This file provides descriptions of some variables and values in Table S2.4. More information on other fields can be found at the Regional Mark Processing Center ( ID: Hatchery name ocean.region: Stock associated with each hatchery release and tag code. These are custom definitions for the purpose of this modeling exercise. SFB = Central Valley fall-run CAC = California Coastal fall-run KLT = Klamath fall-run NCASOR = Northern California and Southern Oregon fall-run release_stage: Stage at which tagged fish are released. Y = Yearling G = Fingerling S = Smolt V = Advanced fingerling P = Pre-smolt F = Fed fry E = Emergent fry M = Multiple release stages Null = Not reported study_type: Indication of study stype (i.e., purpose of tagged fish release). E = Experimental B = Both experimental and production P = Production I = Other index streams O = Other K = PSC key indicator stocks Null = Not reported