LOCUS MZ490477 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1821035/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490477 VERSION MZ490477 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1821035/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68646" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLLMLLPTALA FHLTTRGGEPHMIVTKQERGKSLLFKTSAGVNMCTLIAMDLGELCEDTMTYKCPRITE AEPEDIDCW" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcaactg gttcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctctc aggccaagga cccatgaaaa tggtgatggc tttcatagca 121 ttcctaagat ttctagccat acccccaaca gcaggaattt tggctagatg gagctcattc 181 aagaagaatg gagcgatcaa agtgttacgg ggtttcaaaa aagagatctc aagcatgctg 241 aacataatga acaggagaaa aagatccgtg accatgctcc tcatgctgct gcccacagcc 301 ttggcgttcc acttgaccac acgaggggga gagccacaca tgatagttac caagcaggaa 361 agaggaaagt cactcttgtt taagacctct gcaggtgtca acatgtgcac cctcattgca 421 atggatttgg gagagttatg tgaggataca atgacctaca aatgcccccg gatcactgaa 481 gcggaacctg aagacattga ctgttgg // LOCUS MZ490478 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1821237/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490478 VERSION MZ490478 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1821237/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68647" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLLMLLPTALA FHLTTRGGEPHMIVTKQERGKSLLFKTSAGVNMCTLIAMDLGELCEDTMTYKCPRITE AEPEDIDCW" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcaactg gttcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctctc aggccaagga cccatgaaaa tggtgatggc tttcatagca 121 ttcctaagat ttctagccat acccccaaca gcaggaattt tggctagatg gagctcattc 181 aagaagaatg gagcgatcaa agtgttacgg ggtttcaaaa aagagatctc aagcatgctg 241 aacataatga acaggagaaa aagatccgtg accatgctcc tcatgctgct gcccacagcc 301 ctggcgttcc acttgaccac acgaggggga gagccacaca tgatagttac caagcaggaa 361 agaggaaagt cactcttgtt taagacctct gcaggtgtca acatgtgcac cctcattgca 421 atggatttgg gagagttatg tgaggataca atgacctaca aatgcccccg gatcactgaa 481 gcggaacctg aagacattga ctgttgg // LOCUS MZ490479 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1821047/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490479 VERSION MZ490479 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1821047/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68648" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLLMLLPTALA FHLTTRGGEPHMIVTKQERGKSLLFKTSAGVNMCTLIAMDLGELCEDTMTYKCPRITE AEPEDIDCW" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcaactg gttcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctctc aggccaagga cccatgaaaa tggtgatggc tttcatagca 121 ttcctaagat ttctagccat acccccaaca gcaggaattt tggctagatg gagctcattc 181 aagaagaatg gagcgatcaa agtgttacgg ggtttcaaaa aagagatctc aagcatgctg 241 aacataatga acaggagaaa aagatccgtg accatgctcc tcatgctgct gcccacagcc 301 ctggcgttcc acttgaccac acgaggggga gagccacaca tgatagttac caagcaggaa 361 agaggaaagt cactcttgtt taagacctct gcaggtgtca acatgtgcac cctcattgca 421 atggatttgg gagagttatg tgaggataca atgacctaca aatgcccccg gatcactgaa 481 gcggaacctg aagacattga ctgttgg // LOCUS MZ490480 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1821067/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490480 VERSION MZ490480 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1821067/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68649" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLFMLLPTALA FHLTTRGGEPHMIVSKQERGKSLLFKTSAGVNMCTLIAMDLGELCEDTMTYKCPRITE AEPEDIDCW" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcaactg gttcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctctc aggccaagga cccatgaaaa tggtgatggc tttcatagca 121 ttcctaagat ttctagccat acccccaaca gcaggaattt tggctagatg gagctcattc 181 aagaagaatg gagcgatcaa agtgttacgg ggtttcaaaa aagagatctc aagcatgctg 241 aacataatga acaggaggaa aagatccgtg accatgctct tcatgctgct gcccacagcc 301 ctggcgttcc acttgaccac acgaggggga gagccacaca tgatagttag caagcaggaa 361 agaggaaagt cactcttgtt taagacctct gcaggtgtca acatgtgcac cctcattgca 421 atggatttgg gagagttatg tgaggataca atgacctaca aatgcccccg gatcactgaa 481 gcggaacctg aagacattga ctgttgg // LOCUS MZ490481 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1821080/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490481 VERSION MZ490481 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1821080/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68650" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLLMLLPTALA FHLTTRGGEPHMIVTKQERGKSLLFKTSAGVNMCTLIAMDLGELCEDTMTYKCPRITE AEPEDIDCW" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcaactg gttcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctctc aggccaagga cccatgaaaa tggtgatggc tttcatagca 121 ttcctaagat ttctagccat acccccaaca gcaggaattt tggctagatg gagctcattc 181 aagaagaatg gagcgatcaa agtgttacgg ggtttcaaaa aagagatctc aagcatgctg 241 aacataatga acaggagaaa aagatccgtg accatgctcc tcatgctgct gcccacagcc 301 ctggcgttcc acttgaccac acgaggggga gagccacaca tgatagttac caagcaggaa 361 agaggaaagt cactcttgtt taagacctct gcaggtgtca acatgtgcac cctcattgca 421 atggatttgg gagagttatg tgaggataca atgacctaca aatgcccccg gatcactgaa 481 gcggaacctg aagacattga ctgttgg // LOCUS MZ490482 465 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1821082/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490482 VERSION MZ490482 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 465) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 465) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..465 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1821082/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>465 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>465 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68651" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLLMLLPTALA FHLTTRGGEPHMIVSKQERGKSLLFKTSAGINMCTLIAMDLGELCEDTMTYKC" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>465 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>465 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcaactg gttcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctctc aggccaagga cccatgaaaa tggtgatggc tttcatagca 121 ttcctaagat ttctagccat acccccaaca gcaggaattt tggctagatg gagctcattc 181 aagaagaatg gagcgatcaa agtgttacgg ggtttcaaaa aagagatctc aagcatgctg 241 aacataatga acaggaggaa aagatccgtg accatgctcc tcatgctgct gcccacagcc 301 ctggcgttcc atttgaccac acgaggggga gagccacaca tgatagttag caagcaggaa 361 agaggaaagt cactcctgtt taagacctct gcaggtatca acatgtgcac cctcattgca 421 atggatttgg gagagttatg tgaggataca atgacctaca aatgc // LOCUS MZ490483 513 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1921118/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490483 VERSION MZ490483 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 513) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 513) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..513 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1921118/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>513 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>513 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68652" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLLMLLPTALA FHLTTRGGEPHMIVTKQERGKSLLFKTSAGVNMCTLIAMDLGELCEDTMTYKCPRITE AEPEDIDCWCK" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>513 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>513 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcaactg gttcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctctc aggccaagga cccatgaaaa tggtgatggc tttcatagca 121 ttcctaagat ttctagccat acccccaaca gcaggaattt tggctagatg gagctcattc 181 aagaagaatg gagcgatcaa agtgttacgg ggtttcaaaa aagagatctc aagcatgctg 241 aacataatga acaggagaaa aagatccgtg accatgctcc tcatgctgct gcccacagcc 301 ctggcgttcc acttgaccac acgaggggga gagccacaca tgatagttac caagcaggaa 361 agaggaaagt cactcttgtt taagacctct gcaggtgtca acatgtgcac cctcattgca 421 atggatttgg gagagttgtg tgaggataca atgacctaca aatgcccccg gatcactgaa 481 gcggaacctg aagacattga ctgttggtgc aaa // LOCUS MZ490484 509 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1921253/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490484 VERSION MZ490484 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 509) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 509) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..509 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1921253/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>509 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>509 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68653" /translation="NMVKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRFL AIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLLMLLPTALAF HLTTRGGEPHMIVSKQERGKSLLFKTSAGVNMCTLIAMDLGELCEDTMTYKCPRITEA EPDDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>509 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>509 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatggtta aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactggtt cacagttggc gaagagattc 61 tcaaaaggat tgctctcagg ccaaggaccc atgaaaatgg tgatggcttt catagcattc 121 ctaagatttc tagccatacc cccaacagca ggaattttgg ctagatggag ctcattcaag 181 aagaatggag cgatcaaagt gttacggggt ttcaaaaaag agatctcaag catgctgaac 241 ataatgaaca ggaggaaaag atccgtgacc atgctcctca tgctgctgcc cacagccctg 301 gcgttccatt tgaccacacg agggggagag ccacacatga tagttagcaa gcaggaaaga 361 ggaaagtcac tcctgtttaa gacctctgca ggtgtcaaca tgtgcaccct cattgcaatg 421 gatttgggag agttatgtga ggatacaatg acctacaaat gcccccggat cactgaagcg 481 gaacctgatg acatagactg ctggtgcaa // LOCUS MZ490485 465 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1821071/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490485 VERSION MZ490485 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 465) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 465) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..465 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1821071/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>465 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>465 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68654" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLLMLLPTALA FHLTTRGGEPHMIVSKQERGKSLLFKTSAGINMCTLIAMDLGELCEDTMTYKC" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>465 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>465 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcaactg gttcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctctc aggccaagga cccatgaaaa tggtgatggc tttcatagca 121 ttcctaagat ttctagccat acccccaaca gcaggaattt tggctagatg gagctcattc 181 aagaagaatg gagcgatcaa agtgttacgg ggtttcaaaa aagagatctc aagcatgctg 241 aacataatga acaggaggaa aagatccgtg accatgctcc tcatgctgct gcccacagcc 301 ctggcgttcc atttgaccac acgaggggga gagccacaca tgatagttag caagcaggaa 361 agaggaaagt cactcctgtt taagacctct gcaggtatca acatgtgcac cctcattgca 421 atggatttgg gagagttatg tgaggataca atgacctaca aatgc // LOCUS MZ490486 445 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 1 isolate GKP/DENV-1/1821017/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490486 VERSION MZ490486 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 1 ORGANISM Dengue virus 1 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 445) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 445) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..445 /organism="Dengue virus 1" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 1" /isolate="GKP/DENV-1/1821017/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11053" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 1" gene <1..>445 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>445 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68655" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLSGQGPMKMVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGILARWSSFKKNGAIKVLRGFKKEISSMLNIMNRRKRSVTMLLMLLPTALA FHLTTRGGEPHMIVTKQERGKSLLFKTSAGVNMCTLIAMDLGELCE" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>445 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>445 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcaactg gttcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctctc aggccaagga cccatgaaaa tggtgatggc tttcatagca 121 ttcctaagat ttctagccat acccccaaca gcaggaattt tggctagatg gagctcattc 181 aagaagaatg gagcgatcaa agtgttacgg ggtttcaaaa aagagatctc aagcatgctg 241 aacataatga acaggagaaa aagatccgtg accatgctcc tcatgctgct gcccacagcc 301 ctggcgttcc acttgaccac acgaggggga gagccacaca tgatagttac caagcaggaa 361 agaggaaagt cactcttgtt taagacctct gcaggtgtca acatgtgcac cctcattgca 421 atggatttgg gagagttgtg tgagg // LOCUS MZ490487 511 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921207/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490487 VERSION MZ490487 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..511 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921207/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>511 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>511 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68656" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..305 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..263 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 tcaatatgct gaaacgcgcg agaaaccgcg tgtcaactgt gcaacagctg acaaagagat 61 tctcacttgg aatgctgcag ggacgaggac cgttgaaact gttcatggcc ttggtggcat 121 tccttcgttt cctaacaatc ccaccaacag cagggatact aaaaagatgg ggaacgatca 181 aaaagtcaaa agccatcaat gtcttgagag ggttcaggaa agagattgga aggatgttga 241 atatcttgaa taggagacgc agaactgcag gcgtgatcat catgctaatt ccaacagcga 301 tggcgttcca tttaaccaca cgcaacggag aaccacatat gatcgtcagc agacaagaga 361 aagggaaaag tctcttgttc aaaacagagg atggtgtgaa catgtgtacc ctcatggcca 421 tggaccttgg tgaactatgt gaagacacaa tcacttataa ctgtcctctt ctcaggcaga 481 atgaacctga agacattgac tgttggtgca a // LOCUS MZ490488 502 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821036/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490488 VERSION MZ490488 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 502) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 502) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..502 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821036/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>502 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>502 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68657" /translation="KRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFLTIP PTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTVGMIIMLIPTAMAFHLT TRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQNEPE DIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..296 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..254 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 297..>502 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 297..>502 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcgactg tgcaacagtt gacaaagaga ttctcacttg 61 gaatgctgca gggacgagga ccattgaaac tgttcatggc cctggtggca ttccttcgtt 121 tcctaacaat cccaccaaca gcagggatac tgaaaagatg gggaacgatc aaaaagtcaa 181 aggctatcaa tgtcttgaga ggctttagga aagagattgg aaggatgctg aatatcttga 241 ataggagacg cagaactgta ggcatgatca tcatgctgat tccaacagcg atggcgttcc 301 atctaaccac acgcaatgga gaaccacaca tgatcgtcag cagacaggag aaagggaaaa 361 gtctcttgtt taaaacagag gatggtgtga acatgtgtac cctcatggcc atggaccttg 421 gtgaactgtg tgaagacaca atcacttata actgtcctct tctcaggcag aatgaacctg 481 aagacattga ctgttggtgc aa // LOCUS MZ490489 497 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821090/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490489 VERSION MZ490489 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 497) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 497) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..497 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821090/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>497 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>497 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68658" /translation="RARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFLTIPP TAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAFHLTT RNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQNEPED IDCWC" mat_peptide <1..293 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..251 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 294..>497 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 294..>497 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc tcacttggaa 61 tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaactgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc cttcgtttcc 121 taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa aagtcaaaag 181 ccatcaatgt cttgagaggg ttcaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaat atcttgaata 241 ggagacgcag aactgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg gcgttccatt 301 taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacatatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa gggaaaagtc 361 tcttgttcaa aacagaggat ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg gaccttggtg 421 aactatgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat gaacctgaag 481 acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490490 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821103/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490490 VERSION MZ490490 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821103/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68659" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaattgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cttgagaggg tttaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaac 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aaccgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggac ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactgtgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490491 508 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821013/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490491 VERSION MZ490491 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 508) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 508) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..508 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821013/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>508 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>508 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68660" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTASVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>508 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>508 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaactgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccattaatgt cttgagaggg ttcaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaac 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aactgcaagc gtgattatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggat ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactgtgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgca // LOCUS MZ490492 508 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821014/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490492 VERSION MZ490492 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 508) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 508) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..508 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821014/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>508 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>508 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68661" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTASVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>508 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>508 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaattgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cttgagaggg tttaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaac 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aactgcaagc gtgattatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggat ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactgtgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgca // LOCUS MZ490493 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821025/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490493 VERSION MZ490493 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821025/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68662" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaattgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cctgagaggg tttaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaac 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aaccgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggac ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactgtgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490494 509 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821032/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490494 VERSION MZ490494 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 509) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 509) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..509 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821032/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>509 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>509 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68663" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRF LTIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTVGMIIMLIPTAMA FHLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTVTYNCPLLRQ NEPEDIDCW" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>509 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>509 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcgactg tgcaacagtt gacaaagaga 61 ttctcacttg gaatgctgca gggacgagga ccattgaaac tgttcatggc cctggtggca 121 ttccttcgtt tcctaacaat cccaccaaca gcagggatac tgaaaagatg gggaacgatt 181 aaaaagtcaa aagctatcaa tgtcttgaga ggctttagga aagagattgg aaggatgctg 241 aatatcttga ataggagacg cagaactgta ggcatgatca tcatgctgat tccaacagcg 301 atggcgttcc atctaaccac acgcaatgga gaaccacaca tgatcgtcag cagacaagag 361 aaagggaaaa gtctcttgtt taaaacagag gatggtgtga acatgtgtac cctcatggcc 421 atggaccttg gtgaactgtg tgaagacaca gtcacttata actgtcctct tctcaggcag 481 aatgaacctg aagacattga ctgttggtg // LOCUS MZ490495 509 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821038/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490495 VERSION MZ490495 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 509) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 509) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..509 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821038/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>509 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>509 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68664" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRF LTIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTVGMIIMLIPTAMA FHLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTVTYNCPLLRQ NEPEDIDCW" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>509 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>509 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgc gtgtcgactg tgcaacagtt gacaaagaga 61 ttctcacttg gaatgctgca gggacgagga ccattgaaac tgttcatggc cctggtggca 121 ttccttcgtt tcctaacaat cccaccaaca gcagggatac tgaaaagatg gggaacgatc 181 aaaaagtcaa aggctatcaa tgtcttgaga ggctttagga aagagattgg aaggatgctg 241 aatatcttga ataggagacg cagaactgta ggcatgatca tcatgctgat tccaacagca 301 atggcgttcc atttaaccac acgcaatgga gaaccacaca tgatcgtcag cagacaagag 361 aaagggaaaa gtctcttgtt taaaacagag gatggtgtga acatgtgtac cctcatggcc 421 atggaccttg gtgaactgtg tgaagacaca gtcacttata actgtcctct tctcaggcag 481 aatgaacctg aagacattga ctgttggtg // LOCUS MZ490496 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821046/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490496 VERSION MZ490496 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821046/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68665" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaattgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cttgagaggg tttaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaac 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aaccgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggac ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactgtgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490497 501 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821047/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490497 VERSION MZ490497 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 501) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 501) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..501 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821047/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>501 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>501 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68666" /translation="LKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFLTI PPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAFHL TTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQNEP EDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..297 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..255 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 298..>501 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 298..>501 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ctgaaacgcg cgagaaaccg cgtgtcaact gtgcaacagc tgacaaagag attctcactt 61 ggaatgctgc agggacgagg accgttgaaa ttgttcatgg ccttggtggc attccttcgt 121 ttcctaacaa tcccaccaac agcagggata ctaaaaagat ggggaacgat caaaaagtca 181 aaagccatca atgtcttgag agggtttagg aaagagattg gaaggatgtt gaacatcttg 241 aataggagac gcagaaccgc aggcgtgatc atcatgctaa ttccaacagc gatggcgttc 301 catttaacca cacgcaacgg agaaccacac atgatcgtca gcagacaaga gaaagggaaa 361 agtctcttgt tcaaaacaga ggacggtgtg aacatgtgta ccctcatggc catggacctt 421 ggtgaactgt gtgaagacac aatcacttat aactgtcctc ttctcaggca gaatgaacct 481 gaagacattg actgttggtg c // LOCUS MZ490498 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821049/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490498 VERSION MZ490498 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821049/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68667" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaattgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cttgagaggg tttaggaaag agattggaag gatgctgaac 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aaccgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggac ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactgtgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490499 508 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821056/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490499 VERSION MZ490499 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 508) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 508) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..508 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821056/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>508 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>508 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68668" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTASVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>508 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>508 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaactgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aaatcaaaag ccattaatgt cttgagaggg ttcaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaac 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aactgcaagc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaagat ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactgtgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgca // LOCUS MZ490500 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821068/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490500 VERSION MZ490500 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821068/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68669" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaattgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cctgagaggg tttaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaac 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aaccgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggac ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactgtgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490501 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921005/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490501 VERSION MZ490501 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921005/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68670" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaactgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cttgagaggg ttcaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaat 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aactgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacatatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggat ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactatgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490502 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921006/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490502 VERSION MZ490502 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921006/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68671" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaactgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cttgagaggg ttcaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaat 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aactgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggat ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactatgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490503 454 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921016/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490503 VERSION MZ490503 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 454) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 454) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..454 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921016/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>454 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>454 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68672" /translation="RVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFLTIPPTAGI LKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGMIIMLIPTAMAFHLTTRNGE PHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLR" mat_peptide <1..281 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..239 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 282..>454 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 282..>454 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 accgcgtgtc gactgtgcaa cagctgacaa agagattctc acttggaatg ctgcagggac 61 gaggaccatt gaaactgttc atggccctgg tggcattcct tcgtttccta acaatcccac 121 caacagcagg gatactgaaa agatggggaa cgatcaaaaa atcaaaagct atcaatgttt 181 tgagagggtt caggaaagag attggaagga tgctgaacat cttgaacaga agacgtagaa 241 ctgcaggcat gatcattatg ctgattccaa cggcaatggc gttccattta accacacgca 301 atggagaacc acacatgatc gtcagcagac aggagaaagg gaaaagtctc ttgtttaaaa 361 cagaagatgg tgtgaacatg tgtaccctca tggccatgga ccttggtgaa ctgtgtgaag 421 atacaattac ttacaactgt cctcttctca ggca // LOCUS MZ490504 454 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921019/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490504 VERSION MZ490504 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 454) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 454) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..454 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921019/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>454 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>454 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68673" /translation="RVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFLTIPPTAGI LKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKETGRMLNILNRRRRTAGMIIMLIPTAMAFHLTTRNGE PHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLR" mat_peptide <1..281 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..239 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 282..>454 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 282..>454 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 accgcgtgtc gactgtgcaa cagctgacaa agagattctc acttggaatg ctgcagggac 61 gaggaccatt gaaactgttc atggccctgg tggcattcct tcgtttccta acaatcccac 121 caacagcagg gatactgaaa agatggggaa cgatcaaaaa atcaaaagct atcaatgtct 181 tgagagggtt caggaaagag actggaagga tgctgaacat cttgaataga agacgtagaa 241 ctgcaggcat gatcatcatg ctgattccaa cagcaatggc gttccattta accacacgta 301 acggagaacc acatatgatc gtcagcagac aggagaaagg gaaaagtctc ttgtttaaaa 361 cagaagatgg tgtgaacatg tgtaccctca tggccatgga ccttggtgaa ctgtgtgaag 421 atacaattac ttacaactgt cctcttctca ggca // LOCUS MZ490505 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921022/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490505 VERSION MZ490505 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921022/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68674" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAIHVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaactgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatccatgt cttgagaggg ttcaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaat 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aactgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacatatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggat ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactatgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490506 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921044/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490506 VERSION MZ490506 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921044/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68675" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaactgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cttgagaggg ttcaggaaag agattggaag gatgttgaat 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aactgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggat ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactatgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490507 464 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821074/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490507 VERSION MZ490507 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 464) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 464) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..464 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821074/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>464 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>464 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68676" /translation="LTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFLTIPPTAGILKRWGTI KKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGIIIMMIPTVMAFHLTTRNGEPHMIVSR QEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQNEPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..260 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..218 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 261..>464 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 261..>464 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 agctgacaaa gagattctca cttggaatgc tacagggacg aggaccactg aaactgttca 61 tggccctggt ggcattcctt cgtttcctaa caatcccgcc aacagcaggg atattaaaga 121 gatggggaac aatcaaaaaa tcaaaggcta tcaatgtctt gagagggttc aggaaagaga 181 ttggaaggat gctgaacatc ttgaacagga gacgcagaac tgcaggtata attattatga 241 tgatcccaac agtgatggcg ttccatttaa ccacacgcaa cggagaacca cacatgatcg 301 tcagcagaca agagaaaggg aaaagtctct tgttcaaaac agaggatggt gtgaacatgt 361 gtaccctcat ggccatggac cttggtgaac tatgtgaaga cacaatcact tataactgtc 421 ctcttctcag gcagaatgaa cctgaagaca ttgactgttg gtgc // LOCUS MZ490508 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821079/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490508 VERSION MZ490508 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821079/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68677" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFL TIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMAF HLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQN EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgtg tcaactgtgc aacagctgac aaagagattc 61 tcacttggaa tgctgcaggg acgaggaccg ttgaaattgt tcatggcctt ggtggcattc 121 cttcgtttcc taacaatccc accaacagca gggatactaa aaagatgggg aacgatcaaa 181 aagtcaaaag ccatcaatgt cttgagaggg tttaggaaag agattggaag gatgctgaac 241 atcttgaata ggagacgcag aaccgcaggc gtgatcatca tgctaattcc aacagcgatg 301 gcgttccatt taaccacacg caacggagaa ccacacatga tcgtcagcag acaagagaaa 361 gggaaaagtc tcttgttcaa aacagaggac ggtgtgaaca tgtgtaccct catggccatg 421 gaccttggtg aactgtgtga agacacaatc acttataact gtcctcttct caggcagaat 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490509 482 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821081/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490509 VERSION MZ490509 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 482) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 482) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..482 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821081/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>482 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>482 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68678" /translation="RARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFLTIPP TAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTVGMIIMLIPTAMAFHLTT RNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQNEPED " mat_peptide <1..291 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..249 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 292..>482 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 292..>482 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 cgcgcgagaa accgcgtgtc gactgtgcaa cagttgacaa agagattctc acttggaatg 61 ctgcagggac gaggaccatt gaaactgttc atggccctgg tggcattcct tcgtttccta 121 acaatcccac caacagcagg gatactgaaa agatggggaa cgatcaaaaa gtcaaaggct 181 atcaatgtct tgagaggctt taggaaagag attggaagga tgctgaatat cttgaatagg 241 agacgcagaa ctgtaggcat gatcatcatg ctgattccaa cagcgatggc gttccattta 301 accacacgca atggagaacc acacatgatc gtcagcagac aagagaaagg gaaaagtctc 361 ttgtttaaaa cagaggatgg tgtgaacatg tgtaccctca tggccatgga ccttggtgaa 421 ctgtgtgaag acacaatcac ttataactgt cctcttctca ggcagaatga acctgaagac 481 at // LOCUS MZ490510 510 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921120/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490510 VERSION MZ490510 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 510) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 510) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..510 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921120/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>510 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>510 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=2 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68679" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRF LTIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTVGMIIMLIPTAMA FHLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQ NEPEDIDCW" mat_peptide <1..307 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..265 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 308..>510 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 308..>510 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" stem_loop <1 /gene="POLY" /note="capsid region hairpin (cHP)" ORIGIN 1 tttcaatatg ctgaaacgcg cgagaaaccg cgtgtcgact gtgcaacagt tgacaaagag 61 attctcactt ggaatgctgc agggacgagg accattgaaa ctgttcatgg ccctggtggc 121 attccttcgt ttcctaacaa tcccaccaac agcagggata ctgaaaagat ggggaacgat 181 caaaaagtca aaggctatca atgtcttgag aggctttagg aaagagattg gaaggatgct 241 gaatatcttg aataggagac gcagaactgt aggcatgatc atcatgctga ttccaacagc 301 gatggcgttc catttaacca cacgcaatgg agaaccacac atgatcgtca gcagacaaga 361 gaaagggaaa agtctcttgt ttaaaacaga ggatggtgtg aacatgtgta ccctcatggc 421 catggacctt ggtgaactgt gtgaagacac aatcacttat aactgtcctc ttctcaggca 481 gaatgaacct gaagacattg actgttggtg // LOCUS MZ490511 500 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921257/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490511 VERSION MZ490511 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 500) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 500) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..500 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921257/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>500 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>500 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=2 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68680" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRF LTIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMA FHLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQ NEPEDI" mat_peptide <1..307 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..265 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 308..>500 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 308..>500 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" stem_loop <1 /gene="POLY" /note="capsid region hairpin (cHP)" ORIGIN 1 tttcaatatg ctgaaacgcg cgagaaaccg cgtgtcaact gtgcaacagc tgacaaagag 61 attctcactt ggaatgctgc agggacgagg accgttgaaa ttgttcatgg ccttggtggc 121 attccttcgt ttcctaacaa tcccacctac agcagggata ctaaaaagat ggggaacgat 181 caaaaagtca aaagccatca atgtcttgag agggttcagg aaagagattg gaaggatgtt 241 gaacatcttg aataggagac gcagaaccgc aggcgtgatc atcatgctaa ttccaacagc 301 gatggcgttc catttaacca cacgcaacgg agaaccacac atgatcgtca gcagacaaga 361 gaaagggaaa agtctcttgt tcaaaacaga ggatggtgtg aacatgtgta ccctcatggc 421 catggacctt ggtgaactgt gtgaagacac aatcacttat aactgtcctc ttctcaggca 481 gaatgaacct gaagacattg // LOCUS MZ490512 500 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1921175/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490512 VERSION MZ490512 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 500) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 500) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..500 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1921175/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>500 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>500 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=2 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68681" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTVQQLTKRFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRF LTIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKSKAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGVIIMLIPTAMA FHLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEKGKSLLFKTEDGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQ NEPEDI" mat_peptide <1..307 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..265 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 308..>500 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 308..>500 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" stem_loop <1 /gene="POLY" /note="capsid region hairpin (cHP)" ORIGIN 1 tttcaatatg ctgaaacgcg cgagaaaccg cgtgtcaact gtgcaacagc tgacaaagag 61 attctcactt ggaatgctgc agggacgagg accgttgaaa ttgttcatgg ccttggtggc 121 attccttcgt ttcctaacaa tcccaccaac agcagggata ctaaaaagat ggggaacgat 181 caaaaagtca aaagccatca atgtcttgag agggttcagg aaagagattg gaaggatgtt 241 gaacatcttg aataggagac gcagaaccgc aggcgtgatc atcatgctaa ttccaacagc 301 gatggcgttc catttaacca cacgcaacgg agaaccacac atgatcgtca gcagacaaga 361 gaaagggaaa agtctcttgt tcaaaacaga ggatggtgtg aacatgtgta ccctcatggc 421 catggacctt ggtgaactgt gtgaagacac aatcacttat aactgtcctc ttctcaggca 481 gaatgaacct gaagacattg // LOCUS MZ490513 440 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 2 isolate GKP/DENV-2/1821101/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490513 VERSION MZ490513 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 2 ORGANISM Dengue virus 2 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 440) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 440) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..440 /organism="Dengue virus 2" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 2" /isolate="GKP/DENV-2/1821101/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11060" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 2" gene <1..>440 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>440 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68682" /translation="RFSLGMLQGRGPLKLFMALVAFLRFLTIPPTAGILKRWGTIKKS KAINVLRGFRKEIGRMLNILNRRRRTAGIIIMMIPTVMAFHLTTRNGEPHMIVSRQEK GKSLLFKTENGVNMCTLMAMDLGELCEDTITYNCPLLRQNEPED" mat_peptide <1..249 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..207 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 250..>440 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 250..>440 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 agattctcac ttggaatgct acagggacga ggaccactga aactgttcat ggccctggtg 61 gcattccttc gtttcctaac aatcccgcca acagcaggga tattaaaaag atggggaaca 121 atcaaaaaat caaaggctat caatgtcttg agagggttca ggaaagagat tggaaggatg 181 ctgaacatct tgaacaggag acgcagaact gcaggtataa ttattatgat gatcccaaca 241 gtgatggcgt tccatttaac cacacgcaat ggagaaccac acatgatcgt cagtagacaa 301 gagaaaggga aaagtcttct gtttaaaaca gagaacggtg tgaacatgtg caccctcatg 361 gccatggatc ttggtgaact gtgtgaagac acaatcactt ataattgtcc tcttctcagg 421 cagaatgaac ctgaagacat // LOCUS MZ490514 450 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1921008/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490514 VERSION MZ490514 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 450) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 450) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..450 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1921008/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>450 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>450 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68683" /translation="RNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAIPPTA GVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHLTSRD GEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPH" mat_peptide <1..285 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..243 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 286..>450 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 286..>450 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 agaaaccgtg tgtcaactgg atcacagttg gcgaagagat tctcaaaagg attgctgaac 61 ggccagggac caatgaaatt ggtcatggct ttcatagcct tccttagatt tctggccatt 121 ccaccaacag caggagtttt ggccagatgg ggaaccttca agaagtcggg ggccattaag 181 gttctgaaag gcttcaagaa ggagatttca aacatgctga gcataatcaa caaacggaaa 241 aagacatcgc tctgtctcat gatgatattg ccagcagcac ttgctttcca cttgacttca 301 cgagatggag agccgcgcat gattgtgggg aagaatgaaa gagggaaatc cctacttttt 361 aagacagcct ctggaatcaa catgtgcaca ctcatagcca tggacttggg agaaatgtgt 421 gatgacacgg tcacttacaa atgcccccac // LOCUS MZ490515 492 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821077/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490515 VERSION MZ490515 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 492) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 492) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..492 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821077/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>492 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>492 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68684" /translation="RARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAIPP TAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHLTS RDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEVEPED IDCW" mat_peptide <1..291 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..249 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 292..>492 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 292..>492 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 cgcgcgagaa accgtgtgtc aactggatca cagttggcga agagattctc aaaaggattg 61 ctgaacggcc agggaccaat gaaattggtc atggcgttca tagccttcct tagatttctg 121 gccattccac caacagcagg agttttggcc agatggggaa ccttcaagaa gtcgggcgcc 181 attaaggttc tgaaaggctt caagaaggag atttcaaaca tgctgagcat aatcaacaaa 241 cggaaaaaga catcgctctg tctcatgatg atattgccag cagcacttgc tttccacttg 301 acttcacgag atggagagcc gcggatgatt gtggggaaga atgaaagagg gaaatcccta 361 ctttttaaga cagcctctgg aatcaacatg tgcacactca tagccatgga cttgggagaa 421 atgtgtgatg acacggtcac ttacaaatgc ccccacatta ccgaagtgga acctgaagac 481 attgactgtt gg // LOCUS MZ490516 462 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821070/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490516 VERSION MZ490516 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 462) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 462) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..462 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821070/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>462 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>462 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68685" /translation="LKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAI PPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHL TSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPH" mat_peptide <1..297 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..255 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 298..>462 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 298..>462 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ctgaaacgcg cgagaaaccg tgtgtcaact ggatcacagt tggcgaagag attctcaaaa 61 ggattgctga acggccaggg accaatgaaa ttggtcatgg cgttcatagc cttccttaga 121 tttctggcca ttccaccaac agcaggagtt ttggccagat ggggaacctt caagaagtcg 181 ggtgccatta aggttctgaa aggcttcaag aaggagattt caaacatgct gagcataatc 241 aacaaacgga aaaagacatc gctctgtctc atgatgatat tgccagcagc acttgctttc 301 cacttgactt cacgagatgg agagccgcgg atgattgtag ggaagaatga aagagggaaa 361 tccctacttt ttaagacagc ctctggaatc aacatgtgca cactcatagc catggacttg 421 ggagaaatgt gtgatgacac ggtcacttac aaatgccccc ac // LOCUS MZ490517 511 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1921239/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490517 VERSION MZ490517 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..511 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1921239/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>511 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>511 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68686" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFL AIPPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAF HLTSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEV EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..305 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..263 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 tcaatatgct gaaacgcgcg agaaaccgtg tgtcaactgg atcacagttg gcgaagagat 61 tctcaaaagg attgctgaac ggccagggac caatgaaatt ggtcatggcg ttcatagcct 121 tccttagatt tctggccatt ccaccaacag caggagtttt ggccagatgg ggaaccttca 181 agaagtcggg ggccattaag gttctgaaag gcttcaagaa ggagatttca aacatgctga 241 gcataatcaa caaacggaaa aagacatcgc tctgtctcat gatgatattg ccagcagcac 301 ttgctttcca cttgacttca cgagatggag agccgcgcat gattgtgggg aagaatgaaa 361 gaggaaaatc cctacttttt aagacagcct ctggaatcaa catgtgcaca ctcatagcca 421 tggacttggg agaaatgtgt gatgacacgg tcacttacaa atgcccccac attaccgaag 481 tggaacctga agacattgac tgttggtgca a // LOCUS MZ490518 462 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821045/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490518 VERSION MZ490518 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 462) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 462) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..462 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821045/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>462 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>462 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68687" /translation="LKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAI PPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHL TSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPH" mat_peptide <1..297 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..255 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 298..>462 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 298..>462 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ctgaaacgcg cgagaaaccg tgtgtcaact ggatcacagt tggcgaagag attctcaaaa 61 ggattgctga acggccaggg accaatgaaa ttggtcatgg cgttcatagc cttccttaga 121 tttctggcca ttccaccaac agcaggagtt ttggccagat ggggaacctt caagaagtcg 181 ggcgccatca aggttctgaa aggcttcaag aaggagattt caaacatgct gagcataatc 241 aacaaacgga aaaagacatc gctctgtctc atgatgatat tgccagcagc acttgctttc 301 cacttgactt cacgagatgg agagccgcgg atgattgtgg ggaagaatga aagagggaaa 361 tccctacttt ttaagacagc ctctggaatc aacatgtgca cactcatagc catggacttg 421 ggagaaatgt gtgatgacac ggtcacttac aaatgccccc ac // LOCUS MZ490519 471 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821021/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490519 VERSION MZ490519 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 471) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 471) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..471 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821021/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>471 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>471 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68688" /translation="FNMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRF LAIPPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALA FHLTSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPH" mat_peptide <1..306 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..264 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 307..>471 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 307..>471 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttcaatatgc tgaaacgcgc gagaaaccgt gtgtcaactg gatcacagtt ggcgaagaga 61 ttctcaaaag gattgctgaa cggccaggga ccaatgaaat tggtcatggc gttcatagcc 121 ttccttagat ttctggccat tccaccaaca gcaggagttt tggccagatg gggaaccttc 181 aagaagtcgg gtgccattaa ggttctgaaa ggcttcaaga aggagatttc aaacatgctg 241 agcataatca acaaacggaa aaagacatcg ctctgtctca tgatgatatt gccagcagca 301 cttgctttcc acttgacttc acgagatgga gagccgcgga tgattgtggg gaagaatgaa 361 agagggaaat ccctactttt taagacagcc tctggaatca acatgtgcac actcatagcc 421 atggacttgg gagaaatgtg tgatgacacg gtcacttaca aatgccccca c // LOCUS MZ490520 511 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821010/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490520 VERSION MZ490520 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..511 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821010/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>511 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>511 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68689" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFL AIPPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAF HLTSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEV EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..305 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..263 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 tcaatatgct gaaacgcgcg agaaaccgtg tgtcaactgg atcacagttg gcgaagagat 61 tctcaaaagg attgctgaac ggccagggac caatgaaatt ggttatggcg ttcatagcct 121 tccttagatt tctggccatt ccaccaacag caggagtttt ggccagatgg ggaaccttca 181 agaagtcggg ggccattaag gttctgaaag gcttcaagaa ggagatttca aacatgctga 241 gcataatcaa caaacggaaa aagacatcgc tctgtctcat gatgatattg ccagcagcac 301 ttgctttcca cttgacttca cgagatggag agccgcgcat gattgtgggg aagaatgaaa 361 gaggaaaatc cctacttttt aagacagcct ctggaatcaa catgtgcaca ctcatagcca 421 tggacttggg agaaatgtgt gatgacacgg tcacttacaa atgcccccac attaccgaag 481 tggaacctga agacattgac tgttggtgca a // LOCUS MZ490521 500 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821050/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490521 VERSION MZ490521 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 500) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 500) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..500 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821050/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>500 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>500 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68690" /translation="NMLKRVRNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFL AIPPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMLLPAALAF HLTSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEV EPEDID" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>500 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>500 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgtgag aaaccgtgtg tcaactggat cacagttggc gaagagattc 61 tcaaaaggat tgctgaacgg ccagggacca atgaaattgg tcatggcgtt catagccttc 121 cttagatttc tggccattcc accaacagca ggagttttgg ccagatgggg aaccttcaag 181 aagtcaggtg ccattaaggt tctgaaaggc ttcaagaagg agatttcaaa catgctgagc 241 ataatcaaca aacggaaaaa gacatcgctc tgtctcatga tgttattgcc agcagcactt 301 gctttccact tgacttcacg agatggagag ccgcggatga ttgtggggaa gaatgaaaga 361 gggaaatccc tactttttaa gacagcctct ggaatcaaca tgtgcacact catagccatg 421 gacttgggag aaatgtgtga tgacacggtc acttacaaat gcccccacat taccgaagtg 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg // LOCUS MZ490522 511 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1921039/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490522 VERSION MZ490522 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..511 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1921039/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>511 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>511 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68691" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFL AIPPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAF HLTSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEV EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..305 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..263 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 tcaatatgct gaaacgcgcg agaaaccgtg tgtcaactgg atcacagttg gcgaagagat 61 tctcaaaagg attgctgaac ggccagggac caatgaaatt ggttatggcg ttcatagcct 121 tccttagatt tctggccatt ccaccaacag caggagtttt ggccagatgg ggaaccttca 181 agaagtcggg ggccattaag gttctgaaag gcttcaagaa ggagatttca aacatgctga 241 gcataatcaa caaacggaaa aagacatcgc tctgtctcat gatgatattg ccagcagcac 301 ttgctttcca cttgacttca cgagatggag agccgcgcat gattgtgggg aagaatgaaa 361 gaggaaaatc cctacttttt aagacagcct ctggaatcaa catgtgcaca ctcatagcca 421 tggacttggg agaaatgtgt gatgacacgg tcacttacaa atgcccccac attaccgaag 481 tggaacctga agacattgac tgttggtgca a // LOCUS MZ490523 492 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1921042/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490523 VERSION MZ490523 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 492) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 492) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..492 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1921042/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>492 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>492 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68692" /translation="RARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAIPP TAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHLTS RDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEVEPED IDCW" mat_peptide <1..291 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..249 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 292..>492 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 292..>492 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 cgcgcgagaa accgtgtgtc aactggatca cagttggcga agagattctc aaaaggattg 61 ctgaacggcc agggaccaat gaaactggtc atggcgttca tagccttcct tagatttctg 121 gccattccac caacagcagg agttttggct agatggggaa ccttcaagaa gtcgggtgcc 181 attaaggttc tgaaaggctt caagaaggag atttcaaaca tgctgagcat aatcaacaaa 241 cggaaaaaga catcgctctg tctcatgatg atattgccag cagcacttgc tttccacttg 301 acttcacgag atggagagcc gcggatgatt gtggggaaga atgaaagagg gaaatcccta 361 ctttttaaga cagcctctgg aatcaacatg tgcacactca ttgccatgga cttgggagaa 421 atgtgtgatg acacggtcac ttacaaatgc ccccacatta ccgaagtgga acctgaagac 481 attgactgtt gg // LOCUS MZ490524 492 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821072/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490524 VERSION MZ490524 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 492) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 492) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..492 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821072/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>492 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>492 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68693" /translation="RARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAIPP TAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMLLPAALAFHLTS RDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEVEPED IDCW" mat_peptide <1..291 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..249 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 292..>492 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 292..>492 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 cgcgcgagaa accgtgtgtc aactggatca cagttggcga agagattctc aaaaggattg 61 ctgaacggcc agggaccaat gaaattggtc atggcgttca tagccttcct tagatttctg 121 gccattccac caacagcagg agttttggcc agatggggaa ccttcaagaa gtcaggtgcc 181 attaaggttc tgaaaggctt caagaaggag atttcaaaca tgctgagcat aatcaacaaa 241 cggaaaaaga catcgctctg tctcatgatg ttattgccag cagcacttgc tttccacttg 301 acttcacgag atggagagcc gcggatgatt gtggggaaga atgaaagagg gaaatcccta 361 ctttttaaga cagcctctgg aatcaacatg tgcacactca tagccatgga cttgggagaa 421 atgtgtgatg acacggtcac ttacaaatgc ccccacatta ccgaagtgga acctgaagac 481 attgactgtt gg // LOCUS MZ490525 511 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821085/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490525 VERSION MZ490525 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..511 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821085/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>511 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>511 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68694" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFL AIPPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAF HLTSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEV EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..305 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..263 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 tcaatatgct gaaacgcgcg agaaaccgtg tgtcaactgg atcacagttg gcgaagagat 61 tctcaaaagg attgctgaac ggccagggac caatgaaatt ggtcatggcg ttcatagcct 121 tccttagatt tctggccatt ccaccaacag caggagtttt ggccagatgg ggaaccttca 181 agaagtcggg ggccattaag gttctgaaag gcttcaagaa ggagatttca aacatgctga 241 gcataatcaa caaacggaaa aagacatcgc tctgtctcat gatgatattg ccagcagcac 301 ttgctttcca cttgacttca cgagatggag agccgcgcat gattgtgggg aagaatgaaa 361 gaggaaaatc cctacttttt aagacagcct ctggaattaa catgtgcaca ctcatagcca 421 tggacttggg agaaatgtgt gatgacacgg tcacttacaa atgcccccac attaccgaag 481 tggaacctga agacattgac tgttggtgca a // LOCUS MZ490526 462 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1921126/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490526 VERSION MZ490526 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 462) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 462) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..462 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1921126/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>462 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>462 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68695" /translation="LKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAI PPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHL TSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPH" mat_peptide <1..297 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..255 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 298..>462 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 298..>462 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ctgaaacgcg cgagaaaccg tgtgtcaact ggatcacagt tggcgaagag attctcaaaa 61 ggattgctga acggccaggg accaatgaaa ttggtcatgg cgttcatagc cttccttaga 121 tttctggcca ttccaccaac agcaggagtt ttggccagat ggggaacctt caagaagtcg 181 ggtgccatta aggttctgaa aggcttcaag aaggagattt caaacatgct gagcataatc 241 aacaaacgga aaaagacatc gctctgtctc atgatgatat tgccagcagc acttgctttc 301 cacttgactt cacgagatgg agagccgcgc atgattgtgg ggaagaatga aagagggaaa 361 tccctacttt ttaagacagc ctctggaatc aacatgtgca cactcatagc catggacttg 421 ggagaaatgt gtgatgacac ggtcacttac aaatgccccc ac // LOCUS MZ490527 511 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1921159/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490527 VERSION MZ490527 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..511 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1921159/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>511 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>511 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68696" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFL AIPPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAF HLTSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEV EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..305 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..263 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 tcaatatgct gaaacgcgcg agaaaccgtg tgtcaactgg atcacagttg gcgaagagat 61 tctcaaaagg attgctgaac ggccagggac caatgaaatt ggttatggcg ttcatagcct 121 tccttagatt tctggccatt ccaccaacag caggagtttt ggccagatgg ggaactttca 181 agaagtcggg ggccattaag gttctgaaag gcttcaagaa ggagatttca aacatgctga 241 gcataatcaa caaacggaaa aagacatcgc tctgtctcat gatgatattg ccagcagcac 301 ttgctttcca cttgacttca cgagatggag agccgcgcat gattgtgggg aagaatgaaa 361 gaggaaaatc cctacttttt aagacagcct ctggaatcaa catgtgcaca ctcatagcca 421 tggacttggg agaaatgtgt gatgacacgg tcacttacaa atgcccccac attaccgaag 481 tggaacctga agacattgac tgttggtgca a // LOCUS MZ490528 511 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1921223/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490528 VERSION MZ490528 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 511) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..511 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1921223/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>511 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>511 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68697" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFL AIPPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAF HLTSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEV EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..305 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..263 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 306..>511 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 tcaatatgct gaaacgcgcg agaaaccgtg tgtcaactgg atcacagttg gcgaagagat 61 tctcaaaagg attgctgaac ggccagggac caatgaaatt ggttatggcg ttcatagcct 121 tccttagatt tctggccatt ccaccaacag caggagtttt ggccagatgg ggaaccttca 181 agaagtcggg ggccattaag gttctgaaag gcttcaagaa ggagatttca aacatgctga 241 gcataatcaa caaacggaaa aagacatcgc tctgtctcat gatgatattg ccagcagcac 301 ttgctttcca cttgacttca cgagatggag agccgcgcat gattgtgggg aagaatgaaa 361 gaggaaaatc cctacttttt aagacagcct ctggaatcaa catgtgcaca ctcatagcca 421 tggacttggg agaaatgtgt gatgacacgg tcacttacaa atgcccccac attaccgaag 481 tggaacctga agacattgac tgttggtgca a // LOCUS MZ490529 487 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821080/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490529 VERSION MZ490529 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 487) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 487) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..487 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821080/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>487 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>487 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68698" /translation="RARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAIPP TAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMLLPAALAFHLTS RDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEVEPED I" mat_peptide <1..293 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..251 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 294..>487 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 294..>487 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aacgcgcgag aaaccgtgtg tcaactggat cacagttggc gaagagattc tcaaaaggat 61 tgctgaacgg ccagggacca atgaaattgg tcatggcgtt catagccttc cttagatttc 121 tggccattcc accaacagca ggagttttgg ccagatgggg aaccttcaag aagtcaggtg 181 ccattaaggt tctgaaaggc ttcaagaagg agatttcaaa catgctgagc ataatcaaca 241 aacggaaaaa gacatcgctc tgtctcatga tgttattgcc agcagcactt gctttccact 301 tgacttcacg agatggagag ccgcggatga ttgtggggaa gaatgaaaga gggaaatccc 361 tactttttaa gacagcctct ggaatcaaca tgtgcacact catagccatg gacttgggag 421 aaatgtgtga tgacacggtc acttacaaat gcccccacat taccgaagtg gaacctgaag 481 acattga // LOCUS MZ490530 462 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821029/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490530 VERSION MZ490530 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 462) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 462) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..462 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821029/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>462 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>462 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68699" /translation="LKRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAI PPTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHL TSRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPH" mat_peptide <1..297 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..255 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 298..>462 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 298..>462 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ctgaaacgcg cgagaaaccg tgtgtcaact ggatcacagt tggcgaagag attctcaaaa 61 ggattgctga acggccaggg accaatgaaa ttggtcatgg cgttcatagc cttccttaga 121 tttctggcca ttccaccaac agcaggagtt ttggccagat ggggaacctt caagaagtca 181 ggtgccatca aggttctgaa aggcttcaag aaggagattt caaacatgct gagcataatc 241 aacaaacgga aaaagacatc gctctgtctc atgatgatat tgccagcagc acttgctttc 301 cacttgactt cacgagatgg agagccgcgg atgattgtgg ggaagaatga aagagggaaa 361 tccctacttt ttaagacagc ctctggaatc aacatgtgca cactcatagc catggacttg 421 ggagaaatgt gtgatgacac ggtcacttac aaatgccccc ac // LOCUS MZ490531 492 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821057/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490531 VERSION MZ490531 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 492) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 492) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..492 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821057/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>492 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>492 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68700" /translation="RARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAIPP TAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHLTS RDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHITEVEPED IDCW" mat_peptide <1..291 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..249 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 292..>492 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 292..>492 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 cgcgcgagaa accgtgtgtc aactggatca cagttggcga agagattctc aaaaggattg 61 ctgaacggcc agggaccaat gaaattggtc atggcgttca tagccttcct tagatttctg 121 gccattccac caacagcagg agttttggcc agatggggaa ccttcaagaa gtcgggtgcc 181 attaaggttc tgaaaggctt caagaaggag atttcaaaca tgctgagcat aatcaacaaa 241 cggaaaaaga catcgctctg tctcatgatg atattgccag cagcacttgc tttccacttg 301 acttcacgag atggagagcc gcggatgatt gtggggaaga atgaaagagg gaaatcccta 361 ctttttaaga cagcctctgg aatcaacatg tgcacactca tagccatgga cttgggagaa 421 atgtgtgatg acacggtcac ttacaaatgc ccccacatta ccgaagtgga acctgaagac 481 attgactgtt gg // LOCUS MZ490532 460 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1821051/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490532 VERSION MZ490532 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 460) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 460) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..460 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1821051/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>460 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>460 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=2 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68701" /translation="KRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAIP PTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHLT SRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPH" mat_peptide <1..295 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..253 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 296..>460 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 296..>460 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 gaaacgcgcg agaaaccgtg tgtcaactgg atcacagttg gcgaagagat tctcaaaagg 61 attgctgaac ggccagggac caatgaaatt ggtcatggcg ttcatagcct tccttagatt 121 tctggccatt ccaccaacag caggagtttt ggccagatgg ggaaccttca agaagtcggg 181 tgccattaag gttctgaaag gcttcaagaa ggagatttca aacatgctga gcataatcaa 241 caaacggaaa aagacatcgc tctgtctcat gatgatattg ccagcagcac ttgctttcca 301 cttgacttca cgagatggag agccgcggat gattgtgggg aagaatgaaa gagggaaatc 361 cctacttttt aagacagcct ctggaatcaa catgtgcaca ctcatagcca tggacttggg 421 agaaatgtgt gatgacacgg tcacttacaa atgcccccac // LOCUS MZ490533 466 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 3 isolate GKP/DENV-3/1921087/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490533 VERSION MZ490533 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 3 ORGANISM Dengue virus 3 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 466) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 466) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..466 /organism="Dengue virus 3" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 3" /isolate="GKP/DENV-3/1921087/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11069" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 3" gene <1..>466 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>466 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=3 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68702" /translation="KRARNRVSTGSQLAKRFSKGLLNGQGPMKLVMAFIAFLRFLAIP PTAGVLARWGTFKKSGAIKVLKGFKKEISNMLSIINKRKKTSLCLMMILPAALAFHLT SRDGEPRMIVGKNERGKSLLFKTASGINMCTLIAMDLGEMCDDTVTYKCPHIT" mat_peptide <1..296 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..254 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 297..>466 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 297..>466 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 ttaaacgcgc gagaaaccgt gtgtcaactg gatcacagtt ggcgaagaga ttctcaaaag 61 gattgctgaa cggccaggga ccaatgaaat tggtcatggc gttcatagcc ttccttagat 121 ttctggccat tccaccaaca gctggagttt tggccagatg gggaaccttc aagaagtcgg 181 gggccattaa ggtcctgaaa ggcttcaaga aggagatttc aaacatgttg agcataatca 241 acaaacggaa aaagacatcg ctctgtctca tgatgatatt gccagcagca cttgctttcc 301 acttgacttc acgagatgga gagccgcgca tgattgtggg gaagaatgaa agaggaaagt 361 ccctactttt taagacagcc tctggaatca acatgtgcac actcatagcc atggacttgg 421 gagagatgtg tgatgacacg gtcacttaca aatgccctca cattac // LOCUS MZ490534 514 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 4 isolate GKP/DENV-4/1921105/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490534 VERSION MZ490534 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 4 ORGANISM Dengue virus 4 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 514) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 514) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..514 /organism="Dengue virus 4" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 4" /isolate="GKP/DENV-4/1921105/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11070" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 4" gene <1..>514 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>514 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=2 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68703" /translation="FNMLKRERNRVSTPQGLVKRFSTGLFSGKGPLRMVLAFITFLRV LSIPPTAGILKRWGQLKKNKAIKILTGFRKEIGRMLNILNGRKRSTITLLCLIPTAMA FHLSTRDGEPLMIVTKHERGRPLLFKTTEGINKCTLIAMDLGEMCEDTVTYKCPLLVN TEPEDIDCWCK" mat_peptide <1..307 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..265 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 308..>514 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 308..>514 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" stem_loop <1 /gene="POLY" /note="capsid region hairpin (cHP)" ORIGIN 1 tttcaatatg ctgaaacgcg agagaaaccg cgtatcaacc cctcaagggt tggtgaagag 61 attctcaacc ggactctttt ccgggaaagg acccttacgg atggtgttag cattcatcac 121 gtttctgcga gttctttcca tcccaccaac agcagggatt ctgaaaagat ggggacagtt 181 aaagaaaaat aaggccatca aaatactgac tggattcagg aaggagatag gccgcatgct 241 gaacatcttg aatggaagga aaaggtcaac aataacattg ttgtgcttga ttcccaccgc 301 aatggcgttt cacttgtcaa cgagagatgg cgaacccctt atgatagtga cgaaacacga 361 aagggggaga cctctcttgt tcaagacaac agaaggaatc aacaagtgca ctcttattgc 421 catggaccta ggtgaaatgt gtgaggacac cgtcacgtac aaatgccctt tactggtcaa 481 caccgaacct gaagacattg actgttggtg caaa // LOCUS MZ490535 507 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 4 isolate GKP/DENV-4/1821086/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490535 VERSION MZ490535 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 4 ORGANISM Dengue virus 4 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 507) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..507 /organism="Dengue virus 4" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 4" /isolate="GKP/DENV-4/1821086/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11070" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 4" gene <1..>507 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>507 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68704" /translation="NMLKRARNRVSTPQGLVKRFSTGLFSGKGPLRMVLAFITFLRVL SIPPTAGILKRWGQLKKNKAIKILTGFRKEIGRMLNILNGRKRSTITLLCLIPTAMAF HLSTRDGEPLMIVTKHERGRPLLFKTTEGINKCTLIAMDLGEMCEDTVTYKCPLLVNT EPEDIDCWC" mat_peptide <1..303 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 304..>507 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 aatatgctga aacgcgcgag aaaccgcgta tcaacccctc aagggttggt gaagagattc 61 tcaaccggac tcttttccgg gaaaggacct ttacggatgg tgttagcatt catcacgttt 121 ctgcgagttc tttccatccc accaacagca gggattctga aaagatgggg acagttaaag 181 aaaaataagg ccatcaaaat actgactgga ttcaggaagg agataggccg catgctgaac 241 atcttgaatg gaaggaaaag gtcaacaata acattgttgt gcttgattcc caccgcaatg 301 gcgtttcact tgtcaacgag agatggcgaa ccccttatga tagtgacgaa acacgaaagg 361 gggagacctc tcttgttcaa gacaacagaa ggaatcaaca agtgcactct tattgccatg 421 gacctaggtg aaatgtgtga ggacaccgtc acgtacaaat gccctttact ggtcaacacc 481 gaacctgaag acattgactg ttggtgc // LOCUS MZ490536 516 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 4 isolate GKP/DENV-4/1921011/19 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490536 VERSION MZ490536 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 4 ORGANISM Dengue virus 4 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 516) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 516) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..516 /organism="Dengue virus 4" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 4" /isolate="GKP/DENV-4/1921011/19" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11070" /country="India" /collection_date="Nov-2019" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 4" gene <1..>516 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>516 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68705" /translation="PFNMLKRERNRVSTPQGLVKRFSTGLFSGKGPLRMVLAFITFLR VLSIPPTAGILKRWGQLKKNKAIKILTGFRKEIGRMLNILNGRKRSTITLLCLIPTAM AFHLSTRDGEPLMIVTKHERGRPLLFKTTEGINKCTLIAMDLGEMCEDTVTYKCPLLV NTEPEDIDCWCK" mat_peptide <1..309 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..267 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 310..>516 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 310..>516 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" stem_loop <1..3 /gene="POLY" /note="capsid region hairpin (cHP)" ORIGIN 1 cctttcaata tgctgaaacg cgagagaaac cgcgtatcaa cccctcaagg gttggtgaag 61 agattctcaa ccggactctt ttccgggaaa ggacccttac ggatggtgtt agcattcatc 121 acgtttctgc gagttctttc catcccacca acagcaggga ttctgaaaag atggggacag 181 ttaaagaaaa ataaggccat caaaatactg actggattca ggaaggagat aggccgcatg 241 ctgaacatct tgaatggaag gaaaaggtca acaataacat tgttgtgctt gattcccacc 301 gcaatggcgt ttcacttgtc aacgagagat ggcgaacccc ttatgatagt gacgaaacac 361 gaaaggggga gacctctctt gttcaagaca acagaaggaa tcaacaagtg cactcttatt 421 gccatggacc taggtgaaat gtgtgaggac accgtcacgt acaaatgccc tttactggtc 481 aacaccgaac ctgaagacat tgactgttgg tgcaaa // LOCUS MZ490537 424 bp RNA linear VRL 02-JUL-2021 DEFINITION Dengue virus 4 isolate GKP/DENV-4/1821089/18 polyprotein (POLY) gene, partial cds. ACCESSION MZ490537 VERSION MZ490537 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Dengue virus 4 ORGANISM Dengue virus 4 Viruses; Riboviria; Orthornavirae; Kitrinoviricota; Flasuviricetes; Amarillovirales; Flaviviridae; Flavivirus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 424) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Circulation of all the four dengue virus serotypes in Eastern Uttar pradesh, India during 2018-19 JOURNAL Unpublished REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 424) AUTHORS Deval,H., Behera,S.P., Bhardwaj,P., Srivastava,N., Srivastava,R.K. and Kavathekar,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (02-JUL-2021) molecular biology, ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, BRD Medical college campus, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013, India COMMENT ##Assembly-Data-START## Sequencing Technology :: Sanger dideoxy sequencing ##Assembly-Data-END## FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..424 /organism="Dengue virus 4" /mol_type="genomic RNA" /serotype="Dengue virus 4" /isolate="GKP/DENV-4/1821089/18" /isolation_source="whole blood" /host="Homo sapiens" /db_xref="taxon:11070" /country="India" /collection_date="Oct-2018" /note="capsid-premembrane junction region; genotype: 4" gene <1..>424 /gene="POLY" CDS <1..>424 /gene="POLY" /codon_start=1 /product="polyprotein" /protein_id="QXF68706" /translation="GLVKRLSTGLFSGKGPLRMVLAFITFLRVLSIPPTAGILKRWGQ LKKNKAIKILTGFRKEIGRMLNILNGRKRSTMTLLCLIPTVMAFHLSTRDGEPLMIVA KHERGRPLLFKTTEGINKCTLIAMDLGEMCEDTVTYKCP" mat_peptide <1..261 /gene="POLY" /product="anchored capsid protein ancC" mat_peptide <1..219 /gene="POLY" /product="capsid protein C" mat_peptide 262..>424 /gene="POLY" /product="membrane glycoprotein precursor prM" mat_peptide 262..>424 /gene="POLY" /product="protein pr" ORIGIN 1 gggttggtga agagactctc gaccggactt ttttccggga aaggaccctt acggatggtg 61 ttggcattca tcacgttctt gcgagttctt tccatcccac caacagcagg gattctgaaa 121 agatggggac agctaaagaa aaacaaggcc ataaaaatac taactggatt caggaaggag 181 ataggccgta tgctgaacat cttgaatgga aggaaaaggt caacaatgac attgctgtgc 241 ttgattccta ctgtaatggc gttccacttg tcaacgagag atggagaacc cctcatgata 301 gtggcgaaac acgaaagagg gagacctctc ttgttcaaga caacagaagg aatcaacaag 361 tgcactctca ttgccatgga cctgggtgag atgtgcgagg acaccgttac ttataaatgc 421 ccct //