#NEXUS [written Tue May 31 15:22:31 BRT 2022 by Mesquite version 3.70 (build 940) at Julian-notebook/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=97; TAXLABELS 'Plateosaurus_engelhardti' 'Mussaurus_patagonicus' 'Antetonitrus_ingenipes' 'Chinshakiangosaurus_chunghoensis' 'Isanosaurus_attavipachi' 'Gongxianosaurus_shibeiensis' 'Amygdalodon_patagonicus' 'Lessemsaurus_sauropoides' 'Tazoudasaurus_naimi' 'Vulcanodon_karibaensis' 'Shunosaurus_lii' 'Barapasaurus_tagorei' 'Patagosaurus_fariasi' 'Cetiosaurus_oxoniensis' 'Losillasaurus_giganteus' Omeisaurus Mamenchisaurus 'Jobaria_tiguidensis' 'Haplocanthosaurus_priscus' Camarasaurus 'Bellusaurus_sui' 'Europasaurus_holgeri' 'Tehuelchesaurus_benitezii' 'Tastavinsaurus_sanzi' 'Euhelopus_zdanskyi' 'Turiasaurus_riodevensis' 'Brachiosaurus_altithorax' 'Abydosaurus_mcintoshi' 'Erketu_ellisoni' 'Cedarosaurus_weiskopfe' 'Lusotitan_atalaiensis' 'Qiaowanlong_kangxii' 'Chubutisaurus_insignis' 'Sauroposeidon_proteles' 'Giraffatitan_brancai' 'Phuwiangosaurus_sirindhornae' 'Venenosaurus_dicrocei' 'Ruyangosaurus_giganteus' 'Ligabuesaurus_lenzai' '''Katepensaurus goicocheai''' 'Lavocatisaurus_agrioensis' '''Tataouinea_hannibalis''' 'Zapalasaurus_bonapartei' 'Comahuesaurus_windhanseni' 'Demandasaurus_darwini' 'Amazonsaurus_maranhensis' 'Histriasaurus_bocardeli' 'Cathartesaura_anaerobica' 'Limaysaurus_tessonei' 'Galvesaurus_herreroi' 'Rebbachisaurus_garasbae' 'Suuwassea_emiliae' 'Dicraeosaurus_hansemanni' 'Nigersaurus_taqueti' 'Amargasaurus_cazaui' 'Brachytrachelopan_messai' Apatosaurus Diplodocus 'Padillasaurus_leivaensis' 'Barosaurus_lentus' 'Wintonotitan_wattsi' 'Andesaurus_delgadoi' 'Malawisaurus_dixeyi' 'Tapuiasaurus_macedoi' Dreadnoughtus 'Alamosaurus_sanjuanensis' 'Epachthosaurus_sciuttoi' 'Nemegtosaurus_mongoliensis' 'Isisaurus_colberti' 'Rapetosaurus_krausei' 'Opisthocoelicaudia_skarzynskii' 'Futalognkosaurus_dukei' 'Drusilasaura_deseadensis' 'Puertasaurus_reuili' 'Bonitasaura_salgadoi' 'Argentinosaurus_hunculensis' 'Patagotitan_mayorum' 'Notocolossus_gonzalezparejasi' 'Quetecsaurus_rusconii' 'Mendozasaurus_neguyelap' 'Rinconsaurus_caudamirus' 'Muyelensaurus_pecheni' 'Arrudatitan_maximus' 'Overosaurus_paradasorum' 'Uberabatitan_ribeiroi' Bravasaurus Punatitan 'Gondwanatitan_faustoi' 'Aeolosaurus_rionegrinus' 'Rocasaurus_muniozi' 'Saltasaurus_loricatus' 'Neuquensaurus_australis' 'Aeolosaurus_colhuehuapensis' 'Baurutitan_britoi' 'BR-262' 'Trigonosaurus_pricei' 'Caieiria_allocaudata' ; END; BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa2; DIMENSIONS NTAX=71; TAXLABELS Plateosaurus_engelhardti Chinshakiangosaurus_chunghoensi Mussaurus_patagonicus Antetonitrus_ingenipes Lessemsaurus_sauropoides Gongxianosaurus_shibeiensis Amygdalodon_patagonicus Isanosaurus_attavipachi Vulcanodon_karibaensis Tazoudasaurus_naimi Shunosaurus_lii Barapasaurus_tagorei Cetiosaurus_oxoniensis Patagosaurus_fariasi Omeisaurus Mamenchisaurus Turiasaurus_riodevensis Losillasaurus_giganteus Jobaria_tiguidensis Haplocanthosaurus_priscus Europasaurus_holgeri Janenschia_robusta Camarasaurus Bellusaurus_sui Galvesaurus_herreroi Tehuelchesaurus_benitezii Tastavinsaurus_sanzi Euhelopus_zdanskyi Brachiosaurus_altithorax Giraffatitan_brancai Paluxysaurus_jonesi Venenosaurus_dicrocei Cedarosaurus Erketu_ellisoni Chubutisaurus_insignis Tendaguria_tanzaniensis Wintonotitan_wattsi Ligabuesaururs_lenzai Phuwiangosaurus_sirindhornae Andesaurus_delgadoi Mendozasaurus_neguyelap Malarguesaurus_florenciae Argentinosaurus_hunculensis Epachthosaurus_sciuttoi Malawisaurus_dixeyi Nemegtosaurus_mongoliensis Rapetosaurus_krausei Isisaurus_colberti Tapuiasaurus_macedoi Trigonosaurus_pricei Alamosaurus_sanjuanensis Opisthocoelicaudia_skarzynskii Neuquensaurus_australis Saltasaurus_loricatus Amazonsaurus_maranhensis Zapalasaurus_bonapartei Histriasaurus_bocardeli Limaysaurus_sp Rayososaurus_agrioensis Rebbachisaurus_garasbae Cathartesaura_anaerobica Limaysaurus_tessonei Demandasaurus_darwini Nigersaurus_taqueti Suwassea_emiliae Amargasaurus_cazaui Dicraeosaurus_hansemanni Brachytrachelopan_messai Apatosaurus Diplodocus Barosaurus_lentus ; END; BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa3; DIMENSIONS NTAX=71; TAXLABELS Plateosaurus_engelhardti Chinshakiangosaurus_chunghoensi Mussaurus_patagonicus Antetonitrus_ingenipes Lessemsaurus_sauropoides Gongxianosaurus_shibeiensis Amygdalodon_patagonicus Isanosaurus_attavipachi Vulcanodon_karibaensis Tazoudasaurus_naimi Shunosaurus_lii Barapasaurus_tagorei Cetiosaurus_oxoniensis Patagosaurus_fariasi Omeisaurus Mamenchisaurus Turiasaurus_riodevensis Losillasaurus_giganteus Jobaria_tiguidensis Haplocanthosaurus_priscus Europasaurus_holgeri Janenschia_robusta Camarasaurus Bellusaurus_sui Galvesaurus_herreroi Tehuelchesaurus_benitezii Tastavinsaurus_sanzi Euhelopus_zdanskyi Brachiosaurus_altithorax Giraffatitan_brancai Paluxysaurus_jonesi Venenosaurus_dicrocei Cedarosaurus Erketu_ellisoni Chubutisaurus_insignis Tendaguria_tanzaniensis Wintonotitan_wattsi Ligabuesaururs_lenzai Phuwiangosaurus_sirindhornae Andesaurus_delgadoi Mendozasaurus_neguyelap Malarguesaurus_florenciae Argentinosaurus_hunculensis Epachthosaurus_sciuttoi Malawisaurus_dixeyi Nemegtosaurus_mongoliensis Rapetosaurus_krausei Isisaurus_colberti Tapuiasaurus_macedoi Trigonosaurus_pricei Alamosaurus_sanjuanensis Opisthocoelicaudia_skarzynskii Neuquensaurus_australis Saltasaurus_loricatus Amazonsaurus_maranhensis Zapalasaurus_bonapartei Histriasaurus_bocardeli Limaysaurus_sp Rayososaurus_agrioensis Rebbachisaurus_garasbae Cathartesaura_anaerobica Limaysaurus_tessonei Demandasaurus_darwini Nigersaurus_taqueti Suwassea_emiliae Amargasaurus_cazaui Dicraeosaurus_hansemanni Brachytrachelopan_messai Apatosaurus Diplodocus Barosaurus_lentus ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE Character_Matrix; LINK TAXA = Taxa; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=426; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD RESPECTCASE GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h j k m n p q r s t u v w x"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Posterolateral processes of premaxilla and lateral processes of maxilla, shape' / _without_midline_contact_ ' with midline contact forming marked narial depression, subnarial foramen not visible laterally ', 2 Premaxillary_anterior_margin_shape / _without_step_ _with_marked_step_but_short_step_ _with_marked_and_long_step, 3 'Premaxila, ascending process shape in lateral view' / _convex_ ' concave, with a large dorsal projection ' ' sub-rectilinear and directed posterodorsally ', 4 'Premaxilla, external surface' / _without_anteroventrally_orientated_vascular_grooves_originating_from_an_opening_in_the_maxillary_contact_ _vascular_grooves_present_, 5 'Premaxilla-maxilla suture, shape' / planar 'twisted along its length, giving the contact a sinuous appearance in lateral view', 6 'Premaxilla, small finger-like, vertically oriented premaxillary process near anteromedial corner of external naris' / absent present, 7 'Maxillary border of external naris, length' / ' short, making up much less than one-fourth narial perimeter ' ' long, making up more than one third narial perimeter ', 8 'Maxilla, foramen anterior to the preantorbital fenestra ' / _absent_ _present_, 9 Preantorbital_fenestra / _absent_ _present, 10 'Subnarial foramen and anterior maxillary foramen, position' / _well_distanced_from_one_another_ _separated_by_narrow_bony_isthmus_, 11 Antorobital_fenestra / ' much shorter than orbital maximum diameter, less than 85% of orbit ' ' subequal to orbital maximum diameter, greater than 85% orbit ', 12 'Antorbital fenestra, shape of dorsal margin' / _straight_or_convex_ _concave_, 13 Antorbital_fossa / _present_ _absent_, 14 External_nares_position / _terminal_ _retracted_to_level_of_orbit_ _retracted_to_a_position_between_orbits_, 15 'External nares, maximum diameter' / _shorter_ _or_longer_than_orbital_maximum_diameter_, 16 'Orbital ventral margin, anteroposterior length' / ' broad, with subcircular orbital margin ' ' reduced, with acute orbital margin ', 17 'Lacrimal, anterior process' / _present_ _absent_, 18 'Lacrimal, anterior process' / on_the_top_of_the_lacrimal 'around mid-height of the lacrimal', 19 Jugal_contribution_to_the_ventral_border_of_the_skull / _present_ _absent_, 20 'Quadratojugal-Maxila contact' / _absent_or_small_ _broad_, 21 'Jugal-ectopterygoid contact' / _present_ _absent_, 22 'Jugal, contribution to antorbital fenestra' / absent 'present, but very reduced ' 'present and large, bordering approximately one-third its perimeter ', 23 'Quadratojugal, position of anterior terminus' / _posterior_to_orbit_ _between_the_orbit anteriorly_surpassing_the_orbit, 24 'Quadratojugal, anterior process length' / ' short, anterior process shorter than dorsal process ' ' long, anterior process more than twice as long as dorsal process ', 25 'Quadratojugal, angle between anterior and dorsal processes' / ' less than or equal to 90?, so that the quadrate shaft is directed dorsally ' ' greater than 90?, approaching 130?, so that the quadrate shaft slants posterodorsally ', 26 Ventral_edge_of_anterior_surface_of_the_quadratojugal_ / 'straight, not expanded ventrally' 'slightly expanded ventrally, forming a small bulge, which height is less than twice the ramus height ' 'well expanded ventrally, forming a notorious bulge, which height is twice or more the minimum height of the ramus ', 27 Squamosal_contribution_to_the_supratemporal_fenestra / ' present, the squamosal is well visible in dorsal view ' _reduced_or_absent_, 28 'Squamosal-quadratojugal contact' / _present_ _absent_, 29 'Squamosal, posteroventral margin' / _smooth_ ' "with prominent, ventrally directed "prong" ', 30 Prefrontal_posterior_process_size / ' small, not projecting far posterior of frontal-nasal suture ' ' elongate, approaching parietal ', 31 'Prefrontal, posterior process shape' / _flat_ _hooked_, 32 'Prefrontal, anterior process' / _absent_ _present_, 33 'Prefrontal-Frontal contact width' / ' large, equal or longer that the anteroposterior length of the prefrontal ' ' narrow, less than half the anteroposterior length of the prefrontal ', 34 'Postorbital, ventral process shape' / _transversely_narrow_ _broader_transversely_than_anteroposteriorly_, 35 'Postorbital, posterior process' / _present_ _absent_, 36 'Postorbital, posterior margin articulating with the squamosal ' / _with_tapering_posterior_process_ _with_a_deep_posterior_process_, 37 Frontal_contribution_to_supratemporal_fossa / _present_ _absent_, 38 'Frontals, midline contact (symphysis)' / _sutured_ _or_fused_in_adult_individuals_, 39 'Frontal, anteroposterior length' / _approximately_twice_ _or_less_than_minimum_transverse_breadth_, 40 'Frontal-nasal suture, shape' / _flat_or_slightly_bowed_anteriorly_ ' V-shaped, pointing posteriorly ', 41 'Frontals, dorsal surface' / _without_paired_grooves_facing_anterodorsally_ ' grooves present, extend on to nasal ', 42 'Frontal, contribution to dorsal margin of orbit' / _less_than_1.5_times_the_contribution_of_prefrontal_ _at_least_1.5_times_the_contribution_of_prefrontal_, 43 'Parietal occipital process, dorsoventral height' / ' short, less than the diameter of the foramen magnum ' ' deep, nearly twice the diameter of the foramen magnum ', 44 'Parietal, contribution to post-temporal fenestra' / _present_ _absent_, 45 'Parietal, distance separating supratemporal fenestrae' / 'less than the long axis of supratemporal fenestra, 0.8 or less ' 'almost the same than the long axis of supratemporal fenestra 0.8-1.2' much_larger_than_the_long_axis_of_supratemporal_fenestra_more_than_1.2_, 46 Postparietal_foramen / _absent_ _present_, 47 Paroccipital_process_distal_terminus / ' straight, slightly expanded surface ' ' rounded, tongue-like process ', 48 Supratemporal_fenestra / _present_ _absent_, 49 'Supratemporal fenestra, long axis orientation' / _anteroposterior_ _transverse_, 50 'Supratemporal fenestra, maximum diameter' / _much_longer_than_ _or_subequal_to_that_of_foramen_magnum_, 51 'Supratemporal region, anteroposterior length' / _temporal_bar_longer_ _or_shorter_anteroposteriorly_than_transversely_, 52 'Supratemporal fossa, lateral exposure' / ' not visible laterally, obscured by temporal bar ' ' visible laterally, temporal bar shifted ventrally ', 53 Supraoccipital_sagital_nucheal_crest / ' broad, weakly developed ' ' narrow, sharp and distinct ', 54 'Laterotemporal fenestra, anterior extension' / _posterior_to_orbit_ _ventral_to_orbit_, 55 Quadrate_fossa / _absent_ _present_, 56 'Quadrate fossa, depth' / _shallow_ _deeply_invaginated_, 57 'Quadrate fossa, orientation' / _posterior_ _posterolateral_, 58 'Quadrate, articular surface shape' / ' quadrangular in ventral view, oriented transversely ' ' roughly triangular in shape or thin, crescent-shaped surface with anteriorly directed medial process ', 59 'Quadrate, articular surface shape' / ' quadrangular in ventral view, oriented transversely or roughly triangular in shape ' ' thin, crescent-shaped surface with anteriorly directed medial process ', 60 'Palatobasal contact, shape' / _pterygoid_with_small_facet_ _dorsomedially_orientated_hook_ ' or rocker-like surface for basipterygoid articulation ', 61 'Pterygoid, transverse flange (i.e. ectopterygoid process) position' / _posterior_of_orbit_ _between_orbit_and_antorbital_fenestra_ _anterior_to_antorbital_fenestra_, 62 'Pterygoid, quadrate flange size' / ' large, palatobasal and quadrate articulations well separated ' ' small, palatobasal and quadrate articulations approach ', 63 'Pterygoid, palatine ramus shape' / ' straight, at level of dorsal margin of quadrate ramus ' ' stepped, raised above level of quadrate ramus ', 64 'Pterygoid, sutural contact with ectopterygoid' / ' broad, along the medial or lateral surface ' ' narrow, restricted to the anterior tip of the ectopterygoid ', 65 'Palatine, lateral ramus shape' / ' plate-shaped (long maxillary contact) ' ' rod-shaped (narrow maxillary contact) ', 66 Epipterygoid / _present_ _absent_, 67 'Vomer, anterior articulation' / _maxilla_ _premaxilla_, 68 'Supraoccipital, height' / _twice_subequal_to_ _or_less_than_height_of_foramen_magnum_, 69 'Paroccipital process, ventral non-articular process' / _absent_ _present_, 70 'Crista prootica, size' / _rudimentary_ _expanded_laterally_into_dorsolateral_process_, 71 'Basipterygoid processes, length' / ' short, approximately twice ' ' or elongate, at least four times basal diameter ', 72 'Basipterygoid processes, angle of divergence' / _approximately_45?_ _less_than_30?_, 73 'Basal tubera, anteroposterior depth' / _approximately_half_dorsoventral_height_ ' sheet-like, 20% dorsoventral height ', 74 'Basal tubera, breadth' / _much_broader_than_ _or_narrower_than_occipital_condyle_, 75 Basal_tubera / _distinct_from_basipterygoid_ _reduced_to_slight_swelling_on_ventral_surface_of_basipterygoid_, 76 'Basal tubera, shape of posterior face' / _convex_ _sligthly_concave_, 77 Basioccipital_depression_between_foramen_magnum_and_basal_tubera / _absent_ _present_, 78 'Basisphenoid/basipterygoid recess' / _present_ _absent_, 79 'Basisphenoid/quadrate contact' / _absent_ _present_, 80 'Basisphenoid, sagital ridge between basipterygoid processes' / _absent_ _present_, 81 'Basipterygoid processes, orientation' / _perpendicular_to_ _or_angled_approximately_45?_to_skull_roof_, 82 'Basipterygoid, area between the basipterygoid processes and parasphenoid rostrum' / _is_a_mildly_concave_subtriangular_region_ ' forms a deep slot-like cavity that passes posteriorly between the bases of the basipterygoid processes ', 83 'Occipital region of skull, shape' / ' anteroposteriorly deep, paroccipital processes oriented posterolaterally ' ' flat, paroccipital processes oriented transversely ', 84 'Occipital condyle, lateral surface of the basioccipital' / Flat_or_slightly_convex Strongly_concave, 85 'Dentary, depth of anterior end of ramus' / _slightly_less_than_that_of_dentary_at_midlength_ _150%_minimum_depth_, 86 'Dentary, anteroventral margin shape' / _gently_rounded_ _sharply_projecting_triangular_process_, 87 'Dentary symphysis, orientation' / _angled_15º_or_more_anteriorly_to_ _or_perpendicular_to_axis_of_jaw_ramus_, 88 'Dentary, cross-sectional shape of symphysis' / _oblong_or_rectangular_ ' subtriangular, tapering sharply towards ventral extreme ' _subcircular_, 89 'Dentary, tuberocity on labial surface near symphysis' / _absent_ _present_, 90 'Dentary, posteroventral process shape' / single divided, 91 'Mandible, coronoid eminence' / ' strongly expressed, clearly rising above plane of dentigerous portion ' _absent_, 92 External_mandibular_fenestra / _present_ _absent_, 93 Surangular_depth / _less_than_twice_ ' or more than two and one-half times maximum depth of the angular ', 94 Surangular_ridge_separating_adductor_and_articular_fossae / _absent_ _present_, 95 'Adductor fossa, medial wall depth' / _shallow_ ' deep, prearticular expanded dorsoventrally ', 96 'Splenial posterior process, position' / _overlapping_angular_ _separating_anterior_portions_of_prearticular_and_angular_, 97 Splenial_posterodorsal_process / ' present, approaching margin of adductor chamber ' _absent_, 98 'Coronoid, size' / _extending_to_dorsal_margin_of_jaw_ ' reduced, not extending dorsal to splenial ' _absent_, 99 'Tooth rows, shape of anterior portions' / ' narrowly arched, anterior portion of tooth rows V-shaped ' ' broadly arched, anterior portion of tooth rows U-shaped ' ' rectangular, tooth-bearing portion of jaw perpendicular to jaw rami ', 100 'Tooth rows, length' / _extending_to_orbit_ _restricted_anterior_to_orbit_ _restricted_anterior_to_antorbital_fenestra_ _restricted_anterior_to_subnarial_foramen, 101 'Maxillary teeth, shape' / straigth_along_axis 'twisted axially through an arc of 30-45º', 102 'Dentary teeth, number' / _greater_than_20_ ' 10-17 ' _9_or_fewer_, 103 'Replacement teeth per alveolus, number' / _two_or_fewer_ _more_than_four_, 104 Lateral_plate / _absent_ _present_, 105 'Teeth, orientation' / _perpendicular_ _or_oriented_anteriorly_relative_to_jaw_margin_, 106 'Tooth crowns, orientation' / ' aligned along jaw axis, crowns do not overlap ' ' aligned slightly anterolingually, tooth crowns overlap ', 107 Tooth_Crown_shape / narrow_crowns broad_crowns, 108 'Tooth crowns, cross-sectional shape at mid-crown' / _elliptical_ ' D-shaped ' 'sub-cylindrical' cylindrical, 109 SI_values_for_tooth_crowns / _less_than_3.0_ ' 3.0-4.0 ' ' 4.0-5.0 ' _more_than_5.0, 110 'Crown-to-crown occlusion' / _absent_ _present_, 111 'V-shaped wear facets (in wear teeth)' / present absent, 112 Development_of_the_marginal_wear_facets / well_developed slightly_developed_as_marginal_facets, 113 One_high_angle_wear_facet_and_a_second_low_angle_wear_facet / absent present, 114 Single_planar_wear_facet_in_labial_or_lingual_surface / absent present, 115 Marginal_tooth_denticles / _present_ _absent_on_posterior_edge_ _absent_on_both_anterior_and_posterior_edges_, 116 Enamel_surface_texture / _smooth_ _wrinkled_, 117 Thickness_of_enamel_asymmetric_labiolingually / _absent_ _present_, 118 'Teeth, around four longitudinal grooves on lingual aspect' / _absent_ _present_, 119 'Cervical vertebrae, number' / _10_or_fewer_ 2 ' 13-14 ' 15 _16_or_more, 120 'Atlas, intercentrum occipital facet shape' / ' rectangular in lateral view, length of dorsal aspect subequal to that of ventral aspect ' ' expanded anteroventrally in lateral view, anteroposterior length of dorsal aspect shorter tan that of ventral aspect ', 121 'Axis, centrum shape' / over_two_and_a_half_times_as_long_as_tall less_than_twice_as_long_as_tall, 122 'Cervical vertebrae, parapophyses, shape and orientation' / 'short and weakly developed, projected laterally or slightly ventrally' 'middle development, ventrally such that the cervical ribs are displaced ventrally around half the height of the centrum' 'well developed, broad and ventrally projected such that cervical ribs are displaced ventrally more than the height of the centrum', 123 'Cervical centra, articulations' / _amphicoelous_ _opisthocoelous_, 124 'Cervical centra, ventral surface' / _is_flat_or_slightly_convex_transversely_ _transversely_concave_, 125 'Cervical centra, midline keels on ventral surface' / ' prominent and plate-like ' _reduced_to_low_ridges_or_absent_, 126 'Cervical centra (excluding the posteriormost), pleurocoels' / _absent_ ' present with well defined anterior, dorsal, and ventral edges, but not the posterior one ' ' present, with well defined edges' 'absent, but with deep lateral fossa which bears small pneumatopores that communicate to the interior pneumatic cavities.', 127 'Cervical centra, pleurocoels' / _singles_without_division__ 'divided by a bone septum, resulting in an anterior and a posterior lateral excavation ' ' divided in three or more lateral excavations, resulting in a complex morphology' _with_a_well_defined_anterior_excavation_and_a_posterior_smooth_fossa, 128 'Cervical vertebrae, well developed epipophyses' / absent present, 129 'Cervical vertebrae, epipophyses shape' / 'stout, pillar-like expansions above postzygapophyses' posteriorly_projecting_prongs, 130 'Prezygapophysis, anterior process situated ventrolaterally to the articular surface' / absent present, 131 'Cervical vertebrae with an accessory lamina, which runs from the postzygodiapophyseal lamina (PODL) (or sligthly anterior) up to the spinopopostzygapophyseal lamina (SPOL)' / absent present, 132 'Cervical vertebrae (posteriormost anteriors and middle centra), height divided width (measured in its posterior articular surface)' / _higher_than_1.1_ _around_1_ _between_0.9_and_0.7 _smaller_than_0.7, 133 'Cervical centra, small notch in the dorsal margin of the posterior articular surface' / _absent_ _present_, 134 'Cervical vertebrae, neural arch lamination' / ' well developed, with well marked laminae and fossae ' ' rudimentary, with diapophyseal laminae absents or very slightly marked ', 135 'Cervical vertebrae with an accessory lamina, which runs from the postzygodiapophyseal lamina (PODL) up to the spinoprezygapophyseal lamina (SPRL)' / _absent_ _present_, 136 'Cervical centra, internal pneumaticity' / _absent_ _present_with_singles_and_wide_cavities_ ' present, with several small and complex internal cavities ', 137 'Anterior cervical vertebrae, prespinal lamina' / _absent_ _present_, 138 'Anterior cervical vertebrae, neural spine shape' / _single_ _bifid_, 139 'Middle and posterior cervical vertebrae, prespinal lamina' / _absent_ _present_, 140 'Middle cervical vertebrae, lateral fossae on the prezygapophysis process' / _absent_ _present_, 141 'Middle, cervical vertebrae, height of the neural arch' / _less_than_the_height_of_the_posterior_articular_surface_ ' higher than the height of the posterior articular surface (spine lower than distance between postzigapophysis and the dorsal margin of the centrum)' 'higher (spine lower than distance between postzigapophysis and the dorsal margin of the centrum)', 142 'Middle cervical centrum, anteroposterior length divided the height of the posterior articular surface' / _less_than_4_ _more_than_4_, 143 'Middle and posterior cervical vertebrae, morphology of the centroprezygapophyseal lamina' / _single_ ' dorsally divided, resulting in a lateral and medial lamina, being the medial lamina linked with the intraprezygapophyseal lamina and not with the prezygapophysis ' ' divided, resulting in the presence of a ?true? divided centroprezygapophyseal lamina, which is dorsally connected to the prezygapophisis ', 144 'Middle and posterior cervical vertebrae, morphology of the centropostzygapophyseal lamina (CPOL)' / _single_ ' divided, with the medial part contacting the intrapostzygapophyseal lamina ', 145 'Middle and posterior cervical vertebrae, articular surface of zygapophyses' / _flat_ _transversally_convex_, 146 'Middle and posterior cervical vertebrae, prominent triagular flange on posterior edge of the diapophyseal process (in the pcdl)' / Absent Present, 147 'Middle cervical vertebrae, prezygapophysis position' / do_not_extend_beyond_the_anterior_margin_of_centrum extend_beyond_the_anterior_margin_of_the_centrum, 148 'Middle and posterior cervical vertebrae, parapophyses shape' / subcircular elongate, 149 'Posterior cervical vertebrae, lateral profile of the neural spine' / _displays_steeply_sloping_cranial_and_caudal_faces_ _displays_steeply_sloping_cranial_face_and_noticeably_less_steep_caudal_margin_, 150 'Posterior cervical vertebrae, neural spine shape' / not_expanded_distally 'expanded, but not as much as the width of the vertebral centrum' ' laterally expanded, being equal or wider than the vertebral centrum ', 151 'Posterior cervical vertebrae, lateral expansion' / spinoprezygapophyseal_laminae_does_not_contact_the_lateral_margins_of_the_neural_spine 'spinoprezygapophyseal are contacting the lateral margin of the neural spine, and therefore forms part of the lateral expansion of the neural spine (if is present)', 152 'Posterior cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrae, neural spine shape' / _single_ _bifid_, 153 'Posterior cervical vertebrae, proportions - ratio total height/centrum lenght' / less_than_1.5 more_than_1.5, 154 'Posterior cervical and anterior dorsal bifid neural spines, median tubercle' / _absent_ _present_, 155 Number_of_dorsal_vertebrae / _14_or_more_ 13 12 10, 156 'Dorsal centra, pleurocoels' / _absent_ _present_, 157 'Dorsal vertebrae, transverse processes' / _are_directed_laterally_or_slightly_upwards_ _are_directed_strongly_dorsolaterally_, 158 'Middle to posterior dorsal diapophyses, distal end:' / curves_smoothly_into_the_remaining_dorsal__surface_of_the_process 'is set off from the ^nremaining dorsal surface by a lip, forming a ^ndistinct area', 159 'Anterior dorsal vertebrae, non bifid neural spine in anterior or posterior view' / _posses_subparallel_lateral_margins_ _posses_lateral_margins_which_slightly_diverge_dorsally_ _posses_lateral_margins_which_strongly_diverge_dorsally_ 'posses lateral margins dorsomedially inclined, that aproach each other', 160 'Middle to posterior dorsal vertebrae, non bifid neural spine in anterior or posterior view' / _posses_subparallel_lateral_margins_ _posses_lateral_margins_which_slightly_diverge_dorsally_ _posses_lateral_margins_which_strongly_diverge_dorsally_ 'posses lateral margins dorsomedially inclined, that aproach each other', 161 'Dorsal centra, pneumatic structures' / ' absent, dorsal centra with solid interna structure ' ' present, dorsal centra with simple and big air spaces (camerate)' ' present, dorsal centra with small and complex air spaces (polycamerate)' ' present, dorsal centra with small and complex air spaces (semicamellate/camellate)', 162 'Anterior and middle dorsal neural spines, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina (SPRL)' / _absent_ _present_, 163 'Posterior dorsal neural spines, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina (SPRL)' / _absent_ _present_, 164 'Dorsal vertebrae, single not bifid neural spines, single prespinal lamina (PRSL)' / _absent_ _present_, 165 'Dorsal vertebrae, single not bifid neural spines, single prespinal lamina (PRSL)' / ' rough and wide, present in the dorsalmost part of the neural spine ' ' rough and wide, extended trough almost all the neural spine ' _smooth_and_narrow_, 166 'Dorsal vertebrae with single neural spines, middle single fossa projected trought the middline of the neural spine' / _present_ _absent_, 167 'Dorsal vertebrae with single neural spines, middle single fossa, projected through the midline of the neural spine' / _relatively_wide_median_simple_fossa_ _a_thin_median_simple_fossa_ _extremely_reduced_median_simple_fossa_, 168 'Anterior dorsal centra, articular face shape' / _amphicoelous_ _opisthocoelous_, 169 'Anterior and middle dorsal centra, pleurocoels' / _have_rounded_caudal_margins_ ' have tapering, acute caudal margins ', 170 'Middle dorsal neural arches in lateral view, anterior edge of the neural spine' / _project_anteriorly_to_the_diapophysis_ _converge_with_the_diapophysis_ _project_posteriorly_to_the_diapophysis_, 171 'Anterior and middle dorsal vertebrae, zygapophyseal articulation angle' / _horizontal_or_slightly_posteroventrally_oriented_ ' posteroventraly oriented (around 30?) ' ' strongly posteroventraly oriented (more than 40?) ', 172 'Anterior Dorsal vertebrae, neural spine orientation' / 'verticaly or slightly inclined (less than 20 degrees)' 'posterodorsally, more than 20 degrees' anteriorly_directed, 173 'Anterior dorsal vertebrae, triangular aliform process' / _absent_ ' present but do not project far laterally (not as far as caudal zygapophyses) ' ' present and project far laterally (as far as caudal zygapophyses) ', 174 'Anterior dorsal vertebrae, neural spine length / minimums width' / '0.5 or greater (low neural spines)' 'lower than 0.5 (high neural spines)', 175 'Anterior dorsal vertebrae, neural spine lenght (from tprl up to top)' / less_than_the_height_of_the_centrum sligtly_higher_than_centrum more_than_twice_centrum_height, 176 'Anterior dorsal vertebrae, dorsal edge of the neural spine' / flat 'arrow-shaped' convex, 177 'Middle to posterior dorsal vertebrae, dorsal edge of the neural spine' / flat 'arrow-shaped' convex, 178 'Middle to posterior dorsal centra, ventral surface' / _convex_transversely_ _flattened_ ' is slightly concave, sometimes with one or two crests ', 179 'Middle dorsal vertebrae, hyposphene-hypantrum system' / _present_ _absent_, 180 'Posterior dorsal vertebrae, hyposphene-hypantrum system' / ' present and well developed, usually with a rhomboid shape ' ' present and weakly developed, mainly as a laminar articulation ' _absent_or_only_present_in_posteriormost_dorsal_vertebrae_, 181 'Middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae, transverse processes length' / _short_ ' long (projecting along 1.5 the articular surface width) ', 182 'Mid and posterior dorsal vertebrae with a single lamina (the single TPOL) supporting the hyposphene or postzygapophysis from below' / _absent_ _present_, 183 'Middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae, neural canal in anterior view' / _entirely_surrounded_by_the_neural_arch_ ' enclosed in a deep fossa, enclosed laterally by pedicels ', 184 'Middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae, neural spine height' / _approximately_twice_the_centrum_length_ _for_times_the_centrum_length_, 185 Middle_and_posterior_dorsal_neural_spines_orientation / _vertical_ ' slightly inclined, with an angle of around 70 degrees ' ' strongly inclined, with an angle not bigger than 40 degrees ', 186 'Middle and posterior dorsal vertebral centra, keel' / absent present, 187 'Dorsal vertebrae, height of the neural arch divided the height of the centrum' / less_than_0.8 more_than_0.8, 188 'Middle to posterior dorsal vertebrae, pleurocoel dorsal margin' / rounded angular, 189 'Middle to posterior dorsal vertebrae, peurocoel dorsal margin' / well_below_the_dorsal_margin_of_the_centrum at_the_level_of_the_dorsal_margin_of_the_centrum_or_higher, 190 'Middle to posterior dorsal vertebrae, small fossa anterior to anteroventral to the pleurocoel' / absent present, 191 'Middle and posterior dorsal neural arches, centropostzygapophyseal lamina (CPOL), shape' / _simple_ _divided_, 192 'Middle and posterior dorsal neural arches, anterior centroparapophyseal lamina (ACPL)' / _absent_ _present_, 193 'Middle and posterior dorsal neural arches, prezygoparapophyseal lamina (PRPL)' / _absent_ _present_, 194 'Middle and posterior dorsal neural arches, posterior centroparapophyseal lamina (PCPL)' / _absent_ _present_, 195 'Middle and posterior dorsal centrum in transverse section (height: width ratio)' / ' subcircular (ratio, similar to 1 or a bit higher) ' ' slightly dorsoventrally compressed (ratios between 0.8 and 1) ' ' strongly compressed (ratios below 0.8) ', 196 'Middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae neural spine, triangular aliform processes' / _absent_ ' present but do not project far laterally (not as far as caudal zygapophyses) ' ' present and project far laterally (as far as caudal zygapophyses) ', 197 'Middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae, spinodiapophyseal lamina (SPDL)' / _absent_ _present_, 198 'Middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae, accessory spinodiapophyseal lamina' / _absent_ _present_, 199 'Dorsal vertebrae, spinodiapophyseal webbing' / _lamina_follows_curvature_of_neural_spine_in_anterior_view_ ' lamina "festooned" from spine, dorsal margin does not closely follow shape of neural spine and diapophysis ', 200 'Anterior dorsal vertebrae, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina (SPOL)' / _absent_ _present_, 201 'Middle and posterior dorsal neural spines, lateral spinopostzygapophyseal lamina (lSPOL)' / _absent_ _present_, 202 'Middle and posterior dorsal neural arches, spinodiapophyseal lamina (SPDL) and spinopostzygapophyseal lamina (lSPOL) CONTACT' / _absent_ _present_, 203 'Middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae, spinodiapophyseal (SPDL) and spinopostzygapophyseal lamina (lSPOL) contact' / ' ventral, well separated from the triangular aliform process ' ' dorsal, forms part of the triangular aliform process ', 204 'Middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae, height of neural arch below the postzygapophyses (pedicel)' / _less_than_height_of_centrum_ _subequal_to_or_greater_than_height_of_centrum_, 205 'Posterior Dorsal vertebrae, medial spinopostzygapophyseal lamina (mSPOL)' / _absent_ _present_and_forms_part_of_the_median_posterior_lamina_, 206 'Posterior dorsal vertebrae, transverse processes' / ' lie posterior, or posterodorsal, to the parapophysis ' _lie_vertically_above_the_parapophysis_, 207 'Posterior dorsal centra, articular face shape' / _amphicoelous_ _slightly_opisthocoelous_ _opisthocoelous_, 208 'Posterior dorsal vertebrae, neural spine' / _narrower_transversely_than_anteroposteriorly_and_laminar_ ' narrower transversely than anteroposteriorly but broad, subtriangular (see Bonaparte, 1999)' _broader_transversely_than_anteroposteriorly_, 209 'Posterior dorsal vertebra, posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina (PCDL)' / _has_an_unexpanded_ventral_tip_ _expands_and_may_bifurcate_toward_its_ventral_tip_, 210 'Cervical ribs, distal shafts of longest cervical ribs' / _are_elongate_and_form_overlapping_bundles_ _are_short_and_do_not_project_beyond_the_caudal_end_of_the_centrum_to_which_they_are_attached_, 211 'Cervical ribs, angle between the capitulum and tuberculum' / ' greater than 90?, so that the rib shaft lies close to the ventral edge of the centrum ' ' less than 90?, so that the rib shaft lies below the ventral margin of the centrum ', 212 'Dorsal ribs, proximal pneumatopores' / _absent_ _present_, 213 'Anterior dorsal ribs, cross-sectional shape' / _subcircular_ ' plank-like, anteroposterior breadth more than three times mediolateral breadth ', 214 'Sacral vertebrae, number' / _3_or_fewer_ 4 5 6, 215 'Sacrum, sacricostal yoke' / _absent_ _present_, 216 Sacral_vertebrae_contributing_to_acetabulum / ' numbers 1-3 ' ' numbers 2-4 ', 217 Sacral_neural_spines_length / _approximately_twice_length_of_centrum_ _approximately_four_times_length_of_centrum_, 218 'Sacral ribs, dorsoventral length' / ' low, not projecting beyond dorsal margin of ilium ' _high_extending_beyond_dorsal_margin_of_ilium_, 219 Pleurocoels_in_the_lateral_surfaces_of_sacral_centra / _absent_ _present_, 220 'Caudal vertebrae, number' / _35_or_fewer_ _40_to_55_ ' increased to 70-80 ', 221 Caudal_bone_texture / _solid_ ' spongy, with large internal cells ', 222 'Anterior caudal, pneumatized neural arch' / absent present, 223 Caudal_transverse_processes / _persist_through_caudal_20_or_more_posteriorly_ _disappear_by_caudal_15_ _disappear_by_caudal_10, 224 'First caudal centrum, anterior articular surface' / flat concave convex, 225 'First caudal centrum, posterior articular surface' / flat concave convex, 226 'First caudal neural arch, coel on lateral aspect of neural spine' / _absent_ _present_, 227 'Anterior caudal vertebrae (mainly the first and second): ventral bulge on transverse process' / absent present, 228 'Anterior and middle caudal vertebrae, blind fossae in lateral centrum' / absent present, 229 'Posteriormost anteriors and middle caudal vertebrae, transverse processes orientation' / perpendicular 'swept backwards, reaching the posterior margin of the centrum', 230 'Anterior caudal vertebrae, transverse processes' / _ventral_surface_directed_laterally_or_slightly_ventrally_ _directed_dorsally_, 231 'Anterior caudal centra (excluding the first), articular face shape' / _amphiplatyan_or_amphicoelous_ ' procoelous/distoplatyan ' Slightly_Procoelous Procoelous _posterior_surface_markedly_more_concave_than_the_anterior_one, 232 'Anterior caudal centra, pleurocoels' / _absent_ _present_, 233 'Anterior caudal vertebrae, ventral surfaces' / _convex_transversely_ _concave_transversely_ flat_or_slightly_concave, 234 'Anterior and middle caudal vertebrae, ventrolateral ridges' / _absent_ _present_, 235 'Anterior and middle caudal vertebrae, triangular lateral process on the neural spine' / _absent_ _present_, 236 Anterior_caudal_transverse_processes_shape / ' triangular, tapering distally ' ' "wing-like", not tapering distally ', 237 'Anterior caudal neural spines, transverse breadth' / _approximately_50%_of_ 'square (lenght and width are similars)' 'laterally expanded, being around 1.5 times wider tha long' '+ shaped', 238 'Anterior caudal transverse processes, proximal depth' / ' shallow, on centrum only ' ' deep, extending from centrum to neural arch ', 239 'Anterior caudal transverse processes, diapophyseal laminae (ACDl, PCDL, PRDL, PODL)' / _absent_ _present_, 240 'Anterior caudal transverse processes, anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina (ACDL), shape' / _single_ _divided_, 241 'Anterior caudal vertebrae, hyposphene ridge' / _absent_ _present_, 242 'Anterior caudal centra, length' / _approximately_the_same_ _or_doubling_over_the_first_20_vertebrae_, 243 'Anteriormost caudal neural arches, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina (SPRL)' / ' absent, or present as small short ridges that rapidly fade out into the anterolateral margin of the spine ' ' present, extending onto lateral aspect of neural spine ' 'present, well developed and extending into the anterolateral edge of the neural spine', 244 'Anteriormost caudal neural arches, spinodiapophyseal lamina (SPDL)' / absent present._The_recognition_of_this_lamina_in_titanosaurs_is_related_with_the_presence_of_a_well_marked_diapophyseal_protuberance, 245 'Anterior caudal neural arches, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina (SPRL)-spinopostzygapophyseal lamina (SPOL) contact' / _absent_ ' present, forming a prominent lamina on lateral aspect of neural spine ', 246 'Anterior caudal neural arches, prespinal lamina (PRSL)' / _absent_ _present_, 247 'Anterior caudal vertebrae, ventral sprl (usually described as ventrally bifurcated PRSL)' / absent present, 248 'Anterior caudal vertebrae, prespinal lamina, triangular shaped, product of a dorsal expansion of it' / absent present, 249 'Anterior caudal vertebrae, pair thin laminae that are bounding the prespinal/pospinal laminae' / absent present, 250 'Middle caudal centra, shape' / _cylindrical_ _with_flat_ventral_margin_ ' quadrangular, flat ventrally and laterally' 'trapezoidal (laterally compressed forming a shallow fossa)', 251 'Anterior and middle caudal centra, ventral surface' / without_groove_or_hollow groove hollow_devided_by_a_longitudinal_septum, 252 'Middle caudal centra, articular face shape' / _amphiplatyan_or_amphicoelous_ ' procoelous/distoplatyan ' slightly_Procoelous procoelous, 253 'Posteriormost anteriors and middle caudal vertebrae, location of the neural arches' / _over_the_midpoint_of_the_centrum_with_approximately_subequal_amounts_of_the_centrum_exposed_at_either_end_ _on_the_anterior_half_of_the_centrum_, 254 'Anteriors caudal vertebrae, with the anterior face' / straight inclined_anteriorly strongly_inclined_anteriorly, 255 'Middle caudal vertebrae, with the anterior face strongly inclined anteriorly' / absent present, 256 'Middle caudal vertebrae, height of the pedicels below the prezygapophysis' / _low_with_curved_anterior_edge_of_the_pedicel_ _high_with_vertical_anterior_edge_of_the_pedicel_, 257 'Posteriormost anteriors and middle caudal vertebrae, orientation of the neural spines' / _anteriorly_ _vertical_ slightly_directed_posteriorly strongly_directed_posteriorly, 258 'Posterior caudal vertebrae, neural spine strongly displacced posteriorly' / _absent_ _present_, 259 'Middle caudal vertebrae, ratio of centrum length to centrum height' / ' less than 2, usually 1.5 or less ' _2_or_higher_, 260 'Anterior-posterior caudal vertebrae (those with still well developed neural spine) , neural spine orientation' / _vertical_ _slightly_directed_posteriorly_ strongly_directed_posteriorly, 261 'Posterior Caudals centra, articular face shape' / _anphyplatic_ _procoelous_ opisthocoelous, 262 'Posterior caudal centra, shape' / _cylindrical_ ' dorsoventrally flattened, breadth at least twice height ', 263 'Posterior caudal vertebrae, ratio of length to height' / ' less than 5, usually 3 or less ' _5_or_higher_, 264 'Distalmost caudal centra, articular face shape' / _platycoelous_ _biconvex_, 265 'Distalmost biconvex caudal centra, number' / _10_or_fewer_ _more_than_30_, 266 'Distalmost biconvex caudal centra, length-to height ratio' / _less_than_4_ _greater_than_5_, 267 Forked_chevrons_with_anterior_and_posterior_projections / _absent_ _present_, 268 'Forked chevrons, distribution' / _distal_tail_only_ _throughout_middle_and_posterior_caudal_vertebrae_, 269 'Chevrons, crus bridging dorsal margin of haemal canal' / _present_ _absent_, 270 'Chevron haemal canal, depth' / ' short, approximately 25% ' ' or long, approximately 50% chevron length ', 271 Chevrons / _persisting_throughout_at_least_80%_of_tail_ _disappearing_by_caudal_30_, 272 'Posterior chevrons, distal contact' / _fused_ ' unfused (open) ', 273 Posture / _bipedal_ ' columnar, obligatory quadrupedal posture ', 274 'Scapular acromion process, size' / _Narrow_ ' broad, width more than 150% minimum width of blade ', 275 'Scapular blade, orientation respect to coracoid articulation' / _perpendicular_ _forming_a_45º_angle_, 276 'Scapula blade, distal expansion' / absent present, 277 'Scapular blade, shape' / ' acromial edge not expanded, dorsal and ventral edges almost parallels' _rounded_expansion_on_acromial_side_ 'racquet-shaped' 'marked distal expansion, due to the posterodorsal orientation of the dorsal edge', 278 'Scapula, acromion process dorsal margin' / _concave_or_straight_ ' with V-shaped concavity ' 'with U-shaped concavity', 279 'Scapula, highest point of the dorsal margin of the blade' / _lower_than_the_dorsal_margin_of_the_proximal_end_ _at_the_same_height_than_the_dorsal_margin_of_the_proximal_end_ higher_than_the_dorsal_margin_of_the_proximal_end, 280 'Scapula, development of the acromion process' / _undeveloped_ _well_developed_, 281 'Scapular length/minimum blade breadth' / _5.5_or_leas_ _5.5_or_more_, 282 'Scapula, ventral margin with a well developed ventro medial process' / _absent_ _present_, 283 'Scapular, acromial process position' / _lies_nearly_glenoid_level_ _lies_nearly_midpoint_scapular_body_, 284 Scapular_acromion_length / ' less than 1/2 scapular length ' ' at least 1/2 scapular length ', 285 Glenoid_scapular_orientation / _relatively_flat_or_laterally_facing_ _strongly_beveled_medially_, 286 'Scapular blade, cross-sectional shape at base' / _flat_or_rectangular_ ' D-shaped ', 287 'Coracoid, proximodistal length' / _less_than_the_length_of_scapular_articulation_ _approximately_twice_the_length_of_scapular_articulation_, 288 'Coracoid, anteroventral margin shape' / _rounded_ _rectangular_, 289 Dorsal_margin_of_the_coracoid_in_lateral_view / _reaches_or_surpasses_the_the_level_of_the_dorsal_margin_of_the_scapular_expansion_ ' lies below the level of the scapular proximal expansion and separated from the latter by a V-shaped notch ', 290 'Coracoid, Infraglenoid deep groove' / _absent_ _present_, 291 'Coracoid, infraglenoid lip' / _absent_ _present_, 292 'Sternal plate, shape' / posterolateral_margin_curved posterolateral_margin_expanded_as_a_corner, 293 'Sternal plate, shape' / _oval_ _crescentic_, 294 'Prominent posterolateral expansion of the sternal plate producing a kidney-shaped profile in dorsal view' / _absent_ _present_, 295 Prominent_parasagital_oriented_ridge_on_the_dorsal_surface_of_the_sternal_plate / _absent_ _present_, 296 Ridge_on_the_ventral_surface_of_the_sternal_plate / _absent_ _present_, 297 Ratio_of_maximum_length_of_sternal_plate_to_the_humerus_length / ' less than 0,75, usually less than 0,65 ' ' greater than 0,75 ', 298 'Humerus, strong posterolateral bulge on around level of the deltopectoral crest' / absent_ present, 299 'Humerus, radial and ulnar condyles, shape' / radial_condyle_divided_on_anterior_face_by_a_notch undivided, 300 'Humerus-to-femur ratio' / _less_than_0.60_ _0.60_to_0.69_ 0.7_to_0.90 greater_than_0.90, 301 'Humeral deltopectoral attachment, development' / _prominent_ _reduced_to_a_low_crest_or_ridge_, 302 'Humeral deltopectoral crest, shape' / _relatively_narrow_throughout_length_ _markedly_expanded_distally_, 303 'Humeral midshaft cross-section, shape' / _circular_ _elliptical_, 304 'Humerus, RI (sensu Wilson and Upchurch, 2003)' / ' Gracile (less than 0,27) ' ' medium (0,28-0,32) ' 'Robust (more than 0,33)', 305 'Humeral distal condyles, articular surface shape' / _restricted_to_distal_portion_of_humerus_ _exposed_on_anterior_portion_of_humeral_shaft_, 306 'Humeral distal condyle, shape' / _divided_ _flat_, 307 'Humeral, lateral margin of the proximal half' / _medially_deflected_ _almost_straight_until_the_proximal_third_of_the_total_length_of_the_humerus _almost_straight_until_the_half_length_or_even_more_, 308 'Humeral proximolateral corner, shape' / ' rounded, the dorsal surface is well convex ' ' pronounced / square, the dorsal surface low, almost flat ', 309 'Ulnar proximal condyle, shape' / _subtriangular_ ' triradiate, with deep radial fossa ', 310 'Ulnar proximal condylar processes, relative lengths' / _subequal_ ' unequal, anterior arm longer ', 311 'Ulnar olecranon process, development' / ' prominent, projecting above proximal articulation ' ' rudimentary, level with proximal articulation ', 312 'Ulna, length-to-proximal breadth ratio' / _gracile_ _stout_, 313 'Radial distal condyle, shape' / _round_ ' subrectangular, flattened posteriorly and articulating in front of ulna ', 314 'Radius, distal breadth' / _slightly_larger_than_midshaft_breadth_ _approximately_twice_midshaft_breadth_, 315 'Radius, distal condyle orientation' / _perpendicular_to_long_axis_of_shaft_ _beveled_approximately_20?_proximolaterally_relative_to_long_axis_of_shaft_, 316 'Carpal bones, number' / _3_or_more_ _2_or_fewer_, 317 'Carpal bones, shape' / _round_ ' block-shaped, with flattened proximal and distal surfaces ', 318 'Metacarpus, shape' / _spreading_ ' bound, with subparallel shafts and articular surfaces that extend half their length ', 319 'Metacarpals, shape of proximal surface in articulation' / ' gently curving, forming a 90arc ' ' U-shaped, subtending a 270arc ', 320 'Longest metacarpal-to-radius ratio' / _close_to_0.3_ _0.45_or_more_, 321 'Metacarpal I, length' / _shorter_than_metacarpal_IV_ _longer_than_metacarpal_IV_, 322 'Metacarpal I, distal condyle shape' / _divided_ _undivided_, 323 'Metacarpal I distal condyle, transverse axis orientation' / _beveled_approximately_20?_respect_to_axis_of_shaft_ _proximodistally_or_perpendicular_with_respect_to_axis_of_shaft_, 324 'Manual digits II and III, phalangeal number' / ' 2- 3-4-3-2 or more ' ' reduced, 2-2-2-2-2 or less ' _absent_or_unossified_., 325 'Manual phalanx I.1, shape' / _rectangular_ ' wedge-shaped ', 326 'Manual nonungual phalanges, shape' / _longer_proximodistally_than_broad_transversely_ _broader_transversely_than_long_proximodistally_, 327 'Pelvis, anterior breadth' / ' narrow, ilia longer anteroposteriorly than distance separating preacetabular processes ' ' broad, distance between preacetabular processes exceeds anteroposterior length of ilia ', 328 'Ilium, ischial peduncle size' / ' large, prominent ' ' low, rounded ', 329 'Ilium, dorsal margin shape' / _flat_ _semicircular_, 330 'Illium, preacetabular ventral margin shape ' / straight concave with_a_convex_ventral_bump, 331 'Ilium, preacetabular process shape' / ' pointed, arching ventrally ' ' semicircular, with posteroventral excursion of cartilage cap ', 332 'Ilium, preacetabular process orientation' / _anterolateral_to_body_axis_ _perpendicular_to_body_axis_, 333 Highest_point_on_the_dorsal_margin_of_the_ilium / _lies_caudal_to_the_base_of_the_pubic_process_ _lies_cranial_to_the_base_of_the_pubic_process_, 334 Pubis_length_respect_to_ischium / _pubis_slightly_smaller_or_subequal_to_ischium_ ' pubis larger (120% +) than ischium ', 335 'Pubis, ambiens process development' / ' small, confluent with anterior margin of pubis prominent, ' _projects_anteriorly_from_anterior_margin_of_pubis_, 336 'Pubic apron, shape' / ' flat (straight symphysis) ' ' canted anteromedially (gentle S-shaped symphysis) ', 337 'Puboischial contact, length' / _approximately_one_third_total_length_of_pubis_ ' one-half total length of pubis ', 338 'Ischium, acetabular articular surface' / _maintains_approximately_the_same_transverse_width_throughout_its_length_ _is_transversely_narrower_in_its_central_portion_and_strongly_expanded_as_it_approaches_the_iliac_and_pubic_articulations_, 339 'Ischium, iliac peduncle with constriction or "neck"' / _absent_ _present_, 340 'Ischium, elongate muscle scar on proximal end' / _absent_ _present_, 341 'Ischial blade, shape' / _emarginate_distal_to_pubic_peduncle_ _no_emargination_distal_to_pubic_peduncle_, 342 Ischia_pubic_articulation / _less_or_equal_to_the_anteroposterior_length_of_pubic_pedicel_ _greater_than_the_anteroposterior_length_of_pubic_pedicel_, 343 'Ischia, anteroposterior pubic pedicel width divided the total lenght of the ischium' / ' less than 0,5 ' ' 0,5 or grater', 344 'Ischial distal shaft, shape' / ' triangular, depth of ischial shaft increases medially ' ' bladelike, medial and lateral depths subequal ', 345 'Ischial distal shafts, cross-sectional shape' / ' V-shaped, forming an angle of nearly 50? with each other ' ' flat, nearly coplanar ', 346 'Ischia, distal end' / _is_only_slightly_expanded_ _is_strongly_expanded_dorsoventrally_, 347 'Ichium, angle formed between the shaft and the acetabular line' / ' forming an almost right angle (80-110?) or' ' a close angle (less than 70?) ', 348 Ischial_tuberosity / absent present, 349 'Femur, longitudinal ridge on anterior face' / absent present, 350 'Femur, fibular condyle' / 'well developed, havin a similar height than the tibial condyle' 'much shorter than the tibial condyle (less than the half)', 351 'Femur, epycondyle development' / well_developed 'reduced, almost absent', 352 'Femur, fourth trochanter position' / 'almost at half of the femur (0.5-0.6)' 'In the proximal third of the femur (0.6', 353 'Femur, fourth trochanter development' / _prominent_ _reduced_to_crest_or_ridge_ extremly_reduced, 354 'Femur, lesser trochanter' / _present_ _absent_, 355 'Femur midshaft, transverse diameter' / _subequal_to_anteroposterior_diameter_ ' 125-150% anteroposterior diameter ' at_least_185%_anteroposterior_diameter, 356 'Femur, lateral bulge (marked by the lateral expansion and a dorsomedial orientation of the laterodorsal margin of the femur, which starts below the femur head ventral margin)' / _absent_ _present_, 357 'Femur, pronounced ridge on posterior surface between greater trochanter and head' / _absent_ _present_, 358 Femur_head_position / ' perpendicular to the shaft, rises at the same level than the greater trochanter ' ' dorsally directed, rises well above the level of the greater trochanter ', 359 'Femur, distal condyles relative transverse breadth' / _subequal_ _tibial_much_broader_than_fibular_, 360 'Femur, distal condyles orientation' / _perpendicular_or_slightly_beveled_dorsolaterally_ _or_beveled_dorsomedially_approximately_10_relative_to_femoral_shaft_, 361 'Femur, distal condyles articular surface shape' / _restricted_to_distal_portion_of_femur_ _expanded_onto_anterior_portion_of_femoral_shaft_, 362 Situation_of_the_femoral_fourth_trochanter / ' on the caudal surface of the shaft, near the midline ' _on_the_caudomedial_margin_of_the_shaft_, 363 'Tibial proximal condyle, shape' / 'narrow, anteroposterior axis between 60 and 70% the lateromedial axis ' ' expanded transversely, nteroposterior and lateromedial axis subequals' 'narrow, anteroposterior axis less than 50% of the lateromedial axis', 364 'Tibial cnemial crest, orientation' / _projecting_anteriorly_ _or_laterally_, 365 'Tibia, distal breadth' / _approximately_125%_ _more_than_twice_midshaft_breadth_, 366 'Tibial distal posteroventral process, size' / ' broad transversely, covering posterior fossa of astragalus ' ' shortened transversely, posterior fossa of astragalus visible posteriorly ', 367 'Fibula, proximal tibial scar, development' / ' not well-marked ' ' well-marked and deepening anteriorly ', 368 'Fibula, lateral trochanter' / _absent_ _present_, 369 'Fibular distal condyle, size' / _subequal_to_shaft_ ' expanded transversely, more than twice midshaft breadth ', 370 'Fibula, proximal end, anterior crest' / absent_or_poorly_developed well_developed_creating_interlocking_proximal_crus, 371 'Fibula, shaft shape' / 'straight, or sligthly sigmoidal' 'sigmoid, such that the proximal and distal faces are angled relative to midshaft', 372 'Astragalus, shape' / at_least_1.5_times_wider_than_anteroposteriorly_long anteroposterior_and_transverse_dimensions_subequal, 373 'Astragalus, shape' / _rectangular_ ' wedge shaped, with reduced anteromedial corner ', 374 'Astragalus, fibular facet' / _faces_laterally_ ' faces posterolaterally, anterior margin visible in posterior view ', 375 'Astragalus, foramina at base of ascending process' / _present_ _absent_, 376 'Astragalus, ascending process length' / ' limited to anterior two-thirds of astragalus ' _extending_to_posterior_margin_of_astragalus_, 377 'Astragalus, posterior fossa shape' / _undivided_ _divided_by_vertical_crest_, 378 'Astragalus, transverse length' / _50%_more_than_ _or_subequal_to_proximodistal_height_, 379 Calcaneum / _present_ _absent_or_unossified_, 380 Distal_tarsals_3_and_4 / _present_ _absent_or_unossified_, 381 'Metatarsus, posture' / _bound_ _spreading_, 382 'Metatarsal I proximal condyle, transverse axis orientation' / _perpendicular_to_ _angled_ventromedially_approximately_15?_to_axis_of_shaft_, 383 'Metatarsal I distal condyle, transverse axis orientation' / _perpendicular_to_ _angled_dorsomedially_to_axis_of_shaft_, 384 Metatarsal_III_length_divided_by_metatarsal_I_length / _less_than_1.3. more_than_1.3, 385 Longest_metatarsal / _metatarsal_III_ metatarsal_IV, 386 'Metatarsal I distal condyle, posterolateral projection' / _absent_ _present_, 387 'Metatarsal I, minimum shaft width' / _less_than_that_of_metatarsals_II?IV_ _or_greater_than_that_of_metatarsals_II?IV_, 388 'Metatarsal I and V proximal condyle, size' / _smaller_than_ _or_subequal_to_those_of_metatarsals_II_and_IV_, 389 Metatarsal_III_length / _more_than_30%_ _or_less_than_25%_that_of_tibia_, 390 'Metatarsals III and IV, minimum transverse shaft diameters' / _subequal_to_ _or_less_than_65%_that_of_metatarsals_I_or_II_, 391 'Metatarsal IV, proximomedial end, shape' / flat_or_slightly_concave possesses_a_distinct_embayment, 392 'Metatarsal IV, distal end, orientation' / roughly_perpendicular_to_long_axis_of_bone bevelled_upwards_medially, 393 'Metatarsal V, length' / _shorter_than_ _or_at_least_70%_length_of_metatarsal_IV_, 394 'Pedal nonungual phalanges, shape' / _longer_proximodistally_than_broad_transversely_ _broader_transversely_than_long_proximodistally_, 395 'Pedal digits II-IV, penultimate phalanges, development' / _subequal_in_size_to_more_proximal_phalanges_ _rudimentary_or_absent_, 396 'Pedal unguals, orientation' / _aligned_with_ _or_deflected_lateral_to_digit_axis_, 397 'Pedal digit I ungual, length relative to pedaldigit II ungual' / _subequal_ _25%_larger_than_that_of_digit_II_, 398 'Pedal digit I ungual, length' / _shorter_ _or_longer_than_metatarsal_I_, 399 'Pedal ungual I, shape' / _broader_transversely_than_dorsoventrally_ ' sickle-shaped, much deeper dorsoventrally than broad transversely ', 400 'Pedal ungual II-III, shape' / _broader_transversely_than_dorsoventrally_ ' sickle-shaped, much deeper dorsoventrally than broad transversely ', 401 'Pedal digit IV ungual, development' / _subequal_in_size_to_unguals_of_pedal_digits_II_and_III_ _rudimentary_or_absent_, 402 'Unguals of pedal digit II and III, proximal dimensions' / _as_broad_as_deep_ _significantly_broader_than_deep_, 403 Number_of_phalanges_in_pedal_digit_II / 3 2, 404 Number_of_phalanges_in_pedal_digit_III / 4 3, 405 Number_of_phalanges_in_pedal_digit_IV / 3_or_more 2 1, 406 'Postorbital, excluded from the infratemporal fenestra due to the articulation of the jugal with the squamosal' / absent present, 407 'Squamosal, ventral shape' / thin broad, 408 Preantorbital_fenestra_development / 'small, differentiated from the posterior maxillary foramen in its direction (see Wilson and Sereno, 1998) ' laterally_opened_middle_sized_fenestra laterally_opened_large_fenestra_, 409 'Mid- and posterior dorsal neural arches,centroprezygapophyseal fossa depth' / shallow_or_absent 'deep, passing nearly all the way through the neural arch', 410 'Mid- Posterior dorsal vertebrae, parapophysis, position with respect to prezygapophyses' / at_the_same_level_or_below well_above, 411 'Posterior dorsal neural arches, centroprezygapophyseal lamina (CPRL), shape' / single divided, 412 'Posterior dorsal neural arches, spinoparapophyseal lamina (SPPL)' / absent present, 413 'Middle caudal vertebrae, prezygapophyses orientation' / 'anterodorsally oriented (around 45 degrees)' 'anteriorly oriented (nearly horizontal)', 414 'Scapular acromion, ventral process' / absent present, 415 'Illium, postacetabular posteroventral edge' / open_concave 'U-shaped notch' 'horizontal and low V-shaped notch', 416 'Pubis, ischiadic articular surface' / continuous_without_marked_angle_change_ marked_step_formed_by_a_proximal_posterior_directed_surface_and_a_more_distal_posterodorsal_oriented_surface_, 417 'Pubis, proximal symphysis' / merges_with_the_pubic_shaft_ forms_a_marked_ventromedially_directed_process_, 418 'Posteriormost-anteriors and middle caudal centra, proportions' / as_high_as_wide_ 'depressed, wider than high', 419 Anterodorsal_border_of_neural_spine_in_middle_caudal_vertebrae_located_posteriorly_with_respect_to_anterior_border_of_the_postzygapophyses / absent present, 420 'Middle caudal vertebrae, length proportions of prezygapophyses with respect to the centrum length' / shorter_than_40% between_40_and_50% longer_than_50%, 421 'Posteriormost anteriors and middle caudal vertebrae, distally expanded prezygapophysis' / absent present, 422 'Quadrate, articular condyle' / undivided_condyle anteriorly_devided posteriorly_devided completely_devided_in_a_medial_and_lateral_condyle, 423 'Anterior and middle caudal vertebrae, apex of the convexity of the posterior articulation' / concentrical_or_slightly_displaced_above_the_centrum_midline 'strongly displaced upward (the apex of the posterior articulation is flushed to the level of the dorsal margin of the centrum)', 424 'Posteriormost anterior and middle caudal vertebrae, postzygapophyses location ' / at_the_level_of_the_middle_to_posterior_half_of_the_centrum at_the_level_of_the_anterior_half_of_the_centrum _located_forward_or_at_the_level_of_the_anterior_border_of_the_centrum, 425 Haemal_arches_with_double_articular_facets_set_in_a_concave_posterodorsal_surface / absent present, 426 Prezygapophyses_curved_downward_on_anteriormost_caudal_vertebrae / absent present ; MATRIX 'Plateosaurus_engelhardti' 0000000-00000000000001000000000100000000010010?00000?0000??000000000000000??00000?00000??0?00000000000000?0000----000000000?00-1000101000?000?00001000100-0000000000-1-0-0000102?0000000000-??0000000--00--0000000????0?000?00?00?000000??0?000-??00-0---00000?02?010000????0???0000000000000000?0?00???001000000000000?0000000010000000000000?0000000?000000010000000000?000000000000000000000100000010000000000000000?0?0000000000??-000 'Mussaurus_patagonicus' 0000000-000000000000010100?00?010?0000000?002???000??0?0????????????????????????????1?1??0?00000??0?00??0100?0----(0 1)(0 1)00?0000??0-??0010100000000???0??0??00-?000000000-1-0-0000????0??0000001-??0000000--00--0000000???10?000?00????000000??0?0?0-??00-0---0?000?02?01000?????0???0000000000000000?0??????0?10000000000?0?000??000000?0(0 1)00000000?00?000??0000000100?0000000?0?0???000?0??000??000???000010000???00?0???00?000000000?100?-0?? 'Antetonitrus_ingenipes' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0??0-????10????????0?????????0?-?00000001121-0-00001022000000000?-??0000000--01--000000???????0???00???????000??0?0?0-??00-????00000?02?0?000?????0????0?11010??0000?????????????0000?0??0110?000??000?00?0???????????????????????00?000100000010001?0100?????????001???1?00??0???????????????00000????0000?-000 'Chinshakiangosaurus_chunghoensis'????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?0????00?????0??1?10?000?????01?0????0??0-?????0?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0??????0?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Isanosaurus_attavipachi' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1??0-????10????????0?????????????0???????0-1-?-0?0????????????00?-????????10?11??00?0??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0011000??000??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????11110010001???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 'Gongxianosaurus_shibeiensis' ???????????????1??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????11?1????21??????0??0-????10????????0?????????????0???????????0-????????0???????0?-??????????????????????????????0?00??????0000???????????????????000????01000?????0????0011000??000?00?0?0???????1000?0?00?01?00000?0?????????????????????????????????111???0?????01??0??????????0000???1?00?00000100000??????????????????0?-000 'Amygdalodon_patagonicus' ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????111?100-021?0????1????????1????????00?????0???????0????0????1-?-????????1????0??0?-??????0???????????01???0????????00????????00?????????????????00000????0???0???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-??? 'Lessemsaurus_sauropoides' ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00010-1000??1000000?0???01?0010?-?000000010-1-0-0000102200000000?1-???000000--11--000010???????????00???????????????????????????????????????????????????001101000000000?0???????01010010(0 1)001110000??000?00?0??00?000?00???????0000000?00000000001000????0?00?0000??00????1??01100??00??????????0000?0?00????????? 'Tazoudasaurus_naimi' ?????????????????????????????????00?10?????????01?????0--???????????????????????????100????0011???0??00100110100?001?0??001000-1000001000000100000?0??-000?000000110-000-000001000000100001-??011?00100111-000020??00???????001000000000000001001?00-0---00000?020020000??1100??10000000???????0?00??????001101101101?10100?100?001?0101?2????00000000?10?000??0101010000?000?0?00010010100?00???011?000?0001010?1???0??00000?1??000????00 'Vulcanodon_karibaensis' ??????????????????????????????????0?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-????????????????????????????????????????????1????0?00?00?????00???0?100?????????01?????????????????00??10??????0??????????????????1101?0???1110100????0???????1??????0000000?0100?????0101??????1000?000??00?1000010?1??00100?0100?011001??????????0??????00?-??0 'Shunosaurus_lii' 01000?1-000011011-0001110000000??000001001??2000001101100000100011000000000??0000011100?0?000?101?1100?1011111000121?02000100101000001000000100001?010?00-1010000110-1-1-000112210000000001-??011101(0 1)0-11(0 1)?000020000010-0001001000000000000001001000-0---0?000?02001?00---1110101001300010??000010000010000110110100101010001000001101011100000100000???00000?0?11100110000101?1000?0?10?0011111001110??111?11111001000?000000100000????00 'Barapasaurus_tagorei' ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????101????01?0???01000-??0?0?0?0???0100??0?????00-?00000011??0?1-???0????1010000?0?-??011100100111-000020???01100?0?00?00???000000000100??00?????000???010???0?0--1?00?01100000000000000?00??????0??101101001110100???????????0110000?010000000100000000111000100?010111100???1?10???01??0?????????1??11?0??????00000001?0000?-000 'Patagosaurus_fariasi' 1???0?1-00??11????????????????????0???????????????????????????????1??????????????????0????????????1????101110100-001?0??001001010000?00000001011001010100-?000000110-001-000112000000110001-??01100100-11--000020??002??0?0???????000000000??1??1????????0?000?02002?0??????00??110130001?000?00100??????00?101001001110100????????????110000?01000000010000000011100010000001???00?????????101??011????????????????????0000{0 1}?1?????0?-000 'Cetiosaurus_oxoniensis' ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????01011010002?00000001011001010100-?010000110-001-0?00????2000010001-???1101000-11--0000{1 2}0?10??????0?002??0??0000000?0?0-1000-0---00000?0200?000??????????001100001??0???1????01000??10?10??0???????????????????110000?0?0000??1?0?000??011????1??100????????????????????????????????????????????????1?{0 1}??0?0??-00? 'Losillasaurus_giganteus' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????10?????0????1????????????????1???1??????????????????10120??00100000000101100?01??0?-?11111011100110100?????00100?00010100111011001111100120???????????00??????10200?10(0 1)100??000000000????????1????????????????????????????????????????1011010?????1??????????????01??0??010?0?00?11?00????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00???????000?????? Omeisaurus 1100001-000011011-10011100??000???001010011010001011011?000?1???11100?0?0??00?0?0010100000000?1???1101?101110100-0110040001112310000000(1 2)00010110011010?00-210000(2 3)11100110000101220010010001000?11111100111-000220010?2110100??1000000000000001001000-0---0?000?02001?00???11000011013000?0000?00000?001000021011010010101000100000011101100000010000000100100000111000000001011??00000101001111{0 1}01111100111111111001000?000010201?0?0?-000 Mamenchisaurus 1110001-0-0011101-10011100?0?00???00?010010010?010?1?111000?0???101?00???0??0?0???10100??0?001101111(0 1)00101110100-011?04000111231000(1 2)000200010110001010?100210011311100110110-01-200100?00010000110021001?1101022001002??0?00??1120000030000001001000-0---0?000?02002?0????1100?0110??0?0?1????00?0?00????0011011010011101001101?0001???11{0 1}00000??00000010000001011100010000101?11000001110?11?1??01?1?001111??1??????00?000000000???1?-000 'Jobaria_tiguidensis' 11000010100011111-?0101100?0000??10010100?101000101101110???10??11?000??00?00?0?0?1?1000000???????11000?01110100-001001?001??2111101?00000001001011010101-2{0 1}10110110-0(0 1)1-11011212000001000?---0111011001111000010010021101?1001000000000??000100?000-100000000?0200100????1?001011000010????0100000?0????001101101001110100011100001111111000?010000000110000000111000100?110111000?11111001111??01111001????????????00000001?000???????00 'Haplocanthosaurus_priscus' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(1 2 3 4)??01012110101?00100001001001011101-01111101110011011011221000101000100001100110011101001201100211011?0010000?0000000001001000-100000000?120010???????10??110130211?000100?00??000??????????????????????????????1111000?01000000011000???01110001001???????????1??????????????????????????????????00001?1???????-000 Camarasaurus 11100010100011111-1010100(0 1)0000000100101000101000101101110001101?111000000000010000101000000111111111010?01110100-0210010001012110002?0(0 1)10100101100?01-?1012100111110-0010110-01-?00000100010000110121001111000220010?2110111001000000000000011001000-100000000?020010000--(0 1)0(0 1)0101101100010100100100000000002101{0 1}0100111010011111100111111100000110000101100000001110001001110111000010111001111{0 1}0011110?111111111000?00000001021100000??00 'Bellusaurus_sui' ????0??0100011??????????????????????10100???1??01??1??11000??010??????000??????????????0???????????1??0101110100-02100???0101211000200010000101100?010100-?10011111110110110?????000001000100001101110011110002201?0?2??0?1?00?1200000300000110?10000100000000????0?000?????????11(0 1)1300010100100?00??????00?10110100111010????1????????110000?01100001011000000011101010001101?????????????????????????????????????????00000100100???????? 'Europasaurus_holgeri' 1110001010001111??0010110200000??1001?0000100100101101110000101????{0 1}0000000111010?1010000?01111?1?1101010{0 1}010100012100?0?01012(0 1)10002100110111011001010100-?100111111101102101020?00000100010000110011001110100220010021?001?00?000??10000000010000000100000010?020010000--0-10??1101300110100100100000???00?101001011110100??11??11?01111210??0110000?0110??000?111000100?1101110??0101110?11?1?????1????1?1??11?????00000001011100000-0?1 'Tehuelchesaurus_benitezii' ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(1 2 3)??????????????????????(0 1 2)100001110-00102100010?00101100010000100?0100111-000211??01(1 2 3)1???1?????????????????????????????????????????????????????1101300010100100111??????001100101011010100????????????1?????0011000?101100000001111000001??????????????????????????????????????????????0000?0?00????????? 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'Barosaurus_lentus' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????3??11112210?01?00?00-1112010001-?1013100001110-0210110-12-0000011000100?111100100111?01002011002????0?0?11200000211101311111101100021000003012?011?11?00?01????000????????1??00????00??0?00?0????????????????????11???0?11?0???????100?000111000???11??????00???1???????????????01????????????????0000???000??????00 'Wintonotitan_wattsi' ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1????31?121-?1?2??????0??????????????????1??1??????22???11???????00?????0?01001??????00??0????000100???0?0001????10??11???0001110?1???????????????01001??1?10110??111??????????????????00?10?10?1?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????1???0?0??-0?0 'Andesaurus_delgadoi' ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????10?{1 3}{1 3}311121-1111?????2?000010101000?111??1??1111000221???????????00102110102011000?0?0000010000?0100020010?0???0?11????????????????????????????????1??????????????????????????????101100001011001??????2??????1??????????????????????????????????????????????00001??000000?-00? 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'Caieiria_allocaudata' ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????-??????????????????00???0010301000110-00200100030310001?00????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00001?????020?0000 ; END; BEGIN LABELS; TAXAGROUPLABEL Sauropodomorpha; TAXAGROUPLABEL Sauropoda; TAXAGROUPLABEL Eusauropoda; TAXAGROUPLABEL Macronaria; TAXAGROUPLABEL Rebbachisauridae; TAXAGROUPLABEL Flagelicaudatta; TAXAGROUPLABEL Saltasaurines COLOR = (RGB 0.46666667 1.0 0.46666667) ; TAXAGROUPLABEL Rinconsauria COLOR = (RGB 0.36862745 0.36862745 1.0) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Skull COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.03529412 0.03529412) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Teeth COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.33333333 0.33333333) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Cervical_vertebrae COLOR = (RGB 0.01568627 0.01568627 0.43529412) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Dorsal_Vertebrae COLOR = (RGB 0.13333333 0.13333333 1.0) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Ribs COLOR = (RGB 0.36862745 0.74509804 1.0) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Sacrum COLOR = (RGB 0.6 1.0 1.0) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Chevrons COLOR = (RGB 0.93333333 1.0 1.0) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Caudal_vertebrae COLOR = (RGB 0.8 1.0 0.96078431) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Scapular_girdle COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.27843137 0.10196078) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Forelimbs COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.52156863 0.4) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Pelvic_girdle COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.81176471 0.06666667) ; CHARGROUPLABEL Hindlimbs COLOR = (RGB 1.0 1.0 0.43529412) ; CHARGROUPLABEL 'From D''Emic, 2012' COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.03529412 0.03529412) ; CHARGROUPLABEL NEW COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.03529412 0.41960784) ; CHARGROUPLABEL New_Character COLOR = (RGB 1.0 0.03529412 0.41960784) ; CHARGROUPLABEL NEW_NOT_INCLUDED COLOR = (RGB 0.93333333 0.93333333 0.93333333) ; END; BEGIN SETS; CHARPARTITION * UNTITLED = Skull : 1- 98, Teeth : 99- 118, Cervical_vertebrae : 119- 154, Dorsal_Vertebrae : 155- 158 161- 209, Ribs : 210- 213, Sacrum : 214- 219, Caudal_vertebrae : 220- 272 418- 421 423- 424, Forelimbs : 273- 326, Pelvic_girdle : 327- 347, Hindlimbs : 348- 369 373- 383 386- 390 393- 402, 'From D''Emic, 2012' : 370- 372 391- 392; TAXPARTITION * UNTITLED ( TAXA = Sauropoda ) = Sauropodomorpha : 1 3 - 4 , Sauropoda : 2 5 - 10 , Eusauropoda : 11 - 17 19 - 20 , Macronaria : 21 - 25 27 - 30 32 - 34 36 38 - 55 , Rebbachisauridae : 56 - 65 , Flagelicaudatta : 66 - 72; END; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1- 426; ProbModelSet Untitled_Probability_Model_Set = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1- 426; END; BEGIN CODONS; CODESET * UNTITLED = universal: 1- 426; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; USERTYPE Untitled_Stepmatrix (Stepmatrix) = 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1- 13 15- 60 62- 99 101 103- 108 110- 114 116- 126 128- 131 133- 134 137- 166 168- 179 181- 195 197- 256 258- 259 261- 276 281- 299 301- 303 305- 346 348- 352 354 356- 426, ord: 14 61 100 102 109 115 127 132-135\3 136 167 180 196 257-260\3 277- 280 300 304 347 353 355; TYPESET Caudales_anteriores = unord: 1- 13 15- 99 101- 108 110- 114 116- 126 128- 131 133- 135 137- 160 162- 166 168- 179 181- 195 197- 230 232- 251 253- 256 258- 259 261- 276 281- 303 305- 346 348- 354 356- 426, ord: 14 100 109 115 127 132 136 161 167 180 196 252 257-260\3 277- 280 304 347 355, Untitled_Stepmatrix: 231; EXSET * UNTITLED = ; CHARSORTING * UNTITLED = 1: 119 119, 3: 123 123, 5: 124 124, 4: 125 125, 8: 126 126, 6: 132 132, 16: 134 134, 17: 138 138, 12: 141 141, 2: 142 142, 9: 143 143, 10: 145 145, 13: 149 149, 18: 152 152, 19: 154 154, 22: 155 155, 27: 156 156, 31: 157 157, 32: 158 158, 26: 168 168, 30: 169 169, 42: 170 170, 25: 178 178, 33: 180 180, 34: 182 182, 35: 183 183, 24: 184 184, 43: 185 185, 55: 191 191, 46: 192 192, 45: 193 193, 56: 194 194, 58: 195 195, 66: 196 196, 53: 197 197, 64: 198 198, 52: 201 201, 54: 202 202, 60: 206 206, 57: 207 207, 61: 208 208, 65: 209 209, 14: 210 210, 75: 211 211, 68: 212 212, 69: 213 213, 71: 214 214; CHARSORTING original = 1: 1 1, 2: 2 2, 3: 7 7, 4: 9 9, 5: 10 10, 6: 11 11, 7: 13 13, 8: 14 14, 9: 15 15, 10: 16 16, 11: 17 17, 12: 21 21, 13: 22 22, 32: 24 24, 31: 28 28, 14: 30 30, 15: 31 31, 16: 34 34, 17: 35 35, 18: 37 37, 19: 38 38, 20: 39 39, 21: 43 43, 22: 44 44, 24: 45 45, 23: 46 46, 25: 48 48, 26: 49 49, 27: 50 50, 28: 51 51, 29: 52 52, 30: 54 54, 33: 55 55, 34: 56 56, 35: 57 57, 36: 60 60, 37: 61 61, 38: 62 62, 39: 63 63, 40: 65 65, 41: 66 66, 42: 67 67, 43: 68 68, 44: 69 69, 45: 70 70, 46: 71 71, 47: 72 72, 48: 73 73, 49: 74 74, 50: 77 77, 51: 78 78, 52: 79 79, 53: 81 81, 54: 83 83, 55: 85 85, 56: 86 86, 57: 87 87, 58: 92 92, 59: 93 93, 60: 94 94, 61: 95 95, 62: 96 96, 63: 97 97, 64: 98 98, 65: 99 99, 66: 100 100, 73: 102 102, 74: 103 103, 75: 105 105, 69: 106 106, 70: 108 108, 67: 110 110, 72: 115 115, 71: 116 116, 76: 118 118, 80: 119 119, 79: 120 120, 82: 123 123, 236: 124 124, 235: 125 125, 83: 126 126, 84: 132 132, 81: 134 134, 85: 138 138, 87: 141 141, 86: 142 142, 88: 143 143, 252: 145 145, 253: 149 149, 89: 152 152, 90: 154 154, 91: 155 155, 78: 156 156, 258: 157 157, 259: 158 158, 94: 168 168, 257: 169 169, 240: 170 170, 280: 171 171, 254: 178 178, 106: 180 180, 237: 182 182, 238: 183 183, 93: 184 184, 104: 185 185, 95: 191 191, 96: 192 192, 97: 193 193, 98: 194 194, 246: 195 195, 102: 196 196, 245: 197 197, 249: 198 198, 100: 201 201, 101: 202 202, 248: 206 206, 105: 207 207, 92: 208 208, 250: 209 209, 140: 210 210, 139: 211 211, 141: 212 212, 142: 213 213, 108: 214 214, 109: 215 215, 110: 216 216, 111: 217 217, 112: 218 218, 278: 219 219, 114: 220 220, 113: 221 221, 115: 223 223, 117: 226 226, 118: 231 231, 119: 232 232, 263: 233 233, 264: 234 234, 128: 236 236, 126: 237 237, 127: 238 238, 129: 239 239, 130: 240 240, 267: 241 241, 120: 242 242, 122: 245 245, 123: 246 246, 131: 250 250, 132: 251 251, 134: 252 252, 265: 253 253, 133: 257 257, 261: 259 259, 135: 262 262, 262: 263 263, 136: 264 264, 138: 265 265, 137: 266 266, 143: 267 267, 144: 268 268, 145: 269 269, 146: 270 270, 147: 271 271, 148: 272 272, 149: 273 273, 150: 274 274, 151: 275 275, 152: 277 277, 153: 285 285, 154: 286 286, 155: 287 287, 156: 288 288, 270: 289 289, 157: 291 291, 158: 293 293, 272: 294 294, 273: 295 295, 274: 296 296, 271: 297 297, 172: 300 300, 160: 301 301, 161: 302 302, 162: 303 303, 163: 305 305, 164: 306 306, 159: 308 308, 165: 309 309, 166: 310 310, 167: 311 311, 168: 312 312, 169: 313 313, 170: 314 314, 171: 315 315, 173: 316 316, 174: 317 317, 175: 318 318, 176: 319 319, 177: 320 320, 178: 321 321, 179: 322 322, 180: 323 323, 181: 324 324, 182: 325 325, 183: 326 326, 184: 327 327, 185: 328 328, 186: 329 329, 188: 331 331, 187: 332 332, 277: 333 333, 189: 335 335, 190: 336 336, 191: 337 337, 193: 341 341, 194: 344 344, 195: 345 345, 196: 353 353, 197: 354 354, 198: 355 355, 200: 359 359, 201: 360 360, 202: 361 361, 276: 362 362, 203: 363 363, 204: 364 364, 205: 365 365, 206: 366 366, 207: 367 367, 208: 368 368, 209: 369 369, 210: 373 373, 211: 375 375, 212: 376 376, 213: 377 377, 214: 378 378, 215: 379 379, 216: 380 380, 217: 381 381, 218: 382 382, 219: 383 383, 220: 386 386, 221: 387 387, 222: 388 388, 223: 389 389, 224: 390 390, 225: 393 393, 226: 394 394, 227: 395 395, 228: 396 396, 229: 397 397, 230: 398 398, 231: 399 399, 232: 400 400, 233: 401 401; CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order2 = 1: 119 119, 3: 123 123, 5: 124 124, 4: 125 125, 8: 126 126, 6: 132 132, 16: 134 134, 17: 138 138, 12: 141 141, 2: 142 142, 9: 143 143, 10: 145 145, 13: 149 149, 18: 152 152, 19: 154 154, 22: 155 155, 24: 156 156, 29: 157 157, 62: 158 158, 49: 168 168, 23: 169 169, 69: 170 170, 55: 178 178, 36: 180 180, 37: 182 182, 28: 183 183, 48: 184 184, 58: 185 185, 50: 191 191, 32: 192 192, 31: 193 193, 51: 194 194, 57: 195 195, 67: 196 196, 46: 197 197, 66: 198 198, 39: 201 201, 52: 202 202, 30: 206 206, 54: 207 207, 42: 208 208, 63: 209 209, 14: 210 210, 77: 211 211, 71: 212 212, 72: 213 213, 70: 214 214; CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order = 1: 119 119, 3: 123 123, 5: 124 124, 4: 125 125, 8: 126 126, 6: 132 132, 16: 134 134, 17: 138 138, 12: 141 141, 2: 142 142, 9: 143 143, 10: 145 145, 13: 149 149, 18: 152 152, 19: 154 154, 22: 155 155, 27: 156 156, 31: 157 157, 32: 158 158, 26: 168 168, 30: 169 169, 42: 170 170, 25: 178 178, 33: 180 180, 34: 182 182, 35: 183 183, 24: 184 184, 43: 185 185, 55: 191 191, 46: 192 192, 45: 193 193, 56: 194 194, 58: 195 195, 66: 196 196, 53: 197 197, 64: 198 198, 52: 201 201, 54: 202 202, 60: 206 206, 57: 207 207, 61: 208 208, 65: 209 209, 14: 210 210, 75: 211 211, 68: 212 212, 69: 213 213, 71: 214 214; CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order3 = 1: 119 119, 3: 123 123, 5: 124 124, 4: 125 125, 8: 126 126, 6: 132 132, 16: 134 134, 17: 138 138, 12: 141 141, 2: 142 142, 9: 143 143, 10: 145 145, 13: 149 149, 18: 152 152, 19: 154 154, 22: 155 155, 27: 156 156, 31: 157 157, 32: 158 158, 26: 168 168, 30: 169 169, 42: 170 170, 25: 178 178, 33: 180 180, 34: 182 182, 35: 183 183, 24: 184 184, 43: 185 185, 55: 191 191, 46: 192 192, 45: 193 193, 56: 194 194, 58: 195 195, 66: 196 196, 53: 197 197, 64: 198 198, 52: 201 201, 54: 202 202, 60: 206 206, 57: 207 207, 61: 208 208, 65: 209 209, 14: 210 210, 75: 211 211, 68: 212 212, 69: 213 213, 71: 214 214; CHARSORTING Por_orden_anatÛmico = 1: 119 119, 3: 123 123, 5: 124 124, 4: 125 125, 8: 126 126, 6: 132 132, 16: 134 134, 17: 138 138, 12: 141 141, 2: 142 142, 9: 143 143, 10: 145 145, 13: 149 149, 18: 152 152, 19: 154 154, 22: 155 155, 27: 156 156, 31: 157 157, 32: 158 158, 26: 168 168, 30: 169 169, 42: 170 170, 25: 178 178, 33: 180 180, 34: 182 182, 35: 183 183, 24: 184 184, 43: 185 185, 55: 191 191, 46: 192 192, 45: 193 193, 56: 194 194, 58: 195 195, 66: 196 196, 53: 197 197, 64: 198 198, 52: 201 201, 54: 202 202, 60: 206 206, 57: 207 207, 61: 208 208, 65: 209 209, 14: 210 210, 75: 211 211, 68: 212 212, 69: 213 213, 71: 214 214; CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order4 = 1: 119 119, 3: 123 123, 5: 124 124, 4: 125 125, 8: 126 126, 6: 132 132, 16: 134 134, 17: 138 138, 12: 141 141, 2: 142 142, 9: 143 143, 10: 145 145, 13: 149 149, 18: 152 152, 19: 154 154, 22: 155 155, 27: 156 156, 31: 157 157, 32: 158 158, 26: 168 168, 30: 169 169, 42: 170 170, 25: 178 178, 33: 180 180, 34: 182 182, 35: 183 183, 24: 184 184, 43: 185 185, 55: 191 191, 46: 192 192, 45: 193 193, 56: 194 194, 58: 195 195, 66: 196 196, 53: 197 197, 64: 198 198, 52: 201 201, 54: 202 202, 60: 206 206, 57: 207 207, 61: 208 208, 65: 209 209, 14: 210 210, 75: 211 211, 68: 212 212, 69: 213 213, 71: 214 214; CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order5 = 1: 1 1, 2: 2 2, 3: 7 7, 4: 9 9, 5: 10 10, 6: 11 11, 7: 13 13, 8: 14 14, 9: 15 15, 10: 16 16, 11: 17 17, 12: 21 21, 13: 22 22, 32: 24 24, 31: 28 28, 14: 30 30, 15: 31 31, 16: 34 34, 17: 35 35, 18: 37 37, 19: 38 38, 20: 39 39, 21: 43 43, 22: 44 44, 24: 45 45, 23: 46 46, 25: 48 48, 26: 49 49, 27: 50 50, 28: 51 51, 29: 52 52, 30: 54 54, 33: 55 55, 34: 56 56, 35: 57 57, 36: 60 60, 37: 61 61, 38: 62 62, 39: 63 63, 40: 65 65, 41: 66 66, 42: 67 67, 43: 68 68, 44: 69 69, 45: 70 70, 46: 71 71, 47: 72 72, 48: 73 73, 49: 74 74, 50: 77 77, 51: 78 78, 52: 79 79, 53: 81 81, 54: 83 83, 55: 85 85, 56: 86 86, 57: 87 87, 58: 92 92, 59: 93 93, 60: 94 94, 61: 95 95, 62: 96 96, 63: 97 97, 64: 98 98, 65: 99 99, 66: 100 100, 73: 102 102, 74: 103 103, 75: 105 105, 69: 106 106, 70: 108 108, 67: 110 110, 72: 115 115, 71: 116 116, 76: 118 118, 77: 119 119, 79: 123 123, 81: 124 124, 80: 125 125, 84: 126 126, 82: 132 132, 91: 134 134, 92: 138 138, 88: 141 141, 78: 142 142, 85: 143 143, 86: 145 145, 89: 149 149, 93: 152 152, 94: 154 154, 95: 155 155, 100: 156 156, 104: 157 157, 105: 158 158, 99: 168 168, 103: 169 169, 114: 170 170, 98: 178 178, 106: 180 180, 107: 182 182, 108: 183 183, 97: 184 184, 115: 185 185, 127: 191 191, 118: 192 192, 117: 193 193, 128: 194 194, 130: 195 195, 137: 196 196, 125: 197 197, 135: 198 198, 124: 201 201, 126: 202 202, 132: 206 206, 129: 207 207, 133: 208 208, 136: 209 209, 90: 210 210, 144: 211 211, 140: 212 212, 141: 213 213, 143: 214 214, 145: 220 220, 146: 223 223, 148: 226 226, 149: 231 231, 150: 232 232, 159: 236 236, 157: 237 237, 158: 238 238, 160: 239 239, 161: 240 240, 151: 242 242, 153: 245 245, 154: 246 246, 162: 250 250, 163: 251 251, 165: 252 252, 164: 257 257, 166: 262 262, 167: 264 264, 169: 265 265, 168: 266 266, 170: 267 267, 171: 268 268, 172: 269 269, 173: 270 270, 174: 271 271, 175: 272 272, 176: 273 273, 177: 274 274, 178: 275 275, 179: 277 277, 180: 285 285, 181: 286 286, 182: 287 287, 183: 288 288, 184: 291 291, 185: 293 293, 199: 300 300, 187: 301 301, 188: 302 302, 189: 303 303, 190: 305 305, 191: 306 306, 186: 308 308, 192: 309 309, 193: 310 310, 194: 311 311, 195: 312 312, 196: 313 313, 197: 314 314, 198: 315 315, 200: 316 316, 201: 317 317, 202: 318 318, 203: 319 319, 204: 320 320, 205: 321 321, 206: 322 322, 207: 323 323, 208: 324 324, 209: 325 325, 210: 326 326, 211: 327 327, 212: 328 328, 213: 329 329, 215: 331 331, 214: 332 332, 216: 335 335, 217: 336 336, 218: 337 337, 220: 341 341, 221: 344 344, 222: 345 345, 223: 353 353, 224: 354 354, 225: 355 355, 227: 359 359, 228: 360 360, 229: 361 361, 230: 363 363, 231: 364 364, 232: 365 365, 233: 366 366, 234: 367 367, 235: 368 368, 236: 369 369, 237: 373 373, 238: 375 375, 239: 376 376, 240: 377 377, 241: 378 378, 242: 379 379, 243: 380 380, 244: 381 381, 245: 382 382, 246: 383 383, 247: 386 386, 248: 387 387, 249: 388 388, 250: 389 389, 251: 390 390, 252: 393 393, 253: 394 394, 255: 396 396, 256: 397 397, 257: 398 398, 258: 399 399, 259: 400 400, 260: 401 401; CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order6 = 1: 1 1, 2: 2 2, 3: 7 7, 4: 9 9, 5: 10 10, 6: 11 11, 7: 13 13, 8: 14 14, 9: 15 15, 10: 16 16, 11: 17 17, 12: 21 21, 13: 22 22, 32: 24 24, 31: 28 28, 14: 30 30, 15: 31 31, 16: 34 34, 17: 35 35, 18: 37 37, 19: 38 38, 20: 39 39, 21: 43 43, 22: 44 44, 24: 45 45, 23: 46 46, 25: 48 48, 26: 49 49, 27: 50 50, 28: 51 51, 29: 52 52, 30: 54 54, 33: 55 55, 34: 56 56, 35: 57 57, 36: 60 60, 37: 61 61, 38: 62 62, 39: 63 63, 40: 65 65, 41: 66 66, 42: 67 67, 43: 68 68, 44: 69 69, 45: 70 70, 46: 71 71, 47: 72 72, 48: 73 73, 49: 74 74, 50: 77 77, 51: 78 78, 52: 79 79, 53: 81 81, 54: 83 83, 55: 85 85, 56: 86 86, 57: 87 87, 58: 92 92, 59: 93 93, 60: 94 94, 61: 95 95, 62: 96 96, 63: 97 97, 64: 98 98, 65: 99 99, 66: 100 100, 73: 102 102, 74: 103 103, 75: 105 105, 69: 106 106, 70: 108 108, 67: 110 110, 72: 115 115, 71: 116 116, 76: 118 118, 77: 119 119, 79: 123 123, 81: 124 124, 80: 125 125, 84: 126 126, 82: 132 132, 91: 134 134, 92: 138 138, 88: 141 141, 78: 142 142, 85: 143 143, 86: 145 145, 89: 149 149, 93: 152 152, 94: 154 154, 95: 155 155, 100: 156 156, 104: 157 157, 105: 158 158, 99: 168 168, 103: 169 169, 114: 170 170, 98: 178 178, 106: 180 180, 107: 182 182, 108: 183 183, 97: 184 184, 115: 185 185, 127: 191 191, 118: 192 192, 117: 193 193, 128: 194 194, 130: 195 195, 137: 196 196, 125: 197 197, 135: 198 198, 124: 201 201, 126: 202 202, 132: 206 206, 129: 207 207, 133: 208 208, 136: 209 209, 90: 210 210, 144: 211 211, 140: 212 212, 141: 213 213, 143: 214 214, 145: 220 220, 146: 223 223, 148: 226 226, 149: 231 231, 150: 232 232, 159: 236 236, 157: 237 237, 158: 238 238, 160: 239 239, 161: 240 240, 151: 242 242, 153: 245 245, 154: 246 246, 162: 250 250, 163: 251 251, 165: 252 252, 164: 257 257, 166: 262 262, 167: 264 264, 169: 265 265, 168: 266 266, 170: 267 267, 171: 268 268, 172: 269 269, 173: 270 270, 174: 271 271, 175: 272 272, 176: 273 273, 177: 274 274, 178: 275 275, 179: 277 277, 180: 285 285, 181: 286 286, 182: 287 287, 183: 288 288, 184: 291 291, 185: 293 293, 199: 300 300, 187: 301 301, 188: 302 302, 189: 303 303, 190: 305 305, 191: 306 306, 186: 308 308, 192: 309 309, 193: 310 310, 194: 311 311, 195: 312 312, 196: 313 313, 197: 314 314, 198: 315 315, 200: 316 316, 201: 317 317, 202: 318 318, 203: 319 319, 204: 320 320, 205: 321 321, 206: 322 322, 207: 323 323, 208: 324 324, 209: 325 325, 210: 326 326, 211: 327 327, 212: 328 328, 213: 329 329, 215: 331 331, 214: 332 332, 216: 335 335, 217: 336 336, 218: 337 337, 220: 341 341, 221: 344 344, 222: 345 345, 223: 353 353, 224: 354 354, 225: 355 355, 227: 359 359, 228: 360 360, 229: 361 361, 230: 363 363, 231: 364 364, 232: 365 365, 233: 366 366, 234: 367 367, 235: 368 368, 236: 369 369, 237: 373 373, 238: 375 375, 239: 376 376, 240: 377 377, 241: 378 378, 242: 379 379, 243: 380 380, 244: 381 381, 245: 382 382, 246: 383 383, 247: 386 386, 248: 387 387, 249: 388 388, 250: 389 389, 251: 390 390, 252: 393 393, 253: 394 394, 255: 396 396, 256: 397 397, 257: 398 398, 258: 399 399, 259: 400 400, 260: 401 401; CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order7 = 1: 1 1, 2: 2 2, 3: 7 7, 4: 9 9, 5: 10 10, 6: 11 11, 7: 13 13, 8: 14 14, 9: 15 15, 10: 16 16, 11: 17 17, 12: 21 21, 13: 22 22, 32: 24 24, 31: 28 28, 14: 30 30, 15: 31 31, 16: 34 34, 17: 35 35, 18: 37 37, 19: 38 38, 20: 39 39, 21: 43 43, 22: 44 44, 24: 45 45, 23: 46 46, 25: 48 48, 26: 49 49, 27: 50 50, 28: 51 51, 29: 52 52, 30: 54 54, 33: 55 55, 34: 56 56, 35: 57 57, 36: 60 60, 37: 61 61, 38: 62 62, 39: 63 63, 40: 65 65, 41: 66 66, 42: 67 67, 43: 68 68, 44: 69 69, 45: 70 70, 46: 71 71, 47: 72 72, 48: 73 73, 49: 74 74, 50: 77 77, 51: 78 78, 52: 79 79, 53: 81 81, 54: 83 83, 55: 85 85, 56: 86 86, 57: 87 87, 58: 92 92, 59: 93 93, 60: 94 94, 61: 95 95, 62: 96 96, 63: 97 97, 64: 98 98, 65: 99 99, 66: 100 100, 73: 102 102, 74: 103 103, 75: 105 105, 69: 106 106, 70: 108 108, 67: 110 110, 72: 115 115, 71: 116 116, 76: 118 118, 77: 119 119, 79: 123 123, 81: 124 124, 80: 125 125, 84: 126 126, 82: 132 132, 91: 134 134, 92: 138 138, 88: 141 141, 78: 142 142, 85: 143 143, 86: 145 145, 89: 149 149, 93: 152 152, 94: 154 154, 95: 155 155, 100: 156 156, 104: 157 157, 105: 158 158, 99: 168 168, 103: 169 169, 114: 170 170, 98: 178 178, 106: 180 180, 107: 182 182, 108: 183 183, 97: 184 184, 115: 185 185, 127: 191 191, 118: 192 192, 117: 193 193, 128: 194 194, 130: 195 195, 137: 196 196, 125: 197 197, 135: 198 198, 124: 201 201, 126: 202 202, 132: 206 206, 129: 207 207, 133: 208 208, 136: 209 209, 90: 210 210, 144: 211 211, 140: 212 212, 141: 213 213, 143: 214 214, 145: 220 220, 146: 223 223, 148: 226 226, 149: 231 231, 150: 232 232, 159: 236 236, 157: 237 237, 158: 238 238, 160: 239 239, 161: 240 240, 151: 242 242, 153: 245 245, 154: 246 246, 162: 250 250, 163: 251 251, 165: 252 252, 164: 257 257, 166: 262 262, 167: 264 264, 169: 265 265, 168: 266 266, 170: 267 267, 171: 268 268, 172: 269 269, 173: 270 270, 174: 271 271, 175: 272 272, 176: 273 273, 177: 274 274, 178: 275 275, 179: 277 277, 180: 285 285, 181: 286 286, 182: 287 287, 183: 288 288, 184: 291 291, 185: 293 293, 199: 300 300, 187: 301 301, 188: 302 302, 189: 303 303, 190: 305 305, 191: 306 306, 186: 308 308, 192: 309 309, 193: 310 310, 194: 311 311, 195: 312 312, 196: 313 313, 197: 314 314, 198: 315 315, 200: 316 316, 201: 317 317, 202: 318 318, 203: 319 319, 204: 320 320, 205: 321 321, 206: 322 322, 207: 323 323, 208: 324 324, 209: 325 325, 210: 326 326, 211: 327 327, 212: 328 328, 213: 329 329, 215: 331 331, 214: 332 332, 216: 335 335, 217: 336 336, 218: 337 337, 220: 341 341, 221: 344 344, 222: 345 345, 223: 353 353, 224: 354 354, 225: 355 355, 227: 359 359, 228: 360 360, 229: 361 361, 230: 363 363, 231: 364 364, 232: 365 365, 233: 366 366, 234: 367 367, 235: 368 368, 236: 369 369, 237: 373 373, 238: 375 375, 239: 376 376, 240: 377 377, 241: 378 378, 242: 379 379, 243: 380 380, 244: 381 381, 245: 382 382, 246: 383 383, 247: 386 386, 248: 387 387, 249: 388 388, 250: 389 389, 251: 390 390, 252: 393 393, 253: 394 394, 255: 396 396, 256: 397 397, 257: 398 398, 258: 399 399, 259: 400 400, 260: 401 401; 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CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order9 = 1: 1 1, 2: 2 2, 3: 7 7, 4: 9 9, 5: 10 10, 6: 11 11, 7: 13 13, 8: 14 14, 9: 15 15, 10: 16 16, 11: 17 17, 12: 21 21, 13: 22 22, 32: 24 24, 31: 28 28, 14: 30 30, 15: 31 31, 16: 34 34, 17: 35 35, 18: 37 37, 19: 38 38, 20: 39 39, 21: 43 43, 22: 44 44, 24: 45 45, 23: 46 46, 25: 48 48, 26: 49 49, 27: 50 50, 28: 51 51, 29: 52 52, 30: 54 54, 33: 55 55, 34: 56 56, 35: 57 57, 36: 60 60, 37: 61 61, 38: 62 62, 39: 63 63, 40: 65 65, 41: 66 66, 42: 67 67, 43: 68 68, 44: 69 69, 45: 70 70, 46: 71 71, 47: 72 72, 48: 73 73, 49: 74 74, 50: 77 77, 51: 78 78, 52: 79 79, 53: 81 81, 54: 83 83, 55: 85 85, 56: 86 86, 57: 87 87, 58: 92 92, 59: 93 93, 60: 94 94, 61: 95 95, 62: 96 96, 63: 97 97, 64: 98 98, 65: 99 99, 66: 100 100, 73: 102 102, 74: 103 103, 75: 105 105, 69: 106 106, 70: 108 108, 67: 110 110, 72: 115 115, 71: 116 116, 76: 118 118, 80: 119 119, 79: 120 120, 82: 123 123, 236: 124 124, 235: 125 125, 83: 126 126, 84: 132 132, 81: 134 134, 85: 138 138, 87: 141 141, 86: 142 142, 88: 143 143, 252: 145 145, 253: 149 149, 89: 152 152, 90: 154 154, 91: 155 155, 78: 156 156, 258: 157 157, 259: 158 158, 94: 168 168, 257: 169 169, 240: 170 170, 280: 171 171, 254: 178 178, 106: 180 180, 237: 182 182, 238: 183 183, 93: 184 184, 104: 185 185, 95: 191 191, 96: 192 192, 97: 193 193, 98: 194 194, 246: 195 195, 102: 196 196, 245: 197 197, 249: 198 198, 100: 201 201, 101: 202 202, 248: 206 206, 105: 207 207, 92: 208 208, 250: 209 209, 140: 210 210, 139: 211 211, 141: 212 212, 142: 213 213, 108: 214 214, 109: 215 215, 110: 216 216, 111: 217 217, 112: 218 218, 278: 219 219, 114: 220 220, 113: 221 221, 115: 223 223, 117: 226 226, 118: 231 231, 119: 232 232, 263: 233 233, 264: 234 234, 128: 236 236, 126: 237 237, 127: 238 238, 129: 239 239, 130: 240 240, 267: 241 241, 120: 242 242, 122: 245 245, 123: 246 246, 131: 250 250, 132: 251 251, 134: 252 252, 265: 253 253, 133: 257 257, 261: 259 259, 135: 262 262, 262: 263 263, 136: 264 264, 138: 265 265, 137: 266 266, 143: 267 267, 144: 268 268, 145: 269 269, 146: 270 270, 147: 271 271, 148: 272 272, 149: 273 273, 150: 274 274, 151: 275 275, 152: 277 277, 153: 285 285, 154: 286 286, 155: 287 287, 156: 288 288, 270: 289 289, 157: 291 291, 158: 293 293, 272: 294 294, 273: 295 295, 274: 296 296, 271: 297 297, 172: 300 300, 160: 301 301, 161: 302 302, 162: 303 303, 163: 305 305, 164: 306 306, 159: 308 308, 165: 309 309, 166: 310 310, 167: 311 311, 168: 312 312, 169: 313 313, 170: 314 314, 171: 315 315, 173: 316 316, 174: 317 317, 175: 318 318, 176: 319 319, 177: 320 320, 178: 321 321, 179: 322 322, 180: 323 323, 181: 324 324, 182: 325 325, 183: 326 326, 184: 327 327, 185: 328 328, 186: 329 329, 188: 331 331, 187: 332 332, 277: 333 333, 189: 335 335, 190: 336 336, 191: 337 337, 193: 341 341, 194: 344 344, 195: 345 345, 196: 353 353, 197: 354 354, 198: 355 355, 200: 359 359, 201: 360 360, 202: 361 361, 276: 362 362, 203: 363 363, 204: 364 364, 205: 365 365, 206: 366 366, 207: 367 367, 208: 368 368, 209: 369 369, 210: 373 373, 211: 375 375, 212: 376 376, 213: 377 377, 214: 378 378, 215: 379 379, 216: 380 380, 217: 381 381, 218: 382 382, 219: 383 383, 220: 386 386, 221: 387 387, 222: 388 388, 223: 389 389, 224: 390 390, 225: 393 393, 226: 394 394, 227: 395 395, 228: 396 396, 229: 397 397, 230: 398 398, 231: 399 399, 232: 400 400, 233: 401 401; CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order10 = 1: 1 1, 2: 2 2, 3: 7 7, 4: 9 9, 5: 10 10, 6: 11 11, 7: 13 13, 8: 14 14, 9: 15 15, 10: 16 16, 11: 17 17, 12: 21 21, 13: 22 22, 32: 24 24, 31: 28 28, 14: 30 30, 15: 31 31, 16: 34 34, 17: 35 35, 18: 37 37, 19: 38 38, 20: 39 39, 21: 43 43, 22: 44 44, 24: 45 45, 23: 46 46, 25: 48 48, 26: 49 49, 27: 50 50, 28: 51 51, 29: 52 52, 30: 54 54, 33: 55 55, 34: 56 56, 35: 57 57, 36: 60 60, 37: 61 61, 38: 62 62, 39: 63 63, 40: 65 65, 41: 66 66, 42: 67 67, 43: 68 68, 44: 69 69, 45: 70 70, 46: 71 71, 47: 72 72, 48: 73 73, 49: 74 74, 50: 77 77, 51: 78 78, 52: 79 79, 53: 81 81, 54: 83 83, 55: 85 85, 56: 86 86, 57: 87 87, 58: 92 92, 59: 93 93, 60: 94 94, 61: 95 95, 62: 96 96, 63: 97 97, 64: 98 98, 65: 99 99, 66: 100 100, 73: 102 102, 74: 103 103, 75: 105 105, 69: 106 106, 70: 108 108, 67: 110 110, 72: 115 115, 71: 116 116, 76: 118 118, 78: 119 119, 121: 120 120, 79: 123 123, 80: 124 124, 83: 125 125, 81: 126 126, 86: 132 132, 84: 134 134, 85: 138 138, 88: 141 141, 87: 142 142, 90: 143 143, 89: 145 145, 93: 149 149, 91: 152 152, 92: 154 154, 94: 155 155, 115: 156 156, 119: 157 157, 120: 158 158, 111: 168 168, 118: 169 169, 123: 170 170, 280: 171 171, 114: 178 178, 108: 180 180, 109: 182 182, 107: 183 183, 97: 184 184, 112: 185 185, 98: 191 191, 99: 192 192, 100: 193 193, 101: 194 194, 130: 195 195, 105: 196 196, 128: 197 197, 113: 198 198, 103: 201 201, 104: 202 202, 133: 206 206, 129: 207 207, 96: 208 208, 132: 209 209, 166: 210 210, 165: 211 211, 167: 212 212, 168: 213 213, 134: 214 214, 135: 215 215, 136: 216 216, 137: 217 217, 138: 218 218, 278: 219 219, 140: 220 220, 139: 221 221, 141: 223 223, 143: 226 226, 144: 231 231, 145: 232 232, 263: 233 233, 264: 234 234, 154: 236 236, 152: 237 237, 153: 238 238, 155: 239 239, 156: 240 240, 267: 241 241, 146: 242 242, 148: 245 245, 149: 246 246, 157: 250 250, 158: 251 251, 160: 252 252, 265: 253 253, 159: 257 257, 261: 259 259, 161: 262 262, 262: 263 263, 162: 264 264, 164: 265 265, 163: 266 266, 169: 267 267, 170: 268 268, 171: 269 269, 172: 270 270, 173: 271 271, 174: 272 272, 175: 273 273, 176: 274 274, 177: 275 275, 178: 277 277, 179: 285 285, 180: 286 286, 181: 287 287, 182: 288 288, 270: 289 289, 183: 291 291, 184: 293 293, 272: 294 294, 273: 295 295, 274: 296 296, 271: 297 297, 198: 300 300, 186: 301 301, 187: 302 302, 188: 303 303, 189: 305 305, 190: 306 306, 185: 308 308, 191: 309 309, 192: 310 310, 193: 311 311, 194: 312 312, 195: 313 313, 196: 314 314, 197: 315 315, 199: 316 316, 200: 317 317, 201: 318 318, 202: 319 319, 203: 320 320, 204: 321 321, 205: 322 322, 206: 323 323, 207: 324 324, 208: 325 325, 209: 326 326, 210: 327 327, 211: 328 328, 212: 329 329, 214: 331 331, 213: 332 332, 277: 333 333, 215: 335 335, 216: 336 336, 217: 337 337, 219: 341 341, 220: 344 344, 221: 345 345, 222: 353 353, 223: 354 354, 224: 355 355, 226: 359 359, 227: 360 360, 228: 361 361, 276: 362 362, 229: 363 363, 230: 364 364, 231: 365 365, 232: 366 366, 233: 367 367, 234: 368 368, 235: 369 369, 236: 373 373, 237: 375 375, 238: 376 376, 239: 377 377, 240: 378 378, 241: 379 379, 242: 380 380, 243: 381 381, 244: 382 382, 245: 383 383, 246: 386 386, 247: 387 387, 248: 388 388, 249: 389 389, 250: 390 390, 251: 393 393, 252: 394 394, 253: 395 395, 254: 396 396, 255: 397 397, 256: 398 398, 257: 399 399, 258: 400 400, 259: 401 401; CHARSORTING Untitled_Character_Order11 = 1: 1 1, 2: 2 2, 3: 7 7, 4: 9 9, 5: 10 10, 6: 11 11, 7: 13 13, 8: 14 14, 9: 15 15, 10: 16 16, 11: 17 17, 12: 21 21, 13: 22 22, 32: 24 24, 31: 28 28, 14: 30 30, 15: 31 31, 16: 34 34, 17: 35 35, 18: 37 37, 19: 38 38, 20: 39 39, 21: 43 43, 22: 44 44, 24: 45 45, 23: 46 46, 25: 48 48, 26: 49 49, 27: 50 50, 28: 51 51, 29: 52 52, 30: 54 54, 33: 55 55, 34: 56 56, 35: 57 57, 36: 60 60, 37: 61 61, 38: 62 62, 39: 63 63, 40: 65 65, 41: 66 66, 42: 67 67, 43: 68 68, 44: 69 69, 45: 70 70, 46: 71 71, 47: 72 72, 48: 73 73, 49: 74 74, 50: 77 77, 51: 78 78, 52: 79 79, 53: 81 81, 54: 83 83, 55: 85 85, 56: 86 86, 57: 87 87, 58: 92 92, 59: 93 93, 60: 94 94, 61: 95 95, 62: 96 96, 63: 97 97, 64: 98 98, 65: 99 99, 66: 100 100, 73: 102 102, 74: 103 103, 75: 105 105, 69: 106 106, 70: 108 108, 67: 110 110, 72: 115 115, 71: 116 116, 76: 118 118, 78: 119 119, 121: 120 120, 79: 123 123, 80: 124 124, 83: 125 125, 81: 126 126, 86: 132 132, 84: 134 134, 85: 138 138, 88: 141 141, 87: 142 142, 90: 143 143, 89: 145 145, 93: 149 149, 91: 152 152, 92: 154 154, 94: 155 155, 115: 156 156, 119: 157 157, 120: 158 158, 111: 168 168, 118: 169 169, 123: 170 170, 280: 171 171, 114: 178 178, 108: 180 180, 109: 182 182, 107: 183 183, 97: 184 184, 112: 185 185, 98: 191 191, 99: 192 192, 100: 193 193, 101: 194 194, 130: 195 195, 105: 196 196, 128: 197 197, 113: 198 198, 103: 201 201, 104: 202 202, 133: 206 206, 129: 207 207, 96: 208 208, 132: 209 209, 166: 210 210, 165: 211 211, 167: 212 212, 168: 213 213, 134: 214 214, 135: 215 215, 136: 216 216, 137: 217 217, 138: 218 218, 278: 219 219, 140: 220 220, 139: 221 221, 141: 223 223, 143: 226 226, 144: 231 231, 145: 232 232, 263: 233 233, 264: 234 234, 154: 236 236, 152: 237 237, 153: 238 238, 155: 239 239, 156: 240 240, 267: 241 241, 146: 242 242, 148: 245 245, 149: 246 246, 157: 250 250, 158: 251 251, 160: 252 252, 265: 253 253, 159: 257 257, 261: 259 259, 161: 262 262, 262: 263 263, 162: 264 264, 164: 265 265, 163: 266 266, 169: 267 267, 170: 268 268, 171: 269 269, 172: 270 270, 173: 271 271, 174: 272 272, 175: 273 273, 176: 274 274, 177: 275 275, 178: 277 277, 179: 285 285, 180: 286 286, 181: 287 287, 182: 288 288, 270: 289 289, 183: 291 291, 184: 293 293, 272: 294 294, 273: 295 295, 274: 296 296, 271: 297 297, 198: 300 300, 186: 301 301, 187: 302 302, 188: 303 303, 189: 305 305, 190: 306 306, 185: 308 308, 191: 309 309, 192: 310 310, 193: 311 311, 194: 312 312, 195: 313 313, 196: 314 314, 197: 315 315, 199: 316 316, 200: 317 317, 201: 318 318, 202: 319 319, 203: 320 320, 204: 321 321, 205: 322 322, 206: 323 323, 207: 324 324, 208: 325 325, 209: 326 326, 210: 327 327, 211: 328 328, 212: 329 329, 214: 331 331, 213: 332 332, 277: 333 333, 215: 335 335, 216: 336 336, 217: 337 337, 219: 341 341, 220: 344 344, 221: 345 345, 222: 353 353, 223: 354 354, 224: 355 355, 226: 359 359, 227: 360 360, 228: 361 361, 276: 362 362, 229: 363 363, 230: 364 364, 231: 365 365, 232: 366 366, 233: 367 367, 234: 368 368, 235: 369 369, 236: 373 373, 237: 375 375, 238: 376 376, 239: 377 377, 240: 378 378, 241: 379 379, 242: 380 380, 243: 381 381, 244: 382 382, 245: 383 383, 246: 386 386, 247: 387 387, 248: 388 388, 249: 389 389, 250: 390 390, 251: 393 393, 252: 394 394, 253: 395 395, 254: 396 396, 255: 397 397, 256: 398 398, 257: 399 399, 258: 400 400, 259: 401 401; CHARSORTING Regiones_anatomicas = 1: 1 1, 2: 2 2, 3: 7 7, 4: 9 9, 5: 10 10, 6: 11 11, 7: 13 13, 8: 14 14, 9: 15 15, 10: 16 16, 11: 17 17, 12: 21 21, 13: 22 22, 32: 24 24, 31: 28 28, 14: 30 30, 15: 31 31, 16: 34 34, 17: 35 35, 18: 37 37, 19: 38 38, 20: 39 39, 21: 43 43, 22: 44 44, 24: 45 45, 23: 46 46, 25: 48 48, 26: 49 49, 27: 50 50, 28: 51 51, 29: 52 52, 30: 54 54, 33: 55 55, 34: 56 56, 35: 57 57, 36: 60 60, 37: 61 61, 38: 62 62, 39: 63 63, 40: 65 65, 41: 66 66, 42: 67 67, 43: 68 68, 44: 69 69, 45: 70 70, 46: 71 71, 47: 72 72, 48: 73 73, 49: 74 74, 50: 77 77, 51: 78 78, 52: 79 79, 53: 81 81, 54: 83 83, 55: 85 85, 56: 86 86, 57: 87 87, 58: 92 92, 59: 93 93, 60: 94 94, 61: 95 95, 62: 96 96, 63: 97 97, 64: 98 98, 65: 99 99, 66: 100 100, 73: 102 102, 74: 103 103, 75: 105 105, 69: 106 106, 70: 108 108, 67: 110 110, 72: 115 115, 71: 116 116, 76: 118 118, 78: 119 119, 121: 120 120, 79: 123 123, 80: 124 124, 83: 125 125, 81: 126 126, 86: 132 132, 84: 134 134, 85: 138 138, 88: 141 141, 87: 142 142, 90: 143 143, 89: 145 145, 93: 149 149, 91: 152 152, 92: 154 154, 94: 155 155, 115: 156 156, 119: 157 157, 120: 158 158, 111: 168 168, 118: 169 169, 123: 170 170, 280: 171 171, 114: 178 178, 108: 180 180, 109: 182 182, 107: 183 183, 97: 184 184, 112: 185 185, 98: 191 191, 99: 192 192, 100: 193 193, 101: 194 194, 130: 195 195, 105: 196 196, 128: 197 197, 113: 198 198, 103: 201 201, 104: 202 202, 133: 206 206, 129: 207 207, 96: 208 208, 132: 209 209, 166: 210 210, 165: 211 211, 167: 212 212, 168: 213 213, 134: 214 214, 135: 215 215, 136: 216 216, 137: 217 217, 138: 218 218, 278: 219 219, 140: 220 220, 139: 221 221, 141: 223 223, 143: 226 226, 144: 231 231, 145: 232 232, 263: 233 233, 264: 234 234, 154: 236 236, 152: 237 237, 153: 238 238, 155: 239 239, 156: 240 240, 267: 241 241, 146: 242 242, 148: 245 245, 149: 246 246, 157: 250 250, 158: 251 251, 160: 252 252, 265: 253 253, 159: 257 257, 261: 259 259, 161: 262 262, 262: 263 263, 162: 264 264, 164: 265 265, 163: 266 266, 169: 267 267, 170: 268 268, 171: 269 269, 172: 270 270, 173: 271 271, 174: 272 272, 175: 273 273, 176: 274 274, 177: 275 275, 178: 277 277, 179: 285 285, 180: 286 286, 181: 287 287, 182: 288 288, 270: 289 289, 183: 291 291, 184: 293 293, 272: 294 294, 273: 295 295, 274: 296 296, 271: 297 297, 198: 300 300, 186: 301 301, 187: 302 302, 188: 303 303, 189: 305 305, 190: 306 306, 185: 308 308, 191: 309 309, 192: 310 310, 193: 311 311, 194: 312 312, 195: 313 313, 196: 314 314, 197: 315 315, 199: 316 316, 200: 317 317, 201: 318 318, 202: 319 319, 203: 320 320, 204: 321 321, 205: 322 322, 206: 323 323, 207: 324 324, 208: 325 325, 209: 326 326, 210: 327 327, 211: 328 328, 212: 329 329, 214: 331 331, 213: 332 332, 277: 333 333, 215: 335 335, 216: 336 336, 217: 337 337, 219: 341 341, 220: 344 344, 221: 345 345, 222: 353 353, 223: 354 354, 224: 355 355, 226: 359 359, 227: 360 360, 228: 361 361, 276: 362 362, 229: 363 363, 230: 364 364, 231: 365 365, 232: 366 366, 233: 367 367, 234: 368 368, 235: 369 369, 236: 373 373, 237: 375 375, 238: 376 376, 239: 377 377, 240: 378 378, 241: 379 379, 242: 380 380, 243: 381 381, 244: 382 382, 245: 383 383, 246: 386 386, 247: 387 387, 248: 388 388, 249: 389 389, 250: 390 390, 251: 393 393, 252: 394 394, 253: 395 395, 254: 396 396, 255: 397 397, 256: 398 398, 257: 399 399, 258: 400 400, 259: 401 401; END; BEGIN NOTES; TEXT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 38 TEXT = 'Scored from Lu et al., 2009'; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 38 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 65 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 72 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 73 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 74 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; TEXT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 75 TEXT = 'Mainly scored baes on Gallina (2011); Gallina and Apesteguía (2011; 2014)'; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 75 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 76 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 77 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 79 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 80 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 81 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 82 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 83 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 84 NAME = color INTEGER = 2; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 85 NAME = color INTEGER = 6; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 86 NAME = color INTEGER = 6; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 87 NAME = color INTEGER = 6; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 88 NAME = color INTEGER = 6; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 89 NAME = color INTEGER = 6; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 90 NAME = color INTEGER = 6; SUT TAXA = Taxa TAXON = 93 NAME = color INTEGER = 6; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 1 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 2 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 10 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 11 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 14 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 15 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 16 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 17 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 18 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 19 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 20 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 21 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 22 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 23 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 24 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 25 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 27 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 28 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 29 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 30 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 36 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 37 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 39 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 41 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 42 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 43 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 44 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 48 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 52 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 54 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 55 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 57 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 59 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 60 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 61 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 62 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 63 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 64 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 65 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 67 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 68 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 69 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 70 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; TEXT TAXA = Taxa3 TAXON = 71 TEXT = 'Personal observation (JL Carballido)'; CHARACTERS = Character_Matrix TAXA = Taxa; TEXT TAXON = 75 CHARACTER = 37 TEXT = is_not_abstent_at_all_but_much_reduced; SU C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 1 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 2 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 3 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 4 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 5 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 6 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 7 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 8 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 9 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 10 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 11 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 12 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 13 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 14 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 15 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 16 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 17 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 18 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 19 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 20 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 21 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 22 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 23 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 24 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 25 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 26 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 27 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 29 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 30 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 33 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 34 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 35 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 36 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 37 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 39 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 43 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 44 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 45 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 46 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 47 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 48 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 49 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 50 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 51 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 52 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 53 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 54 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 55 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 56 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 57 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 58 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 60 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 61 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 62 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 63 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 64 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 66 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 67 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 68 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 69 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 70 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 71 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 76 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 80 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 91 C = 78 N = color I = 6; SU T = 92 C = 78 N = color I = 6; TEXT TAXON = 75 CHARACTER = 173 TEXT = 'there is some expansion on its first dorsal, but this is absent in the 3rd and 4th dorsals, therefore is here scored as ambiguous'; SU T = 59 C = 178 N = color I = 6; SU T = 59 C = 195 N = color I = 6; TEXT TAXON = 72 CHARACTER = 224 TEXT = 'interpretation made based on the sacrum and second caudal vertebra '; SU T = 59 C = 230 N = color I = 6; SU T = 59 C = 233 N = color I = 6; TEXT TAXON = 77 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = chequear_la_posibilidad_de_agregar_otro_estado; SU T = 59 C = 241 N = color I = 6; TAXA = Taxa; AN T = 38 A = 0 DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014d49a220f3460 I = _ TF = (CM ) ; TAXA = Taxa3; AN T = 1 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Troasingen Formation (Norian)^n^nMaterial consulted: MSF23 and from Carballido and Pol (2010)') TF = (R Plateosaurus_engelhardti_Meyer_1837); AN T = 2 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Fengjiahe Formation (Early Jurassic)^n^nMaterial consulted: IVPP V14474 and from Upchurch et al. (2007') TF = (R 'Chinshakiangosaurus chunghoensis (Dong 1992)'); AN T = 3 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Laguna Colorada Formation (Norian) ^n^nMaterial consulted: Carballido and Pol (2010)') TF = (R Mussaurus_patagonicus_Bonaparte_and_Vince_1979); AN T = 4 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Lower Elliot Formation (Norian) ^n^nMaterial consulted: Kitching (2003), Carballido and Pol (2010) and pictures of BP/1/4952 and 4952b.') TF = (R Antetonitrus_ingenipes_Yates_and_Kitching_2003); AN T = 5 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Los Colorados Formation (Sorian ñ Rhaenian) ^n^nMaterial consulted: Bonaparte (1999), Pol and Powell (2007a), and Carballido and Pol (2010)') TF = (R Lessemsaurus_sauropoides_Bonaparte_1999); AN T = 6 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Ziliujing Formation (Early Jurassic) ^n^nMaterial consulted: He et al., 1998; Allain and Aquesbi, 2008.') TF = (R Gongxianosaurus_shibeiensis_He_et_al._1998); AN T = 7 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Cerro Carnerero Formation (Toarcian-Aalenian) ^n^nMaterial consulted: Carballido and Pol (2010), MLP 46-VIII-21-1/12, MLP 46-VIII-21-1/13, MLP 46-VIII-21-1/15, MLP 46-VIII-21-1/12 17 and MLP 46-VIII-21-1/12 18, MLP 46-VIII-21-1/12 14 and MLP 46-VIII-21-1/12 16, and pictures of MLP 46-VIII-21-1/2, MLP 46-VIII-21-1/1, MLP 46-VIII-21-1/3 a 11, MLP 46-VIII-21-1/19, and MLP 36-XI-10-3/1 (vÈrtebra dorsal posterior con su costilla aË™n articulada a ella)') TF = (R 'Amygdalodon patagonicus (Cabrera 1947)'); AN T = 8 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Nam Phong Formation (Norian-Rhaetian) ^n^nMaterial consulted: Buffetaut et al. (2000) and Allain and Aquesbi (2008)') TF = (R Isanosaurus_attavipachi_Buffetaut_et_al._2000); AN T = 9 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM aa) TF = (R aa); AN T = 10 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Azila Formation (Toarcian) ^n^nMaterial consulted: CPSGM To1 (holotype) and direct observation on the material refered by Allain and Aquesbi (2008)') TF = (R Tazaudosaurus_naimi_Allain_et_al_2004); AN T = 11 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Xiashaximiao Formation (Middle Jurassic) ^n^nMaterial IVPP V9065.1-23, and differents specimens housed at the ZDM and skull information Publisher by Wilson, 2002; Upchurch et al., 2004 and Chatterjee and Zheng (2002)') TF = (R Shunosaurus_lii_Dong_Zhou_and_Zhan_1983); AN T = 12 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Kota Formation (Sinemurian-Aalenian) ^n^nMaterial consulted: Jain et al., 1975, 1979 and Bandyopadhyay et al., 2010.') TF = (R Barapasaurus_tagorei_Jain_et_al._1975); AN T = 13 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: (Bajocian) ^n^nMaterial consulted: Upchurch and Martin, 2002, 2003, and Wilson, 2002 and Upchurch et al., 2004') TF = (R Cetiosaurus_oxoniensis_Phillips_1871); AN T = 14 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: CaÃ’adÛn Asfalto Formation (Bajocian-Calovian) ^n^nMaterial consulted: PVL 4170, MACN CH 933, PVL 4076') TF = (R Patagosaurus_fariasi_Bonaparte_1979); AN T = 15 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Formation Shangshaximiao (Jur·sico Superior bajo) ^n^nConsulted material: O. tianfuensis housed at the ZDM (ZDM 5002, 5005, 5004), skull was scored from pictures of O. maoianus (ZNM N8510) and directly from Wilson, 2002 and Upchurch et al., 2004.') TF = (R Omeisaurus_Young_1939); AN T = 16 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Shangshaximiao and Penglaizhen Formation (lower Late Jurassic) ^n^nConsulted material: IVPP V790, IVPP V 456-458, ZDM 00083, and skull materials from Pi, Ouyang, and Ye (1996) and directly from Wilson (2002) and Upchurch et al.(2004)') TF = (R Mamenchisaurus_Young_1954); AN T = 17 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Villar del Arzobispo Formation (Tithonian-Berriasian) ^n^nConsulted material: CPT-1195 to CPT-1210, and CPT-1211 to CPT-1261') TF = (R Turiasaurus_riodevensis_Royo_Torres_et_al._2008); AN T = 18 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Yacimiento de la CaÃ’ada (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) ^n^nConsulted material: Casanovas et al. (2001) and pictures of Lo-1-11, 15, 17-23, 25, 26') TF = (R Losillasaurus_giganteus_Casanovas_et_al._2001); AN T = 19 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: TiourarÈn Formation (Middle Jurassic to Late Jurassic; Rauhut and LÛpez-Arbarello, 2009; or Aptian-Albian; Sereno et al., 1999) ^n^nConsulted material: MNN TIG3-TIG7, and from Wilson (2002), Upchurch et al. (2004) and Whitlock (2011)') TF = (R Jobaria_tiguidensis_Sereno_et_al._1999); AN T = 20 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Morrison Formation (Kimeridgian-Titonian) ^n^nConsulted material: CM572, 879 and McIntosh and Williams, 1988') TF = (R 'Haplocanthosaurus (Hatcher 1903)'); AN T = 21 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Morrison Formation (Kimeridgian-Titonian) ^n^nConsulted material: CM 11138 and referents (mainly Osborn and Mokk, 1921)') TF = (R Camarasaurus_Cope_1877); AN T = 22 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Formation Wucaiwan (Jur·sico Medio a Superior) ^n^nConsulted material: IVPP V8299, V8300, and unpublished material not catalogad yet and housed at the IVPP.') TF = (R Bellusaurus_sui_Dong_1990); AN T = 23 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Villar del Arzobispo Formation (Tithonian) ^n^nConsulted material: GAL00/CL/48, 181, 86, 62, 90, 102, 35 and from Barco (2009)') TF = (R Galvesaurus_herreroi_Barco_et_al._2005); AN T = 24 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: CaÃ’adÛn Calc·reo Formation (Kimeridgian-Tithonian) ^n^nConsulted material: MPEF-PV 1125') TF = (R Tehuelchesaurus_benitezi_Rich_et_al._1999); AN T = 25 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Saxony Basin (middle Kimeridgian) ^n^nConsulted material: DFMMh/FV 291, and referred material (Carballido et al. en preparaciÛn)') TF = (R Europasaurus_holgeri_Sander_et_al._2006); AN T = 27 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Xert Formation (Aptian) ^n^n') TF = (R Tastavinsaurus_sanzi_Canudo_et_al._2008); AN T = 28 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Mengyin Formation (Barremian-Aptian) ^n^nConsulted material: PMU 233, 234 (specimens a and b) The specimen c was codified from the figures Publisher by Young (1935)') TF = (R 'Euhelopus zdanskyi (Wiman 1929)'); AN T = 29 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Morrison Formation (Kimeridgian-Titonian) ^n^nConsulted material: FMNH P 25107, reffered skull USNM 5730 and USNM 8309 and pictures of cervical vertebrae BYU 12866 and 12867.') TF = (R Brachiosaurus_altithorax_Riggs_1903); AN T = 30 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Tendaguru Formation (Kimeridgian-Tithonian) ^n^nConsulted material: HMN SII and HMN SI.') TF = (R 'Giraffatitan brancai (Janensch 1914)'); AN T = 32 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Twin Mountains Formation (Aptian-Albian) ^n^nConsulted material: Rose (2007)') TF = (R Paluxysaurus_jonesi_Rose_2007); AN T = 33 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Cedar Mountain Formation (Barremian) ^n^nConsulted material: Tidwell et al. (2001) and Tidwell and Wilhite (2005)') TF = (R Venenosaurus_dicrocei_Tidwell_et_al._2001); AN T = 34 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Cedar Mountain Formation (Barremian) ^n^nConsulted material: Tidwell et al. (1999)') TF = (R Cedarosaurus_weiskopfae_Tidwell_et_al._1999); AN T = 35 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM AA) TF = (R aa); AN T = 36 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Cerro Barcino Formation (Cenomanian) ^n^nConsulted material: MACN 1822, MPEF-PV 1229, CHMO 901 and CHMO 565') TF = (R Chubutisaurus_insignis_del_Corro_1975); AN T = 37 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Tendaguru Formation (Kimeridgian) ^n^nConsulted material: MB.R 2092.1, 2092.1, 2091.31') TF = (R Tendaguria_tanzaniensis_Bonaparte_et_al._2000); AN T = 38 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Winton Formation (Albian) ^n^nConsulted material: Hocknull et al. (2009)') TF = (R Wintanotitan_wattsi_Hocknull_et_al._2009); AN T = 39 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Lohan Cura Formation (Aptian-Albian) ^n^nConsulted material: MCF-PHV-233') TF = (R Ligabuesurus_lenzai_Bonaparte_Gonz·lez_Riga_and_ApesteguÃŒa_2006); AN T = 40 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Sao Khua Formation (Barremian-Aptian) ^n^nConsulted material: Martin (1994), Martin et al. (1999), Suteerthorn et al. (2009) and Suteerthorn et al. (2010)') TF = (R Phuwiangosaurus_sirindhornae_Martin_et_al._1994); AN T = 41 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Candeleros Formation (Cenomanian) ^n^nConsulted material: MUCPv 132') TF = (R Andesaurus_delgadoi_Calvo_and_Bonaparte_1991); AN T = 42 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Formation RÃŒo NeuquÈn (Turoniano tardÃŒo-Coniaciano) ^n^nConsulted material: IANIGLA-PV 065/1-24, 66-74, 76-81, 84') TF = (R Mendozasaurus_neguyelap_Gonz·les_Riga_2003); AN T = 43 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Portezuelo Formation (Turonian - Coniacian) ^n^nConsulted material: IANIGLA-PV 110') TF = (R Malarguesaurus_florenciae_Gonz·lez_Riga_et_al._2009); AN T = 44 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Huincul Formation (Albian-Cenomanian) ^n^nConsulted material: PVPH-1') TF = (R Argentinosaurus_hunculensis_Bonaparte_and_Coria_1993); AN T = 45 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Bajo Barreal Formation (Cenomanian-Turonian) ^n^nConsulted material: MartÃŒnez et al. (2004), GimÈnez (2010)') TF = (R Epachthosaurus_sciuttoi_Powell_1990); AN T = 46 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: ìDinosaur Bedsî (Aptian) ^n^nConsulted material: Jacobs et al. (1993); Gomani (2005)') TF = (R 'Malawisaurus dixeyi (Haughton 1928)'); AN T = 47 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Nemegt Formation (Maastrichtian) ^n^nConsulted material: Directly from Wilson (2002) and from the descriptions of Nowinski (1971) and Wilson (2005)') TF = (R Nemegtosaurus_mongoliensis_Nowinski_1971); AN T = 48 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Maevarano Formation (Maastrichtian) ^n^nConsulted material: FMNH PR 2209 and Curry Rogers and Foster (2001, 2004, 2009)') TF = (R Rapetosaurus_krausei_Curry_Rogers_and_Foster_2001); AN T = 49 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Lameta Formation (Maastrichtian) ^n^nConsulted material: Jain and Bandyopadhyay (1997); Wilson and Upchurch (2003)') TF = (R 'Isisaurus colberti (Jain and Bandyopadhyay 1997)'); AN T = 50 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: QuiricÛ Formation (Aptian) ^n^nConsulted material: Hussam et al. (2011)') TF = (R Tapuisaurus_macedoi_Hussam_et_al._2011); AN T = 51 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: MarÃŒlia Formation (Maastrichtian) ^n^nConsulted material: Powell (1987; 2003); Campos et al. (2005)') TF = (R 'Trigonosaurus pricei (Campos et al. 2005)'); AN T = 52 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: North Horn Formation (Maastrichtian-Campanian) ^n^nConsulted material: USNM 10486, 10487 and additional information from Lehman and Coulson (2000)') TF = (R Alamosaurus_sanjuanensis_Gilmore_1922); AN T = 53 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Nemegt Formation (Campanian-Maastrachtian) ^n^nConsulted material: Borsuk-Bialynicka (1997)') TF = (R 'Opisthocoelicaudia skarzynskii Borsuk-Bialynicka 1977'); AN T = 54 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Anacleto Formation (Campanean) ^n^nConsulted material: MCS-5, 6, 8, 10 and Otero (2010)') TF = (R 'Neuquensaurus australis (Lydekker 1893)'); AN T = 55 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Lecho Formation (Campanian-Maastrachtian) ^n^nConsulted material: PVL. 4017-22') TF = (R Saltasaurus_loricatus_Bonaparte_and_Powell_1980); AN T = 56 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM aa) TF = (R aa); AN T = 57 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: La Amarga Formation (Barremian -Aptian) ^n^nConsulted material MOZ-Pv 6127') TF = (R Zapalasaurus_bonapartei_Salgado_et_al._2006); AN T = 58 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Adri·tica platform (Hauterivian-Barremian) ^n^nConsulted material: Dalla Vecchia, 1998; Dalla Vecchia, 2005, and ApesteguÃŒa 2007.') TF = (R Histriasaurus_boscarollii_Dalla_Vecchia_1998); AN T = 59 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Lohan Cura Formation (Aptian-Albian)^n^nMaterial consulted: Holotype: MOZ-PV 6722, posterior dorsal neural arch.^nrefered material: Anterior dorsal vertebra (MOZ-PV 6650), fragmentary dorsal centra (MOZ-PV 6645, MOZ-PV 6651, MOZ-PV 6652, MOZ-PV 6653, MOZ-PV 6747, MOZ-PV 6751, MOZ-PV 6756), two neural arches (MOZ-PV 6652, MOZ-PV 6653), 35 caudal vertebrae (MOZ-PV 06741, MOZ-PV 06636, MOZ-PV 06634, MOZ-PV 06627, MOZ-PV 06633, MOZ-PV 06729, MOZ-PV 06638, MOZ-PV 06654, MOZ-PV 06649, MOZ-PV 06628, MOZ-PV 06646, MOZ-PV 06629, MOZ-PV 06759, MOZ-PV 06766, MOZ-PV 06632, MOZ-PV 06753, MOZ-PV 06738, MOZ-PV 06642, MOZ-PV 06639, MOZ-PV 06733, MOZ-PV 06734, MOZ-PV 06711, MOZ-PV 06641, MOZ-PV 06643, MOZ-PV 06644, MOZ-PV 06647), sternal plate (MOZ-PV 6717), one coracoids (MOZ-PV 6763), a complete right humerus (MOZ-PV 6762) and fragments of six other humeri (MOZ-PV 6664, MOZ-PV 6672, MOZ-PV 6673, MOZ-PV 6712, MOZ-PV 6714, MOZ-PV 6723), fragmentary Ilium (MOZ-PV 6675), one complete pubis (MOZ-PV 6743) and seven fragments (MOZ-PV 6669a, MOZ-PV 6669b, MOZ-PV 6670, MOZ-PV 6659, MOZ-PV 6660, MOZ-PV 6667, MOZ-PV 6663), five ischia partially preserved (MOZ-PV 6676, MOZ-PV 6713, MOZ-PV 6719, MOZ-PV 6680, MOZ-PV 6658), two left femora (MOZ-PV 6728, MOZ-PV 6665), three right (MOZ-PV 6732, MOZ-PV 6761, MOZ-PV 6755), and fourth more fragmentary elements (MOZ-PV 6661, MOZ-PV 6666, MOZ-PV 6778, MOZ-PV 6721), proximal part of a tibia (MOZ-PV 6764), one left fibula partially preserved (MOZ-PV 6727).^n^n') TF = (R gen._et_sp._nov.); AN T = 60 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM ) ; AN T = 61 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Formation Tegana (Albiano) ^n^nConsulted material: scapula, and dorsal vertebra of MNHN 1957 and pictures of dorsal vertebrae.') TF = (R Rebbachisaurus_garasbae_Lavocat_1954); AN T = 62 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Huincul Formation (Cenomanian) ^n^nConsulted material: MPCA 232 (scapula and pictures of cervical vertebrae) and from Gallina and ApesteguÃŒa (2005)') TF = (R Cathartesaura_anaerobica_Gallina_and_ApesteguÃŒa_2005); AN T = 63 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Candeleros Formation and Huincul Formation (Cenomanian) ^n^nConsulted material: MUCPv-205, 206, 153.') TF = (R 'Limaysaurus tessonei (Calvo and Salgado 1995)'); AN T = 64 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Castrillo de la Reina Formation (Barremian - Aptian) ^n^nConsulted material: MDS-RVII,275, 232, 443, 340, 436, 437, 438, 440, 441, 589, 606, 806, 242, 798, 379, 458, 466, 587, 811, 14, 301, 364, 365, 368, 382, 592, 600, 611, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 101, 216, 217, 218, 470, 602, 605, 609, 610, 629, 805, 23, 99, 231, 232, 590, 591, 594, 796, 797, 18, 19, 16)') TF = (R 'Demandasaurus darwini Torcida Fern·ndez-Baldor et al. 2011'); AN T = 65 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: El Rhaz Formation (Aptian-Albian) ^n^nConsulted material: MNN GAD512 15-18') TF = (R Nigersaurus_taqueti_Sereno_et_al._1999); AN T = 66 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM aa) TF = (R aa); AN T = 67 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: La Amarga Formation (Barremian-Aptian) ^n^nConsulted material: MACN-N 15') TF = (R Amargasaurus_cazaui_Salgado_and_Bonaparte_1991); AN T = 68 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Tendaguru Formation (Kimeridgian) ^n^nConsulted material: HMN esqueleto D') TF = (R Dicraeosaurus_Janensch_1914); AN T = 69 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: CaÃ’adÛn Calc·reo Formation (Kimeridgian-Tithonian) ^n^nConsulted material: MPEF-PV 1716') TF = (R Brachytrachelopan_mesai_Rauhut_et_al._2005); AN T = 70 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM aa) TF = (R aa); AN T = 71 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01355c44f876342 I = _ TF = (CM 'Age: Morrison Formation (Kimeridgian) ^n^nConsulted material: CM 84) and CM 11161') TF = (R Diplodocus_Marsh_1878); AN C = 1 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 1'); AN C = 2 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 2'); AN C = 3 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 3'); AN C = 4 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 4'); AN C = 5 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e4bd2f1841 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 2'); AN C = 6 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e4bfb5b842 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 3'); AN C = 7 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 3'); AN C = 8 DC = 2012. DM = 2019. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Zaher et al., 2011:ch. 244'); AN C = 9 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 4'); AN C = 10 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 5'); AN C = 11 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 6 siguiendo a Whitlock, 2011:ch. 13'); AN C = 12 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 14'); AN C = 13 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 7'); AN C = 14 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 8'); AN C = 15 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 9'); AN C = 16 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 10'); AN C = 17 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 11'); AN C = 18 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e4c2a17843 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 4'); AN C = 19 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 20 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 10'); AN C = 21 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 12'); AN C = 22 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 13'); AN C = 23 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 30'); AN C = 24 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 32'); AN C = 25 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 31'); AN C = 26 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 26'); AN C = 27 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Curry Rogers, 2005:ch. 37'); AN C = 28 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 31'); AN C = 29 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 37'); AN C = 30 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 14'); AN C = 31 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 15'); AN C = 32 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Curry Rogers, 2005:ch. 30'); AN C = 33 DC = 2012. DM = 2019. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Zahersam et al., 2011:ch. 239'); AN C = 34 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 16'); AN C = 35 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 17'); AN C = 36 DC = 2012. DM = 2019. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Zaher et al., 2011:ch. 245'); AN C = 37 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 18'); AN C = 38 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 19'); AN C = 39 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 20'); AN C = 40 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 21'); AN C = 41 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 22'); AN C = 42 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 23'); AN C = 43 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.21'); AN C = 44 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 22'); AN C = 45 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 24'); AN C = 46 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 23'); AN C = 47 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 42'); AN C = 48 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 25'); AN C = 49 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.26'); AN C = 50 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 27'); AN C = 51 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 28'); AN C = 52 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 29'); AN C = 53 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 45'); AN C = 54 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 30'); AN C = 55 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 33'); AN C = 56 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 34'); AN C = 57 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 35'); AN C = 58 DC = 2012. DM = 2019. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified based on Mannion et al., 2011 from Whitlock, 2011:ch. 32'); AN C = 59 DC = 2012. DM = 2019. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified based on Mannion et al., in press. from Whitlock, 2011:ch. 32'); AN C = 60 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 36'); AN C = 61 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.37 '); AN C = 62 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 38'); AN C = 63 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.39'); AN C = 64 DC = 2012. DM = 2019. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Zaher et al., 2011:ch 240'); AN C = 65 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 40'); AN C = 66 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 41'); AN C = 67 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 42'); AN C = 68 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 43'); AN C = 69 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 44'); AN C = 70 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 45'); AN C = 71 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 46'); AN C = 72 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 47'); AN C = 73 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 48'); AN C = 74 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 49'); AN C = 75 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 53'); AN C = 76 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 54'); AN C = 77 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 50'); AN C = 78 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 51'); AN C = 79 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002'); AN C = 80 DC = 2012. DM = 2019. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Zaher et al., 2011:ch. 242'); AN C = 81 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 53'); AN C = 82 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Mannion et al., en prensa:ch. 48'); AN C = 83 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 54'); AN C = 84 A = 0 DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014c2e31914c453 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Remes et al., 2009:ch. 50'); AN C = 85 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 55'); AN C = 86 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 56'); AN C = 87 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 57'); AN C = 88 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 60'); AN C = 89 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 57'); AN C = 90 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e5b1cea844 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 10'); AN C = 91 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 62'); AN C = 92 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 58'); AN C = 93 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 59'); AN C = 94 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 60'); AN C = 95 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 61'); AN C = 96 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 62'); AN C = 97 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 63'); AN C = 98 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 64'); AN C = 99 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 65'); AN C = 100 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 66'); AN C = 101 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e5b8be5845 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 15'); AN C = 102 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'modified from Wilson, 2002:ch.73'); AN C = 103 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 74'); AN C = 104 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch, 1998'); AN C = 105 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 75'); AN C = 106 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 69'); AN C = 107 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2014. ID = 0138bfbfcfa4417 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 108 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 70'); AN C = 109 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:chs. 67-69'); AN C = 110 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 67'); AN C = 111 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2015. ID = 01385d743ac0414 I = _ TF = (CM ) ; AN C = 112 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2014. ID = 0138bfbf4e7e414 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 113 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2014. ID = 0138bfbfb48b416 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 114 A = 0 DC = 2012. DM = 2014. ID = 0138bfbf8aac415 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 115 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 72'); AN C = 116 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.71'); AN C = 117 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 74'); AN C = 118 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 76'); AN C = 119 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 80 and Upchurch et al., 2004:chs. 96-100'); AN C = 120 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 79'); AN C = 121 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e5be5a2846 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 20 '); AN C = 122 A = 0 DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014df7744052461 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from D''Emic, 2012:ch. 29^nOne state was added (the intermediate condition).'); AN C = 123 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Salgado et al., 1997:ch. 1 ; Wilson, 2002:ch. 82; Upchurch, 1998:ch. 81 y Upchurch et al., 2004:103'); AN C = 124 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch, 1998:ch. 84 y Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 107'); AN C = 125 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch, 1998:ch. 83 y Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 106'); AN C = 126 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 127 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) ; AN C = 129 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e5c1a8e847 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 24'); AN C = 130 A = 0 DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014c2e3276e1455 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Remes et al., 2009:ch. 79'); AN C = 131 A = 0 DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014df72bf1b1460 I = _ TF = (CM ) ; AN C = 132 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 84; Upchurch,1998:ch. 85 and Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 108'); AN C = 133 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 134 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch, 81'); AN C = 135 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Sereno et al., 2007:chs. 50, 51; Whitlock, 2011:chs. 78, 96'); AN C = 136 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Carballido et al., 2011, following Wedel, 2000, 2002'); AN C = 137 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_Character); AN C = 138 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 72; Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 118'); AN C = 139 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 140 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Harris, 2006 '); AN C = 141 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R ' Wilson, 2002:ch. 87; similar Upchurch et al., 2004:111 y 112 '); AN C = 142 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 74; y Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 102'); AN C = 143 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 144 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 145 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004'); AN C = 146 A = 0 DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014c2e32269e454 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Remes et al., 2009:ch. 78'); AN C = 147 AU = Anonymous DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014c2e32cc35456 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R See); AN C = 148 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e643eeb848 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 28'); AN C = 149 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 119'); AN C = 150 DC = 2012. DM = 2015. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from González Riga et al., 2009'); AN C = 151 A = 0 DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014d20002bda1337 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Character following to González Riga and Ortiz, 2014^nS '); AN C = 152 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 90, Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 118'); AN C = 154 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) ; AN C = 155 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 91; Upchurch et al. 2004:ch. 122-125'); AN C = 156 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 78; Upchurch et al. 2004:128'); AN C = 157 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 138'); AN C = 158 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 140'); AN C = 161 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Carballido et al., 2011'); AN C = 162 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R Modified_from_Upchurch_et_al); AN C = 163 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Upchurch et al., 2007:ch. 132'); AN C = 164 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Salgado et al., 1997:ch.14'); AN C = 165 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 166 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 167 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 168 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 94; Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 104'); AN C = 169 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Salgado et al., 1997; Upchurch, 1998:ch. 06; Upchurch et al., 2004:ca 127'); AN C = 170 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 171 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 174 A = 0 DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014e0c2be7e21384 I = _ TF = (CM ) ; AN C = 178 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004'); AN C = 179 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Salgado et al., 1997:ch. 25; Wilson, 2002:ch. 106; Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 145'); AN C = 180 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 181 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R new_character); AN C = 182 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 146'); AN C = 183 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 136'); AN C = 184 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004'); AN C = 185 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 104'); AN C = 186 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e652c24849 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 49'); AN C = 187 A = 0 DC = 2015. DM = 2015. ID = 014c2e375f8b458 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Pol et al., 2011:ch. 132'); AN C = 188 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2015. ID = 01451e370d33835 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Rauhut et al. in press.:ch. '); AN C = 189 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2015. ID = 01451e37a71c836 I = _ TF = (CM '^n') TF = (R 'Rauhut et al. in press.:ch. '); AN C = 190 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2015. ID = 01451e37feac837 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Rauhut et al. in press.:ch. '); AN C = 191 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 95'); AN C = 192 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 96; Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 133'); AN C = 193 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 97'); AN C = 194 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 98, Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 137'); AN C = 195 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Upchurch et al., 2004'); AN C = 196 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 102 y Upchurch, 2004:chs. 153-154'); AN C = 197 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 157'); AN C = 198 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 151'); AN C = 199 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch.104'); AN C = 200 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch, 2007:ch.133'); AN C = 201 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002: 100; Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 159'); AN C = 202 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 101'); AN C = 203 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 204 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 109'); AN C = 205 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 206 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 139'); AN C = 207 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 105'); AN C = 208 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002'); AN C = 209 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Salgado et al., 1997'); AN C = 210 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 140'); AN C = 211 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 139'); AN C = 212 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 141'); AN C = 213 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002'); AN C = 214 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 108'); AN C = 215 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 109'); AN C = 216 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 110'); AN C = 217 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 111'); AN C = 218 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 112'); AN C = 219 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 165 '); AN C = 220 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.114'); AN C = 221 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 113'); AN C = 223 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 115'); AN C = 226 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 117'); AN C = 227 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e66a5a9850 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 52'); AN C = 228 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e66fb28851 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 56'); AN C = 229 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e675a17852 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 59'); AN C = 230 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 125'); AN C = 231 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Gonz·lez Riga et al, 2009'); AN C = 232 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 119'); AN C = 233 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 182'); AN C = 234 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 183'); AN C = 235 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 123'); AN C = 236 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 128'); AN C = 237 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 126'); AN C = 238 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 127'); AN C = 239 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 129'); AN C = 240 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 130'); AN C = 241 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 187'); AN C = 242 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 120'); AN C = 243 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 121'); AN C = 245 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 122'); AN C = 246 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 123'); AN C = 250 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 131 '); AN C = 251 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 132'); AN C = 252 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Gonz·lez Riga et al., 2009'); AN C = 253 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 185'); AN C = 256 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 257 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 133'); AN C = 258 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 259 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 179'); AN C = 260 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 261 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Gonz·lez Riga et al., 2009'); AN C = 262 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 135'); AN C = 263 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 180'); AN C = 264 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 136'); AN C = 265 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 137'); AN C = 266 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 138 '); AN C = 267 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 143'); AN C = 268 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 144'); AN C = 269 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 145'); AN C = 270 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 146'); AN C = 271 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 147'); AN C = 272 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 148'); AN C = 273 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 149'); AN C = 274 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 150'); AN C = 275 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 151'); AN C = 277 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 152'); AN C = 278 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Sereno et al., 2007: 88'); AN C = 279 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'New character from Mannion, 2009'); AN C = 280 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 281 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 282 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Carballido et al., 2011'); AN C = 283 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 284 DC = 2012. DM = 2019. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Mannion et al., 2012:ch.168'); AN C = 285 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 153'); AN C = 286 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 154'); AN C = 287 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 155'); AN C = 288 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 156'); AN C = 289 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 207'); AN C = 290 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) ; AN C = 291 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 157'); AN C = 292 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 01451e6b17fd853 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 76'); AN C = 293 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 158'); AN C = 294 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch.211'); AN C = 295 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004: :ch.212'); AN C = 296 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch.213'); AN C = 297 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch.209'); AN C = 298 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145754e0f253483 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 80'); AN C = 299 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145754e2f203484 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 83'); AN C = 300 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 216'); AN C = 301 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 159'); AN C = 302 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.160'); AN C = 303 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.161'); AN C = 304 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Carballido et al., 2011:ch. 256'); AN C = 305 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 306 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 164'); AN C = 307 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Carballido et al., 2012:ch. 259'); AN C = 308 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 159'); AN C = 309 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 165'); AN C = 310 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 166 '); AN C = 311 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 167'); AN C = 312 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 168 '); AN C = 313 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 169'); AN C = 314 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 170 '); AN C = 315 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.171'); AN C = 316 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.173'); AN C = 317 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.174'); AN C = 318 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.175'); AN C = 319 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.176'); AN C = 320 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.177'); AN C = 321 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.178'); AN C = 322 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 179'); AN C = 323 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 180'); AN C = 324 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 181'); AN C = 325 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 182'); AN C = 326 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 183'); AN C = 327 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 200:ch. 1842'); AN C = 328 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 185'); AN C = 329 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 186'); AN C = 330 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145754e4d663485 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 99'); AN C = 331 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 188'); AN C = 332 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 189'); AN C = 333 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 245'); AN C = 334 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 335 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 189'); AN C = 336 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 190'); AN C = 337 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 191'); AN C = 338 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Mannion et al., en prensa:ch. 180'); AN C = 339 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock et al., 2011:ch. 173'); AN C = 340 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock et al., 2011:ch. 174'); AN C = 341 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 193'); AN C = 342 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Salgado et al., 1997'); AN C = 343 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R New_character); AN C = 344 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 194'); AN C = 345 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 195'); AN C = 346 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch, 1998:ch. 183'); AN C = 347 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R new_character); AN C = 349 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145754e69f83486 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 107'); AN C = 353 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Wilson, 2002:ch. 196, following to Whitlock, 2011:ch. 186'); AN C = 354 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 197'); AN C = 355 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 198'); AN C = 356 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Salgado et al., 1997'); AN C = 357 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 181'); AN C = 358 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Modified from Upchurch, 2004:ch. 263 '); AN C = 359 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 2000'); AN C = 360 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 201 '); AN C = 361 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 202'); AN C = 362 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Upchurch et al., 2004:ch. 268'); AN C = 363 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 203'); AN C = 364 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 204'); AN C = 365 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 205'); AN C = 366 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 206'); AN C = 367 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 207'); AN C = 368 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 208'); AN C = 369 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 209'); AN C = 370 AU = Anonymous DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145754e84aa3487 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 111'); AN C = 371 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145754e9bb83488 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 113'); AN C = 372 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145754ebeef3489 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 115'); AN C = 373 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch.210'); AN C = 374 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Whitlock, 2011:ch. 186'); AN C = 375 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 211'); AN C = 376 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 212'); AN C = 377 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 213'); AN C = 378 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 214'); AN C = 379 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 215'); AN C = 380 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 216'); AN C = 381 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 217'); AN C = 382 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 218'); AN C = 383 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 219'); AN C = 386 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 220'); AN C = 387 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 221'); AN C = 388 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 222'); AN C = 389 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 223'); AN C = 390 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 224'); AN C = 391 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145754f87573490 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 117'); AN C = 392 A = 0 DC = 2014. DM = 2014. ID = 0145754f9c303491 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'D''Emic, 2012:ch. 118'); AN C = 393 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 225'); AN C = 394 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 226'); AN C = 395 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 227'); AN C = 396 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 228'); AN C = 397 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 229'); AN C = 398 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 230'); AN C = 399 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 231'); AN C = 400 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 232'); AN C = 401 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Wilson, 2002:ch. 233'); AN C = 402 DC = 2012. DM = 2012. ID = 01353f631ee64 I = _ TF = (CM ) TF = (R 'Allain y Aquesbi, 2008:ch. 253'); END; Begin MESQUITE; MESQUITESCRIPTVERSION 2; TITLE AUTO; tell ProjectCoordinator; timeSaved 1654021351590; getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa; tell It; setID 0 6130496502186739700; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 90 92 104 105 106 75 73 74 107 101 94 95 96; attachments ; endTell; setID 1 5895817381301896475; setID 2 2181381277574749372; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; setID 0 1388431806502282622; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 387 384 385 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 464 403 404 405 410 411 9 406 407 408 409 412 413 415 416 456 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425; attachments ; endTell; mqVersion 370; checksumv 0 3 3307034435 null getNumChars 426 numChars 426 getNumTaxa 97 numTaxa 97 short false bits 2314885401430458399 states 9042392216764447 sumSquaresStatesOnly 69419.0 sumSquares -2.720894750872159E20 longCompressibleToShort false usingShortMatrix false NumFiles 1 NumMatrices 1; mqVersion; endTell; getWindow; tell It; suppress; setResourcesState false false 100; setPopoutState 400; setExplanationSize 0; setAnnotationSize 0; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1366 659; setLocation -8 -8; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; desuppress; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa; tell It; showTaxa #6130496502186739700 #mesquite.lists.TaxonList.TaxonList; tell It; setTaxa #6130496502186739700; getWindow; tell It; useTargetValue off; setTargetValue ; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.TaxonListCurrPartition.TaxonListCurrPartition; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.DefaultTaxaOrder.DefaultTaxaOrder; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.NumForTaxaList.NumForTaxaList; tell It; suppress; setValueTask #mesquite.molec.PercentMissingInTaxon.PercentMissingInTaxon; tell It; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharMatrixCoordIndep.CharMatrixCoordIndep; tell It; setCharacterSource #mesquite.charMatrices.StoredMatrices.StoredMatrices; tell It; setTaxa #6130496502186739700; setDataSet #1388431806502282622; endTell; endTell; endTell; toggleShadeCells off; desuppress; endTell; getTable; tell It; columnWidth 2 49; endTell; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1266 587; setLocation -8 -8; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.lists.ColorTaxon.ColorTaxon.sort; endTell; endTell; showWindow; getEmployee #mesquite.lists.ColorTaxon.ColorTaxon; tell It; setColor Orange; removeColor off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.lists.TaxonListAnnotPanel.TaxonListAnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowCoord.BasicDataWindowCoord; tell It; showDataWindow #1388431806502282622 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker; tell It; getWindow; tell It; getTable; tell It; rowNamesWidth 333; endTell; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1266 587; setLocation -8 -8; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 18; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; endTell; setActive; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; colorCells #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorByState.ColorByState; tell It; setStateLimit 9; toggleUniformMaximum on; endTell; colorRowNames #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells; tell It; setColor Gray; removeColor off; endTell; colorColumnNames #mesquite.charMatrices.CharGroupColor.CharGroupColor; colorText #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor; setBackground White; toggleShowNames on; toggleShowTaxonNames on; toggleTight off; toggleThinRows off; toggleShowChanges on; toggleSeparateLines off; toggleShowStates on; toggleReduceCellBorders off; toggleAutoWCharNames off; toggleAutoTaxonNames off; toggleShowDefaultCharNames off; toggleConstrainCW on; setColumnWidth 16; toggleBirdsEye off; toggleColorOnlyTaxonNames off; toggleShowPaleGrid off; toggleShowPaleCellColors off; toggleShowPaleExcluded off; togglePaleInapplicable on; togglePaleMissing off; toggleShowBoldCellText off; toggleAllowAutosize on; toggleColorsPanel off; toggleDiagonal off; setDiagonalHeight 80; toggleLinkedScrolling on; toggleScrollLinkedTables off; endTell; showWindow; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AlterData.AlterData; tell It; toggleBySubmenus off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesEditor.StateNamesEditor; tell It; makeWindow; tell It; getTable; tell It; rowNamesWidth 536; endTell; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1266 587; setLocation -8 -8; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.categ.StateNamesEditor.StateNamesWindow.ibeam; endTell; rowsAreCharacters on; toggleConstrainChar on; toggleConstrainCharNum 3; togglePanel off; toggleSummaryPanel off; endTell; showWindow; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip; tell It; showStrip on; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector; tell It; autotabOff; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.SelSummaryStrip.SelSummaryStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor; tell It; panelOpen false; endTell; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; showCharacters #1388431806502282622 #mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterList; tell It; setData 0; getWindow; tell It; useTargetValue off; setTargetValue ; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.DefaultCharOrder.DefaultCharOrder; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListInclusion.CharListInclusion; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListPartition.CharListPartition; newAssistant #mesquite.parsimony.CharListParsModels.CharListParsModels; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharacterStats.CharacterStats; tell It; toggleSelectedOnly off; endTell; getTable; tell It; rowNamesWidth 413; columnWidth 1 71; endTell; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1266 587; setLocation -8 -8; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterListWindow.ibeam; endTell; endTell; showWindow; getEmployee #mesquite.lists.CharListAnnotPanel.CharListAnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; endTell; endTell; endTell; end;