{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 394 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "xI97Pp-og5zg", "outputId": "b6acf534-9301-4f03-af47-3447fdf591d8" }, "outputs": [ { "ename": "FileNotFoundError", "evalue": "ignored", "output_type": "error", "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mFileNotFoundError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mimport\u001b[0m \u001b[0mpandas\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mas\u001b[0m \u001b[0mpd\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 3\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mpd\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mread_excel\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'output_text4.xlsx'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0merror_bad_lines\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;32mFalse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m;\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 4\u001b[0m \u001b[0mdata_text\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'text'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 5\u001b[0m \u001b[0mdata_text\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m'index'\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mdata_text\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mindex\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/util/_decorators.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mwrapper\u001b[0;34m(*args, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 186\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 187\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mnew_arg_name\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mnew_arg_value\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 188\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfunc\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m*\u001b[0m\u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m**\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 189\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mwrapper\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 190\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0m_deprecate_kwarg\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/util/_decorators.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mwrapper\u001b[0;34m(*args, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 186\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 187\u001b[0m \u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mnew_arg_name\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mnew_arg_value\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 188\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfunc\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m*\u001b[0m\u001b[0margs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m**\u001b[0m\u001b[0mkwargs\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 189\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mwrapper\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 190\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0m_deprecate_kwarg\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/io/excel.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mread_excel\u001b[0;34m(io, sheet_name, header, names, index_col, parse_cols, usecols, squeeze, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skiprows, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, verbose, parse_dates, date_parser, thousands, comment, skip_footer, skipfooter, convert_float, mangle_dupe_cols, **kwds)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 348\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 349\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mnot\u001b[0m \u001b[0misinstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mio\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mExcelFile\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 350\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mio\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mExcelFile\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mio\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mengine\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mengine\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 351\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 352\u001b[0m return io.parse(\n", "\u001b[0;32m/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/io/excel.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__init__\u001b[0;34m(self, io, engine)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 651\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_io\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0m_stringify_path\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mio\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 652\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 653\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_reader\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_engines\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0mengine\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0m_io\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 654\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 655\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mdef\u001b[0m \u001b[0m__fspath__\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;32m/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/io/excel.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m__init__\u001b[0;34m(self, filepath_or_buffer)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 422\u001b[0m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mbook\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mxlrd\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mopen_workbook\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfile_contents\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mdata\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 423\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melif\u001b[0m \u001b[0misinstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfilepath_or_buffer\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mcompat\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mstring_types\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 424\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mself\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mbook\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mxlrd\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mopen_workbook\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfilepath_or_buffer\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 425\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 426\u001b[0m raise ValueError('Must explicitly set engine if not passing in'\n", "\u001b[0;32m/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/xlrd/__init__.py\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mopen_workbook\u001b[0;34m(filename, logfile, verbosity, use_mmap, file_contents, encoding_override, formatting_info, on_demand, ragged_rows)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 114\u001b[0m \u001b[0mpeek\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mfile_contents\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0mpeeksz\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 115\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32melse\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 116\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mwith\u001b[0m \u001b[0mopen\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mfilename\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\"rb\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mas\u001b[0m \u001b[0mf\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 117\u001b[0m \u001b[0mpeek\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mf\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mread\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mpeeksz\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 118\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0mpeek\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34mb\"PK\\x03\\x04\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m \u001b[0;31m# a ZIP file\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[0;31mFileNotFoundError\u001b[0m: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'output_text4.xlsx'" ] } ], "source": [ "import pandas as pd\n", "\n", "data = pd.read_excel('output_text4.xlsx', error_bad_lines=False);\n", "data_text = data[['text']]\n", "data_text['index'] = data_text.index\n", "documents = data_text" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 34 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "bZErACiqg5zl", "outputId": "7cbe61a2-1dd2-4490-a905-11f91d5307df" }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "669" ] }, "execution_count": 2, "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "len(documents)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 204 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "Rjbos6Jog5zq", "outputId": "d08fd67c-fb7b-4573-a044-60559555bd71" }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0RT DrSimranSingh धोनी से नफरत करने वालों चुल्ल...0
1RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cu...1
2RT SumanBALAYYA Criticize chese pillalaki answ...2
3ZainR TwitterMoments That was Congress that he...3
4RT vinodhmvk Virat Kohli asked Chahal to make ...4
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " text index\n", "0 RT DrSimranSingh धोनी से नफरत करने वालों चुल्ल... 0\n", "1 RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cu... 1\n", "2 RT SumanBALAYYA Criticize chese pillalaki answ... 2\n", "3 ZainR TwitterMoments That was Congress that he... 3\n", "4 RT vinodhmvk Virat Kohli asked Chahal to make ... 4" ] }, "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "documents[:5]" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "9ySilYisg5zs" }, "source": [ "### Data Preprocessing" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "Dvbr9mUog5zt" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import gensim\n", "from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess\n", "from gensim.parsing.preprocessing import STOPWORDS\n", "from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer, SnowballStemmer\n", "from nltk.stem.porter import *\n", "import numpy as np\n", "np.random.seed(2018)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 68 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "BaH7fKCVg5zv", "outputId": "09d5b5d7-0f57-46c7-85a5-201bcf388f01" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[nltk_data] Downloading package wordnet to /root/nltk_data...\n", "[nltk_data] Unzipping corpora/wordnet.zip.\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "True" ] }, "execution_count": 5, "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import nltk\n", "nltk.download('wordnet')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "LuMiNxLhg5zz" }, "source": [ "#### Lemmatize example" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "FY8-R6nCgCCr" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "stemmer = SnowballStemmer('english')\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "GYPNcwBbg5z2" }, "source": [ "#### Stemmer Example" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "YAj1s6pLg5z7" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def lemmatize_stemming(text):\n", " return stemmer.stem(WordNetLemmatizer().lemmatize(text, pos='v'))\n", "\n", "def preprocess(text):\n", " result = []\n", " text = str(text)\n", " for token in gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(text):\n", " if token not in gensim.parsing.preprocessing.STOPWORDS and len(token) > 3:\n", " result.append(lemmatize_stemming(token))\n", " return result" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 139 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "rKn90z1Ug5z9", "outputId": "d13d352e-1a00-4beb-c1ac-818cf7e1583c" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "original document: \n", "['RT', 'firkey', 'Indian', 'cricket', 'team', 'in', 'this', 'world', 'cup', 'is', 'just', 'like', 'a', 'bride', 'whose', 'father', 'has', 'paid', 'full', 'dowry\\n\\nUNBEATEN']\n", "\n", "\n", " tokenized and lemmatized document: \n", "['firkey', 'indian', 'cricket', 'team', 'world', 'like', 'bride', 'father', 'pay', 'dowri', 'unbeaten']\n" ] } ], "source": [ "doc_sample = documents[documents['index'] == 1].values[0][0]\n", "doc_sample\n", "print('original document: ')\n", "words = []\n", "for word in doc_sample.split(' '):\n", " words.append(word)\n", "print(words)\n", "print('\\n\\n tokenized and lemmatized document: ')\n", "print(preprocess(doc_sample))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "ApBUeoDbg5z_" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "processed_docs = documents['text'].map(preprocess)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "L9yXpys4g50B", "outputId": "2c690ff5-5203-4fb6-e709-e18ffab37420" }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "0 [drsimransingh, नफरत, indvswi, wivind, dhoni]\n", "1 [firkey, indian, cricket, team, world, like, b...\n", "2 [sumanbalayya, critic, chese, pillalaki, answe...\n", "3 [zainr, twittermo, congress, speak]\n", "4 [vinodhmvk, virat, koh, ask, chahal, holder, d...\n", "5 [missmayn, check, debat, moder, wikipedia, pag...\n", "6 [senschum, outrag, presid, realdonaldtrump, sa...\n", "7 [mschlapp, impeach, chief, justic, lie, suppor...\n", "8 [waltshaub, point, take, reveal, signific, mis...\n", "9 [allow, heaven, enjoy, india, sit, heaven, pol...\n", "10 [breachingbad, itna, ganda, nahi]\n", "11 [taylorklevi, yesterday, abl, meet, client, in...\n", "12 [catch, dhoni]\n", "13 [maiselfsiva, run, ball, run, ball, thala, daw...\n", "14 [suprem, court, allow, sever, partisan, gerrym...\n", "15 [httpstcoy, gtltxd]\n", "16 [come, meamp, million, strong, trump, armi]\n", "17 [west, indi, inning, collaps, sixth, wicket, g...\n", "18 [robertgmz, deni, outcast, deni, america, beto...\n", "19 [carlo, brathwait, depart, dhoni, take, stun, ...\n", "20 [ironman, look, like, main, reason, inform, ge...\n", "21 [yusufdfi, year, pretti, agil, stump, run, htt...\n", "22 [loudobb, court, includ, scotus, run, countri,...\n", "23 [ekvillainoo, dhoni, gali, doge]\n", "24 [whispertowarcri, trump, habitu, threaten, wit...\n", "25 [kiranja, httpst]\n", "26 [immak, hate, crime, muslim, driver, faisal, u...\n", "27 [thebridgein, peopl, look, differ, play, crick...\n", "28 [republ, decad, hartal, shutdown, jammu, kashm...\n", "29 [sarfaraz, take, fli, catch, dhoni, better, in...\n", " ... \n", "70 [realdonaldtrump, look, forward, speak, prime,...\n", "71 [amritdulalad]\n", "72 [sean, mcgrathさんはこの, 日に東京で, 日に富山で講演される予定です, ht...\n", "73 [bcci, match, wicket, brathwait, dhoni, jaspri...\n", "74 [renatomariotti, today, suprem, court, major, ...\n", "75 [mehdirhasan, partisan, gerrymand, stori, cove...\n", "76 [matinee, manavsachdeva, reparteerepli, codebl...\n", "77 [mahuamoitra, show, middl, finger, nation, tel...\n", "78 [legend]\n", "79 [xvnwgtarehm, 玉城デニー氏, 万円を不記載, 政治資金規正法違反か, 選挙区内...\n", "80 [walmart, bunch, shyster, exploit, employe]\n", "81 [swatig, live, dare, stand, leav, area, hindus...\n", "82 [saladinahm, grow, leftist, rust, belt, idea, ...\n", "83 [harrisonjaim, polit, endors, endors, icon, yo...\n", "84 [sahiladhikaari, dhoni, trend, hoga]\n", "85 [renatomariotti, today, suprem, court, major, ...\n", "86 [nigelfarag, australianstyl, point, increas, d...\n", "87 [thbengaluru, chief, minist, kumaraswami, lose...\n", "88 [miswojo, pain, med, year, accord, articl, imp...\n", "89 [crack, ball, bumrah, stun, onehand, catch, dh...\n", "90 [ariberman, state, state, get, minor, vote, hu...\n", "91 [shouldnt, democrat, focus, solv, humanitarian...\n", "92 [imdown, lindsey, graham, definit, peopl, hate...\n", "93 [repjoekennedi, serious, problem, wayfair, hel...\n", "94 [catch, dhoni, beauti]\n", "95 [firkey, indian, cricket, team, world, like, b...\n", "96 [mrjamesob, brexit, civil, servant, charg, nod...\n", "97 [devoza]\n", "98 [juanckereu, beacon, fbpe, caus, open, support...\n", "99 [solanki, catch, dhoni, indvswi]\n", "Name: text, Length: 100, dtype: object" ] }, "execution_count": 10, "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "processed_docs[:100]" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "_j5t4kNvg50E" }, "source": [ "### Bag of words on the dataset" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "UHn8lSeng50F" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "dictionary = gensim.corpora.Dictionary(processed_docs)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 204 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "qscTGnilg50H", "outputId": "320632e3-e1f9-4d30-eff9-1a651d21a5b6" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "0 dhoni\n", "1 drsimransingh\n", "2 indvswi\n", "3 wivind\n", "4 नफरत\n", "5 bride\n", "6 cricket\n", "7 dowri\n", "8 father\n", "9 firkey\n", "10 indian\n" ] } ], "source": [ "count = 0\n", "for k, v in dictionary.iteritems():\n", " print(k, v)\n", " count += 1\n", " if count > 10:\n", " break" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "ala-Pkp-g50M" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=15, no_above=0.5, keep_n=100000)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 34 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "HqyqRtLAg50O", "outputId": "fa2777b9-54cd-4c07-fe04-cf6a15aaed54" }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)]" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "bow_corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(doc) for doc in processed_docs]\n", "bow_corpus[0]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 68 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "Y1BpKus1g50R", "outputId": "1e59cd57-85ce-4716-fcae-010b21505858" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Word 0 (\"dhoni\") appears 1 time.\n", "Word 1 (\"indvswi\") appears 1 time.\n", "Word 2 (\"wivind\") appears 1 time.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "bow_doc_4310 = bow_corpus[0]\n", "\n", "for i in range(len(bow_doc_4310)):\n", " print(\"Word {} (\\\"{}\\\") appears {} time.\".format(bow_doc_4310[i][0], \n", " dictionary[bow_doc_4310[i][0]], \n", " bow_doc_4310[i][1]))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "2pQ0xRzng50V" }, "source": [ "### TF-IDF" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "w0beACUAg50W" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from gensim import corpora, models\n", "\n", "tfidf = models.TfidfModel(bow_corpus)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "BAPUMI9kg50Z" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "corpus_tfidf = tfidf[bow_corpus]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 34 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "2CkPpP8Jg50b", "outputId": "f1ad0912-e69a-4a58-ed73-8921f71a96da" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "[(0, 0.3153182816501111), (1, 0.5747031788510059), (2, 0.7551758983679034)]\n" ] } ], "source": [ "from pprint import pprint\n", "\n", "for doc in corpus_tfidf:\n", " pprint(doc)\n", " break" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "MCENQ9Vqg50d" }, "source": [ "### Running LDA using Bag of Words" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "5ulFHlqDg50d" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "lda_model = gensim.models.LdaMulticore(bow_corpus, num_topics=10, id2word=dictionary, passes=2, workers=2)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 377 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "PcAMhK6Gg50e", "outputId": "6dbd0558-2bae-4336-e27b-0098ea2950d0" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Topic: 0 \n", "Words: 0.146*\"run\" + 0.139*\"virat\" + 0.136*\"dhoni\" + 0.120*\"koh\" + 0.069*\"court\" + 0.059*\"polit\" + 0.051*\"catch\" + 0.029*\"question\" + 0.022*\"suprem\" + 0.021*\"bumrah\"\n", "Topic: 1 \n", "Words: 0.199*\"cricket\" + 0.189*\"trump\" + 0.106*\"httpstco\" + 0.057*\"indian\" + 0.055*\"dhoni\" + 0.040*\"congress\" + 0.036*\"indvswi\" + 0.031*\"virat\" + 0.030*\"koh\" + 0.030*\"match\"\n", "Topic: 2 \n", "Words: 0.143*\"dhoni\" + 0.093*\"brathwait\" + 0.093*\"bumrah\" + 0.092*\"catch\" + 0.088*\"wivind\" + 0.076*\"wicket\" + 0.067*\"match\" + 0.067*\"jasprit\" + 0.067*\"bcci\" + 0.058*\"indvwi\"\n", "Topic: 3 \n", "Words: 0.198*\"like\" + 0.096*\"team\" + 0.088*\"koh\" + 0.085*\"indian\" + 0.079*\"world\" + 0.076*\"bumrah\" + 0.068*\"father\" + 0.060*\"pay\" + 0.060*\"cricket\" + 0.037*\"virat\"\n", "Topic: 4 \n", "Words: 0.185*\"dhoni\" + 0.170*\"polit\" + 0.141*\"catch\" + 0.075*\"india\" + 0.047*\"great\" + 0.042*\"peopl\" + 0.040*\"httpstco\" + 0.039*\"today\" + 0.034*\"modi\" + 0.032*\"indvswi\"\n", "Topic: 5 \n", "Words: 0.326*\"dhoni\" + 0.151*\"indvswi\" + 0.137*\"hater\" + 0.062*\"koh\" + 0.060*\"indvwi\" + 0.058*\"bumrah\" + 0.052*\"take\" + 0.038*\"httpstco\" + 0.025*\"wivind\" + 0.018*\"match\"\n", "Topic: 6 \n", "Words: 0.307*\"dhoni\" + 0.145*\"indvswi\" + 0.118*\"catch\" + 0.038*\"koh\" + 0.032*\"hater\" + 0.029*\"take\" + 0.028*\"like\" + 0.025*\"world\" + 0.024*\"bumrah\" + 0.022*\"wicket\"\n", "Topic: 7 \n", "Words: 0.244*\"congress\" + 0.150*\"state\" + 0.103*\"say\" + 0.057*\"vote\" + 0.047*\"modi\" + 0.042*\"run\" + 0.035*\"koh\" + 0.035*\"major\" + 0.031*\"virat\" + 0.029*\"httpstco\"\n", "Topic: 8 \n", "Words: 0.141*\"court\" + 0.124*\"gerrymand\" + 0.121*\"partisan\" + 0.105*\"suprem\" + 0.092*\"question\" + 0.087*\"polit\" + 0.073*\"rule\" + 0.066*\"go\" + 0.054*\"major\" + 0.050*\"today\"\n", "Topic: 9 \n", "Words: 0.167*\"know\" + 0.159*\"gerrymand\" + 0.105*\"httpstco\" + 0.078*\"vote\" + 0.071*\"today\" + 0.063*\"partisan\" + 0.052*\"modi\" + 0.043*\"state\" + 0.043*\"peopl\" + 0.033*\"run\"\n" ] } ], "source": [ "for idx, topic in lda_model.print_topics(-1):\n", " print('Topic: {} \\nWords: {}'.format(idx, topic))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "RWLZplbpg50g" }, "source": [ "Cool! Can you distinguish different topics using the words in each topic and their corresponding weights?" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "h2MtU1mPg50h" }, "source": [ "### Running LDA using TF-IDF" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "sq61Mi7vg50h" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "lda_model_tfidf = gensim.models.LdaMulticore(corpus_tfidf, num_topics=10, id2word=dictionary, passes=2, workers=4)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 207 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "qDVwSVhTg50j", "outputId": "6f858206-d5a9-48cd-b644-3a73004a982f" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Topic: 0 Word: 0.118*\"today\" + 0.101*\"take\" + 0.088*\"dhoni\" + 0.086*\"run\" + 0.075*\"rule\" + 0.065*\"koh\" + 0.061*\"catch\" + 0.048*\"gerrymand\" + 0.044*\"polit\" + 0.036*\"major\"\n", "Topic: 1 Word: 0.328*\"congress\" + 0.243*\"catch\" + 0.141*\"dhoni\" + 0.068*\"indvswi\" + 0.028*\"great\" + 0.022*\"wivind\" + 0.015*\"hater\" + 0.015*\"modi\" + 0.012*\"match\" + 0.011*\"take\"\n", "Topic: 2 Word: 0.168*\"peopl\" + 0.103*\"court\" + 0.058*\"gerrymand\" + 0.055*\"hater\" + 0.052*\"dhoni\" + 0.047*\"suprem\" + 0.044*\"polit\" + 0.044*\"match\" + 0.039*\"partisan\" + 0.034*\"catch\"\n", "Topic: 3 Word: 0.121*\"koh\" + 0.120*\"like\" + 0.076*\"httpstco\" + 0.074*\"go\" + 0.071*\"hater\" + 0.069*\"virat\" + 0.069*\"dhoni\" + 0.060*\"great\" + 0.052*\"cricket\" + 0.044*\"indvswi\"\n", "Topic: 4 Word: 0.100*\"bumrah\" + 0.098*\"question\" + 0.082*\"wivind\" + 0.075*\"dhoni\" + 0.070*\"brathwait\" + 0.059*\"bcci\" + 0.058*\"wicket\" + 0.052*\"know\" + 0.050*\"jasprit\" + 0.047*\"match\"\n", "Topic: 5 Word: 0.248*\"dhoni\" + 0.156*\"trump\" + 0.111*\"cricket\" + 0.108*\"indvwi\" + 0.048*\"polit\" + 0.034*\"india\" + 0.029*\"catch\" + 0.028*\"state\" + 0.026*\"rule\" + 0.025*\"indvswi\"\n", "Topic: 6 Word: 0.214*\"state\" + 0.153*\"vote\" + 0.146*\"run\" + 0.084*\"major\" + 0.045*\"world\" + 0.044*\"court\" + 0.037*\"know\" + 0.036*\"polit\" + 0.028*\"congress\" + 0.021*\"gerrymand\"\n", "Topic: 7 Word: 0.189*\"indvswi\" + 0.155*\"polit\" + 0.110*\"dhoni\" + 0.069*\"hater\" + 0.063*\"india\" + 0.062*\"pay\" + 0.045*\"catch\" + 0.036*\"state\" + 0.032*\"peopl\" + 0.024*\"like\"\n", "Topic: 8 Word: 0.204*\"modi\" + 0.094*\"world\" + 0.093*\"indian\" + 0.093*\"gerrymand\" + 0.078*\"partisan\" + 0.075*\"team\" + 0.066*\"india\" + 0.024*\"koh\" + 0.021*\"father\" + 0.019*\"go\"\n", "Topic: 9 Word: 0.256*\"httpstco\" + 0.157*\"say\" + 0.142*\"polit\" + 0.086*\"father\" + 0.039*\"take\" + 0.038*\"go\" + 0.029*\"dhoni\" + 0.026*\"indvswi\" + 0.024*\"wicket\" + 0.017*\"catch\"\n" ] } ], "source": [ "for idx, topic in lda_model_tfidf.print_topics(-1):\n", " print('Topic: {} Word: {}'.format(idx, topic))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "67OgtCwjg50l" }, "source": [ "### Classification of the topics" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "1UXbIeRpg50m" }, "source": [ "### Performance evaluation by classifying sample document using LDA Bag of Words model" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 187 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "gGkHenvMxvpZ", "outputId": "32fefedf-cc44-48e8-9683-1776ec94876c" }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "[(0, 0.033333518),\n", " (1, 0.033333663),\n", " (2, 0.033334408),\n", " (3, 0.03333343),\n", " (4, 0.033333335),\n", " (5, 0.033333335),\n", " (6, 0.033333395),\n", " (7, 0.69999814),\n", " (8, 0.033333335),\n", " (9, 0.03333347)]" ] }, "execution_count": 23, "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "lda_model[bow_corpus[6]]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 547 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "v68NzNUHg50o", "outputId": "9f43bd56-76c7-443b-91de-f92331556113" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\n", "Score: 0.774964451789856\t \n", "Topic: 0.326*\"dhoni\" + 0.151*\"indvswi\" + 0.137*\"hater\" + 0.062*\"koh\" + 0.060*\"indvwi\" + 0.058*\"bumrah\" + 0.052*\"take\" + 0.038*\"httpstco\" + 0.025*\"wivind\" + 0.018*\"match\"\n", "\n", "Score: 0.025019938126206398\t \n", "Topic: 0.143*\"dhoni\" + 0.093*\"brathwait\" + 0.093*\"bumrah\" + 0.092*\"catch\" + 0.088*\"wivind\" + 0.076*\"wicket\" + 0.067*\"match\" + 0.067*\"jasprit\" + 0.067*\"bcci\" + 0.058*\"indvwi\"\n", "\n", "Score: 0.025006461888551712\t \n", "Topic: 0.307*\"dhoni\" + 0.145*\"indvswi\" + 0.118*\"catch\" + 0.038*\"koh\" + 0.032*\"hater\" + 0.029*\"take\" + 0.028*\"like\" + 0.025*\"world\" + 0.024*\"bumrah\" + 0.022*\"wicket\"\n", "\n", "Score: 0.025003040209412575\t \n", "Topic: 0.146*\"run\" + 0.139*\"virat\" + 0.136*\"dhoni\" + 0.120*\"koh\" + 0.069*\"court\" + 0.059*\"polit\" + 0.051*\"catch\" + 0.029*\"question\" + 0.022*\"suprem\" + 0.021*\"bumrah\"\n", "\n", "Score: 0.025002924725413322\t \n", "Topic: 0.199*\"cricket\" + 0.189*\"trump\" + 0.106*\"httpstco\" + 0.057*\"indian\" + 0.055*\"dhoni\" + 0.040*\"congress\" + 0.036*\"indvswi\" + 0.031*\"virat\" + 0.030*\"koh\" + 0.030*\"match\"\n", "\n", "Score: 0.02500227466225624\t \n", "Topic: 0.185*\"dhoni\" + 0.170*\"polit\" + 0.141*\"catch\" + 0.075*\"india\" + 0.047*\"great\" + 0.042*\"peopl\" + 0.040*\"httpstco\" + 0.039*\"today\" + 0.034*\"modi\" + 0.032*\"indvswi\"\n", "\n", "Score: 0.025000395253300667\t \n", "Topic: 0.141*\"court\" + 0.124*\"gerrymand\" + 0.121*\"partisan\" + 0.105*\"suprem\" + 0.092*\"question\" + 0.087*\"polit\" + 0.073*\"rule\" + 0.066*\"go\" + 0.054*\"major\" + 0.050*\"today\"\n", "\n", "Score: 0.025000344961881638\t \n", "Topic: 0.167*\"know\" + 0.159*\"gerrymand\" + 0.105*\"httpstco\" + 0.078*\"vote\" + 0.071*\"today\" + 0.063*\"partisan\" + 0.052*\"modi\" + 0.043*\"state\" + 0.043*\"peopl\" + 0.033*\"run\"\n", "\n", "Score: 0.02500017173588276\t \n", "Topic: 0.198*\"like\" + 0.096*\"team\" + 0.088*\"koh\" + 0.085*\"indian\" + 0.079*\"world\" + 0.076*\"bumrah\" + 0.068*\"father\" + 0.060*\"pay\" + 0.060*\"cricket\" + 0.037*\"virat\"\n", "\n", "Score: 0.025000033900141716\t \n", "Topic: 0.244*\"congress\" + 0.150*\"state\" + 0.103*\"say\" + 0.057*\"vote\" + 0.047*\"modi\" + 0.042*\"run\" + 0.035*\"koh\" + 0.035*\"major\" + 0.031*\"virat\" + 0.029*\"httpstco\"\n" ] } ], "source": [ "for index, score in sorted(lda_model[bow_corpus[0]], key=lambda tup: -1*tup[1]):\n", " print(\"\\nScore: {}\\t \\nTopic: {}\".format(score, lda_model.print_topic(index, 10)))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "Cwvj5PYsg50q" }, "source": [ "Our test document has the highest probability to be part of the topic on the top." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "TRk08cJQg50r" }, "source": [ "### Performance evaluation by classifying sample document using LDA TF-IDF model" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "h8rAYxHOg50u" }, "source": [ "Our test document has the highest probability to be part of the topic on the top." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "colab_type": "text", "id": "3AgFSgJbg50u" }, "source": [ "### Testing model on unseen document" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 187 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "mZL5Oqvtg50v", "outputId": "61cfef13-2b3c-4b4b-b670-a44d22336dc4" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.146*\"run\" + 0.139*\"virat\" + 0.136*\"dhoni\" + 0.120*\"koh\" + 0.069*\"court\"\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.199*\"cricket\" + 0.189*\"trump\" + 0.106*\"httpstco\" + 0.057*\"indian\" + 0.055*\"dhoni\"\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.143*\"dhoni\" + 0.093*\"brathwait\" + 0.093*\"bumrah\" + 0.092*\"catch\" + 0.088*\"wivind\"\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.198*\"like\" + 0.096*\"team\" + 0.088*\"koh\" + 0.085*\"indian\" + 0.079*\"world\"\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.185*\"dhoni\" + 0.170*\"polit\" + 0.141*\"catch\" + 0.075*\"india\" + 0.047*\"great\"\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.326*\"dhoni\" + 0.151*\"indvswi\" + 0.137*\"hater\" + 0.062*\"koh\" + 0.060*\"indvwi\"\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.307*\"dhoni\" + 0.145*\"indvswi\" + 0.118*\"catch\" + 0.038*\"koh\" + 0.032*\"hater\"\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.244*\"congress\" + 0.150*\"state\" + 0.103*\"say\" + 0.057*\"vote\" + 0.047*\"modi\"\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.141*\"court\" + 0.124*\"gerrymand\" + 0.121*\"partisan\" + 0.105*\"suprem\" + 0.092*\"question\"\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0.167*\"know\" + 0.159*\"gerrymand\" + 0.105*\"httpstco\" + 0.078*\"vote\" + 0.071*\"today\"\n" ] } ], "source": [ "unseen_document = 'How a Pentagon deal became an identity crisis for Google'\n", "bow_vector = dictionary.doc2bow(preprocess(unseen_document))\n", "\n", "for index, score in sorted(lda_model[bow_vector], key=lambda tup: -1*tup[1]):\n", " print(\"Score: {}\\t Topic: {}\".format(score, lda_model.print_topic(index, 5)))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": {}, "colab_type": "code", "id": "L21OI66gw3qE" }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def format_topics_sentences(ldamodel,corpus,texts,i):\n", " print(texts)\n", " sent_topics_df = []\n", " for index, score in sorted(lda_model[bow_vector], key=lambda tup: -1*tup[1]):\n", " print(\"Score: {}\\t Topic: {}\".format(score,index ))\n", " wp = lda_model.show_topic(index)\n", " topic_keywords = \", \".join([word for word, prop in wp])\n", " print(topic_keywords)\n", " sent_topics_df.append(int(index))\n", " sent_topics_df.append(i)\n", " sent_topics_df.append(topic_keywords)\n", " break\n", " # Add original text to the end of the output\n", " contents = pd.Series(texts)\n", " sent_topics_df.append(texts)\n", " return sent_topics_df" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 }, "colab_type": "code", "id": "LQmCouYlTFPs", "outputId": "53b5e951-6063-4d32-ee22-354fd082c3e3" }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "RT DrSimranSingh धोनी से नफरत करने वालों चुल्लू भर पानी लो और उसी में डूब मरो \n", "\n", "INDvsWI WIvIND Dhoni\n", "Score: 0.7749676704406738\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.887496292591095\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT SumanBALAYYA Criticize chese pillalaki answer matallo kakunda bat tho ivvadam aayanaki alavate\n", "Dhoni \n", "Score: 0.549940288066864\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "ZainR TwitterMoments That was Congress that he spoke to\n", "Score: 0.5499952435493469\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT vinodhmvk Virat Kohli asked Chahal to make holder drive and that’s what exactly he did Great partnership between captain and bowler…\n", "Score: 0.774970293045044\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT missmayn Checked the debate moderators’ Wikipedia pages to confirm Chuck Todd failed up\n", "\n", "Rachel Maddow\n", "\n", " BA in Public Policy Stanfo…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT SenSchumer This Is Outrageous\n", "\n", "President realDonaldTrump is saying it “none of your business” what he says to President Putin\n", "\n", "I…\n", "Score: 0.6999980211257935\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT mschlapp I’m for impeaching the Chief Justice for lying to all of us about his support of the Constitution He is responsible for Robe…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT waltshaub Several points taken together reveal a significant mismatch between the Secretary’s decision and the rationale he provide…\n", "Score: 0.5499651432037354\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "ShahMissionKashmir Allow heaven to enjoy to each and every one in India sitting in heaven doing politics by dirty politicians \n", "Score: 0.6999914050102234\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT BreachingBad Itna bhi ganda nahi hai httpstcoOYEOIGRalV\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT taylorklevy Yesterday I was able to meet with our client “inconsolable 7yearold girl” for about 45 minutes She cried the entire…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "What a catch by Dhoni \n", "Score: 0.6999678015708923\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT Maiselfsiva First 50 runs in 60 balls \n", "Last 6 runs in 1 ball with SR 600\n", "Thala dawwwww httpstco4qMNI76WLc\n", "Score: 0.4700234532356262\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Supreme Court allows severe partisan gerrymandering to continue httpstcoDXVHS5yOsn\n", "Score: 0.8199933767318726\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "httpstcoY4GtLTXD2l\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "THEY WOULD HAVE TO COME THROUGH meamp 20 million strong TRUMP ARMY\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "West Indies innings collapse Sixth wicket gone C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076… httpstco85ugjPSXNa\n", "Score: 0.7605807781219482\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT robertgmz5 He who denies the outcast also denies America\n", "Beto2020 DemDebate RelentlessBeto Watch httpstcozR9uHArp8W\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "OUT Carlos Brathwaite departs Dhoni takes a stunning catch\n", "\n", "West Indies 1076\n", "\n", "INDvWI CWC19\n", "\n", "LIVE httpstcoSIoEHdtRA9\n", "Score: 0.8499792814254761\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT 1IronMan2020 It looks like one of the main reasons for this is the information that gerrymandering was the intent found on Thomas Hofe…\n", "Score: 0.43994924426078796\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "YusufDFI For a 37 year old he is pretty fit and agile behind the stumps and while running too Only that he is no… httpstcoswAw6SHygW\n", "Score: 0.5499853491783142\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT LouDobbs Our courts including SCOTUS are now running the country—as politically corrupt as the FBI DOJ and the Congress socalle…\n", "Score: 0.551510751247406\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "EKVillainOO7 Dhoni ko gali nai doge \n", "Score: 0.5499405264854431\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "whispertowarcry Trump habitually threatened witnesses dangled pardons and tried to influence investigators Do y… httpstcoEouE1c9UMp\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT Kiranja34522516 वंदेमातरम् जयश्रीराम विदेश में\n", "जनता बोल रही हैं मगर देश में जनता को\n", "जयश्रीराम से भी शिकायत हैं\n", " httpst…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT imMAK02 One more hate crime against Muslim \n", "\n", "A ola cab driver Faisal Usman Khan was thrashed and forced to chant Jai Sri Ram \n", "\n", "This…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT TheBridgeIN People looked at me differently because I used to play cricket\n", "\n", "20YearsOfMithaliRaj INDvsWI httpstcokrL98e8edf\n", "Score: 0.5665327310562134\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT republic ShahMissionKashmir A first in 3 decades No hartal no shutdown call in Jammu and Kashmir during a home minister’s visit…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Sarfaraz takes a flying catch\n", "\n", "Dhoni I can do it better\n", "INDvWI WorldCup19 WIvIND\n", "Score: 0.8499801754951477\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT carvellwallace this conversation I had this morning on KQED with two brilliant people TonyaMosley and drmcclain about the poli…\n", "Score: 0.5499653816223145\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT FarziCricketer MS DHONI DOESNT HAVE A GREAT DAY BEHIND THE STUMPS BUT STILL THIS GOOD\n", "Score: 0.6999618411064148\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT Trudermark What the absolute fuck is happening to politics httpstcoYYAhukUn7i\n", "Score: 0.5499714016914368\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT swatigs Here’s a genuine question Tabrez Ansari could avoid getting lynched by not following in his father’s footsteps and not going…\n", "Score: 0.625143826007843\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT Jitendr16173235 मप्रमें सरकार बदली व्यवस्थाएं बदली परंतु संविदा कर्मचारी के लिए आज भी शोषणकारी व्यवस्था जारी है\n", "ना मिला 90 वेत…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT harrisonjaime This is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind Voters choose their politicians not the other way around \n", "\n", "If the c…\n", "Score: 0.5499930381774902\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT BillOReilly The terrible picture of a migrant father and his young daughter laying dead in the Rio Grande River should finally wake up…\n", "Score: 0.5499930381774902\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "Dhoni na pilla\n", "Score: 0.5499281883239746\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Also what a catch by Dhoni\n", "Score: 0.6999678015708923\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT AskAnshul Yermarus Thermal Power Station workers protested against Kumaraswamy for wages\n", "\n", "He gave lathi charge threat amp said You voted…\n", "Score: 0.6999895572662354\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT hhcwt 獨家》何韻詩、滅火器等台港歌手大集結 共譜《撐》挺香港未來 自由時報電子報 httpstcoVJJ6Nr4tBC \n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT AnkitBarlota I am wondering that people expect a batsman coming at no6 after 4 fairly early wickets to score at 200 SR This is just…\n", "Score: 0.36666056513786316\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "NBC News analysis declares Donald Trump the winner of first Democratic debate Fox News httpstcoSdsdRUEaFX\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT SevadalMB Jungle Raaj No fear of Law\n", "\n", "Haryana Congress party leader Vikas Chaudhary shot dead in Faridabad httpstcohNMdYCAASP\n", "Score: 0.549994707107544\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Gross\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT NinaByzantina British politics finally explained httpstcoZUgsEIh783\n", "Score: 0.5499691367149353\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "rustilev Rosie ewarren It’s time 4 right womanampEWarrenstrong candidate Speaking Spanishan asset in healthca… httpstcoy6ycLUnKDM\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "What a catch dhoni \n", "\n", "WIvIND WC2019\n", "Score: 0.7749671936035156\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Supporting crooks our founding fathers would be so proud httpstcoWxahZJMLBD\n", "Score: 0.5499929785728455\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT Thyview Dhoni to haters INDvsWI httpstco9N1ndvfwOw\n", "Score: 0.8199784159660339\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT marcorubio Players have a right to express their opinions\n", "\n", "And you know POTUS is most certainly going to respond\n", "\n", "But does politics…\n", "Score: 0.5188062787055969\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT ACTBrigitte Reports continue to surface about the alleged immigration and tax fraud committed by Rep Ilhan Omar Its time for Congre…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT kettavanMemes Black Day For Dhoni Haters And Kohlis Reaction INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.8199840188026428\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT Trendulkar Great catch by Sarfaraz Singh Dhoni INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.4871993958950043\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "This is what happens when muslim population outnumber Hindu population in any village or state That becomes a real… httpstcobtX9wy45zj\n", "Score: 0.5499914884567261\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT BrokenCricket India should try to bat Dhoni at number four and bring Pant instead of Shankar It might be harsh on Shankar but some br…\n", "Score: 0.6999650597572327\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Bumrah strikes \n", "Damn it that catch M S Dhoni \n", "\n", "INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.819969654083252\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT firkey Strike Rates Today\n", "Rahul 75\n", "Rohit 786\n", "Kohli 878\n", "Shankar 7368\n", "Jadhav 70\n", "Dhoni 918\n", "Pandya 12105\n", "\n", "Dhoni came into bat when…\n", "Score: 0.819951057434082\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "West indiz breath is gone Dhoni old is gold INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.5460822582244873\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT TrumpWarRoom While Biden was VP migrant children were separated from their families httpstcoSaeWFpVraX httpstcoGoscDy9shJ\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Dhoni compensates with a stunner \n", "\n", "INDvsWI CWC19\n", "Score: 0.6999729871749878\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT alexrandall The picture that shames America shames the UK and Europe too Our border at the Mediterranean is just as brutal and just…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT divya16 No wonder they call her the most dangerous journalist httpstcoCaUPh8vb3f\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "IndianPrism Meri colony ka transformer kharab ho gaya hai\n", "\n", "Shame on you modiji\n", "\n", "What are you implying \n", "\n", " modi… httpstco9bnTyASKUD\n", "Score: 0.6999754309654236\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT renatomariotti Today the Supreme Court by a 54 majority along partisan lines ruled that gerrymandering is a political issue that i…\n", "Score: 0.8999953866004944\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT PrasadBivash narendramodi nidhidynamic Enjoy being on bail this is not Emergency said PM Modi in the Lok sabha to the debate on th…\n", "Score: 0.6999871730804443\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT cricketaakash India’s middlemuddle is for real There’s simply too much dependency on KohliRohit Dhawan is being missed IndvWI…\n", "Score: 0.388472318649292\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Dhoni WIvIND CWC19 INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.774970293045044\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT realDonaldTrump I look forward to speaking with Prime Minister Modi about the fact that India for years having put very high Tariffs…\n", "Score: 0.6999770998954773\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT amritdulalad मेरो पनि अनुहार प्रधानमन्त्रीसंग मिल्छ भन्छन्।\n", "कुन दिन बालुवाटार देखी बाल्कोट सम्म प्रहरीले मलाई स्कटिङ् गर्ने हुन् पत्तो…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Sean McGrathさんはこの7月5日に東京で、6日に富山で講演される予定です。\n", "httpstcoP1QUnSfxZ3\n", "httpstcoqkaZhQsRWo\n", "httpstcotDyP3GFYGq\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099957346916199\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT renatomariotti Today the Supreme Court by a 54 majority along partisan lines ruled that gerrymandering is a political issue that i…\n", "Score: 0.8999953866004944\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT mehdirhasan This ‘partisan gerrymandering’ story should be covered in a way voters understand who the hell knows what gerrymandering…\n", "Score: 0.8199917078018188\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "matineees manavsachdeva78 REPARTEEreplied codeblind shashwatpandey KrishnaMyGod GenMeeeh ArslanArmyPK… httpstcoXFxhXOyG4C\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "MahuaMoitra showing middle finger on national television is your Sanskari politics You guys lynch people Kill… httpstcoqJKEhiiHyb\n", "Score: 0.6999841928482056\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "MSD is a legend \n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT sO7XVnwgTAreHm5 玉城デニー氏、寄付金120万円を不記載 政治資金規正法違反か 選挙区内に花代も\n", "\n", "室井佑月さん、これも拡散お願いします。☺️ httpstcofC8O6pnqVA Sankeinewsから\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Walmarts are a bunch of shysters EXPLOITING ALL EVEN THEIR OWN EMPLOYEES\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT swatigs You live among us and yet dare to stand up against us Leave our area you Hindus \n", "Danishs family lynched Gangaram Singh…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT saladinahmed I grew up among leftists in the rust belt and the idea that we need to coat progressive politics in racism or homophobia…\n", "Score: 0.5499728918075562\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT harrisonjaime There are political endorsements and then there are endorsements from icons As a young staffer in Congress I would of…\n", "Score: 0.4371372163295746\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "SahilAdhikaari ab Dhoni trend hoga\n", "Score: 0.5499403476715088\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT renatomariotti Today the Supreme Court by a 54 majority along partisan lines ruled that gerrymandering is a political issue that i…\n", "Score: 0.8999953866004944\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT NigelFarage An Australianstyle points system can be used to be increase or decrease immigration numbers \n", "\n", "Does BorisJohnson want t…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT THBengaluru Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy lost his cool when confronted with agitated workers said You vote for Modi and then come…\n", "Score: 0.7749899625778198\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT miswojo1 Hes been on pain meds for several years according to the article So is he implying all of his decisions since his ankle s…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Cracking ball from Bumrah stunning onehanded catch from Dhoni and Brathwaite is out of here \n", "\n", "WIvIND \n", "CWC19 \n", "\n", "httpstcoQtmXpGRwx3\n", "Score: 0.8499851822853088\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT AriBerman In state after state GOP getting minority of votes but huge majority of seats This is fundamentally undemocratic Extreme…\n", "Score: 0.8199930191040039\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Shouldnt the Democrats be focused on solving the humanitarian crisis at the border instead of dragging this out… httpstcoBJbmGId3AU\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT imdown Lindsey Graham is the definition of why people hate politics He epitomizes the negative lying greedy spineless soulless sh…\n", "Score: 0.6999826431274414\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RepJoeKennedy Seriously you have a problem with wayfair helping Children by giving Them something soft to sleep… httpstcoWOLirriL6z\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "What a catch ❤️❤️ Dhoni you beauty \n", "Score: 0.699967622756958\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.887496292591095\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT mrjamesob Brexit civil servant in charge of nodeal planning quits httpstcomujR5JGRe4\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT DevOza7 एक वृद्ध ब्राह्मण की पहले यग्योपवित जनेऊ काटी फिर कपड़े उतार कर भीड़ ने डांस करने के लिए मजबूर किया।\n", "यह स्थिति है दक्षिण के…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT JuanckerEU This beacon of the FBPE cause is openly supporting an amendment by a deselected MP to cut govt spending on the NHS bene…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT solanki1112 Catch\n", "\n", "Dhoni\n", "\n", "INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.7749804258346558\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT abpnewshindi INDvsWI धोनी ने पहले 45 गेंदों पर बनाए 26 रन और फिर आखिरी 16 गेंदों पर जड़ दिए 30 फैन्स ने कहाआप लीजेंड हैं\n", "\n", "ICCCri…\n", "Score: 0.5499659776687622\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT TweetForTheMany BBCPolitics 43 of Tory Members have said they would not support a Muslim PM\n", "\n", "100 of Labour supported a Jewish cand…\n", "Score: 0.5499964356422424\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT renatomariotti Today the Supreme Court by a 54 majority along partisan lines ruled that gerrymandering is a political issue that i…\n", "Score: 0.8999952673912048\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "Exactly Call a spade a spade ♠️\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Dhoni \n", "Crowd forgets all the errors\n", "Whatte catch\n", "\n", "CWC19 IndvWI\n", "Score: 0.7749655842781067\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Gosh as House Speaker isnt it your job to know what Congress role is SpeakerPelosi And if you dont know m… httpstcovsjZpTMdgK\n", "Score: 0.5297895073890686\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.8874961733818054\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "What a catch by Dhoni Lets go INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.7749795913696289\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "IndianPrism ठीक है \n", "पर इस तरह भारत को बदनाम करना सही है क्या Communal Modi\n", "Score: 0.5499541163444519\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT ANI WATCH Japan Slogans of Vande Mataram Jai Sri Ram raised at community event at the Hyogo Prefecture Guest House in Kobe aft…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "What a catch DHONI \n", "IndvWin\n", "CWC19\n", "Score: 0.6999632716178894\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT KPadmaRani1 120 IAS officers are soon going to submit evidence in the SupremeCourt\n", "\n", "ysjagan actually won 60 seats onlyamp remaining w…\n", "Score: 0.5499901175498962\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT Slev We need some new politics httpstcozn5ajW4Avv\n", "Score: 0.5499746203422546\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT mehdirhasan This ‘partisan gerrymandering’ story should be covered in a way voters understand who the hell knows what gerrymandering…\n", "Score: 0.8199914693832397\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Ue kya majak haRahulGandhi \n", "Isse koi fark nahi padega lynchinge doshi paye jane pr bhi wahi kanun ho dafa 302 k t… httpstcoB8rCqE3LiX\n", "Score: 0.5499839186668396\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT RVCJFB MS Dhoni\n", "INDvsWI INDvWI WIvIND httpstcoZtdgIZ1WE6\n", "Score: 0.819981575012207\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT JulieReichwein1 I follow back MAGA \n", "\n", "Laura Loomer was the 1st one on top of this story last year She got banned for it\n", "\n", "Why won’t th…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT AskAnshul Yermarus Thermal Power Station workers protested against Kumaraswamy for wages\n", "\n", "He gave lathi charge threat amp said You voted…\n", "Score: 0.6999897956848145\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT naveensurana06 Kohli Dancing httpstco4Do8oOGjxm\n", "Score: 0.6998918056488037\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT WarmongerHodges In a stunning coincidence virtually all the MPs demanding Corbyn interfere in Labours disciplinary process after pr…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "BCCI Only modi Bhakt not like Dhoni like they did with Dr Manmohan \n", "Score: 0.35797345638275146\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "Supreme Court says federal courts cannot strike down partisan gerrymandering schemes httpstcomnrU1zzcMG SmartNews\n", "Score: 0.724497377872467\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "Hey icc cricketworldcup \n", "How was that catch from Dhoni Better than sarfarazs I think \n", "CWC19 \n", "INDvsWI \n", "TeamIndia\n", "Score: 0.7749805450439453\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT NoahBookbinder The President says his conversation with Putin is “none of your business” Actually the law requires records be kept w…\n", "Score: 0.5499962568283081\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "TracyCa24689723 RashidaTlaib The catastrophe on our border is due to mass movements of people from Central Americ… httpstco7hJMTys6Wd\n", "Score: 0.69997638463974\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Here are 5 things Trump screwed up in this month \n", "\n", "httpstcoLN91O8bodZ\n", "\n", "p2 news politics\n", "Score: 0.3755076825618744\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "Catch By MS DHONI \n", "Score: 0.6999678015708923\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT ScottMStedman Trumps State Department Chief of Protocol is resigning due to an IG investigation looking into accusations of intimida…\n", "Score: 0.3822231590747833\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT BreachingBad Itna bhi ganda nahi hai httpstcoOYEOIGRalV\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.8874962329864502\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT harrisonjaime This is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind Voters choose their politicians not the other way around \n", "\n", "If the c…\n", "Score: 0.5499928593635559\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT bbctms WICKET\n", "\n", "Carlos Brathwaite is out for 1 Jasprit Bumrah enticed him in and MS Dhoni produced a fine diving catch\n", "\n", "West Indies…\n", "Score: 0.8714183568954468\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT PrasadBivash narendramodi nidhidynamic 11 Of Congress leaders who had asked why the accused were still roaming free if UPA era sca…\n", "Score: 0.5499953627586365\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT 6abc JUST IN The Supreme Court is forbidding the Trump administration from adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census for now…\n", "Score: 0.6402296423912048\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT sjpatil I think all these companies should be allowed to Only operate by listing Indian entities with 51 owned by Indians I would no…\n", "Score: 0.6999911665916443\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT jimmywales But partisan gerrymandering is precisely the place where politics CANNOT resolve it Gerrymandering damages the ability o…\n", "Score: 0.8199878931045532\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "BCCI Excellent captancy by Virat nd Terrific catch by Dhoni WIvIND\n", "Score: 0.609596312046051\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT mithelesh Dhoni is this catch years old INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.7749782204627991\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT MrHickmott Imagine suddenly waking up after three years to discover that youve inadvertently brought about a rightwing dystopian nig…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT LatymerSport CRICKET WEEK DAY 5 LUS Village score 170 off of their 40overs The 1st XI are currently 712 off 20 in reply The Wood L…\n", "Score: 0.5499904155731201\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "richarddeitsch Rich she literally has nothing to lose Squishy republicans in Congress have witnessed every repub… httpstcogd3e3IfDzF\n", "Score: 0.5499939322471619\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT Neetahoon Retweet if you think Dhoni is still the best finisher ❤️ INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.6999736428260803\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT jeremycorbyn Our Armed Forces deserve the very best support for what they do not the deteriorating pay and conditions that have been…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT joybhattacharj A friends comment just reminded me of the wonderful shared legacy of India West Indies cricket Both Sunil Narine and…\n", "Score: 0.37508806586265564\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT justicedems Progressive ideas are dominating the debate in the Democratic Party\n", "\n", "httpstcoZx06JVoB4m\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT BreachingBad Itna bhi ganda nahi hai httpstcoOYEOIGRalV\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT RaBies Yet again another brilliant innings from great Dhoni trade mark six on the last ball Haters die\n", "Score: 0.417559415102005\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT AriBerman In state after state GOP getting minority of votes but huge majority of seats This is fundamentally undemocratic Extreme…\n", "Score: 0.8199930191040039\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT samswey Except the legislators elected via gerrymandered maps are also passing laws preventing people from “simply” being able to vote…\n", "Score: 0.774989664554596\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT Namrataa Bigger than that is Indian team has best bowling lineup in a World Cup Simply unbelievable for those of us who started wat…\n", "Score: 0.7749947905540466\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "EPA refuses to give Congress documents on rejection of NASA flight after Hurricane Harvey httpstcoefnMWs892U\n", "Score: 0.5499953031539917\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "DhoniDhoni What a catch\n", "Score: 0.5499569177627563\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT BreachingBad Itna bhi ganda nahi hai httpstcoOYEOIGRalV\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT tribelaw So even the most extreme cases of partisan gerrymandering are now beyond correction by the federal courts State courts here…\n", "Score: 0.6774540543556213\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "O Teri sun liya \n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Aayye haaye dhoni ❤️❤️\n", "Dhoni\n", "IndvWI\n", "Score: 0.7749806642532349\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "Supreme Court says federal courts cannot strike down partisan gerrymandering schemes httpstcoQyPi0PDuai SmartNews\n", "Score: 0.7244955897331238\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT SpeakerPelosi When anyone asks me what the three most important issues facing the Congress I always give the same answer\n", "\n", "The child…\n", "Score: 0.5499948263168335\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT PoliticsWolf Now the battle over partisan gerrymandering turns to Congress amp the states Congress could pass national reforms like De…\n", "Score: 0.5169416069984436\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Thala catch pattadam \n", "Rohit thoda kottadam\n", "Kohli Bumrah ni appreciate cheyyatam\n", "\n", "Cute celebration \n", "\n", "INDvWI\n", "Score: 0.5341755151748657\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Ankitpa94238189 I think dhawan injury has shown our weakness as no player in top for brisk starts like he did rohi… httpstcoP73Ede3qMV\n", "Score: 0.5499944686889648\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT ewarren You bet I have a plan to deal with Mitch McConnell We need leadership from within our government—but we also need a grassroot…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT PushprajZala Vijay Shanker is a deadly combo of Virat Kohli and Bumrah He bats like bumrah and bowls like kohli Legend\n", "\n", "Respect…\n", "Score: 0.8874893188476562\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "I feel imVkohli could be Dhonis biggest fan\n", "Score: 0.5499354600906372\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "BCCI DHONI MASTERPIECE \n", "Score: 0.6999523043632507\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT 365datarvk РевОПрос Зюганов Я уверяю что товарищ Ленин и товарищ Сталин меня поддержали бы httpstcoP4XDzYYPrR\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Dhoni was literally flying while taking a catch\n", "This is the level of fitness dhoni possess\n", "Score: 0.8199809193611145\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT KanchanGupta It is now fashionable for editors like thesuniljain to shovel crap on the Union Government and blame PM narendramodi f…\n", "Score: 0.549994945526123\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT TimesNow Breaking Exclusive Congress INCindia commission admission CAUGHT ON TAPE Neta Bheema Naik of Karnataka Congress confi…\n", "Score: 0.523027241230011\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Nolte Too Many Shark Jumps Cool Resistance Impeachment Fever httpstcoY7Zh70IVke\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT DavidCornDC Will House Dems follow up on this and question Jared Kushner httpstcozZz5XJiHSo\n", "Score: 0.5499913096427917\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT marcorubio Players have a right to express their opinions\n", "\n", "And you know POTUS is most certainly going to respond\n", "\n", "But does politics…\n", "Score: 0.5188252329826355\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT mehdirhasan This ‘partisan gerrymandering’ story should be covered in a way voters understand who the hell knows what gerrymandering…\n", "Score: 0.8199918866157532\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT krishank9 On a Birthday when you are out on an off with your wife and daughter when you get to know that BJP is spreading lies ther…\n", "Score: 0.5499973297119141\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT AriBerman In state after state GOP getting minority of votes but huge majority of seats This is fundamentally undemocratic Extreme…\n", "Score: 0.8199930191040039\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "With due respect to heathwcarter I understand the historical observation here and its very valuable I always… httpstcoN99d7SEIsh\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT Cricketracker Virat Kohli becomes the fastest batsman to 20000 international runs CWC19 httpstcogwSwoESpUB\n", "Score: 0.7749899625778198\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT CNNnews18 NewsAlert – Bihar Youth Congress protests in Delhi over Encephalitis deaths in Bihar BiharSOS Zebaism with more detail…\n", "Score: 0.5499953031539917\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "What a catch by Dhoni ❤️\n", "Score: 0.6999649405479431\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT TheLoyalO If Dems dont win in resounding fashion in 2020 Republicans will finish their partisan overhaul of the Judiciary amp make it…\n", "Score: 0.5499821305274963\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT CSKian716 Dhoni in the last over will be the reason for Twitter shutting down one day CWC19\n", "Score: 0.5499348044395447\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT atrupar Here’s Nancy Pelosi verbally shrugging in response to a question about what she thinks Congress should do about a credible rap…\n", "Score: 0.39963623881340027\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "MarenMorris Elizabeth Warren Money outta politics and a plan for EVERYTHING\n", "Score: 0.5499719381332397\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "What a Catch by Dhoni \n", "\n", "CWC19\n", "INDvsWI\n", "WIvIND\n", "Score: 0.6136797070503235\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT ScottMStedman You know who actually deleted texts Steve Bannon and Erik Prince httpstco1vT8ra3Zlj\n", "Score: 0.6999824643135071\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT RealNoraC Theyve got some DAMNED good Kompromat on SweetLindsey LindseyGrahamSC SC VoteBlueNoMatterWho2020 VoteJamieHarrisonF…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Nice job SENATE REPUBLICANS\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT SenGillibrand This is a disgrace Partisan gerrymandering guts the most sacred principle of our democracy voters choose their represe…\n", "Score: 0.6999850273132324\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT Cricketracker Virat Kohli becomes the fastest batsman to 20000 international runs CWC19 httpstcogwSwoESpUB\n", "Score: 0.77498859167099\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "That Flying Dhoni \n", "Virats Expression \n", "\n", "INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.457671582698822\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT JanzAndrew This is a terrible blow to our democracy We can only rely on our states now to draw fair congressional districts gerryma…\n", "Score: 0.5499914884567261\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT SenGillibrand This is a disgrace Partisan gerrymandering guts the most sacred principle of our democracy voters choose their represe…\n", "Score: 0.6999835968017578\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "MimiMadeira1 2014 not ancient history\n", "httpstcognaqGZtmrT\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Wow what a catch what a catch dhoni 6 wicket msdhoni CWC19 INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.8499854207038879\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT DavidLammy Boris Johnson vows to be “tougher on those who abuse our hospitality” Was this the same hospitality that deported black an…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "FinisherForever \n", "Best finisher in the World\n", "Thalada Dhonida\n", "msdhoni httpstcoNyP5s2xhd7\n", "Score: 0.549980878829956\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT PushprajZala Vijay Shanker is a deadly combo of Virat Kohli and Bumrah He bats like bumrah and bowls like kohli Legend\n", "\n", "Respect…\n", "Score: 0.887489914894104\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT itzSiruthai Dhoni Haters Now httpstcond6YRlMt7u\n", "Score: 0.6999813914299011\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT RepScottPeters justinamash is right “The risk we face in an environment of extreme partisanship is not that Congress will employ im…\n", "Score: 0.549994945526123\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Kohli mass Monna Dhoni six ki ivala Dhoni dive ki mamulu reactions kaavu INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.819980263710022\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT LouDobbs Our courts including SCOTUS are now running the country—as politically corrupt as the FBI DOJ and the Congress socalle…\n", "Score: 0.5514646172523499\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT LouDobbs Our courts including SCOTUS are now running the country—as politically corrupt as the FBI DOJ and the Congress socalle…\n", "Score: 0.5512387156486511\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT MichaelH14 “Brexit civil servant in charge of nodeal planning quits”\n", "\n", "I guess he doesn’t wish to be associated with the expected carn…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT PushprajZala Vijay Shanker is a deadly combo of Virat Kohli and Bumrah He bats like bumrah and bowls like kohli Legend\n", "\n", "Respect…\n", "Score: 0.887489914894104\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "Sanju9026 Khel to rahe hein wo b wicket bacha ke And run b bana rahe amp Catch b le rahe Dhoni\n", "Score: 0.7749683856964111\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT froomkin CNN’s factchecking team apparently somewhat dumbstruck by the lack of lies So far one “check” and it’s basically true ht…\n", "Score: 0.5499933362007141\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT divya16 No wonder they call her the most dangerous journalist httpstcoCaUPh8vb3f\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT brianstelter Carol Martin and Lisa Birnbach say E Jean Carroll told them about Trumps alleged assault at the time in the 90s The…\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT RawStory Justice Roberts called out for proGOP gerrymandering ruling ‘He’s absolutely doing politics’ httpstcoWlCIqBYA0h\n", "Score: 0.7749846577644348\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "Damn that catch \n", "He flew and caught it with ONE hand Mahendra Singh Dhoni ♥ \n", "CWC19 INDvWI\n", "Score: 0.8199740648269653\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT msdfansofficial MS Dhoni amp Last Ball Finish is still our favorite Love Story\n", "\n", "DhoniAtCWC19 INDvWI Dhoni httpstcovex8xUyIIc\n", "Score: 0.7749813795089722\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "Dhoni jst pulled off a Sarfarz here httpstcohDFrdO5rta\n", "Score: 0.5499405264854431\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT vachilly64 SCOTUS doesnt care if youre a legal citizen So the law of the land that ONLY citizens vote isnt something that SCOTUS c…\n", "Score: 0.5499818325042725\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT LawPurush DHONI KO DI SAARI GAALI MAIN WAPAS LETA HOON\n", "Score: 0.5499299764633179\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT SirJadeja MS Dhoni should be given the no 4 spot Once he gets set till 40 overs he can tear apart the bowlers in final overs if we h…\n", "Score: 0.5499324202537537\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT nitingadkari Under the leadership of PM Modi our mantra for New India is conversion of knowledge into wealth and conversion of waste…\n", "Score: 0.69997638463974\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT USBPChief Border Patrol KNOWS what it takes to secure the border We cannot do this effectively with up to 60 of manpower dedicated t…\n", "Score: 0.3666665852069855\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT tvphangurl1 FINALLY BUMRAH FINALLY DHONI IndvWI\n", "Score: 0.7749675512313843\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT kettavanMemes Black Day For Dhoni Haters And Kohlis Reaction INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.8199838399887085\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT swatigs You live among us and yet dare to stand up against us Leave our area you Hindus \n", "Danishs family lynched Gangaram Singh…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "IndrajGurjarinc RahulGandhi SachinPilot devendrayadvinc qazinizamuddin INCIndia Tarunkcongress avinashpandeinc Jai ho\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT SenJohnThune The Senate bill to provide 459 billion in funding to address the HumanitarianCrisis at the southern border just passed…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "வயசானாலும் உங்க அழகும் ஸ்டைலும் இன்னும் உங்கள வுட்டு போகல ❤️\n", "Dhoni\n", "IndvWI\n", "Score: 0.6999750137329102\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT IfNotNowOrg We can think of a few httpstcomn2OC1VKtw\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT somybored Dhoni in last over INDvsWI httpstcooe4HfxHHze\n", "Score: 0.6999740600585938\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT nitingadkari Under the leadership of PM Modi our mantra for New India is conversion of knowledge into wealth and conversion of waste…\n", "Score: 0.6999782919883728\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "மேற்கிந்திய தீவுகள் அணியின் நம்பிக்கை வீரராக இருந்த ப்ராத்வெயிட் அவுட்டானார்\n", "\n", "INDvWI CWC19 TeamIndia\n", "\n", "Live… httpstco60Cl4oBsFG\n", "Score: 0.6999395489692688\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "Lo dhoni haters INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.774986982345581\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "I guess you got the answer httpstcolMBYdvl5LR\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT ScottWamplerBMD LindseyGrahamSC Hey Lindsey big fan just wondering what it’s like to devote one’s entire life and career to politic…\n", "Score: 0.4044802188873291\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT renatomariotti Today the Supreme Court by a 54 majority along partisan lines ruled that gerrymandering is a political issue that i…\n", "Score: 0.8999945521354675\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT ericbolling Great choice realDonaldTrump choosing StephGrisham45 as your PressSec \n", "\n", "httpstcojpv8z421TQ\n", "Score: 0.549982488155365\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT FarziCricketer ABBE BSDK JIS FAN CLUB KA TU MEMBER HAI MAI USKA ADMIN HU httpstcodDmnkuRnPR\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "ColdFuentes tyrion1 RobAnderson2018 AOC And now this I had hope in the Supreme Court\n", "\n", "We the people cannot b… httpstcouJK26UekLx\n", "Score: 0.5056273937225342\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT FairyQ15 The President not wasting words on the Democratic Debate\n", "‘BORING’ Donald Trump Tweets OneWord Review of Democratic Debate…\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT mehdirhasan This ‘partisan gerrymandering’ story should be covered in a way voters understand who the hell knows what gerrymandering…\n", "Score: 0.8199918866157532\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT TranslateRealDT Mueller testifying to Congress isnt Harassment\n", "\n", "Youre not even his type httpstco46LEQNGtwJ\n", "Score: 0.6999285817146301\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT AlicePotenza This guy has turned into one of the most antiAmerican people in politics today Shame on you LindseyGrahamResign https…\n", "Score: 0.7749802470207214\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT vincentwong666 我仲以為睇緊宣佈林鄭交權成立軍政府…\n", "\n", "林鄭月娥會見四警察協會代表 表揚警隊高度專業克制 不偏不倚執法 立場報道 立場新聞 httpstcorQurFcDcMm httpstcoI7xtltvJCF\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Bottlenecks for the Top European Jobs Eurozone Europe ECB Politics EUCouncil httpstcoLljznFRSSO\n", "Score: 0.5499745011329651\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT Avinash40723740 LuvDatta INCMdKhan exhortofgeeta DickDarryl INCIndia MahilaCongress TrollNaakaa SChowdhurie WithCongress c…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT mehdirhasan Credible accusation of rape against the sitting president of the United States\n", "\n", "Speaker of the House “I haven’t paid tha…\n", "Score: 0.6999805569648743\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT ChrisSuprunTX03 As we all watch the DemDebate and think about our future we need to realize electing a Democrat President isnt enoug…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT RVICricketStats India wicketkeeper msdhoni has conceded 9 byes in this innings today the most he has every conceded in an ODI inni…\n", "Score: 0.6999760866165161\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT ARanganathan72 Leave our area you Hindus\n", "\n", "Yet another Hindu lynched Yet another Hindu lynching ignored by the media and narendra…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT vinodhmvk Virat Kohli asked Chahal to make holder drive and that’s what exactly he did Great partnership between captain and bowler…\n", "Score: 0.7749691009521484\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT ddale8 Trump today on his Orlando rally last week Outside there were I mean literally tens of thousands of people couldnt get i…\n", "Score: 0.5334943532943726\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT mschlapp I’m for impeaching the Chief Justice for lying to all of us about his support of the Constitution He is responsible for Robe…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Why on earth are the Indian commentators CONSTANTLY translating what Dhoni is telling the bowlers Indians can un… httpstcoBeVriuoABG\n", "Score: 0.5217928290367126\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "Udta dhoni INDvsWI Dhoni TeamIndia\n", "Score: 0.7749767303466797\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT CricketNDTVLive Match 34 WICKET Carlos Brathwaite c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1 5b West Indies 1076 261 Ovs WIvIND https…\n", "Score: 0.8874933123588562\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT tribelaw So even the most extreme cases of partisan gerrymandering are now beyond correction by the federal courts State courts here…\n", "Score: 0.6774455904960632\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "BrexitCentral Boris Johnsons Brexit deal claims rubbished by Guy Verhofstadt\n", "httpstcoh8CuuC3xpg\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT JMGarcel A win for our Democracy For now\n", "\n", "But the fight is long from over\n", "\n", "We double down to support our leaders on the ground and…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT rahulkanwal A series of videos was released by a website called TNN World alleging demo fraud by BJP Kapil Sibal cited these videos t…\n", "Score: 0.549980878829956\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT VishalT83390793 Finally Windies captain has last laugh over his Indian counterpart \n", "Well played Captain Kohli \n", "Now test for India…\n", "Score: 0.5593084096908569\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT mehdirhasan Credible accusation of rape against the sitting president of the United States\n", "\n", "Speaker of the House “I haven’t paid tha…\n", "Score: 0.699981689453125\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT AriBerman In state after state GOP getting minority of votes but huge majority of seats This is fundamentally undemocratic Extreme…\n", "Score: 0.8199930191040039\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "ICC You have another chance to create a comparisonnow behind the wickets one of Sarfaraz and other of Dhoni\n", "INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.7749750018119812\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "It can render many seats in Congress effectively positions for life As we have seen time and againit can create s… httpstcoqXmQApQ91r\n", "Score: 0.5499946475028992\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT DHONIism MS Dhoni Innings today \n", "\n", "First 45 balls 26 runs SR 5778\n", "Next 16 balls 30 runs StrikeRate 18750 httpstco…\n", "Score: 0.44009658694267273\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "The tremendous catch by dhoni\n", "RIP haters \n", "\n", " INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.8199744820594788\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT MRFWorldwide Bumrah is in for another spell But how many should Kohli save of Bumrah for later Tweet us with RideAlongWithMRF https…\n", "Score: 0.7749753594398499\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT DavidLauter 4 justices said essentially that the administration can do whatever it wants on the citizenship question 4 said no Rob…\n", "Score: 0.5996900796890259\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT chasebass Boris just might have the answer to Britains immigration troubles\n", "httpstcoSzHQQpQpj8\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT MadanChikna Ravi Shastris influence in Indian Cricket is unmatchable httpstcoR3uRiJa5AS\n", "Score: 0.699981689453125\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT ggreenwald I testified for 6 hours yesterday at the Brazilian Congress about the exposés weve been publishing about Bolsonaros Justi…\n", "Score: 0.5499943494796753\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT AndrewPollackFL Megan Rapinoe is a disgrace to our Nation\n", "\n", "She is supposed to be representing the United States on the world stage…\n", "Score: 0.6999606490135193\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "IamMkr Apdi Dhoni kodukanumna first seriesleye kodukanum\n", "Score: 0.549940288066864\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "kettavanMemes Dhoni u beauty\n", "Score: 0.5499404668807983\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT Kathi2k19 Cricket Match Pakistan Victory Celebration in Occupied Kashmir\n", "“تیری جان میری جان\n", "پاکستان پاکستان” httpstcol2IcARTBHt\n", "Score: 0.6999743580818176\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT swatigs You live among us and yet dare to stand up against us Leave our area you Hindus \n", "Danishs family lynched Gangaram Singh…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT BrutIndia This firsttime MP delivered a vicious attack on the Modi government in her maiden Parliament speech httpstcoI53dPBB…\n", "Score: 0.549954891204834\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT ziddyzoya गोदी मीडिया सही कहती है modi गज़ब के क्राइम प्लानर और मास्टरमाइंड हैं।\n", "\n", "TabrezAnsari की MobLynching से हम चमकीबुखार से मर…\n", "Score: 0.5499536991119385\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT AriBerman In state after state GOP getting minority of votes but huge majority of seats This is fundamentally undemocratic Extreme…\n", "Score: 0.8199930191040039\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Welcome new followers This thread is about 30 book talk 30 politics and 30 fluffy animals doing cute things… httpstcoiP87vxCtgt\n", "Score: 0.5499716997146606\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT IExpressSports INDvWI CWC19\n", "\n", "No Brathwaite show tonight Jasprit Bumrah gets his first wicket of the innings WI 1076 in 261 ove…\n", "Score: 0.8499956130981445\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Trendulkar Bhaii Mahendra Singh Dhoni kaha kho Gaya \n", "Score: 0.549937903881073\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT danbloom1 AND FINALLY Two of the DWPs top Universal Credit officers have trousered between £15k and £25k of bonuses in the last ye…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT saladinahmed I grew up among leftists in the rust belt and the idea that we need to coat progressive politics in racism or homophobia…\n", "Score: 0.5499746203422546\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT renatomariotti Today the Supreme Court by a 54 majority along partisan lines ruled that gerrymandering is a political issue that i…\n", "Score: 0.8999953866004944\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "ye kya tha \n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT SenBooker Partisan gerrymandering is crippling our democracy and making Congress more polarized than ever before Its deeply disappoi…\n", "Score: 0.5239649415016174\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT TheLoyalO If Dems dont win in resounding fashion in 2020 Republicans will finish their partisan overhaul of the Judiciary amp make it…\n", "Score: 0.5499827265739441\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "vbharti8991 Nir0909 Anjupra7743 AshrafFem dkbhaskar41 vimalkkr1990 yadavdimples anitayadav88277 RoflSinha… httpstcoyYOYtwF3OX\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT hosakanobuto 児童養護施設を巣立つ若者へ奨学金 世田谷の挑戦 httpstcoCYgadGQhtq\n", "2016年に始めた児童養護施設や里親のもとを旅立つ若者たちに向けた「給付型奨学金」である「世田谷区児童養護施設等奨学基金」への寄付が、3年あまりで…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Epic Captaincy Epic Catch MS Dhoni Man of the Match \n", "WIvsIND WorldCup2019 TeamIndia\n", "Score: 0.7749677300453186\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "THALA DHONI amp BUMRAAHHH \n", "Score: 0.5499316453933716\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.887496292591095\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT TimCameron Ive always found the phrase partisan gerrymandering a tad redundant Gerrymandering has always been partisan and both pa…\n", "Score: 0.8199915885925293\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT PublicCitizen The SCOTUS ruling on gerrymandering gives politicians a green light to draw electoral districts that keep them in powe…\n", "Score: 0.6999867558479309\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "Bumrah And Dhoni nice catch\n", "Score: 0.774963915348053\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT mikepence What Americans hear tomorrow night will only confirm that Mexico has done more in the last 10 DAYS to secure the southern b…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT OfficeOfDSH प्रदेश में 5 साल से लगातार BJP ने खिलाड़ियों का तिरस्कार किया। दुःख की बात ये है कि बार2 इन खिलाड़ियों के सम्मान समारोह र…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT aseitzwald NEW IndivisibleTeam ran an SMS flash poll of their membership last night asking who “impressed” most Results\n", "\n", "Warren…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT NationalisRSS ये तबरेज मुल्ला राष्ट्रीय बाइक चोर गिरोह का सरगना था और स्थानीय डकैत गिरोह का सदस्य था। जिसे बेगुनाह बताने के लिए देश…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT davidlipson Indonesian Constitutional Court rulings \n", " Vote buying Unfounded ❌\n", " Money Politics Unfounded ❌\n", " State apparatus bias…\n", "Score: 0.447675496339798\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "EDGED AND TAKEN\n", "\n", "A peach of a Bumrah delivery helped by a peach of a Dhoni catch gets Brathwaite\n", "\n", "OneFamily… httpstcolFOeHOvM3Q\n", "Score: 0.8499789237976074\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT RishiMishra One more Rajyasabha MP from Indian National Lok Dal INLD Ram Kumar Kashyap joins BJP yesterday\n", "\n", "With this the number mo…\n", "Score: 0.5499805808067322\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT rohitjswl01 This is not IPL this is WORLD CUP\n", " I don’t care how they are playing here to support my team and not criticise them pl…\n", "Score: 0.6999931335449219\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT Corp125Vet Jamierodr14 JewelsJones1 realDonaldTrump Why didn’t Congress or the Media report that Suddenly our intelligence was spr…\n", "Score: 0.5499956011772156\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "I want the children to be safe too\n", "One way to help do that would be to IMPEACH THAT MONSTER\n", "\n", "Jesus woman… httpstco0NveVCPyGT\n", "Score: 0.549949049949646\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Hey saw Dhoni taking that catch Easily one of the best wicketkeepers in the world at the moment and the best… httpstco6wB51NBkl9\n", "Score: 0.8499658107757568\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Bc haters kahan hn kahan ho Bc aise catch pakdta hai hamara Dhoni \n", "\n", "Loveee u msdhoni \n", "\n", "India Win ❤❤❤\n", "Score: 0.6255010962486267\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT NPR The Supreme Court has ruled that partisan gerrymandering is a political question thats not reviewable by federal courts\n", "\n", "But how…\n", "Score: 0.8999963402748108\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "Dread it run from it Dhoni always arrives WHATTA CATCH\n", "\n", "INDvsWI CWC19\n", "Score: 0.7749806046485901\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Namrataa Specially those who have started watching cricket after 2007 T20 wc and 2011\n", "Score: 0.5499902367591858\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "Situation of Dhoni haters INDvsWI TeamIndia\n", "✊ httpstcoBl1jXXHtZC\n", "Score: 0.7749871015548706\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "ஐய்யா ஃபினிஷிங் கான விட்டுட்டிங்க\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT RescueMed Avviso ai naviganti \n", "\n", "Ci sono molti modi per sostenere Mediterranea SavingHumans\n", "\n", "Ricoprirci di insulti diffondere calu…\n", "Score: 0.5499588251113892\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT naveensurana06 Kohli Dancing httpstco4Do8oOGjxm\n", "Score: 0.6998926401138306\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT Vikaschaudhary मोदी जी का न्यू इंडिया \n", "इंदौर में पश्चिम बंगाल के बीजेपी प्रभारी KailashOnline के सुपुत्र आकाश विजयवर्गीय ने सरेआम अ…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "ewarren HypocriticalLiar You can never lead because you are too divisive You play partisan politics all the time… httpstcoZOSWGiaIiL\n", "Score: 0.6999745965003967\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT PatriotM1A JulieReichwein1 Why is this Criminal still in the Congress she should be Deported\n", "Score: 0.5499945282936096\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "desimojito Dhoni haters httpstcoPFR5qxB9me\n", "Score: 0.6999812722206116\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT Viratswifey Baaki ke dot balls dhoni fans ki gaand mein httpstcoNPytWVgck3\n", "Score: 0.5499353408813477\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "That expression of Kohli after Dhoni took the catch \n", "\n", "INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.8499791622161865\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "tsunademinaj BrokenTombe Gay and twink is redundant he shouldve put politics instead is what I shouldve said lol\n", "Score: 0.4405793249607086\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT OliverMcGee Retweet JoeBiden PeteButtigieg EricSwalwell IDENTITY POLITICS PANDERING as HillaryClinton HotSauce SenWarren 11024t…\n", "Score: 0.5499745607376099\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "After becoming MLA MPs amp Ministers no BJP4India members are going to meet Hindus who are victim of Muslim lynch… httpstcoFKfZYePTLt\n", "Score: 0.6999756693840027\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "And he takes a great catch Thanks for trying to prove me wrong Dhoni\n", "\n", "INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.4533641040325165\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "BCCI What a catch Dhoni \n", "Score: 0.7749683260917664\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Not in our name Sign my petition to the President and Congress demanding that they stop the inhumane treatment o… httpstcoTKVPMGW741\n", "Score: 0.5499947667121887\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT AlicePotenza This guy has turned into one of the most antiAmerican people in politics today Shame on you LindseyGrahamResign https…\n", "Score: 0.7749800682067871\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT AbhinaPrakash Lol Look how they are applauding the MP of the most brutal amp murderous regime No questions asked She is a hero not f…\n", "Score: 0.5499913096427917\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT renatomariotti Today the Supreme Court by a 54 majority along partisan lines ruled that gerrymandering is a political issue that i…\n", "Score: 0.8999953866004944\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT shakkuiyer Just a question from ardent Modi fans like me\n", "\n", "Will BJP4India become a Belanduru lake by bringing every corrupt person ins…\n", "Score: 0.415187269449234\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT JxhnBinder Massachusetts Official Resigns After Failing to Strip License from Refugee Accused of Killing 5 US Marines\n", "httpstco9…\n", "Score: 0.5499482154846191\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT RealWayneRoot What is matter wUSA This is stupidest thing Ive EVER heard in my life You cant ask a question about whether a perso…\n", "Score: 0.5499913096427917\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "HalfKneegrow liliana9408 TheRightMelissa Naah she isnt U are U better wake up theyve been using u too And… httpstcocqhfKLS9Ui\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT iPuneetSharma चुनाव से पहले RahulGandhi और कांग्रेस पार्टी ने प्रधानमंत्री narendramodi जी की इमेज को खराब करने का पूरा प्रयास किया…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT cricbuzz Cracking ball from Bumrah stunning onehanded catch from Dhoni and Brathwaite is out of here \n", "\n", "WIvIND \n", "CWC19 \n", "\n", "httpstc…\n", "Score: 0.8499842286109924\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Making it up as always BorisJohnson is a sociopathic child many allege His uni profs said it his ex bosses h… httpstcoFTxSmaiZbl\n", "Score: 0.5499963760375977\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Do you love media that focuses on the perspectives of QTPOC If you’re interested in bringing race gender and se… httpstcoBMStJ2VZYP\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "WHAT A CATCH still the flying eagle You beauty MSDhoni \n", "\n", "Kaun bol raha tha Dhoni ke against bey INDvsWI CWC19\n", "Score: 0.7749780416488647\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT dhruvrathee BJP MLAs son beats up a man with a bat in full public view and see what the MLA says about that \n", "\n", "When such things happ…\n", "Score: 0.5499963760375977\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT RobJCricket Marcus Trescothick to retire from professional cricket at the end of this season \n", "\n", "He’s made a huge contribution to the…\n", "Score: 0.5499906539916992\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT mehdirhasan This ‘partisan gerrymandering’ story should be covered in a way voters understand who the hell knows what gerrymandering…\n", "Score: 0.8199918866157532\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT odayakana2 枝野氏また嘘を言う。安保法制(安保条約の骨)の廃案を強硬に主張したのは立民党枝野氏でしたよね。有権者を騙してはいけません\n", "\n", "立憲民主・枝野氏「日米安保条約は堅持」 消費増税凍結を主張 httpstcoG3CGSJC5PS Sankei…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT Bamafanaticfan1 Supreme Court blocks citizenship question in 2020 census for now\n", "\n", "httpstcoOmaRzA4oTz\n", "CorruptJudicial JudiciarySy…\n", "Score: 0.7749959230422974\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT SenJohnThune The Senate bill to provide 459 billion in funding to address the HumanitarianCrisis at the southern border just passed…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT PushprajZala Vijay Shanker is a deadly combo of Virat Kohli and Bumrah He bats like bumrah and bowls like kohli Legend\n", "\n", "Respect…\n", "Score: 0.8874897956848145\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT ModijiKaHathHai Doni in other overs vs Dhoni in last over INDvsWI httpstcoMMIHqcUMG0\n", "Score: 0.6999728679656982\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT realDonaldTrump I look forward to speaking with Prime Minister Modi about the fact that India for years having put very high Tariffs…\n", "Score: 0.6999776363372803\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "aajtak Mano ya n mano mgr ye haqiqat hai congress ki har uske desh se kigai gaddari h rahul amp To bahana h… httpstco6iBXHYOPRB\n", "Score: 0.6999281048774719\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT mrjamesob Brexit civil servant in charge of nodeal planning quits httpstcomujR5JGRe4\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT TruthToTellJus1 It looks like Congress has all it needs to take Omar out of Congress She has already shown the hate AND larceny that…\n", "Score: 0.5902982950210571\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT rahulkanwal A series of videos was released by a website called TNN World alleging demo fraud by BJP Kapil Sibal cited these videos t…\n", "Score: 0.5499808192253113\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT danbloom1 NEW Esther McVey trousered a £17000 payoff for quitting as Tory welfare chief after just 10 months in the job\n", "\n", "httpst…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT emptywheel Reminder Obama tried to apply pressure on Mark Zuckerberg to fix some of this in real time\n", "\n", "Congress has tied to appl…\n", "Score: 0.5499948859214783\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RepDanCrenshaw That’s the problem People want only feel good politics not realistic politics and policies Feel… httpstcoC1qXgauEPU\n", "Score: 0.7749895453453064\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT ViktorAckermann Motivierender und lesenswerter Artikel im Telegraph von pietercleppe\n", "über Erpresser JunckerEU und Konsorten Es is…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT AndrewPollackFL Megan Rapinoe is a disgrace to our Nation\n", "\n", "She is supposed to be representing the United States on the world stage…\n", "Score: 0.699949324131012\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT mehdirhasan Credible accusation of rape against the sitting president of the United States\n", "\n", "Speaker of the House “I haven’t paid tha…\n", "Score: 0.699978768825531\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT amitmalviya Gangaram’s minor daughter went missing He filed a police complaint naming his neighbour Danish as suspect \n", "‘You live am…\n", "Score: 0.5499905347824097\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT AndrewPollackFL Megan Rapinoe is a disgrace to our Nation\n", "\n", "She is supposed to be representing the United States on the world stage…\n", "Score: 0.699957549571991\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Dhoni कैच\n", "\n", "INDvsWI \n", "CWC19\n", "Score: 0.699974775314331\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "I told you right Dhoni will shut everyone next match happened tho \n", "But still some haters are cribbing lol\n", "Score: 0.7749730348587036\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT jedshug My NYTimesOpEd on Muellers Mistakes\n", "Mueller opened huge loopholes for outside groups and foreign govts to give campaigns o…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Dhonis ego must have hurt when even sarfraz and all was taking catch like that Result\n", "Score: 0.8199704885482788\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT labourleave So to be clear its the EU that has banned lower VAT on solar panels under its loathed state aid rules Good old EU the…\n", "Score: 0.4660603106021881\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "desimojito dhoni haters फिर परेशान dhoni जानबूझकर तो नहीं लेता इनकी whatacatch\n", "Score: 0.7749838829040527\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT ChooseToBFree funder Have you lost your mind\n", "\n", "Obama is the one that started cages\n", "\n", "And the problem of immigration has been going on…\n", "Score: 0.5499889850616455\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "Gov Bill Lee has called an August special session to replace House Speaker Glen Casada httpstco57gSN0SvIa httpstco4VuCC9lsnR\n", "Score: 0.6999698281288147\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Dear Mr Kohli pls include jadeja in the team and kindly drop either jadav or vijayshankar What a useful crick… httpstcoaPzxmmpXiC\n", "Score: 0.6999784708023071\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT FranklinGraham Pray especially for our representatives in Congress today—both Democrats and Republicans Ask God to work in their hea…\n", "Score: 0.36919859051704407\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "dhaikilokatweet Rajasthan walon ki lanka lagane me thoda yogdan mera bhi hai vote rajasthan me deta hun rehta… httpstcosAq4NIW5dg\n", "Score: 0.5499774217605591\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Castro spells it out well and Beto stumbles again httpstcooFFcNUfEqs via nbcnews\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "saeen90 mtracey Modi will retweet it not Spencer\n", "Score: 0.5499578714370728\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "BCCI This Wicket For Dhoni\n", "Score: 0.7749766111373901\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT ExDemLatina Hey Democrats \n", "\n", "Just a reminder that Obama never went to congress for permission \n", "\n", " DemDebate Hypocrites httpstco4x…\n", "Score: 0.538885235786438\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "How can you ever really hate or diss Dhoni for long God IndVsWI\n", "Score: 0.6999749541282654\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT waleedshahid Bernie and I have been friends forever Long before I ever got involved in politics I went up to Vermont and did town…\n", "Score: 0.6999775767326355\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT realDonaldTrump The Republican Senate just passed bipartisan humanitarian assistance for our Southern Border 848 In addition to aid…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT ArunPan80500173 vimal73901699 myogiadityanath Sir aap iss baat par pls dhayan dijye hum sab gen category wale over age ho rahe aur…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Dhoni does it again by a fantastic catch and the crowd goes \n", "\n", "CWC19 INDvsWI WIvIND INDvWI httpstco2cSoZYtXYl\n", "Score: 0.538331925868988\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT hutabhuk Dhoni haters after that catch \n", "\n", "INDvsWI httpstcoMWWnU5hL4j\n", "Score: 0.8199788928031921\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT SaraCarterDC LindseyGrahamSC SpeakerPelosi is biggest loser now that Mueller will testify via marthamaccallum \n", "\n", "httpst…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Governor Pritzker blocked Trump from Illinois electoral college if he doesnt produce his taxes All citizens shoul… httpstcoDUTbVYYwHr\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT swatigs You live among us and yet dare to stand up against us Leave our area you Hindus \n", "Danishs family lynched Gangaram Singh…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Lmao now Dhoni takes a blinder after having an odd outing behind the stumps today Dhoni Haters are finding themsel… httpstcoQ4lMg9IQjA\n", "Score: 0.5984554290771484\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "INDvsWI amazing Dhoni day on field \n", "Score: 0.6999721527099609\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT AtheistKrishna Dhoni hater spotted\n", "INDvWI httpstcocKmJ3r54jQ\n", "Score: 0.7749876379966736\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT JulieReichwein1 I follow back MAGA \n", "\n", "Laura Loomer was the 1st one on top of this story last year She got banned for it\n", "\n", "Why won’t th…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT kettavanMemes Black Day For Dhoni Haters And Kohlis Reaction INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.8199840188026428\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "KunalTheMishra mohanstatsman N ur Aspiring too with zodiac\n", "Bhai running shuru kar do\n", "Sitaron ke sahare belly kam… httpstcohlBdEabMD8\n", "Score: 0.549985408782959\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "INDvsWI Dhoni \n", "Whoh what a catch Dhoni Bhai 1076\n", "Bumrah to Brathwaite out Caught by Dhoni That was a stun… httpstco6GMMVVfTA7\n", "Score: 0.7954050898551941\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT NationalisRSS हिन्दू संप्रदाय करोड़ों रुपए मजारों और कब्रो अजमेरपर चढ़ाता है \n", "\n", "आपने किसी शान्तिदूत को\n", "सवा रूपया भी किसी मंदिर मे…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT jojoptyoga Most disconcerting httpstcozzRnpW9b5u\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Vijay Shankar waste piece he hasnt scored 50 still particular people are promoting him every body knows who the… httpstcobQwxSQqWAC\n", "Score: 0.6999895572662354\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Stick a fork in it the US is done Anyone want to move to Mexico with me httpstcouTX5WAFq3q\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT ANI WATCH Japan Slogans of Vande Mataram Jai Sri Ram raised at community event at the Hyogo Prefecture Guest House in Kobe aft…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099955558776855\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT dougducey Proud to stand with 27 other governors in calling for Congress to ratify USMCA It updates our nation’s trade agreements wi…\n", "Score: 0.5499950051307678\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT amitmalviya Gangaram’s minor daughter went missing He filed a police complaint naming his neighbour Danish as suspect \n", "‘You live am…\n", "Score: 0.549990177154541\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT millanpatterson This is what oneparty CADem rule will get you ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY there’s only one way to change it VoteDemOut ht…\n", "Score: 0.5499888062477112\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT gurjar570 भगवा रंग का विरोध वो लोग ही करते हैं जो रहते तो अपने घर में और पङोसी को देख कर बोलते है पापा आ गये हैं पापा\n", " \n", "https…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "nan\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "INDvsWI\n", "Beautifully taken dhoni\n", "bumrah \n", "ICCWorldCup2019 \n", "CWC19\n", "Score: 0.8199844360351562\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT Sounak First Sachin then Dada with sarcastic digs and now Laxman absolutely going nuts on Dhoni Telling he really needs to fuckin…\n", "Score: 0.6999419331550598\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT MazherArshad Few days back Ian Bishop said Babar Azam’s drives are like Picasso’s paintings High praise from a highly respected voice…\n", "Score: 0.3952428996562958\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT rameshsrivats INDvWI\n", "From next match all batsman should be instructed to walk up to Dhoni after every single over and whisper Boss…\n", "Score: 0.774972140789032\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "To everyone who doubted wicket keeping skills of Dhoni CWC19 TeamIndia INDvsWI INDvWI\n", "Score: 0.6035179495811462\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT RealWayneRoot What is matter wUSA This is stupidest thing Ive EVER heard in my life You cant ask a question about whether a perso…\n", "Score: 0.5499913096427917\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT Trendulkar Harsha Bhogle and Saurav Ganguly in the commentary box together Immense amount of combined cricket wisdom and hair transpl…\n", "Score: 0.5499905943870544\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "Jonty Rhodes yaad aa gaya wattay catch dhoni \n", "\n", "INDvWI cwc19\n", "Score: 0.7749657034873962\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT vijaita There was no hartal called by separatists last year as well when the then Home Minister Rajnath Singh visited Srinagar And al…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT tedlieu Dear realDonaldTrump You havent even been able to withdraw our limited number of troops from Syria which you promised you…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Watch MonSchBoys cricket captain Nathan reflects on the runnersup spot in the successful inaugural Welsh Schoo… httpstco9OLJa6IhAa\n", "Score: 0.6999837756156921\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT atDavidHoffman We need to abolish the terms “left and right” when talking about politics\n", "\n", "Instead let’s call them “forward and backwa…\n", "Score: 0.5499746203422546\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "Appalling remarks This from YOU DerbyChrisW is worth 100 of you you shameful misogynist racist buffoon … httpstcoaz5C4mvfIr\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Busiismo Ffss thought he was a Pakistani fan or something Mostly tweets about Pakistan cricket\n", "Score: 0.5499906539916992\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "ChrisLoesch But it certainly applies to TheView The View is such a waste \n", "\n", "A bunch of clueless women… httpstcoRi5FLbsnst\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "grantstern The horserace is gotcha politics soundbites and zingers It’s why debates nowadays are almost entirel… httpstco9b5d0Awpdy\n", "Score: 0.6999467015266418\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT SenSchumer This Is Outrageous\n", "\n", "President realDonaldTrump is saying it “none of your business” what he says to President Putin\n", "\n", "I…\n", "Score: 0.6999979019165039\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT IsSwingAndSeam Lol Pagal h kya Dhoni Rohit sowed that idea in Kohlis brain while he was asleep httpstcomOGCPpbAJw\n", "Score: 0.6999523639678955\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT rameshlaus Dhoni knows what to do 16 runs off the last over His critics can keep quiet and let him play his game in the ICCWorld…\n", "Score: 0.48025867342948914\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT RituRathaur ‘Leave Our AreaYou Hindus’ \n", "Muslim Mob comprising of 4 men amp 2 Women Lynched Gangaram For Filing Police Complaint On His…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT IAMMGraham You know where Democrats never complain about Gerrymandering\n", "Massachusetts\n", "Around 40 percent of state consistently votes…\n", "Score: 0.8199895024299622\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT Trendulkar Great catch by Sarfaraz Singh Dhoni INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.48759979009628296\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT mohanstatsman MS Dhoni 56 in 61 balls\n", "first 20 runs in 40 balls Ro 5000 \n", "next 36 runs in 21 balls Ro 17143\n", "\n", "CWC19\n", "CWC2019\n", "IndvW…\n", "Score: 0.7749733328819275\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "nilgivesnofux TheRickWilson I read the Honolulu Star Bulletin every day There is a lot of coverage of Tulsis co… httpstcoT0UOLKV80x\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT icheme The political gerrymandering decision shows that we cant count on the courts to save democracy Especially not SCOTUS \n", "\n", "We…\n", "Score: 0.774983823299408\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "mehtaneel121 nmalviya I will certainly react with this \n", "How many matches virat Kohli played in his home ground… httpstco1L6WADRHbY\n", "Score: 0.5325851440429688\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT ashutosh83B शमसुलइस्लाम लिखते है बीजेपीमोदी ये नहीं बताते कि RSS प्रमुख ने इंदिरा गांधी को लिख इमरजेंसी का समर्थन किया था। क्यों \n", "…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Flying DHONI INDvWI\n", "Score: 0.6999752521514893\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "When you are not as qualified as Rick Perry you know you suck\n", "\n", "Leaks show Drumpf vetted Pat McCrory for Energy… httpstcoXsIlPqHB0c\n", "Score: 0.5499973297119141\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Turkey’s US ambassador sent letter to Congress seeking reprieve from US sanctions report httpstcoKpDrjq9tOT\n", "Score: 0.5499948859214783\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT AugustLeo821 poconomtn WE need to have\n", "1 COMPLETE AUDIT of congress expenses staff absenteeism participation etc\n", "2 Establi…\n", "Score: 0.549994945526123\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT RiaRevealed Advice lena aagaye bechare Modi Govt aarey wah \n", "After insulting him so much with sick memes movie and tweets\n", "U have…\n", "Score: 0.5499587059020996\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT kettavanMemes Black Day For Dhoni Haters And Kohlis Reaction INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.819981575012207\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT DiamondandSilk If you had the opportunity to ask Mueller a question what would the question be For example When did you know that…\n", "Score: 0.5202404856681824\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.8874961137771606\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT ezraklein No Democrat has a good plan for what to do if Mitch McConnell is Senate majority leader in 2021 because there is no good pla…\n", "Score: 0.5499733090400696\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT vinodhmvk Virat Kohli asked Chahal to make holder drive and that’s what exactly he did Great partnership between captain and bowler…\n", "Score: 0.774970531463623\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "One heck of a brilliant catch twas Dhoni \n", "Score: 0.6999673247337341\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Real reason is because MatthewstjTim class killed that exam You watch They did\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "BHAI DHONI NA MATLAB DIL JEET LIYA USS CATCH SE\n", "Score: 0.6999675631523132\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "NLC draws battle line with governors By Onojake Uriri TLTOnojakeUriri Governors unwilling to pay the new Minimum… httpstco6zttv0Tz2o\n", "Score: 0.549948513507843\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT pankhuripathak सच तो है आज पत्रकारों और जनता की भाजपा के सामने “औक़ात ही क्या है” । httpstcoSTL5Lc3bnF\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT OsamU odayakana2 Sankeinews りっけん\n", "三枚舌\n", "⚫︎天皇制廃止、日米安保破棄、自衛隊は違憲の共産党と共闘。\n", "⚫︎消費増税は民主政権。\n", "⚫︎辺野古、鳩山内閣では容認も立民は新しい政党。\n", "枝野代表\n", "日米安保条約は堅持\n", "消費増税凍結ht…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Kohlis expression Papa no one takes catches like you\n", "Score: 0.5855839252471924\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 Afghanistan get clearance from global body for replacing Aftab Alab with leftarm pacer… httpstco5veqYrxd8W\n", "Score: 0.7749723792076111\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "INDvsWI\n", "Kohli is so lucky to have bowler like bhumrah\n", "Score: 0.4565334916114807\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT loveyouall007 Dhoni Haters after this match INDvsWI CWC19 httpstcoVvxDulIzW0\n", "Score: 0.8199797868728638\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT allyyarid Politics won’t be in Heaven \n", "People will be in Heaven \n", "Fight for things that will be in Heaven\n", "Score: 0.6999843120574951\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 255 Y Chahal to S Hetmyer 14 4 runs 1075 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.722477912902832\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT cricbuzz Cracking ball from Bumrah stunning onehanded catch from Dhoni and Brathwaite is out of here \n", "\n", "WIvIND \n", "CWC19 \n", "\n", "httpstc…\n", "Score: 0.8499853014945984\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT Trendulkar Great catch by Sarfaraz Singh Dhoni INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.4876428246498108\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "अनामतसे देने विकास केसे होगा DevFadnavis जी \n", "\n", "\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT RhondaHurley2 SenSchumer do U want PresidentTrump to use Obama’s tactic w Putin amp tell him to “Cut It Out” or should he tell Puti…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "अनामतसे देने विकास केसे होगा DevFadnavis जी \n", "\n", "\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "StunnerdhoniINDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "क्या 1992 की तरह इंडिया से हारकर भी क्रिकेट वर्ल्ड कप जीत जाएगा पाकिस्तान \n", "INDvsWI Dhoni VijayShankar Pandya… httpstcoMfo2twtERE\n", "Score: 0.6999726891517639\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Wow catch Dhoni\n", "Score: 0.6999675035476685\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT ewarren You bet I have a plan to deal with Mitch McConnell We need leadership from within our government—but we also need a grassroot…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT Namrataa Bigger than that is Indian team has best bowling lineup in a World Cup Simply unbelievable for those of us who started wat…\n", "Score: 0.7749947905540466\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT bdnews24 The big news Modi attacks Congress’ ‘arrogance’ in Parliament and nine other top stories Other headlines Over one lakh pe…\n", "Score: 0.699986457824707\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "While everyone is watching the DemDebate2020 I’m over here for local politics bospoli allston brighton httpstco9fyLFujl5k\n", "Score: 0.6999460458755493\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "CricketFormer England opener Trescothick retires at 43 httpstcoXMjvJm2cD7 httpstco17h1iVyvNt\n", "Score: 0.5499487519264221\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT russellcrowe No thank you\n", "Thank you for raising the bar on what an elected representative should be \n", "Thank you for paying back the…\n", "Score: 0.5499838590621948\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT Neetahoon Retweet if you think Dhoni is still the best finisher ❤️ INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.6999686360359192\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Virat Kohli complete 20000 International Runs ViratKohli TeamIndia WorldCup2019 httpstco1Nv3eT9A4B\n", "Score: 0.5970698595046997\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT ewarren You bet I have a plan to deal with Mitch McConnell We need leadership from within our government—but we also need a grassroot…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Eric Trump spat on at Chicagos Aviary but declines to press charges against woman httpstcoRBSD9VoFSb… httpstcou4FwTd7ptS\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT NEWS9TWEETS BIGNEWS Indian Youth Congress and Bihar Congress unit stage protest near Union Health Minister DrHarsh Vardhans resi…\n", "Score: 0.532820999622345\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT JulieReichwein1 I follow back MAGA \n", "\n", "Laura Loomer was the 1st one on top of this story last year She got banned for it\n", "\n", "Why won’t th…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT AndrewPollackFL Megan Rapinoe is a disgrace to our Nation\n", "\n", "She is supposed to be representing the United States on the world stage…\n", "Score: 0.699959397315979\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "San Francisco and Los Angeles may share similar liberal politics but when it comes to criminal justice the two c… httpstcoBO35kznuAY\n", "Score: 0.5499686002731323\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT therightarticle DUP to investigate new Ian Paisley holiday allegation\n", "\n", "Should be investigated independently\n", "\n", "httpstco2bglK8z9vM\n", "Score: 0.5499478578567505\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "piersmorgan Trescricket Piers please explain Cricket it really makes no sense to me\n", "Score: 0.5499906539916992\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT RajatSharmaLive Congratulation Virat Kohli imVkohli on becoming the fastest batsman to complete 20000 international runs The nation…\n", "Score: 0.7749895453453064\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT vtan1234 Ye hain desh ke naye chowkidar\n", "AkashVijayvargiya\n", "Modi httpstcoMrMgU3qLEe\n", "Score: 0.5499587059020996\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Dhoni hater before 10 byes run and after taking Catch INDvsWI IndiaVsWestIndies httpstcoSZVLYY7TyA\n", "Score: 0.4388127624988556\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Dhoni u beauty wi 6 downINDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.5499381422996521\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT kettavanMemes Black Day For Dhoni Haters And Kohlis Reaction INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.8199837803840637\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT BaddCompani And we must reach out to State AGs to solve Gerrymandering Roberts was wrong on this He voted against Democracy Ignor…\n", "Score: 0.7749817371368408\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT AIPAC The BDS campaign hurts America Urge your members of Congress to oppose it httpstcomueMLziMrb httpstcomLnJSpfCay\n", "Score: 0.5499944090843201\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT CSKFansOfficial First 45 balls 26 runs SR 5778\n", "Next 16 balls 30 runs SR 18750 \n", "\n", "Thats Thala MS Dhoni for you\n", "\n", "Whis…\n", "Score: 0.7749733328819275\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "news18dotcom Can she explain the lynchings her party workers are doing in WB against BJPUnder whose guidance are… httpstco6dEm31GoYF\n", "Score: 0.5499488115310669\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT JMGarcel A win for our Democracy For now\n", "\n", "But the fight is long from over\n", "\n", "We double down to support our leaders on the ground and…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT RajatSharmaLive Congratulation Virat Kohli imVkohli on becoming the fastest batsman to complete 20000 international runs The nation…\n", "Score: 0.774989902973175\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT GadhviLaxman What a catch dhoni \n", "\n", "Haters already on their way to sleep on railway tracks \n", "Score: 0.774969756603241\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Suck an Egg ByeDone\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "what a catch dhoni\n", "Score: 0.6999658346176147\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT sanjaymanjrekar When the Pakistan cricket team wins like this on a big stage it’s not just beating the opposition it’s also beating…\n", "Score: 0.7749877572059631\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "This is a total joke right Democratic Congress has done NOTHING but obstruct amp resist going against the vast ma… httpstcoilbQpyu6Yt\n", "Score: 0.3727093040943146\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Dhoni haters saw that catch Now\n", "\n", "INDvsWI httpstcoQxzsVg0wPn\n", "Score: 0.819979727268219\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT davidfrawleyved As Congress and the radical left have lost political power in India they will portray India as an unsafe country for…\n", "Score: 0.6154811382293701\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "mdliberaldude Or just giving up on politics in general We could practice some kind of spirituality to occupy our time\n", "Score: 0.5499746799468994\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "TheJusticeDept USSupremeCourt nytimes washingtonpost As VP JoeBiden stood by and watched the BarackObama cri… httpstcok1qR4MBHfv\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT vijaita There was no hartal called by separatists last year as well when the then Home Minister Rajnath Singh visited Srinagar And al…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "You wont see people hyping him up for that like they hype Thala\n", "Score: 0.4096757471561432\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "Praying hard for Dhoni to replaced by Pant\n", "Score: 0.5499318838119507\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT SimonVessey A total joke that the DWP is run to crush the most vulnerable and allow a set of appalling people to line their pockets i…\n", "Score: 0.5499573349952698\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT mrjamesob Brexit civil servant in charge of nodeal planning quits httpstcomujR5JGRe4\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Such a refreshing welcome change I just hope real facts actually matter to the majority of voters on Election Day… httpstco9zwtgPnYgC\n", "Score: 0.6999344229698181\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Whata catch Dhoni\n", "INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.7749778032302856\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT OrmaxMedia Ormax Sports Stars Top 10 most popular sportspersons in India May 2019 MS Dhoni takes the no 1 spot Hardik Pandya bre…\n", "Score: 0.7749696373939514\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT msdfansofficial Who is the Biggest fan of MS Dhoni last ball finishes \n", "Answer Virat Kohli \n", "\n", "Find us a better duo we ll wait\n", "\n", "D…\n", "Score: 0.7749648690223694\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT pannlewis44 Supreme Court blocks 2020 census citizenship question CNN Politics ⁦docrocktex26⁩ ⁦Ireland0828⁩ ⁦rick00979⁩ https…\n", "Score: 0.8199922442436218\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT BackBoris ️ Brexit without a deadline risks no Brexit at all Boris is right to hope that a fixed date will force the EU to think ag…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT DrDHennen Most lame candidate tonightEVERY ONE OF THEM\n", "\n", "No real answers All rhetoric\n", "\n", "Hennen4Ohio2020 \n", "Duane Hennen for Congre…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT Cricketracker Virat Kohli becomes the fastest batsman to 20000 international runs CWC19 httpstcogwSwoESpUB\n", "Score: 0.7749899625778198\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT BrutIndia This firsttime MP delivered a vicious attack on the Modi government in her maiden Parliament speech httpstcoI53dPBB…\n", "Score: 0.5499551296234131\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT abpnewshindi हावड़ा BJP4India युवा मोर्चा का सड़क पर हनुमान चालीसा कहा रोड पर नमाज हो सकती है तो हनुमान चालीसा क्यों नहीं\n", "\n", "WestB…\n", "Score: 0.5499931573867798\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT DanishSait Virat Kohli is just amazing 20000 runs already How does he do this so consistently So much to learn this is beyond cr…\n", "Score: 0.7749899625778198\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Sir Dhoni saat khoon maafwhat a catch CWC19 INDvWI INDvsWI ICCWorldCup2019 CricketWorldCup2019 Dhoni\n", "Score: 0.6200332045555115\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Haan bhai धोनी haters kahan ho\n", "Dhoni INDvsWI CWC19\n", "Score: 0.7749869227409363\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT TidyPalHook The EU is Punishing Switzerland as a warning to the UK Either you toe the line or Brussels will hurt you Problem is th…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT BurningChinar This will Roast Dhoni Haters \n", "\n", "Coach and Captain giving standing Ovation\n", "\n", "INDvsWI httpstco3tIWCBsPhX\n", "Score: 0.8199785351753235\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT konpas01 嘘つき枝野はどうしようもないクズ野郎ですな!税金泥棒との二冠に輝きました! httpstcouDob0MeieJ\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.887496292591095\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT WarmongerHodges In a stunning coincidence virtually all the MPs demanding Corbyn interfere in Labours disciplinary process after pr…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT rssurjewala Our Fishermen are demanding rights to fish in their OWN waters in Central Arabian Sea but BJP Govt is unperturbed \n", "\n", "Dest…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "ahzoov Arent they in Congress Theyre mostly 70\n", "Score: 0.549994707107544\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT CricketopiaCom Strikerates of players who have scored more than 10000 runs in ODIs\n", "\n", "9310 Kohli\n", "9120 Jayasuriya\n", "8749 Dhoni\n", "8729…\n", "Score: 0.7749683856964111\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT DHONIism Proud Dhoni Fanss just click the RT \n", " WeStandByDhoni ❤️ httpstcoW36nLXTCZq\n", "Score: 0.5499405860900879\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT AjayDas72771633 17JuneKabirBhandara\n", "कबीर साहेब प्रकट दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में 17 जून 2019 को विश्व का सबसे बड़ा भंडारा होगा जिसमें सैक…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Thank you RaviShastriOfc sir\n", "What a catch MSD\n", "INDvWI CWC19 MSD\n", "Score: 0.6999707818031311\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Dhoni the best finisher the best wicket keeper what an amazing catch to dismiss brathwaite \n", "CWC19 WIvIND… httpstcoAyHwVKjNdQ\n", "Score: 0.8499870300292969\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT ndtv OnRealityCheck ‘VVIP goondagiri’ Neta or vigilante\n", "\n", "“Just because you are somebodys son and elected in power you cannot…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT Namrataa Bigger than that is Indian team has best bowling lineup in a World Cup Simply unbelievable for those of us who started wat…\n", "Score: 0.7749947905540466\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT USBPChief Border Patrol KNOWS what it takes to secure the border We cannot do this effectively with up to 60 of manpower dedicated t…\n", "Score: 0.3666665852069855\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT TheFSMB FSMB General Counsel ericmfish is in Vancouver BC today to speak about regulatory perspectives on AI with state and interna…\n", "Score: 0.6999639868736267\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT RepScottPeters Mueller himself said he did NOT exonerate the president He felt he could not prosecute Trump because of a DOJ rule aga…\n", "Score: 0.34019148349761963\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Awesome win for the Y8 Cricket team beating Allerton High in the Regional Semi Final this afternoon Top batting… httpstco50otqP69cU\n", "Score: 0.7749710083007812\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT renatomariotti Today the Supreme Court by a 54 majority along partisan lines ruled that gerrymandering is a political issue that i…\n", "Score: 0.8999953866004944\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT BurningChinar This will Roast Dhoni Haters \n", "\n", "Coach and Captain giving standing Ovation\n", "\n", "INDvsWI httpstco3tIWCBsPhX\n", "Score: 0.8199782371520996\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT siddaramaiah There is nothing wrong in claiming credit for the development when we have actually Delivered as Promised rather than j…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT ANI WATCH Japan Slogans of Vande Mataram Jai Sri Ram raised at community event at the Hyogo Prefecture Guest House in Kobe aft…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "msisodia Bhakt yeh na bol de vote ke liye itna schoolhospital banwa rahi hai Kejriwal Sarkar Modi ji ke bhakt hai… httpstcoHCrC8fGzWa\n", "Score: 0.699984073638916\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT YusufDFI Likely he will quit at the end of the WC after winning it again He did well today httpstcoqv6HX4cChR\n", "Score: 0.40199318528175354\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT MikkhailVaswani Hey saw Dhoni taking that catch Easily one of the best wicketkeepers in the world at the moment and the best in…\n", "Score: 0.819977343082428\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "After the game\n", "\n", "Dhoni Thanks to Sarfaraz bhai for the catching tips\n", "Score: 0.6999678611755371\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT GrimKim Emma Goldman—anarchist feminist revolutionary—would be 150 years old today Her work changed my life and shaped my politics…\n", "Score: 0.6999678611755371\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT amitmalviya Gangaram’s minor daughter went missing He filed a police complaint naming his neighbour Danish as suspect \n", "‘You live am…\n", "Score: 0.5499905943870544\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT firkey Strike Rates Today\n", "Rahul 75\n", "Rohit 786\n", "Kohli 878\n", "Shankar 7368\n", "Jadhav 70\n", "Dhoni 918\n", "Pandya 12105\n", "\n", "Dhoni came into bat when…\n", "Score: 0.8199496269226074\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT sosyolohija Hellooooooooo \n", "\n", "THREAD OF GREAT READINGS ON PHILIPPINE SOCIETY CULTURE AND POLITICS most of which are available for fr…\n", "Score: 0.6999878883361816\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT lampmagician Politics Just Got My Hard Copy of TheMuellerReport httpstcoQwDNlFkuM8 via RobrtMGoldste\n", "Score: 0.5499746799468994\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT SomersetCCC BREAKING Marcus Trescothick has today announced that he will be retiring from professional cricket at the end of this sea…\n", "Score: 0.36666205525398254\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT MysticTamil When did Madhavan and Modi start urichifying each others kunjas \n", "\n", "Im shook\n", "\n", "What do his woke meenachi fans have to say…\n", "Score: 0.5499590039253235\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT Sonamshr1990 Our social media members had pleasure to meet Manesha Shah ji Co convenor social media BJP mahila morcha Maharashtra…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT Neetahoon Retweet if you think Dhoni is still the best finisher ❤️ INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.6999748349189758\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT renatomariotti Today the Supreme Court by a 54 majority along partisan lines ruled that gerrymandering is a political issue that i…\n", "Score: 0.8999953866004944\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT mipaltan EDGED AND TAKEN\n", "\n", "A peach of a Bumrah delivery helped by a peach of a Dhoni catch gets Brathwaite\n", "\n", "OneFamily CricketMe…\n", "Score: 0.8499796986579895\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT EmeraldRobinson If you read only one thing today it should be System Fail by ⁦LeeSmithDC⁩ – which explains why the mainstream medi…\n", "Score: 0.5499621629714966\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "RT ShefVaidya Hate crimes against Hindus are increasing everywhere bt all media wants to talk about is Tabrez Sadly this is happening…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "rahulkanwal AnkiitKoomar aajtak That what all INCIndia people are interested in and datswhy Pappu RahulGandhi… httpstcoYZdkpfvNtP\n", "Score: 0.5499536395072937\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "The Roberts Five have no credibility They and McConnell have gutted the Courts legitimacy Democrats must play by… httpstcoIYU66DZNQH\n", "Score: 0.5499808192253113\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT jennycohn1 Congress has authority to regulate federal elections as I’m sure SenatorLankford is aware The notion that they don’t is…\n", "Score: 0.5499948263168335\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT aatishb What surprised me in this piece was how totally open Republicans are about the goals of gerrymandering This guy just openly s…\n", "Score: 0.549974262714386\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "newsone RT threeandapos RenittaShannon newsone MSNBC They just now started putting them on the weekday shows… httpstcog8E8T0qcdL\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT Kanth Dhoni having a bad day at keeping Bitch please moment with that catch \n", "Score: 0.6999508738517761\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT MazherArshad Few days back Ian Bishop said Babar Azam’s drives are like Picasso’s paintings High praise from a highly respected voice…\n", "Score: 0.39515307545661926\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT MrLoLwa Dhoni jaldi out hojaye toh problem\n", "Dhoni 50 banaye toh bhi problem \n", "\n", "Arrey bhai chahte kya ho\n", "Score: 0.6999678015708923\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT Bmw2163Heart OUTSTANDING\n", "The winner of the first Democratic debate Donald Trump httpstcoUZDKey9tg1 via nbcnews\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT PushprajZala Vijay Shanker is a deadly combo of Virat Kohli and Bumrah He bats like bumrah and bowls like kohli Legend\n", "\n", "Respect…\n", "Score: 0.887489914894104\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "SquirrelSoul Dhonihumne kya zara dhul nahi jhaadi haatho se apne to humhe maila samaj liya\n", "Ab khush naa narazgi dur ho gyi apki \n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT jennycohn1 The SAFEAct would require that jurisdictions give all voters the option to use HandMarkedPaperBallots It also would\n", "\n", "B…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT RichAnthony76 SebGorka We can all thank George W Bush and the other RINO’s in Congress for lying to us and putting this fraud on Sc…\n", "Score: 0.5499937534332275\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT kettavanMemes Black Day For Dhoni Haters And Kohlis Reaction INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.8199837803840637\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "What about the Children who are Citizens and homeless \n", "Here in the US are you helping them No\n", "More concerned wit… httpstcoUPsN2frfuT\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "You dont know the master behind guess whom I talking about \n", "Score: 0.5499973297119141\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Dhoni haters did you see that catch bleedblue india Dhoni\n", "Score: 0.5684226155281067\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "Dhoni em catch sami\n", "Score: 0.6999678611755371\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "BCCI Black Day For Dhoni Haters And Kohlis Reaction INDvsWI\n", "CWC19\n", "Score: 0.8499765992164612\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT mipaltan EDGED AND TAKEN\n", "\n", "A peach of a Bumrah delivery helped by a peach of a Dhoni catch gets Brathwaite\n", "\n", "OneFamily CricketMe…\n", "Score: 0.8499791622161865\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT harrisonjaime This is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind Voters choose their politicians not the other way around \n", "\n", "If the c…\n", "Score: 0.5499931573867798\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "What a catch by dhoni ❤❤\n", "Score: 0.699963390827179\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT AriBerman In state after state GOP getting minority of votes but huge majority of seats This is fundamentally undemocratic Extreme…\n", "Score: 0.8199928998947144\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT acidkidrock gaadi A6 West Indies\n", "\n", "GaadiHaiNa ContestAlert \n", "WorldCup CricketWorldCup Cricket CWC19 gaadi \n", "\n", "Join\n", "Aaravsingh28…\n", "Score: 0.5499905943870544\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "MadDogRadio Confusing Why MLB Why Last I checked they played and loved cricket so what’s the reasoning for taki… httpstco8mXo63zQcD\n", "Score: 0.6999837756156921\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT pradip103 As per ICC rules all teams in the CWC2019 except hosts need to have provision for two different coloured kits India wor…\n", "Score: 0.3004838228225708\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT atrupar Here’s Nancy Pelosi verbally shrugging in response to a question about what she thinks Congress should do about a credible rap…\n", "Score: 0.39974403381347656\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT PrinceArihan You are right The foulmouthed disgraced and sacked IPS officer spoke for millions millions of rupees he would have r…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT tyschalter ATTN TheDemocrats httpstcoyUEl1AwPli\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT vinodhmvk Virat Kohli asked Chahal to make holder drive and that’s what exactly he did Great partnership between captain and bowler…\n", "Score: 0.7749700546264648\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT DHONIism Strikerates of players who have scored more than 10000 runs in ODIs\n", "\n", "9310 Kohli\n", "9120 Jayasuriya\n", "8749 MS DHONI \n", "8729 Ga…\n", "Score: 0.7749690413475037\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Excellent Diving catch by Dhoni \n", "\n", "One word fantastic \n", "\n", "CWC19 INDvWI WIvIND Dhoni\n", "Score: 0.8499782681465149\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "You also need to do right by the US citizens and pass immigration reform\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "omg\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT ARanganathan72 Leave our area you Hindus\n", "\n", "Yet another Hindu lynched Yet another Hindu lynching ignored by the media and narendra…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT 56blackcat SHE SOUNDS FKG PERFECT\n", "\n", " httpstcoCrtCWoB2ub\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT AlexandraErin Whats a political impossibility today is reflective of todays politics of circumstances that change And mostly tho…\n", "Score: 0.8199830055236816\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT FrankFigliuzzi1 Innocent return to the past or attempt to form a palace guard In New Turf War Treasury Dept Seeks Control of Secre…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT NinaByzantina British politics finally explained httpstcoZUgsEIh783\n", "Score: 0.5499745607376099\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT Hamidsamar4 Congratulations for such great achievement by afghan cricket team and management ACBofficials\n", "Score: 0.5155331492424011\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT DHONIism Failure Or Success\n", "We Are Always With Him ❤️\n", "\n", "Proud DHONI FANs Smash the RT WeBelieveInDHONI httpstco8AOroK0Q6m\n", "Score: 0.6999225616455078\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT bbctms WICKET\n", "\n", "Carlos Brathwaite is out for 1 Jasprit Bumrah enticed him in and MS Dhoni produced a fine diving catch\n", "\n", "West Indies…\n", "Score: 0.871418297290802\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT PushprajZala Vijay Shanker is a deadly combo of Virat Kohli and Bumrah He bats like bumrah and bowls like kohli Legend\n", "\n", "Respect…\n", "Score: 0.887489914894104\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "Virat Kohli maturing into a great captain under Dhoni Excellent field placements and strategy\n", "Score: 0.8199642896652222\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT PushprajZala Vijay Shanker is a deadly combo of Virat Kohli and Bumrah He bats like bumrah and bowls like kohli Legend\n", "\n", "Respect…\n", "Score: 0.8874895572662354\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT davidlipson Indonesian Constitutional Court rulings \n", " Vote buying Unfounded ❌\n", " Money Politics Unfounded ❌\n", " State apparatus bias…\n", "Score: 0.4476662874221802\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT mehdirhasan Credible accusation of rape against the sitting president of the United States\n", "\n", "Speaker of the House “I haven’t paid tha…\n", "Score: 0.6999789476394653\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Bumrah ne kiaa Braithwaite ko Gumrah❤\n", "\n", "jatinsapru INDvWI WIvIND IndiavsWestIndies INDvsWI CWC19 bumrah Dhoni DhoniAtCWC19\n", "Score: 0.7085140347480774\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.887496292591095\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "Western Railway congratulates TeamIndia for being at No1 team in ICC Mens ODI ranking \n", "BleedBlue… httpstcosftqcKI4bl\n", "Score: 0.5499929189682007\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT ScottWamplerBMD LindseyGrahamSC Hey Lindsey big fan just wondering what it’s like to devote one’s entire life and career to politic…\n", "Score: 0.4047769606113434\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "HaryanaCollege Very good step taken by BJP Govt\n", "Score: 0.5499691367149353\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "Is Catch pe Dhoni ke 7 byes maaf\n", "\n", "What a catch by Thala msdhoni \n", "\n", "IndVWi TeamIndia CWC19\n", "Score: 0.8199722170829773\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "Dhoni bhai reading tweets between overs\n", "\n", "What a catch\n", "INDvsWI CWC19\n", "Score: 0.7749805450439453\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Apple celebrates cricket with ‘Shot on iPhone’ video httpstcolrZKrTyNHH httpstcooC29sWspww\n", "Score: 0.549990713596344\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT CskIPLTeam And He Finished off in Style\n", "RT if you are Proud MSDian \n", "Dhoni CWC19 TeamIndia httpstcochcSJzWbXV\n", "Score: 0.5499352216720581\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT CCNMarkets ProBitcoin Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang to Shake Up Democratic Debate httpstcoD5kUo5Rq9u\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Karnalakaruna RahulGandhi B गोडसे जिंदाबाद\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "a81arnold CBP Every member of Congress amp the Senate take one oath to preserve protect amp defend our Constitution… httpstcot7xBSDrbXK\n", "Score: 0.5499942898750305\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "RT Bamafanaticfan1 Supreme Court blocks citizenship question in 2020 census for now\n", "\n", "httpstcoOmaRzA4oTz\n", "CorruptJudicial JudiciarySy…\n", "Score: 0.7749955058097839\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT bfraser747 Bar Owner Worker Who Spit on Eric Trump Placed on Leave\n", "\n", "What a sick human being God bless EricTrump These Liberals are…\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "Dhoni kya lapaka h re tune \n", "CWC19 INDvsWI\n", "Score: 0.6999749541282654\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT Nehrwho When Terror attack happens\n", "MediaDont question the Army\n", "\n", "When Lynching happens\n", "MediaPeople are being Selectve\n", "\n", "When Childr…\n", "Score: 0.5499913096427917\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT AdvaitaKala You missed Bharat Yadav who was also murdered a few days prior to this gruesome incident\n", "\n", "What is shocking is that you con…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.8874962329864502\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT ESPNcricinfo The answer is no Bumrah finds the edge into the glove of Dhoni\n", "\n", "West Indies 1076 after 261 overs\n", "\n", "Ballbyball htt…\n", "Score: 0.6999593377113342\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT mehdirhasan This ‘partisan gerrymandering’ story should be covered in a way voters understand who the hell knows what gerrymandering…\n", "Score: 0.8199918866157532\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "Woww woww what a catch thala Dhoni CWC2019\n", "Score: 0.6999629139900208\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "This catch by Dhoni Maza aa gaya IndiaVsWestIndies\n", "Score: 0.6999549269676208\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT DavanKhan lt신의한수gt\n", "\n", "단독 조국 민정수석 차기 법무장관 기용될 듯\n", "\n", "조국 법무부장관 윤석열 검찰총장의 조합이라\n", "사법검찰 개혁의 역대급 라인업 아님\n", "\n", "이거슨\n", "\n", "문재인 대통령의 사법개혁에 대한 만패불청…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT ddale8 The Pentagon reconfirmed to me today that talks over remains have been “paused” They added “But we are still working to comm…\n", "Score: 0.5499640703201294\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "ZeeNewsHindi Jai Hind sir purnkalik BJP vistark MD kaisar Ali amour bidhansabha purnea Bihar live at vaishali Bih… httpstcocchvZbBKDq\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT julieblue917 Its almost as if Democrats dont remember calling Trump a liar saying there is no border crisis or its a manufactur…\n", "Score: 0.3740738332271576\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099958539009094\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT RituRathaur ‘Leave Our AreaYou Hindus’ \n", "Muslim Mob comprising of 4 men amp 2 Women Lynched Gangaram For Filing Police Complaint On His…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT TimMurtaugh When they were forced to admit how bad it actually was at the southern border they shifted to calling it a “manufactured…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Great speech Keep it up MahuaMoitra\n", "Score: 0.5499796271324158\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT dna Burnol for all MSD haters Twitter reacts to Dhonis mature 56 against West Indies\n", "WorldCup2019 ICCCricketWorldCup2019 CWC19…\n", "Score: 0.699979841709137\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "Dhoni \n", "Abhi ka catch mast pakda\n", "Isse pehle thoda dheela keeping kur raha tha\n", "Score: 0.699963390827179\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 261 WICKET C Brathwaite 1 is out c MS Dhoni b Jasprit Bumrah 1076 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.9099956750869751\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT BCCI Match 34 255 Y Chahal to S Hetmyer 14 4 runs 1075 httpstcoKlXS8z1U50 WIvInd CWC19\n", "Score: 0.722771167755127\t Topic: 2\n", "dhoni, brathwait, bumrah, catch, wivind, wicket, match, jasprit, bcci, indvwi\n", "RT ShivAroor News portal that Kapil Sibal quoted from to pin down BJP on demonetisation now in the erotic massage business httpstco…\n", "Score: 0.5499479174613953\t Topic: 9\n", "know, gerrymand, httpstco, vote, today, partisan, modi, state, peopl, run\n", "AHMalcolm And like any government agency any suggestion of cutbacks ending Saturday delivery for instance is… httpstcoekHHAVR7hd\n", "Score: 0.5499945282936096\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "Dhoni took a sensation diving to his dead right bumrah stunned Carlos Its just a matter of time now for In… httpstco8sPi3EYvFq\n", "Score: 0.8199718594551086\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "Dhoni superb take IndvWI\n", "Score: 0.6999760270118713\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "MamtaParmar19 Haa my idol is dhoni\n", "But iska tarif karna banta haiitne egoistic world mein he has been so good\n", "Score: 0.6999494433403015\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "Yar main pray kar rahi thi Better hojaye Thank u so much plzz Aise hi Sunna Cricket goddds MAHI AB AISE HI OKK❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️\n", "Score: 0.5499906539916992\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "the Supreme Court is just another legislature which appointed itself as being more powerful than the real one httpstcozfp4Hj7V3O\n", "Score: 0.6999933123588562\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT semperfiutd Beautiful absolutely beautiful by Bumrah Virat again spot on bringing in strike bowler Acrobatic Dhoni and Virat fan…\n", "Score: 0.8199542164802551\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT rameshlaus Dhoni knows what to do 16 runs off the last over His critics can keep quiet and let him play his game in the ICCWorld…\n", "Score: 0.4801357090473175\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "MANJULtoons DOCTORATLARGE Tukka tha Dhoni is keeping well when he collects ball cleanly while keeping to spinners\n", "Score: 0.5499388575553894\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "wjxt4 A financial institution intimidating its customers over politics \n", "\n", "If they are concerned about “detention s… httpstcok5J5BzV8aB\n", "Score: 0.5499746799468994\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT realDonaldTrump The Republican Senate just passed bipartisan humanitarian assistance for our Southern Border 848 In addition to aid…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT jothims Tamil Nadu amp Kerala MPs with RahulGandhi after a brief political discussion httpstco0DLQmiPK4Y\n", "Score: 0.6999411582946777\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT DHONIism Dhonis last Ball six \n", "And\n", "Kohlis Celebration ❤️\n", "\n", "Treat To watch httpstcoXLovY9V8Qa\n", "Score: 0.6999516487121582\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "VICE PRESIDENT RELEASES COMMEMORATIVE COIN ON 550TH BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF GURU NANAK DEV JI … httpstcocpDxFMyIGM\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT marklevinshow Another leftwing poisonous screed httpstconU9YrFxGWe\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Kuchbhi Faltugiri\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "Meetasengupta Liberal arts failed u though\n", "\n", "Dont u support rss bjp n their hate mongering murders n lynchings\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT fuzzyyadav अतिथिशिक्षकमध्यप्रदेश\n", "कांग्रेस अपना वचन निभाए\n", "90 दिन का वचन\n", "अतिथिशिक्षक नियमितीकरण\n", "विधायक महोदय प्रताप सिंह ग्रेवाल जी…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "httpstcohDDO7bOxwS\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT realDonaldTrump I look forward to speaking with Prime Minister Modi about the fact that India for years having put very high Tariffs…\n", "Score: 0.6999784111976624\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "Trump Loves The Troops Gonna Deport The Troops’ Families News amp Politics httpstcoG5f87bO5Ua\n", "Score: 0.37547945976257324\t Topic: 4\n", "dhoni, polit, catch, india, great, peopl, httpstco, today, modi, indvswi\n", "RT aajtak अरविंद केजरीवाल ने कहा कि दिल्ली की जनता आम आदमी पार्टी की सरकार पर भरोसा रखे मेट्रो में महिलाएं फ्री में यात्रा जरूर करेंगी\n", "…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "37 year old Dhoni\n", "Score: 0.5499403476715088\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "RT hutabhuk Dhoni haters after that catch \n", "\n", "INDvsWI httpstcoMWWnU5hL4j\n", "Score: 0.8199797868728638\t Topic: 6\n", "dhoni, indvswi, catch, koh, hater, take, like, world, bumrah, wicket\n", "RT CNNnews18 NewsAlert – Bihar Youth Congress protests in Delhi over Encephalitis deaths in Bihar BiharSOS Zebaism with more detail…\n", "Score: 0.5499948263168335\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n", "Supreme Court blocks 2020 census citizenship question httpstconUPZxPUc5U\n", "Score: 0.7749947905540466\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT firkey Indian cricket team in this world cup is just like a bride whose father has paid full dowry\n", "\n", "UNBEATEN\n", "Score: 0.887496292591095\t Topic: 3\n", "like, team, koh, indian, world, bumrah, father, pay, cricket, virat\n", "RT binmudum 동물국회 진두지휘한 나경원 말 들어보소 “온갖 수모와 조롱에도 국민만 바라보고 어떻게든 국회에 들어가 일해보려는 우리에게 보복이 가해지고 있다” “경찰소환 운운하면서 본격적으로 흔들고 있다” “집권세력부터 수사하지 않는다면…\n", "Score: 0.10000000149011612\t Topic: 0\n", "run, virat, dhoni, koh, court, polit, catch, question, suprem, bumrah\n", "RT davidsirota This is absolutely true and ewarren is a class act for taking a moment to remind everyone of this httpstco4I3BlaBCNY\n", "Score: 0.6999343037605286\t Topic: 5\n", "dhoni, indvswi, hater, koh, indvwi, bumrah, take, httpstco, wivind, match\n", "WTF I am outraged that the supreme court would vote against citizenship question Scotus is not for American citiz… httpstco4OdVK5rx3i\n", "Score: 0.49496546387672424\t Topic: 8\n", "court, gerrymand, partisan, suprem, question, polit, rule, go, major, today\n", "RT kylegriffin1 The two women in whom E Jean Carroll confided about having allegedly been sexually attacked by Trump in the 1990s have s…\n", "Score: 0.5499982237815857\t Topic: 1\n", "cricket, trump, httpstco, indian, dhoni, congress, indvswi, virat, koh, match\n", "Atlanta Mayor to congress cities need funding to stop cyber attacks httpstcoCz4bgC3n7v\n", "Score: 0.5499950647354126\t Topic: 7\n", "congress, state, say, vote, modi, run, koh, major, virat, httpstco\n" ] } ], "source": [ "rows_list 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"colab": { "collapsed_sections": [], "name": "Anuradha_classification.ipynb", "provenance": [], "toc_visible": true }, "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0 }