Data set summary: morphological data for all 11 extant leporidae genera and the one extant ochotonidae genus. Also includes available data for extinct lagomorphs and relatives. General dentition Character 1 (M2, MW2; von Koenigswald, 1985; Martin, 2004) Hunter-Schraeger bands- --(0) absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 2 (M2, MW2; von Koenigswald, 1985; Martin, 2004) Hunter-Schraeger band layers---(0) multiple (e.g., Eurymylus), (1) single (e.g., Lepus). Character 3 (new) Incisor shape---(0) root and incisor crown are straight and continuous in length (e.g., Tupaia) (1) root and crown form a continuous curve, in which for upper incisors the root leaves the alveolus directed anteriorly and the crown gradually bends back in a posterior direction (e.g., Lepus). Character 4 (M22) Incisor compression---(0) conical (Tupaia), (1) anteroposteriorly compressed (e.g., Lepus), (2) transversely compressed (e.g., Mimotona), or (3) with flat, square-shaped anterior surface (Tsaganomys). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 3 for this character. Lower dentition Character 5 (M1, MW3) Enamel distribution in anterior lower dentition--(0) surrounds tooth (e.g., Tupaia), (1) discontinuous posteriorly (e.g., Lepus). Character 6 (ordered; M8, M11, MW6) Lower anterior tooth size---(0) small-rooted (e.g., Tupaia), (1) hypsodont and extending posteriorly below p2-m1 (e.g., Sylvilagus), (2) hypsodont and extending posteriorly below m3 (e.g., Mimotona). Character 7 (M12, MW12) incisor replacement---(0) uncalcified (e.g., Macropus), (1) present (e.g., Tupaia), (2) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 8 (M16, MW13) i3 occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 9 (M20) i4 occurence---(0) present (e.g., Didelphis), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Not that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 10 (M84, MW55) lower diastema---(0) small (e.g., Tupaia), (1) large (e.g., Lepus). Character 11 (M25, MW19) lower canine occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 12 (M26, MW20) lower canine roots---(0) two-rooted, (1) one-rooted (e.g., Tupaia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 13 (M27, MW21) lower p1 occurrence---(0) present, (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 14 (M29, MW23) lower p2 occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 15 (M32, MW26) lower p3 occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Mus). Character 16 (M33, MW27) lower p3 shape---(0) with longitudinal main cusp (e.g., Tupaia), (1) with metaconid, (2) with transverse rudiment trigonid and talonid (e.g., Eurymylus), or (3) enlarged with enamel folds (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 17 (M36) lower p4 occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Mus). Character 18 (ordered; M37, MW29) p4 trigonid shape---(0) single cusp (e.g., Plesiadapis), (1) bicuspid (e.g., Eurymylus), (2) tricuspid (e.g., Tupaia), (3) ridged (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 19 (M38) p4 protostylid occurrence---(0) absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Gregorymys). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 20 (M39, MW30) p4 talonid shape---(0) simple or unbasined (e.g., Tupaia), (1) tricuspid (e.g., Leptictis). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 21 (ordered; M50, MW34) Cheek teeth height---(0) brachydont (e.g., Mus), (1) unilaterally hypsodont (e.g., Eurymylus), (2) hypsodont (e.g., Lepus). Character 22 (ordered; M52, MW39) lower toothrow occlusal size---(0) increases posteriorly, with posterior cheek teeth larger in size than anterior cheek teeth (e.g., Eurymylus), (1) equal in size anterior and posterior (e.g., Gomphos), (2) increases anteriorly, with anterior cheek teeth larger in size than posterior cheek teeth (e.g., Mus). Character 23 (M66) lower molar cusps labial to protoconid---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Mus). Character 24 (M71) lower molar ectolophid occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 25 (M73, MW49) lower molar trigonid height---(0) higher than talonid (e.g., Eurymylus), (1) similar in height to talonid (e.g., Lepus). Character 26 (M74, MW50) lower molar posterior wall of trigonid---(0) absent (e.g., Mus), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 27 (ordered; M75) lower m1 anteroconid---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) single (Cricetops), (2) bilobed (e.g., Mus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 28 (ordered; M77, MW51) lower molar paraconid---(0) distinct (e.g., Tupaia) (1) small (e.g., Macropus), (2) absent (e.g., Mus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 29 (ordered; M78, MW52) lower molar metaconid---(0) anterior to protoconid (e.g., Mus), (1) aligned with protoconid (e.g., Lepus), (2) posterior to protoconid (e.g., Castor). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Character 30 (M79) lower molar mesoconid---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Gomphos). Character 31 (M80, MW53) lower molar talonid basin---(0) indistinct (e.g., Dipodomys), (1) broad (e.g., Mimotona), (2) filled entoconid (e.g., Mus), (3) filled hypolophid (e.g., Castor), (4) bilophodont (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature states 0 or 3 for this character. Character 32 (M81) lower molar entoconid---(0) posterior-opposite hypoconid (e.g., Lepus), (1) anterior to hypoconid (Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 33 (ordered; M82) lower molar hypolophid---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (Castor), (2) large (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 or 2 for this character Character 34 (M47, MW36) occurrence of m3--- (0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Prolagus). Character 35 (M83, MW56) m3 hypoconulid (0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Mus). Character 36 occurrence of m4---(0) present (e.g., Didelphis), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0. Dentary Character 37 (ordered; M85, MW68) mandibular condyle height---(0) even with occlusal surface of toothrow (e.g., Didelphis), (1) posterodorsal and slightly higher than toothrow (e.g., Mus), (2) distance dorsal to toothrow greater than molar length (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0. Character 38 (M86, MW69) mandibular ramus. Ramus of dentary (0) slender and long (e.g., Tupaia), or (1) deep and short (e.g., Lepus) Character 39 (M86, MW69) mandibular symphysis---(0) tapered (e.g., Lepus), (1) deep (e.g,., Adapis). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1. Character 40 (M87) number of mental foramina---(0) two or more (e.g., Lepus), (1) single (e.g., Mus). Character 41 (M88, MW70) coronoid process---(0) large, surface area exceeds that of mandibular condyle (e.g., Gomphos), (1) surface area similar to or smaller than mandibular condyle (e.g., Mus), (2) small and present lateral to m3 (e.g., Cavia), (3) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2. Character 42 (M89, MW71) angular process size---(0) small, tip does not taper appreciably vs. base (e.g., Tupaia), (1) large, base much wider than tip (e.g., Lepus). Character 43 (ordered; M90) angular process position---(0) medially inflected (e.g., Mus), (1) within plane of mandibular corpus (e.g., Lepus), (2) laterally inflected (e.g., Myocastor). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2. Character 44 (ordered; M91, MW72) masseteric fossa on lateral side of mandibular ramus---(0) posterior to cheek teeth (e.g., Eurymylus), (1) below m3 (e.g., Lepus), (2) below m2 (e.g., Erethizon), (3) below p4-m1 (e.g., Mus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2. Character 45 (M92) protuberance of incisor on mandible---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Glis). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1. Character 46 (M93) shape of mandibular condyle---(0) ovoid (e.g., Gomphos), (1) transversely cylindrical (e.g., Tupaia), (2) anteroposteriorly elongate (e.g., Lepus). Character 47 (M94) coronoid canal occurrence---(0) absent (e.g., Palaeolagus), (1) present (e.g., Lepus) Character 48 (M95) mandibular foramen position---(0) opens at level inferior to toothrow (e.g., Romerolagus), (1) opens at same level as or higher than toothrow (e.g., Lepus). Upper dentition Character 49 enamel distribution on anterior upper dentition---(0) surrounds tooth (e.g., Tupaia), (1) discontinuous posteriorly (e.g., Lepus). Character 50 (M4, MW54) upper diastema---(0) small (e.g., Tupaia), (1) longer than molar toothrow (e.g., Mus). Character 51 (M14, MW11) Upper anterior tooth surface---(0) smooth (e.g., Mus), (1) grooved (e.g., Ochotona). Character 52 (ordered; M10, M13, MW8, MW10) Anterior upper incisor size---(0) small and rooted (e.g., Tupaia), (1) hypsodont with root extending into premaxilla (e.g., Lepus), (2) hypsodont with root extending into maxilla (e.g., Mus), (3) hypsodont with root extending to orbit (Tsaganomys). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 3 for this character. Character 53 (M17, MW15) I3 occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Tupaia). Character 54 (M18, MW16) I3 position---(0) lateral to adjacent tooth (e.g., Didelphis), (1) posterior to adjacent tooth (e.g., Gomphos), (2) reduced and posterior to adjacent tooth (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 55 (M19) I4 occurrence---(0) present, (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 56 (M21) I5 occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Didelphis), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 57 (M23, MW17) upper canine occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia) (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 58 (M24, MW18) upper canine roots---(0) two-rooted, (1) one-rooted (e.g., Tupaia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 59 (M28, MW22) first upper premolar occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Didelphis), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 60 (M30, MW24) second upper premolar occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Mus). Character 61 (M31, MW25) P2 shape---(0) bladelike (e.g., Tupaia), (1) conical (e.g., Mimotona), (2) triangular (e.g., Anagale), (3) hypsodont with an enamel fold (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Character 62 (M34) third upper premolar occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Mus). Character 63 (M35, MW28) P3 shape---(0) large and triangular (e.g., Tupaia), (1) oval and multicuspid (e.g., Eurymylus), (2) small and conical (e.g., Marmota), (3) high-crowned (e.g., Lepus), (4) bilobed (e.g., Petrodromus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature states 2 or 4 for this character. Character 64 (M40) fourth upper premolar occurrence---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Mus). Character 65 (M41) P4 size---(0) smaller or equal in size to M1 (e.g., Tupaia), (1) larger than M1 (e.g., Castor). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 66 (M42, MW31) P4 buccal cusp---(0) single (e.g., Tupaia), (1) metacone small (e.g., Eurymylus), (2) paracone and metacone present and similar in size (e.g., Mimotona). Character 67 (M43) Styles on P4---(0) absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Florentiamys). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 68 (M44, MW32) anterior and posterior crests on P4---(0) weak (e.g., Tupaia), (1) ridges with cusp (e.g., Gomphos), (2) ridges with no cusp (e.g., Ochotona). Character 69 (M45, MW33) P4 hypocone---(0) absent (e.g., Gomphos), (1) present (e.g., Tupaia), (2) transversely extended (e.g., Lepus), (3) antero-posteriorly extended (e.g., Petrodromus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 3 for this character. Character 70 (M46, MW35) Upper molar labial cingulum---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 71 (ordered; M49, MW38) relative size of upper cheek teeth---(0) anteriorly large, with P4-M1 larger than M3 (e.g., Lepus), (1) toothrow similar in size throughout (e.g.,Tupaia), (2) posteriorly large, with M3 larger than P4-M1 (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Character 72 (M51) upper tooth row orientation---(0) parallel (e.g., Lepus), (1) convergent anteriorly (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 73 (M53, MW40) upper molar crown shape---(0) triangular (e.g., Tupaia), (1) buccolingually wide (e.g., Lepus), (2) quadrate (e.g., Caprolagus), (3) mesodistally long (e.g., Mus). Character 74 (M54, MW41) molar precingulum---(0) weak-absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) anterior edge (e.g., Mus), (2) confluent with protocone (e.g., Castor), (3) comprises biggest loph of tooth (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature states 2 or 3 for this character. Character 75 (M55, MW42) upper molar lingual cingulum---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Sylvilagus). Character 76 (M56, MW43) upper molar protoloph---(0) weak (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 77 (ordered; M57) upper molar posteroloph---(0) weak-absent (e.g., Mus), (1) distinct (e.g., Eurymylus), (2) transverse ridge (e.g., Lepus). Character 78 (M58, MW44) trigon---(0) basined (e.g., Mus), (1) divided by mesoloph (e.g., Castor), (2) anteroposteriorly compressed (e.g,. Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 79 (M59, MW45) upper molar centrocrista---(0) present (e.g., Petrodromus), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 80 (M60) upper molar mesostyle---(0) absent (e.g., Mus), (1) present (e.g., Tupaia). Character 81 (M61, MW46) upper molar protocone---(0) conical (e.g., Tupaia), (1) ridged and V-shaped (e.g., Mimolagus), (2) ridged and anteroposteriorly compressed (e.g., Ochotona), (3) U-shaped (e.g., Anagale). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 3 for this character. Character 82 (M62, MW47) upper molar conules---(0) weak-absent (e.g., Mus), (1) distinct (e.g., Gomphos). Character 83 (M63, MW48) upper molar paracone and metacone---(0) indistinct (e.g., Mus), (1) present (e.g., Gomphos). Character 84 (A110) upper molar stylar region---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) reduced (e.g., Lepus). Character 85 (M64) upper molar hypocone occurrence---(0) weak-absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) strong (e.g., Lepus). Character 86 (M65) upper molar cusps lingual to protocone---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Mus). Character 87 (M67) upper molar mesolophule---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 88 (M76) upper molar anterocone---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Mus). Character 89 (M48, MW37) occurrence of upper M3---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Ochotona). Character 90 occurrence of upper M4---(0) present (e.g., Didelphis), (1) absent (e.g., Ochotona) Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Palate Character 91 (ordered; M96, MW57) incisive foramina---(0) anteriorly situated and oval (e.g., Didelphis), (1) anteroposteriorly elongate (e.g., Mus), (2) large and posteriorly expansive (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 92 (M109, POM of Wahlert, 1974) posterior maxillary notch---(0) open (e.g., Lepus), (1) notched (e.g., Petrodromus), (2) forms closed foramen (e.g., Tupaia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 93 (M120) transverse constriction of palate---(0) absent (e.g., Didelphis), (1) present (e.g., Thomomys). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 94 (M131, MW64) hard palate length---(0) long (e.g., Mimotona), (1) short (e.g., Lepus). Character 95 (new): angle between the upper diastema and the occipital plane (facial tilt) (Kraatz et al. 2015) – -- (0) more obtuse: >39.9° (e.g., Ochotona) (Fig. 1 A1), (1) more acute: <39.9° (e.g., Pronolagus) (Fig. 1 A2). The non-leporids included in the taxon list are defined as having more obtuse facial tilt angles. For leporid species, a species is defined by having a more obtuse degree of facial tilt if the median angle between the upper diastema and the occipital plane is greater than 39.9°. They are defined as having a more acute degree of facial tilt if the median angle between the upper diastema and occipital plane of a species is less than 39.9°. This character is based on data collected by Kraatz et al. (2015). It was found by Kraatz et al (2015) that leporid lagomorph species that locomote in a specialised, cursorial or saltatorial, way generally exhibit a more acute degree of facial tilting than those who locomote in a more generalised way. Therefore, leporid lagomorphs can be grouped into one or the other of these categories. Rostrum Character 96 (ordered; M97, A95) infraorbital canal length---(0) short, i.e., smaller in length than anteroposterior length of upper M1 (e.g., Lepus), (1) longer than anteroposterior length of upper M1 (e.g., Tupaia), (2) anteriorly extended such that the anterior foramen approaches the suture with the premaxilla (e.g., Florentiamys). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Character 97 (M98, A96) infraorbital foramen diameter---(0) small and circular (e.g., Lepus), (1) small and compressed (e.g., Marmota), (2) sunken (Thomomys), (3) large (e.g., Cavia), (4) keyhole-shaped (e.g., Mus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature states 1, 2 or 3 for this character. Character 98 (Wible et al. 2004: 115, A97) posterior entrance to infraorbital canal (maxillary foramen)---(0) flat (e.g., Lepus), (1) depression evident for groove leading up to maxillary foramen (e.g., Mus). Character 99 (A98) number of lacrimal foramina---(0) single (e.g., Lepus), (1) multiple (e.g., Tupaia). Character 100 (M101, A99) position of lacrimal foramen relative to orbit---(0) in orbit (e.g., Lepus), (1) anterior to orbit (e.g., Mus). Character 101 (M102, A100) position of lacrimal foramen relative to cranial elements---(0) in lacrimal (e.g., Tupaia), (1) between lacrimal and maxilla (e.g, Lepus), (2) in maxilla (e.g., Mus). Character 102 (M103, A101) nasolacrimal canal---(0) unrelated to incisor (e.g., Tupaia), (1) lateral to incisor (e.g., Lepus), (2) medial to incisor (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Character 103 (M104, A102) lateral vacuity of nasolacrimal canal---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 104 (M135, A103) lacrimal presence---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent or membranous (e.g., Mus). Character 105 (M134, A104) lacrimal projection---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Oryctolagus). Character 106 (M136, A105) lacrimal facial process---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) reduced (e.g., Lepus). Character 107 (M137, A106) lacrimal-jugal contact---(0) present (e.g., Didelphis), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 108 (M118, MW63, A107) premaxilla size---(0) no frontal contact (e.g., Tupaia), (1) frontal contact (e.g., Mus), (2) needle contact, with a narrow process from the premaxilla extending posteriorly to articulate with the frontal (e.g., Lepus). Character 109 (M117, MW65, A108) premaxilla-frontal suture---(0) simple (e.g., Lepus), (1) interdigitating (e.g., Mus). Character 110 (M144, A109) anterior projection of frontal between nasal and premaxilla---(0) absent (e.g., Mus), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 111 (M116, A110) shape of nasals---(0) narrow anteriorly, expanded posteriorly (e.g., Tupaia), (1) narrow with sides parallel (e.g., Ochotona), (2) narrow posteriorly, expanded anteriorly (e.g., Mus), (3) broad throughout with rounded posterior margin (e.g., Mimolagus), (4) broad posteriorly with V-shaped frontal articulation (e.g,. Lepus). Character 112 (M121, MW66, A111) lateral fenestration of maxilla---(0) absent (e.g., Mimotona), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 113 lateral fenestration of maxilla (if present)--- (0) large single opening occurring above the line of the bony remnant of the lacrimal duct (e.g., Ochotona) (Fig. 1 B1), (1) a latticework of small openings occurring above the line of the bony remnant of the lacrimal duct (reduced) (e.g., Oryctolagus) (Fig. 1 B2), (2) a latticework of small openings occurring above and below the line of the bony remnant of the lacrimal duct (advanced) (e.g., Lepus) (Fig. 1 B3). These states are based on observations by Wible (2007). It was felt that a multi-state character was needed to expand on the original character for lateral fenestration of the maxilla (character M121, MW66, A111). This character is coded as inapplicable for those without lateral fenestration of the maxilla. Character 114 (M122, MW67, A112) antorbital fossa---(0) flat (e.g., Lepus), (1) distinctive (e.g., Didelphis). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 115 (ordered; M126, A113) zygomatic plate---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) fossa extends to infraorbital foramen (e.g., Mus), (2) fossa extends anterior to infraorbital foramen (e.g., Marmota), (3) fossa extends to incisors (e.g., Florentiamys). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature states 2 or 3 for this character. Character 116 (ordered; M123, MW58, A114) anterior root of zygomatic arch---(0) posterior to M2 (e.g., Tupaia), (1) adjacent to M1-M2 (e.g., Lepus), (2) anterior to M1 (e.g., Mus). Character 117 (ordered; M124, MW59, A115) ventral projection of maxilla on zygomatic arch-- -(0) absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Lepus), (2) present and double (e.g., Rhombomylus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Character 118 (M143, A116) ventral projection of jugal on zygomatic arch---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Rhombomylus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 119 (M138, A117) jugal-maxilla contact---(0) overlap (e.g., Gomphos), (1) edge-toedge contact (e.g., Castor). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 120 (M142, A118) dorsal process of jugal---(0) weak-absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) strong (e.g., Tupaia). Character 121 (ordered; M125, MW60, A119) zygomatic fossa---(0) absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Lepus), (2) broad (e.g., Rhombomylus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Character 122 (M129, A120) anteroventral rim of orbit---(0) round (e.g., Ochotona), (1) squared (e.g., Lepus). Character 123 (M133, A121) palatine-lacrimal contact---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 124 (Ash50, A122) optic foramen presence---(0) absent (e.g., Didelphis), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 125 (M100, MW73, A123) optic foramen connection---(0) foramina on each side of skull separate (e.g., Mus), (1) foramina on opposite sides confluent (e.g., Oryctolagus). Character 126 (M127, MW74, A124) position of anterior margin of orbit---(0) above M1 or posterior (e.g., Oryctolagus), (1) above P4 or anterior (e.g., Lepus). Character 127 (M128, A125) orbit orientation---(0) lateral, opposite each other (e.g., Lepus), (1) anteriorly convergent (e.g., ). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 128 (M130, A126) root exposure in orbit floor---(0) absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 129 (M132, A127) orbital wall of palatine---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 130 (M150, A128) orbital process of alisphenoid---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) reduced (e.g.,). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 131 (ordered; M45, MW75, A129) postorbital process of frontal---(0) absent (e.g., Oryctolagus), (1) present (e.g., Lepus), (2) ring (e.g., Tupaia). Character 132 (M113, A130) supraorbital notch---(0) absent (e.g., Bunolagus), (1) present (e.g., Oryctolagus), (2) closed to form foramen (e.g., Tupaia). Character 133 (M151, A131) alisphenoid-frontal contact---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Mus). Character 134 (M152, A132) alisphenoid-parietal contact---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent due to squamosal-frontal contact (e.g., Lepus). Character 135 (M108, A 133) sphenopalatine foramen---(0) opens within palatine (e.g., Lepus), (1) opens at palatine-maxilla suture (e.g., Mus), (2) opens within maxilla (e.g., ), (3) opens at maxilla-orbitosphenoid suture (e.g., Sylvilagus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Basicranium Character 136 (new) presence of an intracranial joint --- (0) absent (e.g., Ochotona), (1) present (e.g., Lepus) (Fig. 1C). The intracranial joint is located along the occipito-partietal union dorsally and continues down either side of the braincase between the squamosal and the otic complex. In Oryctolagus, who have an unfused interparietal bone, the joint is diverted around the posterior edge of the interparietal. Mid-ventrally, it is completed by a union at the basioccipital-basisphenoid articulation (Bramble 1989). Character 137 (M112, A134) sphenopalatine vacuity---(0) absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 138 (ordered; M139, A135) posterior process of the jugal---(0) absent, does not extend posterior to glenoid fossa for the dentary (e.g., Mus), (1) extends posterior to the glenoid (e.g., Lepus), (2) elongate, extends by at least a molar toothrow length posteriorly past glenoid (e.g., Ochotona). Character 139 (ordered; M141, A136) jugal contribution to glenoid fossa---(0) absent, jugal restricted anterior to glenoid (e.g., Tupaia), (1) jugal reaches anterolateral corner of glenoid (e.g., Mus), (2) jugal comprises lateral wall of glenoid (e.g., Lepus). Character 140 (M149, A137) glenoid fossa position---(0) near auditory region (e.g., Tupaia), (1) anterodorsal to auditory region (e.g., Lepus). Character 141 (M147, MW61, A138) glenoid fossa shape---(0) transverse and concave (e.g., Tupaia), (1) flat (e.g., Petrodromus), (2) anteroposteriorly elongate and concave (e.g., Mus), (3) anteroposteriorly short (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 142 (ordered; M148, MW62, A139) occurrence of postglenoid process---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) rudimentary (e.g., Petrodromus), (2) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 143 (M99, A140) postglenoid foramen---(0) in glenoid fossa (e.g., Zalambdalestes), (1) posterior to postglenoid process (e.g., Tupaia), (2) on lateral aspect of skull (e.g., Lepus), (3) concealed by bulla (e.g., Cynocephalus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature states 0 or 3 for this character. Chapter 144 (M105, A141) foramen ovale---(0) opens between alisphenoid and squamosal (e.g., Tupaia), (1) opens within alisphenoid (e.g., Mus), (2) opens between alisphenoid and petrosal (e.g., Lepus). Chapter 145 (M111, A142) sphenopterygoid canal---(0) absent (e.g., Mus), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Chapter 146 (M110, A143) alisphenoid canal---(0) absent (e.g., Sylvilagus), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Chapter 147 (Wible et al. 2004: 115, A144) basisphenoid ridge---(0) ventrally flat (e.g., Gomphos), (1) anteroposteriorly elongate ventral ridge (e.g., Ochotona), (2) basisphenoid is mediolaterally constricted and rodlike (e.g., Thomomys). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Chapter 148 (M114, A145) mastoid foramen---(0) two foramina within mastoid (e.g., Zalambdalestes), (1) single foramen within mastoid (e.g., Rhombomylus), (2) foramen at mastoid-supraoccipital suture (e.g., Mus), (3) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature states 0 or 1 for this character. Chapter 149 (M155, A146) inflation of mastoid---(0) small, uninflated (e.g., Lepus), (1) pneumatized, inflated (e.g., Chinchilla). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Chapter 150 (Wible et al. 2004: 115, A147) base of entopterygoid crest---(0) anterodorsal to ventral tip of pterygoid (e.g., Lepus), (1) posterodorsal to ventral tip of pterygoid (e.g., Oryctolagus). Middle ear Character 151 (M153, A148) hamulus-bulla approximation---(0) separate (e.g., Lepus), (1) hamulus extends to level of bulla (e.g., Mus). Character 152 (Ash.13, A149) piriform fenestra---(0) absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 153 (Wible et al. 2004: 115, A150) basisphenoid process within piriform fenestra--- (0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Zalambdalestes). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 154 (M159, A151) ectotympanic eartube---(0) not elongate, ectotympanic ring-shaped (e.g., Tupaia), (1) ectotympanic expanded into eartube (e.g., Lepus). Character 155 (M160, Ash.27, A152) external auditory meatus---(0) ovoid (e.g., Lepus), (1) notched (e.g., ). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 156 (ordered; M161, A153) internal bullar septae---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Prolagus), (2) spongy (e.g., Ochotona). Character 157 (M162, MW77, A154) alisphenoid contribution to auditory bulla---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Didelphis). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 158 (M163, A155) ectotympanic contribution to bulla---(0) absent (e.g., Didelphis), (1) expanded to form bullar wall (e.g., Lepus) Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 159 (M164, A156) entotympanic contribution to bulla---(0) small-absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Tupaia). Characher 160 (ordered; M165, A157) entotympanic contribution to bulla---(0) small-absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Petrodromus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 161 (Ash.7, Wible et al. 2004, A158) crista interfenestralis---(0) petrosal between fenestrae vestibuli and cochleae is flat (e.g., Lepus), (1) strut of bone continuous with the petromastoid, defining the stapedius fossa medially, separates the fenestrae vestibuli and cochleae (e.g., Zalambdalestes). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 162 (M166, Wible, 1986, A159) course of distal internal carotid relative to petrosal--- (0) transpromontorial groove (e.g., Palaeolagus), (1) transpromontorial canal (e.g., Tupaia), (2) sulcus medial to promontory (e.g., Ochotona), (3) canal medial to promontory (e.g., Lepus), (4) artery absent (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 4 for this character. Character 163 (M168, A160) course of proximal internal carotid artery relative to fenestra cochleae---(0) does not ventrally shield fenestra cochleae (e.g., Lepus), (1) ventral to fenestra cochleae. Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 164 (M167, A161) stapedial sulcus on petrosal---(0) sulcus on promontory (e.g., Mus), (1) bony canal on petrosal (e.g., Tupaia), (2) impression absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 165 (M169, A162) facial nerve canal---(0) exposed in roof of middle ear (e.g., Lepus), (1) canal enclosed within middle ear (e.g., Ochotona). Character 166 (M170, A163) squamosal participation in epitympanic recess---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Sylvilagus). Character 167 (M171, A164) bony coverage of the tensor tympani muscle origin---(0) uncovered (e.g., Lepus), (1) deep fossa (e.g., Eurymylus). Character 168 (M172, A165) meato-cochlear bridge---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Sciurus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 169 (M173, A166) fenestra cochleae position---(0) posteroventral to the fenestra vestibuli (e.g., Lepus), (1) lateral to fenestra vestibuli (e.g., Gomphos). Braincase Character 170 (M156, A167) mastoid exposure on skull roof---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Rhombomylus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 171 (M157, A168) mastoid exposure on occiput---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 172 (M154, A169) interparietal occurrence---(0) absent (e.g., Tupaia), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 173 (new) interparietal state (if present)---(0) unfused (e.g., Oryctolagus), (1) fused (e.g., Lepus) Character 174 (M115, A170) skull shape---(0) flat, ventral rim of foramen magnum on same transverse plane as maxillary teeth (e.g., Ochotona), (1) arched, ventral rim of foramen magnum ventral to maxillary teeth (e.g., Lepus). Axial skeleton Character 175 (M174, A171) intercentrum and arches of atlas---(0) unfused, with suture apparent within body of axis (e.g., ), (1) fused, without suture (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 176 (M175, A172) joint axis body---(0) unfused, with suture within body of axis (e.g., Sylvilagus), (1) fused, without suture (e.g., Lepus). Pectoral girdle and forelimb Character 177 (M177, A173) neck of scapula---(0) short (e.g., Tupaia), (1) long (e.g., Ochotona). Character 178 (M178, A174) acromion---(0) reaches distal to glenoid articulation with humerus (e.g., Tupaia), (1) remains proximal to glenoid (e.g., Lepus). Character 179 (M179, A175) greater tuberosity of humerus---(0) ventral to humeral head (e.g., Mus), (1) even or dorsal to humeral head (e.g., Lepus). Character 180 (M180, A176) entepicondylar foramen---(0) present (e.g., Tupaia), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 181 (M181, A177) radial fossa---(0) shallow (e.g., Mus), (1) medial groove (e.g., Lepus). Character 182 (M182, A178) supratrochlear foramen---(0) distal humerus solid (e.g., Tupaia), (1) fenestrated in olecranon fossa (e.g., Lepus). Character 183 (M183, A179) ulnar reduction---(0) continuous between elbow and carpus (e.g., Lepus), (1) ulna tapers proximal to the carpus (e.g., Cynocephalus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 184 (M184, A180) posterior edge of proximal ulna---(0) convex posteriorly (e.g., Palaeolagus), (1) flat or concave posteriorly (e.g., Lepus). Character 185 (M185, Meng et al. 2003: fig. 58, A181) central process of radial head---(0) small or absent (e.g., Mus), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 186 (M186, A182) ulnar facet of radial head---(0) convex and ovoid (e.g., Mus), (1) flat (e.g., Lepus). Character 187 (M188, A183) scaphoid and lunate---(0) separate (e.g., Lepus), (1) fused (e.g., Mus). Character 188 (M189, A184) centrale---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Didelphis). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Pelvic girdle and hindlimb Character 189 (M190, A185) epipubic bones---(0) present (e.g., Didelphis), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 190 (M191, A186) articular surface of femoral head---(0) extended posterolaterally (e.g., Lepus), (1) limited to sphere of femoral head (e.g., Mus). Character 191 (M192, A187) greater trochanter position---(0) lower than femoral head (e.g., Erethizon), (1) higher than femoral head (e.g., Didelphis). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 192 (M195, A188) third trochanter---(0) present (e.g., Lepus), (1) absent (e.g., Didelphis). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 193 (M197, A189) distal femur---(0) similarly sized in anteroposterior and mediolateral dimensions (e.g., Tupaia), (1) longer anteroposteriorly than mediolaterally (e.g., Lepus). Character 194 (M198, A190) proximal tibia and fibula---(0) separate (e.g., Lepus), (1) fused (e.g., Mus). Character 195 (ordered; M199, A191) distal tibia and fibula---(0) separate (e.g., Tupaia), (1) fused distally (e.g., Mus), (2) fused at midshaft (e.g., Lepus). Character 196 (M200, H84, A192) articulation between femur and fibula---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Didelphis). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 197 (M201, A193) fibula size---(0) robust (e.g., Gomphos), (1) thin (e.g., Lepus). Character 198 (M202, A194) tibial malleolus---(0) prominent (e.g., Gomphos), (1) reduced (e.g., Lepus), (2) with convex articular facet for astragalus (e.g., Petrodromus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Character 199 (M203, A195) posterior process on distal tibia---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Sylvilagus). Character 200 (M204, A196) astragalar trochlea---(0) absent (e.g., Didelphis), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 201 (M205, A197) lateral ridge of astragalar trochlea---(0) higher than medial trochlear ridge (e.g., Lepus), (1) similar in height to medial trochlear ridge (e.g., Tupaia). Character 202 (M206, A198) posterior trochlear shelf of astragalus---(0) reduced (e.g., Lepus), (1) strong (e.g., Sylvilagus). Character 203 (M207, A199) ventral limit of the articular surface of the astragalar trochlea---(0) at or dorsal to posterior midpoint of astragalar body (e.g., Tupaia), (1) ventral to posterior midpoint of astragalar body (e.g., Lepus). Character 204 (M208; Geisler 2001: fig. 4, A200) lateral process of astragalus---(0) present (e.g., Didelphis), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 205 (M209, A201) astragalofibular facet---(0) sloping (e.g., Didelphis), (1) dorsoventrally flat (e.g., Lepus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 0 for this character. Character 206 (M210, A202) dosal astragalar foramen---(0) present (e.g., Mimolagus), (1) absent (e.g., Lepus). Character 207 (M211, H201, A203) astragalar sustentacular facet orientation---(0) restricted to ventral aspect of astragalus (e.g., Lepus), (1) extends also to medial aspect of astragalus (e.g., Oryctolagus). Character 208 (M212, A204) contact between sustentacular and navicular facets of astragalus--- (0) separate (e.g., Sylvilagus), (1) confluent (e.g., Tupaia). Character 209 (M213, A205) orientation of calcaneoastragalar and sustentacular facet long axes- --(0) angled (e.g., Tupaia), (1) parallel (e.g., Lepus). Character 210 (ordered; M214, A206) astragalar neck length---(0) shorter than astragalar body width (e.g., Mimolagus), (1) similar in length as astragalar body width (e.g., Ochotona), (2) longer than astragalar body width (e.g., Sylvilagus). Character 211 (M215, A207) astragalonavicular facet orientation---(0) wider transversely than dorsoventrally (e.g., Lepus), (1) wider dorsoventrally than transversely (e.g., Ochotona). Character 212 (M216, A208) facet for cuboid on astragalus---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) present (e.g., Mimolagus). Character 213 (Bleefeld and Bock, 2002, A209) calcaneal canal---(0) absent (e.g., Sylvilagus), (1) present (e.g., Ochotona). Character 214 (M217, A210) calcaneal width---(0) broad with sustentacular and ectal facets extending away from body of calcaneus (e.g., Mus), (1) narrow with sustentacular and ectal facets in line with calcaneal long axis (e.g., Lepus). Character 215 (M218, H125, A211) calcaneofibular contact---(0) absent (e.g., Mus), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 216 (M219, A212) calcalneoastragalar (ectal) facet on calcaneus---(0) diagonal to long axis of calcaneus (e.g., Mus), (1) parallel to long axis of calcaneus (e.g., Lepus), (2) facet short with no clear orientation (e.g., Petrodromus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 2 for this character. Character 217 (M220, A213) position of calcaneoastragalar (ectal) facet---(0) towards distal end of calcaneal body (e.g., Mus), (1) at midpoint of calcaneal body (e.g., Lepus). Character 218 (M221, A214) position of the sustentacular facet relative to the ectal facet---(0) anteromedial to and separated from the ectal facet by sulcus (e.g., Mus), (1) sustentacular facet directly medial to ectal facet (e.g., Ochotona). Character 219 (M222, A215) contact between navicular and calcaneus---(0) absent (e.g., Ochotona), (1) present (e.g., Lepus). Character 220 (M223, A216) cuboid length---(0) long axis shorter than that of astragalus (e.g., Lepus), (1) cuboid long axis longer than that of astragalus (e.g., Rhynchocyon).Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 221 (M224, A217) medial tarsal sesamoid bone---(0) absent (e.g., Lepus), (1) prominent sesamoid bone present in ligaments medial to astragalar neck and head (e.g., Mus). Character 222 (M225; Meng et al. 2004: fig.10, A218) plantar process of navicular---(0) short (e.g., Mus), (1) elongate, approaching or exceeding size of articular surface for the astragalus (e.g., Lepus). Character 223 (A178, adapted from M226, A219) digital ray I---(0) weight bearing with distal phalanx extending distally to metatarsal-phalangeal joint of digit II (e.g., Mus), (1) reduced and non-weight bearing (e.g., Lepus). Character 224 (Ash.179, A220)pedal digital ray II---(0) weight bearing with distal phalanx extending close to other distal phalanges, and metatarsal not reduced in caliber relative to other digits (e.g., Lepus), (1) reduced and non-weight bearing (e.g., Macropus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 225 (Ash.180, A221) pedal digital ray III---(0) weight bearing with distal phalanx extending close to other distal phalanges, and metatarsal not reduced in caliber relative to other digits (e.g., Didelphis), (1) reduced and non-weight bearing (e.g., Macropus). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 226 (Ash.181, A222) pedal digital ray IV---(0) weight bearing with distal phalanx extending close to other distal phalanges, and metatarsal not reduced in caliber relative to other digits (e.g., Didelphis), (1) reduced and non-weight bearing (all taxa sampled in this study possess a weight-bearing digit IV). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 227 (Ash.182; adapted from M227, A223) pedal digital ray V---(0) weight bearing with distal phalanx extending close to other distal phalanges, and metatarsal not reduced in caliber relative to other digits (e.g., Didelphis), (1) reduced and non-weight bearing (e.g., Cavia). Note that no taxa included in this matrix feature state 1 for this character. Character 228 (A184, A224) metatarsal length---(0) not more than 200% proximal phalanx length (e.g., Tupaia), (1) at least twice the length of proximal phalanges (e.g., Lepus). Four characters have been deleted (as follows) because they primarily served to differentiate between marsupial and placental soft tissues and were therefore not relevant to the current project: - Character 225 (A188; Lillegraven, 1969, 1985) Trophoblast---(0) absent, (1) present. One of the defining features of placental mammals is the presence of a trophoblast, a barrier surrounding an inner cell mass (and later developing embryo), which protects the embryo from immunological attack (state 1, e.g., Rattus). This function in non-placental mammals such as Macropus is carried out by a "shell membrane" throughout the first two-thirds of pregnancy (state 0). - Character 226 (A189; Lillegraven, 1969) Maternal-fetal nutrient exchange---(0) choriovitelline, (1) chorioallantoic. As discussed by Lillegraven (1969: 104), the taxonomic term "placental" as distinct from "marsupial" is slightly misleading, since pregnant female marsupials possess a placenta that is indispensable to a developing embryo. In the choriovitelline placenta of Didelphis, the yolk sac is relatively large and the allantois does not have intimate contact with extra-embryonic tissue. Maternal nutrients from uterine milk are acquired by vitelline blood supply to the yolk sac (state 0). In contrast, the chorioallantoic placenta present in extant eutherians (e.g., Homo) shows a much greater association between maternal and fetal tissues, with exchange of maternal nutrients occuring through umbilical vessels (at first via the allantoic stalk and later the umbilical cord) that disperse throughout the trophoblast (state 1). - Character 227 (A192; Lillegraven, 1984). Gestation time relative to body mass---(0) short, (1) long. A marsupial with the same body size as a placental mammal will have a markedly shorter period of embryonic intrauterine development (e.g., Macropus, state 0), not known to exceed 7 weeks. Related to the integrated functionality of the placental reproductive system, living eutherians have relatively longer gestation times (e.g., nearly two years in Loxodonta; state 1). - Character 228 (A193; Renfree, 1993). Ureter---(0) medial mullerian/wolffian ducts, (1) lateral mullerian/wolffian ducts. The relations of the ureter and mullerian ducts differ in late ontogenetic stages of marsupial and placental mammals. In the former, as it leads to the bladder the ureter passes medial to the mullerian and wolffian (or mesonephric) ducts (state 0); in the latter, the ureter passes lateral to the mullerian and wolffian ducts (state 1).