function [A2, Q, r] = procrustNew( A, B ) % PROCRUST Orthogonal Procrustes problem % A2 = PROCRUST( A, B ) applies an orthogonal transformation to matrix B % by multiplication with Q such that A-B*Q has minimum Frobenius norm. The % results B*Q is returned as A2. % % [A2, Q] = PROCRUST( A, B ) also returns the orthogonal matrix Q that was % used for the transformation. % % [A2, Q, R] = PROCRUST( A, B ) also returns the Frobenius norm of A-B*Q. % Author : E. Larsen % Date : 12/22/03 % Email : % Reference: Golub and van Loan, p. 601. % Error checking msg = nargchk( 2, 2, nargin ); if ~isempty( msg ) error( msg ) end % Do the computation C = B.'*A; [U1, S1, V1] = svd( C'*C ); [U2, S2, V2] = svd( C*C' ); Q = U2*V1'; A2 = B*Q; % Optional output of norm if nargout > 2 r = norm( A-A2, 'fro' ); end