dorsal margin of the lower jaw' [272] 'Dentary, posterocentral process, in which its margins are not confluent with the dorsal or ventral margin of the lower jaw' [273] 'Dentary, distal end of the posterocentral process (process that contributes to the anterodorsal border of the external mandibular fenestra)' [274] 'Dentary, posteroventral process, in which its ventral margin is confluent with the ventral margin of the lower jaw' [275] 'Dentary, posteroventral process length' [276] 'Posterior-most dentary teeth' [277] 'Dentary, tooth row' [278] 'Dentary, number of tooth rows' [279] 'Dentary, occlusion with cranial teeth' [280] 'Surangular-angular, suture' [281] 'Surangular-angular, suture along the anterior half of the bones in lateral view' [282] 'Surangular/articular, retroarticular process' [283] 'Surangular-articular, retroarticular process' [284] 'Surangular, anterior extension' [285] 'Surangular, lateral shelf' [286] 'Surangular, dorsal margin in lateral view' [287] 'Surangular, anterior surangular foramen on the lateral surface of the bone, positioned near surangular-dentary contact' [288] 'Surangular, posterior surangular foramen on the lateral surface of the bone, positioned directly anterolateral to the glenoid fossa' [289] 'Angular, lateral exposure in the lower jaw' [290] 'Angular, ventrolateral surface' [291] 'Angular, posteroventral surface' [292] 'Articular, fused to the prearticular' [293] 'Articular, foramen on the medial side' [294] 'Articular, ventromedially directed process' [295] 'Stape, shape' [296] 'Stape, stapedial foramen piercing the columellar process' [297] 'Teeth, posterior extent of mandibular and maxillary tooth rows' [298] 'Teeth, geometry of tooth implantation' [299] 'Teeth, maxillary and/or dentary tooth crowns' [300] 'Teeth, enlarged caniniform region in maxilla' [301] 'Teeth, maxillary tooth crowns in labial view' [302] 'Teeth, distal edge of the maxillary tooth crowns in labial view' [303] 'Teeth, serrations on the maxillary/dentary crowns' [304] 'Teeth, tooth shape at crown base of the marginal dentition' [305] 'Teeth, multiple maxillary or dentary tooth crowns with longitudinal labial or lingual striations or grooves' [306] 'Teeth, multiple maxillary and dentary tooth crowns with extensive wear facets' [307] 'Teeth, multiple maxillary and dentary tooth crowns distinctly mesiodistally expanded above the root' [308] 'Hyoid apparatus, length and orientation of the ceratobranchial' [309] 'Cervical, dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebrae, notochordal canal piercing completely the centrum' [310] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, anteroposterior compression of centra in the cervico-dorsal transition (' [311] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, neurocentral sutures' [312] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, at least one or more cervical or anterior dorsal with a parallelogram centra in lateral view, in which the anterior articular surface situated higher than the posterior one' [313] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, one or more vertebrae with an accessory rib articular facet between the diapophysis and parapophysis in the cervico-dorsal transition' [314] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina or paradiapophyseal lamina in posterior cervicals and anterior dorsals' [315] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina in posterior cervicals and anterior dorsals' [316] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, prezygodiapophyseal lamina in posterior cervicals and anterior dorsals' [317] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, postzygodiapophyseal lamina in posterior cervicals and anterior dorsals' [318] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, thick, mainly vertical tuberosity immediately below the transverse process, but both structures are not connected with each other, in posterior cervicals and anterior dorsals' [319] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, gradual transverse expansion of the distal half of the neural spine' [320] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, spine table in the distal end of the postaxial neural spines (not mammillary process)' [321] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, distal surface of transverse expansion of the neural spine' [322] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, outline of the spine tables in dorsal view' [323] 'Cervical vertebrae, number of vertebrae in the neck' [324] 'Cervical vertebrae, atlantal articulation facet in the axial intercentrum' [325] 'Cervical vertebrae, centrum of atlas in mature individuals' [326] 'Cervical vertebrae, ventral surface of the centrum in anterior cervicals' [327] 'Cervical vertebrae, height of the neural spine of the axis' [328] 'Cervical vertebrae, shape of the neural spine of the axis' [329] 'Cervical vertebrae, dorsal margin of the neural spine of the axis' [330] 'Cervical vertebrae, length of the fourth and fifth cervical centra versus the height of their anterior articular surface' [331] 'Cervical vertebrae, diapophysis and parapophysis of anterior to middle cervical postaxial vertebrae' [332] 'Cervical vertebrae, position of diapophysis or dorsal margin of synapophysis in anterior postaxial cervicals' [333] 'Cervical vertebrae, longitudinal lamina or tuberosity extended posteriorly from the base of the transverse process in postaxial anterior and middle cervicals' [334] 'Cervical vertebrae, posterior portion of the neural arch ventral to the postzygapophysis in postaxial cervicals' [335] 'Cervical vertebrae, epipophysis in postaxial cervicals' [336] 'Cervical vertebrae, excavation immediately lateral to the base of postaxial cervical neural spines' [337] 'Cervical vertebrae, anterior cervical vertebrae (presacral vertebrae 3?5) postzygapophyses' [338] 'Cervical vertebrae, shape of the postaxial neural spines in lateral view' [339] 'Cervical vertebrae, distinct longitudinal lamina extending along the lateral surface of the centrum at mid-height in postaxial anterior and middle cervical vertebrae' [340] 'Cervical vertebrae, longitudinal lamina connecting the prezygapophysis and postzygapophysis in the third cervical neural arch' [341] 'Cervical vertebrae, shape of postaxial anterior cervical neural spines' [342] 'Cervical vertebrae, anterior and middle postaxial cervical neural spines with an anterior overhang' [343] 'Cervical vertebrae, relative location of dorsal margin of anterior and middle cervical postaxial neural spines' [344] 'Cervical vertebrae, position of the mammillary processes of the neural spines along the neck' [345] 'Cervical vertebrae, postaxial cervical intercentra' [346] 'Cervical and dorsal ribs, tuberculum in posterior cervical or anterior dorsal ribs' [347] 'Cervical and dorsal ribs, at least one rib of the cervico-dorsal transition with a thin lamina webbing tuberculum and capitulum' [348] 'Cervical ribs, shape' [349] 'Cervical ribs, accessory process on anterolateral surface of anterior cervical ribs' [350] 'Dorsal vertebrae, length of the centrum versus height of the centrum in anterior dorsal vertebrae' [351] 'Dorsal vertebrae, length of the centrum versus height of the centrum in posterior dorsal vertebrae' [352] 'Dorsal vertebrae, ventral surface of middle and posterior centra' [353] 'Dorsal vertebrae, lateral fossa on the centrum below the neurocentral suture' [354] 'Dorsal vertebrae, subcentral foramen in the lateral surface of the centra' [355] 'Dorsal vertebrae, diapophysis and parapophysis in anterior dorsals' [356] 'Dorsal vertebrae, ratio between transverse width of diapophysis and length of the centrum in anterior dorsals' [357] 'Dorsal vertebrae, development of the transverse processes in middle and posterior dorsals' [358] 'Dorsal vertebrae, hyposphene-hypantrum accessory intervertebral articulation in middle-posterior dorsals' [359] 'Dorsal vertebrae, zygosphene-zygantrum articulation' [360] 'Dorsal vertebrae, dorsally opened pit lateral to the base of the neural spine' [361] 'Dorsal vertebrae, anterior and middle dorsal neural spines' [362] 'Dorsal vertebrae, fan-shaped neural spine in lateral view' [363] 'Dorsal vertebrae, position of middle dorsal neural spines' [364] 'Dorsal vertebrae, position of the mammillary processes of the neural spines in the trunk' [365] 'Dorsal vertebrae, intercentra' [366] 'Dorsal ribs, angle between proximal end and shaft in anterior and middle dorsal ribs in anterior or posterior view' [367] 'Dorsal ribs, proximal end of middle dorsal ribs' [368] 'Sacral vertebrae-sacral ribs, ratio between the width of the neural arch + ribs of the first primordial sacral and the length of the neural arch across the zygapophyses' [369] 'Sacral vertebrae, number' [370] 'Sacral ribs' [371] 'Sacral ribs, anteroposterior length of the first primordial sacral rib versus the second primordial sacral rib, dorsal view' [372] 'Sacral ribs, second rib shape' [373] 'Sacral ribs, morphology of posterior process' [374] 'Sacral and caudal vertebrae, transverse processes and ribs of sacral and/or anterior caudal vertebrae in mature individuals' [375] 'Caudal vertebrae, autotomic septa within the centrum' [376] 'Caudal vertebrae, length of the transverse process + rib versus length across zygapophyses in anterior caudal vertebrae' [377] 'Caudal vertebrae, distal end of the transverse processes of anterior caudals' [378] 'Caudal vertebrae, neural spine height versus anteroposterior length at its base in anterior caudals' [379] 'Caudal vertebrae, accessory laminar process on the anterior face of the neural spine on middle caudals' [380] 'Caudal vertebrae, prezygapophysis of posterior caudals' [381] 'Chevrons, distal anteroposterior width of anterior and middle haemal spines in lateral view' [382] Gastralia [383] 'Scapula-coracoid, both bones fused with each other in mature individuals' [384] 'Scapula-coracoid, notch on the anterior margin at level of the suture between both bones' [385] 'Scapula-coracoid, glenoid fossa orientation' [386] 'Scapula, total length of the scapula versus minimum anteroposterior width of the scapular blade' [387] 'Scapula, large fenestra between scapula and coracoid immediately anterior to the glenoid region' [388] 'Scapula, strong curvature or inflexion of the posterior margin of the scapular blade' [389] 'Scapula, anterior margin of the scapular blade in lateral view' [390] 'Scapula, constriction distal to the glenoid' [391] 'Scapula, supraglenoid foramen' [392] 'Scapula, lateral tuber or ridge on the posterior edge' [393] 'Scapula, diagonal ridge adjacent to the anterior margin on the medial surface of the scapular blade' [394] 'Scapula, acromion process' [395] 'Scapula, acromion process - 2' [396] 'Coracoid, anterior border in lateral view' [397] 'Coracoid, posterior border in lateral view' [398] 'Coracoid, subglenoid lip posterior extension' [399] 'Coracoid, subglenoid lip lateral extension' [400] 'Coracoid, biceps process' [401] 'Coracoid, postglenoid process separated from the glenoid fossa by a notch' [402] 'Coracoid, postglenoid process shape' [403] Cleithrum [404] Interclavicle [405] 'Interclavicle, anterior process' [406] 'Interclavicle, anterior margin with a median notch' [407] 'Interclavicle, lateral processes' [408] 'Interclavicle, webbed between lateral and posterior processes' [409] 'Interclavicle, transverse width at mid-length of the posterior process versus the length of the posterior process' [410] 'Interclavicle, posterior ramus' [411] 'Clavicle, articulation with interclavicle' [412] Sternum [413] 'Forelimb-hindlimb, length ratio' [414] 'Humerus, torsion between proximal and distal ends' [415] 'Humerus, transverse width of the proximal end versus total length of the bone in mature individuals' [416] 'Humerus, proximal articular surface in proximal view' [417] 'Humerus, proximal articular surface' [418] 'Humerus, proximal end in anterior view' [419] 'Humerus, conical process on the proximal surface, placed immediately adjacent to the base of the deltopectoral crest' [420] 'Humerus, internal tuberosity distinctly separated proximally from the articular surface' [421] 'Humerus, shape of the deltopectoral crest in lateral view' [422] 'Humerus, ventral margin of the deltopectoral crest developed as a thick subcilindrical tuberosity that is well differenciated from the thinner dorsal margin' [423] 'Humerus, length of the deltopectoral crest versus total length of the bone in mature individuals' [424] 'Humerus, entepicondyle size in mature individuals' [425] 'Humerus, entepicondylar foramen' [426] 'Humerus, ectepicondylar region' [427] 'Humerus, capitellum (radial condyle) and trochlea (ulnar condyle)' [428] 'Humerus, trochlea (ulnar condyle) situated approximately at mid-width on the distal end of the bone' [429] 'Ulna, olecranon process' [430] 'Ulna, olecranon process in lateral view' [431] 'Ulna, olecranon process as a separate ossification in skeletally mature individuals' [432] 'Ulna, lateral tuber (' [433] 'Ulna, distal end in posterolateral view' [434] 'Radius, total length versus total length of the humerus' [435] 'Radius, length in comparisons with that of the ulna' [436] 'Radius, shape' [437] 'Radius, distal end' [438] 'Carpals, intermedium' [439] 'Carpals, perforating foramen between intermedium and ulnare' [440] 'Carpals, medial centrale carpi' [441] 'Carpals, lateral centrale carpi' [442] 'Carpals, ossified sesamoid' [443] 'Carpals, distal carpal five' [444] 'Manus, longest metacarpal + digit' [445] 'Metacarpus, length of the longest metacarpal versus length of the longest metatarsal' [446] 'Metacarpus, proximal ends' [447] 'Metacarpus, transverse width of the distal end of metacarpal I versus the total length of the bone' [448] 'Metacarpus, extensor pits on the dorsodistal portion of the metacarpals I-III' [449] 'Metacarpus, metacarpal IV' [450] 'Manual digits, unguals length' [451] 'Manual digits, unguals of manual digits I-III' [452] 'Manual digits, second phalanx of manual digit II' [453] 'Manual digits, number of phalanges in digit IV' [454] 'Pelvic girdle, acetabulum' [455] 'Pelvic girdle, acetabulum orientation' [456] 'Pelvic girdle, acetabular antitrochanter' [457] 'Ilium, maximum height of the acetabulum versus length of the femur' [458] 'Ilium, laterally deflected dorsal blade' [459] 'Ilium, preacetabular process' [460] 'Ilium, outline preacetabular process' [461] 'Ilium, lateral crest dorsal to the supraacetabular crest/rim' [462] 'Ilium, length of the postacetabular process versus anteroposterior length of the acetabulum' [463] 'Ilium, main axis of the postacetabular process in lateral or medial view' [464] 'Ilium, caudifemoralis brevis muscle origin on the lateroventral surface of the postacetabular process' [465] 'Ilium, dorsal margin of the iliac blade' [466] 'Ilium, angle between anterior margin of the pubic peduncle and longitudinal axis across pubic and ischiadic peduncles' [467] 'Ilium, posteriorly projected heel on the posterior margin of the ischiadic peduncle in lateral view' [468] 'Ilium, acetabulum shape' [469] 'Pubis-ischium, contact' [470] 'Pubis-ischium, thyroid fenestra' [471] 'Pubis, total length (along anterior margin or pubic shaft or tubercle) versus total length of the femur' [472] 'Pubis, anterior and posterior portions of the acetabular margin' [473] 'Pubis, tuberosity for the attachment of the ambiens muscle in mature individuals' [474] 'Pubis, shaft orientation' [475] 'Pubis, shape' [476] 'Pubis, anterior apron' [477] 'Pubis, transverse width of conjoined aprons versus total length of the bone' [478] 'Pubis, pectineal process' [479] 'Pubis, distal end in lateral or medial view' [480] 'Pubis, transverse width of the distal portion' [481] 'Ischium, total length versus anteroposterior length of the acetabulum' [482] 'Ischium, proximal articular surface' [483] 'Ischium, longitudinal groove on the dorsal surface of shaft' [484] 'Ischium, medial contact with antimere' [485] 'Ischium, symphysis raised on a distinct low peduncle' [486] 'Ischium, cross section of the distal portion' [487] 'Ischium, shape of posterior margin' [488] 'Femur, total length versus total length of the humerus' [489] 'Femur, minimum transverse width versus minimum transverse width of the humerus' [490] 'Femur, proximal articular surface' [491] 'Femur, femoral head' [492] 'Femur, femoral head orientation (long axis of the femoral head angle with respect to the transverse axis through the femoral condyles Parrish, 1986)' [493] 'Femur, proximal articular surface (' [494] 'Femur, proximal surface' [495] 'Femur, posteromedial tuber (' [496] 'Femur, posterior tuber on the femoral head' [497] 'Femur, anterior tuber (' [498] 'Femur, trochanteric fossa (sensu Novas, 1996) on the ventral/posterior surface of the proximal end' [499] 'Femur, dorsolateral trochanter on the anterolateral surface of the proximal end' [500] 'Femur, transition between femoral head and shaft' [501] 'Femur, anterior trochanter (' [502] 'Femur, trochanteric shelf' [503] 'Femur, attachment of muscle caudofemoralis on the posterior surface of the bone' [504] 'Femur, shape of the process for the attachment of the caudofemoralis musculature' [505] 'Femur, process for the attachment of the caudofemoralis musculature in medial or lateral view' [506] 'Femur, proximodistal extension of the process for the attachment of the caudofemoralis musculature' [507] 'Femur, bone wall thickness at or near midshaft' [508] 'Femur, shaft' [509] 'Femur, distal transverse width versus total length' [510] 'Femur, distal condyles' [511] 'Femur, distal articular surface' [512] 'Femur, anterior extensor groove' [513] 'Femur, surface between the lateral condyle and crista tibiofibularis on the distal surface' [514] 'Femur, shape of lateral condyle in distal view' [515] 'Tibia, total length versus total length of the femur' [516] 'Tibia, distinctly anteriorly projected process beyond the articular portion for the femur on the proximal end (' [517] 'Tibia, proximal surface of the lateral condyle' [518] 'Tibia, lateral posterior condyle of the proximal end' [519] 'Tibia, lateral surface of the proximal half' [520] 'Tibia, posterolateral process (' [521] 'Tibia, posterior surface of the distal end' [522] 'Tibia, posterior side of the distal portion' [523] 'Tibia, lateral side of the distal portion' [524] 'Fibula, proximal end in proximal view' [525] 'Fibula, anterior edge of the proximal portion' [526] 'Fibula, proximal portion in lateral view' [527] 'Fibula, transverse width at mid-length' [528] 'Fibula, area of attachment of the iliofibularis muscle' [529] 'Fibula, location of the attachment site of the iliofibularis muscle' [530] 'Fibula, distal end in lateral view' [531] 'Proximal tarsals, articulation between astragalus and calcaneum' [532] 'Proximal tarsals, foramen for the passage of the perforating artery between the astragalus and calcaneum (' [533] 'Astragalus, crural facets' [534] 'Astragalus, margin between tibial and fibular facets' [535] 'Astragalus, tibial facet' [536] 'Astragalus, ascending process (' [537] 'Astragalus, anterior hollow' [538] 'Astragalus, posterior groove' [539] 'Astragalus, anteromedial corner in proximal view' [540] 'Astragalus, dorsolateral margin' [541] 'Astragalus, articulation with distal tarsal 4' [542] 'Calcaneum, articular facet for the astragalus' [543] 'Calcaneum, development of lateral margin' [544] 'Calcaneum, calcaneal tuber (' [545] 'Calcaneum, orientation of calcaneal tuber' [546] 'Calcaneum, proportions of calcaneal tuber at the midshaft' [547] 'Calcaneum, calcaneal tuber distal end' [548] 'Calcaneum, calcaneal tuber distal end in proximal or distal view' [549] 'Calcaneum, distal surface of calcaneal tuber with a vertical median depression' [550] 'Calcaneum, ventral notch between the main body and the calcaneal tuber' [551] 'Calcaneum, ventral articular surface for distal tarsal 4 and the distal end of the calcaneal tuber' [552] 'Calcaneum, fibular facet' [553] 'Calcaneum, articular facets for the fibula and astragalus' [554] 'Calcaneum, articular surfaces for fibula and distal tarsal 4' [555] 'Calcaneum, transverse width of the distal articular surface versus transverse width of the astragalus' [556] 'Distal tarsals, medial pedal centrale' [557] 'Distal tarsals, distal tarsal 1' [558] 'Distal tarsals, distal tarsal 2' [559] 'Distal tarsals, distal tarsal 4 transverse width' [560] 'Distal tarsals, articular facet for metatarsal V on distal tarsal 4' [561] 'Distal tarsals, proximal surface of distal tarsal 4' [562] 'Distal tarsals, distal tarsal 5' [563] 'Pes, foot length (articulated fourth metatarsal and digit) versus tibia-fibula length' [564] 'Metatarsus, configuration' [565] 'Metatarsus, metatarsals overlapping proximally' [566] 'Metatarsus, length of the longest metatarsal versus length of the tibia' [567] 'Metatarsus, metatarsals I and V mid-shaft diameters' [568] 'Metatarsus, length of metatarsal I versus metatarsal III' [569] 'Metatarsus, anteromedial portion of the shaft of the metatarsal I' [570] 'Metatarsus, length of the metatarsal II versus length of the metatarsal IV' [571] 'Metatarsus, metatarsal II midshaft diameter' [572] 'Metatarsus, metatarsal IV mid-shaft diameter' [573] 'Metatarsus, length of metatarsal IV versus length of metatarsal III' [574] 'Metatarsus, distal articulation surface of the metatarsal IV' [575] 'Metatarsus, dorsal prominence separated from the proximal surface by a concave gap in metatarsal V' [576] 'Metatarsus, metatarsal V with a hook-shaped proximal end' [577] 'Metatarsus, metatarsal V outer process on the proximal lateral margin' [578] 'Metatarsus, metatarsal V lateral plantar tubercle in mature individuals' [579] 'Metatarsus, metatarsal V medial plantar tubercle in mature individuals' [580] 'Pedal digits, length of digit III versus length of digit IV (excluding metatarsals)' [581] 'Pedal digits, phalanges on pedal digit V' [582] 'Pedal digits, ratio of lengths of pedal digits V and I (excluding metatarsals)' [583] 'Pedal digits, phalanx V-1' [584] 'Pedal digits, distal articular portion of distal pedal phalanges' [585] 'Pedal digits, pedal unguals' [586] 'Pedal digits, ventral tubercle in unguals' [587] 'Osteoderms, dorsal osteoderms' [588] 'Osteoderms, sculpture on their external surface' [589] 'Osteoderms, coarse and incised ornamentation composed of central regular pits of subequal size and contour on the external surface of the dorsal osteoderms' [590] 'Osteoderms, dorsal prominence on paramedian osteoderms' [591] 'Osteodemrs, paramedian osteoderms' [592] 'Osteoderms, relation between paramedian dorsal osteoderms and presacral vertebrae' [593] 'Osteoderms, dorsal osteoderm alignment dorsal to the dorsal vertebrae' [594] 'Osteoderms, dimensions of presacral dorsal osteoderms' [595] 'Osteoderms, unornamented anterior articular lamina on paramedian osteoderms' [596] 'Osteoderms, anterior edge of paramedian presacral dorsal osteoderms' [597] 'Osteoderms, presacral paramedian osteoderms with a distinct longitudinal bend near the lateral edge' [598] 'Osteoderms, appendicular osteoderms' [599] 'Osteoderms, ventral osteoderms' [600] 'Primordial sacral vertebra two, sacral rib' [601] 'Scapula, posterior edge of the blade just dorsal to the glenoid region' [602] 'Ilium, ventral portion, ischial peduncle, lateral view' [603] 'Femur, distal end, medial condyle in posterior view' [604] 'Fibula, anterior edge' [605] 'Proximal tarsals, fusion between astragalus and calcaneum' [606] 'Skull, dimensions' [607] 'Skull, height' [608] 'Skull, orbital medial margin' [609] 'Skull, elements forming the border of the suborbital fenestra' [610] 'Maxilla, anterolateral surface' [611] 'Maxilla, dentition' [612] 'Maxilla, position of the tooth row' [613] 'Maxilla, medial maxillary groove' [614] 'Maxilla, curvature of the maxillary posterior border in lateral view' [615] 'Maxilla, size of occlusal teeth' [616] 'Maxilla, lingual teeth - 2' [617] 'Maxilla, lingual tooth crown orientation' [618] 'Maxilla, cross-section lateral to main groove' [619] 'Maxilla, number of tooth rows medial to main groove' [620] 'Maxilla, occlusal tooth rows on the anterior half' [621] 'Nasal-prefrontal, contact' [622] 'Jugal, lacrimal contact' [623] 'Jugal, participation in a well posteriorly rimmed antorbital fossa' [624] 'Jugal, height below the most ventral level of the orbit in lateral view' [625] 'Jugal, shallow depression on the lateral surface of the transition between of the main body and the asceding process' [626] 'Jugal, orientation of the ascending process in lateral view when articulated with the maxilla' [627] 'Prefrontal, dorsomedial surface near the orbital rim' [628] 'Frontal, well-marked ?V?-shaped crest along the postfrontal contact, anterior to the margin of the supratemporal fossa' [629] 'Frontal, midline length' [630] 'Postfrontal, medial contact with frontal and parietal' [631] 'Postorbital, suture with parietal' [632] 'Parietal, body' [633] 'Parietal, orientation of posterolateral process' [634] 'Parietal, distal tip of the posterolateral process' [635] 'Quadratojugal, orientation of the main axis of the dorsal process with respect to the coronal plane of the skull' [636] 'Quadrate, dorsal head position in posterior view' [637] 'Palatine-pterygoid, fenestra' [638] 'Supraoccipital, rugose ridge on the anterolateral edges' [639] 'Foramen or groove passing above and into the dorsal end of the metotic foramen' [640] 'Opisthotic, paroccipital processes' [641] 'Exoccipital, relative positions of the exits of the hypoglossal nerve (XII)' [642] 'Basioccipital, length' [643] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, between basal tubera and basipterygoid processes' [644] 'Prootic, paroccipital contribution' [645] 'Dentary, anterior extent of the Meckelian groove' [646] 'Dentary, anterior extremity' [647] 'Dentary, lingual teeth' [648] 'Dentary, teeth on lingual surface' [649] 'Surangular-angular, lateral ridge that curves from the external mandibular fenestra to the posterior end of the lower jaw, delimiting a ventrolaterally facing surface' [650] 'Angular, exposure on lateral mandibular surface' [651] 'Articular, medial surface' [652] 'Teeth, serrations' [653] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, neural spines in posterior cervicals and anterior dorsals' [654] 'Cervical vertebra, centrum length of third cervical' [655] 'Cervical vertebrae, epipophyses' [656] 'Cervical vertebrae, shape of neural spine base of anterior post-axial cervicals' [657] 'Cervical vertebrae, neural spine shape in cross-section of anterior post-axial cervicals' [658] 'Dorsal vertebrae, position of parapophysis (or ventral margin of dorsal synapophysis) in posterior dorsals' [659] 'Dorsal vertebrae, position of diapophysis' [660] 'Dorsal vertebrae, ribs and vertebrae in posterior dorsals' [661] 'Dorsal vertebrae, neural spines' [662] 'Sacral vertebrae, centra in skeletally mature individuals' [663] 'Sacral vertebrae, primordial sacral one rib' [664] 'Caudal vertebrae, median longitudinal groove on the ventral surface of the centrum of the first two caudals' [665] 'Caudal vertebrae, neural spines in anterior caudals' [666] 'Ilium, supraacetabular crest' [667] 'Pubis, expanded distal margin' [668] 'Pubis, pubic apron, proximal portion' [669] 'Ischium, distal portion' [670] 'Femur, medial margin of the femoral head in proximal view' [671] 'Femur, angle between the lateral condyle and the crista tibiofibularis in distal view' [672] 'Femur, medial condyle of the distal portion' [673] 'Femur, distal condyles of the femur divided posteriorly' [674] 'Tibia, crest on anteromedial region of shaft' [675] 'Heterotopic ossifications' [676] 'Maxilla, posterolateral surface' [677] 'Maxilla, medial surface dorsal to tooth row' [678] 'Teeth, crown height of the upper dentition compared with lower dentition' [679] 'Teeth, generalized morphology of maxillary and dentary tooth crowns' [680] 'Cervical and dorsal vertebrae, shape of posterior articular surface of the centrum' [681] 'Dorsal vertebrae, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina' [682] 'Dorsal vertebrae, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina' [683] 'Dorsal vertebrae, height of neural spine in anterior dorsals' [684] 'Caudal vertebrae, length of the anterior caudal vertebrae (caudal vertebrae 1?10) relative to posterior caudal vertebrae (25+)' [685] 'Clavicle, portion articulated with the interclavicle, shape' [686] 'Humerus, entepicondyle' [687] 'Ilium, postacetabular process in lateral view' [688] 'Pedal digits, penultimate phalanges (last phalanx before ungual if ungual present)' [689] 'Premaxilla, alveolar margin in lateral view' [690] 'Nasal, small lateral process that excludes the anteriormost tip of the prefrontal from the lateral margin of the skull roof' [691] 'Postfrontal, suture with postorbital in dorsal view' [692] 'Postorbital, sub-triangular to oval fossa on the dorsal surface of the main body and base of the anterior process (distinctly separated from the edge of the supratemporal fenestra)' [693] 'Prootic, inferior and superior anterior processes separation between each other in lateral view' [694] 'Axis, neural spine posterior margin' [695] 'Skull openings, relative size of external naris' [696] 'Skull openings, shape of antorbital fenestra' [697] 'Skull openings, relative size of orbit' [698] 'Rostrum, dorsal margin outline of rostrum in lateral view' [699] 'Orbital and temporal regions, dorsal margin outline in lateral view' [700] 'Premaxilla, postnarial process ( - 2' [701] 'Premaxilla, prenarial process ( - 2' [702] 'Premaxilla, palatal process widely visible in lateral view ventral to the postnarial process' [703] 'Maxilla, neurovascular foramina on the lateral surface' [704] 'Maxilla, shape of anterior process (' [705] 'Maxilla, anteroposterior width of ascending process in lateral or medial view' [706] 'Maxilla, shape of the ascending process of the maxilla in lateral or medial view' [707] 'Maxilla, dorsoventrally elongated foramen on the lateral surface of the base of the ascending process' [708] 'Maxilla, ventral margin of the antorbital fossa' [709] 'Maxilla, buccal emargination dorsolateral to the alveolar margin' [710] 'Nasal, posterolateral process' [711] 'Lacrimal, shape of ventral process in lateral view' [712] 'Lacrimal, height' [713] 'Jugal, long axis of the body when articulated with the maxilla' [714] 'Jugal, ventral margin across anterior and posterior processes in lateral or medial view' [715] 'Jugal, forked posterior process' [716] 'Frontal, transverse development posterior to the contribution to the orbital margin' [717] 'Postorbital, anterior process' [718] 'Quadratojugal, dorsal process' [719] 'Quadrate, orientation in lateral or medial view' [720] 'Opisthotic, base of paraoccipital process in occipital view' [721] 'Perilymphatic foramen' [722] 'Parasphenoid/parabasisphenoid, outline of posterior margin in ventral view' [723] 'Basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid, divergence between basipterygoid processes in the transverse plane' [724] 'Periotic bones, dorsoventral height of the base of the floccular fossa' [725] 'Periotic bones, shape of the lateral end of the floccular fossa' [726] 'Prootic, pendant process in the crista prootica' [727] 'Endocast, dorsal surface of midbrain and base of forebrain' [728] 'Inner ear, geometry of the anterior semicircular canal (ASC)' [729] 'Inner ear, geometry of the posterior semicircular canal (PSC)' [730] 'Inner ear, ratio between maximum height of anterior semicircular canal and posterior semicircular canal' [731] 'Inner ear, dorsal intersection between anterior semicircular canal (ASC) and posterior semicircular canal (PSC)' [732] 'Inner ear, thickness of common crus' [733] 'Inner ear, angle between portions of the anterior semicircular canal and posterior semicircular canal that are adjacent to the common crus in the coronal plane' [734] 'Inner ear, posterior part of the lateral semicircular canal (LSC)' [735] 'Inner ear, relative position of the common crus' [736] 'Inner ear, labyrinth general proportions, maximum height of the labyrinth versus maximum anteroposterior depth of the labyrinth' [737] 'Inner ear, curvature of the anterior semicircular canal (ASC)' [738] 'Inner ear, curvature of the posterior semicircular canal (PSC), PSC-arc-length versus PSC-straight-line ratio' [739] 'Inner ear, spatial relation between anterior and lateral ampullae' [740] 'Inner ear, orientation of common crus' [741] 'Inner ear, straightness of common crus' [742] 'Inner ear, curvature of the lateral semicircular canal (LSC), LSC-arc-length versus LSC-straight-line ratio' [743] 'Mandible, shape of the dorsal margin anterior to the glenoid fossa in lateral or medial view' [744] 'Mandible, articular glenoid location' [745] 'Predentary bone' [746] 'Dentary, ventral mandibular bony crest' [747] 'Dentary, low dorsal projection placed immediately posterior to the last tooth position' [748] 'Dentary, separation between teeth' [749] 'Dentary, diastema (over 5 times longer than the distance between adjacent non-symphysial teeth) between the first two dentary teeth and those following distally' [750] 'Dentary, arched ridge bounded dorsally and ventrally by narrow grooves along the lateral side of the mandibular ramus' [751] 'Dentary, mandibular buccal emargination' [752] 'Splenial, development' [753] 'Teeth, nature of tooth attachment' [754] 'Teeth, labial or lingual overlap of adjacent maxillary and dentary crowns' [755] 'Teeth, bifid apex of at least some marginal tooth crowns' [756] 'Teeth, serrations in the mesial margin of the premaxillary crowns' [757] 'Teeth, some with moderately developed lingual ledge of maxillary and dentary crown (' [758] 'Teeth, shape of serrations in maxillary tooth crowns in labial or lingual view' [759] 'Teeth, maxillary teeth much enlarged below the dorsal process' [760] 'Teeth, mesial dentary teeth size' [761] 'Teeth, post-symphysial mandibular tooth crown size compared to maxillary tooth crown size' [762] 'Teeth, first dentary tooth long axis with respect to the longitudinal axis of the bone' [763] 'Cervical vertebrae, development of parapophysis in the axis' [764] 'Cervical vertebrae, postaxial cervical vertebrae with an anteroposteriorly elongated and large lateral pneumatic foramen around the mid-length of the centrum' [765] 'Cervical vertebrae, neural arch (from base of neural canal to top of postzygapophysis) in postaxial cervical vertebrae' [766] 'Cervical vertebrae, neural spine of the fourth to sixth cervical vertebrae in lateral view' [767] 'Dorsal vertebrae, lamina partially subdividing the centrodiapophyseal postzygapophyseal fossa' [768] 'Sacral vertebrae, transverse processes and ribs development' [769] 'Sacral vertebrae, first primordial sacral rib articular surface in lateral view' [770] 'Haemal arches, haemal spines developed as filiform processes below and parallel to adjacent centra posterior to the first three to seven caudal vertebrae' [771] 'Coracoid, shape of the coracoidal shaft (when the bone is posteriorly or dorsoventrally expanded, depending of orientation, to form an L-shaped shoulder girdle in lateral or medial view)' [772] 'Coracoid, relative dorsoventral length' [773] 'Humerus, shape in lateral view (dorsolateral view in pterosaurs)' [774] 'Humerus, size of deltopectoral crest' [775] 'Pteroid bone' [776] 'Pteroid, pteroid-humerus ratio' [777] 'Carpus, proximal carpals' [778] 'Carpus, medialmost distal carpal (distal carpal 1 or its fusion to other element) size' [779] 'Metacarpus, metacarpal I distal condyles' [780] 'Metacarpus, length of metacarpals II and III' [781] 'Metacarpus, metacarpal III-humerus ratio' [782] 'Metacarpus, metacarpal IV-humerus ratio' [783] 'Metacarpus, metacarpal IV shaft width at mid-length' [784] 'Metacarpus, posteroventrally or posteriorly projecting crest on the middle of the proximoposterior surface of the shaft of metacarpal IV (crista metacarpi of Wild, 1979)' [785] 'Manus, length of digit III' [786] 'Manus, phalanx I-1 twisting of the transverse axis' [787] 'Manus, phalanx I-1' [788] 'Manus, digit V' [789] 'Manus, manual unguals versus pedal unguals size' [790] 'Ilium, iliac blade dorsoventral height relative to acetabular height' [791] 'Ilium, pubic peduncle anteroposterior width at mid-length versus its total length' [792] 'Ilium, pubic peduncle distal articulation' [793] 'Ilium, position of dorsal margin concavity' [794] 'Pubis-ischium, ventral margin of pubo-ischiatic plate (if it extends ventrally up to or beyond the distal end of the pubic shaft or tubercle)' [795] 'Pubis, prepubic process' [796] 'Pubis, pubic shaft in anterior or posterior view' [797] 'Pubis, medial articulation of the pair' [798] 'Prepubis, as a separate ossification' [799] 'Femur, profile of femoral head in medial or lateral view when it is distinctly inturned' [800] 'Femur, medial articular facet of the proximal portion in posterior view' [801] 'Femur, greater trochanter shape in posterior view' [802] 'Femur, development of attachment of muscle caudofemoralis on the posterior surface of the bone' [803] 'Femur, anterior surface of the distal portion' [804] 'Femur, anteromedial corner of the distal end' [805] 'Femur, sharp ridge on the anteromedial edge of the distal end' [806] 'Femur, lateral tuberosity on the anterolateral edge of the distal end' [807] 'Femur, crista tibiofibularis size/shape' [808] 'Femur, wide concavity on the posterolateral surface of the crista tibiofibularis' [809] 'Tibia, separation of the proximal posterior hemicondyles' [810] 'Tibia, distal surface outline (excluding the posterolateral process if present)' [811] 'Tibia, deep slot in the anteromedial corner of the distal surface' [812] 'Fibula, distal development' [813] 'Astragalus, dorsally expanded process adjacent to the posterior margin' [814] 'Astragalus, posterolateral portion of the tibial articular surface' [815] 'Astragalus, proximal articular facet for fibula' [816] 'Astragalus, base of anterior ascending process' [817] 'Calcaneum, shape' [818] 'Distal tarsal 4, posterior prong' [819] 'Distal tarsal 4, medial process' [820] 'Metatarsus, proximal portion of metatarsal IV' [821] 'Metatarsus, shape of metatarsal IV in anterior/dorsal or posterior/ventral view' [822] 'Metatarsus, length of metatarsals III and V' ; STATELABELS 1 absent 'present, small and well-spaced from each other' 'present, large and close to or contacting with each other', 2 '0.18-0.38' '0.44-0.72' '0.94-0.98', 3 absent present, 4 absent present, 5 absent 'shallow or deep pits scattered across surface and low ridges' 'prominent ridges or tubercles on frontals, parietals, and nasals', 6 absent present, 7 'orbital margin of the frontal level with skull table or raised slightly' 'orbital margin of the frontal elevated above skull table' 'shelf/ridge elevated above skull table extends along the lateral surface of the lacrimal, prefrontal, frontal portion of orbital rim, and postorbital', 8 flat 'supratemporal fossa immediately medial or anterior to the supratemporal fenestra' 'thin, blade-like median sagittal crest', 9 absent present, 10 'terminal, close to the anteriormost point of the premaxilla-maxilla suture' 'nonterminal, considerably posteriorly displaced a distance equivalent to the length of the external naris from the anteriormost point of the premaxilla-maxilla suture, but posterior rim of the naris anterior to or at the level of the anterior border of th' 'nonterminal, considerably posteriorly displaced a distance equivalent to the length of the external naris from the anteriormost point of the premaxilla-maxilla suture, and posterior rim of the naris posterior to the anterior border of the antorbital fenes', 11 laterally dorsally anteriorly, 12 'sub-circular' 'non-sub-circular', 13 absent present, 14 'gently rounded' 'nearly pointed, with the dorsal and ventral margins of the fenestra diverging at a low angle', 15 absent present, 16 'anteroposteriorly longer than tall' subcircular 'dorsoventrally taller than long', 17 'absent or incipient' 'present, restricted to the ascending process of the jugal and sometimes also onto the ventral process of the postorbital' 'present, well-developed along the jugal, postorbital, frontal, prefrontal and lacrimal', 18 present absent, 19 'larger than or subequal to the supraoccipital' 'smaller than the supraoccipital' 'developed as a small foramen' absent, 20 '0.29-0.40' '0.43-0.64' '0.70-0.76', 21 '<' '=' '0.33' '0.40-0.52' '0.59-0.80', 22 'transversely broader than dorsoventrally tall or subequal' 'dorsoventrally taller than transversely broad', 23 'formed by the nasal' 'formed by the nasal and maxilla with gently rounded transition along the maxilla from the lateral to dorsal side of rostrum' 'formed by the nasal and maxilla with sharp edge along the maxilla between the lateral and dorsal sides of this bone (' '=' 'box-like snout of Kischlat, 2000)', 24 'simple continuous contact' 'notched along the ventral margin', 25 absent 'present and the border of the foramen is present on both the maxilla and the premaxilla' 'present and the border of the foramen is present on the maxilla but not on the premaxilla', 26 '=' 'subnarial gap)' absent present, 27 'small, the premaxillary body forms less than half of rostrum in front of the posterior border of the external nares' 'large, the premaxillary body forms half or more than half of rostrum in front of the posterior border of the external nares', 28 '0.70-0.73' '1.07-2.00' '2.22-3.80' '4.15-4.68' '>5.00', 29 'absent, alveolar margin sub-parallel to the main axis of the maxilla' 'slightly, alveolar margin kinked approximately 20º from the alveolar margin of the maxilla' 'strongly, prenarial process obscured by the postnarial process in lateral view (if the postnarial process is long enough) and postnarial process parallel or posteroventrally oriented with respect to the main axis of the premaxillary body', 30 'acute or right-angled' obtuse, 31 absent present, 32 'absent or shallow' 'expanded in the anteroventral corner of the naris', 33 absent present, 34 '=' 'nasal process) length' 'less than the anteroposterior length of the main body of the premaxilla' 'greater than the anteroposterior length of the main body of the premaxilla', 35 '=' 'nasal process)' 'anteroposteriorly shallow' 'anteroposteriorly deep', 36 '=' 'maxillary process)' 'absent or incipient' 'short, ends well anterior to the posterior margin of the external naris' 'well-developed, forms the vast majority of the ventral border of the external naris', 37 'wide, platelike' thin, 38 absent present, 39 'fits between the nasal and the maxilla or lies on the anterodorsal surface of the maxilla' 'overlaps the anterodorsal surface of the nasal' 'fits into slot of the nasal', 40 absent 'present, marginal' 'present, extensive', 41 absent present, 42 '10 or more' '5 or more' '4' three '2' '1 or edentulous', 43 'approximately parasagittal' 'strongly transverse and anterior teeth covering each other in lateral view', 44 absent present, 45 present absent, 46 absent 'present but low, with a gradual transition with the external surface of the anterior process' 'present and high, with a distinct change of slope between it and the external surface of the anterior process', 47 absent present, 48 'restricted to the main body of the jugal' 'extending onto the anterior process of the jugal, but not the maxilla' 'extending onto the maxilla, but not the anterior process of the jugal', 49 'posterior to the anterior extent of the nasals' 'anterior to the nasals', 50 '0.12-0.22' '0.29-0.60' '0.64-0.76', 51 absent present, 52 absent present, 53 'laterally or lateroventrally facing' 'lateroventrally facing and extending ventrally as deep, well-defined grooves', 54 'absent or not exposed in lateral view' 'present on the ascending process of the maxilla, but not along the horizontal process (' '=' 'posterior process) of the maxilla' 'present on the horizontal process (' 'posterior process) of the maxilla ventral to the antorbital fenestra, but not reaching the posteroventral corner of the maxillary contribution to the border of the opening' 'posterior process) of the maxilla ventral to the antorbital fenestra, reaching the posteroventral corner of the maxillary contribution to the border of the opening', 55 '0.09-0.23' '0.28-0.66' '0.83-0.94' '>2.00', 56 absent present, 57 absent present, 58 'simply tapers to point dorsally' 'the dorsal apex of the maxilla is a separate, distinct process differentiated from the rest of the maxilla by strongly concave or sharply flexed margins' 'the dorsal apex of the maxilla is a distinct process with a sub-vertical anterior margin at its base', 59 'convex or straight' concave, 60 absent present, 61 absent present, 62 'mainly sub-parallel to the alveolar margin of the bone' 'diagonal, anteroventrally-to-posterodorsally oriented in an angle close to 45º', 63 'tapers posteriorly' 'has a similar dorsoventral depth as the anterior portion ventral to the antorbital fenestra' 'expands dorsoventrally towards the distal end of the horizontal process with a concave ventral margin of the antorbital fenestra' 'expands dorsoventrally towards the distal end of the horizontal process with a straight ventral margin of the antorbital fenestra', 64 absent present, 65 absent present, 66 absent 'present and both counterparts do not meet at the midline' 'present and both counterparts meet at the midline', 67 'adjacent to the ventral margin of the medial surface of the maxilla or base of the interdental plates if they are present' 'distinctly dorsally to the ventral margin of the medial surface of the maxilla or base of the interdental plates if they are present', 68 'concave, straight or gently convex' 'distinctly convex' 'sigmoid, anteriorly concave and posteriorly convex' 'sigmoid, anteriorly convex, starting close to mid-length, and posteriorly concave', 69 absent present, 70 'approximately aligned to the posterior half of the alveolar margin' 'distinctly upturned', 71 'at level or posterior to posterior orbital border' 'anterior to posterior orbital border but posterior to anterior orbital border' 'at level or anterior to anterior orbital border', 72 absent present, 73 'single row' 'multiple rows', 74 absent 'scattered teeth' 'large number of teeth on the medial surface of the bone', 75 '4-7 (<7 dentary tooth positions)' '8-9 (8-10 dentary tooth position)' '10-14 (10-17 dentary tooth positions)' '15-22 (13-25 dentary tooth positions)' '23-35 (26-40 dentary tooth positions)' '>36 (>41 dentary tooth positions)', 76 '0.68-0.79' '0.90-2.07' '2.26-3.09', 77 'largely dorsal element' 'nearly vertical contribution to the rostrum', 78 'strongly convex with anterior process' 'transverse with little convexity', 79 'below or at the same level as skull roof' 'elevated above skull roof, giving the skull a ?Roman nose? appearance', 80 'smooth or sculpturing of ridges and grooves present' 'depression around entire posterior margin that lacks sculpturing', 81 '=' 'maxillary process) of the premaxilla on the anterodorsal surface of the nasal and has an extensive contact with the ascending process of the maxilla' 'anteroposteriorly narrow' 'anteroposteriorly very broad, being considerably broader than the ascending process of the maxilla', 82 'smoothly rounded' 'distinct longitudinal ridge on the lateral edge', 83 absent present, 84 absent present, 85 'forms a portion of lateral surface of the face, reaching anteriorly to the external naris' 'forms a portion of the lateral surface of the face, but does not reach naris' 'limited to orbital margin', 86 'absent or marginal' present, 87 absent present, 88 absent 'present, but strongly restricted anteirorly' 'present and occupies almost half or more of the anteroposterior length of the ventral process', 89 'completely enclosed by the lacrimal' 'enclosed by the lacrimal and prefrontal', 90 'opens on the posterolateral edge of lacrimal' 'opens on the posterior surface of the lacrimal', 91 'straight or convex' 'concave, though nowhere dorsal to tooth row', 92 'continuously tapering or subrectangular, being lower than the portion of the maxilla underneath it' 'subrectangular or slightly dorsoventrally expanded, being higher than the portion of the maxilla underneath it' 'with an ascending subprocess excluding the lacrimal from the posteroventral border of the antorbital fenestra' 'with a strongly developed ascending subprocess that excludes the lacrimal from the posterior border of the antorbital fenestra', 93 'absent, straight or curved only at its proximal half' present, 94 'State 0' 'gently concave' 'V-shaped', 95 'anterior to the level of mid-length of the orbit' 'up to or posterior to the level of mid-length of the orbit', 96 present 'absent, excluded by contact between the maxilla and lacrimal', 97 absent present, 98 absent present, 99 absent 'present, postorbital excluded from the anterior border of the infratemporal fenestra', 100 '0.49-1.27' '1.59-3.77' '4.07-5.37', 101 absent present, 102 tapering subrectangular, 103 absent present, 104 absent present, 105 'lies dorsal to the anterior process of the quadratojugal' 'lies ventral to the anterior process of the quadratojugal' 'splits the anterior process of the quadratojugal' 'is splited by the anterior process of the quadratojugal', 106 'anterior to or at level with the posterior border of the infratemporal fenestra' 'posterior to the infratemporal fenestra', 107 absent present, 108 'parasagittal, at least in its posterior third, or anterolateral' anteromedial, 109 'absent, nasal-frontal suture transversely broad' 'present, nasal-frontal suture strongly transversely reduced', 110 absent present, 111 'smooth or slight grooves present' 'rugose sculpturing present', 112 absent present, 113 transverse 'oblique, forming an angle of at least 60° with long axis of the skull and frontal(s) entering between both nasals' 'oblique, and nasal entering considerably between frontal(s) in a non-interdigitate suture', 114 'absent or anteroposteriorly short' 'anteroposteriorly long and forms most of the dorsal edge of the orbit', 115 'flat or slightly depressed' 'with longitudinal ridge along midline', 116 'mostly transverse or parietals slightly entering between frontals on the median line, forming an obtuse-angled suture' 'parietals strongly entering between both frontals, forming an acute-angled suture' 'W-shaped suture', 117 absent present, 118 'flat to slightly concave' 'longitudinally extended groove along most of the surface of the frontal' 'anterolaterally-to-posteromedially extended groove along the posterior half of the frontal', 119 'hour-glass-shaped median longitudinal canal for the passage of the olfactory duct and olfactory bulb moulds on the anterior end of the bone' 'median longitudinal canal for the passage of the olfactory duct only slightly constricted, no olfactory bulb moulds and distinct semilunate posteromedially-to-anterolaterally oriented ridge on the orbital roof, extending onto the prefrontal' 'olfactory tract and bulbs strongly reduced', 120 'maximum transverse constriction point well posterior to the moulds of the olfactory bulbs and posterolateral margin of the bulbs delimited by a low ridge' 'maximum transverse constriction of the olfactory bulbs immediately posterior to the moulds of the olfactory bulbs and posterolateral margin of the bulbs well delimited by a thick, tall ridge', 121 'equivalent in size to postorbital' 'reduced to approximately less than half the dimensions of the postorbital' absent, 122 absent present, 123 'flat or slightly concave towards raised orbital rim' 'markedly concave', 124 'composed both of the jugal and postorbital in nearly equal proportion' 'composed mostly by the postorbital', 125 'positioned distinctly ventral to the level of the dorsal border of the orbit, broadly exposing the supratemporal fenestra in lateral view' 'positioned approximately aligned to the dorsal border of the orbit and the supratemporal fenestra is almost not exposed in lateral view', 126 'restricted to the dorsal margin of the elements' 'continues ventrally for much or most of the ventral length of the squamosal, but squamosal does not contact jugal' 'continues ventrally for much or most of the ventral length of the squamosal and squamosal contacts jugal', 127 absent present, 128 absent present, 129 absent present, 130 'ends much higher than the ventral border of the orbit' 'ends close to or at the ventral border of the orbit', 131 'continuously anteriorly curved or straight' 'distinctly anteriorly flexed', 132 absent present, 133 absent present, 134 present absent, 135 absent present, 136 absent present, 137 absent present, 138 'sharp, squared posterodorsal border of the infratemporal fenestra' 'gentle, widely rounded posterodorsal border of the infratemporal fenestra', 139 'short, forming approximately half or less of the posterior border of the supratemporal fenestra' 'long, forming entirely or almost entirely the posterior border of the supratemporal fenestra', 140 'does not extend posterior to the head of the quadrate' 'extends posterior to the head of the quadrate', 141 straight 'ventrally curved', 142 present absent, 143 'anteroposteriorly broad and plate-like' 'anteroposteriorly narrow and strap-like', 144 'posteroventrally directed, vertical, or more than 45º from the vertical' 'anteroventrally directed at 45º or less', 145 'forms less than half of the border of the fenestra' 'forms more than half of the border, but quadratojugal or quadrate broadly participates in the border of the fenestra' 'forms almost completely the border of the fenestra', 146 absent present, 147 absent present, 148 absent present, 149 'absent or fused to the quadrate' present, 150 'L-shaped or strip-like bone' subtriangular, 151 absent present, 152 'absent, anteroventral margin of the bone rounded' 'incipient, short anterior prong on the anteroventral margin of the bone' 'distinctly present, in which the lower temporal bar is complete, but process finishes well posterior to the base of the posterior process of the jugal' 'distinctly present, in which the lower temporal bar is complete and participates in the posteroventral border of the infratemporal fenestra, and process finishes close to the base of the posterior process of the jugal', 153 absent present, 154 absent present, 155 absent 'present, but distal condyles of the quadrate broadly visible in lateral view' 'present, overlapping completely or almost completely the distal condyles of the quadrate in lateral view', 156 'broad element' 'slender, in parietal and squamosal trough' absent, 157 present absent, 158 'suture present' 'fused with loss of suture', 159 'absent or marginal' present, 160 'well exposed in dorsal view and mainly dorsally or dorsolaterally facing' 'poorly exposed in dorsal view and mainly laterally facing', 161 absent present, 162 'restricted to the parietal' 'extended along frontal and parietal', 163 'considerably large' 'reduced to a small, circular pit' absent, 164 'completely enclosed by parietals in the anterior half of the bone (excluding posterolateral processes of the parietals)' 'completely enclosed by parietals close to mid-length or in the posterior half of the bone (excluding posterolateral processes of the parietals)' 'enclosed by both frontals and parietals', 165 absent present, 166 'nearly vertical' 'ventrally inclined greater than 45º', 167 'dorsoventrally low, usually considerably lower than the supraoccipital' 'dorsoventrally very deep, being plate-like in occipital view and subequal to the height of the supraoccipital', 168 absent present, 169 absent present, 170 'sheet-like, both together not much narrower than the suproccipital' 'small, splint-like' 'absent as a separate ossification', 171 absent 'present, forming an interparietal', 172 present absent, 173 absent present, 174 '=' 'septomaxilla of phytosaurs), separate ossification anterior to nasals and surrounded by the premaxilla on the dorsal surface of the rostrum' absent present, 175 'straight posteriorly' 'shallowly emarginated' 'with conch', 176 '41-47º' '91-96º' '106-137º' '143-158º', 177 'does not have a sutural contact with the paraoccipital process of the opisthotic' 'has a sutural contact with the paraoccipital process of the opisthotic', 178 'partially exposed laterally' 'completely covered by the squamosal', 179 absent present, 180 absent present, 181 concave convex, 182 'subequally distally extended' 'medial condyle distinctly more distally projected than the lateral one', 183 'absent, the quadrate flange of the pterygoid meets the quadrate but remains free of the skull roof' present, 184 'broad, plate-like bone, at least as transversely broad as the internal naris' 'stick-like bone, transversely narrower than the internal naris', 185 absent present, 186 'present, more than one row or no rows are distinguishable' 'present, mainly in a single row, but multiple teeth present immediately anterior to the contact with the pterygoid' 'present, single row along entire extension' absent, 187 present absent, 188 'considerably smaller than those of the marginal dentition' 'similar to those of the marginal dentition', 189 'narrow, subequal contribution of the palatine and pterygoid to or pterygoid main component of the palate posteriorly to the choanas' 'broad, the palatine is the main component of the palate posteriorly to the choanas', 190 'subequal in anterior extension or anterolateral process longer' 'anteromedial process longer' 'single process', 191 'present, anteriorly' 'absent, remain separate along their entire length', 192 '=' 'palatal process)' 'extends anterior to the anterior limit of the palatine' 'forms oblique suture with palatine but process ends before reaching anterior limit of palatine' 'forms transverse suture with palatine', 193 '=' 'palatal process) shape' 'transversely broad at its base, converging gradually with the transverse ramus' 'transversely narrow along its entire extension, converging in a right or acute angle with the transverse ramus and the bone acquires an overall L-shape contour in ventral or dorsal view', 194 '=' 'palatal process), excluding tiny palatal teeth if present' 'present in two distinct fields (' 'T2 and T3 of Welman, 1998)' 'present in three distinct fields (' 'T2, T3a and T3b)' 'T2a, T2b and T3)' 'present in one field that occupies most of the transverse width of the ramus (' 'T2 + T3)' 'present in only one posteromedially-to-anterolaterally oriented field (' 'T2)' 'present in only one field adjacent to the medial margin of the ramus (' 'T3)', 195 'more than two or do not dispose on distinct rows' 'two rows parallel to each other' 'single row', 196 'more than two or do not dispose on distinct rows' 'two parallel rows' 'single row', 197 '=' 'palatal ramus) raised on a thick, posteromedially-to-anterolaterally oriented ridge' absent present, 198 '=' 'palatal process) (' 'T4 of Welman, 1998)' absent present, 199 'posterolaterally, forming an obstuse angle with the anterior ramus' 'laterally or anterolaterally, forming a right or acute angle with the anterior ramus', 200 'posterolateral margin with an acute corner' 'posterolateral margin merges smoothly into anterolateral margin forming a smoothly convex lateral outline', 201 'present, more than a single row or no rows recognizable' 'present, single row on the posterior edge (' '=' 'T1 of Welman, 1998)' absent, 202 'arcs anteriorly' 'arcs anterodorsally', 203 'simple overlap of ectopterygoid and pterygoid' 'complex overlap between ectopterygoid and pterygoid', 204 'transversely does not reach the posterolateral corner of the transverse flange' 'reaches the posterolateral corner of the transverse flange', 205 absent present, 206 absent present, 207 'plate-like' 'inverted V-shape', 208 absent present, 209 'smooth or with a low median ridge' 'with a prominent median, vertical peg', 210 'absent or partial' present, 211 absent present, 212 'extend laterally forming aproximatelly a 90° angle with the parasagittal plane' 'deflected posterolaterally at an angle of more than 20° from the transverse plane of the skull', 213 'ends freely' 'contacts supratemporal or proximal end of quadrate and/or squamosal' 'sutured to the pterygoid and the pterygoid wing of the quadrate', 214 'unflattened and tapered' 'anteroposteriorly-flattened distally', 215 absent present, 216 'club-shaped' 'pyramidal, with a tapering distal end' 'rod-like, with a cylindrical distal end and relatively thin' 'rod-like and very robust' 'plate-like', 217 'extends further laterally than the lateralmost edge of the exoccipital in posterior view' 'covered by the lateralmost edge of the exoccipital in posterior view', 218 'exoccipital columnar throught dorsoventral height, forming transversely narrow dorsal contact with more dorsal occipital elements' 'dorsal portion of exoccipital exhibits dorsomedially inclined process that forms transversely broad contact with more dorsal occipital elements', 219 'without subvertical crest (' '=' 'metotic strut)' 'with clear crest (' 'metotic strut) lying anterior to both external foramina for hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)' 'metotic strut) present anterior to the more posterior external foramina for hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)', 220 'no contact with its counterpart' 'contact with its counterpart to exclude basioccipital from the floor of the endocranial cavity and diverge from each other on the occipital condyle, exposing the basioccipital dorsally' 'contact with its counterpart along the entire dorsal surface of the basioccipital, excluding the basioccipital from the floor of the endocranial cavity and the dorsal surface of the occipital condyle', 221 two one, 222 present absent, 223 'absent or short and strongly tapered' 'present and elongated and tubular', 224 'loose, overlapping suture' 'tightly sutured, sometimes by an interdigitated suture, or both bones fused with each other', 225 absent present, 226 'clearly separated' 'partially connected' 'medially expanded and nearly or completely connected', 227 'even with craniomandibular joint' 'anterior to craniomandibular joint' 'posterior to craniomandibular joint', 228 concave 'semi-spherical', 229 'absent or developed as a small sub-circular pit' 'developed as a vertical furrow or a large sub-circular fossa that occupies approximately half of the height of the occipital surface of the condyle', 230 'present, distinctly separating the occipital condyle from the basioccipital body' 'absent or extremely short', 231 'rounded and anteroposteriorly elongated' 'bladelike and anteroposteriorly shortened', 232 'lateroventral, basal tubera divergent from each other' 'ventral, basal tubera parallel with each other', 233 present absent, 234 horizontal 'oblique, main axis posterodorsal-to-anteroventrally oriented', 235 'incompletely ossified' 'completely ossified', 236 absent 'present and straight' 'present and arched anteriorly', 237 absent present, 238 '=' 'median pharyngeal recess,' 'hemispherical sulcus,' 'hemispherical fontanelle)' absent present, 239 ventral posterolateral anterolateral, 240 'immediately medial or posteromedial to the base of the basipterygoid process' 'close to the suture between basioccipital and parabasisphenoid', 241 'continuously tapering anteriorly, without dorsoventral constriction at its base' 'dorsoventrally compressed at its base', 242 'relatively dorsoventrally short' 'tall, with the dorsal edge extending up between clinoid processes and ventral parts of the crista prootica', 243 present absent, 244 absent present, 245 'absent such that there is no ventral floor for the vidian canal' 'present as a pair of thick crests running along the ventrolateral border of the basisphenoid body and framing the ventromedial floor of the vidian canal', 246 'moderately short, finger-like and with short articulating facets' 'long, with hemispherical articulating facets' 'very short and subcylindrical' 'extremely long and rod-like, being longer than the body of the basisphenoid', 247 'anterolateral or lateral' posterolateral, 248 'largely restricted to the prootic' 'extends onto internal surface of the supraoccipital', 249 'within the dorsum sella' 'track between the dorsum sella and prootic, grooving the articular facets' 'within the prootic', 250 'open anteriorly' 'open dorsally', 251 absent present, 252 absent present, 253 'continuous and slightly convex' 'crista prootica present', 254 'absent or developed as a small, peg-like projection' 'well developed', 255 present absent, 256 'incompletely ossified' 'almost completely ossified', 257 absent present, 258 absent present, 259 'formed only by dentary' 'formed only by splenial' 'formed by dentary and also conspicuous participation of splenial', 260 'absent, with a slightly convex dorsal margin behind the alveolar portion' 'present, formed by a dorsally well-developed surangular' 'present, formed by a dorsally well-developed posterodorsal ramus of the dentary and sometimes a dorsally well-developed coronoid bone', 261 absent present, 262 '0.07-0.36' '0.44-0.53' '0.62-0.78' '0.88-0.94', 263 dorsomedially 'mostly dorsally due to greatly expanded prearticular resulting in a ventral border of the fossa situated dorsal to the half-height of the lower jaw at that level', 264 'positioned distally' 'present along one-third of the lower jaw', 265 '0.05-0.14' '0.16-0.19' '0.22-0.29' '0.32-0.36', 266 'mostly straight' 'distinctly dorsally curved during all or most of its extension' 'ventrally curved or deflected', 267 absent present, 268 absent present, 269 'dorsoventral centre of the dentary' 'restricted to the ventral border', 270 'horizontal (in the same plane)' 'dorsally expanded, resulting in a convex anterior margin and a straight or concave posterior portion', 271 absent present, 272 absent present, 273 tapering rounded, 274 absent 'present and excluded from the border of the external mandibular fenestra' 'present and contributing to the border of the external mandibular fenestra', 275 'extended anteriorly the level of the posterodorsal or posterocentral processes' 'extended posteriorly beyond the level of the posterodorsal and posterocentral processes', 276 'on the anterior half of lower jaw' 'on the posterior half of lower jaw', 277 'teeth present along entire length of the dentary' 'teeth absent in the anterior end' 'dentary edentulous', 278 one two 'more than two', 279 'single-sided overlap' 'flat occlusion' 'blade and groove', 280 'even with lateral surface of mandible' 'elevated and separates dorsal concave area on surangular from concave area on angular', 281 'anteroposteriorly convex ventrally' 'anteroposteriorly concave ventrally', 282 absent 'anteroposteriorly short, being poorly developed posteriorly to the glenoid fossa' 'anteroposteriorly long, extending considerably posteriorly to the glenoid fossa', 283 'subrectangular, approximately straight dorsal and ventral margins' 'upturned, resulting in a concave dorsal margin immediately posterior to the glenoid fossa' 'ventrally expanded, resulting in a concave ventral margin of the hemimandible at the level of the glenoid fossa', 284 'beyond coronoid eminence' 'posterior to reaching the anterior border of the coronoid eminence', 285 absent 'present, low ridge near dorsal margin' 'present, presence of laterally or ventrolaterally projecting shelf with straight or gently convex lateral edge' 'present, presence of laterally projecting shelf with strongly convex lateral edge', 286 'straight or gently convex' 'strongly convex', 287 absent present, 288 absent present, 289 wide narrow, 290 'continuous with lateral surface of angular' 'laterally projecting ridge present that separates lateral and ventral sides of the angular', 291 'ridged or keeled' 'transversely convex', 292 absent present, 293 absent present, 294 absent present, 295 'robust, with thick shaft' 'slender, rod-like shaft', 296 present absent, 297 subequal 'maxillary tooth extending further posteriorly', 298 'subthecodont (' '=' 'protothecodont)' thecodont pleurodont acrodont, 299 'generally homodont' 'markedly heterodont (gross change in morphology)', 300 present absent, 301 'all the tooth crowns possess a rather similar distal edge morphology along the entire alveolar margin' 'the distal edge of the posterior tooth crowns possess a distinct different morphology from those of the anterior tooth crowns, usually the posterior edge becomes convex', 302 'concave along the entire alveolar margin' 'straight or gently sigmoid' 'convex in at least some anterior tooth crowns', 303 'absent or present in just a two or a few centrally placed maxillary crowns' 'distinctly present on the distal margin and usually apically restricted, low or absent on the mesial margin of most crowns' 'present and distinct on both margins of most crowns', 304 circular 'labiolingually compressed' 'labiolingually wider than mesiodistally long', 305 absent present, 306 absent present, 307 absent present, 308 'short, directed to quadrate region' 'long, directed posteriorly and extending posteriorly beyond the quadrate condyles', 309 'present throughout ontogeny' 'absent in adults', 310 '=' 'pectoral centra)' moderate 'very strong, being considerably anteroposteriorly shorter than tall', 311 'close in adults' 'remain open in sub-adults and adults', 312 absent present, 313 absent present, 314 absent present, 315 absent present, 316 absent present, 317 absent present, 318 absent present, 319 absent 'present, but lacking distinct mammillary processes on the lateral surface of the neural spine' 'present, with distinct mammillary processes on the lateral surface of the neural spine', 320 absent 'present in cervicals, but not in dorsals' 'present in dorsal, but not in cervicals' 'present in both cervicals and dorsals', 321 convex flat concave, 322 'sub-oval or sub-rectangular' 'sub-triangular or heart-shaped', 323 'less than eight' 'eight or nine' 'ten or more', 324 'saddle-shaped' 'concave with upturned lateral borders', 325 'separate from axial intercentrum' 'fused to axial intercentrum', 326 'transversely convex' 'with a low median longitudinal keel' 'with a median longitudinal keel that extends ventral to the centrum rims in at least one anterior cervical', 327 'dorsoventrally tall' 'strongly dorsoventrally low', 328 'expanded posterodorsally or the height of the anterior portion is equivalent to the posterior height' 'expanded anterodorsally', 329 'dorsally convex' 'mostly straight or dorsally concave', 330 '0.63-2.67' '2.92-4.12' '6.09-6.80' '14.16-14.33', 331 'single facet or both situated on the same process' 'situated on different processes and well separated' 'situated on different processes and nearly touching', 332 'at or near dorsoventral level of pedicles' 'near the dorsoventral mid-point of the centrum', 333 'absent or poorly developed, not well laterally developed' 'strongly developed, flaring laterally as a prominent and thick, wing-like shelf', 334 smooth 'with a shallow, posterolaterally facing fossa', 335 absent 'present in at least the third to fifth cervical vertebrae', 336 absent shallow 'represented by a deep pocket or pit', 337 'separated posteriorly' 'connected through a horizontal lamina (' '=' 'transpostzygapophyseal lamina) with a notch at the midline', 338 'sub-triangular' rectangular, 339 absent present, 340 absent present, 341 'tall, with height and length approximately equal or larger' 'long and low, with height lower than length', 342 'absent, straight anterior margin of the neural spine' 'present, anteriorly curved anterior margin of the neural spine. Character-states slightly reworded from their original formulations', 343 'spines are equivalent in height and length to other cervical neural spines' 'spines are dorsoventrally depressed at their anteroposterior midpoints, leaving them little more than midline dorsal ridges', 344 'present from the fourth presacral' 'present from the fifth presacral' 'present from the sixth or seventh presacral' 'present from the eighth or ninth presacral', 345 present absent, 346 short 'long and distinct', 347 absent present, 348 'short, being less than two times the length of its respective vertebra, and tapering at a high angle to the neck' 'short, being less than two times the length of its respective vertebra, and shaft parallel to the neck' 'very long, being two times the length of its respective vertebra, and parallel to the neck', 349 absent present, 350 '0.45-1.10' '1.18-2.00' '2.19-2.74' '>3.00', 351 '0.66-1.39' '1.48-1.86' '1.95-2.10' '2.39-2.46', 352 'transversely convex' 'ridged, with slightly swollen sides' 'single keel' 'double keel', 353 absent 'present, but not well-rimed' 'present and well-rimed', 354 absent present, 355 'close to the body of the midline' 'expanded on stalks', 356 '<0.70' '>0.75', 357 short 'moderately long' 'extremely long, being considerably broader than its respective centrum', 358 absent present, 359 absent present, 360 absent shallow 'developed as a deep pit', 361 'sub-rectangular, with the anterior margin vertical, anterodorsally or slightly posterodorsally inclined' 'sub-triangular, with the anterior margin strongly posterodorsally oriented', 362 absent present, 363 'situated at mid-length between the zygapophyses' 'posteriorly displaced from mid-length between the zygapophyses', 364 'extend up to the tenth presacral' 'extend up to the eleventh presacral' 'extend up to the twelfth presacral' 'extend up to the thirteenth presacral' 'extend up to the sixteenth presacral or beyond', 365 present absent, 366 'low, gentle bowing' 'sharp flexure close to an angle of 90°', 367 dichocephalous holocephalous, 368 'less than three times' 'three times or more', 369 two three 'four or more', 370 'almost entirely restricted to a single sacral vertebra' 'shared between two sacral vertebrae', 371 'primordial sacral rib one is longer anteroposteriorly than primordial sacral rib two' 'primordial sacral rib two is about the same length or longer anteroposteriorly than primordial sacral rib one', 372 'single unit' 'bifurcates distally into anterior and posterior processes', 373 'pointed bluntly' 'truncated sharply', 374 'sutured to the vertebra' 'fused to the vertebra', 375 absent present, 376 '0.29-0.41' '0.62-1.20' '1.51-1.73' '2.20-2.72', 377 'tapering or squared' 'anteroposteriorly expanded', 378 '0.66-2.21' '2.36-2.65' '2.92-3.05' '3.21-3.54', 379 absent present, 380 'not elongated' 'elongated more than a quarter of the adjacent centrum', 381 'equivalent to proximal length' 'tapering distally' 'longer than proximal width (' '=' 'paddle-like haemal spine)', 382 'present, forming an extensive ventral basket with closely packed elements' 'present, well separated' absent, 383 'present, without a complete line of suture' absent, 384 absent present, 385 'mainly lateral, being more laterally facing than posteriorly and without a posteriorly prominent supraglenoid lip in lateral view' 'slightly posterolateral, being more posteriorly facing than laterally and resulting in a posteriorly prominent supraglenoid lip in lateral view' posteroventral, 386 '1.23-6.73' '7.92-11.31' '>13.0', 387 absent present, 388 absent 'present, the angle formed is close to 90º', 389 'straight or convex along entire length' 'distinctly concave', 390 'anteroposterior length greater than half the proximodistal length of the scapula' 'anteroposterior length less than half the proximodistal length of the scapula', 391 absent present, 392 absent 'present, just dorsal of the glenoid fossa' 'present, around the level of maximum anteroposterior compression of the scapular blade', 393 absent present, 394 'in about the same plane as the ventral edge of the scapula' 'distinctly raised above the ventral edge of the scapula', 395 'gently raised from the anterior margin of the scapular blade' 'sharply raised in an angle close to 90º from the anterior margin of the scapular blade', 396 rounded 'distinctly hooked', 397 'unexpanded posteriorly' 'moderately expanded posteriorly' 'strongly expanded posteriorly - the entire border, not only the posteroventral region as is the case in the postglenoid process - and, as a result, the shoulder girdle acquires an L-shape in lateral view', 398 'as developed as or less developed than the supraglenoid lip on the scapula' 'more extended than the supraglenoid lip on the scapula', 399 'poorly developed, resembling the development of the supraglenoid lip on the scapula' 'strongly developed as a shelf-like structure, more developed than the supraglenoid lip on the scapula', 400 'absent or small' large, 401 absent present, 402 'rounded posterior margin in lateral view' 'tapering posterior margin in lateral view', 403 present absent, 404 present absent, 405 present absent, 406 absent present, 407 'well developed' 'reduced or absent', 408 'present, proximal half of the bone sub-triangular or diamond-shaped' 'absent, rather sharp angles between processes', 409 '0.07-0.14' '0.20-0.27', 410 'little change in width along entire length' 'gradual transverse expansion present', 411 'on the anteroventral surface of the interclavicle' 'on the anterodorsal surface of the interclavicle' 'into a deep socket', 412 'not mineralized' 'mineralized (bone or calcified cartilage)', 413 '<0.55' '>0.55-<1.5' '1.5-3.0' '>3.0', 414 'approximately 45° or more' '35' 'or less', 415 '0.20-0.41' '0.44-0.70', 416 'subrectangular to crescent-shape' 'sub-oval', 417 'continuous with the deltopectoral crest' 'separated by a gap from the deltopectoral crest', 418 'approximately symmetric' 'medially expanded, being asymmetric', 419 absent present, 420 absent present, 421 'rounded or subtriangular' 'subrectangular or trapezoidal, broad, and short (campylognathoid-like in pterosaurs)' 'trapezoidal, narrow, and long (Dimorphodon-like in pterosaurs)' 'mid-proximally constricted with an expanded and rounded apex (Rhamphorhynchus-like in pterosaurs)', 422 present absent, 423 '0.16-0.18' '0.24-0.49' '0.52-0.55', 424 'moderately large' 'strongly developed', 425 present absent, 426 'foramen present' 'foramen absent, supinator process and groove present' 'supinator process, groove or foramen absent', 427 'ball-shaped structures distinct from the ectepicondyle and entepicondyle' 'absent or incipient', 428 present 'absent, being considerably laterally displaced', 429 'absent or low' 'prominent but lower than its anteroposterior depth at base' 'strongly developed, being higher than its anteroposterior depth at base', 430 'tapering toward its distal end' 'subrectangular or slightly expanded towards its distal end', 431 absent present, 432 '=' 'radius tuber) on the proximal portion' absent present, 433 'rounded and convex' 'squared off where the distal surface is nearly flat', 434 '0.62-0.66' '0.69-0.92' '0.95-0.97' '1.12-1.28' '=' '>1.33', 435 shorter 'longer or subequal', 436 straight 'twisted in lateral view', 437 'unexpanded or poorly anteroposteriorly expanded' 'strongly anteroposteriorly expanded', 438 present absent, 439 present absent, 440 present absent, 441 large 'small or absent', 442 present absent, 443 absent present, 444 'longer than humeral length' 'subequal to shorter than humeral length', 445 '<0.45' '0.54-0.59' '0.69-1.35', 446 overlap 'abut one another without overlapping', 447 '<' '=' '0.33' '0.36-0.45' '0.48-0.53' '0.58-0.64' '0.73-0.75' '>1.00', 448 'absent or shallow and symmetrical' 'deep and asymmetrical', 449 'longer than metacarpal III' 'equal or shorter than metacarpal III', 450 'about the same length or shorter than the last phalanx of the same digit' 'distinctly longer than the last phalanx of the same digit', 451 'blunt on at least digits II and III' 'trenchant on digits I-III', 452 'shorter than the first phalanx of manual digit II' 'longer than the first phalanx of manual digit II', 453 five four 'three or less', 454 'completely closed' 'perforated, slightly concave, straight or slightly convex' 'perforated, markedly concave', 455 'mainly laterally facing' 'lateroventrally or mainly ventrally facing', 456 absent present, 457 '<' '=' '0.17' '0.21-0.47' '0.54-0.57', 458 absent present, 459 'absent or incipient' 'present, being considerably anteroposteriorly shorter than its dorsoventral height' 'present, being longer than two thirds of its height and not extending beyond the level of the anterior margin of the pubic peduncle' 'present and extending beyond the level of the anterior margin of the pubic peduncle', 460 semicircular 'subtriangular or finger-like' squared, 461 absent 'present and divides the preacetabular process from the postacetabular process' 'confluent with the anterior extent of the preacetabular process', 462 '0.31-0.63' '0.79-1.24' '1.31-1.37' '1.49-1.90', 463 'posterodorsally oriented' 'mainly posteriorly oriented', 464 'not dorsally or laterally rimed by a brevis shelf' 'dorsally rimed by a brevis shelf, but lacking a brevis fossa' 'dorsolaterally rimed by a brevis shelf and with a lateroventrally facing brevis fossa' 'laterally rimed by a brevis shelf and with a ventrally facing brevis fossa', 465 convex 'mostly straight' concave, 466 'lower than 45º' 'equal or higher than 45º', 467 absent 'present, with its dorsal margin settled at 45º or lower to the longitudinal axis of the bone', 468 'irregular, marked by posterodorsal invasion by finished bone' 'roughly circular, no posterodorsal invasion by finished bone', 469 'present and extended ventrally up to or beyond the distal end of the pubic shaft or tubercle' 'present and extended ventrally but not reaching the level of the distal end of the pubic shaft or tubercle' 'present and reduced to a thin proximal contact' absent, 470 absent present, 471 'equal or lower than 0.29' '0.32-0.45' '0.48-0.57' 'equal or greater than 0.60', 472 continuous recessed, 473 prominent 'incipient or absent', 474 anteroventral 'vertical or posteroventral', 475 'plate-like, with approximately constant transverse width anteroposteriorly' 'laterally thickened anterior edge or distinct shaft (' '=' 'pubic tubercle,' 'pectineal tuberosity) that curves posteriorly in lateral view' 'pectineal tuberosity) that is straight in lateral view' 'pectineal tuberosity) with a proximodistally concave anterior surface', 476 'absent, symphysis extended along the ventral margin of the pelvic girdle and visible in lateral view' 'present, symphysis restricted anteriorly and obscured by the pubic shaft in lateral view', 477 '0.27-0.59' '0.77-0.97' '1.12-1.28' '1.48-1.94', 478 absent present, 479 'unexpanded or gently expanded anteroposteriorly' 'sharply expanded anteroposteriorly, forming a distinct pubic boot', 480 'nearly as broad as the proximal width' 'significantly narrower than the proximal width', 481 '1.04-1.24' '1.55-2.50' '2.72-3.53' '4.25-4.48', 482 'articular surface with the ilium and pubis continuous' 'articular surfaces with the ilium and pubis continuous but separated by a fossa' 'articular surfaces with the ilium and pubis separated by a nonarticulating concave surface', 483 absent present, 484 'restricted to the medial edge' 'extensive contact but the dorsal margins are separated' 'extensive contact and the dorsal margins contact each other', 485 absent present, 486 platelike 'semicircular or subtriangular', 487 'linear posterior margin' 'posterior process extends from posterodorsal ischiadic margin', 488 '<1.02' '1.09-1.56' '1.62-1.74' '1.86-1.96' '>2.05', 489 '<0.80' '0.95-1.01' '1.08-1.32' '1.46-1.80' '1.93-2.00', 490 'well ossified, being flat or convex' 'partially ossified, being concave and sometimes with a circular pit', 491 'not distinctly inturned with respect to the shaft' 'distinctly inturned with respect to the shaft', 492 'anterior (60º-90º)' 'anteromedial (20º-60º)', 493 '=' 'posterolateral portion of the head sensu Nesbitt 2011)' 'limited to the proximal surface of the bone' 'extends under the proximal surface of the bone', 494 'rounded and smooth' 'transverse groove present', 495 '=' 'anteromedial tuber of Nesbitt, 2011) on the femoral head' absent present, 496 'present and small' 'present and largest of the proximal tubera' absent, 497 '=' 'anterolateral tuber of Nesbitt, 2011) on the femoral head' 'present as an expansion' absent, 498 present absent, 499 absent present, 500 smooth notch 'concave emargination', 501 '=' 'lesser or minor trochanter) (' 'iliofemoralis cranialis muscle insertion)' absent 'present and forms a steep margin with the shaft but is completely connected to it' 'present and separated from the shaft by a marked cleft' 'present and approaches the proximal articulation of the bone', 502 absent 'present in mature individuals', 503 'crest-like and with intertrochanteric fossa (' '=' 'internal trochanter), and convergent with proximal end' 'internal trochanter), and not convergent with proximal end' 'crest-like and without intertrochanteric fossa (' 'fourth trochanter), and not convergent with proximal end', 504 'mound-like and rounded' 'sharp flange', 505 'symmetrical, with the proximal and distal margins forming similar low-angle slopes to the shaft' 'asymmetrical, with the distal margin forming a steeper angle to the shaft', 506 'restricted to the proximal half of the shaft and low' 'distally extended beyond mid-shaft and well posteriorly developed', 507 'thickness/diameter >0.3' 'thin, thickness/diameter <0.3 (1)', 508 'diameter constant or widening distally' 'diameter distally narrowed', 509 '0.08-0.11' '0.13-0.24' '0.26-0.36' '0.39-0.41', 510 'prominent, strong dorsoventral expansion (in sprawling orientation) restricted to the distal end' 'not projecting markedly beyond shaft and expand gradually if there is any expansion', 511 'uneven, fibular condyle projecting distally distinctly beyond tibial condyle' 'both condyles prominent distally and approximately at same level' 'both condyles do not project distally (distal articular surface concave or almost flat)', 512 'absent, anterior margin of the bone straight or convex in distal view' 'present, anterior margin of the bone concave in distal view', 513 smooth 'deep groove', 514 'lateral surface is rounded and mound-like' 'lateral surface is triangular and sharply pointed', 515 '0.46-0.55' '0.60-0.65' '0.70-1.30' '=' '>1.35', 516 '=' 'cnemial crest)' 'absent or just a slightly bump' 'present and anteriorly straight' 'present and curved anterolaterally', 517 'convex or flat' depressed, 518 'offset anteriorly from the medial posterior condyle' 'level with the medial posterior condyle at its posterior border', 519 smooth 'with a longitudinal crest (' '=' 'fibular crest)', 520 '=' 'lateral malleolus) on the distal end' absent 'present, distinctly medial or extends laterally approximately at the same level as the anterolateral corner' 'present and extends well lateral to the anterolateral corner', 521 rounded 'distinct proximodistally oriented ridge present', 522 'smooth and featureless' 'dorsoventrally oriented groove or gap', 523 'smooth/rounded' 'proximodistally oriented groove', 524 'round or slightly elliptical' 'transversely compressed', 525 rounded 'tapers to a point and arched anteromedially', 526 'symmetrical or nearly symmetrical' 'posterior part expanded posteriorly', 527 'subequal to transverse width of the tibia' 'distinctly narrower than transverse width of the tibia', 528 'not on a prominent process' 'on a low, distinct tubercle' 'on a hypertrophied tubercle', 529 'near the proximal portion' 'near the midpoint between the proximal and distal ends', 530 'angled anterodorsally (asymmetrical)' 'rounded or flat (symmetrical)', 531 'roughly flat' 'concavoconvex with concavity on the calcaneum' 'concavoconvex with concavity on the astragalus', 532 '=' 'perforating foramen)' present absent, 533 'separated by a non-articular surface' continuous, 534 'margin grades smoothly into anterior hollow' 'prominent ridge separates margin from anterior hollow', 535 'concave, flat or flexed' 'divided into distinct posteromedial and anterolateral basins', 536 '=' 'anterior ascending process)' absent 'present, occupying most of the anteroposterior depth of the astragalus' 'present, restricted to the anterior half of the astragalar depth', 537 'shallow depression' 'reduced to a foramen (' '=' 'extensor canal) or absent', 538 present absent, 539 obtuse acute, 540 'overlaps the anterior and posterior portions of the calcaneum equally' 'posterior corner dorsally overlaps the calcaneum much more than the anterior portion', 541 'poorly defined' 'well defined', 542 'lies completely medial to the fibular facet' 'lies partially ventral to the fibular facet', 543 'calcaneum terminating in unthickened margin' 'roughened tuberosity present laterally', 544 '=' 'expansion of the lateral margin of the bone)' 'absent or incipient' prominent, 545 'lateral, between 0º?35º' 'posterolateral, deflected between 36º?70º' 'posterior, between 71º?90º', 546 'taller than broad' 'about the same or broader than tall' 'just short twice the transverse width of the fibular facet', 547 'rounded and unexpanded' 'flared, dorsally and/or ventrally', 548 'tapering or squared' expanded, 549 absent present, 550 absent present, 551 continuous 'separated by a clear gap' 'separated by a gap with a ventral fossa', 552 'slightly convex or flat' hemicylindrical concave, 553 'connected by a continuous surface' separated, 554 'separated by a non-articular surface' continuous, 555 '0.28-0.33' '0.42-1.22' '>1.50', 556 'present and does not contact tibia' 'present and contacts the tibia' 'absent as a separate ossification', 557 present absent, 558 present absent, 559 'broader than distal tarsal 3' 'subequal to distal tarsal 3', 560 'more than half of the lateral surface of the bone' 'less than half of the lateral surface of the bone', 561 flat 'distinct, proximally raised region on the posterior portion (' '=' 'heel of Sereno and Arcucci, 1994)', 562 present absent, 563 '>1' '<1', 564 'metatarsals diverging from ankle' 'compact, metatarsals I-IV tightly bunched', 565 absent present, 566 '0.20-0.23' '0.29-0.34' '0.37-0.59' '0.62-0.67', 567 'subequal or greater than those of metatarsals II to IV' 'lower than those of metatarsals II to IV', 568 '0.17-0.21' '0.27-0.42' '0.46-0.79' '>0.90', 569 'smooth or slight ridge' 'distinct, rugose ridge present', 570 '0.49-0.85' '0.90-1.02' '1.06-1.15', 571 'less than or equal to the midshaft diameter of the metatarsals I-IV' 'more than the midshaft diameter of metatarsal I', 572 'subequal to that of metatarsal III' 'lower than that of metatarsal III', 573 '0.80-1.00' '1.04-1.08' '1.11-1.28' '1.31-1.34', 574 'broader than deep (nearly symmetrical)' 'broad as deep or deeper than broad (asymmetrical)', 575 absent present, 576 'absent, articular face for distal tarsal 4 aligned to the medial margin of the shaft' 'present, with a gradually medially curved proximal process' 'present, with a sharply medially flexed proximal process and, as a result, the metatarsal acquires a L-shape in dorsal or ventral view', 577 'absent, smooth curved margin' 'present, prominent pointed process', 578 absent present, 579 absent present, 580 '0.64-0.77' '0.81-0.83' '0.87-1.44', 581 'present and ''fully'' developed first phalanx' 'present and ''poorly'' developed first phalanx' absent, 582 '0.30-0.85' '1.13-3.60', 583 'subequal or shorter than other non-ungueal phalanges' 'metatarsal-like, considerably longer than other non-ungueal phalanges', 584 'lateral and medial sides parallel or near parallel' 'lateral and medial sides converging anteriorly', 585 'weakly transversely compressed, rounded and triangular in cross-section' 'dorsolaterally compressed' 'strongly transversely compressed, with a sharp dorsal keel', 586 'absent or small' 'well developed and extended ventral to the articular portion of the ungual', 587 absent 'present, one row' 'present, two rows' 'present, more than two rows', 588 absent present, 589 absent present, 590 absent 'longitudinal keel, extending along all or most of the anteroposterior length of the osteoderm as a transversely compressed flange' 'blunted, anteroposteriorly restricted eminence', 591 thin 'very thick', 592 'one to one (includes pairs)' 'more than one osteoderm', 593 staggered 'one to one', 594 'square-shaped, about equal dimensions' 'longer than wide' 'wider than long', 595 absent present, 596 'straight or rounded' 'with a distinct anterior process', 597 absent present, 598 absent present, 599 absent 'present, scattered, not forming a carapace' 'present, forming a carapace', 600 'consist of a single body in one plane (could contain a lateral notch)' 'has a separate posterolateral process positioned dorsal and posterior to the main body of the sacral rib', 601 'smoothly transversely convex' 'with a distinct, longitudinal sharp ridge', 602 'nearly straight or slightly concave' 'distinct notch (' '=' 'dorsal expansion) between the posterior and anterior ends', 603 'smooth surface or a small depression' 'well defined proximodistally oriented scar extending from the posterior portion of the condyle well proximally', 604 'gently rounded' 'distinct ridge paralleling the shaft', 605 absent present, 606 'longer than broad' 'broader than long', 607 '< 50% of the midline length' '> 50% of the midline length', 608 rounded 'forming a marked angle', 609 'ectopterygoid, palatine, and maxilla' 'ectopterygoid and palatine only', 610 smooth 'slot for the premaxillary process', 611 present absent, 612 'confluent with the lateral surface of the bone' 'deeply inset from the lateral surface of the bone', 613 absent 'present but not reaching the anterior half of the maxilla' 'present and reaching the anterior half of the maxilla', 614 'posterior border of maxillae curves gentle towards the jugal' 'posterior border of maxillae curves strongly towards the jugal so that the posterior teeth face posteroventrally', 615 'enlarged teeth with each longitudinal row formed by reduced number of teeth' 'reduced teeth with each longitudinal row formed by great number of teeth', 616 'restricted to caudal half of the maxilla' 'extending to the anterior half of maxillary length', 617 'medially oriented, perpendicular to maxillary medial wall' 'ventrally directed parallel to maxillary medial wall', 618 'crest-shaped' 'cushion-shaped', 619 'two rows and scattered teeth' 'three or more tooth rows', 620 'four or more tooth rows' 'fewer than four tooth rows', 621 present absent, 622 minimal 'extensive contact of the jugal anterior process', 623 absent present, 624 'lower than half the maximum height of the orbit' 'equal or higher than half of the maximum height of the orbit', 625 absent present, 626 'mainly dorsal to posterodorsal in an angle higher than 45º' 'strongly posterodorsally oriented in an angle equal to or lower than 45º', 627 'flat or slightly concave' 'deeply concave', 628 absent present, 629 'frontal longer than parietal' 'parietal longer than frontal', 630 'postfrontal forms broad contact with midline skull elements, without bifurcation' 'postfrontal bifid, fitting broadly across both parietal and frontal', 631 'visible in dorsal view' 'hidden in dorsal view', 632 'not expanded laterally at midlength' 'expanded laterally at midlength', 633 'strong posterolateral angling' 'roughly transverse', 634 'not anteriorly curved' 'anteriorly curved', 635 'approximately vertical (ca. 90°) or slightly anterodorsally to posteroventrally oriented in an angle higher than 60º' 'moderately anterodorsally to posteroventrally slanted in an angle between 60° and 40º' 'strongly anterodorsally to posteroventrally slanted in an angle lower than 40º', 636 'approximately at level with the upper temporal bar' 'distinctly medially displaced, beyond the level of the lateral border of the supratemporal fenestra', 637 absent present, 638 absent present, 639 absent present, 640 'no or slight dorsal and ventral expansion distally' 'markedly expanded dorsally at the distal ends', 641 'aligned in a nearly anteroposterior plane' 'aligned subvertically', 642 'basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid longer than basioccipital' 'basioccipital longer than basisphenoid/parabasisphenoid', 643 'approximately as wide as long or wider' 'significantly elongated, at least 1.5 times longer than wide', 644 'does not contribute to anterior surface of paroccipital process' 'contributes laterally tapering lamina to the anterior surface of the prootic', 645 'ends well short of the dentary symphysis' 'present through the dentary symphysis', 646 rounded 'tapers to a sharp point', 647 absent 'present and forming one row' 'present and forming more than one row', 648 scattered crowded, 649 absent present, 650 'terminates anterior to the glenoid' 'extends to the glenoid', 651 'without dorsomedial projection posterior to the glenoid fossa' 'with dorsomedial projection separated from glenoid fossa by a clear concave surface' 'with dorsomedial projection continuous with the glenoid fossa', 652 'present as small fine knifelike serrations' 'present and enlarged and coarser (lower density)' '=' denticles, 653 straight 'arc anteriorly', 654 'subequal to the axis centrum' 'longer than the axis centrum', 655 'absent in posterior cervical vertebrae (6?9)' 'present in at least one of the posterior cervical vertebrae (6?9)', 656 'elongate, subequal in length to the neural arch' 'short, spine restricted to posterior half of neural arch', 657 'transversely narrow' 'elliptical or circular', 658 'positioned partially on lateral margin of centrum' 'positioned entirely on neural arch', 659 'anterior portion of the neural arch/centrum' 'anteroposterior middle of the neural arch/centrum', 660 unfused fused, 661 'about the same height as the posterior cervical vertebrae neural spines' '2' '?4 times taller as the posterior cervical vertebrae neural spines' 'more than 4 times taller than the posterior cervical vertebrae neural spines', 662 separate 'coossified at the ventral edge', 663 'does not or weakly articulates with anteriorly directed process (' '=' 'preacetabular process) of the ilium' 'an anterior process of the rib articulates with the anteriorly directed process of the ilium', 664 absent present, 665 'inclined posteriorly' vertical, 666 'crest absent, posterodorsal margin of acetabulum similar in development of anterodorsal margin' 'prominent anterodorsal bony lamina frames the anterodorsal margin of the acetabulum', 667 'mediolaterally thick and rounded' 'mediolaterally thin', 668 'similar anteroposterior thickness as the rest of the pubic apron' 'thickened process', 669 unexpanded 'expanded relative to the ischial shaft (' '=' 'ischial boot)', 670 rounded straight, 671 'obtuse or approximately right angled, crista tibiofibularis not laterally expanded' 'right or acute angle as a result of the lateral expansion of the crista tibiofibularis', 672 'tapers to a point on the medial portion in distal view' 'smoothly rounded in distal view', 673 'less than1/4 the length of the shaft' 'between 1/3 and 1/4 the length of the shaft', 674 absent present, 675 'absent in a minimum of 5 individuals' present, 676 'directly adjacent to alveolar margin' 'lateral process of maxilla present, creating distinct space between maxillary alveoli and posterolateral surface of the maxilla', 677 smooth 'prominent anteroposteriorly oriented ridge present', 678 'similar tooth crown height' 'the upper dentition is shorter relative to the taller lower dentition', 679 'single, pointed crown' 'flattened platform with pointed cusps' 'mesiodistally arranged cusps, tri- to quinticuspid tooth crowns', 680 planar concave convex, 681 absent present, 682 absent present, 683 'lower than two times the height of its respective centrum' 'equal or higher than two times the height of its respective centrum', 684 'nearly the same length' 'posterior caudal vertebrae much longer', 685 'broader than distal portion of clavicle' 'similar in narrowness to the distal portion of the clavicle', 686 'exhibits a curved proximal margin' 'exhibits a prominently angled proximal margin', 687 'squared or rounded' 'subtriangular, tapering posteriorly', 688 'shorter or sub-equal than the more proximal phalanges' 'distinctly longer than the more proximal phalanges', 689 straight 'distinctly convex', 690 absent present, 691 'mainly transverse, it may have a minor anteromedial-to-posterolateral orientation' 'anterolaterally-to-posteromedially oriented, with an angle of 45º or higher to the transverse axis', 692 absent present, 693 'well separated from each other anteriorly, not contributing to the anterior border of the trigeminal foramen (CN V)' 'closely approach or join together to form most or the entire anterior border of the trigeminal foramen (CN V)', 694 'convex or acute, placed anterior or approximately level to the posterior tip of the postzygapophyses' 'acute, posterodorsally oriented apex extending posteriorly beyond the postzygapophysis through a distance equal or longer than the length of the postzygapophysis', 695 'as long as or shorter than the antorbital fenestra' 'longer anteroposteriorly than the antorbital fenestra', 696 'length more than twice the height' 'length twice the height or less', 697 'longer anteroposteriorly than antorbital fenestra' 'equal or shorter anteroposteriorly than antorbital fenestra', 698 'strongly convex' 'approximately straight, slightly sigmoid or concave', 699 'rather straight' 'strongly convex dorsally', 700 '=' 'maxillary process) contact with nasal' 'broad contact' 'point contact' 'no contact', 701 '=' 'posterodorsal process) contact with frontal' absent present, 702 'absent or incipiently visible' present, 703 absent present, 704 '=' 'premaxillary process) in lateral or medial view' 'sub-triangular, shorter and considerably dorsoventrally higher than the posterior process' 'continuously tapering, ending in a pointed end, and as low and long as the posterior process' 'trapezoidal, with an extensive diagonal suture with the premaxilla, and approximately as low as the posterior process', 705 'broad, its base occupies most of the anterior half of the bone' 'very thin, resulting in an external naris separated from the antorbital fenestra by a strap-like bar of bone', 706 straight 'posteriorly arched', 707 absent present, 708 'smooth (continuous to the more ventral area)' 'elevated relative to the ventral surface (sharp longitudinal ridge present) (' '=' 'alveolar ridge)', 709 absent present, 710 'does not envelop part of the anterior process of the lacrimal' 'has a V-shaped notch that receives part of the anterior process of the lacrimal', 711 'does not fold over the posterodorsal part of the antorbital fenestra' 'folds and extends over the posterodorsal part of the antorbital fenestra', 712 'distinctly less than the height of the orbit and usually fails to reach the ventral margin of the orbit' 'approximately as high as the orbit and contacts the jugal at the level of the ventral margin of the orbit', 713 'nearly horizontal to the alveolar margin of the maxilla' 'oblique to the alveolar margin of the maxilla', 714 'straight or forming an angle of more than 180°' 'forming angle of less than 180°', 715 'ventral tine longer than the dorsal one' 'dorsal tine longer than or subequal to the ventral one', 716 'narrower than, or subequal to, the transverse width of the bone on the orbital margin' 'broader than the transverse width of the bone on the orbital margin', 717 'equal to or longer than the posterior process' 'shorter than the posterior process', 718 'longer than the anterior process' 'equal to or shorter than the anterior process', 719 'inclined anteriorly (<90º with respect to the transverse plane of the skull)' 'vertical or subvertical (90-110°)' 'inclined posteriorly (>110°)', 720 'directed laterally or dorsolaterally' 'directed ventrolaterally', 721 'with an incompletely ossified border' 'border entirely ossified such that the ventral ramus of the opisthotic forms a perilymphatic loop incorporating a loop closure suture with itself', 722 'approximately straight or slightly concave' 'deeply concave, with bone at median line anterior to basal tubera', 723 'widely diverging (angle between processes ?35°)' 'narrow (angle < 35°)', 724 'lower than 40% of the height of the cranial endocast at the level of anteroposterior mid-length of the fossa' 'equal to or more than 40% of the height of the cranial endocast at the level of anteroposterior mid-length of the fossa', 725 'rounded, resulting in a finger-like floccular cast in anterolateral view' 'tapering laterally, resulting in a subtriangular floccullar cast in anterolateral view', 726 absent present, 727 'mostly flat or anteroposteriorly convex' 'midbrain with a dorsal eminence and an anteroposteriorly concave surface between hindbrain and forebrain', 728 'ASC is relatively straight, with a course that remains within a vertical plane for its full length' 'ASC bowed posterolaterally so its course deviates from a vertical plane', 729 'PSC is relatively straight, with a course that remains within a vertical plane for its full length' 'PSC bowed anterolaterally so its course deviates from a vertical plane', 730 '<1.05' '1.09-1.14' '1.22-1.35' '1.46-1.60' '1.75-1.89', 731 'ASC and PSC meet in an angle of c. 180°, forming a dorsally convex or essentially flat intersection at the common crus' 'ASC and PSC meet in an angle lower than c. 90º, forming a dorsal embayment' 'ASC and PSC meet in an angle of c. 90º, forming a posterior embayment', 732 'common crus has roughly the same cross sectional area as the semicircular canals' 'common crus is very thick, with a much larger cross sectional area than semicircular canals', 733 'angle is approximately 90°, generally less broad labyrinths' 'angle significantly exceeds 90°, generally low, broad labyrinths', 734 'the posterior section of the LSC is not or only vaguely discernible, because the lateral semicircular duct shares a single osseous cavity, i.e. is confluent with the vestibular cavity and the cavity for the ventral section of the posterior semicircular ca' 'near separated LSC and PSC, most aspects of the canals are visible, including the position of the posterior ampulla, but the ventral surface of the LSC is still confluent with the vestibular cavity' 'LSC (and PSC) are completely separated from the vestibular cavity, and are separated from one another expert for a short intersection segment', 735 'the common crus is positioned centrally on the anteroposterior axis between the anterior semicircular canal and posterior semicircular canal' 'the common crus is positioned posterior to the midpoint of the anteroposterior axis of the labyrinth', 736 '<0.70' '0.78-0.85' '>0.90', 737 '<1.40' '1.53-1.64' '1.85-2.00' '>2.00', 738 '<' '=' '1.16' '>1.20', 739 'anterior and lateral ampullae are close to one another' 'very clear anteroposterior separation of anterior and lateral ampullae', 740 vertical 'posterodorsal, deviating from the vertical plane in an angle higher than 10º', 741 straight 'bowed, anteriorly convex', 742 '<' '=' '1.05' '1.09-1.21' '1.31-1.37' '>1.45', 743 'continuously convex, without distinct apices or depressions' 'with a dorsal projection (coronoid process or surangular dorsal process in pterosaurs) approximately at mid-length between the last tooth position and glenoid fossa', 744 'at level with the dorsal margin of the posterior portion of the dentary' 'ventral to the level of the dorsal margin of the posterior portion of the dentary', 745 absent present, 746 absent present, 747 absent present, 748 'distance between teeth less than mesiodistal diameter of the teeth' 'distance between first two teeth more than mesiodistal diameter of the teeth' 'distance between three or more teeth more than mesiodistal diameter of the teeth', 749 absent present, 750 absent present, 751 'absent, lateral dentary surface smooth' 'present, lateral dentary surface with a posterior shelf bordering an emargination that encompasses half of the dentary length', 752 'anteriorly developed covering more than three-quarters of the length of the dentary' 'reduced to the level of the posterior half of the dentary or bone absent', 753 gomphosis ankylosis, 754 absent present, 755 absent present, 756 present absent, 757 '=' 'cingulum)' absent 'present, crown asymmetric in mesial or distal view', 758 'square or chisel-like' triangular, 759 absent present, 760 'crowns remain relatively same size throughout anterior portion of dentition' 'crowns distinctly decrease in height anteriorly' 'hypertrophied crown or crowns among the first three dentary teeth', 761 'comparable at least to part of maxillary crowns' 'much smaller', 762 vertical 'inclined anteriorly (i.e. procumbent)', 763 'well developed on a distinct peduncle' 'reduced to a low, mound-like structure or absent', 764 absent present, 765 'higher than posterior articular facet of the centrum' 'lower than posterior articular facet of the centrum' 'depressed down onto, or even confluent with, the centrum', 766 'vertical or posterodorsally canted, with the top of the neural spine aligned with the parasagittal plane' 'distinctly anterodorsally canted, with the top of the neural spine anterodorsally oriented and parallel anterior and posterior margins of the neural spine', 767 absent present, 768 'anteroposteriorly short not roofing the space between ribs' 'anteroposteriorly long, roofing the space between ribs', 769 circular 'C-shaped', 770 absent present, 771 'flat bone continuously tapering posteriorly and ventrally' 'with an elongated and broad posteroventral shaft, flattened at midshaft' 'with a strut-like posteroventral shaft, slender and cylindrical at midshaft', 772 'less than 2/3 length of scapula' '2/3 or more length of scapula', 773 straight sigmoid, 774 'scarcely or moderately anteriorly developed' 'hypertrophied anteriorly and with a proximal apex close to the level of the humeral head', 775 absent present, 776 'less than 0.30' '0.30-0.60', 777 'ulnare and radiale as different, separate ossifications' 'single proximal carpal ossification (' '=' 'proximal syncarpal)', 778 'subequal to other distal carpals' 'distinctly larger than other distal carpals', 779 'approximately aligned or slightly offset' 'lateral condyle strongly distally extended relative to medial condyle', 780 'metacarpal II shorter than metacarpal III' 'metacarpal II equal to or longer than metacarpal III', 781 'lower than 0.35' 'equal to or greater than 0.35', 782 'less than 0.35' 'more than 0.35', 783 'distinctly narrower than that of metacarpals I-III' 'approximately the same width as that of metacarpals I-III' 'two times or more broader than that of metacarpals I-III', 784 absent present, 785 'accounts for less than 0.4 of the total length of humerus plus radius' 'accounts for more than 0.4 of the total length of humerus plus radius', 786 absent present, 787 'not the longest non-ungual phalanx of the manus' 'longest non-ungual phalanx of the manus', 788 'one or more phalanges' 'no phalanges', 789 similar 'manual unguals twice the size, or more, of pedal unguals', 790 'shorter than two times' 'two times higher or more', 791 'less than 0.5' '0.5 or more', 792 'not expanded anteroposteriorly' 'expanded anteroposteriorly', 793 'above the acetabulum' 'posteriorly displaced', 794 'straight or concave' 'convex or with a ventrally pointing projection', 795 absent present, 796 straight 'laterally curved', 797 'complete, reaches the distal edge of the pubis' 'forms a medial hiatus on the distal portion (bevel)', 798 absent present, 799 rounded 'hook-shaped', 800 rounded straight, 801 rounded angled, 802 'not distinct or developed as a rugose scar' 'distinct, crest-like', 803 smooth 'distinct scar orientated mediolaterally', 804 rounded 'squared off near 90° or acute', 805 absent present, 806 absent present, 807 'subequal to or smaller than the lateral condyle' 'larger than the lateral condyle and globular', 808 absent present, 809 'separated by a shallow notch' 'separated by a deep groove', 810 'anteroposteriorly longer, rounded or subquadrangular (approximately as wide as long)' 'mediolaterally expanded', 811 absent 'present (it receives the anteromedial process of the astragalus)', 812 'subequal in length to the tibia' 'less than 80 percent the length of the tibia', 813 'absent or poorly developed' 'expanded into a distinctly raised posterior ascending process', 814 'continuous to the medial articulation surface' 'markedly rimmed and elliptical fossa (separated by a ridge or step from the medial surface)', 815 'equal more than 0.3 of the transverse width of the bone' 'less than 0.3 of the transverse width of the bone' 'vertical (no horizontal platform)', 816 'separated from the anterior surface of the astragalar body by an oblique slope' 'separated from the anterior surface of the astragalar body by a platform', 817 'proximodistally compressed and subtriangular, with short medial process' 'transversely compressed and subrectangular, without or with incipient medial process', 818 blunt pointed, 819 absent 'distinct in the anteroposterior middle of the element' 'distinct on the anteromedial corner of the element', 820 narrow 'expanded, overlapping the anterior surface of metatarsal V', 821 straight 'laterally curved at the distal end', 822 'metatarsal V equal to or longer than 50% of metatarsal III' 'metatarsal V shorter than 50% of metatarsal III', ; MATRIX 'Petrolacosaurus kansensis' 0000110000 010-000010 1000000200 000100---0 0(12)10000-0- -10---0--- 0--000-000 1000400000 -0-000--00 00000-0000 0-?03?0100 001101-000 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'Youngina capensis' ?0000-0000 010-000011 ?000000101 00?11110-0 1300000-1- -00---0-0- 0--00??000 1000410000 -0-010--?? 10100-1001 0000000000 001101-000 0100100-10 0001010100 0000200010 020001101- 0-01000000 000002000? -000000001 0000010010 1000?00100 0110010000 11001000-1 000002-000 0010100?-- 0000000-00 0-00?010?(01) 10-0-?0000 110?000000 10?0001001 0(01)0(01)000?00 00?0000000 --0??0???? 0000000100 000-00-0?1 1000000000 001-001?00 ?11(01)010000 1201000100 ?0?0002000 0-?0000100 0110000000 0?1101000- 00?11100?0 0110101000 000000100- 0000011100 101020-00- 0010000120 00000-0100 ??0000?001 11?0200?00 ??????0??1 000000???? 0000------ -000100001 0000120(12)00 002?001000 01000010-0 01-200-000 ?0?000000? 00-------- 00-0000000 -000000000 -000?0??-? ?-0?????0? 00?011--00 00?0?0?001 000?1000-0 00-?---102 0010----0- -000-11110 ?00??-???? ?????????? ??00000000 00000-?-0? 0??00?-0?0 00000-0000 001?1?0000 00-?00-0-1 01?000000? 000?1-0000 00 'Paliguana whitei' ??000-00?? ??0-?000?? ?0???????? ?????????0 ?????????- ???--????? ?--??????? 1?????0??? ??-0??--?? ?0100-?00? ?????????0 0??10?00?? 10000?0100 00010????? ???10?00?? ?????2-??- ????000002 -1??22?0?? ?0???????? 0????????? 2????????? ?????????? ??????0??? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0-?? 0-?0??00?? ???????00? ??0?0????? ?????????? ?200000??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????000?? ?????????? ??-0?0?000 -000?0???? ?????0??-? ?-???????? ?????????? ?????0??0? ?????????? 00??---10? ?????-?-0? ??0??1??1? ?????????? ?????????? ???10??00? ???0?-?-?? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Planocephalosaurus robinsonae' 0?000-0000 000-0000?0 1000000201 000100---0 0210?00-?- -10---1001 1--000-000 1000300000 -0-020--?? 00001-00-1 0010?00000 0101010000 1100020000 0001000010 001010000- -----2-10- 0-0100?002 -10022000? 00?0000011 01012-0000 2000?0???0 ?????????? 0??01010-1 0??0?0?000 ????110??? ????????02 0-?02200?0 0110-0000- -2010000-0 11????1301 020(01)000?00 00?0000000 --??1?001? 000?00?1?? ?0??00?00? 2?00000010 101?001?00 ?1111???00 ??00000011 0100102000 0-101?01?? 0??0???0?? ???100???? ?????????? ?????????? ???000?00- 01001011-1 ?00000-0-- 10???01??? ?0???-???0 000000?0?1 ????????0? ?????????? -1000001?? 1?00------ -0?0?????? ?????????? ????01111? ?????????? ?????????0 ?00?100000 00-------- 0--0000001 -000-00??? ?00??00--- 0-?????000 000??1--0? ??00?00001 000?100?-0 -0?0---10- 0-100-0-0- --00-11-1? ?00??????? ?????????? ??00000000 01100-0-01 01000?-0?0 000??????? ?????????? 01?-0?-??1 01000?000? 000?(01)--??? ?? 'Gephyrosaurus bridensis' 0?00110000 010-0000?0 0000000101 000100---0 0110?00-1- -10---1000 1--000-000 1000500000 -0-020--00 00001-00-1 0000-00000 0111000000 1100020000 0001000101 00000000(01)0 00--02-10- 0-0100?0?2 -10021000? 0000000011 01011-0010 200010???0 ???????000 0??01010-1 0000?0?000 ??10110?01 ????????02 0-00020010 011(12)110000 1201001010 1100??1201 0200010?00 00?00000?? ????1000?0 0000000000 ?0??00?00? 3001000010 101?001?00 11011?0??0 1(01)0?0?01?0 110???200? 0-100001?? 0??0???0?? ???100???? ?????????? ?????????? ???0?0?00- 0?000001-1 ???000-1-- ???0000??0 0?0?????00 001000?0?1 ????????0? ????0?000? -100000?0? 1?00------ -0?0?????0 0????????? ????11111? (01)??1?1???? ?????????0 ?0?0100000 00-------- 0--0000001 -000?00??? 00??100--1 0-??001000 ?000?1--00 ??00?00001 00??10??-0 10??---10- 0-100-0-0- -000-11??? ??0??????? ?????????? ??01000000 01000-0-0? 0??00?-0?0 000??????? ?????????1 00?-0?-?-1 010??????? ?000(01)--00? ?? 'Cteniogenys sp' 0?10100010 ??0-??00?? ?00?(01)??(34)?0 00?000---0 0(12)00??0-0- -10--?1(01)10 1--000-000 10004?0??? ??-010--01 00000-0001 00?00?1-00 00-102-00? 10010?0-00 0001?????? ?0???0??10 ?3??1??00- 0-2-?0?0?2 -???130?00 00101?000? 0??01000?? ?0??10???0 ??2????000 0??010?100 0000?0?000 ?0?0120?01 ?0??????00 0-?0?01000 ?11???0000 1????0???? ???????001 0000100?10 1??00000?? ???002???? 000?????0? ?????????1 10010????? ?????????? ???0????00 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????00000 00?1111-1? 00???????? ?????????? ???0?0?00- 0?000101?? ?????????? ?????????0 0?000-0100 000000???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?(01)???00000 00-------- 0--0000011 00???????? 000?000--? ?-??????0? ?0???1???0 ?????00001 ?????0??00 1???---?0- --100-?-0? -000-0???? ??1??????? ?????????? ????00?000 00000-0-?? 0??0??-??? ???0?????? ?????????? 01??????-1 01???????? ?????????? ?? 'Simoedosaurus lemoinei' 0?100-0010 200-000030 ?000011?0? 000--0---0 0301?00-0- -?0---1000 1--000-000 00005101?0 -0-010--?? 00000-00-1 1000201-00 00-102-000 2--1000-00 0001100001 0000000110 020022-00- 0-2-101102 -1001?0100 ?01010000? 0100--0011 0000101100 0120010100 0101101101 000000-000 0010120?01 ?000-0??00 0-00010000 110(12)010000 1100000010 1010???001 0100000?10 1000000010 (01)-10000000 1000000100 000-???001 0001000000 001-?01110 10-0?1000? 1?11000111 0100002000 0-?0110101 0??0010001 00111(01)00(12)1 000?110??? ?????????? ???000?000 0110000100 ?01000-0-- ?000000??0 0000000100 001000?011 1001?00100 000000?0?0 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0000?000?0 00-------- 00-000001- -000010000 ?00?100--1 0-0?011010 00??11--00 0100?00?01 000?100??0 -0-0---10- --100-0-0- -001-011?1 00???-???? ?????????? ??01000000 00000-0-?? 0?1010-000 0000?????? ?????????(01) 00-000-0-1 0100000001 00???????? ?? 'Aenigmastropheus parringtoni' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 010111000(02) ?????????? ???000?1?? ?????????1 ???100?000 ?0???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???1110020 00???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0?0???1? 0????????? ?????????1 00???0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???01?0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Protorosaurus speneri' ?0000-0200 010-000011 ??00000201 00?10110-0 ?300?00-1- -10---10?? ?--00??000 1000410000 -0-01?--00 00000-0000 ??00-00000 000100-0?? 0000000-00 00010001?1 00000000?? ?????2-(01)0- 0-(012)?10000? ?10012?00? 0?0??200?? ???(01)?????? ??????010? 0110010??? ??????1??? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 0-?0?20000 10-(12)010000 020000?000 10?????001 0(01)00000?10 0101111020 --0?0(01)0011 ?1000(01)?100 110310?211 0?10001001 0010101?00 00-000000? 1000000110 11?0001101 0-?0000000 ?0110?0000 001111010- ??01100000 0101202?00 010????0(01)? 0?000???00 1?1?20-?0- ????0011?0 0?0??-???0 ??0000?110 1???20???0 00???010?? 00000001?? 0000------ -000100000 01001(02)0200 00(023)?11100(01) 0100000--- -------000 ??0?0000?0 00-------- ?0-0000000 0000?0?0?0 ?????00--1 ?-01000000 0???0?--0? ??00?00001 ?000?0?0-0 00?0---??2 0?100-0-0? -000?00?1? ?????????? ?????????? ??0000?000 0?000-0-00 00?0100000 -0?00-0000 001?10000? ???0?0-0-1 01????0001 000?1-0000 0(01) 'Amotosaurus rotfeldensis' 0-?0100??? ??????10?? ??(01)0?0???? ?????????? 0110?00-?? ??0???1110 ???00??000 ?0004????? ???0?????? ?0000?00?0 ?000-00?0? 001?0????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????2000? ?000--0010 2????????? ?????????? ???0?????? ???0?0?0?? ??1?000??? ????????00 0-00?200?0 10-0-?0000 ??0000???0 ??????1001 01001?0110 01?1100?00 --1???1112 210??0?10? 111-1??211 (12)00?001??0 011-(01)01000 111??20??? ?01?001100 00?0001000 0-???????? ?1??0?0000 ?1?0??1-1? 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'Tanystropheus longobardicus' 0-000-0200 010-0(01)1001 ?000001200 00?0020000 010??00-0- -00---1110 1--000-300 1000310001 -0-010--00 00100-0001 ?000-00010 0011100001 110(01)01000(01) 0001000-10 01-----00- -----??11- 0-0(02)1000?2 -10011000? 0?0002(01)101 0005-2-010 200??00101 01?00??0?0 0?00??01?1 0????????? 0?1?000?11 ??10-?0-00 0-?0020000 10-0-10000 1200000000 10?01110(01)1 (01)(012)0010(01)110 0101111000 --2?011113 2100101110 111-11?212 ?200001000 011-101000 10-10(123)1000 10110011(01)0 00?0001000 0-10???0?0 ?0110??000 01?0111-0- 0?0(01)100001 1101001010 0010?01011 021120(01)1-1 101100-0-- 10??001121 00000-0100 000000?110 110120???0 00???000?1 00000001?? 1010------ -000121100 01111202?1 000?011102 0110000--- -------000 ??0?000000 00-------- 0?-0000000 ?000-000?0 ?00?000--0 0-01100010 000?01--00 00001000(02)1 00001010(01)? ??-0---110 0-100-0-0- -000-00-1? ?????????? ?????????? ??01000000 0?000-0-00 01100000?0 -1?00-0-00 0010000000 001-0?-0-1 01000000?1 000?1-0000 01 'Langobadisaurus pandolfii' ?000?????0 ??0-?010?(01) (01)?00011?00 ??0??(12)0??0 ?5--?00-?- -0?--?1??? ?--????010 10001????? ??-010--?? ?000?-??0? ?????????0 0??1?????? (01)??00?0??? ?00??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0??????? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????2 0-??(12)20??? ?????110(01)? ?20??00??? ??????0(012)11 020(01)??1??0 01??????00 --1??????2 ?10????1?? 110-11?11? ?????1??00 ???-10?000 1111030??0 ?0???????? ?????????? ???0??00?? ??1?0??00? ???01?1-0? ???(01)100??? ???10?0?00 0000????11 ?11??00?-1 001100-0-- ?0???0112? 0????????0 ??0?00?10? ????2????? ?0????1??1 00?????1?? 00?0------ -0001(01)1100 011112020(01) 00(01)?011112 01100?0--- -------00? ?0??0?00?0 00-------- ??-0?????? ?????????? ?????10--? ?-0??0??0? ?000??--0? ???0?0?022 ???010000? ????---??? ???00-?-0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??00000000 0?00?-?-00 00?010?0?0 ???00-0??0 001?0?0000 ???-0?-0-1 01???????? ?00?0?0000 01 'Tanytrachelos ahynis' ???00-(01)0?? ??0-?0?0?? ??0?????0? ?????(12)???? ??????0-?- ???--?1??? ?--00??0?? 100?(345)?0??? ?0-01?--?? ?0100-0011 ?000?00??? ?0?10000?? 01000(12)0??0 0?0??0???? ?????????? ???????00- ??(01)2?????? ??0?1????? ????0(012)0??? ?????????? 2????????0 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 0-???2???0 ??????000? ?(12)??????0? ??????1001 0200000?10 01??????00 --2??(12)1?1(01) ?10?1??10? 110-11?11? ?0???01??? 0??-101000 10-1011??? ?01??0?100 ???0001??? 0-???????? ?0110??100 0??0111-0? 0??0100??? ???1000?10 0110????10 01110001-1 0???00-0-- ?????01121 0????????? ??0????1(01)? ????(012)????? ??????1??? ?0???0???? ?011000100 00001211?? ?1011(23)0(23)?(02) 00(012)?010??2 0?1?0?0--- -------00? ?0??0000?? 00-------- ??-0?0?000 ?0???????? ?????0???? ?-0(01)?00??1 ?000?1--0? ???010?002 ???0?010?? ????---??? 0??00-?-0? ???1-11??? ?????????? ?????????? ????00??00 0?00???-0? 0??010?0?? -1?00-0?0(01) 001?0?0000 00--??-0-1 01???????? 000??-0000 01 'Jesairosaurus lehmani' 0?000-00?? ??0-?000(123)1 ?000?01?0? ?????????? ?100?00-?- ?10--?1000 ?--00??000 10003????? ??-010--?? 00001-00-1 0000-00??? ?01101-0?? 0000020-11 00?1000-00 00000000?? ???????01- 0-00?000?2 -10?12?00? 0?????00?? 0?00--0010 2?????0?0? ?11??????? ???0??1??1 ???0?0?0?? ?????????? ????????00 0-00?210?0 10-0-???00 020000??00 1??????(01)01 010???01?0 0??10?0?00 --(01)??(12)0000 ????00?1?? ??0-?????2 00(01)000???(01) 001-10?00? ???1?100?? ?00?010011 ???0002??0 0-10110001 ?1?10??0?0 ???0101-?? ?????????? ?????????? ????0??0(12)(01) 0?10000100 -01100-0-- ?0?0?00??? 0????????? ??----?0?? ????(012)????? ???1?110?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0--- -------00? ?????000?0 00-------- ?--0010000 -000?000?0 ?00??0??-0 ?-0??0010? 0?0?01--0? ???0?0?00? 000?100?0? 00??---?0? ??100-?-0? -0??-00?01 ?1???????? ?????????? ????0????0 00000-?-0? ?????1-0?? 000??????? ?????????0 01-000-0-? 00???????? ?0???????? ?? 'Pamelaria dolichotrachela' 0?000-0110 ??0-0(01)10(01)? ??(01)??01??0 ???--20??0 ?20??00-?- ???---111? ?--00??0?? 10003????? ?0-010--?? 00000-001? 0?00-00000 10?00?0?00 00000001?1 00010????0 0??????11? ?????2-0?- ????101002 -10?120011 110000011? 0??1?-?0?? ????0?0100 011?0?0100 ?100111100 00?11?1000 0010000??? 0?1?????02 0-00121100 10-0-01000 ?110???0?0 1?00???10? 0211000?10 0101111010 0-100100?1 2100000100 110-?1??11 00(01)0111101 001-001000 11010??000 2?11100110 01?0000010 0-?0?????? ??11100010 0011110100 01011000?0 0??1100001 1?00001010 0110000110 1000102000 1000100111 00000-0100 000000?020 0101200100 0001001110 2001000000 0011000001 0000110000 0??01202?0 0020120??? ???1010--- -------0?0 000000000? 00-------- 0?-00000?0 0000?000?0 ?00?100--? 000100000? 000001--00 0000?00?01 0000?0100? 10?0---?0? ????0-0-0? -0?0?01??? ??0??????? ?????????? ???1000000 0010??0??(02) 0??010000? -000???0?0 00100???00 011-011?-1 0100000001 00000-0000 ?? 'Azendohsaurus madagaskarensis' 0?000-0110 010-011011 2000001100 001--20000 0200?00-0- -10---11(01)0 0--100-000 10002?000? -0-01?---- 00000-0011 0000-00??0 10110002?? 0000000111 0001000?0? 0000000110 00-01??000 0-02111002 -10?120010 1100020111 1?02-10010 1000000101 0011020100 0101110100 00?11211?? ??10?0??1? 0?11??1000 0-00220010 10-0-10000 ?1??01?100 10?0111101 0221001?10 0101111000 --1010001(01) 21001?0100 110-11?(12)11 0000101101 001-100000 00-1010000 1111100011 0100001010 0-?0000101 0?11100000 0011110110 01(01)??00000 010??02011 110000?020 011000(01)110 2000111000 ?0?0100??0 0000000100 001000?020 0101?00100 000100?0?0 2001000000 0011000000 0000110000 01?01?0200 0010120102 0101010--- -------000 0000001000 00-------- 0?-0010000 00000000?0 110?100--0 0101100011 000001-000 0000?01101 100010100? 00?0---10? --100-0-0? -010-00-10 00???0???? ?????????? ???1000000 0?10000100 011011?000 -0000-0000 ??10?000?0 0(01)1-001?-1 0100000001 00000-0000 00 'Azendohsaurus laaroussi' 0???????10 ??0-?????? ??0?????0? ??1??2???? 0????0???- ?10--?1110 ?--??0-000 ?000(23)????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 ???0220010 ??????000? ?????????? ???????101 0221001??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0110? ?????????? ?????????? ?-100-?-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????0??000 0?100?0100 01???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Shringasaurus indicus' 0?0?0-0110 010-?????1 ?0???011(01)1 001--2000? 0200?0???- ??0--?1??? ?--????(02)?? ?000(23)?00?0 -0-010--?? ?????-???? ??????0??0 0010000000 000??????? ?????????? ?0??????1? ???????001 0-??11?0?? ???0120?10 11?002?1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????(01) ?1?111?100 01?11011?? ?0?0000??? ?????????2 0-??????1? ???0-??00? ?????????? ???????1?? 0221000?10 0101111020 --???10??0 1100100100 0001?1??11 0000111101 0014?01000 10-1??0000 2?1?10?011 010??01010 10?00001?1 0?11100010 0021110110 0?0???0??? ?????????? ???000?010 011010(01)11? ?000(12)1???? ?000?0???1 0000000100 001000?020 0????00100 00010010?0 2?01000000 0????????? ?????????? ???01????? ?????????? ???1??0--- -------000 000000?0?? 00-------- ??-???00?? ?010?????? ?10??0???? ?101100000 000?01-000 0000?00101 111?001?0? ???0---100 --1??-?-00 -????0???? ?00??????? ?????????? ????00?000 ??10000??(02) 0??0110000 -000?????? ?????????0 0(01)?-00??-1 01?0000001 00001-???? ?? 'Trilophosaurus buettneri' ??000-0200 010-0(01)010? 21001-1200 010?02000? 150-000-0- 010---1010 1--10??010 10002?1000 -0-010--?? ?0001-00-? 0?-?--0010 10110000?? 01000201?0 0001010-10 01-----11? -?-??2-00- 0-??101002 -10012001? 100???1-1? ??1----0?? ????1?0101 001?030100 0101111100 00?1101000 ??1?000?11 ????????22 0-102200?0 ?????11000 1111000100 ?0?0111101 0202000?10 0100011000 --0?110000 21001?1100 010-01??11 (01)000-11000 001-001000 00-1010000 12000(01)0111 0100002010 0-10000001 1?11000011 0011110110 010110000? 0001102001 110000(23)00- 0110(01)00100 101000-1-- 1000000120 0000100100 001000?010 0001200100 00010010?0 2000000??0 0011000000 0000110000 01001202?0 002?120??0 0101010--- -------000 00000010?0 00-------- 0--10-0000 0000-00000 010??10--1 0-01100110 000001--00 0000?10012 0011111100 00?0---000 00100-0-0- -0???01?00 000??0???? ?????????? ??01000000 00100-1-00 00?0(01)1-000 00000-0000 0010101000 00-000-?-1 0100000001 00000-0000 00 'Spinosuchus caseanus' 0?000-01?? ??0-?001?? ?10??????? ?????????? ??????0-?- ??0--??0?? ?--????0?? (01)0002????? ?0-0?0--?? ?0001-00-? ??-?--0?00 ?0?00??0?? ?100000??0 00010?0-?0 0???-??11? -??????0?0 0-2-10???? ??0????0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????22 0-?022???0 ??????1000 ?????0??0? ???????10? 0202000?10 0101111000 --0?11???0 21001?1100 ??0??1???1 (01)000-11?0? 001-?010?0 ?0-?0??300 ????0????? ??????20?0 0-???????? ???1000001 0011110110 010????00? ??????2??? ?1?0?0?010 0100?001(01)? ?01000-1-- ??????0??0 0000000100 000000?0?0 0001?00100 000??????? 2000000000 0011000000 00001????? 0???1????? ???0?????? ???1?10--- -------??0 ?00?0??1?? 00-------- ??-?0-?0?? ?00?-0???? ??????0--? ?-0?100110 00??01--?0 0000?10012 0111?1?1?? ?0??---00? ??1??-?-0? ?????0??0? ?????????? ?????????? ???????000 0?100?1-?0 00?0(01)?00?? 0?00??000? ?????000?0 00??00-?-1 0100000001 0?000-0000 0? 'Teraterpeton hrynewichorum' ??000-0000 010-00010(12) 20000-141? ?000010000 ?5--??0-?- -10---1010 ?--00??010 1000310000 -0-0?1--?? 10000-00-0 00-0--0100 10110100?? 0000020100 0?01010-?0 0001-0011- ----12-01- ????101??2 -10011001? 0???0?01?? ?????????? ???0??0101 011?0????? 0?????010? ???0?????? 001??????? ??1???0?00 ?????2?0?? 1????1100? ?10??0?10? 10????0101 0200001?1? 00??????00 --???00?10 200?1?010? 000-11??1? ??????1?00 ???-10?10? 00-0?30??? ?(01)??(01)??011 ?1????2??? 0-?0?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????1 0???0?1020 00100001-1 1??120-000 1??0?00??? 0???????00 ??0000??10 ????2????? 00????1??? ?????????? ??110????? ?????1???? 0???1(01)02?0 002?02010? ??????0--- -------0?0 ????0000?? 00-------- 01-0000000 ?000-0?0?0 ?????????? 0-??00??00 ??0??1--0? ??0??0?011 ????1??000 00??---102 0?110-?-00 -001-01?00 ?????????? ?????????? ??00??0??0 0?100-1-0? 0??011?00? 00???????? ????????00 01--00-?-1 01???????? 00????0000 01 'Noteosuchus colletti' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? 0???????0(01) ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 0000??1??? 001?0?1000 111?0200?0 ?0???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0????000 01??0?2?01 00?0??100- 0110(01)00100 10??2????0 1??0?00??1 00000-0100 000000?020 1101200100 000??01??? 200?000?00 0011000000 0000?(01)0000 01?01201?0 002?12010? 0?000?0--- -------000 ?00?0????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????000 00-1??--00 0000?????? ??0????0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ????0-0000 ??1??00000 00-0???0-1 0100000001 0000?-0000 00 'Mesosuchus browni' 0000100110 210-011010 1000201111 001--20001 0400000-0- 010---1000 1--0010010 1010-00000 -0-010--01 00000-0101 0000-00000 00100001?? 1010100100 0101000000 0000100010 00-0200101 0-00101002 -100120000 0000110000 0000000011 2010110100 011112010? 0101101101 00?0101000 001010001? ??11000-00 0-00?000?0 1????00210 0210110010 100?110101 0-00010?10 01?0000000 --1?010010 110010?100 000-1???11 0000?01??1 001-001000 1101020(23)?? 00000(01)0111 00?0001000 0-10100001 001??????? ???1111-0- 00??10000? ??0??0200? ?0?0002010 01000011(01)0 101010-000 0000?00??1 00000-0100 000000?020 1101200100 00010?10?1 200?0000?0 0011000000 0000110000 01?0120100 002?120?0? 0?00000--- -------000 ?000000000 00--0----- 00-0000000 0000000000 000?000--1 0-00110000 000101--00 0000?00001 0000000000 0001---100 --100-0-0- -000-01-00 000000?012 1000100010 1200000?00 001------(02) 0??000-000 -0?0??00?0 ?01????0?0 00-00?-0-1 0100000001 ?000?-0000 00 'Howesia browni' 0?00100210 ?????(01)10(01)? ?00??????? ?????????1 ?????????? ??????1??? 1??00??1?? 1111-?0100 ?0?010???? 00000?010? 0000-00000 001000-100 1010?00-00 0?01000?00 000000?0?? ?????0?10- 0-1??0?0?2 -1?0120?0? 0?0???000? 0(01)00100010 2010010100 ?1?11??1?? 0???101??? 00?0?0?000 ??1?000??? ??????0-?(01) 0-???????? ???????21? ?21??0?01? ?0?????10? 0-00010?1? 0????????? ????0(12)001? ?????????? ?????????? 0?00??1??1 ????0??000 ?101??0(12)0? 0011??00?0 00??0010?? ???01001?? ???1?????? ???01????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0?0?010 0100000100 ?01020-000 10???00??? 0?000-0??0 000000?0?0 11?1?00100 000?0010?1 200?00?0?0 00110?0000 0000110000 01?01?0??? 00??120??? 0?0???0--- -------??0 ?00000000? 00--0----0 0??0000000 0000???0?0 ?00?????-? 0-?????000 ?0?001--00 00?0?0?00? 0?????0??0 00?0???10? ????????0? ???0-01??? ?00??????? ?????????? ??0??????? ??1--?---? ??1????0?0 ?????????? ?????????0 0?-001-?-1 010000??01 000?1-0000 ?? 'Eohyosaurus wolvaardti' ??00??02?? ?????110(01)? ?????????? ?????????? ??????12?? ?????????? ???0???1?? 1111-????? ?????????1 00000?0111 0000-0???? ??????-?00 (01)??0100-10 0101000000 0000110010 01002001?- ????1?1?02 -1??120000 00?0?201?? 0??(025)???0?? ??????0?0? ?11??????? ??????1??? ???0????00 ?????(01)0??? ?????????0 0-???1???? 10-(12)0??210 021010?110 1???1??1?? ?-000101?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????00??? 0?-00?0--? ???000???? ?00000???0 ??????20-1 ?-???????? ?????????? ???????00? ?????????? 00??????0? ????????0? ??00-?100? ?????????? ?????????? ???0?????? ??1--?---? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Rhynchosaurus articeps' 0000100210 210-002000 10-12-1-2- 000--20002 ?5--?0121- 010---1000 1--00??110 1111-10100 -0-010--01 00100-0011 1000-00000 000000-2?? 1000100-10 0101000010 0000000010 010020110- 0-2-100002 -1001?0000 0000?3??0? 000----010 2??1111??0 0111?????? ??0?1?1??0 ???01??000 ???0000??? 0?1?????12 0-?0-10000 ?????01220 02?0?00010 1000??0101 0-00010110 0??0000000 --1??????0 ?10?00?100 00?-11???1 ?000?01000 00?-1??000 11110?0(01)0? 0010(01)00011 ?0?0001000 1110100001 00110?0000 0011111-0? 000110000? ???1?01?01 ?010?0?010 0?001(01)0100 0010?0-0?? 10???00?3? 0????????0 00000000?? (01)???20???0 000???1??? 2?0?00?0?? 0?110?0??0 0000?100?0 ??001201?0 002?110?01 ??000?0--- -------000 00?0000000 00?00??0?? 00-0000010 0110000??? ?00??1??-1 0-00?10110 000001--0? ?????0000? 0000?0?0-0 00?0---100 -?100-0-0- -011-0100? ??0??????? ?????????? ??0000??00 001------? 0-100?-0?0 -0?0??0000 0010000000 ??-00?-0-? -1???????1 ?00?1-0??0 00 'Bentonyx sidensis' 0?000-0210 210-002000 10-12-1-2- 000--20002 ?5--?0101- 010---1000 ?--00??1?0 1111-10100 -0-010--01 ?1000-001? 1?????0000 000000-2?? 1010100-10 0101000?10 ?00????0?? ?????1110- 0-2-100002 -1001?000? ??00131-0? 000----01? 2?????1??? 0111?(02)0??? ?1?1101100 00?010?1?? ????100??? ????????12 0-?0-100?0 1?????122? ???0?????? ???????1?1 ?-00010??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????00110 00?10110?? 01-1001010 1110?000?1 ?10??120-? ?-???????? ?????????? ?????00?0? ????????-0 00??---??0 -?100-0-0- -0???01??0 ?00??????? ?????????? ????00??00 001------? ?-???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Mesodapedon kuttyi' 0??0?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0???1?? ?112-????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????1??10 ???????22? ?????????? ???????101 0-00010??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 002?11?001 ?????????? ?????????? ??????21?? ?-???????? ?????????? ?????0000? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0?1--?---? ?-???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Ammorhynchus navajoi' 0??0?????? ??0-0????? ?????????? ?????2??0? ?????0???- ?00---1000 ?--??0-110 ?112-????? ??-???--?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????2? ?????????? ???????101 0-00010??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0?01111?01 ??-??????? ?????????? ??????(12)??? ?-???????? ?????????? ??????000? ?????????? ?????????? ??1?0-0-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??1--?---? ?-???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Stenaulorhynchus stockleyi' 0?000-0210 210-002000 10-12-1-2- 000--20002 05--?0121- 010---1000 1--00??1?0 1112-101?0 -0-010--?? ?1100-0010 1000-00000 000000-2?? 1000100110 0101000010 000000001? 0?102??10- 0-2-100002 -1001?000? ?000?3000? 01042-1011 2????11?11 0111040100 ?1?1101100 00?010?000 ???0000??? 0?11????12 0-00-100?0 1??0-01220 0210100010 1??0??0101 0-00010?10 0100000010 1-10010010 110?1??100 000-11???0 0000-01000 001-1?1000 11110(23)???? 0?10000011 00?0001000 10?0100011 0??1100000 0021111-00 000??00??? ?????050?? 0??000?011 011000(01)100 ?00??0-000 ?000?00??1 00000-0100 000000?030 0101?00100 000100?011 2?0?000000 0011010000 000011??00 ???01?01?0 002?120??? 0100000--- -------000 ?0?0000110 0021110011 00-1011110 01?10000?1 ?10?-121-0 0-00?10110 000??1--00 0001?00001 000?1000-0 0001---100 --100-0-0- -011?01-00 001??0???? ?????????? ??0000???0 001------0 0-?010-000 -000???000 001????000 01-001-?-1 0100000001 0000?-0000 01 'Brasinorhynchus mariantensis' 0?000-0210 210-022000 (12)?-12-1-2? 000--20002 ?????0120- 01?---1(01)00 1--000-110 1112-10100 -0-010--?? 01000-001? 1??0-?0000 000000-0?? 1110100110 01010100?0 0000100010 010021110- 0-2-100002 -100120000 000013000? 0?042-1010 2?111?1?11 01110?0?0? ?1?1121100 00?01????? 00???????? ????????1? ????-10010 10-0-?122? ???0?????? ???????101 0-00010?1? 0????????? ???0??0??? 110???0?0? 000??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????01000 002111?011 01-1001110 101?0000?1 ????-121?? ?-?0?1???? ?????????? ?????00001 ????????-0 00?0---000 -??00-0-0- -011-01-?0 ??1??????? ?????????? ????0????0 0?1------(01) 0-101????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Langeronyx brodiei' 0?000-0?1? ??0-0020?? ?0-12-1-2- 000--20002 05--?01(02)?- 010---1000 1--00??1?0 1111-?0??? -?-010--01 ?1000-001? 1????????0 00?000?000 1?001?0??0 010??????? ?????????? ????????0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?0??11???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? ???0-10010 ??????122? ?????????? ??????0101 0-00010??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?0 00?100?0?1 01-00010?? ?????????? ????-120?? ?-???????? ?????????? ?????0000? ????????-0 00??---??0 ?-100-0-0- -011?0???? ?????????? ?????????? ????00???0 001------? 0-???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Fodonyx spenceri' 0??0?????? ??????20?? ?????????? ?????????? ??????10?? ?10??????? ???000-110 1111-????? ?????????? ?100??00?0 1000-0???? ?????????? ?????0??1? ???10000?0 0000000?1? ???00????? ?????????? ????120000 00????1-0? ?00----011 201111???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????12 0-00?10010 1????01220 ?200100010 1??????101 0-00010??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????11?1? 001100?101 ?????????? ????000??? ????-?20-0 ?-???????? ?????????? ?????0000? ?????????? ?????????? ??10????0? ??11-???0? ?????????? ?????????? ??0000???0 001--?---? 0-???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Isalorhynchus genovefae' 0?000-??10 ??0-0010?0 ???12-1-2- ?????2?0?(12) ?5--?011?- 01?---1010 1--00??1?0 0110-?0??? ??-010--00 01000-1011 100021000? ?0000??0?? 1?00100?10 01010?00?? 0000100?10 02002??1?? ????10???? ??0?1?000? ?1???31-1? 0?1----011 2??????1?? ?111?????0 ?1?1100100 00?1?0?000 ?????0???? ????????12 0-00-10010 10-0-01120 121010??00 ?0????0101 0-00010?10 0?00000??? ????01???? ????1????? ??0?1100?? 1?00?01?01 00??101?00 ?1010(12)00?0 001?000011 00?1001000 11?01001?1 0??0100010 0011111-0? 0?0110000? ???1105011 0000001011 01?0010100 100020-000 10?0000121 00000-0100 000000?020 01?0200100 0001001211 2101000001 0011000001 000001?000 0?001301?0 002?120??2 000?000--- -------000 ?0??011?10 00010--101 01-1000??? ??1?000??1 ?10?-110-1 ?-0?1??110 00??01--00 00?1?00001 ???01000-0 0???---??? -??00-0-0? -?11-0?00? ?00??????? ?????????? ??00000000 001------0 0-?01?-0?0 -000??00?0 001?001000 01?001-0-1 01?0000001 00000-0000 01 'Hyperodapedon gordoni' 00000-0210 2?0-001000 20-12-1-2- 000--20012 05--10111- 010---1000 1--000-110 0110-00100 -0-010--01 01000-1011 1000200010 000000-000 1100100-00 ?101000100 -000000010 020022-10- 0-2-100002 -100120100 0000131-11 011----011 201011110? 0111040001 01?1100100 000110?000 ???00001?1 0011??0-12 0-00-10?10 10-(12)011120 -200001100 1000??0101 0-00010110 0000000000 --1?01000? ????????0? ???-11?000 0(12)00?01000 001-101000 10-00?000? 0011000011 00???00000 0-101001?? 0?10100000 0011111100 0101100??? ???1?????1 0000001011 0010010110 101020-000 (01)0000000?1 000-0-0100 000000?020 01?0200100 0001001211 ?1??00???? ?0110000?? ?0?0?100?0 ??0012?(123)?0 0?1?120??2 0??0000--- -------000 000?011010 00010--110 01-1000010 111000?0?0 1101-110-1 0-00?00110 ?0?011--00 0001?00001 000??010-0 0000---100 --100-0-0- -011-00010 ?000?0???? ?????????? ??00000000 001------? 0010???01? -0000-0??? ??1???1000 01--01-0-? 01?10?0001 0000?-0??0 0? 'Hyperodapedon huxleyi' 0000000210 210-001000 20-1?-1-2- 000--200?2 05--10111- ?00---1000 1--000-100 0110-00100 -0-010--01 01000-1010 1001210010 000000-00? 1100100-00 0101001000 -000100010 020022-10- 0-2-100002 -100120000 0000131-1(01) 011----010 2011111101 011104?-01 01?1100100 00?110?000 ????000??? 0?11??0-12 0-00-10110 10-0-11120 02(01)1000100 1000??0101 0-00010?10 0000000000 --11000010 1000000?00 0??-110?00 0000001000 001-101100 11000?00?? ??10000011 0001000000 0-10110111 0?10100000 0011111100 01?1100??? ?????????? ???0001021 0110010110 101020-000 3000001021 0?0-0-0110 001000?020 11??200100 0101?01??1 010?00?0?? 00110?00?1 ?001?10?0? ??00130?00 ?0201210-2 0100000--- -------000 0000011010 00010--110 01-1000000 11100000?1 ?101-110-1 0-00?10110 ?000?1--00 ???1?00001 000??000-0 0000---100 --100-0-0- -011-00010 ?00??0???? ?????????? ??00000000 001------? 00?0???00? -0000-??01 ???????0?0 01--01-0-1 01?000?001 0000?-0??1 00 'Teyumbaita sulcognathus' 0?00000210 210-001000 20-12-1-2- 000--20012 05--10111- 010---1000 0--000-110 0111-10100 -0-010--01 01000-1011 1010200000 000000-000 1100110-00 0101000000 -000000010 020012-10- 0-2-100002 -100120000 0100131-1(01) 011-----11 2010111101 0111040000 01?1101100 00?110?001 001?000??? 1?01??0-12 0-00-10110 10-0-11120 02(01)0000100 1000???101 0-0?010?10 0000000000 --?101001? 1000100000 01??1????0 00000?1000 ?01?1????? ????0???00 ?(01)10100011 0001000000 0-???????? ???010000? 00111111?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????131 000-0-0100 001000?020 01?0200100 100??????? ??0100011? 01???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????--- -------00? ??0??11110 0021001011 01-1000110 1100000001 1101-121-1 0-0001011? ?????????0 0101?00001 00???0??-0 0000---100 --100-0-0- -011-00010 ?00???0??? ?????????? ??00000000 001------? 00101????? -0000-???? ?????????? ????????-1 ?1000000?1 0?0?0-???? ?? 'Prolacerta broomi' 00000-0(12)00 010-0(01)1011 1001201210 ?00?021000 1100000-?- 010---100? 0--000-000 100041000? -0-010--00 00100-0101 00(01)0-00000 0011010000 1000000010 0001010000 0000000010 00-011101(01) 0-(012)0101002 -1001(12)0000 1101000001 1000000110 10110?0100 0111000110 000010110(01) 0000021000 1010100011 0011000-00 0-00001000 10-0-00000 0210001110 1000111101 0001000110 0111010020 --10011011 21000(01)(01)101 1103011(12)11 1000001001 0012001000 11010100?0 ??00000100 0000001100 0-10110001 0?10000010 0010111-0- 0??11000?? 0??1?01000 0?00001010 0(123)01001100 101020-00- 1000001??1 00000-0100 0000000010 0101200100 0001??10?1 20010000?0 001100000? 0000110000 0110120200 002?120??2 0100000--- -------000 00000000?0 00-------- 00-0000000 0000000000 1000100--1 0-01000100 000011--00 0000?00001 000010?000 0000---111 0?100-0-00 -000-00-00 010??0?012 0100100010 0200000000 00100-0-00 001010-00? -0000-0000 001?0?0000 01-101-0-1 0100000000 00001-0000 01 'K australiensis combined' ???00-?1?? ??0-???01? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0-?- ???--?1000 ?--0???(03)?? (01)00??????? ?0-???--?? ?????-???? ??????00?? ?0???100?? (01)00?00?0?? ???101000? 0000(01)00?10 00-01(01)?011 1000101002 -1?????0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 ???10????? ???0?????? ???0?2?000 ????100??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 ?2??0??1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0??? 00-------- ??-????0?0 0000?????0 ??0??????1 ?-???????? ?????????? ????????0? ?????????? ????---??? ???00?0-0? -??????-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???00??-0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Boreopricea funerea' ??000-0??? ??0-?0?0(01)? ?00??????? ?????2???0 11???00-?- ??0---1000 ?--00??0?? 100?(34)?0??? ?0-010--?? -??00-0?-0 ------0000 000100?00? 000?000??0 00010????0 0???????10 00-?1????? ??1010?0?2 -10?12000? 10?1?(012)0??? 1??????1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 ?????????? ????????00 0-00?200?? ????????00 ????0????0 1???????01 000?0?0?10 01?1000020 --???????0 210010010? ?00(12)1???11 ?000001001 00?(234)??1??? ?????????0 ??100001?0 000000???? ???0??00?? ??10?00000 00?0111-0- 0??1100??? ????20?0?0 0?0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????13? 0????????? ???????010 ????2?0??0 ???1?01??0 2???000??? 0011000000 0000?1??00 0??01?0?0? 001012010? 0?0000???? ?????????? 0??000?0?? 00-------- 0?-0?000?0 0????0???? ????????-? ??0?100?0? 0????????? ???0?0??01 000??0?0?0 ?0??---??? ??100?0-00 -00?-0?-0? ?????????? ?????????? ???000???0 ???0???-0? ???011-??? -000??0??0 101?1?000? ?????????? ?????????? ?0000-0000 01 'Teyujagua paradoxa' ??000-0010 110-011011 1011?01210 000--20000 ?200?00-1- ?00---1100 1--00??000 1000(23)10000 -0-010--?? 00100-0001 0000-00000 000000-0?? 1?00100-00 0001000100 ?000100010 00-0?1100- 0-11101002 -10012?00? 1????????? ?????????? ??????010? ?1???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 11?0?0?0?0 ???0-?0000 021?10?100 1?????1(01)01 0011000?1? 0????????? ??????0010 ?10?01?100 010????1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0--- -------??? ?????000?0 00-------- 0--0000000 ?00000?0?0 ?????00-01 ?0???00??? ?????????? ?????0??0? ????????00 ?0?0---101 -?100-0-0- -000-01?01 ?????????? ?????????? ??00000??0 00000??00? ??1000???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Antarctanax shackletoni' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 0??1011010 ?-???????? 1??0???10? ???-?1???1 ?01001??01 001-?0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0000?0? ?0111?1-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???01?0200 0030020??? 010??0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0?????0? ?????????? ?????????1 0?0??0?(01)?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???01?-??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 00 'Archosaurus rossicus holotype' ????????00 ?1???????? ???????220 010?1201?? 1101?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? ?????????? ?1???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??1??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Proterosuchus fergusi' (01)?000-0100 0110021021 1101211220 0101120100 1101000-01 0100--1100 0020010000 0000420000 -0-0101100 0010000002 01100(01)0000 00000000?? 1000100010 0001010100 0000100010 (01)(01)-02110(01)(01) 11(12)0101000 1100120000 1001??0001 1000000100 1011010000 1111000101 ?000101101 01?0121000 0010101?11 1?11?01?00 10001110?0 1110-00000 1110101100 1010111101 0011000110 011100(01)020 --100(01)0010 110(01)0(12)0100 000201?210 ?01001110(12) 001(02)001??? ???1?????0 ?0???????? ?????????? ???0110110 0????????? ????????01 000?100010 0???10200? 0????????? ?????????? ????????0- ?????????1 00010-0100 0000000020 1101?001?? ?????????? 2001000000 001100???? ?000?10000 01?01?0200 0020?2??0? 0?00000??- -------00? ??0?000000 00-------- 0100000000 0000200000 1001?00-01 1001000?0? 00????--?0 000??00001 000????000 0001011100 0110000-00 0000-11000 0100000012 0000000011 1100000000 0010000000 001011-??? ??????0000 ??10?0??0? ????????-1 010000000? ??000-0000 00 'Proterosuchus goweri' (01)?000-0100 01100210(23)1 (01)00121122? 010?1??1?0 1101000-01 0?00--11?0 0020010210 00004?00?? ?0-0101100 0??0??0012 0?10??0000 000?000000 100?1000?? 00010?01?? ?000?0001? ???????000 1110101000 11??130000 100112000? 1000(01)?01?? ?01?010100 1111030101 ?0?0101101 01?0121000 0010101??? 1?110?10?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????11?1?? ???1??0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0010? ???100?0?0 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0?0000? 00-------- 0?00000000 0000??0000 ?001?????? ?0???????? ?????????? ???0?00?0? ????????00 000??0?10? 01100?0-00 0000?11-00 010??0???? ?????????? ?????????? ??1??0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? ?????????? ?? 'Proterosuchus alexanderi' ?0001001?0 ??1002102? ?(01)01????2? ?????????0 ??????0-?1 ?????-11?0 0?20???0?0 ?0004(12)0??? ?0?0?0???? ?01000???2 0110-00000 00000000?? 1000100010 0?01010100 0000100010 00-0211000 112-101000 110?130000 1001??00?? ??00000100 1?11?10100 1111000101 ?0?0101101 01?0?2?0?? ????101??? 1?11??1000 1000011?00 1110-00000 111000?10? ?010??1(01)01 0011000110 011?000020 --1?000010 110?010100 0001011210 ??1?011?01 0014?0?000 111101001? 10?0000100 00?0001000 0-10110110 00???0?0?0 00??????01 0?0??????? ?????????? ???000?010 0?1??00100 ?01020-00- ?000?00??1 0?010-0100 0000000??? ?????????0 000???1??1 2001000000 0011000001 0000110000 01?01?0?0? 00??12000? 0?0???0--- -------?00 ????0000?? 00-------- 0?00?0?000 000000?000 ?00??00-01 1001010?01 0?0001--00 ?????0?001 ????0????? 0?00?1?10? 01?00??-00 0000-11-00 000??????? ?????????? ??00000000 00000??0?0 011011-000 -0?0?????? ?????????0 01?000-0-1 01???????0 00000-0000 ?? 'Chasmatosaurus yuani' 1?000-0100 01100210?1 1001?11(23)20 0101120100 1101?00-01 1000--1100 0020010010 0000420000 -0-01011?? 0010000012 0110-10000 00000000?? 1000100010 000101010? ?000200010 00-02???00 0-2-1010?(01) 110?130?00 1??1?2000? 1?0(02)?0??00 1?11?1???? ?111?30??1 ?0??111100 00?0?210?? ????001??? ????????00 1?00111000 1110-?0000 11102?1100 10????1101 0011000?10 0??1000120 --???(12)???? ?????0?1?? ?0?(01)???(12)?1 00(01)0??1?0(12) 0013101000 10-1030010 ?(01)00000100 ???0001000 0-10100110 0010100000 1011011-(01)1 0001100??? ?????0?0?1 0??000?010 0110000100 201020-00- ?0?0?00121 00010-0100 000000?020 1101(12)00100 00010010?1 20???0?0?? 0011001100 0000?(01)0000 01?01????? ????120??? ???00000-- -------000 ??0?0000?0 00-------- 0100000000 000020???0 -00?000-0? 100?????00 0?0?01--00 0000?0?001 000001?000 00??001100 0110010-0? 0000-11-0? ?1???????? ?????????? ???000?000 00(01)0000000 00???1-000 -0000-0000 001?0??0?0 01?000-0-1 0100000000 000??-0000 ?0 'Tasmaniosaurus triassicus' 0?0??????? ??100????? ??????1?10 ?????20??? ?10??????(12) ?????-110? ?0100??0?? ?000(34)????? ??????1??? ?????????? ?????????? ?0?1?0??00 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ??2-?0???0 1????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? ???0?0??00 11?0-?000? ?????????? ??????110? 00(12)10?0?10 0??1010??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????1 ??1??????1 0????????? ?????????? 1(01)???????? ?????????? ???0110001 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????(012)????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????(23)0??? ????020??? ?????0???? ?????????? ?????????? 0?-------- ????????0? ?000?????? ????000-?? ?0???????? ?????????? ??????0001 ?1??????0? ?????0???? ???00????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????00?000 ?010000?00 00????-??0 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Fugusuchus hejiapanensis' ??000-00?0 ??100210(23)1 ?10??????? ?????????0 ?????00-?(12) ??00--1100 00200??0?0 10003?0?0? -000?011?? 0000001001 0011??0000 0?200?-0?? 1000101010 00010?01?? 00001000?? ?????????- 0-2-1010?0 11?????0?? ????????01 ?????????? ?????10001 1111100-01 100?111100 01?0111100 1010101??1 ??110????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????101 00?10?0??? ?????????? ????0????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? 00??100??? ?????????0 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????000?0 00-------- 0100000000 0000?0?000 ?001?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0??0? ?????????1 101??1110? 0?1?0?0-00 0010-?1??0 ?10??0???? ?????????? ?????????? ??10??0?0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Sarmatosuchus otschevi' 2?000-0?00 01?????0(23)? ??????1220 010?0201?? 110??????? ?????????? ?????????? 0???(23)????? ?????????? ??00??00?(12) 0??1?????? ?0??0???00 ?????0???? ???10?01?0 0000(12)0001? ?????????? ????1?1??? ????120001 10????0001 ??00?00000 2?????0?01 11?1000-01 ?001111100 00?1111000 ?0?0000??1 ??110???0(01) ???0211001 ??????000? ?????????? ???????10? ??21000?10 0111011110 1-(12)??10010 11000(01)0100 000-01???? 0001??110? 00?-?????? ????????0? ???1000100 0000001000 0-???????? ?????????? ????????01 000??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 0????????? ?????????? ???000???? ??0??00000 ?001000-?? ?000010?1? 0????????? ????????01 000?????0? ??00????0? ?1???????? ???0?1???0 010??0???? ?????????? ????00?000 ??1??00??(02) 001010-??? -0???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Guchengosuchus shiguaiensis' ??001000?0 0?101???(23)? ?1(01)??????? ?????2??20 ?????1??01 0010-011-? ?020?100?1 (01)0002?0000 000?1????? ?????????? ?????????? ?0??00-000 (01)?0????-?? ?????????? ?????????? ???????00- 0-2-10110(01) ?1???????? ??????1-0? ??0----00? 2?????0?1? 11?10??-?? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? 1?1100???? ?????????? ?????????0 ?1??20???? ?0?1???101 0021000?10 011?111?10 0-???1???? (12)10001010? 010-?11(12)1? ???????102 00?-?00??? ?????????? ??1?(01)0?01? 02???????? ?????????? ???1?????? ???011??0? 0???101??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0???? 00-------- ???????000 ?00???00?0 ???1?????? 10???00?1? 0????????? ?????00?01 10???0???? ???????100 ??10010-00 ?????1???? ???0?????? ?????????? ?????????? ??100?000? ???0110??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Cuyosuchus huenei' ???0?????? ???????0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????10?2 0??0?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????1???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 0111111010 1-???????? 1?0001?10? ??0-?1???1 0010011?01 001-??00?0 1111?10(01)0? ?(01)1?1?00?0 ????001000 0-???????? ???1000000 0?10111-01 00???0???? ?????????? ???0?0(01)011 01101001(01)0 ?00021?000 1?00?0?(123)21 0?000001?0 ???????0(012)1 1100(012)00100 0001001111 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????10? ????????(12)0 0000?????? ?????????? ????0????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0?00011? 000011-000 0100?????1 ?????00??? ?????????? ?????????? ????-????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???01?000? -000?????? ?????????0 01--0???-? ??0000?000 ?0???????? ?? 'Garjainia prima' 2?00000100 0110021021 2101201110 1000020020 1100120-01 1011--1200 ?130010011 1000220000 100010011- 0201011001 0010000001 0?0010001- 1000101010 0011000100 0000100010 020122-?01 11??10110(12) ?100120000 010???(01)00? ??00220000 2011110001 1111130-01 0001101100 0011111000 00?0101021 1111001100 1000210001 1101?00000 1110300000 10?1??1101 00210?0?10 0111111110 1-1??20010 1101010110 000-?1??10 0010111001 001-?00000 10-0??00?? ?(01)11100011 0010001000 0-?0???011 0??1100000 1011111-01 001??01??? ?????????? ???000?010 0110101110 2000212000 10?0000??1 00010-0100 000000?020 2100?00100 00010010?1 01???????? ?011000001 0000?????? ???01????? ?????????? ??????0?-- -------??? ?000000100 00-------- 0100000000 0000100000 -001000-01 10000001?0 000?01-000 0000?00001 000?000?01 1110011100 0110010-0? 0010-01100 ?11???0??? ?????????? ??00000000 00(01)000000(02) 011010000? -000?????? ?????????0 011-001?-1 0100000000 00????0??0 0? 'Garjainia madiba combined' 2?00??(01)100 011???10?? ?????01210 100?020(01)?? 1100?????? ??1(23)??1(12)?? ?????100?1 ?000(23)??0?? ???0?????? 0?????1001 001000???1 0????????? 10001?10?0 001??????? ????(01)???10 0(23)002????1 ????1?111? ?1????0?0? 11???????? ?????????? ??????0?0? ?1?1130-?1 100010?100 0011111000 ?0?0101??? ?111?0??0? ???021000(01) ??????0000 ?11?(23)??1?0 1?11???10? 0021000?10 0111010010 1-???(12)???0 110????11? ???-?1???0 0?10??1??1 001-?0???0 10-?????1? ??1?100011 00110?0000 0-???????? ???1100000 1011111-01 001??????? ?????????? ???0?0?000 0110?011(01)0 ?001(12)1???? 1000000??1 00010-0100 0000000020 1100?00100 000??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 ?00??????0 00-------- ???00000?0 0???1??0?0 ?00?00???1 10??????1? ?0??01??00 0100??0?01 00???00?0? 11???????? ?110???0?? ???0-?1??? ?100?0???? ?????????? ????00?000 ??(01)00000?0 0?10??-00? -000?????? ?????????0 011-0???-1 0100000000 0????????? ?? 'Erythrosuchus africanus' 2?000-0000 0111021021 1100101110 0010020020 1100?20-01 00120-1200 0020011311 2000210000 00101001?? 0201011001 001(01)010001 000000-01- 1000101-10 0001000000 0000210010 020122-00- 112-101111 1100120001 000???1-0? 000----000 20?1010001 1111041-02 1101111100 0011?11000 01?0000020 1111101100 1100?00001 1101000000 1110300100 1011??1101 0021000?11 0111111010 1-10?2???0 1101010100 000-011110 0(02)10011102 001-000000 10-00?0?00 (01)011100011 0211001000 0-???????? ??11100000 1021111-01 0111101??? ?????040?? ???000?011 0110(01)01110 2010211000 1000000??1 0001000100 0010000030 2100?00100 00010011?0 011-000000 0011000100 0000121100 01?01?0?02 000002110? ??000?00-- -------??0 00000001?0 00-------- 0100000000 0000100000 0001000-01 100?00001? 000001-000 0100?00001 0000?01?11 111?011100 0110010000 0011-01100 01000?0??? ?????????? ??10000000 000000000(02) 00101?0000 -000????0? ??10?????0 01--001?-1 0100000000 00001-0000 00 'Shansisuchus shansisuchus' 2?000-0000 0110121031 210??01110 001002(01)020 1100?20-01 101(23)0112-0 0110011011 0000220000 10101000?? 0(12)000?1001 0010010000 001000-01- 1000101-?0 00110?00?0 0000210010 0(23)012??00- 102-101001 110012?00? 10????1-0? ??0----01? 2?????0011 11?1041-?2 110?11110? 00?11?1?0? ?1?0?00?20 11111?1100 1?00200001 11010?0000 ?110300?00 10?????101 0(01)21000?11 01?11?1?10 1-????0010 ?10?00?10? ?0?-?1?2?0 001011100? 001-000?00 ?0-0?????? 0?11100011 02?1001000 0-???????? ???1100000 ?0101(12)1-0? 011??01??? ?????030?? 00?0?0?011 0210010110 ?0102120?0 ?0?0000??0 00??000?00 002000??21 11?0?00100 000101???1 0101000?00 0011001100 0000?????? ???01????? ????021??? ???0000?-- -------??? ?0??0001?0 00-------- 0?00000000 00000000?0 ?001000-01 ?00?00011? 000??1-?00 0100?00?01 00???01011 1001010100 0110010000 0??1-01??0 ?????0???? ?????????? ???0000000 0?0000000(02) 0??0100000 -0?0?????? ?????????0 011-00??-1 0100000000 00001-0??? 0? 'Chalishevia cothurnata' 2?000-???0 0?101????? ??(01)1(12)????? ?????2??20 ?????2??0? 101(23)?112-? ?12??10211 ?0002??000 10??1????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? ????2????? ?????????? ???01?0?00 10???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????00?0?? ???????1?? ?021000?11 0??110?0?? ?????????? 1?0?00??0? ?????????0 ?010????0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 00-------- ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?0???00?1? ?????????? ?????00?01 ?????????? ?????????0 0?1001000? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0??????? ??000?0??? ???01?0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Youngosuchus sinensis' ??000-0100 01100210(123)1 1100000110 0000011000 ?200?00-01 -012--1110 00101??001 100?220011 -0001002?? 0101011001 0010000000 00101000?? 1000101100 0101000001 0000100010 020022-?01 0-2-101102 -100120000 01???????? ?????????? ?0???10?1? ?111?????? ??????1??? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 10?0200??1 1????00000 1110200000 ??????1(012)01 0021000?10 011??11?0(02) ??1???00?0 110?0101?? 000-1112?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??111(01)0011 01??001001 10???????? ???1000000 01101(12)1-0? 0?12100??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 0????000?0 00---??--- 0100000000 000?10?0?0 ?????0??01 10??000??? ?????????? ?????0?00? ?????0??01 00?0011102 0?10010000 0010-00100 ?????????? ?????????? ???00?0000 0?0001?000 0??010???? -000?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Vancleavea campi' 2000100-00 110-010010 1?11001100 0001020000 ?1???00-0- -00---1100 1--0-1?010 000?200000 -0------?? 00000-0101 0000?00000 00-?02-0?? 2--0100--0 00010-0111 0000000-10 020022-00- 0-??00?002 -101100100 0????????? ?????????? ??????0?1? ?111???100 ??00101100 00???????? ?????????? 1??1??1?00 ???03200?0 10-(12)100000 01100???00 1?????1101 1-21000?1? 0????00?00 --???1???? 1???10?10? ??0-1????1 ?3100?100(01) 00?-??0?00 ????????00 ?211100011 00010????? ?????????? ??100?0000 0110121-1? 0000100??? ????2?101? ???000?00- 001010011? ?0???????? 10?0?00220 0000000100 00----0011 1100010100 000100???1 0101000100 0011000000 000012110? ?1?0?30(23)0? ???0001??? ??????30-1 01?001?12? 00000000?0 00-------- 0-0000000- 000000?0?0 ????000-01 00???00?1? 00???1??00 0100?0?001 0????00?01 -00?---100 0?10000-0- --?0-0110? ?1???????? ?????????? ???0000000 0000010012 01?01?-??0 ???0????00 101??????0 01--0???-1 1000000000 ?0001-0??0 0? 'Litorosuchus somnii' ?0000-?100 1110011012 0101011101 0101120?00 ?40??00-01 -0010-1100 00000??300 ?0??220000 -0?01????? 0100010002 ???0??0000 001112?0?? 2--01???01 ??0??????? ?????????? ???????0?? ??2-10???2 -??01???0? ??????00?? ???012???? ?????????1 ?1???40-0? 0?0?1????0 0??0110000 00?1?00??? ??111????0 10??0000?1 110?000000 ?2?0201100 ?0????1101 1-(01)1000??0 0101111?00 --1??(01)0??(01) 110?1(01)?110 100-11?211 0?100??00(01) 011-10??00 ????0?0?00 (02)0??10?011 ????0?1??? 0-?0?????? ?????????0 ???0??1-1? 0?0110001? ???110??11 0000?0?011 011?1001?0 ?0?0?120?0 10???00??? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0?00 0001001001 010?0??1?? 0?11000?0? 0000?21100 01001102?1 0000110??? 0???2?30-1 010001012? ?0??0000?0 00---??--- 0?0000000- 000?????00 0001?0??0? ?001100100 00??11??0? ?????0?00? ??00?00000 -??0001100 0?100?0-0? 0000-0???? ?????????? ?????????? ??10000000 000001?012 01?0100??0 -1??0-0??0 001?0?0000 ??-??01??? ?????????? ?00??????0 01 'Asperoris mnyama' 2?002000?0 011?0?1??? ?1(01)0001100 000?020020 1200?0???? -01(01)?-110? ?0??011(03)00 ?000(2345)?00?0 00?01????? ????????0? ??????00?0 00(01)002-000 ??0????-?? ?????????? ?????????? ???????00- 0-(12)?10?01(01) -????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ???1??0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?0 00-------- ??????0000 ?00??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0?0? ????????1? ????????00 0?100?0-?? ?????0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Euparkeria capensis' 2000(01)00100 0010011011 2100(02)01101 0001020000 1200100-00 0(01)010-1100 0020010000 1000210000 000010111- 0000000001 0010000000 00110100?? 1000100000 0001000001 0010000010 020022-010 0-2-101000 1100120000 0001020011 1100200010 2010010101 0011040-00 0001101100 00?1101000 1010100010 1?11001?00 1000110000 1102?00000 0210201110 1010??1101 0021000110 0101111010 1-10?10000 100?010100 000-010211 (01)010001??1 001-000000 10-10??(01)00 ?011100011 00?0001000 0-10????00 0011(01)00000 ?110121-00 0001100??? ?????0(23)01? 0??00??011 0110100110 201011?000 20000001(23)0 0100000100 00200000(12)1 1000200100 000001?0?0 211-000000 0011111001 0000121100 01?012020(01) 00(01)?010?0? 0000(01)020-1 0101011000 0000000000 00-------- 0100000000 0000100000 0001000-01 0000000110 000011-000 0100000001 0000100000 0000000100 0010010-00 0000-00000 010001?011 0000000010 0100000000 0000010000 00000?0000 -0000-??00 0010???000 01--0010-1 0100000000 00001-0000 00 'Dorosuchus neoetus' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0111 ?1?1040-01 ?0?111?100 00?110?000 ???00000?1 ?11100???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????1????? ????????1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 ???1?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0?01011 01101001?? ?????????? ?????????0 0100000100 002000?021 1101200100 000??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?00??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?00?01???0 0000?????? ??????1??? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????0 010??0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?????????? ?????????0 01??????-1 01?0000000 0????????? ?? 'Halazhaisuchus qiaoensis' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 0?01110010 1-???????? ?????0?1?? ???-01???0 00100?1?0(01) 011-0????? ?????????? ??1?100011 01100?0000 0-???????? ???1000000 0110111-11 0001100??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????20-1 0101011??? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0?1??11? 0????????? ?????????1 000??0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???01?-??? -000?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Yarasuchus deccanensis' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 0111111000 --(12)??1???(01) 2100110100 010-?1???1 0010111001 001-1???00 10-1???30? ??1?2?00?? 00????0000 0-???????? ???1000000 0110111-00 010??????? ?????????? ???00000?? 2110000110 2000110000 2011000?10 0101000100 1020000011 2100200100 000??????? 11???0???? ?001101000 1001?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????-??1 ?1??0????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0?00011? 100?01-?00 0100?????1 001??00??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??10(01)0000? -000?????? ?????????0 011-001?-1 0100000000 0?????0??? ?? 'Dongusuchus efremovi' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0101000100 1020000011 2100?????? ?????????? ?????0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??1??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 010??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????-1 01000000?? ?????????? ?? 'Teleocrater rhadinus' 2?000-0??? ??100?0??? ????0????? ?????????? ?????????(01) ?0020-1?0? ?010021000 ?0001????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?0?1011000 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????130?01 00???????? ?????????? ??????0?0? ?1?10???11 0???10?100 00???????? ?????????? ??1??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ??21????10 0111111000 --??01001? 210010010? 010-1???11 001?101101 001-1???00 ?0-1010?00 ????21?011 00010????? ?????????? ???1000000 0110111-00 010??00??? ?????????? ???000?021 2????0011? ?0???????? ?011000??0 0101000100 1020000011 2100200100 0001011100 11???0???? ?001101000 1001?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????1 11110??0?0 00-------- ???????0?? ???????0?0 ?????????? ?00100011? ?00??1??00 0100?00?01 00?0?0???? ???0????0? ??100?000? ?????0???? ???????003 1000010011 11???????? ??0?0?00?? ??1000000? ??00?????? ?????????0 010-????-1 0100000000 00????0??0 ?? 'Spondylosoma absconditum' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? 01?1111000 --???????? ??0??1?10? ?10-1????1 ??100?110? ??1?1??010 1??1?????? ??1????011 000??????? ?????????? ?????00100 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 ?01?(12)1???? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?1 1100?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????1 1????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????000?1? ?0???????? 0100?????1 00???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???000000? ?????????? ?????????? ????0????? ??0000000? ?????????? ?? 'Proterochampsa barrionuevoi' ?21(01)202000 111001?031 1010011210 010?021000 ?100100-?2 -0?12-1100 101001?0?0 20002(12)0000 00001000?- 0000000001 0000000000 00(01)100-0?? 2--0100-00 0001000100 0000100010 020022-00- 0-2-101002 -10?1?0?00 000102000? 01042-1010 2?10110101 1111040-0? 01?1101110 01?0?20001 ??100000?? ??????1?00 1?00?0001? 10-110?000 ?0-0310000 00?0???101 00(12)10?0?10 00?0000?00 --(01)?021000 110??0?10? 000-11?(12)?? 1000?11000 00?-10000? ?0-1????0? ?00???0011 00??00100? 0-???????? ??11000000 ?1101(12)1-0- ???11????? ?????????? ???0?????? ????????(01)0 ?????????? ????????20 01?????1?0 002?00?011 21?0210000 0101??10?? 2?1-00?0?? 0????????? ?????????? ????1(23)???? ?????????? ???0000--- -------00? ??00000000 00-------- 010100000- 0000100000 ?001?00-01 000000011? 0????????? 010??0??01 ??0????010 -0?1100100 0??0000-0- 0010-01100 010??????? ?????????? ??00000??0 00000?0??? 0??010-0?? -000?????? ????????0? ?????0??-1 ?100000001 00000-?000 0? 'Proterochampsa nodosa' 2?11202000 1110011031 2010?11?10 ?1??021000 ?100?00-?? ???0--1100 10100??0?0 2000220001 00-01000?? 000000000? 0?00?00000 0??100-0?? ???0100-?0 00010001?0 0?00?0?010 0(23)0022-?0- ????10100? ?1001?0000 1001?2??0? ??0????0?? ??????0??? 1111?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 1000?000?? ???1??0?00 ?0-031??00 00?0???101 00?00?0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????000?0 00---??--- 010100010- 000010???0 ?????0??01 0????????? ?????????? ?????0??0? ????????10 -0??100100 0??0000-0- 0010?01?00 ?????????? ?????????? ????00???0 ?000??0?0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Tropidosuchus romeri' ?000202100 111(01)0010(12)1 00100?1?10 0101021000 ?100?00-11 -0000-1100 10100??0?0 100?210001 -0001010?? 0000011012 0000000000 0001000000 2--0100001 0101010(01)00 0000100110 121022-000 0-2-101002 -1001(23)0000 000???0001 1(01)00221010 2?????0?01 ?111040-00 ?1?1101110 00?0?2?000 0?10000??? ??1?????00 1100020100 ??????0?01 ?20?3???01 10?0???(012)01 0011000?10 01?0000000 --100200?0 110?00?100 010-11???1 10100?1?00 011-10?000 10-10(12)1000 ??11100011 ??0?00000? 0-?0?????? ???1000000 0110121-0? 0??11????? ?????????? ???000?011 0????00110 1010113000 10?0?00120 0100000100 002000?011 1100210000 0101011101 ?11-000000 0011101000 0000121100 01?0120100 1100000??? 2--00010-1 01-000-0?0 0?000000?0 00---??--- 010000000- 0000100000 ?00??0??0? ?000000100 000001-000 0100?0?00? 0?00?0?000 -001000112 0?1000000- 0000?00100 ?10???0??? ?????????? ???000?000 00000??000 0?1000-00? -000?????? ?????????? 01?-0110-1 0100000001 00000-00?0 0? 'Cerritosaurus binsfeldi' ??00202000 11110110(123)1 1010??1110 ?1?10210?0 ?1???00-12 ?0011-110? 10100??000 100?2?0001 ?0001002?? 0000001001 0000000000 0001??-0?? 2--0100-01 0101010??1 1000100110 0310?2-0?- 0-2-1010?? ?10013000? 00???????? ?????????? ??????0??? 1111?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 11???2???? ????????00 ?11?3???00 1??????(012)01 0(01)01000??? ?????????? ??1??????? ????000??? ??0??????? ??????1??0 ?0???0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????10-? ??-1??-??? ?????000?0 00---??--- 0100?0000? ?00010???0 ?????0???? ?-0?00???? ?????????? ?????0??0? ????????0? -0??000100 0?1000?-0- 0010-00100 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??00????0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Gualosuchus reigi' 2?00212100 11110210(23)1 0020001210 0101021000 1100?00-11 -000--1100 1030010010 1000210001 -0-01000?? 01000010(01)1 0000000000 0001000000 2--0100000 0111010(01)?1 1000100110 021022-001 0-2-101002 -100120000 0001020001 1?00221010 2011110?01 ?1110?0-?0 ???1101110 00?0?2?0?? ??1?000??? ????????00 12000201?0 10-1100001 ?100300001 1000??1101 0001000?10 01?0000000 --10020000 110?000100 000-11?2?0 (01)0100?1??0 001-100??? ?????????? ?0101(01)0011 0001(01)01001 0-???????? ???10?0100 ?1?0121-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 ?????????? ???0?00130 0100000100 002001?0(12)1 1101210000 01010110?1 ?????????? ?????????? ?0???????? ????1????? ?????????? ????0?10-0 11-100-0?? 0?00?00000 00-------- 010000000- 00001000?0 ?00??00-01 0-00000?0? 0?????-000 0000?0000? ??0??0??00 -0??000100 0110000-0- 0011-01100 ?10??????? ?????????? ??00000000 00000?0-00 001010-??? -000?????? ?????????? ???-?1??-1 0100000001 00???????? ?? 'Chanaresuchus bonapartei' 21(01)0212(01)00 1110021031 0020001(23)10 0101021000 1100100-1(12) -000--1100 1010010010 1000310001 -0-01002?- 0100001001 0000000000 00010200?? 2--0100000 01(01)1010001 1000100110 121022-001 0-2-101002 -100120000 0001020000 1(01)00221000 2?10110101 1111020-00 ?101101110 0000121000 ??1?000??? 1?????1?00 1100020100 10-1100001 ?110300(01)01 1000??1101 0011000?10 0001100000 --100200(01)0 110?00?100 000-11?2?(01) 0010011000 001-100001 10-102100? 0?11110011 0001001001 0-???????? ??11000100 0110121-?? ???1?????? ?????????? ???0001011 0100100110 1010113000 1000000(12)40 0100000100 0020010011 11?0210000 01010110?1 211-000000 0011101000 0000?2111? 0110120100 110?000??2 2--00010-0 11-000-000 0000000000 00-------- 010000000- 0000100000 0001000-01 0000000100 000001-000 0000000001 000??01000 -001(01)00100 011000000- 0010-01100 010????01? 0010????0? ?100000000 0000000000 001000-000 -000?????? ?????????0 01--0??0-1 0100000001 00000-0000 01 'Pseudochampsa ischigualastensis' ?110212100 11110?10(123)1 ?020001210 010?02100? ?10??00-?2 -000--110? ?0100??010 1000(34)20001 ?0-0???0?? 0100001001 0000000000 00010000?? 2--010000? 0111010100 0000100110 121022-?01 0-2-101?0? ?1001?0000 0001??000? ??00221010 2????1???? ?1110???0? ?1?1101110 00?0?1?000 ????000??? ??1?????00 ???0??0??? ?????0000? ?0-??????? 10?0??1101 0001000??0 0??0000??(01) ??1??(12)???? ?10?0?0?0? ????11?2?1 1010??1000 0?1-100?0? ???1011?00 00001?00?1 00??00000? 0-1??????? ??????0000 01???????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? ??0??????? 1??011?000 ?????????? 0????????0 002000???? ????21??00 ?101?110?1 ????0000?? 0?11(01)????0 ?????????? ??101201?1 110?000??? ???00010-0 1?-100-00? 0????000?0 00-------- 010000000- 0000100??0 ?00??0??0? ?-0000010? 00??0?-??? ???0?0??0? ??0?1??00? -0011?0??0 0?10000-0? ?010-0110? 000??????? ?????????? ???000??00 ?000?10-00 0?1000-0?0 -0?0?????? ?????????? ????001?-? ?1??????01 000?0-?000 0? 'Rhadinosuchus gracilis' ??0021??00 111?0????? ??2???1?1? ?1?10????0 ?(12)0??0??11 ??0(23)?-110? ?0100??0?0 ?00?3?0001 ?00?1??2?? ?(01)???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 ?(23)1?(12)????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?1?1?40??? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??1?????0? ???00211?0 ??????000? ?????????? ??????11?? 0(01)21000?1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????(12)1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?0???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???01????? ?????????? ??????10-0 1??000-??? ?????????? 00-------- ???0?????? ?????????? ???1?00-?? ?0???????? ?????????? ?????0??01 ?????????? ????0??1?0 0?100??00? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????00?000 ?0000?0??0 0??0?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Archeopelta arborensis' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0111 ?1??041-1? ?1?110?101 00?110?000 ???0001??? ??110????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? 0???????0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0000?1???? 001?1??1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????10101 01???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 ?????????? ???0?00??0 0100000100 002000?021 01?0?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????3110 110210???? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?00??????? ??0?????1? ?0??????00 ?1?0?????? ??0??????? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????0 ?1???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ???0?????? ?????????? ???-????-1 01?00????? 0????????? ?? 'Tarjadia ruthae' 2?00201100 01110010(123)1 200020110? 0000021020 1200?00-01 00032-1101 0010021000 1000010000 0000101201 0200001001 1010310000 100?00000? 10001?00?0 0001???01? ?00110??10 ?2?????001 ????10100? ?1?01?0?0? 00????1-11 ?(01)1----000 2?1101010? 11?1??0?11 ?1?1101101 00?1100000 ??10001??? 1?111?1?00 1000?10100 1102100000 1100300?00 10?0??-101 0021000?10 0001000003 201??2???? ???00001?0 000-?10??0 0010111000 001-100100 10-1?(23)02?? ?0101????? ?????01??0 ?-???????? ?????????? ????111-10 01???????? ?????????? ???010?010 0110101110 ???011?00? 1?0?00???0 0100100100 0020000021 01???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????3110 11?2101100 ?00??00010 01-------- 0111000000 ?0102100?0 ?00?000-00 100?00011? 0?0001-?00 010??00001 000??00?00 10??000100 0?10000000 0001-0??0? ?10??????? ?????????? ???0000000 00000?0000 0????0-00? -????????? ?????????0 01--00?0-1 01000000?? ?????????? ?? 'Pagosvenator candelariensis' ??00???100 0111???031 2?00001100 0000021020 ?2???0??01 ?0?32?1101 00100??0?0 ?00?010?0? 00001012?? ?20?00???? ????00000? ??0?0?0??? 1??0100000 0?0???0??1 ?00???0010 0??????10? ????101??? ?11??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?11???0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????1??? 1????????? ???2?????? 1?0?????00 10?????10? 00????0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????110 ???(02)00???? ?????000?0 0????????? 0111000000 00001????0 ?????0??00 ?????????? ?????????? ?????0??0? ?????????0 10??000100 0??00?0000 00??-01?0? ?????????? ?????????? ???00????? ??00???-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Erpetosuchus granti' ??0020?200 01110010?1 1000?01201 ?00?021??0 120??00-01 ?0?30-1101 002002?000 10000(12)0000 -?001002?? 02000010?1 1010?10000 ?1010000?? ???00000?? 0001??00?1 10??????10 02002??100 0-2-10?00? ???01???0? ???11?1-1? 0?1----010 2??101???? ??1??????? ???11?11?0 0????0?0?? ????00???? ????????00 12?0010?00 ???2100000 ?20030??00 ??????-101 0000000?10 00?100000(13) 20???20010 100?0??10? 000-1????? ?????????? ????1????? ?????????? ??11120011 ?1?10?0??? ?-?0001000 ???1010101 01?0??1-?? ???1?00??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????3111 ??11101??? ?????00010 01-------- 0111010000 00002?0??? ?00?00??1? ?-00000??? ?????????? ?????0?001 ?????0??00 ?0?0001100 0??0000000 0001-0000? ?????????? ?????????? ??00000000 0?00???-00 00?010???? -000??0?0? 0?1??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Erpetosuchus sp' ??00?????? ??11??(12)0?? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0-?1 ?00(123)2?11?? ?010???0?0 200?0????? ???????2?? 0200001002 ?010?1???? ?????????? ???0?????0 000????0?? ?0??????10 02002????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 1????????? ???21???00 110??????? ???????(012)01 00?0000??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 01-------- ?11?01???? ????2????? ????????1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0??0? ?????????? ??????0??? ??100??00? ??00-??00? ?????????? ?????????? ???0?????? ??00????0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Dyoplax arenaceus' ?00?????00 011100???1 ?0??????(01)? ?0???????? ?????00-?? ???31-???? ?0???????? ?????????? ???????2?? ??00??1??? 1????????? ????????00 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 1????????? ??????(01)?00 ?????0??0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????1?11? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????311? ??12?????? ?????000?? ?????????? ???1?????? ?00??????? ????????0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0???? ?????????? ????00010? 0????????? 00???0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Jaxtasuchus salomoni' (01)??020???? ??1????0?? ??(01)??????? ?????????? ?????0???1 00-1??1100 ?000010000 ?0003????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? ??0????0?? ??????0?11 ???????-?0 1??????110 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 1????????? ?????????? 1???????0? 1??????10? 0001100?1? 01??????0(02) ??1??(01)???1 (12)10000010? 110-???(12)?1 ?(23)10?????? ???-11???? ?????????0 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???1000101 0110111-0- ??0?000??? ????1?300? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????240 0100?00??0 ??2000?0?1 01002?0?00 ?101?00001 ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? ???0120??? 00??00100? 1?0?0?3112 01?010110? ??0??????0 00-------- ?????????? ???????0?? ?????????? ?-?100???? ?????????0 010??00?0? ??0??0???? ?????????? ??00000-0? ??????0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??000?0-0? ???0(01)0???? ??0?????0? ?0???????? ????????-1 ?10??000?? ?0???????? 00 'Doswellia kaltenbachi' 2?1020(01)0?? ??????-13? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0-?? ?????????? ???0?????? 00004????? ???0?????? 11?0??00-- 0--0--???? ?0???0-0?? 2---100-0- 0-0100-111 0000-0001- ---022-00- 0-??001002 -1??120000 000???000? ??00021011 2010110111 1111020-00 11?1100110 00?010?001 ??1?000??? ????????00 0-?0020000 1?????0000 1200010000 10001111?? ?0?0????10 01?0000010 1-1???10?0 1100000110 110-10?(12)11 (12)010012000 000-110111 10-??3000? 1(01)???????? ?????????? ???0000001 2????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???000?111 0100000110 ?010113000 1000000??? 01???????0 ???????011 ?1???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????3112 0?1(02)101?00 ?00??00?0? 00-------- ????0-?0?- 0000-0?0?0 -00?100-01 0-0?00010? 000011-000 010?????01 000?1?0??? -0?0????0? ?????????? ???1-?1-00 010??????? ?????????? ??00000000 0?0??????0 0??0(01)?-000 ?????????? ?????????0 00--001?-1 0?0????0?? ?????????? ?? 'Parasuchus angustifrons' ??10201001 111000001? ?000001?0? ?-00--?-00 1(012)0?100-1? -0?20-1101 0020010200 20003?0000 -0001002?? 1000011002 0000110000 101???-0?? ??00100-01 0101010011 1000100010 020022-0?- 0-2-101002 -101121000 1001131-12 011----010 2011110101 0111040-?? ?1?1111100 00?0?0?1(12)- ??1?000??? ??????1??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????00000 00-------- 01010010?? ?00000?0?0 -10??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0???? ?????????0 ?0??001100 01?0000000 0001-??100 ?1000?1??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Parasuchus hislopi' 2110201001 111?000012 1000001400 0-00--0-00 1000100-12 -0020-1101 0020010200 2000310000 -0001002?? 10?00?1002 0000110000 100100-000 1010100-01 01010100?1 1000100010 020022-00- ????101002 -101121000 1001131-12 ?????????? ????110101 01110??-11 11?1111100 100010001- ???0001??? 1011?01?20 10?10001?1 10-2?10000 ?11010?010 10?1??110? 1-(02)1000?10 0101111003 1(01)10010000 110000?100 00?-11?2?1 0010111000 001-100000 10-1?????? ?00-000011 00?0010000 0?10001011 2011010101 0111111-(12)? 000(01)100??? ?????0?011 0010001011 0110200110 101021?00? 10???00120 0100100100 002000?011 0100100100 0101001200 111-000000 0011111100 1101121100 0100120210 001011???2 0100202102 0011010000 00000000?0 00-------- ?101001000 000000?0?0 0001?00-01 000001010? 000??1-?00 0000?0??01 0000100000 (01)000001100 0110000000 0001-01?00 ?(01)00001003 0000001000 00?0000000 000??????2 ??00(01)??00? -000????00 001?000000 010-01?0-1 01000000?1 00000-0??0 00 'Nicrosaurus kapffi' 2?10101002 1110000012 3000001200 0-00--0-00 1000?00-11 -000--1101 0020010200 2000320?10 -0-(01)1000?? 100-000002 0000110000 100100-0?? 1000100-11 0001000011 1001000011 020022-00- 0-(12)1111002 -101121000 0001131-12 011----000 2011110101 0111040-01 ??01111100 00?000?0(12)- ??1?000??? ??11????21 1111000101 10-2010000 0101201100 10?1??0101 1-(12)(01)000?1? 01?1111003 10(12)??1???0 110000?1?? 000-1????0 ??1011??00 00?-1????? ???1??02?? ?????????? ?????????? ???00?1011 ??11000100 1111111-(12)? 000??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0100001100 002000?0?1 01?0?00100 000101?210 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0000?00000 00-------- 0101000000 0000000001 -001100-01 000?010?0? 000?11??00 0000?0?001 001?100?00 100?001000 0110000-00 0001-01-00 ?00??????? ?????????? ??00000000 0000000002 01?01?000? -000????00 ?010???0?0 01-?0??0-0 0100000001 00???????0 ?? 'Smilosuchus spp.' ??10101002 1110000012 2000001(23)00 0-00--0-00 1000?00-11 -0-0--1100 0010010200 2000(34)10000 -0-11000?? 100-01000(12) 0010110000 000100-000 1000100-11 0001000011 1011100011 020022-00- 0-2-111002 -10112100? 0001131-12 011----000 2011110101 0111040-01 01?1120100 00?010001- 0110000?10 0?11??1?21 1111000101 10-2010000 0110200010 101?1?110? 1-20100?11 0101111003 1(01)1?010010 11000001?? 000-11?210 0010111000 001-100100 10-1???110 ?01-000011 0010011100 0-?00010?1 ??11000101 0111111-1? 000?100??? ?????????? ???000?011 0110100110 (12)01021?000 1000000??0 0100000100 0020000011 0100?00100 000001?210 111-000000 0011111100 11011211?? 01?0??0?1? ???00????? ????2?2100 00?0000?0? 00000000?0 00-------- 01010(01)0000 00000000?1 010??00-01 000?00011? 000?11-000 0000?0?001 000?100?00 1000001100 01000(01)0-00 000(01)-01-00 ?0????1??? ?????????? ??00000000 00000?0?02 0?0010?00? -0?0?????? ?????????0 01--01??-1 0100??0?0? ??001-0??0 0? 'Diandongosuchus fuyuanensis' ?1?0101101 ?1100110?1 ?1?0000200 0000?20000 ?100?00-01 -0030-1100 00200??000 1000220?00 00?01012?? 1100011001 0010310000 10110000?? 1000100001 0001010101 1010100110 0100?2-00? 0-2-???0?2 -10?12?00? 00???????2 ?????????0 20????010? ???10????? ????1????? ???0???1?? ?????????? ????????0? 10?00001?0 ?0-2010000 010?101100 1??1??0101 ??21000??? ??0??????? ??1???00?? 1???00?1?? 000?11?11? ??1?0????? ????1?0?10 ?0-???01?? ?0?-?00011 01?0011??0 0-10001010 ?01?0????? ?11?111-1? 00?1100??? ???110???? 0??0??10?? ?1?0??0??0 2????1??0? 1??0?0?120 0??0?????0 ??2000?0?1 ????2????0 ???0??1??? 111??0?0?? ???1?11?0? ?(01)???2110? ?1?01202?0 00000(12)???? ??????210? 0101?1?10? 00??0000?0 00-------- 0101000000 000010?0?0 ?????00-01 000?01??1? 00?00??000 ?????0?00? ????101011 00?0000??0 0?10000100 000100000? ?????????? ?????????? ??0000?000 00000?0?00 0??000?0?0 -0?0?????? 00100???00 ????00?0-? 01????00?? ?00?0-00?0 0? 'Wannia scurriensis' 2?1020??01 11100???1? ??0000???? ?-??--0-00 1(01234)0??00-11 -002?-1101 ?020010200 ?0003?000? -00?1?02?? ?(01)???110?? ?????????? ??????-??? ???????-?? ?????????1 ?????????? ?????2-0?- 0-(01)1101?02 -1?11?100? 0001031-?2 ?1?----0?? 2011110101 ?111040-11 1??1101100 00?000?1(12)- ?????00??? 1?1???1??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????00?00 00-------- ??0??????0 0?00??0000 -00??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0???? ?????????? ????00???0 011000000? 0?01-????0 ?10???1010 1100010000 01???????? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Ebrachosuchus neukami' ??10201001 1110000012 ?000001400 1-00--?-?0 1000100-?? -0010-1101 00200(12)0200 20003?0000 -00010021- 1000001002 0000110000 10?100-000 1000100-01 0101010011 1000100010 020022-00- 0-2-101002 -101121000 0001?31-12 ??1----01? 20??110101 0111040-(12)? 11?1111110 00?0?0?1(12)- 0?1?000??? 1?11??1??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ?0?1000??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0000? 00-------- 0101110000 00000000?0 -10??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0???? ?????????0 00??00010? 011?000-00 0001-01000 ?0000?001? 00000???00 0????????? ??00??0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Paleorhinus sawini' 2?10101001 1110010012 000?001400 1-00--0-00 1000?00-11 -000?-1101 00200(12)0200 1???3?0000 -00?100??? 1???0?0001 0000110000 ?0?10?-0?? 1000100-01 000?0100?1 1000?00011 020?22-00- 0-2-101002 -10112100? 000???1-?2 ?????????? 2??1110101 ?111040-?(01) ???1111100 10?0?0?0(12)- ?????00??? ??1??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ????????1? 0????????? ?????10??? 110000010? 01???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????000?0 00-------- 01?1000000 000000?0?1 ?00??????? ??0???0??? ?????????? ?????0???1 ????????00 10??001100 0110000?00 0001-01-00 ?(01)0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0??????? ???00????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Mystriosuchus planirostris' 2?10201002 (12)111000022 0000001400 1-00-----0 1000?00-1(12) -001001101 0020010000 (12)00041(01)0(01)0 -0-0100-?? 1001000002 1000110000 100100-0?? 1000100-(01)1 0000000111 1000(12)00011 020022-00- 0-2-111002 -1011(23)100? 000?131-02 0??----0?? 2011110101 ?111?40-01 ???112(12)100 00?0?0???? ?????00??? 1?????0?2? 10?100?1?1 10-2010000 01(01)0201100 1??1??110? 0?2(01)1?0?1? ??0????00(23) ??????00?? 1?0????100 0?0?11?(12)?? ???????000 001??00?00 ?0?10?0(12)10 20?-???0?? ????011??? ???0001011 2??10?0??? 011111??10 ???0000??? ?????????? ???????0?? ??1?????(12)? ????0???00 ???????1(23)0 01?0?????0 ??2000?0?1 ????10???? 0???0?010? 1????00?0? ??111?1100 (12)?????1100 ?1???202?? 0????????? ??0??02101 1?1?1??01? ????000000 00-------- 01-110(01)000 01000000?1 ?00??00-01 ?0???????? ?????????? ?????0?00? ????????10 10??00110? 0111000-00 0000001-10 ?(01)0??????? ?????????? ??00000000 0000000002 01??????1? ??00?????? ?????????? ???-01??-? ?10000??01 ?00????1?? ?? 'Machaeroprosopus pristinus' 2?10101002 1111000012 0000001400 1-00-----0 1000?00-1(12) -000--1101 0010010(02)00 2000(34)(12)0010 -0-11000?? 10?-000002 00001(01)0000 (01)01102-0?? 1000100-11 0101000001 100(01)(12)00011 020022-00- 0-2-111002 -101121000 0001131-12 011----000 2011110101 1111040-?1 ???1120100 00?0?0?0(12)- 0?1??00??? 1?1???1?20 1(01)11001101 10-2010000 0110201100 1011??110? 1-?(01)??0??? 0????????? ??(12)??10??? ?10?00010? 00??1????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?0?-???0?? ?????1???? 0-?00?1011 2?1?00???? ????????10 ?0011?0??? ???1(12)1(01)?1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1(01)? 0????????0 ???????0?1 ????00??0? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????11?? ???01202?(01) 010??10??? ??????2102 ????00??1? ?????00000 00-------- 01-1101000 0000000001 000??00-01 100?010??? ?????????? ?????0?001 ????0???00 10??001100 01100(01)0-00 000(01)-01-10 ?(01)0???1??? ?????????? ??00000000 0000000002 01???????- ??00-?-000 ??100000?? ?????????? ????????01 ????1????0 00 'Redondasaurus spp' 2?1?201002 1111000012 (01)000001(24)00 1-00-----0 1000?00-11 -000--1101 0010010000 2000(34)?0010 -0-11000?? 10?-000002 0000110000 10?10?-0?? 1000100-11 0101000011 1000(12)00011 020022-00- 0-2-111002 -10112100? ?001131-12 0????????? ?0111?0101 ?111040-?1 ???112?1(01)0 00?0?0?0(12)- 0?1??00??? 1?1?????20 1(23)11001101 10-2010000 0100200100 10????1101 1-2(01)??0??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????000?0 00-------- 01-110(01)000 0?000000?1 000??00-01 ?0???????? ?????????? ?????0?00? ????????(01)0 ?0??001(01)00 01100(01)0-00 0000-01-10 ?00??????? ?????????? ??00000000 00000?0?02 01???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Ornithosuchus woodwardi' 2?00100100 011002?011 1100011211 0000021010 1300?00-01 -0031-1101 001002?000 1000110000 00001101?? ?20100000(12) 0010000-00 00010000?? 1000101110 0001000101 1000100010 030022-010 0-2-101002 -10?1(23)0000 0??1131-11 0?1----000 2011110?0? 0111?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????1?00 1?01?201?1 ??????0000 ?1?030?1?? ?0?????101 0021000?10 0??1111001 1????????? 1?0?00?10? ?0?-11???? 10101?1?0? 00?-1?0?10 ????0??010 ?010110011 00?1001101 1110?????1 ?011??0101 01?0121-00 0??1100??? ?????00??0 ???1001011 0110100110 3110110000 22?0?00??0 0101100100 102000?011 0?0???1100 0????1?2?0 2????0???? ??112?110? ?00??????? ????1?0??? 00???????? ???02020-1 001100(01)000 0000000000 00-------- 1110000000 00002010?1 ????00??01 000?0??110 00??01-?10 0?00?0?001 00001?100- 00??011102 0?10010000 0000-01?00 ?????????? ?????????? ??00000000 ?000010002 01?00000?? -0?0??0?01 0010?0???0 01--001?-1 010000000? ?????-0??? 0? 'Riojasuchus tenuisceps' 2?00?-0000 0111021011 2100011221 ?000021010 1300?00-01 -0-31-1101 000002?000 1000110010 00001101?? 0201000001 0010000000 002100-0?? 1000100000 0001000001 1000100010 030022-01- 0-2-001002 -100120000 0001131-11 0(01)1----000 20?1110?01 0111040-0? ?1?1111100 00?01001?? ???0000??? 1?1???1?00 1301320??1 10-2100000 010030?100 1001111101 0021000?10 0000000001 1010020010 110000?100 000-1??(12)?0 0000111000 001-100011 ???1??0?0? ??101?00?1 00?11?1101 11???????? ??11100101 0110121-10 0111??101? ?????010?? ???1001011 (02)(23)10200110 3110110000 ?20?????30 1100100100 102000?0(12)1 0000211100 0100011210 211-100001 0011211101 1001121100 11?0120201 000001000? (01)?002020-0 00120000?? 00000000?0 00-------- 1111000000 ?0002010?0 ?00?000-00 0000000110 0000?1-0?0 0000?0?001 000??0100- 00?1011100 0100000000 0100-01100 ?10???0??? ?????????? ???0000000 00000?0002 01?010-0?? -0000-0?1? ??1??0???0 111-00??00 01?0000000 00000-0000 00 'Venaticosuchus rusconii' 2?00????00 0?110??0?1 ???001122? 000??21010 13?0?00-?1 -0-31-1101 ?00002?000 ?0001????? ?????????? 0?010000?? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 03002????? ?????????? ????12??00 00?1131-11 0(01)1----0?0 2???11???? ?????????? ???111???? 00?010?1?? 0?1?000??? ????????00 13013200?1 10-2???000 0100300000 1001???101 00(12)1000??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0???? 00-------- ?????????? ????(12)?1??? ?????0??01 ?0???????? ?????????? ?????0?00? ?????????? ?????1???? ?1000?000? ????????0? ??0??????? ?????????? ??0000?000 0?000?0002 01???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Dynamosuchus collisensis' 2?00??0??0 0?1??????? ???0?11?21 000??????? 1300?????? ?0????1?0? ??0??21?0? ?000?????? ?????????? ????????0? ?????????? ?0?1000000 100??????? ???10?0001 1000100010 ??002??011 ?????????? ????1?0001 00???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????11???? ????1011?? ???0000??? ????????00 13?132?0?1 1??21?0000 010?30?100 10?????101 00(12)1000?1? ?1?110000? 10???20??? ??0100010? 00??1????? ?000????00 ????1???1? ??????00?? ?01????01? ?0010????? ?????????? ??11?0?1?? 0110121?10 0111101??? ?????010?? ????0010?? 0110100?(12)? 3?1011???? ???????2?? ?1??????0? 1020000011 ?1??211100 0??0?1120? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????21?? 0??0000??? 0000?????? 00???????? ????????00 00??(01)????? ??0??0???1 ?0???????? ?0???1?0?? ??00????0? ?????00?0? ?????????? ??1??????? ???????10? ??0??????? ?????????? ??0000??00 0000?????? ?1?0?0-??? ???0????00 0????????0 ???-00???? ?1??????0? ?0???????? ?? 'Nundasuchus songeaensis' 2????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????(2345)????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????00?? ???0--001? 2????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? ???0(01)11100 ??????000? ?21?20?0?? ???????1?? ??21000?1? 01?1101003 11?00????0 1?0?0??10? ?0?-11???? 0(03)10??100? 001-1?00?0 10-1?????0 101?100111 00?1001001 10?01010?? 1??1100101 0110111-?? ?????????? ?????????? ????1????? ?????????0 1?10112000 ???????120 0101?00100 0020000021 0100201100 010001?200 111-000000 0011111100 110112???0 1??012021? 00?0110??? 0?0?2?20-1 0100011?00 0?0?0????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????00???? ?00????11? ?00?0?-0?0 000?????01 00???0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0?00?000 ??000?0??0 0??0??0000 -0?0?????? ?????????? ????011?-1 0100000001 00000-010? ?0 'Turfanosuchus dabanensis' ?0001001?0 01100010?1 (12)?00001101 0000021020 1100?00-00 ?0020-1100 00001??001 1000(23)(12)0010 01101111?? 0100011001 00100?0000 00111100?? 1000101100 11010010?1 1001100010 ?20??2-001 0-??10?00? ?100120000 000???001? ??10--?01? 2????????1 ?1??040-2? 01?110?100 00?1100100 ???0000?20 ??110???00 10000101?0 ?10??00000 111020?000 1??????10? ?021000?10 010?111003 10???(12)000? ?10000?10? ?10-?1???? ??20??1?01 011-???000 10-1???000 0??????0?? ?1???????? ?????????? ???1000000 0110111-10 0????0???? ?????????? ???00?1021 020010?1?0 3010110000 ???????130 01?0100?00 002000?011 0100?01100 010101???? 111-10010? 0011221110 (12)101?????? ???01?0??? ????010??? ??????20-1 01?0011??0 000?0000?0 00-------- 0-00000000 000?1?00?? 0001?0??0? 000?00011? 000?01-??0 0000?0??01 0000?01?00 0000001100 0110010000 0000-00?00 0?0??0???? ?????????? ???000?000 000000???0 00?0000000 ??00?????? ?????????0 01-?001?-1 010000000? 0?0?0-0?00 ?? 'Gracilisuchus stipanicicorum' 2?001(01)1100 0110001011 (12)000001101 0000021020 ?200?00-00 -0020-11(01)0 0010120001 1000310000 01101111?? 01000110-1 0-10310000 00110000?? 1000111110 0101100-01 1001-00110 020022-011 0-2-10100(12) ?100130100 000???1-1? 0?1----010 2011010101 0111040-?(01) ???010???? ???1?001(12)- ????000??? ??1???1?00 1000?10100 ?10??00000 1110200000 1010??1101 0(01)21000?1? 01?1111001 1010?10?10 110102?100 010-11?111 00200?1001 011-100000 10-1010000 0(01)???(01)??1? ?????????? ?????????? ???1000000 1110121-?? ?????????? ?????????? ???0001021 0110000110 3010210000 1?00000?00 0101100100 0020000001 11002(12)?100 0101??1100 111-100000 0011221110 210112???0 1??0120201 000001000? 0?002020-1 0100011??0 ?0000000?0 00-------- 01000(01)0000 000011?0?(01) ??1?000-01 000101010? 000001-000 0000?00001 00????1000 00??000100 0?10010000 0100-00000 ?0000??012 0000001011 0200000000 0000010000 0?00000000 -?00?????? ?????????0 01--0010-1 0101000001 00001-0000 00 'Yonghesuchus sangbiensis' ???0?????0 01100?10?1 ???010110? 0?0??21020 110??00-?1 00031-1100 ?0001??0?? 100?2??0?? ??1?1?1100 01000100-2 001021???0 ?????????? ????11???0 1001??0-?? ?001-00?10 02002????? ?????????? ????1????0 0??1??00?(01) ??10--?01? 2????????? ?????????? ????10???? ?????0?1(12)- ????000??? ????????00 10?0??0??? ???2?00000 111?2???00 1?11??110? 00(12)1000??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????1?11? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0?0?0 00-------- ?-0000???? ????11???? ??1??00-01 10?1?????? ?????????? ?????0??01 ????????0? ?0??0????0 ??10010?0? ??00-??00? ?00??????? ?????????? ????00???0 ?0000??00? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Parringtonia gracilis' 2?002010?0 011001?0(12)1 2000001101 ?00?021?20 ?2???00-?1 -10(23)1-1101 001012000? 10000?0000 10001?02?? ?20001100? 1?????0?00 ??111?0000 1?0000???0 0?01???0?1 10?????110 0(23)00?2-0?- 0-2-101002 -1?012000? 0?????0??? ?????????? 2?????0111 1111?40-21 01?1101101 00?1100100 ?0?1001?00 1?11001??? 1??0?10?00 ??????000? ?21????1?? ??1111-10? 0020?00?1? 0??1000?03 20?0?200?? 1???0????? ???-1????? 1200??1000 011-1???00 ?0-??10000 ?0??1(01)0011 010100???? 1??0??1??? ??????0??? ?????1???? ?10(01)?????? ???????0?? ????00??1? 0??0????1? ?0?0?1??00 ?0?0?0???? ?1?0110100 00200?0??1 ??0??01?00 010?01??00 ?11?10000? ?011?11?0? 1111?211?0 ???0??0??? 00?00(12)???? 0???0?3111 101100112? 0???0000?0 00-------- 0111?0?0?? ?0002??010 000100???? 1-000??110 00011?-000 000???0?01 00???????? ??0?001100 0?10010000 000?????00 1100000010 2000100010 00?100???? ??00??00?? ???0??-?0? ???0?????? ?????????0 ???-0???-? ?100??0??? ??000-000? ?? 'Aetosauroides scagliai' 2?00110000 011002???(12) 1100001400 0000021000 ?100?00-01 -0030-1110 00(01)?1??000 1000210001 -1001102?? ?100011??? ??????0000 000100-0?? (01)???0??-?? ?????????? ?????????? ???????00- ????11?0?? ???01????? 10??????1? ??1??-?01? ?????1???? ?????????0 ????10?100 0????????? ?????????? ????????02 1200010100 10-20?1000 0100200110 1?????1101 0021000?10 0?01111002 101?0100?0 100?00?101 000-11?(12)?(01) (01)020011000 001-100000 10-10(123)???? 2?1?1000?1 00?10??00? ???0101000 0?11(01)00001 0111111-10 0111100??? ?????0???? ???0101031 0000100110 3010111000 1000000230 0100100100 0020000021 0100201100 0101011210 111-100000 0011221110 1111121100 11?0120201 000001000? ??????3102 0012000120 00000000?0 00-------- 0100?1000? ?????????? ????000-01 ?00001011? 000011-000 0000?0??01 00??100010 ???1101101 0?10000000 00???0??2? ?????????? ?????????? ??10000000 000001000? 0??0100000 -?00?????? ?????????0 010-00??-1 0100000001 00000-0000 00 'Aetosaurus ferratus' 2000110000 0110011011 100000140? 0000021000 ?200?00-01 ?003101110 00011??010 ?000110001 01101001?? 01000110?0 0?10200000 00(01)10000?? 1001010001 0001000-01 10010--010 021022-001 0-2-111002 -11?120000 100???1-1? 0??-----10 20111111?1 111104?-?0 ?0?11?0100 000110012- ????000??? ????????0? 1200210?00 1101001000 (01)11010??10 10?0??1101 0021100?10 ?0???????? ??1??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?000??1??? ????1??000 10-10?0??? 0011100011 1001001101 ?010?0???? 0?11?0000? 01??111-1? 010?1101-? ???1????11 ???0001021 0(12)00000110 ?010112000 1000000(12)20 0100??0100 0-2(01)000011 0100201?00 0100011210 111-100?00 00112?11?0 1111121100 ?110120201 0000010??2 0??02?3102 001210012? ?0?0000000 00-------- 0100010000 00000000?0 ?00?010-01 ?0???????? ?000?1-000 0000?0??0? ????101000 00??100102 0?10010100 0000-00020 ?00??????? ?????????? ???000???0 0?0001?-0? ?????????? -0000-??00 001??????0 011-0010-1 01000?00?? ?0000-0??0 00 'Stagonolepis robertsoni' 2000110000 0110011011 100000140? 0000021000 ?200?00-01 ?003101110 0010121010 1000210001 001010021- 010000?001 0010?00000 00110000?? 1001010001 0001000-01 10010--010 020022-001 0-2-111002 -10?120000 1001131-10 001-----10 2011111111 1111040-20 0011110100 000110012- 0000000??0 1?11111?02 1300210?00 10-1001000 111010?110 10?0??1101 0021100110 10011??012 1110020010 110?00?10? 000-11?11? 0000111000 001-100000 10-1030300 2010100011 1001001101 ?010?01111 0?11100001 0101111-10 010???01-? ???1?04011 10?0001021 0110000110 ?010111000 10000001?0 01000?0100 002000?0?1 0100201100 01?0011210 111-100000 00112?1110 1111121100 ?110120201 00000100?2 00002?3102 001210012? 0000000000 00-------- 0??0010000 0000000000 0001010-00 100?00011? 000011-000 0000?0?001 000?10?00? 00??100102 0?10010000 0000-00020 100??0???? ?????????? ??1100?000 00000?0000 00?010?000 -0?0??0?00 001?000?00 01--00??-1 01000000?? 000??-0??0 00 'Ticinosuchus ferox' 2?00?????0 ??11?????? ??(01)??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?002??1110 ?0000??3?? ?0003??0?? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0?0? ?0?10??0?? (01)?0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 1?0??001?1 ??????0?0? ????????0? ???????10? 0021000?1? 01?111000(23) 1?????000? 110????100 0?0-11?111 0?1001?100 011-100?00 ????0??010 201?(01)?0011 ??????10?? ?0???????? ??110?0000 01(12)0111-1? 0113100??? ????00101? 0??0??1021 ??1?100??0 30?0110000 ???10102?0 0?0?10???0 ??2000?0?1 (01)???20?100 0?0??11200 111-?0?0?? 0011221??? 1??1?21100 ?1?01202?1 0000?????? ???02020-1 010001100? 000000?0?0 00-------- ???????0?0 ?????????? ?????00-?? ?001?0?110 00??0?-?10 ??00?0000? ??00?00??? ???0?????? ??1001?00? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0??00 0?000?000? ???01?0?00 -0?00-0?00 001?0???00 ??--00?0-1 01???????? ?00?0-0??0 0? 'Prestosuchus nyassicus' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? (01)?0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?11?(123)????? ??11?????? ????????11 01?11110(01)2 (12)(01)?001???0 1100100100 110-?????0 ?010011100 011-???000 10-1?111?? ??1?1????? ??????1??1 10???????? ???1100001 0110111-?? ?????????? ?????????? ???010?011 1100201120 ?010210011 ?001010??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0110? ?????????0 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0-1 ????0????0 ?0???????? ?????????? ?????????0 ?????????? ?????????? ??0101011? 000101001? ???0?????1 ?00??00??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??001?000? -?00?????? ?????????0 010-001??? ????????0? ?????????? ?? 'Qianosuchus mixtus' 20000-??00 011001(01)0?1 0?00101200 0001010000 ?10??00-11 00020-1110 002002?001 100032000? -0001?11?? 0000011001 ?010000000 0?0100?0?? 1000000?01 0?010?00?1 1000100010 020012-01? ????10???2 -?0011000? 0??1??1-?? ???----01? 201??????? ???1?????? ?????????? ?????0?100 ?????????? ?????????? 10???20??1 01020?0?00 01?02??100 ?0?????101 00210001?0 01??????00 --1?0?0010 1???0??1?? 110-110211 0???0??10? 011-100?10 ???????310 2011?00011 ?0?100(01)??? ??10??10?? ??????0000 ?1???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????01021 1200200120 201001?01? 20?1?00?30 0?????0?00 002000?0?1 ????20??0? 0?????0101 111-?00?0? 0011221?0? 1111?2110? ?1?01102?1 0000010??? 0?002?20-? 010001?000 0100000001 00-------- 01?00000?0 0?00100??0 ??0??0???1 ?001000?1? 0?1?11-11? ??0??0000? ??1?1?0?11 00?0101102 0?10010000 0010-0010? ?00??????? ?????????? ???000?000 0?000?0000 0??010???0 -0?0?????? ?????????0 0?0-00?0-1 010???0??? ?00?0-0??0 10 'Arizonasaurus babbitti' 21000-01?0 ??100?10?? ?10??????? ?????1??00 ?????00-?? ?003--1110 0000?21001 ?0002?000? ?0?01????? 0??0??100(12) 00?000???? ?0?100000? 1??0100?00 10?10000?1 0000???010 02?????001 0-2-10???2 -1??1?000? ?0????1-?? ???----?1? 2011?10?01 ?111000-01 011110?100 00?1?10100 0010001020 ?11111??0? ???0100?01 ???(12)??0000 ?10?2????? ??11???1?? ?021000?10 01?11110(02)0 --10010010 110000010? 0?0?11???? 0(02)200?1101 001?100?10 ???1?????? ??1?110011 00????1001 10?0?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???010?011 11(01)0200130 ?010?1??11 ?011010??0 0101100100 0020001??1 0000?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0?-- -------??0 01???000?1 00-------- ????00?00? ?00??0?010 0001000-?? 101?01011? 2?1??11110 010??00?01 ?0-???0??? ?000???102 0?1011000? ????-????0 0000???012 0000010001 01??00?000 0?000?0??? 0??01?000? -0???????? ?????????0 010-0???-1 01000000?? ?????????? ?? 'Lotosaurus adentus' 0?000-0100 011002(01)021 20002-121- 0001020000 15--?00-1? 01031-1110 000001-0-0 ?0-0-?0001 -0001002?? ?????1100? 1???000000 001000001- 100010010? ?00??000?0 ?010??0010 0(123)???2-001 0-2-101002 -10???00?? ???113???? ?????????? ??????0?01 0111000-01 ?1?1101100 00?1100100 ?0?0001?20 1?111?1?00 1200?2??00 ?????-2--? ?10??1?1?? ??10??---- -------?10 01??????00 --10???0?? 1???0??1?? 000-11?21? 0???0?110? 001-100?10 10-??????? ??11100011 ?0?000???1 0????????? ??1???0??? ?????1???? ?11??????? ?????0?01? 00000???(123)? 1??0????20 ?0???????? ?0?2?1???? ??01????00 00200????1 ?????01?00 0??001??01 111-?0000? ?011211?0? 1111?2???? ???0??0?0? 00??1(12)???? 0???1?0?-- -------??0 01000001?0 10-------- 0100000000 000000?0?1 0001010-0? 1-1??10?1? 111?????00 110??00--1 ??-?????-? 000?110000 0010010000 0010-11000 000??0???? ?????????? ??0100?--0 0?-------- --?011?0?? -0?00-??00 ?01?0?0??1 1?--?????? ?100??0??? ?00?0-0??0 ?? 'Ctenosauriscus koeneni' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? 01??111000 --???????? ???0?0?10? ?00-?1?2?? ???????10? 001-100?1? ???????-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0?-- -------??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??1?0????? 2???1????? ?????????? ??-??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???011???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Xilousuchus sapingensis' 2?00?????0 01100????? ??00?01101 000?010000 1100?0???1 ?003--111? ?000021301 ?0003?00?1 -0001??1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0??1 ?1?1000-01 111110?100 00?111010? 0010001020 ??1100??0? 1??0010001 1?????000? ?10?2????? ??11??11?? ?021000?1? 01?1111?00 --?0010010 1110100100 010-?1??1? ???????10? 0????????? ???0?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????1????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????1 00-------- ?????????? ???????0?0 0001000-?0 1011110??? ?0???????? ?????00?01 ??-?????1? ??00?????2 001011000? 0????????0 0000000??? ?????????? ????00?000 0?000000?? 0?0010?0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Mandasuchus tanyauchen' 2????????? ??1??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?103??1??? ?0?00(12)0?01 ?0002????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? ???????00? ?????????? ???????1?? ??2100??10 0101111003 (12)01??10000 1100010100 010-1??111 00201?1101 011-100??0 ???1???01? ??1?100011 01010??00? ?????????? ???1000100 0110111-00 01????0??? ?????????? ???0?0?011 0(12)001001?0 3010(12)10010 1001010??0 01???00?00 002000?0?1 ?????01100 010001120? 111-100000 0011221100 2111?????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????(12)0-1 01?0011??0 00000????0 00-------- ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?00101011? 00?001-010 ???0?00?01 100??00??? ???0?????? ??101??00? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??000?00?? ??00100??? ??00?????? ?????????0 010-000?-1 010??0??01 0?001-0??? ?? 'Luperosuchus fractus' 2?00100??0 0?10?210?? ?10??????? ?????21?00 ?????0???? ???(23)0?1101 0????????? ?????10?10 ?010110??? 0??00?100? 0?????0?00 000?110000 1000101100 00??0000?? ?000??00?? ???????00? ?????????? ??1???0?0? ?????????? ?????????? 2?????0111 ????0??-?? 00??1????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??(12)??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????000?0 00???????? 1??01000?0 0????????? 0????????? ?0???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????- 10?????100 0??0000??? ?????01??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Decuriasuchus quartacolonia' 20000-0(01)00 01110(12)10?1 210010110? 0001021000 ?20??00-01 -0030-1101 0010121001 100031001? -0001101?? 0100001001 0000000000 0001000000 1000101101 00010110(01)1 1000000010 020022-001 0-2-1010?2 -1001?000? ?0????1-?? ???----010 2?1???0?1? ?1?1?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????1?0? 1000?00?0? 1102??0000 110?200100 1?11???101 0021?001?0 01??????03 ??1???0000 110?0??100 110-1????? ???????10? 010-1???00 10-?????1? ?0????0011 ????00???? ?????????? ??1??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????1??0?? 0?1??????0 3??021?00? ??????01?0 0????????0 ?????????? ????2????0 0????????? 11???0?0?? ??1122?10? ?????211?0 ?1101?0??1 000?0(12)0??? ????2?20-? ?1?0???010 ????0000?0 00-------- 0000100000 00001000?? ????00??01 1001?1??1? 0???01-?1? ????000?0? ??00??0?11 (01)0?0001100 0?10000000 0010-0000? ?????????? ?????????? ??0000?000 0000000?0? 0??010?0?? -0???????? ?????????0 ???-00?0-? ?????????? ?00???0??0 10 'Batrachotomus kupferzellensis' 2?001001?0 011002102? 2100101101 010?011000 1200?20-0(01) 00130-1110 001?021001 10002?0011 -11010011- 01000?1001 0?00?00000 ?010100000 1000101100 110100?001 1000?01010 020?22-001 0-2-101012 -1?0120000 00??1?1-?1 ???----000 2011010111 01?1040-11 101110?100 100110012- ???0000121 ?11111??00 1000100101 1102100000 111020010? ?011??110? ?021000?10 0111111003 1(01)???20010 1100000100 000-11?(12)1(01) 0020001101 001-?00010 ?0-1???31? 001?100011 01010?1001 10???????? ??11000001 0110111-11 011??00??? ?????????? ???010?021 1110101120 ?010210010 ?001000??0 0101100100 0020000011 0100?01100 010001?210 11??1????? ?111221100 ?111?????? ???01?0??? ????12000? ????2?20-1 0011011??0 0000000000 00-------- 01(01)0100000 0000000011 0001000-01 100001011? 001??10010 0100?00001 000?100?1? 1000001102 0010000000 0000-00?00 000000???? ?????????? ??0000?000 000000000? 0?00000000 -000?????? ?????????0 011-001?-1 0100000001 00????0??0 ?0 'Prestosuchus chiniquensis' 2000100100 0111021021 2100101(01)01 0000021000 1200?00-01 -0030-1101 0010121001 1000220011 00001001?? 0100011001 0010010000 0000000000 1000101100 0011011001 1000001010 020022-001 0-2-101012 -110110000 0001131-11 0?1----010 2011010111 0111040-11 (01)1?1101100 00?110012- 0010000??0 1?111?1?00 1000200001 1102(01)00000 1110200100 1011111101 0021000110 01?1111003 10100?0000 1100000100 010-11?210 0020001100 001-100000 10-1??001? 0011100011 0101001001 1010101011 00?1000001 0110111-11 01???00??? ?????????? ???0101021 0110201120 3010210011 1001010130 0101100100 002000?011 0100201100 0100011210 111-100000 0011221100 2111121100 ?1?0120?0? 00?01(12)???? 0?002?20-1 0110011000 0000000100 00-------- 0110100000 00000000?1 0001000-01 100001011? 0010010010 0000?00001 000?000?(01)? 0000001100 0110000000 0010-00001 ?00??0???? ?????????? ??00000000 0000000000 0000000000 -000?????? ?????????0 110-0000-1 0100000001 00000-0000 0? 'Austriadraco dallavecchiai' 0???0-??00 0?????(12)0?? ?????????? ???11(12)1??? ?(01234)???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?200?0??01 ?000?0???? ??210????? ???00????0 ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???1?????1 ?????0?0?? ?????30??? ?????????0 10??0(02)?1?? 10-211(01)000 1220100000 ????????1? ??(02)1000?1? 0????????? ?????????? 1???0?0?0? ?????1???? ??????1?0? ?????0???? ?????????0 1?000(12)0001 ??0??02??1 ?-???????? ??????1101 1?1???0??? ?????????? ?????????? 1??0???031 ?(01)1?21??00 10?1?0-00- ?(01)???000?? 1????????? ????????11 ????300??? ??????110? -1?-??1??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????(12)???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????1????? ?????????? ???0?????? ?????????? ?00?????01 ?0??0???1? ??????--0? ???0????22 ??????0?0? ?????????? ?????????? ???0-????? ?00??????? ?????????? ??11??1??1 0??0010??? 0??1?????1 1011?????? ?????????? ??010?-?10 0????????? ?0???????? ?? 'Preondactylus buffarinii' 0100????00 01100??0?? ???0?0-300 ?001111000 ?20??0???1 ??00--1110 ?0000??010 ?0003????? ?????????? ?200?0???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 ????000?00 ?????1000? ?20??0???? ??????1111 0121000??? 0????????? ??????001? ?????????? ????11?2?? 1????????? ????10??(01)? ????0????0 1(01)?????001 ??????2??? ?-11------ -?21???1?? 2?1???011? 0?03100??? ?000200?00 1110?????? ????????00 ?????????? ?????000?? ?????????? ?????????1 ????3????? ??????1??- -1?-?????? ?????????? ?---?????? ???1?(12)03?? 00??0????? 0?10010--- -------00? ????1?0??? 00-------- ?????????? ?????????? ?????00-?? ?0?0?????? ????????0? ?????0000? ????-0?10? ???01??1?2 ??11111-0? ???1?????? ?????????? ?????????? ??00000000 0?000?0110 00??1????1 1011101??1 1121??0-0? ???1?????? ?????????? ?1??-????0 ?1 'Austriadactylus cristatus' 0?000-??00 01100(01)?0?1 1?0??0-210 ???1111?00 ?10??00-11 ?????-1111 ??10???010 100????00? -0?0100??? ?2000????? ?????????? ???1?????? ????000??? 0??1??00?? ?001(12)?0??? ?????????? ?????????? ??000-??0? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0-??02???? ?????1(01)00? ?20??0???? ??????1111 0221000??0 0????????? ??1???001? ???????1?? 1?0??1?21? ?????????? 0????0???? ????0????0 1?0??(12)??01 ??????2??? ?-???????? ?1?1???1?? 2?1?????1? 0??3100??? ?0?0??0?0? ?11??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????00??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???1?????? ?????????? ??????0--- -------00? ?????000?? 00-------- ???0?????? ?????????? ??????0--? ?001?0???? 0???????0? ?????0?002 ??0??????? ???01101?2 1??1110?00 00??????(12)? ?????????? ?????????? ??00?00100 0?0001011? 0???1????1 ??11??1000 112?0??-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Seazzadactylus venieri' 0?00?????? 0?100?(12)0?? ????01???0 ??????1?-? ?20??00-?1 -0?0-?1110 ?0000??010 (12)0??2????? ????(12)????? ?200000000 ?0?0?????? ?????????? ???00????0 0?0?0????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?1????0??? ?????????? ?????????0 2????1???1 ??????0-?? ?1?11???0? 00???0???? ?????30??? ????????00 0-?0020101 ?????1100? ?22??0???? ???????(01)11 020(01)000?1? 0????????? ?????????? ???????1?? 1????????? 00???11??? 0???1?0?1? ?????????? ?(01)000?00?1 0001002??1 0-11------ -1????1??? ?????????? ??031001-? ??00?00?00 11(01)(01)?????? ??1?(02)?0??? ?????????? ?????00??0 1????????0 ?0???????? ?????????- ?????????? -1?????1?? ?-?0------ -?-?-2???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????1????0 00-------- ?1?0?????? ?????????0 ?00??1??-? ?-???0???? ????????0? ?????0?021 ?0??-?0?0? ??????0??2 ???0111-0? ???0-????1 ??0??????? ?????????? ??11001001 0?0001?-00 01???????? 1?11101?01 1121000-?0 ???????1?0 ?????????? ???--????? ?? 'Raeticodactylus filisurensis' ??00????01 01100?10?1 (01)?0000-100 000110---? ?20??00-11 -0010-1111 00210??010 200?2??000 -00?1?01?? ?30000???? ?????????? ?????????? ???00??0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???00-???? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0-??100??1 10-(12)01100? ?200?0???? ???????(012)11 0201000?1? 0??1111?00 --???????? ????1(01)?1?? ???-?1???3 ??1001??00 00?-10???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????0?1101 1?1???0??? ???3?????? ???02?0??? 1?(01)??????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?0 11??????0? 10????1?11 1???3????? ??????1??- ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???1?203?(12) 00(01)??????? 0?1??1???? ?????????? ??????0??0 00-------- ?100?0???? ?????????? ?????1???? ?-0?????1? 0????????? ?????0?022 ??0?????1? ????0101?- ??10110-00 001?????2? ?????????? ?????????? ??11010000 1?0001?-?0 01?1?????? ??11?????0 1???????0? ????????10 0????????? ?????????? ?? 'Carniadactylus rosenfeldi' ?100????01 011000(12)0?1 (01)??0??1?00 ????10---? ?20???0-11 ???0--111? ?0100??010 10??2????? ???0?????? ?30000000? ???0?0???? ???1?????? ???1000??? 0?01??00?? ?01?0????? ?????????? ?????????? ????0-???? 1????????? ??0----0?0 2?????010? ??1???0??? ?1?11?2101 0????????? ?????30??? ?????????0 0-??02?1?1 ?????1100? ?10??-???? ???01?1?11 02010001?? ?????????? ??1??????? ??0??????? ????11?(12)?? ?????????? ????10???? ?????????0 ?00?0????? ?????02?01 0-11------ -12??????? 1?101?001? 0?031001-1 ???0200000 1110????31 ????2???(01)0 ???0???00? ?????0?0?? ?????????? ???????0?? ????300?0- ???1??1??- -??-?????? ?-00------ -----211?? ?111120302 000?111002 0110(02)10--- -------00? ????1?0??0 00-------- ?100?1???? ?????????0 ?????1???? 0-???????? ?????????? ???0?0?022 ????-01(01)0? ????0101?- ???01??-0? ??10??0?2? ??0??????? ?????????? ??11000101 0??001?-00 01?1?????? 1?11111000 11210?0-1? ??0?0????? ?????????? ?0?--????0 01 'Peteinosaurus zambellii' 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? ?????????? ?????????? ???0?????? 1????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 ??0??2?1?0 ???(12)??(01)00? ?????0???? ???????(01)1? ??(01)?000??0 0???????00 --???????? ?????????? ???-?1???? 0??0??1?0? 001-?0??10 ???10?00?1 10000?0001 ?0???02??1 0-???????? ??21??1?0? 2?10120?1? 01031001-1 10002000?0 111??????? ????????00 001030-00? ?????000?0 1???????0? 00?????0?1 11??2?0?0? ???1??1??0 -?1-?0???? 0-00------ -?-1-2111? 0111120302 000?01???2 0110(02)10--- -------00? ????1????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0-?? ?00?????10 0??00?--0? ???0????0? ??0??0?(01)?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0???0100 ???00?0??0 ???????0?1 1111101?00 11210?0-1? ???10?-110 0????0???? ?0?--??000 01 'Caelestiventus hanseni' 0?000-02?? 0?100??0?? ?10???-??? ??????1?0? ?????00-?? ?000--1110 ?0100(12)1010 (12)0002??000 -000(12)????? ??000000?- ------???? ?1211-102- ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? ?2?????1-0 0-2-?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 0-0002?101 ???(12)?1?000 ?11??0??00 0??0???11? 0201000??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0?1?0 00-------- ??1?0??0-? ?0???????? ????0?0--1 0-???????? ?????????? ?????00-0? ?????????? ????111?02 1?12101-00 ??00-????? ?????????? ?????????? ??10?10110 01001?0-00 11???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Dimorphodon macronyx' 0(12)00??0?00 01100210?2 2?0000-300 0001111000 ?200?00-11 -0?0--1110 00100??010 200?1??00? -??01002?? ?20000000- ------???? ???1?????? ???0000??0 0?010?01?1 -00000??10 ?2-?1????? ?????????? ??000-??0? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 0-0002?100 1????1100? ?10??0???? ??????0111 0(01)01000?1? 0???????00 --???1???? ?????????? ???-11???? (01)010??1?0? ???-10???? ????????01 ??00010001 00?10?2101 0-???????? ??210?1101 211012011? 0?041001-? ???0?00010 1110?10031 ?100210100 00103??00? 10???000?0 1100100000 00----1011 1100300?0- 00-??110?0 -11-?0111? ??00------ -??1?21111 0111110302 0001011002 0110010--- -------00? 1?1?1?0??0 00-------- ?100?0???? ????-????? ????000--? ?-?1????1? 0??0?1-?00 0100?0?(01)02 ??????010? ????1110?2 1??2101-0? 0000-?0-1? ?????????? ?????????? ??10010110 0?00110-00 11?11????1 2111101?00 1121000-10 ??0?0??110 000000??0? ?0?????000 01 'Eudimorphodon ranzii' 01000-?200 01100?10?1 0100001300 000?11100? ?20??00-11 -000--1110 00100??000 100?4??000 -0?01?00?? 0300000000 0000?0???0 01211-?0?? ???0000??0 0?0??????? ?????????? ???????1-? ?????????? ??0?0-??0? 0?????00?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???11????? 0??11????? ??????0??? ????????00 0-0?020100 1??(12)01100? ?12??0???? ???0??1111 0201100??? 0????????? ??1??1001? ??0??????? ????1??2?? ?0????1??? ????10?020 ???(01)?????? ?(01)000?0001 00?1002?01 0-11------ -1?1??1101 1?10120?0- -?041001-1 1000?00000 11???????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?0 0????????? ??----?0?1 ?????00?0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????00? ?????000?0 00-------- ?100?1???? ?????????? ?0??000--? 0-??????10 ?????????? ??0??0?022 ????-0??0? ???01101?2 ??10110-0? 0011????2? ?????????? ?????????? ??10000000 0?00010-10 01?????0?? 21111110?0 11210?0-?? ???????1?? ?0???????? ?????????? ?? 'Rhamphorhynchus muensteri' 0(12)000-0001 011101?011 0000?01100 ?00110---- 1(23)01?00-12 ?0?0--1100 -0000??010 10000-1000 -0?02000?? 030000000- ---------- -01100-02- 2--0000000 0001010011 -000000010 00--02-?0- 0-2-??1002 -1000-000? 0001031-1- 0-0----011 2??010010? 111104???? ?1?11?2101 ???1?0???? ??1??30??? 1???????00 0-?1-20??0 ?????1100? ?10??0??0? ???0??1101 0001000110 0000000000 --1??00001 100?0?0101 100-11?0?? ?0?0011?0? 0(01)1-1000(12)0 ?0-10????1 110?0?00?1 ?????02?01 0-11------ -131??1101 311012010- -?041001-? 1?00200000 11100?0031 0100210100 001130-00- 10?--000?0 01??????00 00----?011 11??(23)00?00 00?1??1??- ?11-?011?? 0?00------ ----121011 01111(23)0302 000?011002 0110000--- -------00? ????100000 00-------- --?0?0-00- -000-100?0 ?00??10--1 0-0100011? 010????-0? ??00000002 ??00-0010- -0?010010- 1??0000-00 0010-?0-21 ??111?1003 1011123111 1310000200 0?00010-00 0111(01)0-0?1 2111111001 ?1210?0-10 ??010?-1-0 ?0?00????? 01??--???0 01 'Cacibupteryx caribensis' 0?000-000? 011002101? (01)0???????? ????1????? ?????00-?? ???0--?1?? ?000???0?? (12)000???000 ?0-????0?? 0??00?00?? ?????????? ????1?00?? ????0?00?? 00???????? ?????????? ?????????- 0-2-1?10?? ??0?0-???? ?001031-1- ?-0----01? 2???110?01 11?1140-0? ?1?1112101 00?1?0?1?? ??1?030??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0??00??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????000?? 00-------- ??0000?0?? ?00??1000? ?00??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????00??? ?????????? ?0??00010? 1??0000-0? ??11??0?11 ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Allkaruen koi' 0???0-02?? ????????1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?1?10-002- ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1-0 0-2-100002 -1???????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0?01 ?1?1040-00 11?111?101 00?110012- ???10301?? 1?111010?0 ????0(12)?01? ??????(01)0?? ?????????? ???????1?? ????????1? 01???????? ?????????? 1?0000??0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?????????? ???????00? ?00????00? -00???0-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????2 ?????????? ??1?????0? 1????????? ?????????1 0?11111004 2001122110 12?????2?0 010??????? 0??12????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? 'Lagerpeton chanarensis' 0???0-???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????4????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0?00 00?101??00 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 1???020100 ??????100? ?????????? ???????00? ??00110?1? 0???????00 --???????? ?????????? ?????????? (13)010??0?01 001-1?1000 10-1?200?? ?0???1?011 ?(01)01?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0011021 2100200100 1000313000 1000000??0 1110011002 002100?011 1110210100 0101011101 -11-101110 0-00------ -2-1-21111 1101120000 0020000002 2--0000--- -------??0 0???1??0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????110-?? ?-?????10? ?000(01)1-000 0100????2? 00????00?? ????????1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????000001 01100?0??0 0??????0?? ?????????? ?????????0 0110010010 0100001001 00101-?000 11 'Ixalerpeton polesinensis' 0???0-01?? ??1???(01)?1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????0???? ??02??1??? ?01??(12)0??? ?00?4????? ???0?????? ?????????? ??????0000 ?0?1000000 010?0????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????000 0-2-100002 -1???????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0111 01?1040-10 ?1?112?101 00?110012- ???1000??0 1?11101?00 ????020100 ??????100? ?????????? ???????00? ?200??0?10 ??0(01)000000 --???????? ?????0?1?? ???-11???(01) 0000000??1 ??1?101000 10-??(12)0??? 2???21?011 00011????? ?????????? ???1000101 0110121-?? ?????????? ?????????? ???000?021 2100200100 1010?1???? 100??001?0 1110011002 102100?011 1110210100 010??11??1 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0--- -------??0 111????0?? 00-------- 0?????0000 -100???1?0 ?001110-?? ?-??0??11? ?00001??00 1000???0(02)? 00???00??? 0?1?????1? ??1????00? ?????1???1 ??0111?013 0000121110 12??000000 0?100?0??0 01?01?-000 ??10?????? ?????????0 011001??10 0100001011 101??????? ?? 'Kongonaphon kely' 0?0??????? ??10?????? ?????????? ?????(01)???? ?????0???? ?1?(123)??1110 ?????(12)1??0 ?00??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? ?2000?0?1? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???01?1-?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 1110011?02 10210010?1 ?????1010? ???1?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 00-------- ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?-???????? ?????????0 ??00?????? ?????0???? ?????????2 ???0110??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0??0-0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 01???????? ?????????? ?? 'PVSJ 883' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? 1110?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??01??1??? ?????????? ?? 'Dromomeron romeri' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????1? ?????????? ?????1???0 1????????? ?????????? 0000?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??11001101 011??????? ???1?0???? ???1?0001(01) 10?0010??? ?(123)????01?? ????(123)10?00 (12)?0(01)?00130 1110?11002 00----1011 1110(23)10100 010101110? -11-10111? 0-00------ -2-1-????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0000--- -------??? ??1?1????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????100 ?0???1-?00 1000?????1 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???0?????? ??1?????00 10100010?? ????0???10 0011111101 1?101-0??? ?? 'Dromomeron gregorii' ????0-01?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??010?00?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????2-?01 ????100000 ?1???????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0111 01?1040-10 011112?101 ??011?01?? ???1?????? 1?111?1??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 1110011002 1120001011 1110?10000 010??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??1??????? ?????????? ???????00? ?000?????? 000??????? ?????????? ?????????0 0000?????? ?????????? ??1?????1? 0????????? ?????????? ?101101014 0000022111 12???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 0111001101 0?1??????? ?? 'Dromomeron gigas' ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 1?10011002 10----10?1 1110?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 1?0??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????10 00?11111?? ?????????? ?? 'Lagosuchus talampayensis' (01)????????? ??10?????? ??0??????? ?????????? ?????????(01) ??????11?? ??0????0?0 ?0002????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???10?0??1 0000?000?? ?????????? ?????????? ????12000? 0????????? ?????????? ??????0?01 ?111041-1? 01?110???(01) 00?010002- ?0?10001?? ??1110???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????(01)01 0021??0?10 0101110000 --1?020??0 110?000100 100-1????(12) 10100?1??0 011-1?0000 1??1011?00 0?00200011 00?1???101 1????????? ??11?1?101 ?110121-10 01?(123)10???? ?????????? ????011021 2100000120 2100110000 1100?00130 0110100000 112000?011 1000210001 0011011100 ?11-011010 0011200000 1001121111 1111120201 000000000? 2--00?0--- -------0?? ?0??0????? 0?-------- ?????????? ?????0?100 100??????? ?00100010? 000001-000 0100??0?01 ??01?010?? ??00?????? ???00????? ????????01 ??000????? ?????????? ?????????? ???00?000? ??1000-000 -000?????? ?????????0 01--0010-0 0100000000 000?000000 10 'Asilisaurus kongwe' 2?000-0?00 0?1???(01)0?? ?100001200 000?0(12)01?0 150-?????? -10(23)?-1??? 002??(12)1000 10002?0000 ?00010?2?? ??000?10?? ??????0000 00?1001000 ????????0? ???10??0?1 0000?00010 0(23)???????? ?????????? ????1?000? ?????????? ?????????? ?1??01???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 ???0?00000 ??????1000 ?21?1??1?? ??00???1?? ??20001?10 01?1111000 --?1?2???0 1100100?0? 100-11?2?1 10100?1100 0?1-100?00 ?0-10???00 ??0?200011 01011?1101 11???????? ??01000111 1110111-10 0101100??? ????0??0?? ???0000011 2103?00120 3110110000 ?111000(12)(34)0 0101100011 1120001011 1000210001 0011111100 111-011010 0011210000 100112???0 0?11120201 0001110002 1000100--- -------??1 11110000?0 00-------- 0??0??00?? ????00???? ????010-?1 000100011? 0000?1-011 0110??0?01 00?0?01000 ????0??00? 001001?001 0????1???? ????????11 0000100011 11??00?000 0?100?0??0 0010(01)??0?? -000?????? ?????????0 010-000?-1 1100000000 0000110001 10 'Lewisuchus admixtus' 2?00?????0 ??11??00(12)? ??000012?0 00??0(12)?1?? 120??0???(01) -002??110? ?000020000 ?0003????? ???0?????? 0?00??1001 0-0031???? ?????????? ???0??01?0 01110??0?1 0000000010 02002????? ?????????? ????120000 000???00?? ??05-2-010 2101?10111 ?111040-10 0111101100 000010002- 00110001?? 1?11101?0? 1??0?10000 ??????000? 020?10?10? ???11??10? 0(01)(012)1000?10 01?1111003 0011010000 1100110100 ??0-110??1 2010001?00 011-10?000 10-1???00? ??00210011 0001001101 11???????? ???10?010? 01(12)0121-10 010???0??? ?????????? ????000011 21020001(23)0 3?0011??00 211100???0 0110100011 1120001011 1000210001 0011??110? 111-011010 0011210000 11010????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????10-0 00-10?-0?1 1111000??0 00-------- ???000???? ????00?100 1001000-01 000100011? 000??1-0?0 0100?00001 ??0??01?0? ?000?????? ??100?010? ??000??001 ?0000??012 0000100111 120?00?000 0010010000 01000?0000 -000?????? ?????????0 01--001?-1 1100000000 0000100??? ?? 'Silesaurus opolensis' 20000-01?0 0?10??002? ???0001100 000??2?10? 1100?0???1 -103??1??? ?000021000 10002???00 -0?011?2?? 1(12)000?1001 0??0??0?00 0011010000 ???0?0???0 11010?00?? 0010100?10 02102??001 0-2-111002 -1??120000 00????1-?? ?(01)0----010 2?01??0?11 ?111040-1? 0111101100 00?0100000 0011(01)00120 1011101?00 1000100011 11?1101000 121010?100 1000???10? 0220111?10 01?1111000 --110(12)(01)010 1100000100 100-11?211 0010001100 001-100011 10-1010011 1(01)0?210011 0001001101 11???????? ??11000100 0110121-00 0003100??? ?????????? ???000(12)021 2102100120 3100(12)10000 21110001?0 01011(02)0111 1120001011 1000210112 0011111101 211-021110 0011210000 120112???1 ???1021?01 0001000??? 2--0100--- -------001 11110000?0 00-------- ??000000?? ????100100 1001110-01 0001000110 000?01-001 0110?00001 0000?0000? ??000??100 0?10???00? ???1?0??01 010001???? ?????????? ??01000000 0?100?1000 0000000010 -000?????? ?????????0 010-0000-1 1100000000 0000000??1 10 'Heterodontosaurus tucki' 00000-02?0 0110000020 2101011100 0100020001 1300100-01 -00(23)3-1100 0000020010 1000210000 -1001012?? 0100011000 0010000000 0011001000 2--1100100 0101000001 1001000011 020022-00- 0-2-111002 -11?120000 1001?31-?? ?1?----010 210???0111 ?111041-10 01?1102100 00?010002- ??11000??? 1?111?1?02 1000210010 10-1010010 1201211100 1000??0111 012(01)110?10 01?0000000 --11?00010 100?10?100 000-11??0? 1?10111?00 001-100?20 ???10?0000 121?210011 00?10?0??1 0-11------ -0010?110? 0110121-10 01011001-1 0011010110 1122011031 0110010120 30112--00- 32?1?00120 11?0?0??-? 302110?0?1 ?0?0220012 10?1101101 -11-?2111? 0-00------ -201?21111 0101021201 0001000??2 2--0000--- -------00? ?-10100000 00-------- 011000000- -000000000 001?000-01 0100000110 010001--0? 0100?00001 ??00?00000 -0?1110100 0010010010 0011-01021 ?01????011 2001010010 1101100000 1000010-02 001001-0?0 -0000-0011 001?010000 001-10-00? 110000001? ?0?????000 11 'Lesothosaurus diagnosticus' 0?000-0100 01100000(23)1 1000001400 0000020000 1100100-01 -0033-1101 0000020000 1000310000 -000100201 000001000? 0??0??0000 0011001000 2--0100110 0001010001 1011000011 0200(12)2-00- 0-2-110002 -110120000 0001?31-11 ?10----011 2101?10111 01110??-?0 011?122100 000010012- 00110000?? 0011101?02 1000000000 1102110000 1200210100 1000??0101 0221111110 01?0000000 --???00010 1000100100 100-11???1 ?(02)10111000 0(01)1-100?21 1??1?10100 0?00210011 0001001101 10???????? ??01001101 0110121-1? 0101100??? ????001010 00?1000031 01120(01)0120 30112--00- 3211000430 11?1100012 302110?0(12)1 1000220012 1011?110?1 ?11-02?1?0 0?00------ -20112???? ??01021201 0001-----? ---0000--- -------0?? 1-?0000000 00-------- 010000000- -0000000?0 0001000-01 010100011? ?10?01--00 0100?00001 000??00000 -001110100 0010010010 0011?01021 ?100?0??1? ?0?01??011 0101100000 1001001101 00100?-000 -010?????0 0010000?00 01--10-00(01) 11000000?1 000??????0 1- 'Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis' 2?000-0100 0110110021 2100101100 0100020000 ?200?00-01 0012001100 00000(12)1300 10003?0000 -0001102?? 0100001001 0-00300000 00?1001000 2--0(01)00110 010100000(01) 0000000010 020022-001 0-2-101002 -10?130000 000???1-1? ??0----01? 210?010111 0111040-?0 ???1111100 00?010?12- ????000??? 1?????1?00 1100(12)00110 1101000000 1(12)10200100 10?(01)111101 0021000?1? 01?1111002 0011020010 11001(01)0100 100-11?2?(01) 00100?1100 001-100000 10-101??01 000?210001 00011?1101 11???????? ??01001101 1120121-10 01011001-1 111001(12)111 1122011021 2111200120 3101210011 12110103?0 1110100012 112010?011 10(01)0220(01)01 1011101101 211-021110 0000------ -201021111 0101121201 000110000? 1000000--- -------001 0-100000?0 00-------- 011000000- 00000000?0 000?000-01 0001110110 0000111000 0100?0?001 00?1?00000 -0?0001100 0?10010000 1010000100 ?0000??002 0100010001 0100000000 00000?0000 0000000110 -0000-0000 1000111100 010-001000 1100000000 0001110111 10 'Eoraptor lunensis' ?0000-0100 01100100?1 1101201110 0100021000 ?200?00-01 00021-1110 00000??000 1000310000 0010110200 0100011002 0-00300000 00?10?10?? 2--1?00?11 1001?000?1 1010000010 020022-001 0-2-100002 -10012?00? 0?01??001? 0?0002?010 2111010?1? ?????????? ????1????? ???0?0?1?? ????000??? ?????????? 10000001?? ???1????00 1200001100 1110???101 0121001?10 0101111000 --1??(12)???0 1100100100 100-11?211 00100?1100 001-10001? 1??101010? 0001200001 0001101101 101??????? ??01001101 1120121-00 01011001-1 1111002110 0(01)?1000021 2113000120 3100210000 (23)212010(23)40 111???0?12 112110?011 1000220011 1011?01?00 211-021110 0011210000 1201021111 01111212?1 000000000? 2--0000--- -------00? 1-100000?0 00-------- 011000000- ?000000??? ??0??0??01 000?000110 0?0?01-010 0100?0?001 000?-00000 ?0??010100 0?10010101 11001?000? ?00??????? ?????????? ???100???0 0?0000000? ???00011?0 -0100-0111 0000011101 01--000000 1101000000 0001110111 11 'Buriolestes schultzi' 20000-0100 0?10000021 1001111110 000??(12)1000 1200?00-01 00021-11?? 00000(12)1000 1000410000 -000110201 0000011001 0-00300??0 00?1001000 2--1?00010 1101000001 0011000010 020022-001 0-2-101002 -10?120000 0001?3001? 0?05-2-010 211?010111 0111040-10 0111111100 000010012- 00110001?0 1011101000 1000000100 0101100000 1210200100 1010??1101 0021000110 0101111000 --11120011 110011010? 100-11?(12)11 2010001100 001-100000 10-1010000 0?0?210011 000??????? ?????????? ??01001101 1110121-10 0100100??? 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