library(tidyverse) library(sjPlot) library(ggplot2) library(readr) library(ggpubr) library(lsmeans) library(lme4) library(lmerTest) library(glmmTMB) library(zoo) library(performance) library(ggeffects) setwd("E:/Nares expansion and breath variability/Paper/Revisions for PeerJ/Final Submission Docs/Revised Analysis Files") theme_set(theme_minimal()) # Loading the data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dat <- read_csv("E:/Nares expansion and breath variability/Paper/Revisions for PeerJ/Final Submission Docs/Revised Analysis Files/Raw Data Supplementary File 1.csv", col_types = cols(assoc_divedur = col_time(format = "%H:%M:%S"), following_divedur = col_time(format = "%H:%M:%S"), follow_divedep = col_double(), prev_divedur = col_time(format = "%H:%M:%S"))) dat$species = parse_factor(dat$species, levels = c("mn", "bb")) dat$individualID <- factor(dat$individualID, levels = c("bb180304-45", "bb190224-52", "bb190228-55b", "bb190309-52", "mn161117-10", "mn180607-44")) dat <- dat %>% ungroup() %>% group_by(individualID)%>% mutate(SIA = IA / max(IA, na.rm = TRUE), #Normalize IA and max nares area NMA = max_area / max(max_area, na.rm = TRUE))%>% mutate(prev_divedur = as.numeric(prev_divedur, unit = "secs"), #change durations to number of seconds following_divedur = as.numeric(following_divedur, unit = "secs")) %>% ungroup()#calculates the normalized IA and normalized maximum nares area for each whale by dividing by the largest breath. ##Identifying where dives and IBIs diverge (depth and duration) ------------------------------------- p <- dat %>% #duration mutate(ibi = as.numeric(following_divedur, unit = "secs")) log_ibi_dens <- density(log(p$ibi), na.rm = TRUE) log_ibi_peaks <- pracma::findpeaks(log_ibi_dens$y) log_ibi_valley <- log_ibi_peaks[1,4] log_ibi_thr <- log_ibi_dens$x[log_ibi_valley] ggplot(p, aes(x = log(ibi)))+ geom_histogram(aes(y = ..density..), bins = 20) + geom_density(color = "blue") + geom_vline(xintercept = log_ibi_thr, color = "red") # Your IBI threshold is: ibi_thr <- exp(log_ibi_thr) ibi_thr ##Classifying initial, middle, and terminal breaths using the minimum dive duration value distinguishing IBIs from dives -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dat$breath_type = ifelse(dat$prev_divedur > 90, "Initial", ifelse(dat$following_divedur > 90, "Terminal", "Middle")) #numbering the breath numbers and surface intervals dat$breath_n <- ifelse(dat$prev_divedur > 90, 1, 0) dat$breath_num <- ave(dat$breath_n, cumsum(dat$breath_n == 1), FUN = seq) dat <- dat %>% group_by(individualID) %>% mutate(surface_num = ifelse(breath_n == 1, cumsum(breath_n), NA)) dat$surface_num <- na.locf(dat$surface_num) ##Table 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s <- dat %>% group_by(individualID) s$s_type <- ifelse(s$prev_divedur > 90, "Dive", "IBI") s <- s %>% group_by(individualID, s_type) %>% summarise(min = min(prev_divedur, na.rm = TRUE), mean = mean(prev_divedur, na.rm = TRUE), sd = sd(prev_divedur, na.rm = TRUE), max = max(prev_divedur, na.rm = TRUE), n = sum(! #create a DF by whale Mn44 = dat %>% filter(individualID == "mn180607-44") %>% mutate(SIA = IA / max(IA, na.rm = TRUE)) Mn10 = dat %>% filter(individualID == "mn161117-10")%>% mutate(SIA = IA / max(IA, na.rm = TRUE)) Bb55b = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190228-55b")%>% mutate(SIA = IA / max(IA, na.rm = TRUE)) Bb52 = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190309-52")%>% mutate(SIA = IA / max(IA, na.rm = TRUE)) Bb45 = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb180304-45")%>% mutate(SIA = IA / max(IA, na.rm = TRUE)) Bb52b = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190224-52")%>% mutate(SIA = IA / max(IA, na.rm = TRUE)) #create a dataframe by whale for each breath type Mn44.i = dat %>% filter(individualID == "mn180607-44", breath_type == "Initial") Mn10.i = dat %>% filter(individualID == "mn161117-10", breath_type == "Initial") Bb55b.i = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190228-55b", breath_type == "Initial") Bb52.i = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190309-52", breath_type == "Initial") Bb45.i = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb180304-45", breath_type == "Initial") Bb52b.i = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190224-52", breath_type == "Initial") Mn44.m = dat %>% filter(individualID == "mn180607-44", breath_type == "Middle") Mn10.m = dat %>% filter(individualID == "mn161117-10", breath_type == "Middle") Bb55b.m = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190228-55b", breath_type == "Middle") Bb52.m = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190309-52", breath_type == "Middle") Bb45.m = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb180304-45", breath_type == "Middle") Bb52b.m = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190224-52", breath_type == "Middle") Mn44.t = dat %>% filter(individualID == "mn180607-44", breath_type == "Terminal") Mn10.t = dat %>% filter(individualID == "mn161117-10", breath_type == "Terminal") Bb55b.t = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190228-55b", breath_type == "Terminal") Bb52.t = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190309-52", breath_type == "Terminal") Bb45.t = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb180304-45", breath_type == "Terminal") Bb52b.t = dat %>% filter(individualID == "bb190224-52", breath_type == "Terminal") #Removes the NAs from each of the dataframes. Mn44.i = Mn44.i[!$IA),] Mn44.m = Mn44.m[!$IA),] Mn44.t = Mn44.t[!$IA),] Mn10.i = Mn10.i[!$IA),] Mn10.m = Mn10.m[!$IA),] Mn10.t = Mn10.t[!$IA),] Bb55b.i = Bb55b.i[!$IA),] Bb55b.m = Bb55b.m[!$IA),] Bb55b.t = Bb55b.t[!$IA),] Bb52.i = Bb52.i[!$IA),] Bb52.m = Bb52.m[!$IA),] Bb52.t = Bb52.t[!$IA),] Bb45.i = Bb45.i[!$IA),] Bb45.m = Bb45.m[!$IA),] Bb45.t = Bb45.t[!$IA),] Bb52b.i = Bb52b.i[!$IA),] Bb52b.m = Bb52b.m[!$IA),] Bb52b.t = Bb52b.t[!$IA),] #Runs the qq plot for each breath type and individual to confirm linearity. ggqqplot(Mn44.i$IA) ggqqplot(Mn44.m$IA) ggqqplot(Mn44.t$IA) ggqqplot(Mn10.i$IA) ggqqplot(Mn10.m$IA) ggqqplot(Mn10.t$IA) ggqqplot(Bb55b.i$IA) ggqqplot(Bb55b.m$IA) ggqqplot(Bb55b.t$IA) ggqqplot(Bb52.i$IA) ggqqplot(Bb52.m$IA) ggqqplot(Bb52.t$IA) ggqqplot(Bb45.i$IA) ggqqplot(Bb45.m$IA) ggqqplot(Bb45.t$IA) ggqqplot(Bb52b.i$IA) ggqqplot(Bb52b.m$IA) ggqqplot(Bb52b.t$IA) #Confirming linearity for inhalation duration out = dat out = out[!$inhaledur),] out.i = out %>% filter(breath_type == "Initial") out.m = out %>% filter(breath_type == "Middle") out.t = out %>% filter(breath_type == "Terminal") ggqqplot(out.i$inhaledur) ggqqplot(out.m$inhaledur) ggqqplot(out.t$inhaledur) #Testing for homogeneity of variance - integrated area. #Mn44 sd(Mn44.i$IA)^2 sd(Mn44.m$IA)^2 sd(Mn44.t$IA)^2 #Mn10 sd(Mn10.i$IA)^2 sd(Mn10.m$IA)^2 sd(Mn10.t$IA)^2 #Bb55b sd(Bb55b.i$IA)^2 sd(Bb55b.m$IA)^2 sd(Bb55b.t$IA)^2 #Bb52 sd(Bb52.i$IA)^2 sd(Bb52.m$IA)^2 sd(Bb52.t$IA)^2 #Bb45 sd(Bb45.i$IA)^2 sd(Bb45.m$IA)^2 sd(Bb45.t$IA)^2 #Bb52b sd(Bb52b.i$IA)^2 sd(Bb52b.m$IA)^2 sd(Bb52b.t$IA)^2 #Testing for homogeneity of variance for inhalation duration sd(out.i$inhaledur)^2 sd(out.m$inhaledur)^2 sd(out.t$inhaledur)^2 # Hypothesis 1: IA, maximum area, and inhale duration vary by breath type, terminal greatest --------- ##Figure 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dat.c = read.csv("Inhale Curves Supplementary File 2.csv") #reads data for frame area over time data dat.c <- dat.c %>% mutate(x = paste(Animal, Breath_code))%>% group_by(x) %>% mutate(norm_t = Time_value/(max(Time_value, na.rm = TRUE)), norm_a = Area/max(Area, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% ungroup() flow <- read.csv("Inspiration Rate Supplementary File 3.csv") #reads data based on plots made by Sumich, 2001 flow <- flow %>% mutate(zero_t = time - 0.8975, norm_t = zero_t/max(zero_t), flow_p = flow*-1, flow_np = flow_p/max(flow_p)) #MN161117-10 panel mean_I <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "mn161117-10", Breath_type == "Initial") %>% group_by(x) mean_M <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "mn161117-10", Breath_type == "Middle") %>% group_by(x) mean_T <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "mn161117-10", Breath_type == "Terminal") %>% group_by(x) mn10 <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == 'mn161117-10', Breath_type == "Initial" | Breath_type =="Middle" | Breath_type == "Terminal")%>% group_by(Breath_type)%>% ggplot(dat.c, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a))+ geom_line(aes(color = Breath_type), alpha = 0.2, size = 1)+ scale_y_continuous("",sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = ""))+ geom_smooth(flow, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = flow_np), color = "grey40")+ geom_smooth(mean_I, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color ="#E69F00" ))+ geom_smooth(mean_M, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#56B4E9"))+ geom_smooth(mean_T, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#009E73"))+ scale_color_manual(values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73","#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73"))+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ xlab("Normalized Inhalation Duration")+ ylab("")+ theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) #Bb180304-45 panel mean_I <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb180304-45", Breath_type == "Initial") %>% group_by(x) mean_M <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb180304-45", Breath_type == "Middle") %>% group_by(x) mean_T <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb180304-45", Breath_type == "Terminal") %>% group_by(x) bb45 <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == 'bb180304-45', Breath_type == "Initial" | Breath_type =="Middle" | Breath_type == "Terminal")%>% group_by(Breath_type)%>% ggplot(dat.c, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a))+ geom_line(aes(color = Breath_type), alpha = 0.2, size = 1)+ scale_y_continuous("Normalized Frame Area",sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = ""))+ geom_smooth(flow, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = flow_np), color = "grey40")+ geom_smooth(mean_I, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color ="#E69F00" ))+ geom_smooth(mean_M, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#56B4E9"))+ geom_smooth(mean_T, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#009E73"))+ scale_color_manual(values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73","#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73"))+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ xlab("")+ ylab("Normalized Frame Area")+ theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) #Bb190224-52 panel mean_I <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb190224-52", Breath_type == "Initial") %>% group_by(x) mean_M <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb190224-52", Breath_type == "Middle") %>% group_by(x) mean_T <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb190224-52", Breath_type == "Terminal") %>% group_by(x) bb52 <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == 'bb190224-52', Breath_type == "Initial" | Breath_type =="Middle" | Breath_type == "Terminal")%>% group_by(Breath_type)%>% ggplot(dat.c, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a))+ geom_line(aes(color = Breath_type), alpha = 0.2, size = 1)+ scale_y_continuous("",sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = ""))+ geom_smooth(flow, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = flow_np), color = "grey40")+ geom_smooth(mean_I, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color ="#E69F00" ))+ geom_smooth(mean_M, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#56B4E9"))+ geom_smooth(mean_T, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#009E73"))+ scale_color_manual(values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73","#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73"))+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ xlab("")+ ylab("")+ theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank()) #Bb190228-55b panel mean_I <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb190228-55b", Breath_type == "Initial") %>% group_by(x) mean_M <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb190228-55b", Breath_type == "Middle") %>% group_by(x) mean_T <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb190228-55b", Breath_type == "Terminal") %>% group_by(x) bb55 <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == 'bb190228-55b', Breath_type == "Initial" | Breath_type =="Middle" | Breath_type == "Terminal")%>% group_by(Breath_type)%>% ggplot(dat.c, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a))+ geom_line(aes(color = Breath_type), alpha = 0.2, size = 1)+ scale_y_continuous("",sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = "Normalized Flow Rate"))+ geom_smooth(flow, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = flow_np), color = "grey40")+ geom_smooth(mean_I, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color ="#E69F00" ))+ geom_smooth(mean_M, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#56B4E9"))+ geom_smooth(mean_T, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#009E73"))+ scale_color_manual(values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73","#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73"))+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ xlab("")+ ylab("")+ theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank()) #Bb190309-52 panel mean_I <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb190309-52", Breath_type == "Initial") %>% group_by(x) mean_M <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb190309-52", Breath_type == "Middle") %>% group_by(x) mean_T <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "bb190309-52", Breath_type == "Terminal") %>% group_by(x) bb52b <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == 'bb190309-52', Breath_type == "Initial" | Breath_type =="Middle" | Breath_type == "Terminal")%>% group_by(Breath_type)%>% ggplot(dat.c, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a))+ geom_line(aes(color = Breath_type), alpha = 0.2, size = 1)+ scale_y_continuous("Normalized Frame Area",sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = ""))+ geom_smooth(flow, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = flow_np), color = "grey40")+ geom_smooth(mean_I, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color ="#E69F00" ))+ geom_smooth(mean_M, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#56B4E9"))+ geom_smooth(mean_T, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#009E73"))+ scale_color_manual(values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73","#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73"))+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ xlab("Normalized Inhalation Duration")+ ylab("Normalized Frame Area") #Mn180607-44 panel mean_I <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "Mn180607-44", Breath_type == "Initial") %>% group_by(x) mean_M <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "Mn180607-44", Breath_type == "Middle") %>% group_by(x) mean_T <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == "Mn180607-44", Breath_type == "Terminal") %>% group_by(x) mn44 <- dat.c %>% filter(Animal == 'Mn180607-44', Breath_type == "Initial" | Breath_type =="Middle" | Breath_type == "Terminal")%>% group_by(Breath_type)%>% ggplot(dat.c, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a))+ geom_line(aes(color = Breath_type), alpha = 0.2, size = 1)+ scale_y_continuous("",sec.axis = sec_axis(~., name = "Normalized Flow Rate"))+ geom_smooth(flow, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = flow_np), color = "grey40")+ geom_smooth(mean_I, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color ="#E69F00" ))+ geom_smooth(mean_M, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#56B4E9"))+ geom_smooth(mean_T, se = FALSE, mapping = aes(x = norm_t, y = norm_a, color = "#009E73"))+ scale_color_manual(values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73","#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73"))+ theme(legend.position = "none")+ xlab("Normalized Inhalation Duration")+ ylab("")+ theme(axis.text.y = element_blank()) ggarrange(bb45, bb52, bb55, bb52b, mn10, mn44, labels = c("bb180304-45","bb190224-52", "bb190228-55b","bb190309-52", "mn161117-10","mn180607-44"), ncol = 3, nrow = 2, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "right") ggsave("figure 2.pdf", height = 240, width = 425, units = "mm") ##Figure 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- g <- dat %>% fill(individualID) %>% rename(`Normalized Integrated Area` = SIA, `Inhalation Duration (s)` = inhaledur, `Normalized Maximum Nares Expansion` = NMA) %>% pivot_longer(cols = c("Normalized Integrated Area", "Inhalation Duration (s)", "Normalized Maximum Nares Expansion"), names_to = "response", values_to = "value") %>% filter(breath_type == "Initial"| breath_type == "Middle"| breath_type == "Terminal") %>% ggplot(aes(x = breath_type, y = value, fill = individualID, na.rm = TRUE)) + geom_boxplot(na.rm = TRUE) + facet_wrap(vars(response), ncol = 1, scales = "free_y", strip.position = "left") + theme_minimal(base_size = 14) + theme(axis.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "right", strip.placement = "outside")+ labs(fill = 'Individual ID')+ scale_fill_manual(values = c("lightblue1", "steelblue4", "seagreen", '#44AA99', "darkgoldenrod1", "gold1")) g ggsave("Figure 3.svg", height = 300, width = 350, units = "mm") # GLMM Inhalation Duration id_lme<- glmmTMB(inhaledur ~ breath_type + (1|individualID), data = dat, family = Gamma(link = "log")) summary(id_lme) #provides AIC and Log Likelihood predict2 <- ggpredict(id_lme, terms = "breath_type [all]") #obtain confidence intervals per predictor category car::Anova(id_lme) #overall fixed effects inference (p-values) marginal=lsmeans(id_lme, ~breath_type) #finds the least squared means$breath_type #Lists the levels #Initial vs. Terminal contr = list("Initial vs Terminal" = c(-1,0,1)) contrast(marginal,contr) #Initial vs. Middle contr = list("Initial vs Middle" = c(-1,1,0)) contrast(marginal,contr) #Terminal vs. Middle contr = list("Terminal vs Middle" = c(0,1,-1)) contrast(marginal,contr) # GLMM sIA sia_lme <- glmmTMB(SIA ~ breath_type + (1|individualID), data = mutate(dat, SIA = pmin(SIA, 0.9999)), family = beta_family(link = "logit")) summary(sia_lme) predict3 <- ggpredict(sia_lme, terms = "breath_type") car::Anova(sia_lme) marginal=lsmeans(sia_lme, ~breath_type) #finds the least squared means$breath_type #Lists the levels #Initial vs. Terminal contr = list("Initial vs Terminal" = c(-1,0,1)) contrast(marginal,contr) #Initial vs. Middle contr = list("Initial vs Middle" = c(-1,1,0)) contrast(marginal,contr) #Terminal vs. Middle contr = list("Terminal vs Middle" = c(0,1,-1)) contrast(marginal,contr) # GLMM maximum nares expansion area_lme<- glmmTMB(NMA ~ breath_type + (1|individualID), data = mutate(dat, NMA = pmin(NMA, 0.9999)), family = beta_family(link = "logit")) summary(area_lme) predict4 <- ggpredict(area_lme, terms = "breath_type") car::Anova(area_lme) marginal=lsmeans(area_lme, ~ breath_type) #finds the least squared means$breath_type #Lists the levels #Initial vs. Terminal contr = list("Initial vs Terminal" = c(-1,0,1)) contrast(marginal,contr) #Initial vs. Middle contr = list("Initial vs Middle" = c(-1,1,0)) contrast(marginal,contr) #Terminal vs. Middle contr = list("Terminal vs Middle" = c(0,1,-1)) contrast(marginal,contr) ##Table 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dat.summary <- dat %>% group_by(individualID, breath_type) %>% filter(breath_type == "Initial"| breath_type == "Middle"| breath_type == "Terminal") %>% summarise(mean.max = mean(NMA, na.rm = TRUE), sd.max = sd(NMA, na.rm = TRUE), n.max = sum(!, mean.IA = mean(SIA, na.rm = TRUE), sd.IA = sd(SIA, na.rm = TRUE), n.IA = sum(!, mean.dur = mean(inhaledur, na.rm = TRUE), sd.dur = sd(inhaledur, na.rm = TRUE), n.dur = sum(! ) ### Maximum nares expansion vs. inhale duration #Model for max area vs. inhale duration mod <- glmmTMB(NMA ~ inhaledur + species + (1|individualID), data = mutate(dat, NMA = pmin(NMA, 0.9999)), family = beta_family(link = "logit")) summary(mod) confint(mod, level = 0.95, method = "wald", full = TRUE) #finds the confidence intervals ##Figure 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- predict1 <- ggpredict(mod, terms = c("inhaledur [all]", "species")) %>% rename(species = group, inhaledur = x) %>% filter(species == "mn" | inhaledur < 1.1) predict1 %>% group_by(species) %>% summarise(m = median(inhaledur)) #used to find the slope at the median for reported effect sizes area_InDur <- ggplot(dat, aes(inhaledur, NMA)) + geom_point(aes(color = breath_type), shape = 19, alpha = 0.5, size = 1.2) + geom_line(aes(y = predicted), predict1, size = 0.6) + facet_grid(cols = vars(species), scales = "free_x") + expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0) + ylab("Normalized Maximum Nares Area") + xlab("Inhalation Duration (s)")+ labs(color = "Breath Type")+ theme_minimal() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73"))+ theme(legend.position = "right") ggsave("Figure 4.pdf", plot = area_InDur, height = 150, width = 200, units = "mm") # Hypothesis 2: Dive Parameters -------------------------------------------------------------------- #Sums of all breath durations and IA dat2 <- read_csv("E:/Nares expansion and breath variability/Paper/Revisions for PeerJ/Final Submission Docs/Revised Analysis Files/Figure 5 Supplementary File 4.csv") dat2 <- dat2 %>% #removes surface intervals where the inhale duration for one breath was NA group_by(individualID, surface_num) %>% mutate(any_na = any( %>% filter(!any_na) dat.sum <- dat2 %>% group_by(individualID, surface_num) %>% summarise(species = unique(species), breath.n = max(breath_num, na.rm = TRUE), sum.dur = sum(inhaledur, na.rm = TRUE), prev.dur = max(prev_divedur, na.rm = TRUE), follow.dur = max(following_divedur, na.rm = TRUE)) <- dat2 %>% #This isolates just the max number of lunges from the previous dive (from the initial breath) filter(breath_type != "Terminal") %>% group_by(individualID, surface_num) %>% summarise(prev.lunge.1 = max(lungenum, na.rm = TRUE)) dat.sum['prev.lunge'] =['prev.lunge.1'] #adds the previous lunges to the summary dataframe <- dat2 %>% #This isolates just the max number of lunges from the following dive (from the terminal breath) filter(breath_type != "Initial") %>% group_by(individualID, surface_num) %>% summarise(follow.lunge.1 = max(lungenum, na.rm = TRUE)) dat.sum['follow.lunge'] =['follow.lunge.1'] #LMEM Testing (linearity and homogeneity of variance) Mn44 = dat.sum %>% filter(individualID == "mn180607-44") Mn10 = dat.sum %>% filter(individualID == "mn161117-10") Bb55b = dat.sum %>% filter(individualID == "bb190228-55b") Bb52 = dat.sum %>% filter(individualID == "bb190309-52") Bb45 = dat.sum %>% filter(individualID == "bb180304-45") Bb52b = dat.sum %>% filter(individualID == "bb190224-52") #Linearity - mix of normal and non-normal distributions. Further confirms the use of a generalized model dat.sum$follow.dur <- as.numeric(dat.sum$follow.dur) dat.sum$prev.dur <- as.numeric(dat.sum$prev.dur) ggqqplot(Bb45$sum.IA) shapiro.test(Bb45$sum.IA) ggqqplot(Bb52$sum.IA) shapiro.test(Bb52$sum.IA) ggqqplot(Bb52b$sum.IA) shapiro.test(Bb52b$sum.IA) ggqqplot(Bb55b$sum.IA) shapiro.test(Bb55b$sum.IA) ggqqplot(Mn10$sum.IA) shapiro.test(Mn10$sum.IA) ggqqplot(Mn44$sum.IA) shapiro.test(Mn44$sum.IA) #Homogeneity of variance sd(dat.sum$sum.dur) #Models - critical p value is 0.0125 (accounts for the 4 hypotheses) #Dive Duration - Previous id_dur2 <- glmmTMB(sum.dur ~ poly(prev.dur, 2) + (1|individualID) + (1|species), data = dat.sum, family = Gamma(link = "log")) summary(id_dur2) confint(id_dur2, level = 0.95, method = "wald", full = TRUE) predict5 <- ggpredict(id_dur2, terms = c("prev.dur [all]")) #used to find the slope at the median for reported effect sizes predict5 %>% summarise(m = median(x)) #Number of Lunges - Previous id_lunge2 <- glmmTMB(sum.dur ~ poly(prev.lunge, 2) + (1|individualID)+ (1|species), data = dat.sum, family = Gamma(link = "log")) summary(id_lunge2) confint(id_lunge2, level = 0.95, method = "wald", full = TRUE) predict6 <- ggpredict(id_lunge2, terms = c("prev.lunge [all]")) #used to find the slope at the median for reported effect sizes predict6 %>% summarise(m = median(x)) #Dive Duration - following id_dur2 <- glmmTMB(sum.dur ~ poly(follow.dur, 2) + (1|individualID)+ (1|species), data = dat.sum,family = Gamma(link = "log")) summary(id_dur2) confint(id_dur2, level = 0.95, method = "wald", full = TRUE) predict7 <- ggpredict(id_dur2, terms = c("follow.dur [all]")) #used to find the slope at the median for reported effect sizes predict7 %>% summarise(m = median(x)) #Number of Lunges - following id_lunge2 <- glmmTMB(sum.dur ~ poly(follow.lunge, 2) + (1|individualID)+ (1|species), data = dat.sum, family = Gamma(link = "log")) summary(id_lunge2) confint(id_lunge2, level = 0.95, method = "wald", full = TRUE) predict8 <- ggpredict(id_lunge2, terms = c("follow.lunge [all]")) #used to find the slope at the median for reported effect sizes predict8 %>% summarise(m = median(x)) #Dive duration & lunges - following id_dur_lunge2 <- glmmTMB(sum.dur ~ poly(follow.dur, 2) + poly(follow.lunge, 2) + (1|individualID) + (1|species), data = dat.sum, family = Gamma(link = "log")) summary(id_dur_lunge2) confint(id_dur_lunge2, level = 0.95, method = "wald", full = TRUE) #finds the confidence intervals predict9 <- ggpredict(id_dur_lunge2, terms = c("follow.dur [all]")) #used to find the slope at the median for reported effect sizes predict9 %>% summarise(m = median(x)) ##Model validation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check residuals par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(6,5,6,3)) qqnorm(resid(id_dur_lunge2)) qqline(resid(id_dur_lunge2)) # qq.gam(m,cex=1,pch=20) hist(residuals(id_dur_lunge2), xlab="Residuals", main="Histogram \nof residuals") observed.y <- dat.sum$follow.dur plot(fitted(id_dur_lunge2), observed.y, pch=20, xlab = "Fitted Values", ylab = "Observations", main = "Observations \nvs. Fitted Values") acf(resid(id_dur_lunge2),lag.max=200, main="Temporal \nautocorrelation") # plot response curves ?plot_model plot_model(id_dur_lunge2, type = "est", sort.est = TRUE, # plot x variables with pvalues show.values = TRUE, value.offset = .3) # plot random effect plot_model(id_dur_lunge2, type = "pred", terms = c("follow.lunge[all]")) # plot X1 (following dive duration) vs Y plot_model(id_dur_lunge2, type = "pred", terms = c("follow.lunge", "individualID", "species"), ci.lvl = NA) # plot X1 (following dive duration) vs Y with random effects (ID and spp) ##Figure 5 - total inhale duration ----------------------------------------------------------------- dat.sum <- dat.sum %>% mutate( cat = case_when( follow.lunge == 0 ~ "Non-Foraging", follow.lunge < 5 & species == "bb" ~ "Moderate", follow.lunge < 3 & species == "mn" ~ "Moderate", TRUE ~ "High" ), cat = factor(cat, levels = c("Non-Foraging", "Moderate", "High")) ) inhale_grid <- expand_grid( follow.dur = seq(0, max(dat.sum$follow.dur, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 20), cat = c("Non-Foraging", "Moderate", "High"), species = c("bb", "mn") ) %>% mutate(individualID = "new", follow.lunge = case_when( cat == "Non-Foraging" ~ 0, cat == "Moderate" & species == "bb" ~ 2.5, cat == "Moderate" & species == "mn" ~ 1.5, cat == "High" & species == "bb" ~ 6.5 ), cat = factor(cat, levels = c("Non-Foraging", "Moderate", "High"))) %>% filter(!(cat == "High" & species == "mn")) inhale_predictions <- inhale_grid %>% mutate(sum.dur = predict(id_dur_lunge2, newdata = inhale_grid, type = "response", = TRUE, re.form = NA), = predict(id_dur_lunge2, newdata = inhale_grid, type = "response", = TRUE, re.form = NA, = TRUE)[[2]]) dur_ID <- dat.sum %>% ggplot(aes(x = follow.dur, y = sum.dur, color = cat)) + geom_point(na.rm = TRUE, shape = 20, size = 3, alpha = 0.65, show.legend = TRUE) + geom_line(data = inhale_predictions) + geom_line(aes(y = sum.dur - 1.96 *, inhale_predictions, linetype = "dashed") + geom_line(aes(y = sum.dur + 1.96 *, inhale_predictions, linetype = "dashed") + facet_grid(rows = vars(species), cols = vars(cat), scales = "free_x")+ expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0)+ ylab("Total Inhale Duration (s)") + xlab("Upcoming Dive Duration (s)")+ scale_color_manual(values = c(`Non-Foraging` = "#E69F00", Moderate = "#56B4E9", High = "#009E73")) + labs(color = "") + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(), legend.position = "none") dur_ID #Dive duration & lunges - breath count #Previous Dive Metrics breath_dur_lunge2.p <- glmmTMB(breath.n ~ poly(prev.dur, 2) + poly(prev.lunge, 2) + (1|individualID) + (1|species), data = dat.sum, family = compois(link = "log")) summary(breath_dur_lunge2.p) confint(breath_dur_lunge2.p, level = 0.95, method = "wald", full = TRUE) predict10 <- ggpredict(breath_dur_lunge2.p, terms = c("prev.dur [all]")) #used to find the slope at the median for reported effect sizes predict10 %>% summarise(m = median(x)) #Upcoming Dive Metrics breath_dur_lunge2.u <- glmmTMB(breath.n ~ poly(follow.dur, 2) + poly(follow.lunge, 2) + (1|individualID) + (1|species), data = dat.sum, family = compois(link = "log")) summary(breath_dur_lunge2.u) confint(breath_dur_lunge2.u, level = 0.95, method = "wald", full = TRUE) predict11 <- ggpredict(breath_dur_lunge2.u, terms = c("follow.dur [all]")) #used to find the slope at the median for reported effect sizes predict11 %>% summarise(m = median(x)) # check residuals par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(6,5,6,3)) qqnorm(resid(breath_dur_lunge2.u)) qqline(resid(breath_dur_lunge2.u)) # qq.gam(m,cex=1,pch=20) hist(residuals(breath_dur_lunge2.u), xlab="Residuals", main="Histogram \nof residuals") observed.y <- dat.sum$follow.dur plot(fitted(breath_dur_lunge2.u), observed.y, pch=20, xlab = "Fitted Values", ylab = "Observations", main = "Observations \nvs. Fitted Values") acf(resid(id_dur_lunge2.u),lag.max=200, main="Temporal \nautocorrelation") # plot response curves ?plot_model plot_model(breath_dur_lunge2.u, type = "re", sort.est = TRUE, # plot x variables with pvalues show.values = TRUE, value.offset = .3) plot_model(breath_dur_lunge2.u, type = "re") # plot random effect plot_model(breath_dur_lunge2.u, type = "pred", terms = c("follow.lunge[all]")) # plot X1 (following dive duration) vs Y plot_model(breath_dur_lunge2.u, type = "pred", terms = c("follow.dur[all]","species")) # plot X1 (following dive duration) vs Y with random effects (ID and spp) #Figure 5b - breath count count_grid <- expand_grid( follow.dur = seq(0, max(dat.sum$follow.dur, na.rm = TRUE), length.out = 20), cat = c("Non-Foraging", "Moderate", "High"), species = c("bb", "mn") ) %>% mutate(individualID = "new", follow.lunge = case_when( cat == "Non-Foraging" ~ 0, cat == "Moderate" & species == "bb" ~ 2.5, cat == "Moderate" & species == "mn" ~ 1.5, cat == "High" & species == "bb" ~ 6.5 ), cat = factor(cat, levels = c("Non-Foraging", "Moderate", "High"))) %>% filter(!(cat == "High" & species == "mn")) count_predictions <- count_grid %>% mutate(breath.n = predict(breath_dur_lunge2.p, newdata = count_grid, type = "response", = TRUE, re.form = NA), = predict(breath_dur_lunge2.p, newdata = count_grid, type = "response", = TRUE, re.form = NA, = TRUE)[[2]]) count_dur <- dat.sum %>% ggplot(aes(x = follow.dur, y = breath.n, color = cat)) + geom_point(na.rm = TRUE, shape = 20, size = 3, alpha = 0.65, show.legend = TRUE) + geom_line(data = count_predictions) + geom_line(aes(y = breath.n - 1.96 *, count_predictions, linetype = "dashed") + geom_line(aes(y = breath.n + 1.96 *, count_predictions, linetype = "dashed") + facet_grid(rows = vars(species), cols = vars(cat), scales = "free_x")+ expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0)+ ylab("Breath Count") + xlab("Upcoming Dive Duration (s)")+ scale_color_manual(values = c(`Non-Foraging` = "#E69F00", Moderate = "#56B4E9", High = "#009E73")) + labs(color = "") + theme(legend.position = "none") count_dur ggarrange(dur_ID, count_dur, common.legend = TRUE, legend = "none", nrow = 2) ggsave("Figure 5.svg", height = 290, width = 240, units = "mm")