Influence of honey bee (Apis mellifera) breeding on wing venation in Serbia and neighbouring countries

Supplementary document with statistical analysis


Hardeep Kaur

University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland

Nebojša Nedić

University of Belgrade, Serbia

Adam Tofilski

University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland




# calculations
library(geomorph)  # GPA 
library(Morpho)  # CVA
library(mgcv)  # GAM
library(mgcViz)  # GAM
library(stats)  # MANOVA
library(phangorn)  # UPGMA
# plotting and visualization
library(ggplot2)  # plots
library(rnaturalearth)  # maps
library(raster)  # raster
library(ggspatial)  # annotation_scale
library(viridis)  # colour gradient

Variable names

p <- 19  # number of landmarks
k <- 2  # number of dimensions, in this case 2 for coordinates (x, y)

# create coordinates names used by IdentiFly
xyNames <- c("x1", "y1")
for (i in 2:p) {
  xyNames <- c(xyNames, paste0("x", i))
  xyNames <- c(xyNames, paste0("y", i))
 [1] "x1"  "y1"  "x2"  "y2"  "x3"  "y3"  "x4"  "y4"  "x5"  "y5"  "x6"  "y6" 
[13] "x7"  "y7"  "x8"  "y8"  "x9"  "y9"  "x10" "y10" "x11" "y11" "x12" "y12"
[25] "x13" "y13" "x14" "y14" "x15" "y15" "x16" "y16" "x17" "y17" "x18" "y18"
[37] "x19" "y19"
# The number of principal components used is 2*p-4 = 34, which is equal to the
# degrees of freedom create principal components names used by prcomp
pcNames <- paste0("PC", 1:(2 * p - 4))
 [1] "PC1"  "PC2"  "PC3"  "PC4"  "PC5"  "PC6"  "PC7"  "PC8"  "PC9"  "PC10"
[11] "PC11" "PC12" "PC13" "PC14" "PC15" "PC16" "PC17" "PC18" "PC19" "PC20"
[21] "PC21" "PC22" "PC23" "PC24" "PC25" "PC26" "PC27" "PC28" "PC29" "PC30"
[31] "PC31" "PC32" "PC33" "PC34"
# define which landmarks are connected by lines in wireframe graph
link.x <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 13, 14,
  15, 16, 17)
link.y <- c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 6, 10, 12, 8, 8, 14, 19, 9, 10, 15, 11, 12, 16, 13,
  18, 15, 16, 17, 18)
links.apis <- cbind(link.x, link.y)

Read Serbia data

Some data about honey bees in Serbia originate from an earlier study Oleksa et al., 2022, Oleksa et al., 2023. Data newly obtained for this study is available at Zenodo Kaur et al., 2023

wings <- read.csv("")
wings <- rbind(wings, read.csv(""))
# extract sample classifier from file name
wings$sample <- substr(wings$file, 1, 7)

# Read geographic coordinates <- read.csv("") <- rbind(, read.csv("")) <- aggregate([c("latitude", "longitude", "date")], by = list($sample),
  FUN = mean) <- data.frame(, row.names = 1)  # move column 1 to row names

Read C lineage data

As reference for SE Europe we used the data obtained from the earlier study Oleksa et al., 2022, Oleksa et al., 2023.

wings.C <- read.csv("") <- read.csv("")

wings.C$latitude <-$latitude
wings.C$longitude <-$longitude

wings.C <- subset(wings.C, country %in% c("AT", "GR", "HR", "HU", "MD", "ME", "RO",
  "SI", "TR"))

# GPA Convert 2D array into a 3D array
wings.C.3D <- arrayspecs(wings.C[xyNames], p, k)
dimnames(wings.C.3D)[[3]] <- wings.C$file
# Align the coordinates using Generalized Procrustes Analysis
GPA.C <- gpagen(wings.C.3D, print.progress = FALSE)
# Convert 3D array into a 2D array - opposite to arrayspecs
wings.C.aligned <- two.d.array(GPA.C$coords)

# rename column names from 1.X, 1.Y to x1, y1 ...
colnames(wings.C.aligned) <- gsub("([0-9]+)\\.([XY])", "\\L\\2\\1", colnames(wings.C.aligned),
  perl = TRUE)

# average data within samples
C.samples <- aggregate(wings.C.aligned, by = list(wings.C$sample), FUN = mean)
C.samples <- data.frame(C.samples, row.names = 1)  # move column 1 to row names

# average geo data
geo.sample <- aggregate(wings.C[c("latitude", "longitude")], by = list(wings.C$sample),
  FUN = mean)
geo.sample <- data.frame(geo.sample, row.names = 1)  # move column 1 to row names
C.samples <- cbind(C.samples, geo.sample)


# Read elevation data In order to download the TIF file uncomment the two lines
# below
# download.file('',
# '') unzip('') or use your local file
elev <- raster("C:/data/WorldClim/wc2.1_2.5m_elev.tif")
elev.color <- colorRampPalette(c("#f7f7f7", "#f0f0f0", "#d9d9d9", "#bdbdbd", "#636363"),
  bias = 2)

x.min <- 18
x.max <- 24
y.min <- 41.8
y.max <- 46.5
e <- extent(x.min - 1, x.max + 1, y.min - 1, y.max + 1)
elev <- crop(elev, e)
elev.df <- data.frame(rasterToPoints(elev))
colnames(elev.df) <- c("longitude", "latitude", "altitude")
world <- ne_countries(scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf")

# Names of neighboring countries
neighboring_countries <- data.frame(name = c("Croatia", "Hungary", "Romania", "Bulgaria",
  "North Macedonia", "Albania", "Montenegro", "Bosnia and \nHerzegovina", "Kosovo*",
  "Serbia"), latitude = c(45.4, 46.4, 45.44, 42.68, 41.91, 42.1, 42.8, 44, 42.5,
  44.7), longitude = c(18.2, 19.82, 22.5, 23.39, 21.7, 19.82, 19.37, 18.3, 20.8,
# * The designation of Kosovo is without prejudice to positions on status, and
# is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of
# independence.

ggplot(data = world) + geom_raster(data = elev.df, aes(longitude, latitude, fill = altitude)) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = elev.color(100)) + geom_sf(fill = NA) + geom_point(data =,
  aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, color = as.factor(date))) + scale_color_manual(name = "year",
  values = c("#E69F00", "#009E73", "#56B4E9")) + coord_fixed() + coord_sf(xlim = c(x.min,
  x.max), ylim = c(y.min, y.max)) + geom_text(data = neighboring_countries, aes(x = longitude,
  y = latitude, label = name), color = "black", size = 3, nudge_y = 0.02) + annotation_scale(location = "tr",
  width_hint = 0.2)

GPA alignment

# Convert from 2D array to 3D array
wings.coords <- arrayspecs(wings[xyNames], p, k)
dimnames(wings.coords)[[3]] <- wings$file

# Align the coordinates using Generalized Procrustes Analysis
GPA.RS <- gpagen(wings.coords, print.progress = FALSE)

# plot landmarks after alignment
plotAllSpecimens(GPA.RS$coords, links = links.apis, label = TRUE, plot.param = list( = "black",
  pt.cex = 0.5, = "red", mean.cex = 1, link.col = "red", txt.pos = 3, txt.cex = 1))

# Convert from 3D array to 2D array
wings.aligned.RS <- two.d.array(GPA.RS$coords)
# rename column names from 1.X, 1.Y to x1, y1 ...
colnames(wings.aligned.RS) <- gsub("([0-9]+)\\.([XY])", "\\L\\2\\1", colnames(wings.aligned.RS),
  perl = TRUE)

# Average coorinates within samples
RS.samples <- aggregate(wings.aligned.RS, by = list(wings$sample), FUN = mean)
RS.samples <- data.frame(RS.samples, row.names = 1)  # move column 1 to row names
RS.samples <- cbind(RS.samples,

PCA Serbia - with breeders

RS.pca <- prcomp(RS.samples[, xyNames])
RS.pca.scores <-$x[, pcNames])
RS.pca.scores <- cbind(RS.pca.scores,

# create plot labels <- summary(RS.pca)$importance
variance <-["Proportion of Variance", "PC1"]
variance <- round(100 * variance, 1)
label.x <- paste0("PC1 (", variance, "%)")
variance <-["Proportion of Variance", "PC2"]
variance <- round(100 * variance, 1)
label.y <- paste0("PC2 (", variance, "%)")

PCA.A <- ggplot(RS.pca.scores, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = as.factor(date))) +
  geom_point() + scale_color_manual(name = "year", values = c("#E69F00", "#009E73",
  "#56B4E9")) + stat_ellipse() + xlab(label.x) + ylab(label.y) + theme(legend.position = c(0.9,
  0.15), legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white", color = "black"), legend.title = element_blank())


# Serbian bees collected in different years differ significantly in wing shape
year.MANOVA <- manova(as.matrix(RS.pca.scores[, pcNames]) ~ date, data = RS.pca.scores)
          Df  Pillai approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)    
date       1 0.79193   5.0374     34     45 3.848e-07 ***
Residuals 78                                             
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

GAM Serbia - with breeders

# PC1
ggplot(data = world) + geom_sf() + geom_point(data = RS.pca.scores, aes(x = longitude,
  y = latitude, colour = PC1), size = 1) + coord_sf(xlim = c(17.4, 24.2), ylim = c(41.8,
  46.5), expand = FALSE) + scale_color_viridis(name = "PC1") + xlab("Longitude") +

GAM <- mgcv::gam(PC1 ~ s(longitude, latitude), data = RS.pca.scores)

Family: gaussian 
Link function: identity 

PC1 ~ s(longitude, latitude)

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
                        edf Ref.df     F p-value
s(longitude,latitude) 16.99  21.73 5.286  <2e-16
viz.GAM <- getViz(GAM)
GAM.A <- plot(viz.GAM, 1) + l_fitRaster() + l_fitContour(color = "grey30") + l_points() +
  labs(title = NULL) + scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis", name = "PC1", na.value = "transparent") +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(17.4, 24.2), expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(41.8,
  46.5), expand = c(0, 0)) + geom_path(data = map_data("world"), aes(x = long,
  y = lat, group = group), color = "black", inherit.aes = FALSE)

CVA SE Europe - with breeders

C.samples$date <- NA
wings.C.all <- rbind(C.samples, RS.samples)

# GPA Convert 2D array into a 3D array
wings.C.3D <- arrayspecs(wings.C.all[xyNames], p, k)
dimnames(wings.C.3D)[[3]] <- rownames(wings.C.all)
# Align the coordinates using Generalized Procrustes Analysis
GPA.C <- gpagen(wings.C.3D, print.progress = FALSE)
# Convert 3D array into a 2D array - opposite to arrayspecs
wings.C.aligned <- two.d.array(GPA.C$coords)
# rename column names from 1.X, 1.Y to x1, y1 ...
colnames(wings.C.aligned) <- gsub("([0-9]+)\\.([XY])", "\\L\\2\\1", colnames(wings.C.aligned),
  perl = TRUE)

PCA.C <- prcomp(wings.C.aligned[, xyNames])
PCA.C.scores <-$x[, pcNames])
PCA.C.scores$country <- substr(rownames(wings.C.all), 1, 2)

PCA.C.scores$country <- as.factor(PCA.C.scores$country)
levels(PCA.C.scores$country) <- list(Austria = "AT", Croatia = "HR", Greece = "GR",
  Hungary = "HU", Moldova = "MD", Montenegro = "ME", Romania = "RO", Serbia = "RS",
  Slovenia = "SI", Turkey = "TR")

PCA.C.scores <- cbind(PCA.C.scores, wings.C.all[c("latitude", "longitude", "date")])

# create plot labels <- summary(PCA.C)$importance
variance <-["Proportion of Variance", "PC1"]
variance <- round(100 * variance, 1)
label.x <- paste0("PC1 (", variance, "%)")
variance <-["Proportion of Variance", "PC2"]
variance <- round(100 * variance, 1)
label.y <- paste0("PC2 (", variance, "%)")

ggplot(PCA.C.scores, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = country)) + geom_point() + stat_ellipse()

PCA.C.scores$group.year <- ifelse(PCA.C.scores$country == "Serbia", paste(as.character(PCA.C.scores$country),
  PCA.C.scores$date, sep = "-"), as.character(PCA.C.scores$country))

# use equal prior probability for all groups <- length(unique(PCA.C.scores$group.year))  # number of groups
sample.cva <- CVA(PCA.C.scores[pcNames], PCA.C.scores$group.year, rounds = 10000,
  cv = TRUE, prior = rep(1/,
sample.cva.scores <-$CVscores)
# remove unwanted spaces in variable names otherwise use `CV 1`
colnames(sample.cva.scores) <- gsub(" ", "", colnames(sample.cva.scores))
# sample.cva.scores <- cbind(, sample.cva.scores)
sample.cva.scores$group.year <- PCA.C.scores$group.year

ggplot(sample.cva.scores, aes(x = CV1, y = CV2, shape = group.year, color = group.year)) +
  geom_point() + scale_shape_manual(name = "group", values = c(1:12)) + scale_color_manual(name = "group",
  values = rainbow(12)) + stat_ellipse()

# Confusion matrix Classification of the samples to groups
CVA.class <- typprobClass(sample.cva$CVscores, groups = as.factor(sample.cva.scores$group.year),
  outlier = 0)
 cross-validated classification results in frequencies
              Austria Croatia Greece Hungary Moldova Montenegro Romania
  Austria          10       0      0       0       0          0       0
  Croatia           0     120      0       7       0          0       0
  Greece            0       0    231       0       0          0       0
  Hungary           0       0      0      17       0          0       5
  Moldova           0       0      0       0       9          0       1
  Montenegro        0       0      0       0       0         17       0
  Romania           0       2      1       2       2          0     183
  Serbia-2005       0       0      0       0       0          0       0
  Serbia-2010       0       0      0       0       0          5       0
  Serbia-2022       0       0      0       0       0          0       0
  Slovenia          0       1      0       2       1          0       0
  Turkey            0       0      0       0       0          0       0
              Serbia-2005 Serbia-2010 Serbia-2022 Slovenia Turkey
  Austria               0           0           0        0      0
  Croatia               3           0           6       24      0
  Greece                9           0           1        0      3
  Hungary               0           0           0        0      0
  Moldova               0           0           0        0      0
  Montenegro            0           3           0        0      0
  Romania               0           0           0        7      0
  Serbia-2005           3           0           1        0      0
  Serbia-2010           0          15           0        0      0
  Serbia-2022           1           0          55        0      0
  Slovenia              0           0           0       17      0
  Turkey                0           0           1        0     59

 cross-validated classification result in %
                Austria   Croatia    Greece   Hungary   Moldova Montenegro
  Austria     100.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000    0.00000
  Croatia       0.00000  75.00000   0.00000   4.37500   0.00000    0.00000
  Greece        0.00000   0.00000  94.67213   0.00000   0.00000    0.00000
  Hungary       0.00000   0.00000   0.00000  77.27273   0.00000    0.00000
  Moldova       0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000  90.00000    0.00000
  Montenegro    0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   85.00000
  Romania       0.00000   1.01523   0.50761   1.01523   1.01523    0.00000
  Serbia-2005   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000    0.00000
  Serbia-2010   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   25.00000
  Serbia-2022   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000    0.00000
  Slovenia      0.00000   4.76190   0.00000   9.52381   4.76190    0.00000
  Turkey        0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000    0.00000
                Romania Serbia-2005 Serbia-2010 Serbia-2022  Slovenia    Turkey
  Austria       0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
  Croatia       0.00000     1.87500     0.00000     3.75000  15.00000   0.00000
  Greece        0.00000     3.68852     0.00000     0.40984   0.00000   1.22951
  Hungary      22.72727     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
  Moldova      10.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
  Montenegro    0.00000     0.00000    15.00000     0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
  Romania      92.89340     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000   3.55330   0.00000
  Serbia-2005   0.00000    75.00000     0.00000    25.00000   0.00000   0.00000
  Serbia-2010   0.00000     0.00000    75.00000     0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
  Serbia-2022   0.00000     1.78571     0.00000    98.21429   0.00000   0.00000
  Slovenia      0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     0.00000  80.95238   0.00000
  Turkey        0.00000     0.00000     0.00000     1.66667   0.00000  98.33333

 overall classification accuracy: 89.32039 %

 Kappa statistic: 0.86945
# Mahalanobis distances between groups
knitr::kable($Dist$GroupdistMaha)), digits = 3)
Austria Croatia Greece Hungary Moldova Montenegro Romania Serbia-2005 Serbia-2010 Serbia-2022 Slovenia Turkey
Austria 0.000 7.997 9.919 6.901 8.242 8.055 6.947 8.225 8.036 7.695 8.843 8.324
Croatia 7.997 0.000 5.703 3.604 5.694 5.992 4.264 3.591 5.257 3.766 2.732 5.224
Greece 9.919 5.703 0.000 7.300 7.803 6.868 6.345 4.735 6.682 5.490 6.468 5.648
Hungary 6.901 3.604 7.300 0.000 5.990 6.944 4.198 5.637 6.342 5.270 4.306 6.263
Moldova 8.242 5.694 7.803 5.990 0.000 7.288 4.253 6.173 6.597 6.151 5.428 7.535
Montenegro 8.055 5.992 6.868 6.944 7.288 0.000 5.732 6.009 2.085 5.059 7.265 6.945
Romania 6.947 4.264 6.345 4.198 4.253 5.732 0.000 5.201 5.269 5.146 4.703 5.402
Serbia-2005 8.225 3.591 4.735 5.637 6.173 6.009 5.201 0.000 5.746 3.161 4.697 5.101
Serbia-2010 8.036 5.257 6.682 6.342 6.597 2.085 5.269 5.746 0.000 5.039 6.469 7.021
Serbia-2022 7.695 3.766 5.490 5.270 6.151 5.059 5.146 3.161 5.039 0.000 4.916 5.742
Slovenia 8.843 2.732 6.468 4.306 5.428 7.265 4.703 4.697 6.469 4.916 0.000 6.320
Turkey 8.324 5.224 5.648 6.263 7.535 6.945 5.402 5.101 7.021 5.742 6.320 0.000
# pairwise probabilities of differences between groups
knitr::kable($Dist$probsMaha)), digits = 5)
Austria Croatia Greece Hungary Moldova Montenegro Romania Serbia-2005 Serbia-2010 Serbia-2022 Slovenia Turkey
Austria 0e+00 0.00010 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00010 0.0001 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.0001
Croatia 1e-04 0.00000 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00010 0.0001 0.33477 0.00010 0.00010 0.00080 0.0001
Greece 1e-04 0.00010 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.00010 0.0001 0.02040 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.0001
Hungary 1e-04 0.00010 0.0001 0.0000 0.0001 0.00010 0.0001 0.00440 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.0001
Moldova 1e-04 0.00010 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.00010 0.0001 0.00360 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.0001
Montenegro 1e-04 0.00010 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00000 0.0001 0.00180 0.52105 0.00010 0.00010 0.0001
Romania 1e-04 0.00010 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00010 0.0000 0.00510 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.0001
Serbia-2005 1e-04 0.33477 0.0204 0.0044 0.0036 0.00180 0.0051 0.00000 0.00340 0.69503 0.05249 0.0091
Serbia-2010 1e-04 0.00010 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.52105 0.0001 0.00340 0.00000 0.00010 0.00010 0.0001
Serbia-2022 1e-04 0.00010 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00010 0.0001 0.69503 0.00010 0.00000 0.00010 0.0001
Slovenia 1e-04 0.00080 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00010 0.0001 0.05249 0.00010 0.00010 0.00000 0.0001
Turkey 1e-04 0.00010 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.00010 0.0001 0.00910 0.00010 0.00010 0.00010 0.0000

UPGMA - with breeders

UPBMA.A <- upgma(sample.cva$Dist$GroupdistMaha)
plot(UPBMA.A, label.offset = 0.1, cex = 0.5)

Remove breeders

RS.samples.short <- subset(RS.samples, date %in% c("2005", "2022"))

PCA Serbia - without breeders

RS.pca <- prcomp(RS.samples.short[, xyNames])
RS.pca.scores <-$x[, pcNames])
RS.pca.scores$latitude <- RS.samples.short$latitude
RS.pca.scores$longitude <- RS.samples.short$longitude
RS.pca.scores$date <- RS.samples.short$date

# create plot labels <- summary(RS.pca)$importance
variance <-["Proportion of Variance", "PC1"]
variance <- round(100 * variance, 1)
label.x <- paste0("PC1 (", variance, "%)")
variance <-["Proportion of Variance", "PC2"]
variance <- round(100 * variance, 1)
label.y <- paste0("PC2 (", variance, "%)")

PCA.B <- ggplot(RS.pca.scores, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = as.factor(date))) +
  geom_point() + scale_color_manual(name = "year", values = c("#E69F00", "#56B4E9")) +
  stat_ellipse() + xlab(label.x) + ylab(label.y) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.06,
  0)) + theme(legend.position = c(0.9, 0.15), legend.background = element_rect(fill = "white",
  color = "black"), legend.title = element_blank())


GAM Serbia - without breeders

# PC1
ggplot(data = world) + geom_sf() + geom_point(data = RS.pca.scores, aes(x = longitude,
  y = latitude, colour = PC1), size = 1) + coord_sf(xlim = c(17.4, 24.2), ylim = c(41.8,
  46.5), expand = FALSE) + scale_color_viridis(name = "PC1") + xlab("Longitude") +

GAM <- mgcv::gam(PC1 ~ s(longitude, latitude), data = RS.pca.scores)

Family: gaussian 
Link function: identity 

PC1 ~ s(longitude, latitude)

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
                        edf Ref.df     F p-value
s(longitude,latitude) 3.844  5.170 2.068  0.0812
viz.GAM <- getViz(GAM)
GAM.B <- plot(viz.GAM, 1) + l_fitRaster() + l_fitContour(color = "grey30") + l_points() +
  labs(title = NULL) + scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis", name = "PC1", na.value = "transparent") +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(17.4, 24.2), expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(41.8,
  46.5), expand = c(0, 0)) + geom_path(data = map_data("world"), aes(x = long,
  y = lat, group = group), color = "black", inherit.aes = FALSE)

PCA SE Europe - without breeders

countries <- substr(rownames(C.samples), 1, 2)
C.samples.short <- subset(C.samples, countries %in% c("GR", "HR", "HU", "MD", "RO",
  "SI", "TR"))
samples <- rbind(C.samples.short, RS.samples.short)

# GPA Convert 2D array into a 3D array
samples.3D <- arrayspecs(samples[xyNames], p, k)
dimnames(samples.3D)[[3]] <- rownames(samples)
# Align the coordinates using Generalized Procrustes Analysis
GPA.C <- gpagen(samples.3D, print.progress = FALSE)
# Convert 3D array into a 2D array - opposite to arrayspecs
samples.aligned <- two.d.array(GPA.C$coords)
# rename column names from 1.X, 1.Y to x1, y1 ...
colnames(samples.aligned) <- gsub("([0-9]+)\\.([XY])", "\\L\\2\\1", colnames(samples.aligned),
  perl = TRUE)

PCA.C <- prcomp(samples.aligned[, xyNames])
PCA.C.scores <-$x[, pcNames])
# change sign of the PC1 for easier comparisons with earlier graphs
PCA.C.scores[, "PC1"] <- -PCA.C.scores[, "PC1"]
PCA.C.scores$latitude <- samples$latitude[]
PCA.C.scores$longitude <- samples$longitude[]

PCA.C.scores$country <- substr(rownames(samples), 1, 2)
PCA.C.scores$country <- as.factor(PCA.C.scores$country)
levels(PCA.C.scores$country) <- list(Croatia = "HR", Greece = "GR", Hungary = "HU",
  Moldova = "MD", Romania = "RO", Serbia = "RS", Slovenia = "SI", Turkey = "TR")

# create plot labels <- summary(PCA.C)$importance
variance <-["Proportion of Variance", "PC1"]
variance <- round(100 * variance, 1)
label.x <- paste0("PC1 (", variance, "%)")
variance <-["Proportion of Variance", "PC2"]
variance <- round(100 * variance, 1)
label.y <- paste0("PC2 (", variance, "%)")

ggplot(PCA.C.scores, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = country)) + geom_point() + stat_ellipse()

# PC1
ggplot(data = world) + geom_sf() + geom_point(data = PCA.C.scores, aes(x = longitude,
  y = latitude, colour = PC1), size = 1) + coord_sf(xlim = c(10, 30), ylim = c(33,
  50), expand = FALSE) + scale_color_viridis(name = "PC1") + xlab("Longitude") +

GAM <- mgcv::gam(PC1 ~ s(longitude, latitude), data = PCA.C.scores)

Family: gaussian 
Link function: identity 

PC1 ~ s(longitude, latitude)

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
                        edf Ref.df     F p-value
s(longitude,latitude) 23.09  26.94 83.45  <2e-16
viz.GAM <- getViz(GAM)
plot(viz.GAM, 1) + l_fitRaster() + l_fitContour(color = "grey30") + l_points() +
  labs(title = NULL) + scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis", name = "PC1", na.value = "transparent") +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(10, 30), expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(33,
  50), expand = c(0, 0)) + geom_path(data = map_data("world"), aes(x = long, y = lat,
  group = group), color = "black", inherit.aes = FALSE)

# PC2
ggplot(data = world) + geom_sf() + geom_point(data = PCA.C.scores, aes(x = longitude,
  y = latitude, colour = PC2), size = 1) + coord_sf(xlim = c(10, 30), ylim = c(33,
  50), expand = FALSE) + scale_color_viridis(name = "PC1") + xlab("Longitude") +

GAM <- mgcv::gam(PC2 ~ s(longitude, latitude), data = PCA.C.scores)

Family: gaussian 
Link function: identity 

PC2 ~ s(longitude, latitude)

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
                        edf Ref.df     F p-value
s(longitude,latitude) 25.27  28.13 29.35  <2e-16
viz.GAM <- getViz(GAM)
plot(viz.GAM, 1) + l_fitRaster() + l_fitContour(color = "grey30") + l_points() +
  labs(title = NULL) + scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis", name = "PC2", na.value = "transparent") +
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(10, 30), expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(33,
  50), expand = c(0, 0)) + geom_path(data = map_data("world"), aes(x = long, y = lat,
  group = group), color = "black", inherit.aes = FALSE)

CVA SE Europe - without breeders

# use equal prior probability for all groups <- length(unique(PCA.C.scores$country))  # number of groups
sample.cva <- CVA(PCA.C.scores[pcNames], PCA.C.scores$country, rounds = 10000, cv = TRUE,
  prior = rep(1/,
sample.cva.scores <-$CVscores)
# remove unwanted spaces in variable names otherwise use `CV 1`
colnames(sample.cva.scores) <- gsub(" ", "", colnames(sample.cva.scores))
sample.cva.scores$country <- PCA.C.scores$country

ggplot(sample.cva.scores, aes(x = CV1, y = CV2, shape = country, color = country)) +
  geom_point() + scale_shape_manual(name = "country", values = c(1:8)) + scale_color_manual(name = "country",
  values = rainbow(8)) + stat_ellipse()

# Confusion matrix Classification of the samples to groups
CVA.class <- typprobClass(sample.cva$CVscores, groups = as.factor(sample.cva.scores$country),
  outlier = 0)
 cross-validated classification results in frequencies
           Croatia Greece Hungary Moldova Romania Serbia Slovenia Turkey
  Croatia      123      1       7       0       0      5       24      0
  Greece         1    238       0       0       0      3        0      2
  Hungary        0      0      17       0       5      0        0      0
  Moldova        0      0       0       9       1      0        0      0
  Romania        2      1       2       2     183      0        7      0
  Serbia         1      0       0       0       0     59        0      0
  Slovenia       1      0       0       1       0      0       19      0
  Turkey         0      0       0       0       0      1        0     59

 cross-validated classification result in %
            Croatia   Greece  Hungary  Moldova  Romania   Serbia Slovenia
  Croatia  76.87500  0.62500  4.37500  0.00000  0.00000  3.12500 15.00000
  Greece    0.40984 97.54098  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  1.22951  0.00000
  Hungary   0.00000  0.00000 77.27273  0.00000 22.72727  0.00000  0.00000
  Moldova   0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 90.00000 10.00000  0.00000  0.00000
  Romania   1.01523  0.50761  1.01523  1.01523 92.89340  0.00000  3.55330
  Serbia    1.66667  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000 98.33333  0.00000
  Slovenia  4.76190  0.00000  0.00000  4.76190  0.00000  0.00000 90.47619
  Turkey    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  0.00000  1.66667  0.00000
  Croatia   0.00000
  Greece    0.81967
  Hungary   0.00000
  Moldova   0.00000
  Romania   0.00000
  Serbia    0.00000
  Slovenia  0.00000
  Turkey   98.33333

 overall classification accuracy: 91.34367 %

 Kappa statistic: 0.89044
# Mahalanobis distances between groups
knitr::kable($Dist$GroupdistMaha)), digits = 3)
Croatia Greece Hungary Moldova Romania Serbia Slovenia Turkey
Croatia 0.000 5.615 3.554 5.662 4.225 3.675 2.720 5.197
Greece 5.615 0.000 7.175 7.689 6.234 5.312 6.390 5.610
Hungary 3.554 7.175 0.000 5.958 4.157 5.186 4.275 6.196
Moldova 5.662 7.689 5.958 0.000 4.249 6.033 5.427 7.463
Romania 4.225 6.234 4.157 4.249 0.000 5.029 4.704 5.323
Serbia 3.675 5.312 5.186 6.033 5.029 0.000 4.876 5.555
Slovenia 2.720 6.390 4.275 5.427 4.704 4.876 0.000 6.322
Turkey 5.197 5.610 6.196 7.463 5.323 5.555 6.322 0.000
# pairwise probabilities of differences between groups
knitr::kable($Dist$probsMaha)), digits = 5)
Croatia Greece Hungary Moldova Romania Serbia Slovenia Turkey
Croatia 0e+00 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 2e-04 1e-04
Greece 1e-04 0e+00 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04
Hungary 1e-04 1e-04 0e+00 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04
Moldova 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 0e+00 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04
Romania 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 0e+00 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04
Serbia 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 0e+00 1e-04 1e-04
Slovenia 2e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 0e+00 1e-04
Turkey 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 1e-04 0e+00

UPGMA - without breeders

UPBMA.B <- upgma(sample.cva$Dist$GroupdistMaha)
plot(UPBMA.B, label.offset = 0.1, cex = 0.5)


library(phytools)  # cophylo

cophylo.upgma <- cophylo(UPBMA.A, UPBMA.B, rotate = T)
Rotating nodes to optimize matching...

library(ggpubr)  # ggarange
ggarrange(PCA.A, PCA.B, labels = c("A", "B"), font.label = list(size = 12, face = "plain"),
  ncol = 2, nrow = 1)


Kaur, H., Nedić, N., & Tofilski, A. (2023). Fore wing images of honey bees (Apis mellifera) from Serbia [Data set]. Zenodo.

Oleksa, A., Căuia, E., Siceanu, A., Puškadija, Z., Kovačić, M., Pinto, M.A., Rodrigues, P.J., Hatjina, F., Charistos, L., Bouga, M., Prešern, J., Kandemir, I., Rašić, S., Kusza, S., & Tofilski, A. (2022). Collection of wing images for conservation of honey bees (Apis mellifera) biodiversity in Europe [Data set]. Zenodo.

Oleksa, A., Căuia, E., Siceanu, A., Puškadija, Z., Kovačić, M., Pinto, M. A., Rodrigues, P. J., Hatjina, F., Charistos, L., Bouga, M., Prešern, J., Kandemir, İ., Rašić, S., Kusza, S., Tofilski, A. (2023). Honey bee (Apis mellifera) wing images: a tool for identification and conservation. GigaScience, 12, giad019.

Information about session

R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 11 x64 (build 22000)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=Polish_Poland.utf8  LC_CTYPE=Polish_Poland.utf8   
[3] LC_MONETARY=Polish_Poland.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C                  
[5] LC_TIME=Polish_Poland.utf8    

time zone: Europe/Warsaw
tzcode source: internal

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] ggpubr_0.6.0        phytools_2.0-3      maps_3.4.1.1       
 [4] viridis_0.6.4       viridisLite_0.4.2   ggspatial_1.1.9    
 [7] raster_3.6-26       sp_2.1-1            rnaturalearth_0.3.4
[10] phangorn_2.11.1     ape_5.7-1           mgcViz_0.1.11      
[13] ggplot2_3.4.4       qgam_1.3.4          mgcv_1.9-0         
[16] nlme_3.1-163        Morpho_2.11         geomorph_4.0.6     
[19] Matrix_1.6-1.1      rgl_1.2.1           RRPP_1.4.0         

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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 [19] mime_0.12               lifecycle_1.0.4         iterators_1.0.14       
 [22] pkgconfig_2.0.3         R6_2.5.1                fastmap_1.1.1          
 [25] shiny_1.8.0             digest_0.6.33           numDeriv_2016.8-1.1    
 [28] colorspace_2.1-0        GGally_2.2.0            bezier_1.1.2           
 [31] labeling_0.4.3          clusterGeneration_1.3.8 fansi_1.0.5            
 [34] colorRamps_2.3.1        httr_1.4.7              abind_1.4-5            
 [37] compiler_4.3.2          proxy_0.4-27            withr_2.5.2            
 [40] doParallel_1.0.17       backports_1.4.1         optimParallel_1.0-2    
 [43] carData_3.0-5           DBI_1.1.3               gamm4_0.2-6            
 [46] ggstats_0.5.1           ggsignif_0.6.4          MASS_7.3-60            
 [49] classInt_0.4-10         scatterplot3d_0.3-44    tools_4.3.2            
 [52] units_0.8-4             httpuv_1.6.12           glue_1.6.2             
 [55] rnaturalearthdata_0.1.0 quadprog_1.5-8          promises_1.2.1         
 [58] grid_4.3.2              sf_1.0-14               generics_0.1.3         
 [61] isoband_0.2.7           gtable_0.3.4            Rvcg_0.22.1            
 [64] class_7.3-22            tidyr_1.3.0             car_3.1-2              
 [67] utf8_1.2.4              foreach_1.5.2           pillar_1.9.0           
 [70] later_1.3.1             splines_4.3.2           dplyr_1.1.4            
 [73] lattice_0.21-9          tidyselect_1.2.0        miniUI_0.1.1.1         
 [76] knitr_1.45              gridExtra_2.3           xfun_0.41              
 [79] expm_0.999-8            matrixStats_1.1.0       yaml_2.3.7             
 [82] boot_1.3-28.1           evaluate_0.23           codetools_0.2-19       
 [85] tibble_3.2.1            cli_3.6.1               xtable_1.8-4           
 [88] munsell_0.5.0           Rcpp_1.0.11             coda_0.19-4            
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[100] fastmatch_1.1-4         cowplot_1.1.1           formatR_1.14           
[103] mnormt_2.1.1