clear clc close all load('Dr_Namazi.mat') %% Divided by Gender - Application of Switch command +Case j=1; m=1; for i=1:size(DrNamazi.Gender,1) A = DrNamazi.Gender(i); switch A case 1 Women(j,1)=DrNamazi.CA(i); Women(j,2)=DrNamazi.CB(i); Women(j,3)=DrNamazi.CC(i); Women(j,4)=DrNamazi.CD(i); Women(j,5)=DrNamazi.Ctot(i); Women(j,6)=DrNamazi.DTotal(i); j=j+1; case 2 men(m,1)=DrNamazi.CA(i); men(m,2)=DrNamazi.CB(i); men(m,3)=DrNamazi.CC(i); men(m,4)=DrNamazi.CD(i); men(m,5)=DrNamazi.Ctot(i); men(m,6)=DrNamazi.DTotal(i); m=m+1; end end %% Investigation associasion - Correlation % Pearson Correlation between Men in different groups (CA,CB,CC,CD,CTot,DTot) for i=1:size(men,2) a=men(:,i); for j=1:size(men,2) [rho,pval]=corr(a,men(:,j));% a = men(:,i) corrmen(i,j)=rho; sigmen(i,j)=pval; % corrmen(i,j)=corr(a,men(:,j));% a = men(:,i) end end figure imagesc(corrmen) set(gca,'YDir','normal') % Normal kardan Mehvar Y, Agar nabashe zahere badi dare caxis([-1 1]) % Range of Color bar (Range of Correlation) colormap jet % Colors of the plot / Best colors that we could select title('Men ') set(gca,'fontsize',14) asami={'CA','CB','CC','CD','CTot','D/B'}; set(gca, 'XTick', 1:6, 'XTickLabel', asami); set(gca, 'YTick', 1:6, 'YTickLabel', asami); axis square colorbar %%%%%% For Women for i=1:size(Women,2) b=Women(:,i); for j=1:size(Women,2) [rho,pval]=corr(b,Women(:,j));% b = Women(:,i) corrwomen(i,j)=rho; sigwomen(i,j)=pval; end end figure imagesc(corrwomen) set(gca,'YDir','normal') caxis([-1 1]) colormap jet title('Women ') set(gca,'fontsize',14) asami={'CA','CB','CC','CD','CTot','D/B'}; set(gca, 'XTick', 1:6, 'XTickLabel', asami); set(gca, 'YTick', 1:6, 'YTickLabel', asami); colorbar axis square % Clear extra variables clear a A b i j m pval rho % Subplot fancy - Men/Women figure subplot(1,2,1) imagesc(corrmen) set(gca,'YDir','normal') % Normal kardan Mehvar Y, Agar nabashe zahere badi dare caxis([-1 1]) % Range of Color bar (Range of Correlation) colormap jet % Colors of the plot / Best colors that we could select title('Men ') set(gca,'fontsize',14) asami={'CA','CB','CC','CD','CTot','D/B'}; set(gca, 'XTick', 1:6, 'XTickLabel', asami); set(gca, 'YTick', 1:6, 'YTickLabel', asami); axis square colorbar subplot(1,2,2) imagesc(corrwomen) set(gca,'YDir','normal') caxis([-1 1]) colormap jet title('Women ') set(gca,'fontsize',14) asami={'CA','CB','CC','CD','CTot','D/B'}; set(gca, 'XTick', 1:6, 'XTickLabel', asami); set(gca, 'YTick', 1:6, 'YTickLabel', asami); colorbar axis square %%%% Total population Pop=table2array(DrNamazi(:,16:21)); for i=1:size(Pop,2) b=Pop(:,i); for j=1:size(Pop,2) [rho,pval]=corr(b,Pop(:,j)); corrpop(i,j)=rho; sigpop(i,j)=pval; end end figure imagesc(corrpop) set(gca,'YDir','normal') caxis([-1 1]) colormap jet title('Population ') set(gca,'fontsize',14) asami={'CA','CB','CC','CD','CTot','D/B'}; set(gca, 'XTick', 1:6, 'XTickLabel', asami); set(gca, 'YTick', 1:6, 'YTickLabel', asami); colorbar axis square %% One way Anova asami1={'CA','CB','CC','CD','CTot','DTot'}; [pp,tbl,stats]=anova1(Pop,asami1); figure boxplot(Pop,asami1); hold on plot(mean(Pop), 'dg') hold off figure % [c,~,~,gnames] = multcompare(stats); [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') %%% % x1=pop(:,1); % x2=pop(:,2); % x3=pop(:,3); % x4=pop(:,4); % x5=pop(:,5); % x6=pop(:,6); % data = [x1' x2' x3' x4' x5' x6']; %// Create row vector with your data % name={'CA','CB','CC','CD','CTot','DTot'}; % C1 = cell(1, length(x1)); % C1(:) = name(1); % C2 = cell(1, length(x2)); % C2(:) = name(2); % C3 = cell(1, length(x3)); % C3(:) = name(3); % C4 = cell(1, length(x4)); % C4(:) = name(4); % C5 = cell(1, length(x5)); % C5(:) = name(5); % C6 = cell(1, length(x6)); % C6(:) = name(6); % C=[C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6]; % group = C; %// set the groups according to the data above % [p1] = anovan(data, group,'model','interaction') % ,'off' // Use the 'off' option to prevent the table/box plot from showing up. % hold on % plot([mean(y)], 'dg') % title('Compare Random Data from Different Distributions') % hold off %%Only Ctot & Dtot y2=y(:,5:6); asami2={'CTot','DTot'}; [pp,tbl,stats]=anova1(y2,asami2); figure boxplot(y2,asami2); hold on plot(mean(y2), 'dg') hold off figure % [c,~,~,gnames] = multcompare(stats); [c, m, h, nms] = multcompare(stats); %(stats,'alpha',.05,'ctype','bonferroni'); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') % xlabel('') % %%%% For Men [ppmen,tblmen,statsmen]=anova1(men,asami1); figure boxplot(men,asami1); hold on plot(mean(men), 'dg') hold off figure [cmen, mmen, hmen, nms] = multcompare(statsmen); %(stats,'alpha',.05,'ctype','bonferroni');,'ctype','lsd' title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') %%%% For Women [ppwomen,tblwomen,statswomen]=anova1(Women,asami1); figure boxplot(Women,asami1); hold on plot(mean(Women), 'dg') hold off figure [cwomen, mwomen, hwomen, nms] = multcompare(statswomen,'ctype','lsd'); %(stats,'alpha',.05,'ctype','bonferroni'); ,'ctype','lsd' title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') %%%% For Ctot y2=[Women(:,5);men(:,5)]'; [ppwomen,tblwomen,statswomen]=anova1(Women,asami1); figure boxplot(Women,asami1); hold on plot(mean(Women), 'dg') hold off figure [cwomen, mwomen, hwomen, nms] = multcompare(statswomen,'ctype','lsd'); %(stats,'alpha',.05,'ctype','bonferroni'); ,'ctype','lsd' title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') %%%% For Dtot %% T student test [h,pca,ci,stats] = ttest(DrNamazi.Ctot(:),DrNamazi.DTotal(:)); %pca=9.7375e-12, tstat: -7.6952 , df: 101, sd: 25.1036 [h,p,ci,stats] = ttest2(DrNamazi.Ctot(:),DrNamazi.DTotal(:)); %(x,y,'Vartype','unequal') % p = 1.6404e-18, tstat: -9.7017, df: 202 , sd: 14.0797 [h,p,ci,stats] = ttest2(DrNamazi.Ctot(:),DrNamazi.DTotal(:),'Vartype','unequal'); %(x,y,'Vartype','unequal') % p = 1.7800e-18, tstat: -9.7017, df: 199.5561 , sd: [2×1 double] %% Wilcoxon rank sum test - equal medians - different lengths -continuous distributions [p,h]=ranksum(DrNamazi.Ctot(:),DrNamazi.DTotal(:)) % h=1 shows that they are significantly different %% Kruskal-Wallis test %Test the null hypothesis that the sample data from each column in x comes from the same distribution. p = kruskalwallis(y,asami1); %The returned value of p indicates that kruskalwallis rejects the null hypothesis that all columns data %samples come from the same distribution at a 1% significance level. The ANOVA table provides additional %test results, and the box plot visually presents the summary statistics for each column in x. % For Salamati y1=y(:,1:4); [p,tbl,stats] = kruskalwallis(y1,asami1(1:4)); % ,'Alpha',0.95 c = multcompare(stats) %% Histogram with a distribution fit histfit(y(:,5),10,'kernel') % 'beta','kernel' histfit(DrNamazi.Ctot(:),10,'normal') % 'beta','kernel' %% Multiple-sample tests for equal variances [p,stats] = vartestn(Pop); %% boxcox transforms nonnormally distributed to normal distribution % data to a set of data that has approximately normal distribution % The Box-Cox transformation is a family of power transformations. [transdat,lambda] = boxcox(Women(:,5)); figure histfit(transdat,10,'normal') figure plot(Women(:,5)) hold on plot(transdat) corr(Women(:,5),transdat) figure histogram(transdat) figure histogram(Women(:,5)) % For Pop for i=1:size(Pop,2) a=Pop(:,i); a(find(a == 0))=eps; [transdat_pop,lambda_pop] = boxcox(a); transpop(:,i)=transdat_pop; Lambdamat(:,i)=lambda_pop; clear transdat_pop lambda_pop a end % Anova asami1={'CA','CB','CC','CD','CTot','DTot'}; [pp_tn,tb_tn,stats_Pop_Norm]=anova1(transpop,asami1); figure boxplot(transpop,asami1); hold on plot(mean(transpop), 'dg') hold off figure % [c,~,~,gnames] = multcompare(stats); [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_Pop_Norm); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') %% New Structure - For Pop % Sign test - Instead Pair T test % the hypothesis that data in x has a continuous distribution with zero median % Note that a hypothesis of zero median for x – y is not equivalent to a hypothesis of equal median for x and y. [p,h,stats] = signtest(Pop(:,5),Pop(:,6)) % h = 1 indicates that signtest reject to the null hypothesis of zero median [p,h,stats] = signrank(Pop(:,5),Pop(:,6)) % the null hypothesis that x – y comes from a distribution with zero median. % The test assumes that the data in x come from a continuous distribution symmetric about its median. % kruskalwallis test - Instead T-test & Anova %Test the null hypothesis that the sample data from each column in x comes from the same distribution. [p_k_pop,tbl_k_pop,stats_k_pop] = kruskalwallis(Pop,asami1); % ,'Alpha',0.95 %The returned value of p indicates that kruskalwallis rejects the null hypothesis that all columns data %samples come from the same distribution at a 1% significance level. The ANOVA table provides additional %test results, and the box plot visually presents the summary statistics for each column in x. % For Salamati [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_k_pop); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') % Only for GHQ questionnaire [p_k_pop,tbl_k_pop,stats_k_pop1_4] = kruskalwallis(Pop(1:4),asami1(1:4)); % ,'Alpha',0.95 [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_k_pop1_4); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') % Wilcoxon , Mann-Whithney = Ranksum - Instead T test [p_r_pop,h_r_pop,stats_r_pop]=ranksum(Pop(:,5),Pop(:,6)) % Levene test x1=Pop(:,1); x1(:,2)=ones(length(x1),1); x2=Pop(:,2); x2(:,2)=2*ones(length(x2),1); x3=Pop(:,3); x3(:,2)=3*ones(length(x3),1); x4=Pop(:,4); x4(:,2)=4*ones(length(x4),1); x5=Pop(:,5); x5(:,2)=5*ones(length(x5),1); x6=Pop(:,6); x6(:,2)=6*ones(length(x6),1); X=[x1;x2;x3;x4;x5;x6]; Levenetest(X) clear x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 X % Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F=63.6752, df1= 5, df2=606 % Probability associated to the F statistic = 0.0000 % The associated probability for the F test is smaller than 0.05 % So, the assumption of homoscedasticity was not met. %%%% Only for Ctot & Dtot x5=Pop(:,5); x5(:,2)=1*ones(length(x5),1); x6=Pop(:,6); x6(:,2)=2*ones(length(x6),1); X=[x5;x6]; Levenetest(X) clear x5 x6 X % Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F=2.1118, df1= 1, df2=202 % Probability associated to the F statistic = 0.1477 % The associated probability for the F test is equal or larger than 0.05 % So, the assumption of homoscedasticity was met. %% New Structure - For Men % Sign test - Instead Pair T test [p_men_s,h_men_s,stats_men_s] = signtest(men(:,5),men(:,6)) % h = 1 indicates that signtest reject to the null hypothesis of zero median [p_men_sr,h_men_sr,stats_men_sr] = signrank(men(:,5),men(:,6)) % the null hypothesis that x – y comes from a distribution with zero median. % The test assumes that the data in x come from a continuous distribution symmetric about its median. % kruskalwallis test - Instead T-test & Anova %Test the null hypothesis that the sample data from each column in x comes from the same distribution. [p_k_men,tbl_k_men,stats_k_men] = kruskalwallis(men,asami1); % ,'Alpha',0.95 %The returned value of p indicates that kruskalwallis rejects the null hypothesis that all columns data %samples come from the same distribution at a 1% significance level. The ANOVA table provides additional %test results, and the box plot visually presents the summary statistics for each column in x. % For Salamati figure [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_k_men); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') % Only for GHQ questionnaire [p_k_men,tbl_k_men,stats_k_men1_4] = kruskalwallis(men(1:4),asami1(1:4)); % ,'Alpha',0.95 [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_k_men1_4); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') % Wilcoxon , Mann-Whithney = Ranksum - Instead T test [p_r_men,h_r_men,stats_r_men]=ranksum(men(:,5),men(:,6)) % Levene test x1=men(:,1); x1(:,2)=ones(length(x1),1); x2=men(:,2); x2(:,2)=2*ones(length(x2),1); x3=men(:,3); x3(:,2)=3*ones(length(x3),1); x4=men(:,4); x4(:,2)=4*ones(length(x4),1); x5=men(:,5); x5(:,2)=5*ones(length(x5),1); x6=men(:,6); x6(:,2)=6*ones(length(x6),1); X=[x1;x2;x3;x4;x5;x6]; Levenetest(X) clear x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 X % Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F=33.9834, df1= 5, df2=258 % Probability associated to the F statistic = 0.0000 % The associated probability for the F test is smaller than 0.05 % So, the assumption of homoscedasticity was not met. %%%% Only for Ctot & Dtot x5=men(:,5); x5(:,2)=1*ones(length(x5),1); x6=men(:,6); x6(:,2)=2*ones(length(x6),1); X=[x5;x6]; Levenetest(X) clear x5 x6 X % Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F=3.9405, df1= 1, df2=86 % Probability associated to the F statistic = 0.0503 % The associated probability for the F test is equal or larger than 0.05 % So, the assumption of homoscedasticity was met. %% New Structure - For Women % Sign test - Instead Pair T test [p_Women_s,h_Women_s,stats_Women_s] = signtest(Women(:,5),Women(:,6)) % h = 1 indicates that signtest reject to the null hypothesis of zero median [p_Women_sr,h_Women_sr,stats_Women_sr] = signrank(Women(:,5),Women(:,6)) % the null hypothesis that x – y comes from a distribution with zero median. % The test assumes that the data in x come from a continuous distribution symmetric about its median. % kruskalwallis test - Instead T-test & Anova %Test the null hypothesis that the sample data from each column in x comes from the same distribution. [p_k_Women,tbl_k_Women,stats_k_Women] = kruskalwallis(Women,asami1); % ,'Alpha',0.95 %The returned value of p indicates that kruskalwallis rejects the null hypothesis that all columns data %samples come from the same distribution at a 1% significance level. The ANOVA table provides additional %test results, and the box plot visually presents the summary statistics for each column in x. % For Salamati figure [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_k_Women); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') % Only for GHQ questionnaire [p_k_Women,tbl_k_Women,stats_k_Women1_4] = kruskalwallis(Women(1:4),asami1(1:4)); % ,'Alpha',0.95 figure [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_k_Women1_4); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') % Wilcoxon , Mann-Whithney = Ranksum - Instead T test [p_r_Women,h_r_Women,stats_r_Women]=ranksum(Women(:,5),Women(:,6)) % Levene test x11=Women(:,1); x11(:,2)=ones(length(x11),1); x21=Women(:,2); x21(:,2)=2*ones(length(x21),1); x31=Women(:,3); x31(:,2)=3*ones(length(x31),1); x41=Women(:,4); x41(:,2)=4*ones(length(x41),1); x51=Women(:,5); x51(:,2)=5*ones(length(x51),1); x61=Women(:,6); x61(:,2)=6*ones(length(x61),1); X=[x11;x21;x31;x41;x51;x61]; [levenetest] = Levenetest(X) clear x11 x21 x31 x41 x51 x61 X % Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F=33.5898, df1= 5, df2=342 % Probability associated to the F statistic = 0.0000 % The associated probability for the F test is smaller than 0.05 % So, the assumption of homoscedasticity was not met. %%%% Only for Ctot & Dtot x51=Women(:,5); x51(:,2)=1*ones(length(x51),1); x61=Women(:,6); x61(:,2)=2*ones(length(x61),1); X=[x51;x61]; Levenetest(X) clear x51 x61 X % Levene's Test for Equality of Variances F=0.0019, df1= 1, df2=114 % Probability associated to the F statistic = 0.9656 % The associated probability for the F test is equal or larger than 0.05 % So, the assumption of homoscedasticity was met. %% Interactions between Men & Women x1=men(:,1); x2=men(:,2); x3=men(:,3); x4=men(:,4); x5=men(:,5); x6=men(:,6); x11=Women(:,1); x21=Women(:,2); x31=Women(:,3); x41=Women(:,4); x51=Women(:,5); x61=Women(:,6); data = [x1' x2' x3' x4' x5' x6' x11' x21' x31' x41' x51' x61']; %// Create row vector with your data name1={'CA_M','CB_M','CC_M','CD_M','CTot_M','DTot_M','CA_W','CB_W','CC_W','CD_W','CTot_W','DTot_W'}; C1 = cell(1, length(x1)); C1(:) = name1(1); C2 = cell(1, length(x2)); C2(:) = name1(2); C3 = cell(1, length(x3)); C3(:) = name1(3); C4 = cell(1, length(x4)); C4(:) = name1(4); C5 = cell(1, length(x5)); C5(:) = name1(5); C6 = cell(1, length(x6)); C6(:) = name1(6); C11 = cell(1, length(x11)); C11(:) = name1(7); C21 = cell(1, length(x21)); C21(:) = name1(8); C31 = cell(1, length(x31)); C31(:) = name1(9); C41 = cell(1, length(x41)); C41(:) = name1(10); C51 = cell(1, length(x51)); C51(:) = name1(11); C61 = cell(1, length(x61)); C61(:) = name1(12); C=[C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C11 C21 C31 C41 C51 C61]; group = C; %// set the groups according to the data above [p,tbl,stats_MW] = kruskalwallis(data, group) figure [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_MW); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') %%%%% Only Ctot & Dtot x5=men(:,5); x6=men(:,6); x51=Women(:,5); x61=Women(:,6); data_1 = [x5' x6' x51' x61']; %// Create row vector with your data name1={'CTot_M','DTot_M','CTot_W','DTot_W'}; C1 = cell(1, length(x5)); C1(:) = name1(1); C2 = cell(1, length(x6)); C2(:) = name1(2); C3 = cell(1, length(x51)); C3(:) = name1(3); C4 = cell(1, length(x61)); C4(:) = name1(4); C=[C1 C2 C3 C4]; group = C; %// set the groups according to the data above [p,tbl,stats_MW_CD] = kruskalwallis(data_1, group) figure [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_MW_CD); title('Multi comparison-Post HOC test') %%%%% Only CA, CB, CC, CD for men & Women x1=men(:,1); x2=men(:,2); x3=men(:,3); x4=men(:,4); x11=Women(:,1); x21=Women(:,2); x31=Women(:,3); x41=Women(:,4); data_2 = [x1' x2' x3' x4' x11' x21' x31' x41']; %// Create row vector with your data name1={'CA_M','CB_M','CC_M','CD_M','CA_W','CB_W','CC_W','CD_W'}; C1 = cell(1, length(x1)); C1(:) = name1(1); C2 = cell(1, length(x2)); C2(:) = name1(2); C3 = cell(1, length(x3)); C3(:) = name1(3); C4 = cell(1, length(x4)); C4(:) = name1(4); C5 = cell(1, length(x11)); C5(:) = name1(5); C6 = cell(1, length(x21)); C6(:) = name1(6); C7 = cell(1, length(x31)); C7(:) = name1(7); C8 = cell(1, length(x41)); C8(:) = name1(8); C=[C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8]; group = C; %// set the groups according to the data above [p,tbl,stats_MW_C] = kruskalwallis(data_2, group) [c, m, h, gnames] = multcompare(stats_MW_C); %%%% [p_r_WM_CA,h_r_WM_CA,stats_r_WM_CA]=ranksum(men(:,1),Women(:,1)) [p_r_WM_CB,h_r_WM_CB,stats_r_WM_CB]=ranksum(men(:,2),Women(:,2)) [p_r_WM_CC,h_r_WM_CC,stats_r_WM_CC]=ranksum(men(:,3),Women(:,3)) [p_r_WM_CD,h_r_WM_CD,stats_r_WM_CD]=ranksum(men(:,4),Women(:,4)) [p_r_WM_C,h_r_WM_C,stats_r_WM_C]=ranksum(men(:,5),Women(:,5)) [p_r_WM_D,h_r_WM_D,stats_r_WM_D]=ranksum(men(:,6),Women(:,6))