function [cnr_val,CR] = cnr(img1,bw,img2,N) %% Written at 21-9-2021 based on paper: % % % %% This function computes the contrast to noise ratio and the contrast %% resolution % img1 is the original image % imag2 is the filtered image % N is the noisy image (img1+noise) %% A = double(img1); B = double(img2); N = double(N); sigNois=A-N; % compute the noise only mn1=mean2(A(bw==1)); % mean value of original image mn2=mean2(B(bw==1)); % mean value of filtered image sd=std2(sigNois(bw==1)); % std of the noise dif=abs(mn1-mn2); % mean difference cnr_val=dif./sd; % cnr value % contrast resolution CR=dif/(mn1+mn2); end