% Readme file: % Created by Associate Professor / Mohamed Hassan Essai Ali,Egypt. %on Thursday, 27/5/2021. %for use with MATLAB R2019.b and its related Neural Networks Toolbox %% 1 - %Open script m-file with title "TrainingdataGeneration", %This script is created to generate training and validation data for the %deep learning model in a single-user OFDM system. % Go to line 32 for OFDM system parameters, and specify the following % parameters: % Number of subcarriers %NumSC = 64; % Number of pilot subcarriers %NumPilot = 4; % Then go to line 40 for Channel generation %Number of pathes %NumPath = 24; % The length of the cyclic prefix %LengthCP = 16; % Choose channel modle by adding or removing "%" before line 46 or 49. %Finally, go to line 136 to save training data, validation data, %and simulation parameteers. %for example the following three lines for (Numscr=64, pilots=4, %and cyclick prefix length=16) %save('TrainingData_sc64_pil4_cp16.mat','XTrain','YTrain','NumOFDMsym','NumSC','Label'); %save('ValidationData_sc64_pil4_cp16.mat','XValid','YValid'); %save('SimParameters_sc64_pil4_cp16.mat','NumPilotSym','NumDataSym','NumSC','idxSC','h','LengthCP','FixedPilot','Mod_Constellation','Label'); %% %2- %Open script m-file with title "TrainDNN" % Go to line 10 for loading training and validation data %for example the following three lines for (Numscr=64, pilots=4, %and cyclick prefix length=16) %load('TrainingData_sc64_pil4_cp16.mat'); %load('ValidationData_sc64_pil4_cp16.mat'); % Go to line 15 for define the training parameters % Go to line 23 for Forming BiLSTM or LSTM DNN layers % Go to line 31 to choose required loss function % Go to line 70 for Saving the trained neural networks. %% %3- %%Open script m-file with title "Accuracyforall" % This script calculates the symbol error rate (SER) based on deep learning (DL), % least square (LS) and minimum mean square error (MMSE). % Go to line 13 for loading common parameters and the trained NN for your % case study.