The topic modelling zip file contains code files that are: 1. Using LDA lables for machine learning, (it is code file for using LDA topic as feature vectors on amazon dataset, also it contains 5by2 fold paired t test code on amazon dataset) 2. Using LDA lables for machine learning (social media dataset), (it is a code file for applying LDA based feature vectors on social media dataset) 3. without topic modelling (Baseline approach), (it is a file that contains code for applying baseline on amazond dataset), 4. without topic modelling (Baseline approachSM dataset), (it is a code that apply baseline approaches on social media dataset) 5. BaselineRevData_Doc2vec (it is a code file that contains code to apply doc2vec approach as a baseline on amazon dataset) 6. BaselineSMData_Doc2vec (it is a code file that contains code to apply doc2vec as baseline approach on social media dataset) all are .ipynb extensions, run on python 3.8 and in jupyter notebook.