Student ID,Feedback Text Student_001,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_001,Interesting content and well explained. Student_001,Good course with helpful examples! Student_001,The course could use more clear examples. Student_001,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_001,The course could use more clear examples. Student_001,The course could use more clear examples. Student_001,The course could use more clear examples. Student_001,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_001,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_001,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_001,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_001,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_001,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_001,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_001,The course could use more clear examples. Student_001,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_001,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_001,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_001,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_001,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_001,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_001,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_001,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_001,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_001,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_002,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_002,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_002,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_002,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_002,Interesting content and well explained. Student_002,The course could use more clear examples. Student_002,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_002,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_002,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_002,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_002,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_002,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_002,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_002,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_002,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_002,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_002,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_002,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_002,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_002,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_002,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_002,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_002,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_002,Good course with helpful examples! Student_002,Interesting content and well explained. Student_002,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_003,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_003,Good course with helpful examples! Student_003,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_003,Interesting content and well explained. Student_003,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_003,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_003,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_003,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_003,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_003,The course could use more clear examples. Student_003,Good course with helpful examples! Student_003,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_003,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_003,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_003,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_003,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_003,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_003,The course could use more clear examples. Student_003,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_003,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_003,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_003,The course could use more clear examples. Student_003,The course could use more clear examples. Student_003,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_003,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_003,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_004,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_004,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_004,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_004,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_004,The course could use more clear examples. Student_004,The course could use more clear examples. Student_004,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_004,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_004,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_004,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_004,The course could use more clear examples. Student_004,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_004,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_004,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_004,Good course with helpful examples! Student_004,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_004,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_004,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_004,Good course with helpful examples! Student_004,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_004,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_004,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_004,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_004,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_004,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_004,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_005,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_005,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_005,The course could use more clear examples. Student_005,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_005,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_005,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_005,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_005,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_005,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_005,The course could use more clear examples. Student_005,The course could use more clear examples. Student_005,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_005,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_005,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_005,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_005,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_005,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_005,The course could use more clear examples. Student_005,The course could use more clear examples. Student_005,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_005,Good course with helpful examples! Student_005,The course could use more clear examples. Student_005,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_005,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_005,The course could use more clear examples. Student_005,The course could use more clear examples. Student_006,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_006,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_006,Interesting content and well explained. Student_006,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_006,The course could use more clear examples. Student_006,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_006,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_006,The course could use more clear examples. Student_006,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_006,Interesting content and well explained. Student_006,Good course with helpful examples! Student_006,Good course with helpful examples! Student_006,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_006,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_006,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_006,Good course with helpful examples! Student_006,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_006,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_006,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_006,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_006,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_006,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_006,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_006,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_006,The course could use more clear examples. Student_006,The course could use more clear examples. Student_007,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_007,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_007,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_007,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_007,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_007,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_007,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_007,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_007,Good course with helpful examples! Student_007,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_007,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_007,The course could use more clear examples. Student_007,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_007,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_007,Good course with helpful examples! Student_007,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_007,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_007,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_007,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_007,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_007,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_007,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_007,The course could use more clear examples. Student_007,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_007,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_007,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_008,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_008,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_008,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_008,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_008,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_008,The course could use more clear examples. Student_008,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_008,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_008,Interesting content and well explained. Student_008,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_008,The course could use more clear examples. Student_008,Interesting content and well explained. Student_008,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_008,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_008,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_008,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_008,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_008,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_008,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_008,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_008,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_008,Interesting content and well explained. Student_008,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_008,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_008,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_008,Good course with helpful examples! Student_009,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_009,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_009,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_009,The course could use more clear examples. Student_009,The course could use more clear examples. Student_009,The course could use more clear examples. Student_009,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_009,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_009,The course could use more clear examples. Student_009,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_009,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_009,Interesting content and well explained. Student_009,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_009,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_009,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_009,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_009,The course could use more clear examples. Student_009,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_009,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_009,Interesting content and well explained. Student_009,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_009,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_009,The course could use more clear examples. Student_009,Good course with helpful examples! Student_009,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_009,Interesting content and well explained. Student_010,Good course with helpful examples! Student_010,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_010,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_010,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_010,Interesting content and well explained. Student_010,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_010,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_010,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_010,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_010,The course could use more clear examples. Student_010,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_010,The course could use more clear examples. Student_010,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_010,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_010,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_010,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_010,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_010,Good course with helpful examples! Student_010,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_010,Good course with helpful examples! Student_010,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_010,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_010,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_010,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_010,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_010,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_011,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_011,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_011,Interesting content and well explained. Student_011,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_011,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_011,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_011,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_011,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_011,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_011,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_011,Good course with helpful examples! Student_011,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_011,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_011,The course could use more clear examples. Student_011,Good course with helpful examples! Student_011,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_011,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_011,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_011,The course could use more clear examples. Student_011,Interesting content and well explained. Student_011,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_011,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_011,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_011,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_011,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_011,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_012,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_012,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_012,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_012,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_012,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_012,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_012,The course could use more clear examples. Student_012,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_012,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_012,Interesting content and well explained. Student_012,Interesting content and well explained. Student_012,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_012,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_012,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_012,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_012,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_012,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_012,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_012,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_012,The course could use more clear examples. Student_012,The course could use more clear examples. Student_012,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_012,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_012,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_012,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_012,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_013,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_013,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_013,Interesting content and well explained. Student_013,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_013,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_013,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_013,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_013,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_013,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_013,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_013,The course could use more clear examples. Student_013,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_013,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_013,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_013,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_013,Good course with helpful examples! Student_013,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_013,The course could use more clear examples. Student_013,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_013,Interesting content and well explained. Student_013,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_013,Interesting content and well explained. Student_013,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_013,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_013,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_013,Good course with helpful examples! Student_014,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_014,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_014,The course could use more clear examples. Student_014,Interesting content and well explained. Student_014,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_014,Good course with helpful examples! Student_014,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_014,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_014,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_014,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_014,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_014,The course could use more clear examples. Student_014,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_014,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_014,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_014,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_014,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_014,Good course with helpful examples! Student_014,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_014,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_014,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_014,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_014,Good course with helpful examples! Student_014,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_014,Good course with helpful examples! Student_014,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_015,The course could use more clear examples. Student_015,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_015,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_015,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_015,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_015,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_015,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_015,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_015,Good course with helpful examples! Student_015,The course could use more clear examples. Student_015,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_015,Good course with helpful examples! Student_015,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_015,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_015,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_015,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_015,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_015,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_015,Good course with helpful examples! Student_015,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_015,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_015,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_015,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_015,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_015,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_015,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_016,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_016,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_016,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_016,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_016,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_016,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_016,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_016,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_016,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_016,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_016,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_016,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_016,Interesting content and well explained. Student_016,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_016,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_016,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_016,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_016,The course could use more clear examples. Student_016,The course could use more clear examples. Student_016,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_016,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_016,Interesting content and well explained. Student_016,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_016,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_016,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_016,The course could use more clear examples. Student_017,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_017,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_017,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_017,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_017,Interesting content and well explained. Student_017,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_017,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_017,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_017,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_017,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_017,Interesting content and well explained. Student_017,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_017,Interesting content and well explained. Student_017,Interesting content and well explained. Student_017,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_017,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_017,The course could use more clear examples. Student_017,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_017,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_017,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_017,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_017,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_017,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_017,The course could use more clear examples. Student_017,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_017,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_018,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_018,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_018,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_018,Good course with helpful examples! Student_018,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_018,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_018,The course could use more clear examples. Student_018,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_018,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_018,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_018,Good course with helpful examples! Student_018,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_018,The course could use more clear examples. Student_018,Good course with helpful examples! Student_018,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_018,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_018,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_018,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_018,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_018,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_018,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_018,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_018,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_018,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_018,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_018,The course could use more clear examples. Student_019,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_019,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_019,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_019,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_019,The course could use more clear examples. Student_019,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_019,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_019,Good course with helpful examples! Student_019,Good course with helpful examples! Student_019,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_019,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_019,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_019,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_019,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_019,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_019,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_019,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_019,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_019,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_019,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_019,The course could use more clear examples. Student_019,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_019,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_019,Good course with helpful examples! Student_019,The course could use more clear examples. Student_019,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_020,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_020,The course could use more clear examples. Student_020,Interesting content and well explained. Student_020,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_020,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_020,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_020,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_020,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_020,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_020,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_020,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_020,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_020,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_020,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_020,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_020,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_020,Interesting content and well explained. Student_020,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_020,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_020,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_020,The course could use more clear examples. Student_020,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_020,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_020,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_020,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_020,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_021,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_021,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_021,Good course with helpful examples! Student_021,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_021,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_021,The course could use more clear examples. Student_021,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_021,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_021,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_021,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_021,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_021,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_021,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_021,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_021,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_021,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_021,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_021,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_021,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_021,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_021,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_021,Good course with helpful examples! Student_021,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_021,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_021,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_021,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_022,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_022,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_022,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_022,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_022,The course could use more clear examples. Student_022,Good course with helpful examples! Student_022,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_022,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_022,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_022,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_022,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_022,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_022,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_022,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_022,Interesting content and well explained. Student_022,Interesting content and well explained. Student_022,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_022,Interesting content and well explained. Student_022,Interesting content and well explained. Student_022,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_022,Interesting content and well explained. Student_022,Interesting content and well explained. Student_022,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_022,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_022,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_022,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_023,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_023,Good course with helpful examples! Student_023,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_023,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_023,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_023,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_023,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_023,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_023,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_023,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_023,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_023,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_023,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_023,Good course with helpful examples! Student_023,The course could use more clear examples. Student_023,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_023,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_023,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_023,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_023,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_023,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_023,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_023,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_023,Interesting content and well explained. Student_023,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_023,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_024,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_024,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_024,Good course with helpful examples! Student_024,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_024,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_024,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_024,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_024,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_024,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_024,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_024,The course could use more clear examples. Student_024,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_024,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_024,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_024,Interesting content and well explained. Student_024,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_024,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_024,Interesting content and well explained. Student_024,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_024,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_024,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_024,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_024,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_024,Interesting content and well explained. Student_024,Good course with helpful examples! Student_024,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_025,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_025,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_025,Interesting content and well explained. Student_025,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_025,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_025,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_025,The course could use more clear examples. Student_025,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_025,Interesting content and well explained. Student_025,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_025,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_025,Interesting content and well explained. Student_025,Good course with helpful examples! Student_025,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_025,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_025,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_025,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_025,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_025,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_025,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_025,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_025,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_025,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_025,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_025,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_025,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_026,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_026,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_026,The course could use more clear examples. Student_026,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_026,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_026,The course could use more clear examples. Student_026,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_026,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_026,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_026,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_026,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_026,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_026,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_026,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_026,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_026,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_026,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_026,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_026,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_026,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_026,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_026,The course could use more clear examples. Student_026,Good course with helpful examples! Student_026,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_026,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_026,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_027,Interesting content and well explained. Student_027,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_027,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_027,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_027,Interesting content and well explained. Student_027,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_027,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_027,Interesting content and well explained. Student_027,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_027,The course could use more clear examples. Student_027,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_027,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_027,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_027,Good course with helpful examples! Student_027,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_027,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_027,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_027,Interesting content and well explained. Student_027,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_027,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_027,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_027,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_027,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_027,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_027,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_027,The course could use more clear examples. Student_028,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_028,Good course with helpful examples! Student_028,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_028,The course could use more clear examples. Student_028,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_028,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_028,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_028,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_028,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_028,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_028,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_028,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_028,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_028,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_028,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_028,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_028,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_028,Interesting content and well explained. Student_028,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_028,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_028,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_028,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_028,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_028,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_028,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_028,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_029,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_029,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_029,Interesting content and well explained. Student_029,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_029,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_029,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_029,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_029,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_029,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_029,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_029,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_029,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_029,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_029,The course could use more clear examples. Student_029,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_029,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_029,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_029,Interesting content and well explained. Student_029,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_029,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_029,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_029,The course could use more clear examples. Student_029,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_029,Good course with helpful examples! Student_029,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_029,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_030,Interesting content and well explained. Student_030,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_030,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_030,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_030,The course could use more clear examples. Student_030,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_030,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_030,The course could use more clear examples. Student_030,The course could use more clear examples. Student_030,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_030,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_030,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_030,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_030,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_030,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_030,The course could use more clear examples. Student_030,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_030,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_030,Interesting content and well explained. Student_030,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_030,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_030,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_030,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_030,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_030,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_030,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_031,The course could use more clear examples. Student_031,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_031,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_031,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_031,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_031,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_031,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_031,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_031,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_031,The course could use more clear examples. Student_031,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_031,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_031,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_031,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_031,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_031,The course could use more clear examples. Student_031,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_031,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_031,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_031,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_031,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_031,Good course with helpful examples! Student_031,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_031,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_031,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_031,The course could use more clear examples. Student_032,Interesting content and well explained. Student_032,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_032,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_032,Good course with helpful examples! Student_032,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_032,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_032,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_032,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_032,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_032,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_032,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_032,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_032,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_032,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_032,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_032,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_032,The course could use more clear examples. Student_032,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_032,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_032,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_032,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_032,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_032,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_032,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_032,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_032,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_033,Interesting content and well explained. Student_033,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_033,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_033,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_033,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_033,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_033,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_033,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_033,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_033,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_033,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_033,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_033,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_033,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_033,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_033,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_033,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_033,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_033,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_033,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_033,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_033,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_033,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_033,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_033,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_033,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_034,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_034,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_034,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_034,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_034,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_034,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_034,Interesting content and well explained. Student_034,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_034,The course could use more clear examples. Student_034,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_034,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_034,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_034,The course could use more clear examples. Student_034,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_034,Good course with helpful examples! Student_034,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_034,Interesting content and well explained. Student_034,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_034,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_034,The course could use more clear examples. Student_034,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_034,Good course with helpful examples! Student_034,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_034,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_034,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_034,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_035,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_035,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_035,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_035,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_035,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_035,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_035,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_035,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_035,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_035,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_035,The course could use more clear examples. Student_035,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_035,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_035,Good course with helpful examples! Student_035,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_035,The course could use more clear examples. Student_035,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_035,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_035,The course could use more clear examples. Student_035,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_035,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_035,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_035,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_035,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_035,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_035,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_036,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_036,The course could use more clear examples. Student_036,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_036,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_036,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_036,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_036,The course could use more clear examples. Student_036,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_036,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_036,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_036,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_036,Good course with helpful examples! Student_036,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_036,Good course with helpful examples! Student_036,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_036,The course could use more clear examples. Student_036,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_036,Good course with helpful examples! Student_036,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_036,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_036,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_036,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_036,The course could use more clear examples. Student_036,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_036,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_036,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_037,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_037,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_037,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_037,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_037,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_037,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_037,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_037,Good course with helpful examples! Student_037,Interesting content and well explained. Student_037,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_037,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_037,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_037,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_037,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_037,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_037,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_037,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_037,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_037,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_037,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_037,Good course with helpful examples! Student_037,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_037,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_037,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_037,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_037,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_038,Interesting content and well explained. Student_038,The course could use more clear examples. Student_038,Interesting content and well explained. Student_038,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_038,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_038,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_038,Interesting content and well explained. Student_038,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_038,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_038,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_038,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_038,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_038,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_038,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_038,Interesting content and well explained. Student_038,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_038,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_038,The course could use more clear examples. Student_038,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_038,Good course with helpful examples! Student_038,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_038,The course could use more clear examples. Student_038,Good course with helpful examples! Student_038,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_038,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_038,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_039,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_039,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_039,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_039,The course could use more clear examples. Student_039,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_039,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_039,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_039,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_039,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_039,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_039,Interesting content and well explained. Student_039,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_039,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_039,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_039,Good course with helpful examples! Student_039,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_039,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_039,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_039,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_039,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_039,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_039,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_039,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_039,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_039,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_039,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_040,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_040,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_040,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_040,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_040,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_040,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_040,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_040,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_040,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_040,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_040,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_040,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_040,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_040,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_040,The course could use more clear examples. Student_040,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_040,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_040,The course could use more clear examples. Student_040,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_040,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_040,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_040,Good course with helpful examples! Student_040,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_040,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_040,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_040,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_041,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_041,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_041,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_041,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_041,The course could use more clear examples. Student_041,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_041,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_041,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_041,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_041,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_041,Good course with helpful examples! Student_041,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_041,Good course with helpful examples! Student_041,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_041,The course could use more clear examples. Student_041,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_041,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_041,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_041,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_041,Interesting content and well explained. Student_041,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_041,The course could use more clear examples. Student_041,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_041,Interesting content and well explained. Student_041,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_041,Good course with helpful examples! Student_042,Good course with helpful examples! Student_042,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_042,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_042,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_042,Interesting content and well explained. Student_042,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_042,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_042,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_042,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_042,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_042,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_042,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_042,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_042,Interesting content and well explained. Student_042,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_042,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_042,Interesting content and well explained. Student_042,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_042,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_042,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_042,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_042,The course could use more clear examples. Student_042,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_042,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_042,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_042,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_043,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_043,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_043,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_043,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_043,The course could use more clear examples. Student_043,Good course with helpful examples! Student_043,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_043,The course could use more clear examples. Student_043,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_043,The course could use more clear examples. Student_043,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_043,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_043,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_043,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_043,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_043,The course could use more clear examples. Student_043,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_043,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_043,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_043,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_043,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_043,The course could use more clear examples. Student_043,Interesting content and well explained. Student_043,The course could use more clear examples. Student_043,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_043,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_044,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_044,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_044,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_044,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_044,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_044,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_044,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_044,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_044,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_044,Good course with helpful examples! Student_044,The course could use more clear examples. Student_044,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_044,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_044,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_044,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_044,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_044,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_044,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_044,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_044,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_044,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_044,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_044,Interesting content and well explained. Student_044,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_044,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_044,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_045,The course could use more clear examples. Student_045,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_045,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_045,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_045,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_045,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_045,Interesting content and well explained. Student_045,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_045,The course could use more clear examples. Student_045,The course could use more clear examples. Student_045,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_045,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_045,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_045,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_045,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_045,Good course with helpful examples! Student_045,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_045,The course could use more clear examples. Student_045,Interesting content and well explained. Student_045,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_045,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_045,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_045,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_045,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_045,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_045,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_046,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_046,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_046,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_046,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_046,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_046,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_046,Interesting content and well explained. Student_046,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_046,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_046,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_046,Interesting content and well explained. Student_046,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_046,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_046,Good course with helpful examples! Student_046,Good course with helpful examples! Student_046,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_046,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_046,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_046,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_046,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_046,Good course with helpful examples! Student_046,The course could use more clear examples. Student_046,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_046,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_046,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_046,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_047,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_047,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_047,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_047,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_047,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_047,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_047,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_047,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_047,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_047,The course could use more clear examples. Student_047,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_047,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_047,Interesting content and well explained. Student_047,Good course with helpful examples! Student_047,The course could use more clear examples. Student_047,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_047,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_047,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_047,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_047,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_047,The course could use more clear examples. Student_047,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_047,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_047,Good course with helpful examples! Student_047,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_047,The course could use more clear examples. Student_048,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_048,Good course with helpful examples! Student_048,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_048,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_048,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_048,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_048,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_048,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_048,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_048,Good course with helpful examples! Student_048,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_048,The course could use more clear examples. Student_048,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_048,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_048,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_048,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_048,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_048,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_048,The course could use more clear examples. Student_048,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_048,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_048,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_048,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_048,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_048,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_048,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_049,Interesting content and well explained. Student_049,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_049,Interesting content and well explained. Student_049,The course could use more clear examples. Student_049,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_049,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_049,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_049,The course could use more clear examples. Student_049,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_049,Interesting content and well explained. Student_049,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_049,The course could use more clear examples. Student_049,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_049,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_049,Interesting content and well explained. Student_049,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_049,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_049,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_049,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_049,Interesting content and well explained. Student_049,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_049,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_049,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_049,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_049,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_049,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_050,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_050,Good course with helpful examples! Student_050,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_050,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_050,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_050,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_050,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_050,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_050,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_050,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_050,The course could use more clear examples. Student_050,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_050,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_050,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_050,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_050,Interesting content and well explained. Student_050,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_050,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_050,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_050,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_050,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_050,The course could use more clear examples. Student_050,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_050,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_050,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_050,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_051,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_051,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_051,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_051,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_051,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_051,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_051,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_051,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_051,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_051,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_051,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_051,Interesting content and well explained. Student_051,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_051,Interesting content and well explained. Student_051,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_051,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_051,The course could use more clear examples. Student_051,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_051,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_051,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_051,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_051,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_051,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_051,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_051,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_051,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_052,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_052,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_052,The course could use more clear examples. Student_052,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_052,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_052,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_052,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_052,The course could use more clear examples. Student_052,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_052,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_052,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_052,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_052,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_052,The course could use more clear examples. Student_052,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_052,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_052,Good course with helpful examples! Student_052,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_052,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_052,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_052,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_052,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_052,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_052,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_052,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_052,Interesting content and well explained. Student_053,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_053,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_053,The course could use more clear examples. Student_053,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_053,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_053,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_053,The course could use more clear examples. Student_053,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_053,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_053,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_053,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_053,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_053,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_053,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_053,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_053,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_053,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_053,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_053,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_053,Good course with helpful examples! Student_053,The course could use more clear examples. Student_053,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_053,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_053,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_053,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_053,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_054,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_054,The course could use more clear examples. Student_054,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_054,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_054,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_054,The course could use more clear examples. Student_054,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_054,Good course with helpful examples! Student_054,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_054,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_054,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_054,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_054,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_054,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_054,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_054,The course could use more clear examples. Student_054,Interesting content and well explained. Student_054,The course could use more clear examples. Student_054,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_054,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_054,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_054,Interesting content and well explained. Student_054,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_054,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_054,Good course with helpful examples! Student_054,Good course with helpful examples! Student_055,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_055,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_055,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_055,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_055,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_055,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_055,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_055,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_055,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_055,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_055,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_055,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_055,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_055,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_055,Interesting content and well explained. Student_055,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_055,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_055,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_055,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_055,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_055,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_055,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_055,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_055,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_055,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_055,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_056,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_056,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_056,Good course with helpful examples! Student_056,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_056,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_056,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_056,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_056,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_056,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_056,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_056,Interesting content and well explained. Student_056,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_056,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_056,Interesting content and well explained. Student_056,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_056,The course could use more clear examples. Student_056,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_056,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_056,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_056,Good course with helpful examples! Student_056,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_056,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_056,Good course with helpful examples! Student_056,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_056,Good course with helpful examples! Student_056,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_057,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_057,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_057,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_057,The course could use more clear examples. Student_057,Good course with helpful examples! Student_057,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_057,The course could use more clear examples. Student_057,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_057,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_057,The course could use more clear examples. Student_057,Good course with helpful examples! Student_057,The course could use more clear examples. Student_057,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_057,Interesting content and well explained. Student_057,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_057,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_057,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_057,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_057,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_057,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_057,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_057,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_057,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_057,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_057,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_057,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_058,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_058,Interesting content and well explained. Student_058,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_058,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_058,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_058,The course could use more clear examples. Student_058,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_058,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_058,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_058,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_058,Interesting content and well explained. Student_058,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_058,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_058,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_058,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_058,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_058,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_058,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_058,The course could use more clear examples. Student_058,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_058,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_058,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_058,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_058,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_058,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_058,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_059,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_059,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_059,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_059,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_059,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_059,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_059,Interesting content and well explained. Student_059,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_059,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_059,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_059,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_059,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_059,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_059,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_059,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_059,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_059,Good course with helpful examples! Student_059,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_059,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_059,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_059,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_059,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_059,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_059,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_059,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_059,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_060,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_060,The course could use more clear examples. Student_060,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_060,The course could use more clear examples. Student_060,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_060,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_060,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_060,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_060,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_060,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_060,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_060,Interesting content and well explained. Student_060,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_060,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_060,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_060,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_060,The course could use more clear examples. Student_060,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_060,The course could use more clear examples. Student_060,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_060,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_060,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_060,The course could use more clear examples. Student_060,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_060,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_060,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_061,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_061,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_061,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_061,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_061,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_061,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_061,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_061,Good course with helpful examples! Student_061,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_061,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_061,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_061,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_061,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_061,Interesting content and well explained. Student_061,The course could use more clear examples. Student_061,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_061,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_061,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_061,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_061,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_061,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_061,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_061,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_061,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_061,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_061,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_062,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_062,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_062,The course could use more clear examples. Student_062,Interesting content and well explained. Student_062,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_062,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_062,The course could use more clear examples. Student_062,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_062,The course could use more clear examples. Student_062,The course could use more clear examples. Student_062,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_062,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_062,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_062,The course could use more clear examples. Student_062,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_062,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_062,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_062,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_062,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_062,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_062,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_062,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_062,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_062,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_062,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_062,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_063,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_063,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_063,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_063,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_063,The course could use more clear examples. Student_063,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_063,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_063,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_063,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_063,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_063,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_063,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_063,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_063,Interesting content and well explained. Student_063,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_063,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_063,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_063,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_063,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_063,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_063,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_063,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_063,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_063,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_063,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_063,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_064,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_064,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_064,Good course with helpful examples! Student_064,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_064,Good course with helpful examples! Student_064,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_064,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_064,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_064,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_064,Good course with helpful examples! Student_064,Interesting content and well explained. Student_064,Interesting content and well explained. Student_064,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_064,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_064,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_064,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_064,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_064,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_064,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_064,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_064,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_064,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_064,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_064,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_064,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_064,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_065,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_065,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_065,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_065,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_065,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_065,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_065,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_065,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_065,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_065,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_065,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_065,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_065,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_065,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_065,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_065,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_065,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_065,The course could use more clear examples. Student_065,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_065,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_065,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_065,The course could use more clear examples. Student_065,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_065,Interesting content and well explained. Student_065,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_065,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_066,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_066,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_066,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_066,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_066,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_066,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_066,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_066,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_066,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_066,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_066,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_066,The course could use more clear examples. Student_066,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_066,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_066,Interesting content and well explained. Student_066,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_066,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_066,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_066,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_066,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_066,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_066,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_066,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_066,The course could use more clear examples. Student_066,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_066,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_067,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_067,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_067,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_067,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_067,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_067,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_067,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_067,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_067,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_067,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_067,Good course with helpful examples! Student_067,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_067,The course could use more clear examples. Student_067,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_067,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_067,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_067,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_067,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_067,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_067,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_067,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_067,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_067,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_067,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_067,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_067,The course could use more clear examples. Student_068,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_068,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_068,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_068,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_068,Interesting content and well explained. Student_068,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_068,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_068,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_068,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_068,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_068,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_068,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_068,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_068,Interesting content and well explained. Student_068,The course could use more clear examples. Student_068,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_068,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_068,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_068,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_068,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_068,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_068,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_068,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_068,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_068,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_068,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_069,Good course with helpful examples! Student_069,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_069,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_069,Good course with helpful examples! Student_069,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_069,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_069,The course could use more clear examples. Student_069,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_069,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_069,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_069,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_069,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_069,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_069,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_069,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_069,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_069,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_069,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_069,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_069,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_069,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_069,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_069,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_069,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_069,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_069,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_070,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_070,The course could use more clear examples. Student_070,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_070,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_070,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_070,Interesting content and well explained. Student_070,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_070,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_070,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_070,The course could use more clear examples. Student_070,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_070,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_070,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_070,Good course with helpful examples! Student_070,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_070,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_070,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_070,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_070,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_070,Good course with helpful examples! Student_070,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_070,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_070,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_070,Interesting content and well explained. Student_070,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_070,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_071,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_071,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_071,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_071,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_071,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_071,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_071,The course could use more clear examples. Student_071,Good course with helpful examples! Student_071,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_071,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_071,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_071,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_071,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_071,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_071,Interesting content and well explained. Student_071,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_071,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_071,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_071,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_071,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_071,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_071,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_071,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_071,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_071,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_071,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_072,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_072,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_072,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_072,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_072,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_072,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_072,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_072,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_072,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_072,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_072,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_072,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_072,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_072,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_072,The course could use more clear examples. Student_072,Good course with helpful examples! Student_072,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_072,Interesting content and well explained. Student_072,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_072,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_072,The course could use more clear examples. Student_072,The course could use more clear examples. Student_072,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_072,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_072,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_072,Interesting content and well explained. Student_073,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_073,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_073,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_073,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_073,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_073,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_073,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_073,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_073,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_073,The course could use more clear examples. Student_073,The course could use more clear examples. Student_073,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_073,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_073,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_073,Interesting content and well explained. Student_073,Good course with helpful examples! Student_073,The course could use more clear examples. Student_073,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_073,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_073,The course could use more clear examples. Student_073,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_073,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_073,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_073,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_073,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_073,The course could use more clear examples. Student_074,The course could use more clear examples. Student_074,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_074,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_074,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_074,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_074,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_074,The course could use more clear examples. Student_074,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_074,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_074,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_074,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_074,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_074,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_074,Interesting content and well explained. Student_074,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_074,The course could use more clear examples. Student_074,Interesting content and well explained. Student_074,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_074,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_074,The course could use more clear examples. Student_074,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_074,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_074,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_074,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_074,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_074,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_075,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_075,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_075,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_075,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_075,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_075,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_075,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_075,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_075,Good course with helpful examples! Student_075,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_075,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_075,The course could use more clear examples. Student_075,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_075,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_075,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_075,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_075,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_075,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_075,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_075,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_075,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_075,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_075,The course could use more clear examples. Student_075,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_075,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_075,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_076,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_076,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_076,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_076,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_076,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_076,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_076,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_076,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_076,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_076,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_076,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_076,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_076,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_076,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_076,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_076,Interesting content and well explained. Student_076,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_076,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_076,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_076,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_076,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_076,Good course with helpful examples! Student_076,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_076,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_076,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_076,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_077,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_077,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_077,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_077,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_077,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_077,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_077,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_077,Interesting content and well explained. Student_077,The course could use more clear examples. Student_077,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_077,The course could use more clear examples. Student_077,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_077,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_077,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_077,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_077,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_077,The course could use more clear examples. Student_077,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_077,Interesting content and well explained. Student_077,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_077,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_077,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_077,Interesting content and well explained. Student_077,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_077,The course could use more clear examples. Student_077,Good course with helpful examples! Student_078,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_078,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_078,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_078,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_078,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_078,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_078,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_078,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_078,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_078,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_078,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_078,The course could use more clear examples. Student_078,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_078,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_078,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_078,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_078,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_078,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_078,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_078,Good course with helpful examples! Student_078,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_078,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_078,Interesting content and well explained. Student_078,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_078,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_078,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_079,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_079,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_079,The course could use more clear examples. Student_079,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_079,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_079,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_079,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_079,The course could use more clear examples. Student_079,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_079,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_079,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_079,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_079,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_079,The course could use more clear examples. Student_079,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_079,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_079,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_079,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_079,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_079,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_079,The course could use more clear examples. Student_079,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_079,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_079,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_079,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_079,The course could use more clear examples. Student_080,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_080,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_080,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_080,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_080,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_080,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_080,Interesting content and well explained. Student_080,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_080,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_080,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_080,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_080,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_080,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_080,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_080,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_080,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_080,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_080,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_080,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_080,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_080,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_080,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_080,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_080,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_080,The course could use more clear examples. Student_080,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_081,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_081,The course could use more clear examples. Student_081,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_081,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_081,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_081,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_081,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_081,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_081,The course could use more clear examples. Student_081,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_081,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_081,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_081,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_081,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_081,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_081,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_081,The course could use more clear examples. Student_081,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_081,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_081,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_081,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_081,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_081,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_081,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_081,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_081,Interesting content and well explained. Student_082,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_082,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_082,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_082,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_082,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_082,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_082,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_082,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_082,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_082,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_082,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_082,Interesting content and well explained. Student_082,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_082,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_082,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_082,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_082,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_082,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_082,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_082,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_082,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_082,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_082,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_082,The course could use more clear examples. Student_082,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_082,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_083,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_083,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_083,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_083,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_083,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_083,The course could use more clear examples. Student_083,Good course with helpful examples! Student_083,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_083,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_083,Good course with helpful examples! Student_083,Interesting content and well explained. Student_083,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_083,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_083,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_083,Good course with helpful examples! Student_083,The course could use more clear examples. Student_083,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_083,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_083,Good course with helpful examples! Student_083,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_083,Interesting content and well explained. Student_083,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_083,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_083,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_083,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_083,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_084,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_084,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_084,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_084,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_084,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_084,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_084,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_084,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_084,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_084,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_084,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_084,Interesting content and well explained. Student_084,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_084,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_084,Good course with helpful examples! Student_084,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_084,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_084,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_084,The course could use more clear examples. Student_084,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_084,Interesting content and well explained. Student_084,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_084,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_084,Interesting content and well explained. Student_084,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_084,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_085,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_085,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_085,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_085,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_085,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_085,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_085,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_085,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_085,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_085,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_085,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_085,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_085,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_085,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_085,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_085,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_085,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_085,The course could use more clear examples. Student_085,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_085,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_085,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_085,The course could use more clear examples. Student_085,Good course with helpful examples! Student_085,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_085,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_085,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_086,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_086,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_086,The course could use more clear examples. Student_086,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_086,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_086,The course could use more clear examples. Student_086,Good course with helpful examples! Student_086,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_086,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_086,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_086,The course could use more clear examples. Student_086,Good course with helpful examples! Student_086,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_086,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_086,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_086,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_086,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_086,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_086,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_086,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_086,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_086,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_086,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_086,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_086,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_086,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_087,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_087,The course could use more clear examples. Student_087,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_087,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_087,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_087,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_087,The course could use more clear examples. Student_087,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_087,The course could use more clear examples. Student_087,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_087,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_087,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_087,Interesting content and well explained. Student_087,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_087,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_087,Good course with helpful examples! Student_087,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_087,Good course with helpful examples! Student_087,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_087,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_087,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_087,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_087,The course could use more clear examples. Student_087,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_087,Good course with helpful examples! Student_087,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_088,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_088,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_088,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_088,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_088,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_088,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_088,Good course with helpful examples! Student_088,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_088,Interesting content and well explained. Student_088,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_088,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_088,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_088,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_088,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_088,Good course with helpful examples! Student_088,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_088,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_088,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_088,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_088,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_088,Good course with helpful examples! Student_088,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_088,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_088,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_088,The course could use more clear examples. Student_088,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_089,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_089,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_089,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_089,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_089,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_089,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_089,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_089,The course could use more clear examples. Student_089,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_089,The course could use more clear examples. Student_089,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_089,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_089,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_089,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_089,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_089,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_089,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_089,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_089,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_089,The course could use more clear examples. Student_089,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_089,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_089,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_089,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_089,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_089,The course could use more clear examples. Student_090,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_090,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_090,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_090,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_090,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_090,Interesting content and well explained. Student_090,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_090,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_090,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_090,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_090,The course could use more clear examples. Student_090,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_090,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_090,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_090,The course could use more clear examples. Student_090,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_090,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_090,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_090,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_090,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_090,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_090,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_090,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_090,Interesting content and well explained. Student_090,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_090,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_091,Interesting content and well explained. Student_091,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_091,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_091,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_091,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_091,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_091,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_091,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_091,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_091,The course could use more clear examples. Student_091,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_091,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_091,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_091,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_091,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_091,The course could use more clear examples. Student_091,The course could use more clear examples. Student_091,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_091,Good course with helpful examples! Student_091,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_091,Good course with helpful examples! Student_091,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_091,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_091,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_091,Interesting content and well explained. Student_091,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_092,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_092,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_092,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_092,Good course with helpful examples! Student_092,Interesting content and well explained. Student_092,Good course with helpful examples! Student_092,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_092,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_092,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_092,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_092,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_092,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_092,Good course with helpful examples! Student_092,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_092,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_092,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_092,The course could use more clear examples. Student_092,The course could use more clear examples. Student_092,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_092,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_092,Interesting content and well explained. Student_092,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_092,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_092,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_092,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_092,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_093,The course could use more clear examples. Student_093,The course could use more clear examples. Student_093,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_093,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_093,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_093,Interesting content and well explained. Student_093,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_093,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_093,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_093,Good course with helpful examples! Student_093,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_093,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_093,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_093,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_093,Good course with helpful examples! Student_093,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_093,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_093,The course could use more clear examples. Student_093,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_093,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_093,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_093,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_093,Good course with helpful examples! Student_093,Good course with helpful examples! Student_093,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_093,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_094,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_094,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_094,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_094,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_094,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_094,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_094,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_094,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_094,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_094,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_094,The course could use more clear examples. Student_094,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_094,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_094,The content was confusing and unhelpful. Student_094,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_094,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_094,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_094,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_094,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_094,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_094,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_094,The course could use more clear examples. Student_094,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_094,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_094,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_094,The course could use more clear examples. Student_095,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_095,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_095,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_095,Good course with helpful examples! Student_095,The course could use more clear examples. Student_095,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_095,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_095,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_095,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_095,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_095,The course could use more clear examples. Student_095,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_095,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_095,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_095,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_095,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_095,Good course with helpful examples! Student_095,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_095,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_095,The course could use more clear examples. Student_095,The course could use more clear examples. Student_095,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_095,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_095,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_095,The course could use more clear examples. Student_095,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_096,The course could use more clear examples. Student_096,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_096,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_096,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_096,Interesting content and well explained. Student_096,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_096,Good course with helpful examples! Student_096,The course could use more clear examples. Student_096,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_096,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_096,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_096,Good course with helpful examples! Student_096,The course could use more clear examples. Student_096,Interesting content and well explained. Student_096,The course could use more clear examples. Student_096,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_096,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_096,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_096,The course could use more clear examples. Student_096,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_096,Interesting content and well explained. Student_096,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_096,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_096,The course could use more clear examples. Student_096,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_096,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_097,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_097,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_097,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_097,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_097,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_097,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_097,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_097,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_097,The course could use more clear examples. Student_097,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_097,Interesting content and well explained. Student_097,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_097,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_097,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_097,The course could use more clear examples. Student_097,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_097,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_097,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_097,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_097,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_097,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_097,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_097,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_097,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_097,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_097,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_098,The course could use more clear examples. Student_098,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_098,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_098,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_098,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_098,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_098,Good course with helpful examples! Student_098,Good course with helpful examples! Student_098,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_098,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_098,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_098,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_098,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_098,The course could use more clear examples. Student_098,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_098,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_098,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_098,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_098,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_098,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_098,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_098,The course could use more clear examples. Student_098,The course could use more clear examples. Student_098,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_098,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_098,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_099,The course could use more clear examples. Student_099,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_099,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_099,Good course with helpful examples! Student_099,Good course with helpful examples! Student_099,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_099,Worst course I've ever taken. Student_099,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_099,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_099,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_099,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_099,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_099,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_099,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_099,The course could use more clear examples. Student_099,The course could use more clear examples. Student_099,The course could use more clear examples. Student_099,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_099,Interesting content and well explained. Student_099,The course could use more clear examples. Student_099,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_099,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_099,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_099,The course could use more clear examples. Student_099,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_099,This course was amazing and very insightful! Student_100,Exceptional content and delivery! Student_100,Interesting content and well explained. Student_100,Interesting content and well explained. Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_100,The course could use more clear examples. Student_100,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,This was an extremely poor experience. Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_100,The course could use more clear examples. Student_100,Interesting content and well explained. Student_100,Interesting content and well explained. Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,Interesting content and well explained. Student_100,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,Interesting content and well explained. Student_100,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_100,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_100,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_100,Good course with helpful examples! Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,The course could use more clear examples. Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,I'm very disappointed with this course. Student_100,The course could use more clear examples. Student_100,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,Good course with helpful examples! Student_100,Interesting content and well explained. Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,Interesting content and well explained. Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,Good course with helpful examples! Student_100,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_100,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_100,One of the best courses I've ever taken! Student_100,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_100,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_100,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_100,"Not what I expected, quite underwhelming." Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,"It was okay, but I have seen better courses." Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_100,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_100,"Neutral experience, it could be improved." Student_100,Good course with helpful examples! Student_100,"An ordinary course, I learned a few things." Student_100,"I loved every part of this course, great job!" Student_100,"Positive experience, I would recommend it." Student_100,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_100,I enjoyed the course and learned a lot. Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,"The course was average, not bad but not great." Student_100,I struggled to keep up with the pace. Student_100,I found the course difficult to follow. Student_100,I found the course difficult to follow.