import; import; import; import java.text.ParsePosition; class NumeratorSubstitution extends NFSubstitution { double denominator; boolean withZeros; NumeratorSubstitution(int pos, double denominator, NFRuleSet ruleSet, RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter, String description) { super(pos, ruleSet, formatter, fixdesc(description)); this.denominator = denominator; this.withZeros = description.endsWith("<<"); } static String fixdesc(String description) { return description.endsWith("<<")?description.substring(0, description.length() - 1):description; } public boolean equals(Object that) { if(super.equals(that)) { NumeratorSubstitution that2 = (NumeratorSubstitution)that; return this.denominator == that2.denominator; } else { return false; } } public int hashCode() { assert false : "hashCode not designed"; return 42; } public void doSubstitution(double number, StringBuffer toInsertInto, int position) { double numberToFormat = this.transformNumber(number); if(this.withZeros && this.ruleSet != null) { long nf = (long)numberToFormat; int len = toInsertInto.length(); while((double)(nf *= 10L) < this.denominator) { toInsertInto.insert(position + this.pos, ' '); this.ruleSet.format(0L, toInsertInto, position + this.pos); } position += toInsertInto.length() - len; } if(numberToFormat == Math.floor(numberToFormat) && this.ruleSet != null) { this.ruleSet.format((long)numberToFormat, toInsertInto, position + this.pos); } else if(this.ruleSet != null) { this.ruleSet.format(numberToFormat, toInsertInto, position + this.pos); } else { toInsertInto.insert(position + this.pos, this.numberFormat.format(numberToFormat)); } } public long transformNumber(long number) { return Math.round((double)number * this.denominator); } public double transformNumber(double number) { return (double)Math.round(number * this.denominator); } public Number doParse(String text, ParsePosition parsePosition, double baseValue, double upperBound, boolean lenientParse) { int zeroCount = 0; if(this.withZeros) { String workText = text; ParsePosition workPos = new ParsePosition(1); while(workText.length() > 0 && workPos.getIndex() != 0) { workPos.setIndex(0); this.ruleSet.parse(workText, workPos, 1.0D).intValue(); if(workPos.getIndex() == 0) { break; } ++zeroCount; parsePosition.setIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + workPos.getIndex()); workText = workText.substring(workPos.getIndex()); while(workText.length() > 0 && workText.charAt(0) == 32) { workText = workText.substring(1); parsePosition.setIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + 1); } } text = text.substring(parsePosition.getIndex()); parsePosition.setIndex(0); } Number result = super.doParse(text, parsePosition, this.withZeros?1.0D:baseValue, upperBound, false); if(this.withZeros) { long n = result.longValue(); long d; for(d = 1L; d <= n; d *= 10L) { ; } while(zeroCount > 0) { d *= 10L; --zeroCount; } result = new Double((double)n / (double)d); } return result; } public double composeRuleValue(double newRuleValue, double oldRuleValue) { return newRuleValue / oldRuleValue; } public double calcUpperBound(double oldUpperBound) { return this.denominator; } char tokenChar() { return '<'; } } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.FieldPosition; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.util.Map; public class PluralFormat extends UFormat { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private ULocale ulocale = null; private PluralRules pluralRules = null; private String pattern = null; //监督判别投影的高维网络数据特征选择管理 JsonPrimitive primitive = keyElement.getAsJsonPrimitive(); if(primitive.isNumber()) { return String.valueOf(primitive.getAsNumber()); } else if(primitive.isBoolean()) { return Boolean.toString(primitive.getAsBoolean()); } else if(primitive.isString()) { return primitive.getAsString(); } else { throw new AssertionError(); } } else if(keyElement.isJsonNull()) { return "null"; } else { throw new AssertionError(); } } } } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public final class ObjectTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter { public static final TypeAdapterFactory FACTORY = new TypeAdapterFactory() { public TypeAdapter create(Gson gson, TypeToken type) { return type.getRawType() == Object.class?new ObjectTypeAdapter(gson):null; } }; private final Gson gson; private ObjectTypeAdapter(Gson gson) { this.gson = gson; } public Object read(JsonReader in) throws IOException { JsonToken token = in.peek(); switch(token) { case BEGIN_ARRAY: List list = new ArrayList(); in.beginArray(); while(in.hasNext()) { list.add(; } in.endArray(); return list; case BEGIN_OBJECT: Map map = new LinkedTreeMap(); in.beginObject(); while(in.hasNext()) { map.put(in.nextName(),; } in.endObject(); return map; case STRING: return in.nextString(); case NUMBER: return Double.valueOf(in.nextDouble()); case BOOLEAN: return Boolean.valueOf(in.nextBoolean()); case NULL: in.nextNull(); return null; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } public void write(JsonWriter out, Object value) throws IOException { if(value == null) { out.nullValue(); } else { TypeAdapter typeAdapter = this.gson.getAdapter(value.getClass()); if(typeAdapter instanceof ObjectTypeAdapter) { out.beginObject(); out.endObject(); } else { typeAdapter.write(out, value); } } } } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import$Gson$Types; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; public final class ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory implements TypeAdapterFactory { private final ConstructorConstructor constructorConstructor; private final FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingPolicy; private final Excluder excluder; public ReflectiveTypeAdapterFactory(ConstructorConstructor constructorConstructor, FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingPolicy, Excluder excluder) { this.constructorConstructor = constructorConstructor; this.fieldNamingPolicy = fieldNamingPolicy; // MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry nextExpirable = MapMakerInternalMap.nullEntry(); @GuardedBy("Segment.this") MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry previousExpirable = MapMakerInternalMap.nullEntry(); @GuardedBy("Segment.this") MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry nextEvictable = MapMakerInternalMap.nullEntry(); @GuardedBy("Segment.this") MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry previousEvictable = MapMakerInternalMap.nullEntry(); StrongExpirableEvictableEntry(Object key, int hash, @Nullable MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry next) { super(key, hash, next); } public long getExpirationTime() { return this.time; } public void setExpirationTime(long time) { this.time = time; } public MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry getNextExpirable() { return this.nextExpirable; } public void setNextExpirable(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry next) { this.nextExpirable = next; } public MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry getPreviousExpirable() { return this.previousExpirable; } public void setPreviousExpirable(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry previous) { this.previousExpirable = previous; } public MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry getNextEvictable() { return this.nextEvictable; } public void setNextEvictable(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry next) { this.nextEvictable = next; } public MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry getPreviousEvictable() { return this.previousEvictable; } public void setPreviousEvictable(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry previous) { this.previousEvictable = previous; } } static final class StrongValueReference implements MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference { final Object referent; StrongValueReference(Object referent) { this.referent = referent; } public Object get() { return this.referent; } public MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry getEntry() { return null; } public MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference copyFor(ReferenceQueue queue, Object value, MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry entry) { return this; } public boolean isComputingReference() { return false; } public Object waitForValue() { return this.get(); } public void clear(MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference newValue) { } } final class ValueIterator extends MapMakerInternalMap.HashIterator { ValueIterator() { super(); } public Object next() { return this.nextEntry().getValue(); } } interface ValueReference { Object get(); Object waitForValue() throws ExecutionException; MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry getEntry(); MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference copyFor(ReferenceQueue var1, @Nullable Object var2, MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry var3); void clear(@Nullable MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference var1); boolean isComputingReference(); } final class Values extends AbstractCollection { public Iterator iterator() { return ValueIterator(); } public int size() { return MapMakerInternalMap.this.size(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return MapMakerInternalMap.this.isEmpty(); } public boolean contains(Object o) { return MapMakerInternalMap.this.containsValue(o); } public void clear() { MapMakerInternalMap.this.clear(); } } static class WeakEntry extends WeakReference implements MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry { final int hash; final MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry next; volatile MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference valueReference = MapMakerInternalMap.UNSET; WeakEntry(ReferenceQueue queue, Object key, int hash, @Nullable MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry next) { super(key, queue); this.hash = hash; = next; } public Object getKey() { return this.get(); } public long getExpirationTime() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void setExpirationTime(long time) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // private Object readResolve() { return INSTANCE; } } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Comparator; import javax.annotation.Nullable; @GwtCompatible( emulated = true ) final class EmptyImmutableSortedMap extends ImmutableSortedMap { private final transient ImmutableSortedSet keySet; EmptyImmutableSortedMap(Comparator comparator) { this.keySet = ImmutableSortedSet.emptySet(comparator); } EmptyImmutableSortedMap(Comparator comparator, ImmutableSortedMap descendingMap) { super(descendingMap); this.keySet = ImmutableSortedSet.emptySet(comparator); } public Object get(@Nullable Object key) { return null; } public ImmutableSortedSet keySet() { return this.keySet; } public int size() { return 0; } public boolean isEmpty() { return true; } public ImmutableCollection values() { return ImmutableList.of(); } public String toString() { return "{}"; } boolean isPartialView() { return false; } public ImmutableSet entrySet() { return ImmutableSet.of(); } ImmutableSet createEntrySet() { throw new AssertionError("should never be called"); } public ImmutableSetMultimap asMultimap() { return ImmutableSetMultimap.of(); } public ImmutableSortedMap headMap(Object toKey, boolean inclusive) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(toKey); return this; } public ImmutableSortedMap tailMap(Object fromKey, boolean inclusive) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(fromKey); return this; } ImmutableSortedMap createDescendingMap() { return new EmptyImmutableSortedMap(Ordering.from(this.comparator()).reverse(), this); } } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import javax.annotation.Nullable; final class EmptyImmutableSortedMultiset extends ImmutableSortedMultiset { private final ImmutableSortedSet elementSet; EmptyImmutableSortedMultiset(Comparator comparator) { this.elementSet = ImmutableSortedSet.emptySet(comparator); } public Multiset.Entry firstEntry() { return null; } public Multiset.Entry lastEntry() { return null; } public int count(@Nullable Object element) { return 0; } public boolean containsAll(Collection targets) { return targets.isEmpty(); } public int size() { return 0; } public ImmutableSortedSet elementSet() { return this.elementSet; } Multiset.Entry getEntry(int index) { throw new AssertionError("should never be called"); } public ImmutableSortedMultiset headMultiset(Object upperBound, BoundType boundType) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(upperBound); Preconditions.checkNotNull(boundType); return this; } public ImmutableSortedMultiset tailMultiset(Object lowerBound, BoundType boundType) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(lowerBound); Preconditions.checkNotNull(boundType); return this; // } } private static class ImmediateSuccessfulFuture extends Futures.ImmediateFuture { @Nullable private final Object value; ImmediateSuccessfulFuture(@Nullable Object value) { super(null); this.value = value; } public Object get() { return this.value; } } private static class MappingCheckedFuture extends AbstractCheckedFuture { final Function mapper; MappingCheckedFuture(ListenableFuture delegate, Function mapper) { super(delegate); this.mapper = (Function)Preconditions.checkNotNull(mapper); } protected Exception mapException(Exception e) { return (Exception)this.mapper.apply(e); } } private static class NonCancellationPropagatingFuture extends AbstractFuture { NonCancellationPropagatingFuture(final ListenableFuture delegate) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate); Futures.addCallback(delegate, new FutureCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object result) { NonCancellationPropagatingFuture.this.set(result); } public void onFailure(Throwable t) { if(delegate.isCancelled()) { NonCancellationPropagatingFuture.this.cancel(false); } else { NonCancellationPropagatingFuture.this.setException(t); } } }, MoreExecutors.sameThreadExecutor()); } } } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; @Beta public final class JdkFutureAdapters { public static ListenableFuture listenInPoolThread(Future future) { return (ListenableFuture)(future instanceof ListenableFuture?(ListenableFuture)future:new JdkFutureAdapters.ListenableFutureAdapter(future)); } public static ListenableFuture listenInPoolThread(Future future, Executor executor) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(executor); return (ListenableFuture)(future instanceof ListenableFuture?(ListenableFuture)future:new JdkFutureAdapters.ListenableFutureAdapter(future, executor)); } private static class ListenableFutureAdapter extends ForwardingFuture implements ListenableFuture { private static final ThreadFactory threadFactory = (new ThreadFactoryBuilder()).setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("ListenableFutureAdapter-thread-%d").build(); private static final Executor defaultAdapterExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(threadFactory); private final Executor adapterExecutor; private final ExecutionList executionList; private final AtomicBoolean hasListeners; private final Future delegate; ListenableFutureAdapter(Future delegate) { this(delegate, defaultAdapterExecutor); } ListenableFutureAdapter(Future delegate, Executor adapterExecutor) { this.executionList = new ExecutionList(); this.hasListeners = new AtomicBoolean(false); this.delegate = (Future)Preconditions.checkNotNull(delegate); this.adapterExecutor = (Executor)Preconditions.checkNotNull(adapterExecutor); } protected Future delegate() { return this.delegate; } public void addListener(Runnable listener, Executor exec) { this.executionList.add(listener, exec); if(this.hasListeners.compareAndSet(false, true)) { if(this.delegate.isDone()) { this.executionList.execute(); return; } this.adapterExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Uninterruptibles.getUninterruptibly(ListenableFutureAdapter.this.delegate); } catch (Error var2) { throw var2; } catch (Throwable var3) { ; } ListenableFutureAdapter.this.executionList.execute(); } }); } } } } package; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Future; public interface ListenableFuture extends Future { void addListener(Runnable var1, Executor var2); } package; import; //监督判别投影的高维网络数据特征选择运行报告 this.isNumber()?this.getAsNumber().toString():(this.isBoolean()?this.getAsBooleanWrapper().toString():(String)this.value); } public double getAsDouble() { return this.isNumber()?this.getAsNumber().doubleValue():Double.parseDouble(this.getAsString()); } public BigDecimal getAsBigDecimal() { return this.value instanceof BigDecimal?(BigDecimal)this.value:new BigDecimal(this.value.toString()); } public BigInteger getAsBigInteger() { return this.value instanceof BigInteger?(BigInteger)this.value:new BigInteger(this.value.toString()); } public float getAsFloat() { return this.isNumber()?this.getAsNumber().floatValue():Float.parseFloat(this.getAsString()); } public long getAsLong() { return this.isNumber()?this.getAsNumber().longValue():Long.parseLong(this.getAsString()); } public short getAsShort() { return this.isNumber()?this.getAsNumber().shortValue():Short.parseShort(this.getAsString()); } public int getAsInt() { return this.isNumber()?this.getAsNumber().intValue():Integer.parseInt(this.getAsString()); } public byte getAsByte() { return this.isNumber()?this.getAsNumber().byteValue():Byte.parseByte(this.getAsString()); } public char getAsCharacter() { return this.getAsString().charAt(0); } private static boolean isPrimitiveOrString(Object target) { if(target instanceof String) { return true; } else { Class classOfPrimitive = target.getClass(); for(Class standardPrimitive : PRIMITIVE_TYPES) { if(standardPrimitive.isAssignableFrom(classOfPrimitive)) { return true; } } return false; } } public int hashCode() { if(this.value == null) { return 31; } else if(isIntegral(this)) { long value = this.getAsNumber().longValue(); return (int)(value ^ value >>> 32); } else if(this.value instanceof Number) { long value = Double.doubleToLongBits(this.getAsNumber().doubleValue()); return (int)(value ^ value >>> 32); } else { return this.value.hashCode(); } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(this == obj) { return true; } else if(obj != null && this.getClass() == obj.getClass()) { JsonPrimitive other = (JsonPrimitive)obj; if(this.value == null) { return other.value == null; } else if(isIntegral(this) && isIntegral(other)) { return this.getAsNumber().longValue() == other.getAsNumber().longValue(); } else if(this.value instanceof Number && other.value instanceof Number) { double a = this.getAsNumber().doubleValue(); double b = other.getAsNumber().doubleValue(); return a == b || Double.isNaN(a) && Double.isNaN(b); } else { return this.value.equals(other.value); } } else { return false; } } private static boolean isIntegral(JsonPrimitive primitive) { if(!(primitive.value instanceof Number)) { return false; } else { Number number = (Number)primitive.value; return number instanceof BigInteger || number instanceof Long || number instanceof Integer || number instanceof Short || number instanceof Byte; } } } package; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; public interface JsonSerializationContext { JsonElement serialize(Object var1); JsonElement serialize(Object var1, Type var2); } package; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; public interface JsonSerializer { JsonElement serialize(Object var1, Type var2, JsonSerializationContext var3); } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public final class JsonStreamParser implements Iterator { private final JsonReader parser; // } private static boolean isTashkeelCharFE(char ch) { return ch != '\ufe75' && ch >= 'ﹰ' && ch <= 'ﹿ'; } private static int isTashkeelOnTatweelChar(char ch) { return ch >= 'ﹰ' && ch <= 'ﹿ' && ch != 'ﹳ' && ch != '\ufe75' && ch != 'ﹽ'?tashkeelMedial[ch - 'ﹰ']:((ch < 'ﳲ' || ch > 'ﳴ') && ch != 'ﹽ'?0:2); } private static int isIsolatedTashkeelChar(char ch) { return ch >= 'ﹰ' && ch <= 'ﹿ' && ch != 'ﹳ' && ch != '\ufe75'?1 - tashkeelMedial[ch - 'ﹰ']:(ch >= 'ﱞ' && ch <= 'ﱣ'?1:0); } private static boolean isAlefChar(char ch) { return ch == 1570 || ch == 1571 || ch == 1573 || ch == 1575; } private static boolean isLamAlefChar(char ch) { return ch >= 'ﻵ' && ch <= 'ﻼ'; } private static boolean isNormalizedLamAlefChar(char ch) { return ch >= 1628 && ch <= 1631; } private int calculateSize(char[] source, int sourceStart, int sourceLength) { int destSize = sourceLength; switch(this.options & 24) { case 8: case 24: if(this.isLogical) { int i = sourceStart; for(int e = sourceStart + sourceLength - 1; i < e; ++i) { if(source[i] == 1604 && isAlefChar(source[i + 1]) || isTashkeelCharFE(source[i])) { --destSize; } } return destSize; } else { int i = sourceStart + 1; for(int e = sourceStart + sourceLength; i < e; ++i) { if(source[i] == 1604 && isAlefChar(source[i - 1]) || isTashkeelCharFE(source[i])) { --destSize; } } return destSize; } case 16: int i = sourceStart; for(int e = sourceStart + sourceLength; i < e; ++i) { if(isLamAlefChar(source[i])) { ++destSize; } } } return destSize; } private static int countSpaceSub(char[] dest, int length, char subChar) { int i = 0; int count; for(count = 0; i < length; ++i) { if(dest[i] == subChar) { ++count; } } return count; } private static void shiftArray(char[] dest, int start, int e, char subChar) { int w = e; int r = e; while(true) { --r; if(r < start) { return; } char ch = dest[r]; if(ch != subChar) { --w; if(w != r) { dest[w] = ch; } } } } private static int flipArray(char[] dest, int start, int e, int w) { if(w > start) { int r = w; for(w = start; r < e; dest[w++] = dest[r++]) { ; } } else { w = e; } return w; } private static int handleTashkeelWithTatweel(char[] dest, int sourceLength) { for(int i = 0; i < sourceLength; ++i) { if(isTashkeelOnTatweelChar(dest[i]) == 1) { dest[i] = 1600; } else if(isTashkeelOnTatweelChar(dest[i]) == 2) { dest[i] = 'ﹽ'; } else if(isIsolatedTashkeelChar(dest[i]) == 1 && dest[i] != 'ﹼ') { dest[i] = 32; } } return sourceLength; } private int handleGeneratedSpaces(char[] dest, int start, int length) { int lenOptionsLamAlef = this.options & 65539; int lenOptionsTashkeel = this.options & 917504; boolean lamAlefOn = false; boolean tashkeelOn = false; if(!this.isLogical & !this.spacesRelativeToTextBeginEnd) { switch(lenOptionsLamAlef) { case 2: lenOptionsLamAlef = 3; break; case 3: lenOptionsLamAlef = 2; } switch(lenOptionsTashkeel) { case 262144: // } @GwtIncompatible("") private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); int size = Serialization.readCount(stream); this.init(size); Serialization.populateMap(this, stream, size); } private static final class BiEntry extends ImmutableEntry { final int keyHash; final int valueHash; @Nullable HashBiMap.BiEntry nextInKToVBucket; @Nullable HashBiMap.BiEntry nextInVToKBucket; BiEntry(Object key, int keyHash, Object value, int valueHash) { super(key, value); this.keyHash = keyHash; this.valueHash = valueHash; } } private final class EntrySet extends Maps.EntrySet { private EntrySet() { } Map map() { return HashBiMap.this; } public Iterator iterator() { return new HashBiMap.Itr() { Entry output(HashBiMap.BiEntry entry) { return new null.MapEntry(entry); } class MapEntry extends AbstractMapEntry { HashBiMap.BiEntry delegate; MapEntry(HashBiMap.BiEntry entry) { this.delegate = entry; } public Object getKey() { return this.delegate.key; } public Object getValue() { return this.delegate.value; } public Object setValue(Object value) { V oldValue = this.delegate.value; int valueHash = HashBiMap.hash(value); if(valueHash == this.delegate.valueHash && Objects.equal(value, oldValue)) { return value; } else { Preconditions.checkArgument(HashBiMap.this.seekByValue(value, valueHash) == null, "value already present: %s", new Object[]{value}); HashBiMap.this.delete(this.delegate); HashBiMap.BiEntry newEntry = new HashBiMap.BiEntry(this.delegate.key, this.delegate.keyHash, value, valueHash); HashBiMap.this.insert(newEntry); expectedModCount = HashBiMap.this.modCount; if(toRemove == this.delegate) { toRemove = newEntry; } this.delegate = newEntry; return oldValue; } } } }; } } private final class Inverse extends AbstractMap implements BiMap, Serializable { private Inverse() { } BiMap forward() { return HashBiMap.this; } public int size() { return HashBiMap.this.size; } public void clear() { this.forward().clear(); } public boolean containsKey(@Nullable Object value) { return this.forward().containsValue(value); } public Object get(@Nullable Object value) { HashBiMap.BiEntry entry = HashBiMap.this.seekByValue(value, HashBiMap.hash(value)); return entry == null?null:entry.key; } public Object put(@Nullable Object value, @Nullable Object key) { return HashBiMap.this.putInverse(value, key, false); } public Object forcePut(@Nullable Object value, @Nullable Object key) { return HashBiMap.this.putInverse(value, key, true); } public Object remove(@Nullable Object value) { HashBiMap.BiEntry entry = HashBiMap.this.seekByValue(value, HashBiMap.hash(value)); if(entry == null) { return null; } else { HashBiMap.this.delete(entry); return entry.key; } } public BiMap inverse() { return this.forward(); } public Set keySet() { return new HashBiMap.Inverse.InverseKeySet(); } public Set values() { return this.forward().keySet(); } public Set entrySet() { return new Maps.EntrySet() { Map map() { return Inverse.this; } public Iterator iterator() { return new HashBiMap.Itr() { // return this; } public ImmutableSortedMultiset.Builder add(Object... elements) { super.add(elements); return this; } public ImmutableSortedMultiset.Builder addAll(Iterable elements) { super.addAll(elements); return this; } public ImmutableSortedMultiset.Builder addAll(Iterator elements) { super.addAll(elements); return this; } public ImmutableSortedMultiset build() { return ImmutableSortedMultiset.copyOfSorted((SortedMultiset)this.contents); } } private static final class SerializedForm implements Serializable { Comparator comparator; Object[] elements; int[] counts; SerializedForm(SortedMultiset multiset) { this.comparator = multiset.comparator(); int n = multiset.entrySet().size(); this.elements = (Object[])(new Object[n]); this.counts = new int[n]; int i = 0; for(Multiset.Entry entry : multiset.entrySet()) { this.elements[i] = entry.getElement(); this.counts[i] = entry.getCount(); ++i; } } Object readResolve() { int n = this.elements.length; ImmutableSortedMultiset.Builder builder = new ImmutableSortedMultiset.Builder(this.comparator); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { builder.addCopies(this.elements[i], this.counts[i]); } return; } } } package; import; import; abstract class ImmutableSortedMultisetFauxverideShim extends ImmutableMultiset { /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static ImmutableSortedMultiset.Builder builder() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static ImmutableSortedMultiset of(Object element) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static ImmutableSortedMultiset of(Object e1, Object e2) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static ImmutableSortedMultiset of(Object e1, Object e2, Object e3) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static ImmutableSortedMultiset of(Object e1, Object e2, Object e3, Object e4) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static ImmutableSortedMultiset of(Object e1, Object e2, Object e3, Object e4, Object e5) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static ImmutableSortedMultiset of(Object e1, Object e2, Object e3, Object e4, Object e5, Object e6, Object... remaining) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /** @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static ImmutableSortedMultiset copyOf(Object[] elements) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.SortedSet; import javax.annotation.Nullable; //监督判别投影的高维网络数据特征选择许可管理 private final class PostOrderIterator extends UnmodifiableIterator { private final Deque stack = new ArrayDeque(); private final BitSet hasExpanded; PostOrderIterator(Object root) { this.stack.addLast(root); this.hasExpanded = new BitSet(); } public boolean hasNext() { return !this.stack.isEmpty(); } public Object next() { while(true) { T node = this.stack.getLast(); boolean expandedNode = this.hasExpanded.get(this.stack.size() - 1); if(expandedNode) { this.stack.removeLast(); this.hasExpanded.clear(this.stack.size()); return node; } this.hasExpanded.set(this.stack.size() - 1); BinaryTreeTraverser.pushIfPresent(this.stack, BinaryTreeTraverser.this.rightChild(node)); BinaryTreeTraverser.pushIfPresent(this.stack, BinaryTreeTraverser.this.leftChild(node)); } } } private final class PreOrderIterator extends UnmodifiableIterator implements PeekingIterator { private final Deque stack = new ArrayDeque(); PreOrderIterator(Object root) { this.stack.addLast(root); } public boolean hasNext() { return !this.stack.isEmpty(); } public Object next() { T result = this.stack.removeLast(); BinaryTreeTraverser.pushIfPresent(this.stack, BinaryTreeTraverser.this.rightChild(result)); BinaryTreeTraverser.pushIfPresent(this.stack, BinaryTreeTraverser.this.leftChild(result)); return result; } public Object peek() { return this.stack.getLast(); } } } package; import; @GwtCompatible public enum BoundType { OPEN { BoundType flip() { return CLOSED; } }, CLOSED { BoundType flip() { return OPEN; } }; private BoundType() { } static BoundType forBoolean(boolean inclusive) { return inclusive?CLOSED:OPEN; } abstract BoundType flip(); } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; @GwtCompatible( serializable = true ) final class ByFunctionOrdering extends Ordering implements Serializable { final Function function; final Ordering ordering; private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; ByFunctionOrdering(Function function, Ordering ordering) { this.function = (Function)Preconditions.checkNotNull(function); this.ordering = (Ordering)Preconditions.checkNotNull(ordering); } public int compare(Object left, Object right) { return, this.function.apply(right)); } public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) { if(object == this) { return true; } else if(!(object instanceof ByFunctionOrdering)) { return false; } else { ByFunctionOrdering that = (ByFunctionOrdering)object; return this.function.equals(that.function) && this.ordering.equals(that.ordering); } } public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(new Object[]{this.function, this.ordering}); } public String toString() { return this.ordering + ".onResultOf(" + this.function + ")"; } } package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.RandomAccess; import javax.annotation.Nullable; @GwtCompatible final class CartesianList extends AbstractList implements RandomAccess { // ImmutableCollection delegateCollection() { return CellSet.this; } }; } public boolean contains(@Nullable Object object) { if(!(object instanceof Table.Cell)) { return false; } else { Table.Cell cell = (Table.Cell)object; Object value = RegularImmutableTable.this.get(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey()); return value != null && value.equals(cell.getValue()); } } boolean isPartialView() { return false; } } private final class Values extends ImmutableList { private Values() { } public int size() { return RegularImmutableTable.this.size(); } public Object get(int index) { return RegularImmutableTable.this.getValue(index); } boolean isPartialView() { return true; } } } package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; @GwtCompatible( serializable = true ) final class ReverseNaturalOrdering extends Ordering implements Serializable { static final ReverseNaturalOrdering INSTANCE = new ReverseNaturalOrdering(); private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; public int compare(Comparable left, Comparable right) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(left); return left == right?0:right.compareTo(left); } public Ordering reverse() { return Ordering.natural(); } public Comparable min(Comparable a, Comparable b) { return (Comparable)NaturalOrdering.INSTANCE.max(a, b); } public Comparable min(Comparable a, Comparable b, Comparable c, Comparable... rest) { return (Comparable)NaturalOrdering.INSTANCE.max(a, b, c, rest); } public Comparable min(Iterator iterator) { return (Comparable)NaturalOrdering.INSTANCE.max(iterator); } public Comparable min(Iterable iterable) { return (Comparable)NaturalOrdering.INSTANCE.max(iterable); } public Comparable max(Comparable a, Comparable b) { return (Comparable)NaturalOrdering.INSTANCE.min(a, b); } public Comparable max(Comparable a, Comparable b, Comparable c, Comparable... rest) { return (Comparable)NaturalOrdering.INSTANCE.min(a, b, c, rest); } public Comparable max(Iterator iterator) { return (Comparable)NaturalOrdering.INSTANCE.min(iterator); } public Comparable max(Iterable iterable) { return (Comparable)NaturalOrdering.INSTANCE.min(iterable); } private Object readResolve() { return INSTANCE; } public String toString() { return "Ordering.natural().reverse()"; } } package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.annotation.Nullable; @GwtCompatible( serializable = true ) final class ReverseOrdering extends Ordering implements Serializable { final Ordering forwardOrder; private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; ReverseOrdering(Ordering forwardOrder) { this.forwardOrder = (Ordering)Preconditions.checkNotNull(forwardOrder); } public int compare(Object a, Object b) { return, a); } public Ordering reverse() { return this.forwardOrder; } public Object min(Object a, Object b) { return this.forwardOrder.max(a, b); } public Object min(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object... rest) { return this.forwardOrder.max(a, b, c, rest); } public Object min(Iterator iterator) { return this.forwardOrder.max(iterator); } public Object min(Iterable iterable) { return this.forwardOrder.max(iterable); } // return this.forwardOrder.min(a, b); } public Object max(Object a, Object b, Object c, Object... rest) { return this.forwardOrder.min(a, b, c, rest); } public Object max(Iterator iterator) { return this.forwardOrder.min(iterator); } public Object max(Iterable iterable) { return this.forwardOrder.min(iterable); } public int hashCode() { return -this.forwardOrder.hashCode(); } public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) { if(object == this) { return true; } else if(object instanceof ReverseOrdering) { ReverseOrdering that = (ReverseOrdering)object; return this.forwardOrder.equals(that.forwardOrder); } else { return false; } } public String toString() { return this.forwardOrder + ".reverse()"; } } package; import; import; import; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; @GwtCompatible @Beta public interface RowSortedTable extends Table { SortedSet rowKeySet(); SortedMap rowMap(); } package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; final class Serialization { static int readCount(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException { return stream.readInt(); } static void writeMap(Map map, ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException { stream.writeInt(map.size()); for(Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { stream.writeObject(entry.getKey()); stream.writeObject(entry.getValue()); } } static void populateMap(Map map, ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int size = stream.readInt(); populateMap(map, stream, size); } static void populateMap(Map map, ObjectInputStream stream, int size) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { K key = stream.readObject(); V value = stream.readObject(); map.put(key, value); } } static void writeMultiset(Multiset multiset, ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException { int entryCount = multiset.entrySet().size(); stream.writeInt(entryCount); for(Multiset.Entry entry : multiset.entrySet()) { stream.writeObject(entry.getElement()); stream.writeInt(entry.getCount()); } } static void populateMultiset(Multiset multiset, ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int distinctElements = stream.readInt(); populateMultiset(multiset, stream, distinctElements); } static void populateMultiset(Multiset multiset, ObjectInputStream stream, int distinctElements) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { for(int i = 0; i < distinctElements; ++i) { E element = stream.readObject(); int count = stream.readInt(); multiset.add(element, count); } } static void writeMultimap(Multimap multimap, ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException { stream.writeInt(multimap.asMap().size()); for(Entry> entry : multimap.asMap().entrySet()) { stream.writeObject(entry.getKey()); stream.writeInt(((Collection)entry.getValue()).size()); for(V value : (Collection)entry.getValue()) { stream.writeObject(value); } } } static void populateMultimap(Multimap multimap, ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { int distinctKeys = stream.readInt(); populateMultimap(multimap, stream, distinctKeys); } static void populateMultimap(Multimap multimap, ObjectInputStream stream, int distinctKeys) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { for(int i = 0; i < distinctKeys; ++i) { K key = stream.readObject(); Collection values = multimap.get(key); int valueCount = stream.readInt(); for(int j = 0; j < valueCount; ++j) { V value = stream.readObject(); // if(!Bidi.IsBidiControlChar(uchar)) { indexMap[k++] = m; } } } ++i; } } if(allocLength == bidi.resultLength) { return indexMap; } else { int[] newMap = new int[bidi.resultLength]; System.arraycopy(indexMap, 0, newMap, 0, bidi.resultLength); return newMap; } } static int[] invertMap(int[] srcMap) { int srcLength = srcMap.length; int destLength = -1; int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < srcLength; ++i) { int srcEntry = srcMap[i]; if(srcEntry > destLength) { destLength = srcEntry; } if(srcEntry >= 0) { ++count; } } ++destLength; int[] destMap = new int[destLength]; if(count < destLength) { Arrays.fill(destMap, -1); } for(int var8 = 0; var8 < srcLength; ++var8) { int srcEntry = srcMap[var8]; if(srcEntry >= 0) { destMap[srcEntry] = var8; } } return destMap; } } package; public class BidiRun { int start; int limit; int insertRemove; byte level; BidiRun() { this(0, 0, (byte)0); } BidiRun(int start, int limit, byte embeddingLevel) { this.start = start; this.limit = limit; this.level = embeddingLevel; } void copyFrom(BidiRun run) { this.start = run.start; this.limit = run.limit; this.level = run.level; this.insertRemove = run.insertRemove; } public int getStart() { return this.start; } public int getLimit() { return this.limit; } public int getLength() { return this.limit - this.start; } public byte getEmbeddingLevel() { return this.level; } public boolean isOddRun() { return (this.level & 1) == 1; } public boolean isEvenRun() { return (this.level & 1) == 0; } public byte getDirection() { return (byte)(this.level & 1); } public String toString() { return "BidiRun " + this.start + " - " + this.limit + " @ " + this.level; } } package; import; import; import; import; final class BidiWriter { static final char LRM_CHAR = '\u200e'; static final char RLM_CHAR = '\u200f'; static final int MASK_R_AL = 8194; private static boolean IsCombining(int type) { return (1 << type & 448) != 0; } private static String doWriteForward(String src, int options) { switch(options & 10) { case 0: return src; case 2: StringBuffer dest = new StringBuffer(src.length()); int i = 0; while(true) { int c = UTF16.charAt(src, i); i += UTF16.getCharCount(c); UTF16.append(dest, UCharacter.getMirror(c)); if(i >= src.length()) { break; } } return dest.toString(); case 8: //监督判别投影的高维网络数据特征选择分类管理 return valueOf(lint, 0); } public static BigDecimal valueOf(long lint, int scale) { BigDecimal res = null; if(lint == 0L) { res = ZERO; } else if(lint == 1L) { res = ONE; } else if(lint == 10L) { res = TEN; } else { res = new BigDecimal(lint); } if(scale == 0) { return res; } else if(scale < 0) { throw new NumberFormatException("Negative scale: " + scale); } else { res = clone(res); res.exp = -scale; return res; } } private char[] layout() { int i = 0; StringBuilder sb = null; int euse = 0; int sig = 0; char csign = '\u0000'; char[] rec = null; int len = 0; char[] cmant = new char[this.mant.length]; int $18 = this.mant.length; for(i = 0; $18 > 0; ++i) { cmant[i] = (char)(this.mant[i] + 48); --$18; } if(this.form != 0) { sb = new StringBuilder(cmant.length + 15); if(this.ind == -1) { sb.append('-'); } euse = this.exp + cmant.length - 1; if(this.form == 1) { sb.append(cmant[0]); if(cmant.length > 1) { sb.append('.').append(cmant, 1, cmant.length - 1); } } else { sig = euse % 3; if(sig < 0) { sig += 3; } euse -= sig; ++sig; if(sig >= cmant.length) { sb.append(cmant, 0, cmant.length); for($18 = sig - cmant.length; $18 > 0; --$18) { sb.append('0'); } } else { sb.append(cmant, 0, sig).append('.').append(cmant, sig, cmant.length - sig); } } if(euse != 0) { if(euse < 0) { csign = '-'; euse = -euse; } else { csign = '+'; } sb.append('E').append(csign).append(euse); } rec = new char[sb.length()]; $18 = sb.length(); if(0 != $18) { sb.getChars(0, $18, rec, 0); } return rec; } else if(this.exp == 0) { if(this.ind >= 0) { return cmant; } else { rec = new char[cmant.length + 1]; rec[0] = 45; System.arraycopy(cmant, 0, rec, 1, cmant.length); return rec; } } else { int needsign = this.ind == -1?1:0; int mag = this.exp + cmant.length; if(mag < 1) { len = needsign + 2 - this.exp; rec = new char[len]; if(needsign != 0) { rec[0] = 45; } rec[needsign] = 48; rec[needsign + 1] = 46; $18 = -mag; for(i = needsign + 2; $18 > 0; ++i) { rec[i] = 48; --$18; } System.arraycopy(cmant, 0, rec, needsign + 2 - mag, cmant.length); return rec; } else if(mag <= cmant.length) { len = needsign + 1 + cmant.length; rec = new char[len]; if(needsign != 0) { rec[0] = 45; } System.arraycopy(cmant, 0, rec, needsign, mag); rec[needsign + mag] = 46; System.arraycopy(cmant, mag, rec, needsign + mag + 1, cmant.length - mag); return rec; } else { // output.addAll(collection); AbstractMapBasedMultimap.this.totalSize = collection.size(); collection.clear(); return output; } } public boolean equals(@Nullable Object object) { return this == object || this.submap.equals(object); } public int hashCode() { return this.submap.hashCode(); } public String toString() { return this.submap.toString(); } public void clear() { if(this.submap == { AbstractMapBasedMultimap.this.clear(); } else { Iterators.clear(new AbstractMapBasedMultimap.AsMap.AsMapIterator()); } } Entry wrapEntry(Entry entry) { K key = entry.getKey(); return Maps.immutableEntry(key, AbstractMapBasedMultimap.this.wrapCollection(key, (Collection)entry.getValue())); } class AsMapEntries extends Maps.EntrySet { Map map() { return AsMap.this; } public Iterator iterator() { return AsMapIterator(); } public boolean contains(Object o) { return Collections2.safeContains(AsMap.this.submap.entrySet(), o); } public boolean remove(Object o) { if(!this.contains(o)) { return false; } else { Entry entry = (Entry)o; AbstractMapBasedMultimap.this.removeValuesForKey(entry.getKey()); return true; } } } class AsMapIterator implements Iterator { final Iterator delegateIterator; Collection collection; AsMapIterator() { this.delegateIterator = AsMap.this.submap.entrySet().iterator(); } public boolean hasNext() { return this.delegateIterator.hasNext(); } public Entry next() { Entry> entry = (Entry); this.collection = (Collection)entry.getValue(); return AsMap.this.wrapEntry(entry); } public void remove() { this.delegateIterator.remove(); AbstractMapBasedMultimap.this.totalSize = this.collection.size(); this.collection.clear(); } } } private abstract class Itr implements Iterator { final Iterator keyIterator; Object key; Collection collection; Iterator valueIterator; Itr() { this.keyIterator =; this.key = null; this.collection = null; this.valueIterator = Iterators.emptyModifiableIterator(); } abstract Object output(Object var1, Object var2); public boolean hasNext() { return this.keyIterator.hasNext() || this.valueIterator.hasNext(); } public Object next() { if(!this.valueIterator.hasNext()) { Entry> mapEntry = (Entry); this.key = mapEntry.getKey(); this.collection = (Collection)mapEntry.getValue(); this.valueIterator = this.collection.iterator(); } return this.output(this.key,; } public void remove() { this.valueIterator.remove(); if(this.collection.isEmpty()) { this.keyIterator.remove(); } AbstractMapBasedMultimap.this.totalSize--; } } private class KeySet extends Maps.KeySet { KeySet(Map subMap) { super(subMap); } public Iterator iterator() { final Iterator>> entryIterator =; return new Iterator() { Entry entry; public boolean hasNext() { return entryIterator.hasNext(); } public Object next() { this.entry = (Entry); return this.entry.getKey(); } public void remove() { CollectPreconditions.checkRemove(this.entry != null); // public Object poll() { return null; } public int size() { return 0; } public Iterator iterator() { return Iterators.emptyIterator(); } }; transient Set keySet; transient Collection values; transient Set entrySet; private static final long serialVersionUID = 5L; MapMakerInternalMap(MapMaker builder) { this.concurrencyLevel = Math.min(builder.getConcurrencyLevel(), 65536); this.keyStrength = builder.getKeyStrength(); this.valueStrength = builder.getValueStrength(); this.keyEquivalence = builder.getKeyEquivalence(); this.valueEquivalence = this.valueStrength.defaultEquivalence(); this.maximumSize = builder.maximumSize; this.expireAfterAccessNanos = builder.getExpireAfterAccessNanos(); this.expireAfterWriteNanos = builder.getExpireAfterWriteNanos(); this.entryFactory = MapMakerInternalMap.EntryFactory.getFactory(this.keyStrength, this.expires(), this.evictsBySize()); this.ticker = builder.getTicker(); this.removalListener = builder.getRemovalListener(); this.removalNotificationQueue = (Queue)(this.removalListener == GenericMapMaker.NullListener.INSTANCE?discardingQueue():new ConcurrentLinkedQueue()); int initialCapacity = Math.min(builder.getInitialCapacity(), 1073741824); if(this.evictsBySize()) { initialCapacity = Math.min(initialCapacity, this.maximumSize); } int segmentShift = 0; int segmentCount; for(segmentCount = 1; segmentCount < this.concurrencyLevel && (!this.evictsBySize() || segmentCount * 2 <= this.maximumSize); segmentCount <<= 1) { ++segmentShift; } this.segmentShift = 32 - segmentShift; this.segmentMask = segmentCount - 1; this.segments = this.newSegmentArray(segmentCount); int segmentCapacity = initialCapacity / segmentCount; if(segmentCapacity * segmentCount < initialCapacity) { ++segmentCapacity; } int segmentSize; for(segmentSize = 1; segmentSize < segmentCapacity; segmentSize <<= 1) { ; } if(this.evictsBySize()) { int maximumSegmentSize = this.maximumSize / segmentCount + 1; int remainder = this.maximumSize % segmentCount; for(int i = 0; i < this.segments.length; ++i) { if(i == remainder) { --maximumSegmentSize; } this.segments[i] = this.createSegment(segmentSize, maximumSegmentSize); } } else { for(int i = 0; i < this.segments.length; ++i) { this.segments[i] = this.createSegment(segmentSize, -1); } } } boolean evictsBySize() { return this.maximumSize != -1; } boolean expires() { return this.expiresAfterWrite() || this.expiresAfterAccess(); } boolean expiresAfterWrite() { return this.expireAfterWriteNanos > 0L; } boolean expiresAfterAccess() { return this.expireAfterAccessNanos > 0L; } boolean usesKeyReferences() { return this.keyStrength != MapMakerInternalMap.Strength.STRONG; } boolean usesValueReferences() { return this.valueStrength != MapMakerInternalMap.Strength.STRONG; } static MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference unset() { return UNSET; } static MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry nullEntry() { return MapMakerInternalMap.NullEntry.INSTANCE; } static Queue discardingQueue() { return DISCARDING_QUEUE; } static int rehash(int h) { h = h + (h << 15 ^ -12931); h = h ^ h >>> 10; h = h + (h << 3); h = h ^ h >>> 6; h = h + (h << 2) + (h << 14); return h ^ h >>> 16; } @GuardedBy("Segment.this") @VisibleForTesting MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry newEntry(Object key, int hash, @Nullable MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry next) { return this.segmentFor(hash).newEntry(key, hash, next); } @GuardedBy("Segment.this") @VisibleForTesting MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry copyEntry(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry original, MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry newNext) { int hash = original.getHash(); return this.segmentFor(hash).copyEntry(original, newNext); } @GuardedBy("Segment.this") @VisibleForTesting MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference newValueReference(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry entry, Object value) { // public boolean containsValue(@Nullable Object value) { return this.seekByValue(value, hash(value)) != null; } @Nullable public Object get(@Nullable Object key) { HashBiMap.BiEntry entry = this.seekByKey(key, hash(key)); return entry == null?null:entry.value; } public Object put(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable Object value) { return this.put(key, value, false); } public Object forcePut(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable Object value) { return this.put(key, value, true); } private Object put(@Nullable Object key, @Nullable Object value, boolean force) { int keyHash = hash(key); int valueHash = hash(value); HashBiMap.BiEntry oldEntryForKey = this.seekByKey(key, keyHash); if(oldEntryForKey != null && valueHash == oldEntryForKey.valueHash && Objects.equal(value, oldEntryForKey.value)) { return value; } else { HashBiMap.BiEntry oldEntryForValue = this.seekByValue(value, valueHash); if(oldEntryForValue != null) { if(!force) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("value already present: " + value); } this.delete(oldEntryForValue); } if(oldEntryForKey != null) { this.delete(oldEntryForKey); } HashBiMap.BiEntry newEntry = new HashBiMap.BiEntry(key, keyHash, value, valueHash); this.insert(newEntry); this.rehashIfNecessary(); return oldEntryForKey == null?null:oldEntryForKey.value; } } @Nullable private Object putInverse(@Nullable Object value, @Nullable Object key, boolean force) { int valueHash = hash(value); int keyHash = hash(key); HashBiMap.BiEntry oldEntryForValue = this.seekByValue(value, valueHash); if(oldEntryForValue != null && keyHash == oldEntryForValue.keyHash && Objects.equal(key, oldEntryForValue.key)) { return key; } else { HashBiMap.BiEntry oldEntryForKey = this.seekByKey(key, keyHash); if(oldEntryForKey != null) { if(!force) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("value already present: " + key); } this.delete(oldEntryForKey); } if(oldEntryForValue != null) { this.delete(oldEntryForValue); } HashBiMap.BiEntry newEntry = new HashBiMap.BiEntry(key, keyHash, value, valueHash); this.insert(newEntry); this.rehashIfNecessary(); return oldEntryForValue == null?null:oldEntryForValue.key; } } private void rehashIfNecessary() { HashBiMap.BiEntry[] oldKToV = this.hashTableKToV; if(Hashing.needsResizing(this.size, oldKToV.length, 1.0D)) { int newTableSize = oldKToV.length * 2; this.hashTableKToV = this.createTable(newTableSize); this.hashTableVToK = this.createTable(newTableSize); this.mask = newTableSize - 1; this.size = 0; HashBiMap.BiEntry nextEntry; for(int bucket = 0; bucket < oldKToV.length; ++bucket) { for(HashBiMap.BiEntry entry = oldKToV[bucket]; entry != null; entry = nextEntry) { nextEntry = entry.nextInKToVBucket; this.insert(entry); } } ++this.modCount; } } private HashBiMap.BiEntry[] createTable(int length) { return new HashBiMap.BiEntry[length]; } public Object remove(@Nullable Object key) { HashBiMap.BiEntry entry = this.seekByKey(key, hash(key)); if(entry == null) { return null; } else { this.delete(entry); return entry.value; } } public void clear() { this.size = 0; Arrays.fill(this.hashTableKToV, (Object)null); Arrays.fill(this.hashTableVToK, (Object)null); ++this.modCount; } public int size() { return this.size; } public Set keySet() { return new HashBiMap.KeySet(); } public Set values() { return this.inverse().keySet(); } public Set entrySet() { return new HashBiMap.EntrySet(); } public BiMap inverse() { return this.inverse == null?(this.inverse = new HashBiMap.Inverse()):this.inverse; } @GwtIncompatible("") private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException { stream.defaultWriteObject(); //监督判别投影的高维网络数据特征选择设计流程管理 static final double moonT0 = 0.009042550854582622D; static final double moonPi = 0.016592845198710092D; public static final CalendarAstronomer.MoonAge NEW_MOON = new CalendarAstronomer.MoonAge(0.0D); public static final CalendarAstronomer.MoonAge FIRST_QUARTER = new CalendarAstronomer.MoonAge(1.5707963267948966D); public static final CalendarAstronomer.MoonAge FULL_MOON = new CalendarAstronomer.MoonAge(3.141592653589793D); public static final CalendarAstronomer.MoonAge LAST_QUARTER = new CalendarAstronomer.MoonAge(4.71238898038469D); private long time; private double fLongitude; private double fLatitude; private long fGmtOffset; private static final double INVALID = Double.MIN_VALUE; private transient double julianDay; private transient double julianCentury; private transient double sunLongitude; private transient double meanAnomalySun; private transient double moonLongitude; private transient double moonEclipLong; private transient double eclipObliquity; private transient double siderealT0; private transient double siderealTime; private transient CalendarAstronomer.Equatorial moonPosition; public CalendarAstronomer() { this(System.currentTimeMillis()); } public CalendarAstronomer(Date d) { this(d.getTime()); } public CalendarAstronomer(long aTime) { this.fLongitude = 0.0D; this.fLatitude = 0.0D; this.fGmtOffset = 0L; this.julianDay = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.julianCentury = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.sunLongitude = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.meanAnomalySun = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.moonLongitude = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.moonEclipLong = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.eclipObliquity = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.siderealT0 = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.siderealTime = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.moonPosition = null; this.time = aTime; } public CalendarAstronomer(double longitude, double latitude) { this(); this.fLongitude = normPI(longitude * 0.017453292519943295D); this.fLatitude = normPI(latitude * 0.017453292519943295D); this.fGmtOffset = (long)(this.fLongitude * 24.0D * 3600000.0D / 6.283185307179586D); } public void setTime(long aTime) { this.time = aTime; this.clearCache(); } public void setDate(Date date) { this.setTime(date.getTime()); } public void setJulianDay(double jdn) { this.time = (long)(jdn * 8.64E7D) + -210866760000000L; this.clearCache(); this.julianDay = jdn; } public long getTime() { return this.time; } public Date getDate() { return new Date(this.time); } public double getJulianDay() { if(this.julianDay == Double.MIN_VALUE) { this.julianDay = (double)(this.time - -210866760000000L) / 8.64E7D; } return this.julianDay; } public double getJulianCentury() { if(this.julianCentury == Double.MIN_VALUE) { this.julianCentury = (this.getJulianDay() - 2415020.0D) / 36525.0D; } return this.julianCentury; } public double getGreenwichSidereal() { if(this.siderealTime == Double.MIN_VALUE) { double UT = normalize((double)this.time / 3600000.0D, 24.0D); this.siderealTime = normalize(this.getSiderealOffset() + UT * 1.002737909D, 24.0D); } return this.siderealTime; } private double getSiderealOffset() { if(this.siderealT0 == Double.MIN_VALUE) { double JD = Math.floor(this.getJulianDay() - 0.5D) + 0.5D; double S = JD - 2451545.0D; double T = S / 36525.0D; this.siderealT0 = normalize(6.697374558D + 2400.051336D * T + 2.5862E-5D * T * T, 24.0D); } return this.siderealT0; } public double getLocalSidereal() { return normalize(this.getGreenwichSidereal() + (double)this.fGmtOffset / 3600000.0D, 24.0D); } private long lstToUT(double lst) { double lt = normalize((lst - this.getSiderealOffset()) * 0.9972695663D, 24.0D); long base = 86400000L * ((this.time + this.fGmtOffset) / 86400000L) - this.fGmtOffset; return base + (long)(lt * 3600000.0D); } public final CalendarAstronomer.Equatorial eclipticToEquatorial(CalendarAstronomer.Ecliptic ecliptic) { return this.eclipticToEquatorial(ecliptic.longitude, ecliptic.latitude); } public final CalendarAstronomer.Equatorial eclipticToEquatorial(double eclipLong, double eclipLat) { double obliq = this.eclipticObliquity(); double sinE = Math.sin(obliq); double cosE = Math.cos(obliq); double sinL = Math.sin(eclipLong); double cosL = Math.cos(eclipLong); double sinB = Math.sin(eclipLat); double cosB = Math.cos(eclipLat); // errorMessageArgs) { if(!expression) { throw new VerifyException(Preconditions.format(errorMessageTemplate, errorMessageArgs)); } } public static Object verifyNotNull(@Nullable Object reference) { return verifyNotNull(reference, "expected a non-null reference", new Object[0]); } public static Object verifyNotNull(@Nullable Object reference, @Nullable String errorMessageTemplate, @Nullable Object... errorMessageArgs) { verify(reference != null, errorMessageTemplate, errorMessageArgs); return reference; } } package; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; @Beta @GwtCompatible public class VerifyException extends RuntimeException { public VerifyException() { } public VerifyException(@Nullable String message) { super(message); } } package; import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class Finalizer implements Runnable { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Finalizer.class.getName()); private static final String FINALIZABLE_REFERENCE = ""; private final WeakReference finalizableReferenceClassReference; private final PhantomReference frqReference; private final ReferenceQueue queue; private static final Field inheritableThreadLocals = getInheritableThreadLocalsField(); public static void startFinalizer(Class finalizableReferenceClass, ReferenceQueue queue, PhantomReference frqReference) { if(!finalizableReferenceClass.getName().equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected"); } else { Finalizer finalizer = new Finalizer(finalizableReferenceClass, queue, frqReference); Thread thread = new Thread(finalizer); thread.setName(Finalizer.class.getName()); thread.setDaemon(true); try { if(inheritableThreadLocals != null) { inheritableThreadLocals.set(thread, (Object)null); } } catch (Throwable var6) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Failed to clear thread local values inherited by reference finalizer thread.", var6); } thread.start(); } } private Finalizer(Class finalizableReferenceClass, ReferenceQueue queue, PhantomReference frqReference) { this.queue = queue; this.finalizableReferenceClassReference = new WeakReference(finalizableReferenceClass); this.frqReference = frqReference; } public void run() { while(true) { try { if(!this.cleanUp(this.queue.remove())) { return; } } catch (InterruptedException var2) { ; } } } private boolean cleanUp(Reference reference) { Method finalizeReferentMethod = this.getFinalizeReferentMethod(); if(finalizeReferentMethod == null) { return false; } else { while(true) { reference.clear(); if(reference == this.frqReference) { return false; } try { finalizeReferentMethod.invoke(reference, new Object[0]); } catch (Throwable var4) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error cleaning up after reference.", var4); } if((reference = this.queue.poll()) == null) { break; } } return true; } } private Method getFinalizeReferentMethod() { Class finalizableReferenceClass = (Class)this.finalizableReferenceClassReference.get(); if(finalizableReferenceClass == null) { return null; } else { try { return finalizableReferenceClass.getMethod("finalizeReferent", new Class[0]); } catch (NoSuchMethodException var3) { throw new AssertionError(var3); } } } public static Field getInheritableThreadLocalsField() { try { Field inheritableThreadLocals = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("inheritableThreadLocals"); inheritableThreadLocals.setAccessible(true); return inheritableThreadLocals; // } } else if(bidi.controlCount > 0) { int controlFound = 0; int visualStart = 0; int i = 0; while(true) { int length = runs[i].limit - visualStart; int insertRemove = runs[i].insertRemove; if(visualIndex < runs[i].limit - controlFound + insertRemove) { if(insertRemove == 0) { visualIndex += controlFound; } else { int logicalStart = runs[i].start; boolean evenRun = runs[i].isEvenRun(); int logicalEnd = logicalStart + length - 1; for(int j = 0; j < length; ++j) { int k = evenRun?logicalStart + j:logicalEnd - j; char uchar = bidi.text[k]; if(Bidi.IsBidiControlChar(uchar)) { ++controlFound; } if(visualIndex + controlFound == visualStart + j) { break; } } visualIndex += controlFound; } break; } controlFound -= insertRemove; ++i; visualStart += length; } } int i; if(runCount <= 10) { for(i = 0; visualIndex >= runs[i].limit; ++i) { ; } } else { int begin = 0; int limit = runCount; while(true) { i = begin + limit >>> 1; if(visualIndex >= runs[i].limit) { begin = i + 1; } else { if(i == 0 || visualIndex >= runs[i - 1].limit) { break; } limit = i; } } } int start = runs[i].start; if(runs[i].isEvenRun()) { if(i > 0) { visualIndex -= runs[i - 1].limit; } return start + visualIndex; } else { return start + runs[i].limit - visualIndex - 1; } } static int[] getLogicalMap(Bidi bidi) { BidiRun[] runs = bidi.runs; int[] indexMap = new int[bidi.length]; if(bidi.length > bidi.resultLength) { Arrays.fill(indexMap, -1); } int visualStart = 0; for(int j = 0; j < bidi.runCount; ++j) { int logicalStart = runs[j].start; int visualLimit = runs[j].limit; if(runs[j].isEvenRun()) { while(true) { indexMap[logicalStart++] = visualStart++; if(visualStart >= visualLimit) { break; } } } else { logicalStart = logicalStart + (visualLimit - visualStart); while(true) { --logicalStart; indexMap[logicalStart] = visualStart++; if(visualStart >= visualLimit) { break; } } } } if(bidi.insertPoints.size > 0) { int markFound = 0; int runCount = bidi.runCount; runs = bidi.runs; visualStart = 0; int length; for(int i = 0; i < runCount; visualStart += length) { length = runs[i].limit - visualStart; int insertRemove = runs[i].insertRemove; if((insertRemove & 5) > 0) { ++markFound; } if(markFound > 0) { int logicalStart = runs[i].start; int logicalLimit = logicalStart + length; for(int j = logicalStart; j < logicalLimit; ++j) { indexMap[j] += markFound; } } if((insertRemove & 10) > 0) { ++markFound; } ++i; } } else if(bidi.controlCount > 0) { // if(token != JsonToken.NUMBER && token != JsonToken.STRING) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected " + JsonToken.NUMBER + " but was " + token); } else { double result = ((JsonPrimitive)this.peekStack()).getAsDouble(); if(this.isLenient() || !Double.isNaN(result) && !Double.isInfinite(result)) { this.popStack(); return result; } else { throw new NumberFormatException("JSON forbids NaN and infinities: " + result); } } } public long nextLong() throws IOException { JsonToken token = this.peek(); if(token != JsonToken.NUMBER && token != JsonToken.STRING) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected " + JsonToken.NUMBER + " but was " + token); } else { long result = ((JsonPrimitive)this.peekStack()).getAsLong(); this.popStack(); return result; } } public int nextInt() throws IOException { JsonToken token = this.peek(); if(token != JsonToken.NUMBER && token != JsonToken.STRING) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected " + JsonToken.NUMBER + " but was " + token); } else { int result = ((JsonPrimitive)this.peekStack()).getAsInt(); this.popStack(); return result; } } public void close() throws IOException { this.stack.clear(); this.stack.add(SENTINEL_CLOSED); } public void skipValue() throws IOException { if(this.peek() == JsonToken.NAME) { this.nextName(); } else { this.popStack(); } } public String toString() { return this.getClass().getSimpleName(); } public void promoteNameToValue() throws IOException { this.expect(JsonToken.NAME); Iterator i = (Iterator)this.peekStack(); Entry entry = (Entry); this.stack.add(entry.getValue()); this.stack.add(new JsonPrimitive((String)entry.getKey())); } } package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public final class JsonTreeWriter extends JsonWriter { private static final Writer UNWRITABLE_WRITER = new Writer() { public void write(char[] buffer, int offset, int counter) { throw new AssertionError(); } public void flush() throws IOException { throw new AssertionError(); } public void close() throws IOException { throw new AssertionError(); } }; private static final JsonPrimitive SENTINEL_CLOSED = new JsonPrimitive("closed"); private final List stack = new ArrayList(); private String pendingName; private JsonElement product = JsonNull.INSTANCE; public JsonTreeWriter() { super(UNWRITABLE_WRITER); } public JsonElement get() { if(!this.stack.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Expected one JSON element but was " + this.stack); } else { return this.product; } } private JsonElement peek() { return (JsonElement)this.stack.get(this.stack.size() - 1); } private void put(JsonElement value) { if(this.pendingName != null) { if(!value.isJsonNull() || this.getSerializeNulls()) { JsonObject object = (JsonObject)this.peek(); object.add(this.pendingName, value); } this.pendingName = null; } else if(this.stack.isEmpty()) { this.product = value; } else { JsonElement element = this.peek(); if(!(element instanceof JsonArray)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } ((JsonArray)element).add(value); } } public JsonWriter beginArray() throws IOException { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); this.put(array); this.stack.add(array); return this; } //监督判别投影的高维网络数据特征选择数据分析 MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference v = e.getValueReference(); if(v != valueReference) { boolean var18 = false; return var18; } ++this.modCount; this.enqueueNotification(key, hash, valueReference.get(), MapMaker.RemovalCause.COLLECTED); MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry newFirst = this.removeFromChain(first, e); newCount = this.count - 1; table.set(index, newFirst); this.count = newCount; boolean var12 = true; return var12; } } boolean var17 = false; return var17; } finally { this.unlock(); if(!this.isHeldByCurrentThread()) { this.postWriteCleanup(); } } } boolean clearValue(Object key, int hash, MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference valueReference) { this.lock(); try { AtomicReferenceArray> table = this.table; int index = hash & table.length() - 1; MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry first = (MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry)table.get(index); for(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry e = first; e != null; e = e.getNext()) { K entryKey = e.getKey(); if(e.getHash() == hash && entryKey != null &&, entryKey)) { MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference v = e.getValueReference(); if(v != valueReference) { boolean var16 = false; return var16; } MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry newFirst = this.removeFromChain(first, e); table.set(index, newFirst); boolean var11 = true; return var11; } } boolean var15 = false; return var15; } finally { this.unlock(); this.postWriteCleanup(); } } @GuardedBy("Segment.this") boolean removeEntry(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry entry, int hash, MapMaker.RemovalCause cause) { int newCount = this.count - 1; AtomicReferenceArray> table = this.table; int index = hash & table.length() - 1; MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry first = (MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry)table.get(index); for(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry e = first; e != null; e = e.getNext()) { if(e == entry) { ++this.modCount; this.enqueueNotification(e.getKey(), hash, e.getValueReference().get(), cause); MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry newFirst = this.removeFromChain(first, e); newCount = this.count - 1; table.set(index, newFirst); this.count = newCount; return true; } } return false; } boolean isCollected(MapMakerInternalMap.ValueReference valueReference) { return valueReference.isComputingReference()?false:valueReference.get() == null; } Object getLiveValue(MapMakerInternalMap.ReferenceEntry entry) { if(entry.getKey() == null) { this.tryDrainReferenceQueues(); return null; } else { V value = entry.getValueReference().get(); if(value == null) { this.tryDrainReferenceQueues(); return null; } else if( && { this.tryExpireEntries(); return null; } else { return value; } } } void postReadCleanup() { if((this.readCount.incrementAndGet() & 63) == 0) { this.runCleanup(); } } @GuardedBy("Segment.this") void preWriteCleanup() { this.runLockedCleanup(); } void postWriteCleanup() { this.runUnlockedCleanup(); } void runCleanup() { this.runLockedCleanup(); this.runUnlockedCleanup(); } void runLockedCleanup() { if(this.tryLock()) { try { this.drainReferenceQueues(); this.expireEntries(); this.readCount.set(0); } finally { this.unlock(); } } } // import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public final class Excluder implements TypeAdapterFactory, Cloneable { private static final double IGNORE_VERSIONS = -1.0D; public static final Excluder DEFAULT = new Excluder(); private double version = -1.0D; private int modifiers = 136; private boolean serializeInnerClasses = true; private boolean requireExpose; private List serializationStrategies = Collections.emptyList(); private List deserializationStrategies = Collections.emptyList(); protected Excluder clone() { try { return (Excluder)super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException var2) { throw new AssertionError(); } } public Excluder withVersion(double ignoreVersionsAfter) { Excluder result = this.clone(); result.version = ignoreVersionsAfter; return result; } public Excluder withModifiers(int... modifiers) { Excluder result = this.clone(); result.modifiers = 0; for(int modifier : modifiers) { result.modifiers |= modifier; } return result; } public Excluder disableInnerClassSerialization() { Excluder result = this.clone(); result.serializeInnerClasses = false; return result; } public Excluder excludeFieldsWithoutExposeAnnotation() { Excluder result = this.clone(); result.requireExpose = true; return result; } public Excluder withExclusionStrategy(ExclusionStrategy exclusionStrategy, boolean serialization, boolean deserialization) { Excluder result = this.clone(); if(serialization) { result.serializationStrategies = new ArrayList(this.serializationStrategies); result.serializationStrategies.add(exclusionStrategy); } if(deserialization) { result.deserializationStrategies = new ArrayList(this.deserializationStrategies); result.deserializationStrategies.add(exclusionStrategy); } return result; } public TypeAdapter create(final Gson gson, final TypeToken type) { Class rawType = type.getRawType(); final boolean skipSerialize = this.excludeClass(rawType, true); final boolean skipDeserialize = this.excludeClass(rawType, false); return !skipSerialize && !skipDeserialize?null:new TypeAdapter() { private TypeAdapter delegate; public Object read(JsonReader in) throws IOException { if(skipDeserialize) { in.skipValue(); return null; } else { return this.delegate().read(in); } } public void write(JsonWriter out, Object value) throws IOException { if(skipSerialize) { out.nullValue(); } else { this.delegate().write(out, value); } } private TypeAdapter delegate() { TypeAdapter d = this.delegate; return d != null?d:(this.delegate = gson.getDelegateAdapter(Excluder.this, type)); } }; } public boolean excludeField(Field field, boolean serialize) { if((this.modifiers & field.getModifiers()) != 0) { return true; } else if(this.version != -1.0D && !this.isValidVersion((Since)field.getAnnotation(Since.class), (Until)field.getAnnotation(Until.class))) { return true; } else if(field.isSynthetic()) { return true; } else { if(this.requireExpose) { Expose annotation = (Expose)field.getAnnotation(Expose.class); if(annotation == null) { return true; } if(serialize) { if(!annotation.serialize()) { return true; } } else if(!annotation.deserialize()) { return true; } } if(!this.serializeInnerClasses && this.isInnerClass(field.getType())) { return true; } else if(this.isAnonymousOrLocal(field.getType())) { return true; } else { List list = serialize?this.serializationStrategies:this.deserializationStrategies; if(!list.isEmpty()) { FieldAttributes fieldAttributes = new FieldAttributes(field); for(ExclusionStrategy exclusionStrategy : list) { if(exclusionStrategy.shouldSkipField(fieldAttributes)) { return true; // } public final Equivalence.Wrapper wrap(@Nullable Object reference) { return new Equivalence.Wrapper(this, reference); } @GwtCompatible( serializable = true ) public final Equivalence pairwise() { return new PairwiseEquivalence(this); } @Beta public final Predicate equivalentTo(@Nullable Object target) { return new Equivalence.EquivalentToPredicate(this, target); } public static Equivalence equals() { return Equivalence.Equals.INSTANCE; } public static Equivalence identity() { return Equivalence.Identity.INSTANCE; } static final class Equals extends Equivalence implements Serializable { static final Equivalence.Equals INSTANCE = new Equivalence.Equals(); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected boolean doEquivalent(Object a, Object b) { return a.equals(b); } public int doHash(Object o) { return o.hashCode(); } private Object readResolve() { return INSTANCE; } } private static final class EquivalentToPredicate implements Predicate, Serializable { private final Equivalence equivalence; @Nullable private final Object target; private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; EquivalentToPredicate(Equivalence equivalence, @Nullable Object target) { this.equivalence = (Equivalence)Preconditions.checkNotNull(equivalence); = target; } public boolean apply(@Nullable Object input) { return this.equivalence.equivalent(input,; } public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { if(this == obj) { return true; } else if(!(obj instanceof Equivalence.EquivalentToPredicate)) { return false; } else { Equivalence.EquivalentToPredicate that = (Equivalence.EquivalentToPredicate)obj; return this.equivalence.equals(that.equivalence) && Objects.equal(,; } } public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(new Object[]{this.equivalence,}); } public String toString() { return this.equivalence + ".equivalentTo(" + + ")"; } } static final class Identity extends Equivalence implements Serializable { static final Equivalence.Identity INSTANCE = new Equivalence.Identity(); private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected boolean doEquivalent(Object a, Object b) { return false; } protected int doHash(Object o) { return System.identityHashCode(o); } private Object readResolve() { return INSTANCE; } } public static final class Wrapper implements Serializable { private final Equivalence equivalence; @Nullable private final Object reference; private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L; private Wrapper(Equivalence equivalence, @Nullable Object reference) { this.equivalence = (Equivalence)Preconditions.checkNotNull(equivalence); this.reference = reference; } @Nullable public Object get() { return this.reference; } public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { if(obj == this) { return true; } else { if(obj instanceof Equivalence.Wrapper) { Equivalence.Wrapper that = (Equivalence.Wrapper)obj; if(this.equivalence.equals(that.equivalence)) { Equivalence equivalence = this.equivalence; return equivalence.equivalent(this.reference, that.reference); } } return false; } } public int hashCode() { return this.equivalence.hash(this.reference); } public String toString() { return this.equivalence + ".wrap(" + this.reference + ")"; } } } package; import; import; import java.lang.ref.PhantomReference; public abstract class FinalizablePhantomReference extends PhantomReference implements FinalizableReference { protected FinalizablePhantomReference(Object referent, FinalizableReferenceQueue queue) { super(referent, queue.queue); // this.checkFrozen(); this.appendItemNames[field] = value; } public String getAppendItemName(int field) { return this.appendItemNames[field]; } /** @deprecated */ public static boolean isSingleField(String skeleton) { char first = skeleton.charAt(0); for(int i = 1; i < skeleton.length(); ++i) { if(skeleton.charAt(i) != first) { return false; } } return true; } private void setAvailableFormat(String key) { this.checkFrozen(); this.cldrAvailableFormatKeys.add(key); } private boolean isAvailableFormatSet(String key) { return this.cldrAvailableFormatKeys.contains(key); } public boolean isFrozen() { return this.frozen; } public DateTimePatternGenerator freeze() { this.frozen = true; return this; } public DateTimePatternGenerator cloneAsThawed() { DateTimePatternGenerator result = (DateTimePatternGenerator)((DateTimePatternGenerator)this.clone()); this.frozen = false; return result; } public Object clone() { try { DateTimePatternGenerator result = (DateTimePatternGenerator)((DateTimePatternGenerator)super.clone()); result.skeleton2pattern = (TreeMap)this.skeleton2pattern.clone(); result.basePattern_pattern = (TreeMap)this.basePattern_pattern.clone(); result.appendItemFormats = (String[])this.appendItemFormats.clone(); result.appendItemNames = (String[])this.appendItemNames.clone(); result.current = new DateTimePatternGenerator.DateTimeMatcher(); result.fp = new DateTimePatternGenerator.FormatParser(); result._distanceInfo = new DateTimePatternGenerator.DistanceInfo(); result.frozen = false; return result; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException var2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal Error"); } } /** @deprecated */ public boolean skeletonsAreSimilar(String id, String skeleton) { if(id.equals(skeleton)) { return true; } else { TreeSet parser1 = this.getSet(id); TreeSet parser2 = this.getSet(skeleton); if(parser1.size() != parser2.size()) { return false; } else { Iterator it2 = parser2.iterator(); for(String item : parser1) { int index1 = getCanonicalIndex(item, false); String item2 = (String); int index2 = getCanonicalIndex(item2, false); if(types[index1][1] != types[index2][1]) { return false; } } return true; } } } private TreeSet getSet(String id) { List items = this.fp.set(id).getItems(); TreeSet result = new TreeSet(); for(Object obj : items) { String item = obj.toString(); if(!item.startsWith("G") && !item.startsWith("a")) { result.add(item); } } return result; } private void checkFrozen() { if(this.isFrozen()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attempt to modify frozen object"); } } private String getBestAppending(DateTimePatternGenerator.DateTimeMatcher source, int missingFields, DateTimePatternGenerator.DistanceInfo distInfo, DateTimePatternGenerator.DateTimeMatcher skipMatcher, int options) { String resultPattern = null; if(missingFields != 0) { DateTimePatternGenerator.PatternWithMatcher resultPatternWithMatcher = this.getBestRaw(source, missingFields, distInfo, skipMatcher); resultPattern = this.adjustFieldTypes(resultPatternWithMatcher, source, false, options); while(distInfo.missingFieldMask != 0) { if((distInfo.missingFieldMask & 24576) == 16384 && (missingFields & 24576) == 24576) { resultPatternWithMatcher.pattern = resultPattern; resultPattern = this.adjustFieldTypes(resultPatternWithMatcher, source, true, options); distInfo.missingFieldMask &= -16385; } else { int startingMask = distInfo.missingFieldMask; DateTimePatternGenerator.PatternWithMatcher tempWithMatcher = this.getBestRaw(source, distInfo.missingFieldMask, distInfo, skipMatcher); String temp = this.adjustFieldTypes(tempWithMatcher, source, false, options); int foundMask = startingMask & ~distInfo.missingFieldMask; int topField = this.getTopBitNumber(foundMask); resultPattern = MessageFormat.format(this.getAppendFormat(topField), new Object[]{resultPattern, temp, this.getAppendName(topField)}); } } } return resultPattern; }